3 <section title='First section'>
4 <frame label='Lithium Options'>
6 <toggle name='warn' label='Display a warning when Battery is low?'>
7 When you want to have the applet display a box when the battery has reached a certain percentage, select this.
10 <numentry name='warn_level' label='Percentage to warn at:' min='0' max='100' step='1'>
11 Set the percentage at which a warning will be displayed, if desired. At around 10%, your battery will be reaching it's last legs, and at 5% it's officially time to find a wall-outlet.
14 <numentry name='timeout' label='Time wait between updates:' min='0' max='100' step='10'>
15 This determines, in tenths of a second, how long to wait between updates.
17 <label>1/10 sec</label>
20 <menu name="theme" label="Theme">
21 <item value="Color" label="Color"/>
22 <item value="Horiz" label="Horiz"/>
23 <item value="Mono" label="Mono"/>
24 <item value="Mono+" label="Mono+"/>
25 <item value='Tango' label='Tango'/>