Add infos into target window
[ryzomcore.git] / ryzom / client / mods / syui_v3 / syui / game_config.xml
1 <interface_config>
2   <root id="interface"
3         x="0"
4         y="0"
5         w="800"
6         h="600"
7         active="true" />
8   <lua file="game_config.lua" />
9   <!-- ******************** -->
10   <!-- * UI COLOR & ALPHA * -->
11   <!-- ******************** -->
12   <!-- ********* -->
13   <!-- Templates -->
14   <!-- ********* -->
15   <!-- all container must be initialized with those templates to use data exchange -->
16   <style style="sgc_title"
17          type="text"
18          color="255 255 255 255"
19          fontsize="14"
20          shadow="true"
21          case_mode="%case_normal" />
22   <style style="sgc_title2"
23          type="text"
24          color="255 255 255 192"
25          fontsize="12"
26          shadow="true" />
28   <!-- the modal window (with the color picker) -->
29   <group type="modal"
30          id="define_mcw_color"
31          exit_click_out="true"
32          posref="TR TR"
33          w="276"
34          h="110"
35          global_color="false"
36          options="skin_modal"
37          on_enter="lua"
38          on_enter_params="game:mcwValidateColor()">
39     <view type="text"
40           id="text"
41           posref="TL TL"
42           x="4"
43           y="-4"
44           color="255 255 255 255"
45           fontsize="12"
46           shadow="true"
47           global_color="false"
48           hardtext="uiDefmcwCol" />
49     <view type="bitmap"
50           id="pick_back"
51           posref="MM MM"
52           x="0"
53           y="0"
54           scale="true"
55           color="0 0 0 255"
56           w="260"
57           h="68"
58           texture="blank.tga" />
59     <ctrl type="colpick"
60           id="pick"
61           posref="MM MM"
62           x="0"
63           y="0"
64           texture="color_palette.tga"
65           onchange="lua"
66           onchange_params="game:mcwOnColorChanged()" />
67     <ctrl type="colpick"
68           id="pick2"
69           posref="MM MM"
70           x="0"
71           y="0"
72           texture="color_palette2.tga"
73           onchange="lua"
74           onchange_params="game:mcwOnColorChanged()" />
75     <instance template="button_ok_cancel"
76               posref="BR BR"
77               x="-4"
78               y="4"
79               ok_text="uittGCValid"
80               cancel_text="uittGCCancel"
81               onclick_ok="lua"
82               onclick_ok_param="game:mcwValidateColor()"
83               onclick_cancel="leave_modal"
84               onclick_cancel_param="" />
85   </group>
86   <!-- the 2 templates (one for each palette type) -->
87   <template name="tgcw_color"
88             id="color_chooser"
89             posref="TL TL"
90             x="0"
91             y="0"
92             posparent="parent">
93     <group id="#id"
94            posref="#posref"
95            x="#x"
96            y="#y"
97            posparent="#posparent"
98            child_resize_w="true"
99            h="14">
100       <ctrl type="button"
101             id="c"
102             button_type="push_button"
103             posref="TL TL"
104             x="0"
105             y="0"
106             global_color_normal="false"
107             tx_normal="W_affected.tga"
108             tx_pushed="W_affected.tga"
109             tx_over="W_button_14_over.tga"
110             global_color_over="false"
111             onclick_l="lua"
112             params_l="game:mcwChooseColor('#title',0)"
113             tooltip="#tooltip"
114             global_color_pushed="false" />
115       <view type="text"
116             id="text"
117             posparent="c"
118             posref="MR ML"
119             x="4"
120             y="-1"
121             color="255 255 255 192"
122             fontsize="10"
123             shadow="true"
124             hardtext="#text" />
125     </group>
126   </template>
127   <template name="tgcw_color2"
128             id="color_chooser"
129             posref="TL TL"
130             x="0"
131             y="0"
132             posparent="parent">
133     <group id="#id"
134            posref="#posref"
135            x="#x"
136            y="#y"
137            posparent="#posparent"
138            child_resize_w="true"
139            h="14">
140       <ctrl type="button"
141             id="c"
142             button_type="push_button"
143             posref="TL TL"
144             x="0"
145             y="0"
146             global_color_normal="false"
147             tx_normal="W_affected.tga"
148             tx_pushed="W_affected.tga"
149             tx_over="W_button_14_over.tga"
150             global_color_over="false"
151             onclick_l="lua"
152             params_l="game:mcwChooseColor('#title',1)"
153             tooltip="#tooltip"
154             global_color_pushed="false" />
155       <view type="text"
156             id="text"
157             posparent="c"
158             posref="MR ML"
159             x="4"
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164             hardtext="#text" />
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166   </template>
168   <template name="tgcw_scrollbarint"
169             id="color_chooser"
170             posref="TL TL"
171             x="0"
172             y="0"
173             posparent="parent">
174     <group id="#id"
175            posref="#posref"
176            x="#x"
177            y="#y"
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180            h="20">
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182             id="bk"
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187             h="2"
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190             id="text"
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198             hardtext="#text" />
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200             id="c"
201             posparent="bk"
202             posref="MM MM"
203             x="0"
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216             onscrollend="ddx_scroll_end"
217             params="ui:interface:game_config:content:all" />
218       <!-- The Scroll Result view-->
219       <view type="text"
220             id="c_res"
221             posparent="bk"
222             posref="MR ML"
223             x="8"
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226             fontsize="10"
227             shadow="true" />
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232             id="color_chooser"
233             posref="TL TL"
234             x="0"
235             y="0"
236             posparent="parent">
237     <group id="#id"
238            posref="#posref"
239            x="#x"
240            y="#y"
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243            h="20">
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245             id="bk"
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250             h="2"
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256             x="0"
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263             id="c"
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266             x="0"
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269             h="8"
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279             onscrollend="ddx_scroll_end"
280             params="ui:interface:game_config:content:all" />
281       <!-- The Scroll Result view-->
282       <view type="text"
283             id="c_res"
284             posparent="bk"
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295             id="color_chooser"
296             posref="TL TL"
297             x="0"
298             y="0"
299             posparent="parent"
300             tooltip="">
301     <group id="#id"
302            posref="#posref"
303            x="#x"
304            y="#y"
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307            h="14">
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309             id="c"
310             button_type="toggle_button"
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312             x="0"
313             y="0"
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323             id="text"
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330             shadow="true"
331             hardtext="#text" />
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335             id="color_chooser"
336             posref="TL TL"
337             x="0"
338             y="0"
339             posparent="parent">
340     <group id="#id"
341            posref="#posref"
342            x="#x"
343            y="#y"
344            posparent="#posparent"
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346            h="14">
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348             id="c"
349             button_type="toggle_button"
