1 <!-- ****************************************** -->
3 <!-- ****************************************** -->
7 <root id="outgame" x="0" y="0" w="800" h="600" active="true" />
9 <proc id="proc_nothing">
16 <template name="modes" id="" posparent="parent" posref="TL TL" x="0" y="0" w="40" h="28"
17 onlist_modal="" restore_value="" mode_min="" mode_max="" >
18 <!-- the big button is used to restore the current specific mode -->
19 <ctrl type="button" id="#id" button_type="radio_button" posparent="#posparent" x="#x" y="#y" posref="#posref"
20 tx_normal="#tx_normal" tx_pushed="#tx_pushed" tx_over="W_button_28_over.tga"
21 color="255 255 255 128" col_pushed="255 255 255 255"
22 onclick_l="copy" params_l="dbdst=UI:SAVE:CURRENT_MODE|dbsrc=#restore_value" global_color_pushed="false" />
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24 <!-- the arrow button open a modal to select the new specific mode -->
25 <ctrl type="button" id="arrow_up#id" button_type="push_button" posparent="sep#id" posref="TR TL"
26 tx_normal="W_arrow_up_2.tga" tx_pushed="W_arrow_up_2.tga" tx_over="W_button_10_over.tga"
27 color="255 255 255 128" col_pushed="255 255 255 255"
28 onclick_l="enter_modal" params_l="group=#onlist_modal" />
30 <!-- the big button is pushed if one of our mode -->
31 <link expr="and( ge(@UI:SAVE:CURRENT_MODE,#mode_min), le(@UI:SAVE:CURRENT_MODE,#mode_max) )" target="#id:pushed"/>
34 <!-- ******************* -->
35 <!-- * SELECT NUMBER * -->
36 <!-- ******************* -->
38 <template name="SNH" id="" value="" loop="true" min="0" max="9" posparent="parent" posref="MM MM" x="0" y="0" w="26" h="16" delta="1" >
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42 <ctrl type="button" id="arrow_up" button_type="push_button" posref="TR TR" tx_normal="W_arrow_up_3.tga" tx_pushed="W_arrow_up_3.tga" tx_over="W_button_08_over.tga" />
43 <ctrl type="button" id="arrow_down" button_type="push_button" posref="BR BR" tx_normal="W_arrow_down_3.tga" tx_pushed="W_arrow_down_3.tga" tx_over="W_button_08_over.tga" />
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49 <group type="select_number" id="#id" value="#value" loop="#loop" min="#min" max="#max" x="#x" y="#y" w="#w" h="#h" posparent="#posparent" posref="#posref" delta="#delta" >
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57 <!-- template for border inside of a group -->
58 <template name="inner_thin_border" posparent="parent" keep="true">
59 <view type="bitmap" id="bg" texture="W_box_blank.tga" scale="true" posparent="#posparent" posref="MM MM" sizeref="hw" w="-8" h="-8"/>
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74 <template name="chat_box" posparent="parent" posref="TL TL" x="0" y="0" w="0" h="64" sizeref="" min_height="64" max_height="256" maxelements="100" keep="true" chat="false">
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76 <ctrl type="button" id="button_add" posref="TR TR" button_type="push_button" tx_normal="W_scale_more_3.tga" tx_pushed="W_scale_more_3.tga" tx_over="W_button_08_over.tga"/>
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80 <group type="list" id="text_list" chat="#chat" posref="BL BL" posparent="black" x="2" y="2" space="3" sizeref="hw" w="-4" h="-4" maxelements="#maxelements"/>
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86 <!-- ********************* -->
87 <!-- * EDIT BOX WIDGET * -->
88 <!-- ********************* -->
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91 sizeref="" id="eb" posparent="parent" onenter="chat_box_entry" params="" reset_focus_on_hide="true"
92 enter_loose_focus="true" prompt=">"
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108 <!-- border around the list -->
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120 <!-- **************** -->
121 <!-- * BOX WIDGET * -->
122 <!-- **************** -->
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128 <view type="bitmap" id="bg" scale="true" sizeref="hw" h="0" w="0" texture="W_box_blank.tga"/>
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140 <!-- template for the inner border of a dialog, with thick border on the left -->
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171 onclick_l="leave_modal" global_color_normal="false" global_color_pushed="false" />
178 <!-- ***************** -->
179 <!-- * CONTEXT HELP * -->
180 <!-- ***************** -->
181 <group id="context_help" h="16" child_resize_w="true" child_resize_wmargin="12" posref="BL BL" >
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189 <!-- modal box to choose the number of item to drop/destroy -->
191 <group type="modal" id="drop_destroy_item_quantity_modal" exit_click_out="true" posref="TL TL" w="180" h="80" x="-8" y="8"
192 on_active="proc" on_active_params="setup_drop_destroy_item_modal"
194 on_enter_params="drop_destroy_item_quantity_modal_ok"
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202 onchange="editbox_number" onchange_params="value=UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:QUANTITY|update_text=false" onenter="proc" params="drop_destroy_item_quantity_modal_ok" max_historic="0" />
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204 onclick_l="proc" params_l="drop_destroy_item_quantity_modal_ok" global_color_normal="false" global_color_pushed="false" />
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206 onclick_l="leave_modal" global_color_normal="false" global_color_pushed="false" />
207 <! - link to display the right text (drop or destroy) - >
208 <link expr="eq(@UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:DROP_MODE, 1)" target="drop_text:active"/>
209 <link expr="ne(@UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:DROP_MODE, 1)" target="destroy_text:active"/>
213 <!-- confirm drop/destroy item -->
215 <proc id="confirm_drop_destroy_item">
216 <action handler="leave_modal" params=""/>
217 <action cond="eq(@UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:DROP_MODE, 1)" handler="drop_item" params="quantity=@@UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:QUANTITY"/>
218 <action cond="ne(@UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:DROP_MODE, 1)" handler="destroy_item" params="quantity=@@UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:QUANTITY"/>
222 <!-- modal box to confirm destruction of the item -->
224 <group type="modal" id="drop_destroy_item_confirm_modal" exit_click_out="true" posref="TL TL" x="-8" y="8" w="104" h="96"
226 on_enter_params="confirm_drop_destroy_item"
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233 <! - link to display the right number of item - >
234 <link expr="ifthenelse(eq(@UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:QUANTITY, 1), '', str(' X ', @UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:QUANTITY))" target="disp_number:hardtext"/>
235 <ctrl type="button" id="ok" button_type="push_button" posparent="parent" posref="BR BR" y="4" x="-4" tx_normal="w_answer_16_valid.tga" tx_pushed="w_answer_16_valid.tga" tx_over="W_button_16_over.tga"
236 onclick_l="proc" params_l="confirm_drop_destroy_item" global_color_normal="false" global_color_pushed="false" />
237 <ctrl type="button" id="cancel" button_type="push_button" posparent="ok" posref="TL TR" x="-4" tx_normal="w_answer_16_cancel.tga" tx_pushed="w_answer_16_cancel.tga" tx_over="W_button_16_over.tga"
238 onclick_l="leave_modal" global_color_normal="false" global_color_pushed="false" />
239 <! - link to display the right text (drop or destroy) - >
240 <link expr="eq(@UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:DROP_MODE, 1)" target="drop_text:active"/>
241 <link expr="ne(@UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:DROP_MODE, 1)" target="destroy_text:active"/>
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248 <view type="bitmap" id="brb" texture="W_modal_BR.tga" posparent="#posparent" posref="BR BR" />
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