1 // link the common configuration file
2 RootConfigFilename = "common.cfg";
4 // I'm the AES, I'll not connect to myself!
7 // I don't need a connection to a naming service
12 DatabaseHost = "net2";
13 DatabaseLogin = "root";
14 DatabasePassword = "";
15 DatabaseName = "nel_tool";
17 // can have more than one email, using { "a", "b" }
18 AdminEmail = "lecroart@nevrax.com";
20 SMTPServer = "gw.nevrax.com";
22 // time while email are accumulated in second (to avoid spamming)
23 // set -1 to don't send alert
24 AdminAlertAccumlationTime = -1;
26 RRDToolPath = "c:\bin\rrdtool.exe";
27 RRDVarPath = "c:\temp";
29 SysLogPath = "logger";
30 SysLogParams = "-p user.crit '[ftmms][5][1][Ryzom]: %s'";
32 // how many second before aborting the request if not finished
35 NegFiltersDebug += { "LAUNCH", "MYSQL" };
36 NegFiltersInfo += { "LAUNCH", "MYSQL" };
37 NegFiltersWarning += { };