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351             x="0"
352             y="0"
353             tx_normal="w_slot_on.tga"
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361             id="text"
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368             shadow="true"
369             hardtext="#text" />
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374             id="combo_default"
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377             x="0"
378             y="-18"
379             value="">
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382            h="20"
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384            posref="#posref"
385            x="#x"
386            y="#y">
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388             id="text"
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395             shadow="true"
396             hardtext="uigcPreSet" />
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398              id="combo"
399              posref="MR MR"
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401              y="0"
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403              h="20"
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405         <instance template="combo_box_def1" />
406         <combo_text name="uigcPreSetLow" />
407         <combo_text name="uigcPreSetMedium" />
408         <combo_text name="uigcPreSetNormal" />
409         <combo_text name="uigcPreSetHigh" />
410         <combo_text name="uigcPreSetCustom" />
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412     </group>
413   </template>
414   <!-- ************** -->
415   <!-- Main container -->
416   <!-- ************** -->
417   <variable entry="UI:TEMP:VID_MODE"
418             type="sint32"
419             value="-1" />
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421             type="sint32"
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445             type="sint32"
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448           value="ui:interface:game_config:content:general:screen_ratio:edit:eb" />
449   <define id="game_config_screen_ratio_cb"
450           value="ui:interface:game_config:content:general:screen_ratio:combo" />
451   <proc id="game_config_init">
452     <action handler="set"
453             params="dblink=UI:VARIABLES:ISACTIVE:GAME_CONFIG|value=1" />
454     <action handler="ddx_init"
455             params="ui:interface:game_config:content:all" />
456     <action handler="tree_reset"
457             params="ui:interface:game_config:content:sbtree:tree_list" />
458     <action handler="lua"
459             params="game:configShowOne('explanation')" />
460     <action handler="lua"
461             params="game:configInit()" />
462   </proc>
463   <proc id="game_config_uninit">
464     <!-- Yoyo: on close window, same than cancel! -->
465     <action handler="ddx_cancel"
466             params="ui:interface:game_config:content:all" />
467     <action handler="game_config_cancel"
468             params="" />
469     <action handler="set"
470             params="dblink=UI:VARIABLES:ISACTIVE:GAME_CONFIG|value=0" />
471   </proc>
472   <proc id="game_config_ok">
473     <action handler="proc"
474             params="game_config_apply" />
475     <action handler="set"
476             params="target_property=ui:interface:game_config:active|value=0" />
477   </proc>
478   <proc id="game_config_apply">
479     <action handler="game_config_change_screen_ratio_custom"
480             params="" />
481     <action handler="ddx_update"
482             params="ui:interface:game_config:content:all" />
483     <action handler="game_config_apply"
484             params="" />
485   </proc>
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487     <action handler="ddx_cancel"
488             params="ui:interface:game_config:content:all" />
489     <action handler="game_config_cancel"
490             params="" />
491     <action handler="set"
492             params="target_property=ui:interface:game_config:active|value=0" />
493   </proc>
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495          id="game_config"
496          w="432"
497          h="400"
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503          opened="true"
504          openable="false"
505          resizer="true"
506          header_color="UI:SAVE:WIN:COLORS:OPT"
507          on_active="proc"
508          on_active_params="game_config_init"
509          on_deactive="proc"
510          on_deactive_params="game_config_uninit"
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512          pop_min_h="240"
513          pop_max_w="800"
514          pop_max_h="600">
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528            h="16"
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531            group_params_r="menu=ui:interface:base_menu_with_color">
532       <!--
533                 <view type="text_number" id="fps" posref="MR MR" x="-20" y="-2" color="255 255 255 255" shadow="true" fontsize="10" value="UI:VARIABLES:FPS" global_color="false" positive="true"/>
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535                 -->
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548              w="-14"
549              y="-4"
550              h="-4">
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552                type="tree"
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555                y="0"
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561                max_h="0">
562           <node id="language"
563                 name="uigcLanguage"
564                 handler="lua"
565                 params="game:configShowOne('language')"
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567                 y_decal="-1" />
568           <node id="inter"
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572                 fontsize="11"
573                 y_decal="-1">
574             <node id="hud"
575                   name="uigcHUD"
576                   handler="lua"
577                   params="game:configShowOne('hud')"
578                   fontsize="10"
579                   y_decal="-1" />
580             <node id="aco"
581                   name="uigcAlphaColor"
582                   handler="lua"
583                   params="game:configShowOne('alpha_colors')"
584                   fontsize="10"
585                   y_decal="-1" />
586             <node id="winco"
587                   name="uigcWinColor"
588                   handler="lua"
589                   params="game:configShowOne('win_colors')"
590                   fontsize="10"
591                   y_decal="-1" />
592             <node id="winco_r2"
593                   name="uigcWinColorR2"
594                   handler="lua"
595                   params="game:configShowOne('win_colors_r2')"
596                   fontsize="10"
597                   y_decal="-1" />
598             <node id="chatco"
599                   name="uigcChatColor"
600                   handler="lua"
601                   params="game:configShowOne('chat_colors')"
602                   fontsize="10"
603                   y_decal="-1" />
604             <node id="entityco"
605                   name="uigcEntityColor"
606                   handler="lua"
607                   params="game:configShowOne('entity_colors')"
608                   fontsize="10"
609                   y_decal="-1" />
610             <node id="in_scene"
611                   name="uigcInSceneInterface"
612                   handler=""
613                   params=""
614                   fontsize="11"
615                   y_decal="-1">
616               <node id="in_scene_user"
617                     name="uigcInSceneInterfaceUser"
618                     handler="lua"
619                     params="game:configShowOne('in_scene_user')"
620                     fontsize="10"
621                     y_decal="-1" />
622               <node id="in_scene_friend"
623                     name="uigcInSceneInterfaceFriend"
624                     handler="lua"
625                     params="game:configShowOne('in_scene_friend')"
626                     fontsize="10"
627                     y_decal="-1" />
628               <node id="in_scene_enemy"
629                     name="uigcInSceneInterfaceEnemy"
630                     handler="lua"
631                     params="game:configShowOne('in_scene_enemy')"
632                     fontsize="10"
633                     y_decal="-1" />
634               <node id="in_scene_chat_messages"
635                     name="uigcInSceneChatMessages"
636                     handler="lua"
637                     params="game:configShowOne('in_scene_chat_messages')"
638                     fontsize="10"
639                     y_decal="-1" />
640             </node>
641             <node id="landmarkco"
