Seems to work
[rops.git] /
1 (*
3 This attempt will not work as it is now. The evaluator should be
4 CPS, what we can try is to add some "instruction" objects to the
5 cont list (not scheme objects, but control stuff) that can be used
6 to ask the evaluator to perform pending instructions.
8 I think this would be enough:
10 Rewind (application and call/cc) re-evaluates the last result, applying the last rib and popping a result frame.
11 RestoreEnv (Env) Restore an environment (return from a closure)
12 Cond of schemeobj * schemeobj If the last result is true, pile up the true case...
14 Bind(var) per a define
15 Set(var) per a set!
17 This is a bit ugly... looks like mixing a compiler and an interpreter...
20 open Environment;;
21 open Printer ;; (* Just for debugging *)
22 open Types;;
24 module Evaluator = struct
25 (*********************************************************************
26 AUX
27 **********************************************************************)
29 let (|>) (p : 'a) (f : 'a -> 'b) = f p;;
31 let rec prefix0 n l acum =
32 match n with
33 0 -> List.rev acum
34 | i -> prefix0 (n - 1) ( l) ((List.hd l)::acum);;
35 let prefix n l = prefix0 n l [];;
37 let rec split_at0 n (seen, unseen) =
38 match n with
39 0 -> ((List.rev seen), unseen)
40 | i -> split_at0 (n - 1) (((List.hd unseen)::seen), ( unseen));;
41 let split_at n l = split_at0 n ([], l);;
43 let rec loop_acum n f initial =
44 match n with
45 0 -> initial
46 | i -> loop_acum (i - 1) f (f initial);;
48 let is_some = function
49 Some x -> true
50 | None -> false
52 let is_none x = not (is_some x);;
54 let get_some = function
55 Some x -> x
56 | None -> raise Not_found
58 let eval_error s = raise (Scheme_eval_error s);;
60 let get_int = function
61 Int i -> i
62 | _ -> raise Scheme_cast_error;;
64 let get_bool = function
65 True -> true
66 | False -> false
67 | _ -> raise Scheme_cast_error;;
69 let scheme_obj_of_bool b =
70 match b with
71 true -> True
72 | false -> False;;
74 (**********************************************************************
76 **********************************************************************)
77 let make_arith_op_builtin_func (base:int) (f:int -> int -> int) params =
78 Some (List.fold_left (fun x -> fun y -> Int (f (get_int x) (get_int y))) (Int base) params) ;;
80 let builtin_begin params =
81 match (List.rev params) with
82 hd::tl -> Some hd
83 | [] -> None;;
85 let builtin_equal (params:scheme_object list) : (scheme_object option) =
86 Some (scheme_obj_of_bool (List.for_all (( = ) (List.hd params)) ( params)));;
88 let builtin_option (o:string) : ((scheme_object list) -> (scheme_object option) ) option =
89 match o with
90 "+" -> Some (make_arith_op_builtin_func 0 ( + ))
91 | "-" -> Some (make_arith_op_builtin_func 0 ( - ))
92 | "*" -> Some (make_arith_op_builtin_func 1 ( * ))
93 | "/" -> Some (make_arith_op_builtin_func 1 ( / ))
94 | "=" -> Some (builtin_equal)
95 | "begin" -> Some (builtin_begin)
96 | "list" -> Some (fun params -> (Some (ProperList params)))
97 | _ -> None
100 (**********************************************************************
102 **********************************************************************)
106 In a continuation, maybe we also need to save the rib...
107 if so, The Continuation object might need to save almost a whole state...
