7 #include "../lib/include/stringptr.h"
12 #define MAX_BRANCHES 32
13 #define MAX_CONVOYS 64
45 typedef Goodtype IndustryType
52 GC_D
, // regionalwaren
65 float consumation
69 size_t maxworkersperfactory
81 float avgPricePayed
109 size_t numShips
113 ShipCounter availableShips
122 IndustryType industry
123 size_t numFactories
124 size_t population
125 float populationMood
156 float condition
161 ShipCounter shipcounter
162 ShipLocationType loc
168 size_t captainSalary
191 extern const stringptr
* NotificationNames
192 stringptr
* getNotificationName(NotificationType x
203 Notification notifications
= 1,
= 2,
= 4
216 Goodtype req_production_good
217 size_t branch_req_goods
218 float amount_required
225 size_t branchFactories
+ 1]; // number of factories of each type. plus warehouses.
226 Market branchStock
227 size_t branchCity
228 size_t branchWorkers
230 Convoy convoys
231 size_t numShipLocations
232 size_t shipLocations
]; // stores the city "id" with single ships (those not in a convoy)
233 ShipCounter singleShips
]; // stored in the order of shipLocations
234 ShipCondition singleShipConditions
]; // same
242 uint64_t date
; // seconds till genesis
243 size_t monthsperyear
246 size_t minutesperhour
247 size_t secondsperminute
= 1,
= 4,
= 32,
= 128
263 //lookup table for producer cities for certain goods.
264 extern size_t producers
265 extern size_t producerCount
266 extern size_t numCities
267 extern size_t numPlayers
268 extern float populationConsumation
271 extern Player Players
272 extern City Cities
273 extern const Notification emptyNotification
274 extern const unsigned long long goodcat_minprice
275 extern const unsigned long long rentTax
276 extern FactoryCommon factoryProps
277 extern Factory Factories
278 extern char externalGoodRequiredForProduction
]; // if another good is req. for the production of this
279 extern char goodRequiredForProduction
]; // if this good is required for the production of another good
280 extern Warehouse Storage
281 extern Warehouse Branchoffice
282 extern const Good Goods
284 extern size_t GAME_SPEED
286 extern const ShipProps shipProps
287 extern const stringptr
* populationDesc
289 float getPopulationConsumationPerPopulationType(Goodtype g
, size_t c
, populationType p
290 float getPopulationConsumation(Goodtype g
, size_t c
292 PlayerType
* pt
293 Notification
makeNotification(NotificationType nt
, size_t val1
, size_t val2
, float fval1
, float fval2
294 void notify(size_t player
, Notification n
295 stringptr
* stringFromPopulationType(populationType p
296 Goodtype
* good
297 stringptr
* stringFromGoodType(Goodtype g
298 void initWorld(void);
299 void initConsumationTable(void);
300 void initCities(void);
301 ptrdiff_t findCityFromString(stringptr
* name
302 ShipLocationType
* loc
303 void initPlayers(void);
304 void initBuildings(void);
305 size_t getMaxWorkerCount(size_t branch
, size_t player
306 size_t getFreeJobs(size_t branch
, size_t player
307 void getPlayersWithFreeWorkCapacity(size_t city
, size_t* totalcapacity
, size_t* num_players
, size_t* affected_players
, size_t* free_jobs
308 ptrdiff_t getShipLocationIDFromCity(size_t city
, size_t player
309 ptrdiff_t getCityIDFromBranch(size_t branch
, size_t player
310 ptrdiff_t getBranchIDFromCity(size_t city
, size_t player
311 stringptr
* getPlayerName(size_t playerid
312 size_t getPlayerMaxBranchStorage(size_t branch
, size_t player
313 float getPlayerFreeBranchStorage(size_t branch
, size_t player
314 size_t getPlayerFactoryCount(size_t branch
, size_t player
315 size_t getCityPopulation(size_t city
316 float calculatePrice(size_t city
, Goodtype g
, float amount
, unsigned sell
317 void sell(size_t city
, size_t player
, size_t branch
, size_t convoy
, Goodtype g
, float amount
, sellFlags flags
319 size_t buyShips(size_t city
, size_t player
, size_t shipcount
, ShipTypes t
320 void addToConvoy(Convoy
* c
, size_t shiploc
, size_t player
, size_t numships
, ShipTypes t
321 ptrdiff_t makeConvoy(size_t city
, size_t shiploc
, size_t player
, size_t numships
, ShipTypes t
322 size_t getMinCrew(size_t convoy
, size_t player
323 void hireCrew(size_t convoy
, size_t player
, size_t numsailors
324 void hireCaptain(size_t convoy
, size_t player
325 unsigned requireProductionGood(size_t player
, size_t branch
, Goodtype t
326 void sellWholeStock(size_t player
, size_t branch
, unsigned skiprequired
327 unsigned convoysAvailable(size_t player
, size_t branch
328 float calculateDistance(Coords
* a
, Coords
* b
329 ptrdiff_t findNearestCityWithGood(size_t city
, Goodtype neededgood
330 void embark(Convoy
* convoy
, size_t to_city
331 void land(Convoy
* convoy
332 float getConvoyMaxStorage(Convoy
* c
333 void moveGoodsConvoy(Convoy
* c
, Market
* m
, Goodtype g
, float amount
, unsigned fromConvoy
334 float getSaneAmount(size_t player
, size_t city
, float amount
, Goodtype g
335 void purchaseFactories(size_t player
, size_t city
, Goodtype g
, size_t amount
336 unsigned canProduce(size_t city
, Goodtype g
338 ShipTypes
* convoy
340 int microsleep(long microsecs