642                   name="uigcLandmarkColor"
643                   handler="lua"
644                   params="game:configShowOne('landmark_colors')"
645                   fontsize="10"
646                   y_decal="-1" />                               
647             <node id="help"
648                   name="uimHelp"
649                   handler="lua"
650                   params="game:configShowOne('help')"
651                   fontsize="10"
652                   y_decal="-1" />
653           </node>
654           <node id="input"
655                 name="uigcInput"
656                 handler=""
657                 params=""
658                 fontsize="11"
659                 y_decal="-1">
660             <node id="mou"
661                   name="uigcMouse"
662                   handler="lua"
663                   params="game:configShowOne('mouse')"
664                   fontsize="10"
665                   y_decal="-1" />
666             <node id="key"
667                   name="uigcKeyboard"
668                   handler="lua"
669                   params="game:configShowOne('keyb')"
670                   fontsize="10"
671                   y_decal="-1" />
672           </node>
673           <node id="graph"
674                 name="uigcGraph"
675                 handler=""
676                 params=""
677                 fontsize="11"
678                 y_decal="-1">
679             <node id="gen"
680                   name="uigcGeneral"
681                   handler="lua"
682                   params="game:configShowOne('general')"
683                   fontsize="10"
684                   y_decal="-1" />
685             <node id="lan"
686                   name="uigcLandscape"
687                   handler="lua"
688                   params="game:configShowOne('landscape')"
689                   fontsize="10"
690                   y_decal="-1" />
691             <node id="cha"
692                   name="uigcCharacter"
693                   handler="lua"
694                   params="game:configShowOne('char')"
695                   fontsize="10"
696                   y_decal="-1" />
697             <node id="fxs"
698                   name="uigcSpecialFX"
699                   handler="lua"
700                   params="game:configShowOne('fx')"
701                   fontsize="10"
702                   y_decal="-1" />
703             <node id="vr"
704                   name="uigcVR"
705                   handler="lua"
706                   params="game:configShowOne('vr')"
707                   fontsize="10"
708                   y_decal="-1" />
709           </node>
710           <node id="sound"
711                 name="uigcSound"
712                 handler="lua"
713                 params="game:configShowOne('sound')"
714                 fontsize="11"
715                 y_decal="-1" />
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718               id="scroll_bar"
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720               target="tree_list" />
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722       <!-- ok, apply, cancel -->
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733             params_l="game_config_cancel" />
734       <ctrl style="text_button_16"
735             id="apply"
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737             posref="TL TR"
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740             hardtext="uiGCApply"
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745             params_l="game_config_apply"
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747       <ctrl style="text_button_16"
748             id="ok"
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750             posref="TL TR"
751             x="-4"
752             wmargin="8"
753             hardtext="uiGCOk"
754             color="255 255 255 255"
755             col_over="255 255 255 255"
756             col_pushed="255 255 255 255"
757             onclick_l="proc"
758             params_l="game_config_ok" />
759       <!-- Tabs -->
760       <!-- *** -->
761       <group id="graph"
762              posref="TR TR"
763              x="0"
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794              max_h="-4">
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796                id="explanation_txt"
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808                  hardtext="uiCongifExplanation"
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829             x="-8"
830             y="0" />
831       <!-- *** -->
832       <group id="general"
833              active="false"
834              posparent="crop"
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837              y="-8"
838              sizeref="w"
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840              child_resize_hmargin="4"
841              w="-4"
842              max_sizeparent="crop"
843              max_sizeref="h"
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847               type="text"
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853         <view style="sgc_title2"
854               type="text"
855               id="screen"
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861                   id="con"
862                   text="uiContrast"
863                   posref="BL TL"
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866                   y="-2" />
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870                   posref="BL TL"
871                   posparent="con"
872                   x="0"
873                   y="-2" />
874         <instance template="tgcw_scrollbarfloat"
875                   id="gam"
876                   text="uiGamma"
877                   posref="BL TL"
878                   posparent="lum"
879                   x="0"
880                   y="-2" />
881         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
882                   id="waitvbl"
883                   text="uiWaitVBL"
884                   posparent="gam"
885                   posref="BL TL"
886                   x="-20"
887                   y="-28" />
888         <!-- Special case for video modes -->
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892                y="-30"
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896                 id="c"
897                 button_type="toggle_button"
898                 posref="TL TL"
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900                 y="0"
901                 tx_normal="w_slot_on.tga"
902                 tx_pushed="w_opacity_on.tga"
903                 tx_over="w_slot_on.tga"
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906                 col_over="255 255 255 0"
907                 onclick_l="game_config_change_vid_fullscreen"
908                 params_l="" />
909           <view type="text"
910                 id="text"
911                 posparent="c"
912                 posref="MR ML"
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915                 color="255 255 255 192"
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918                 hardtext="uiFullscreen" />
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921                id="video_modes"
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925                posparent="fullscreen"
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929           <instance template="combo_box_def1" />
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931         <link expr="@UI:TEMP:VID_MODE"
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936                h="20"
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941                y="-4">
942           <instance template="combo_box_def1" />
943         </group>
944                 <!-- deactivate this or vsync must be rechecked -->
945         <!--<link expr="@UI:TEMP:VID_FREQ"
946               action="game_config_change_vid_freq" />-->
947         <!-- Special case for texture modes -->
948         <group id="texture_mode"
949                posparent="waitvbl"
950                posref="BL TL"
951                x="0"
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953                w="240"
954                h="20">
955           <view type="text"
956                 id="text"
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963                 hardtext="uigcTextureMode" />
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967                  h="20"
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970                  posparent="text"
971                  x="4"
972                  y="0">
973             <instance template="combo_box_def1" />
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975           <link expr="@UI:TEMP:TEXTURE_MODE"
976                 action="game_config_change_texture_mode" />
977         </group>