109 Then the state could be a stack of frames, instead of a record of stacks...
113 type eval_state = { cont : scheme_object list;
114 pending_results : scheme_object list list;
115 env : scheme_environment };;
117 let rec eval (state:eval_state) : eval_state =
118 let (current_res_frame, older_res_frames) = (List.hd state.pending_results, state.pending_results) in
119 let push_result results res = (res::(List.hd results))::( results) in
120 let rewind s =
121 { s with pending_results = ((s.pending_results |> List.hd |> s.pending_results));
122 cont = (s.pending_results |> List.hd |> List.hd)::s.cont }
124 match state.cont with
125 exp::rest ->
126 let return obj =
127 eval { state with pending_results = (push_result state.pending_results obj); cont=rest }
129 (match exp with
130 | ProperList (Symbol "quote"::[obj]) ->
131 return obj
132 | ProperList (Symbol "error"::whatever) ->
133 raise (Scheme_user_error whatever)
134 | ProperList (Symbol "define"::Symbol var::[expression]) ->
135 eval { state with cont = expression::Bind(var)::rest;
136 pending_results = []::state.pending_results }
137 | Bind (var) ->
138 let f = Environment.current_env_frame state.env in
139 Hashtbl.add f var (List.hd current_res_frame);
140 eval { state with cont=rest;
141 pending_results= older_res_frames }
142 | ProperList (Symbol "set!"::Symbol var::[expression]) ->
143 eval { state with cont = expression::Set(var)::rest;
144 pending_results = []::state.pending_results }
145 | Set (var) ->
146 Environment.update state.env var (List.hd current_res_frame);
147 eval { state with cont=rest;
148 pending_results= older_res_frames }
149 | ProperList (Symbol "lambda"::formals::body) ->
150 let proper_body = ProperList (Symbol "begin"::body) in
151 let syms = match formals with
152 ProperList l -> ( (function
153 (Symbol s) -> s
154 | _ -> eval_error "Invalid formal parameter list") l)
155 | _ -> eval_error "Bad lambda syntax"
157 return (Closure (proper_body, state.env, syms))
158 | ProperList (Symbol "call/cc"::[callee]) ->
159 let continuation = Continuation (state.env, rest, state.pending_results) in
160 eval { state with cont = callee::Rewind::rest; (* (EvalSeq 1):: *)
161 pending_results = [continuation]::state.pending_results }
162 | ProperList (Symbol "if"::test::true_case::[false_case]) ->
163 eval { state with cont = test::Cond(true_case, false_case)::rest;
164 pending_results = []::state.pending_results }
165 | Cond (true_case, false_case) ->
166 (match (List.hd current_res_frame) with
167 False ->
168 eval { state with cont = false_case::rest;
169 pending_results = older_res_frames }
170 | _ -> eval { state with cont = true_case::rest;
171 pending_results = older_res_frames })
172 | ProperList (f::params) ->
173 eval { state with cont= params @ (f::Rewind::rest); (* (EvalSeq len):: *)
174 pending_results = []::state.pending_results }
175 | Rewind ->
176 eval (rewind { state with cont = rest })
177 | Closure (body, closure_env, formals) ->
178 let env = (Environment.push_env_frame closure_env formals current_res_frame) in
179 eval { env; cont=body::(RestoreEnv state.env)::rest; pending_results = older_res_frames }
180 | RestoreEnv (env) ->
181 eval { state with env; cont = rest }
182 | Continuation (saved_env, saved_cont, saved_res) ->
183 eval { env=saved_env;
184 cont= saved_cont;
185 pending_results = push_result saved_res (List.hd current_res_frame) }
186 | Symbol op when is_some (builtin_option op) ->
187 let fbuiltin = op |> builtin_option |> get_some in
188 return (Builtin fbuiltin)
189 | Builtin (fbuiltin) ->
190 (match fbuiltin current_res_frame with
191 Some (result) ->
192 eval { state with pending_results = push_result older_res_frames result;
193 cont = rest }
194 | None ->
195 eval { state with cont = rest;
196 pending_results = older_res_frames })
197 | Symbol s ->
198 return (Environment.lookup state.env s)
199 | whatever ->
200 return whatever) (* Int, String, Quotation, Null *)
201 | [] -> state