Ignore the temporary dxf files.
[ruwai.git] / hardware / template / ruwai_shield / ruwai_shield.sch
1 EESchema Schematic File Version 2
2 LIBS:ruwai
3 LIBS:power
4 LIBS:device
5 LIBS:transistors
6 LIBS:conn
7 LIBS:linear
8 LIBS:regul
9 LIBS:74xx
10 LIBS:cmos4000
11 LIBS:adc-dac
12 LIBS:memory
13 LIBS:xilinx
14 LIBS:special
15 LIBS:microcontrollers
16 LIBS:dsp
17 LIBS:microchip
18 LIBS:analog_switches
19 LIBS:motorola
20 LIBS:texas
21 LIBS:intel
22 LIBS:audio
23 LIBS:interface
24 LIBS:digital-audio
25 LIBS:philips
26 LIBS:display
27 LIBS:cypress
28 LIBS:siliconi
29 LIBS:opto
30 LIBS:atmel
31 LIBS:contrib
32 LIBS:valves
33 EELAYER 25 0
35 $Descr A4 11693 8268
36 encoding utf-8
37 Sheet 1 1
38 Title "Ruwai Shield"
39 Date ""
40 Rev "1"
41 Comp "Copyright Mertl Research GmbH 2014 "
42 Comment1 ""
43 Comment2 ""
44 Comment3 ""
45 Comment4 "This documentation describes Open Hardware and is licensed under the CERN OHL v. 1.2."
46 $EndDescr