978         <!-- Special case for Screen Aspect Ratio -->
979         <!-- see game_config_screen_ratio_* defines -->
980         <group id="screen_ratio"
981                posparent="texture_mode"
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985                w="240"
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987           <view type="text"
988                 id="text"
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995                 hardtext="uigcScreenRatio" />
996           <instance template="text_tt"
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998                     tooltip="uigcttScreenRatio" />
999           <instance template="edit_box_widget"
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1005                     text_x="0"
1006                     text_ref="BR BR"
1007                     w="100"
1008                     prompt=""
1009                     enter_loose_focus="true"
1010                     multi_line="false"
1011                     onenter="game_config_change_screen_ratio_custom"
1012                     enter_recover_focus="false"
1013                     reset_focus_on_hide="true"
1014                     max_historic="0"
1015                     entry_type="positive_float"
1016                     max_float_prec="5"
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1018                     onchange_params="target_property=ui:interface:game_config:content:apply:frozen|value=0" />
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1020                  id="combo"
1021                  w="140"
1022                  h="20"
1023                  value="UI:TEMP:SCREEN_RATIO_MODE"
1024                  posref="BL TL"
1025                  posparent="text"
1026                  x="40"
1027                  y="-8">
1028             <instance template="combo_box_def1" />
1029             <combo_text name="uigcScreenRatio43" />
1030             <combo_text name="uigcScreenRatio169" />
1031             <combo_text name="uigcScreenRatioCustom" />
1032             <combo_text name="uiConfigAuto" />
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1034           <link expr="@UI:TEMP:SCREEN_RATIO_MODE"
1035                 action="game_config_change_screen_ratio_mode" />
1036         </group>
1037       </group>
1038       <ctrl style="skin_scroll"
1039             id="sb_general"
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1045             y="0" />
1046       <!-- *** -->
1047       <group id="landscape"
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1052              y="-8"
1053              sizeref="w"
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1055              child_resize_hmargin="4"
1056              w="-4"
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1058              max_sizeref="h"
1059              max_h="-4">
1060         <view style="sgc_title"
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1065               y="0"
1066               hardtext="uiLandGeneral" />
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1068                   value="UI:TEMP:PRESET_LAND" />
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1074               y="-44"
1075               hardtext="uiLand" />
1076         <!-- NB float are mul by 10000 -->
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1078                   id="lvi"
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1084         <instance template="tgcw_scrollbarfloat"
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1090                   y="-2" />
1091         <instance template="tgcw_scrollbarfloat"
1092                   id="lth"
1093                   text="uiThreshold"
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1095                   posref="BL TL"
1096                   x="0"
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1098         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
1099                   id="lmv"
1100                   text="uiMicroVeget"
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1110                   x="20"
1111                   y="-2" />
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1113       <ctrl style="skin_scroll"
1114             id="sb_landscape"
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1119             x="-8"
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1121       <!-- *** -->
1122       <group id="char"
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1188       <!-- *** -->
1189       <group id="fx"
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1200              max_sizeref="h"
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1225         <!--
1226                         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox" id="cloud" text="uiFxCloud" posparent="maxpoly" posref="BL TL" x="-20" y="-12" />
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1228                         <instance template="tgcw_scrollbarint" id="cup" text="uiFxCloudUpdate" posparent="cqual" posref="BL TL" x="0" y="-2" />
1229                         -->
1230         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
1231                   id="shadow"
1232                   text="uiFxShadow"
1233                   posparent="maxpoly"
1234                   posref="BL TL"
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1236                   y="-12" />
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1272           <link expr="@UI:TEMP:ANISOTROPIC"
1273                 action="game_config_change_anisotropic" />
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1276                posparent="anisotropic_gr"
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1299                     id="density_bloom"
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1301                     posparent="square_bloom"
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1420                   id="radar_use_camera"
1421                   text="uiRadarUseCamera"
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1436       <!-- *** -->
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1471           <combo_text name="uigcSpanish" />
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1484       <!-- *** -->
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1500               type="text"
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1560               y="-12"
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1565                   text="uiAlphaRolloverBG"
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1572                   text="uiAlphaRolloverContent"
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1585                   id="show_3d_item_preview"
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1599             x="-8"
1600             y="0" />
1601       <!-- *** -->
1602       <group id="chat_colors"
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1655                   x="0"
1656                   y="-4" />
1657         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1658                   id="cc_region"
1659                   text="uiRegionColor"
1660                   title="uiCCDRegion"
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1662                   posref="BL TL"
1663                   posparent="cc_guild"
1664                   x="0"
1665                   y="-4" />
1666         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1667                   id="cc_univ"
1668                   text="uiUnivColor"
1669                   title="uiCCDUniv"
1670                   tooltip="uittChooseUnivColor"
1671                   posref="BL TL"
1672                   posparent="cc_region"
1673                   x="0"
1674                   y="-4" />
1675         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1676                   id="cc_shout"
1677                   text="uiShoutColor"
1678                   title="uiCCDShout"
1679                   tooltip="uittChooseShoutColor"
1680                   posref="BL TL"
1681                   posparent="cc_univ"
1682                   x="0"
1683                   y="-4" />
1684         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1685                   id="cc_dyn0"
1686                   text="uiDynColor0"
1687                   title="uiCCDDyn0"
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1689                   posref="BL TL"
1690                   posparent="cc_shout"
1691                   x="0"
1692                   y="-4" />
1693         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1694                   id="cc_dyn1"
1695                   text="uiDynColor1"
1696                   title="uiCCDDyn1"
1697                   tooltip="uittChooseDynColor1"
1698                   posref="BL TL"
1699                   posparent="cc_dyn0"
1700                   x="0"
1701                   y="-4" />
1702         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1703                   id="cc_dyn2"
1704                   text="uiDynColor2"
1705                   title="uiCCDDyn2"
1706                   tooltip="uittChooseDynColor2"
1707                   posref="BL TL"
1708                   posparent="cc_dyn1"
1709                   x="0"
1710                   y="-4" />
1711         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1712                   id="cc_dyn3"
1713                   text="uiDynColor3"
1714                   title="uiCCDDyn3"
1715                   tooltip="uittChooseDynColor3"
1716                   posref="BL TL"
1717                   posparent="cc_dyn2"
1718                   x="0"
1719                   y="-4" />
1720         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1721                   id="cc_dyn4"
1722                   text="uiDynColor4"
1723                   title="uiCCDDyn4"
1724                   tooltip="uittChooseDynColor4"
1725                   posref="BL TL"
1726                   posparent="cc_dyn3"
1727                   x="0"
1728                   y="-4" />
1729         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1730                   id="cc_dyn5"
1731                   text="uiDynColor5"
1732                   title="uiCCDDyn5"
1733                   tooltip="uittChooseDynColor5"
1734                   posref="BL TL"
1735                   posparent="cc_dyn4"
1736                   x="0"
1737                   y="-4" />
1738         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1739                   id="cc_dyn6"
1740                   text="uiDynColor6"
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1744                   posparent="cc_dyn5"
1745                   x="0"
1746                   y="-4" />
1747         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1748                   id="cc_dyn7"
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1750                   title="uiCCDDyn7"
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1753                   posparent="cc_dyn6"
1754                   x="0"
1755                   y="-4" />
1756         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
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1768                   posparent="enter_dontquit_cb"
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1771                   y="-8" />
1772         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
1773                   id="show_dyn_channel_name_in_chat_cb"
1774                   text="uiShowDynChannelNameInChatCB"
1775                   tooltip="uittShowDynChannelNameInChat"
1776                   posparent="show_times_in_chat_cb"
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1778                   x="0"
1779                   y="-8" />
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1787                   y="-8" />
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1795         <link expr="@UI:SAVE:CHAT:ENTER_DONT_QUIT_CB"
1796               target="enter_dontquit_cb:c:pushed" />
1797         <link expr="@UI:SAVE:CHAT:SHOW_TIMES_IN_CHAT_CB"
1798               target="show_times_in_chat_cb:c:pushed" />
1799         <link expr="@UI:SAVE:CHAT:SHOW_DYN_CHANNEL_NAME_IN_CHAT_CB"
1800               target="show_dyn_channel_name_in_chat_cb:c:pushed" />
1802               target="show_online_offline_notifications_cb:c:pushed" />
1803           </group>
1804       <ctrl style="skin_scroll"
1805             id="sb_chat_colors"
1806             align="T"
1807             target="chat_colors"
1808             posparent="crop"
1809             posref="TL TR"
1810             x="-8"
1811             y="0" />
1812       <!-- *** -->
1813       <group id="entity_colors"
1814              active="false"
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1816              posref="TM TM"
1817              x="0"
1818              y="-8"
1819              sizeref="w"
1820              child_resize_h="true"
1821              child_resize_hmargin="4"
1822              w="-4"
1823              max_sizeparent="crop"
1824              max_sizeref="h"
1825              max_h="-4">
1826         <!-- Entity colors -->
1827         <view style="sgc_title"
1828               id="ccol"
1829               posref="TM TM"
1830               x="0"
1831               y="0"
1832               hardtext="uiEntityColors" />
1833         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1834                   id="cc_user"
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1838                   posref="TL TL"
1839                   x="0"
1840                   y="-20" />
1841         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1842                   id="cc_target"
1843                   text="uiTargetColor"
1844                   title="uiTargetColor"
1845                   tooltip="uittTargetColor"
1846                   posref="BL TL"
1847                   posparent="cc_user"
1848                   x="0"
1849                   y="-4" />
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1851                   id="cc_group"
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1853                   title="uiGroupColor"
1854                   tooltip="uittGroupColor"
1855                   posref="BL TL"
1856                   posparent="cc_target"
1857                   x="0"
1858                   y="-16" />
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1860                   id="cc_guild"
1861                   text="uiGuildRadarColor"
1862                   title="uiGuildRadarColor"
1863                   tooltip="uittGuildRadarColor"
1864                   posref="BL TL"
1865                   posparent="cc_group"
1866                   x="0"
1867                   y="-4" />
1868         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1869                   id="cc_player"
1870                   text="uiPlayerColor"
1871                   title="uiPlayerColor"
1872                   tooltip="uittPlayerColor"
1873                   posref="BL TL"
1874                   posparent="cc_guild"
1875                   x="0"
1876                   y="-4" />
1877         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1878                   id="cc_npc"
1879                   text="uiNPCColor"
1880                   title="uiNPCColor"
1881                   tooltip="uittNPCColor"
1882                   posref="BL TL"
1883                   posparent="cc_player"
1884                   x="0"
1885                   y="-4" />
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1887                   id="cc_fauna"
1888                   text="uiFaunaColor"
1889                   title="uiFaunaColor"
1890                   tooltip="uittFaunaColor"
1891                   posref="BL TL"
1892                   posparent="cc_npc"
1893                   x="0"
1894                   y="-16" />
1895         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1896                   id="cc_mount"
1897                   text="uiMountColor"
1898                   title="uiMountColor"
1899                   tooltip="uittMountColor"
1900                   posref="BL TL"
1901                   posparent="cc_fauna"
1902                   x="0"
1903                   y="-4" />
1904         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1905                   id="cc_beast"
1906                   text="uiBeastColor"
1907                   title="uiBeastColor"
1908                   tooltip="uittBeastColor"
1909                   posref="BL TL"
1910                   posparent="cc_mount"
1911                   x="0"
1912                   y="-4" />
1913         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1914                   id="cc_source"
1915                   text="uiSourceColor"
1916                   title="uiSourceColor"
1917                   tooltip="uittSourceColor"
1918                   posref="BL TL"
1919                   posparent="cc_beast"
1920                   x="0"
1921                   y="-16" />
1922         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1923                   id="cc_dead"
1924                   text="uiDeadColor"
1925                   title="uiDeadColor"
1926                   tooltip="uittDeadColor"
1927                   posref="BL TL"
1928                   posparent="cc_source"
1929                   x="0"
1930                   y="-16" />
1931         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1932                   id="cc_pvpenemy"
1933                   text="uiPvpEnemyColor"
1934                   title="uiPvpEnemyColor"
1935                   tooltip="uittPvpEnemyColor"
1936                   posref="BL TL"
1937                   posparent="cc_dead"
1938                   x="0"
1939                   y="-16" />
1940         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1941                   id="cc_pvpally"
1942                   text="uiPvpAllyColor"
1943                   title="uiPvpAllyColor"
1944                   tooltip="uittPvpAllyColor"
1945                   posref="BL TL"
1946                   posparent="cc_pvpenemy"
1947                   x="0"
1948                   y="-4" />
1949         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1950                   id="cc_pvpallyinteam"
1951                   text="uiPvpAllyInTeamColor"
1952                   title="uiPvpAllyInTeamColor"
1953                   tooltip="uittPvpAllyInTeamColor"
1954                   posref="BL TL"
1955                   posparent="cc_pvpally"
1956                   x="0"
1957                   y="-4" />
1958         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1959                   id="cc_pvpallyinguild"
1960                   text="uiPvpAllyInGuildColor"
1961                   title="uiPvpAllyInGuildColor"
1962                   tooltip="uittPvpAllyInGuildColor"
1963                   posref="BL TL"
1964                   posparent="cc_pvpallyinteam"
1965                   x="0"
1966                   y="-4" />
1967         <instance template="tgcw_color"
1968                   id="cc_pvpneutral"
1969                   text="uiPvpNeutralColor"
1970                   title="uiPvpNeutralColor"
1971                   tooltip="uittPvpNeutralColor"
1972                   posref="BL TL"
1973                   posparent="cc_pvpallyinguild"
1974                   x="0"
1975                   y="-4" />
1976       </group>
1977       <ctrl style="skin_scroll"
1978             id="sb_entity_colors"
1979             align="T"
1980             target="entity_colors"
1981             posparent="crop"
1982             posref="TL TR"
1983             x="-8"
1984             y="0" />
1985       <!-- *** -->
1986       <group id="in_scene_user"
1987              active="false"
1988              posparent="crop"
1989              posref="TM TM"
1990              x="0"
1991              y="-8"
1992              sizeref="w"
1993              child_resize_h="true"
1994              child_resize_hmargin="4"
1995              w="-4"
1996              max_sizeparent="crop"
1997              max_sizeref="h"
1998              max_h="-4">
1999         <!-- In scene user colors -->
2000         <view style="sgc_title"
2001               id="ccol"
2002               posref="TM TM"
2003               x="0"
2004               y="0"
2005               hardtext="uiUserIS" />
2006         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
2007                   id="is_user_guild_symbol"
2008                   text="uiGuildSymbol"
2009                   tooltip="uittGuildSymbol"
2010                   posref="TL TL"
2011                   x="0"
2012                   y="-20" />
2013         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
2014                   id="is_user_name"
2015                   text="uiWindowName"
2016                   tooltip="uittName"
2017                   posref="BL TL"
2018                   posparent="is_user_guild_symbol"
2019                   x="0"
2020                   y="-4" />
2021         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
2022                   id="is_user_title"
2023                   text="uiTitle"
2024                   tooltip="uittTitle"
2025                   posref="BL TL"
2026                   posparent="is_user_name"
2027                   x="0"
2028                   y="-4" />
2029         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
2030                   id="is_user_rptags"
2031                   text="uiRpTags"
2032                   tooltip="uittRpTags"
2033                   posref="BL TL"
2034                   posparent="is_user_title"
2035                   x="0"
2036                   y="-4" />
2037         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
2038                   id="is_user_guild_name"
2039                   text="uigcGuildName"
2040                   tooltip="uittGuildName"
2041                   posref="BL TL"
2042                   posparent="is_user_rptags"
2043                   x="0"
2044                   y="-4" />
2045         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
2046                   id="is_user_hp"
2047                   text="uiHP"
2048                   tooltip="uittHP"
2049                   posref="BL TL"
2050                   posparent="is_user_guild_name"
2051                   x="0"
2052                   y="-4" />
2053         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
2054                   id="is_user_sap"
2055                   text="uiSAP"
2056                   tooltip="uittSAP"
2057                   posref="BL TL"
2058                   posparent="is_user_hp"
2059                   x="0"
2060                   y="-4" />
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2062                   id="is_user_sta"
2063                   text="uiSTA"
2064                   tooltip="uittSTA"
2065                   posref="BL TL"
2066                   posparent="is_user_sap"
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2068                   y="-4" />
2069         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
2070                   id="is_user_focus"
2071                   text="uiFOC"
2072                   tooltip="uittFocus"
2073                   posref="BL TL"
2074                   posparent="is_user_sta"
2075                   x="0"
2076                   y="-4" />
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2078                   id="is_user_action"
2079                   text="uiActionBar"
2080                   tooltip="uittActionBar"
2081                   posref="BL TL"
2082                   posparent="is_user_focus"
2083                   x="0"
2084                   y="-4" />
2085         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
2086                   id="is_user_pvp_logo"
2087                   text="uiPvpLogo"
2088                   tooltip="uittPvpLogo"
2089                   posref="BL TL"
2090                   posparent="is_user_action"
2091                   x="0"
2092                   y="-4" />
2093       </group>
2094       <ctrl style="skin_scroll"
2095             id="sb_in_scene_user"
2096             align="T"
2097             target="in_scene_user"
2098             posparent="crop"
2099             posref="TL TR"
2100             x="-8"
2101             y="0" />
2102       <!-- *** -->
2103       <group id="in_scene_friend"
2104              active="false"
2105              posparent="crop"
2106              posref="TM TM"
2107              x="0"
2108              y="-8"
2109              sizeref="w"
2110              child_resize_h="true"
2111              child_resize_hmargin="4"
2112              w="-4"
2113              max_sizeparent="crop"
2114              max_sizeref="h"
2115              max_h="-4">
2116         <!-- In scene friend colors -->
2117         <view style="sgc_title"
2118               id="ccol"
2119               posref="TM TM"
2120               x="0"
2121               y="0"
2122               hardtext="uiFriendIS" />
2123         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
2124                   id="is_friend_guild_symbol"
2125                   text="uiGuildSymbol"
2126                   tooltip="uittGuildSymbol"
2127                   posref="TL TL"
2128                   x="0"
2129                   y="-20" />
2130         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
2131                   id="is_friend_name"
2132                   text="uiWindowName"
2133                   tooltip="uittName"
2134                   posref="BL TL"
2135                   posparent="is_friend_guild_symbol"
2136                   x="0"
2137                   y="-4" />
2138         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
2139                   id="is_friend_title"
2140                   text="uiTitle"
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2142                   posref="BL TL"
2143                   posparent="is_friend_name"
2144                   x="0"
2145                   y="-4" />
2146         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
2147                   id="is_friend_rptags"
2148                   text="uiRpTags"
2149                   tooltip="uittRpTags"
2150                   posref="BL TL"
2151                   posparent="is_friend_title"
2152                   x="0"
2153                   y="-4" />
2154         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
2155                   id="is_friend_guild_name"
2156                   text="uigcGuildName"
2157                   tooltip="uittGuildName"
2158                   posref="BL TL"
2159                   posparent="is_friend_rptags"
2160                   x="0"
2161                   y="-4" />
2162         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
2163                   id="is_friend_hp"
2164                   text="uiHP"
2165                   tooltip="uittHP"
2166                   posref="BL TL"
2167                   posparent="is_friend_guild_name"
2168                   x="0"
2169                   y="-4" />
2170         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
2171                   id="is_friend_sap"
2172                   text="uiSAP"
2173                   tooltip="uittSTA"
2174                   posref="BL TL"
2175                   posparent="is_friend_hp"
2176                   x="0"
2177                   y="-4" />
2178         <instance template="tgcw_checkbox"
2179                   id="is_friend_sta"
2180                   text="uiSTA"
2181                   tooltip="uittSAP"
2182                   posref="BL TL"
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3033       <!-- *** -->
3034       <group id="help"
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3071       <!-- *** -->
3072       <ddx id="all">
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3113                widget="sbfloat"
3114                realtime="true"
3115                ui_view="landscape:lth:c_res"
3116                ui_decimal="4"
3117                link="LandscapeThreshold"
3118                preset="UI:TEMP:PRESET_LAND" />
3119         <param ui="landscape:lmv:c"
3120                type="cfg"
3121                widget="boolbut"
3122                realtime="true"
3123                link="MicroVeget"
3124                preset="UI:TEMP:PRESET_LAND" />
3125         <param ui="landscape:mvd:c"
3126                type="cfg"
3127                widget="sbfloat_round"
3128                realtime="end_scroll"
3129                ui_view="landscape:mvd:c_res"
3130                ui_unit="uigcUnitPercent"
3131                link="MicroVegetDensity"
3132                preset="UI:TEMP:PRESET_LAND" />
3133         <param ui="char:maxpoly:c"
3134                type="cfg"
3135                widget="sbint"
3136                realtime="true"
3137                ui_view="char:maxpoly:c_res"
3138                link="SkinNbMaxPoly"
3139                preset="UI:TEMP:PRESET_CHAR" />
3140         <param ui="char:maxnotclod:c"
3141                type="cfg"
3142                widget="sbint"
3143                realtime="true"
3144                ui_view="char:maxnotclod:c_res"
3145                ui_unit="uigcUnitChar"
3146                link="NbMaxSkeletonNotCLod"
3147                preset="UI:TEMP:PRESET_CHAR" />
3148         <param ui="char:farclip:c"
3149                type="cfg"
3150                widget="sbfloat_round"
3151                realtime="true"
3152                ui_view="char:farclip:c_res"
3153                ui_unit="uigcUnitMeters"
3154                link="CharacterFarClip"
3155                preset="UI:TEMP:PRESET_CHAR" />
3156         <param ui="char:race_anim:c"
3157                type="cfg"
3158                widget="boolbut"
3159                realtime="true"
3160                link="EnableRacialAnimation" />
3161         <param ui="fx:maxpoly:c"
3162                type="cfg"
3163                widget="sbint"
3164                realtime="true"
3165                ui_view="fx:maxpoly:c_res"
3166                link="FxNbMaxPoly"
3167                preset="UI:TEMP:PRESET_FX" />
3168         <param ui="fx:cloud:c"
3169                type="cfg"
3170                widget="boolbut"
3171                realtime="true"
3172                link="Cloud"
3173                preset="UI:TEMP:PRESET_FX" />
3174         <param ui="fx:cqual:c"
3175                type="cfg"
3176                widget="sbfloat_round"
3177                realtime="true"
3178                ui_view="fx:cqual:c_res"
3179                link="CloudQuality"
3180                preset="UI:TEMP:PRESET_FX" />
3181         <param ui="fx:cup:c"
3182                type="cfg"
3183                widget="sbint"
3184                realtime="true"
3185                ui_view="fx:cup:c_res"
3186                link="CloudUpdate"
3187                preset="UI:TEMP:PRESET_FX" />
3188         <param ui="fx:shadow:c"
3189                type="cfg"
3190                widget="boolbut"
3191                realtime="true"
3192                link="Shadows"
3193                preset="UI:TEMP:PRESET_FX" />
3194         <param ui="fx:fxaa:c"
3195                type="cfg"
3196                widget="boolbut"
3197                realtime="true"
3198                link="FXAA"
3199                preset="UI:TEMP:PRESET_FX" />
3200         <param ui="fx:anisotropic_gr:anisotropic:c"
3201                type="db"
3202                widget="boolbut"
3203                realtime="true"
3204                link="UI:TEMP:ANISOTROPIC" />
3205         <param ui="fx:bloom_gr:bloom:c"
3206                type="cfg"
3207                widget="boolbut"
3208                realtime="true"
3209                link="Bloom"
3210                preset="UI:TEMP:PRESET_FX" />
3211         <param ui="fx:bloom_gr:square_bloom:c"
3212                type="cfg"
3213                widget="boolbut"
3214                realtime="true"
3215                link="SquareBloom"
3216                preset="UI:TEMP:PRESET_FX" />
3217         <param ui="fx:bloom_gr:density_bloom:c"
3218                type="cfg"
3219                widget="sbfloat_round"
3220                realtime="true"
3221                ui_view="fx:bloom_gr:density_bloom:c_res"
3222                link="DensityBloom"
3223                preset="UI:TEMP:PRESET_FX" />
3224         <!--
3225                         <param ui="hud:suc:c"  type="cfg" widget="boolbut" link="ShowNameUnderCursor" realtime="true"/>
3226                         <param ui="hud:sta:c"  type="cfg" widget="boolbut" link="ShowNameSelected"    realtime="true"/>
3228         <param ui="hud:swrc:c"
3229                type="cfg"
3230                widget="boolbut"
3231                link="SelectWithRClick"
3232                realtime="true" />
3233         <param ui="hud:foa:c"
3234                type="cfg"
3235                widget="boolbut"
3236                link="FollowOnAtk"
3237                realtime="true" />
3238         <param ui="hud:aos:c"
3239                type="cfg"
3240                widget="boolbut"
3241                link="AtkOnSelect"
3242                realtime="true" />
3243         <param ui="hud:aet:c"
3244                type="cfg"
3245                widget="boolbut"
3246                link="AutoEquipTool"
3247                realtime="true" />
3248         <param ui="hud:auc:c"
3249                type="cfg"
3250                widget="boolbut"
3251                link="AutomaticCamera"
3252                realtime="true" />
3253         <param ui="hud:fade:c"
3254                type="db"
3255                widget="boolbut"
3256                link="UI:SAVE:USER_CHAR_FADE"
3257                realtime="true" />
3258         <param ui="hud:opamin:c"
3259                type="db"
3260                widget="sbint"
3261                link="UI:SAVE:USER_CHAR_OPA_MIN"
3262                min="0"
3263                max="255"
3264                realtime="true" />
3265         <param ui="hud:cao:c"
3266                type="db"
3267                widget="boolbut"
3268                link="UI:SAVE:ACT_BAR_OUT"
3269                realtime="true" />
3270         <param ui="hud:show_clock:c"
3271                type="db"
3272                widget="boolbut"
3273                link="UI:SAVE:SHOW_CLOCK"
3274                realtime="true" />
3275         <param ui="hud:show_clock_12h:c"
3276                type="db"
3277                widget="boolbut"
3278                link="UI:SAVE:SHOW_CLOCK_12H"
3279                realtime="true" />
3280         <param ui="hud:show_reticle:c"
3281                type="db"
3282                widget="boolbut"
3283                link="UI:SAVE:SHOW_RETICLE"
3284                realtime="true" />
3285         <param ui="hud:radar_use_camera:c"
3286                type="db"
3287                widget="boolbut"
3288                link="UI:SAVE:RADAR:USE_CAMERA"
3289                realtime="true" />
3290         <param ui="alpha_colors:col_day:c"
3291                type="db"
3292                widget="colbut"
3293                link="UI:SAVE:DAY_COLOR"
3294                realtime="true" />
3295         <param ui="alpha_colors:col_night:c"
3296                type="db"
3297                widget="colbut"
3298                link="UI:SAVE:NIGHT_COLOR"
3299                realtime="true" />
3300         <param ui="alpha_colors:ga_win:c"
3301                type="db"
3302                widget="sbint"
3303                link="UI:SAVE:CONTAINER_ALPHA"
3304                min="0"
3305                max="255"
3306                realtime="true" />
3307         <param ui="alpha_colors:ga_con:c"
3308                type="db"
3309                widget="sbint"
3310                link="UI:SAVE:CONTENT_ALPHA"
3311                min="64"
3312                max="255"
3313                realtime="true" />
3314         <param ui="alpha_colors:moa_win:c"
3315                type="db"
3316                widget="sbint"
3317                link="UI:SAVE:CONTAINER_ROLLOVER_FACTOR"
3318                min="0"
3319                max="255"
3320                realtime="true" />
3321         <param ui="alpha_colors:moa_con:c"
3322                type="db"
3323                widget="sbint"
3324                link="UI:SAVE:CONTENT_ROLLOVER_FACTOR"
3325                min="64"
3326                max="255"
3327                realtime="true" />
3328         <param ui="alpha_colors:moa_speed:c"
3329                type="db"
3330                widget="sbint"
3331                link="UI:SAVE:ALPHA_ROLLOVER_SPEED"
3332                min="0"
3333                max="100"
3334                realtime="true" />
3335         <param ui="alpha_colors:show_3d_item_preview:c"
3336                type="db"
3337                widget="boolbut"
3338                link="UI:SAVE:SHOW_3D_ITEM_PREVIEW"
3339                realtime="true" />
3340         <param ui="chat_colors:cc_say:c"
3341                type="db"
3342                widget="colbut"
3343                link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:COLORS:SAY"
3344                realtime="true" />
3345         <param ui="chat_colors:cc_tell:c"
3346                type="db"
3347                widget="colbut"
3348                link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:COLORS:TELL"
3349                realtime="true" />
3350         <param ui="chat_colors:cc_team:c"
3351                type="db"
3352                widget="colbut"
3353                link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:COLORS:GROUP"
3354                realtime="true" />
3355         <param ui="chat_colors:cc_guild:c"
3356                type="db"
3357                widget="colbut"
3358                link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:COLORS:CLADE"
3359                realtime="true" />
3360         <param ui="chat_colors:cc_region:c"
3361                type="db"
3362                widget="colbut"
3363                link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:COLORS:REGION"
3364                realtime="true" />
3365         <param ui="chat_colors:cc_univ:c"
3366                type="db"
3367                widget="colbut"
3368                link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:COLORS:UNIVERSE_NEW"
3369                realtime="true" />
3370         <param ui="chat_colors:cc_shout:c"
3371                type="db"
3372                widget="colbut"
3373                link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:COLORS:SHOUT"
3374                realtime="true" />
3375         <param ui="chat_colors:cc_dyn0:c"
3376                type="db"
3377                widget="colbut"
3378                link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:COLORS:DYN:0"
3379                realtime="true" />
3380         <param ui="chat_colors:cc_dyn1:c"
3381                type="db"
3382                widget="colbut"
3383                link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:COLORS:DYN:1"
3384                realtime="true" />
3385         <param ui="chat_colors:cc_dyn2:c"
3386                type="db"
3387                widget="colbut"
3388                link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:COLORS:DYN:2"
3389                realtime="true" />
3390         <param ui="chat_colors:cc_dyn3:c"
3391                type="db"
3392                widget="colbut"
3393                link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:COLORS:DYN:3"
3394                realtime="true" />
3395         <param ui="chat_colors:cc_dyn4:c"
3396                type="db"
3397                widget="colbut"
3398                link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:COLORS:DYN:4"
3399                realtime="true" />
3400         <param ui="chat_colors:cc_dyn5:c"
3401                type="db"
3402                widget="colbut"
3403                link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:COLORS:DYN:5"
3404                realtime="true" />
3405         <param ui="chat_colors:cc_dyn6:c"
3406                type="db"
3407                widget="colbut"
3408                link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:COLORS:DYN:6"
3409                realtime="true" />
3410         <param ui="chat_colors:cc_dyn7:c"
3411                type="db"
3412                widget="colbut"
3413                link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:COLORS:DYN:7"
3414                realtime="true" />
3415         <!--
3416                         <param ui="chat_colors:cc_shout:c"              type="db" widget="colbut" link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:COLORS:SHOUT" realtime="true" />
3417                         <param ui="chat_colors:cc_civi:c"               type="db" widget="colbut" link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:COLORS:CIVILIZATION" realtime="true" />
3418                         <param ui="chat_colors:cc_terri:c"              type="db" widget="colbut" link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:COLORS:TERRITORY"  realtime="true" />
3419                         -->
3420         <param ui="chat_colors:enter_dontquit_cb:c"
3421                type="db"
3422                widget="boolbut"
3423                link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:ENTER_DONT_QUIT_CB"
3424                realtime="true" />
3425         <param ui="chat_colors:show_times_in_chat_cb:c"
3426                type="db"
3427                widget="boolbut"
3428                link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:SHOW_TIMES_IN_CHAT_CB"
3429                realtime="true" />
3430         <param ui="chat_colors:show_dyn_channel_name_in_chat_cb:c"
3431                type="db"
3432                widget="boolbut"
3433                link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:SHOW_DYN_CHANNEL_NAME_IN_CHAT_CB"
3434                realtime="true" />
3435         <param ui="chat_colors:show_online_offline_notifications_cb:c"
3436                type="db"
3437                widget="boolbut"
3439                realtime="true" />
3440         <param ui="chat_colors:font_size:c"
3441                type="db"
3442                widget="sbint"
3443                link="UI:SAVE:CHAT:FONT_SIZE"
3444                min="9"
3445                max="20"
3446                realtime="true" />
3447         <param ui="entity_colors:cc_user:c"
3448                type="db"
3449                widget="colbut"
3450                link="UI:SAVE:ENTITY:COLORS:USER"
3451                realtime="true" />
3452         <param ui="entity_colors:cc_player:c"
3453                type="db"
3454                widget="colbut"
3455                link="UI:SAVE:ENTITY:COLORS:PLAYER"
3456                realtime="true" />
3457         <param ui="entity_colors:cc_npc:c"
3458                type="db"
3459                widget="colbut"
3460                link="UI:SAVE:ENTITY:COLORS:NPC"
3461                realtime="true" />
3462         <param ui="entity_colors:cc_fauna:c"
3463                type="db"
3464                widget="colbut"
3465                link="UI:SAVE:ENTITY:COLORS:FAUNA"
3466                realtime="true" />
3467         <param ui="entity_colors:cc_target:c"
3468                type="db"
3469                widget="colbut"
3470                link="UI:SAVE:ENTITY:COLORS:TARGET"
3471                realtime="true" />
3472         <param ui="entity_colors:cc_group:c"
3473                type="db"
3474                widget="colbut"
3475                link="UI:SAVE:ENTITY:COLORS:GROUP"
3476                realtime="true" />
3477         <param ui="entity_colors:cc_guild:c"
3478                type="db"
3479                widget="colbut"
3480                link="UI:SAVE:ENTITY:COLORS:GUILD"
3481                realtime="true" />
3482         <param ui="entity_colors:cc_mount:c"
3483                type="db"
3484                widget="colbut"
3485                link="UI:SAVE:ENTITY:COLORS:MOUNT"
3486                realtime="true" />
3487         <param ui="entity_colors:cc_beast:c"
3488                type="db"
3489                widget="colbut"
3490                link="UI:SAVE:ENTITY:COLORS:BEAST"
3491                realtime="true" />
3492         <param ui="entity_colors:cc_source:c"
3493                type="db"
3494                widget="colbut"
3495                link="UI:SAVE:ENTITY:COLORS:SOURCE"
3496                realtime="true" />
3497         <param ui="entity_colors:cc_dead:c"
3498                type="db"
3499                widget="colbut"
3500                link="UI:SAVE:ENTITY:COLORS:DEAD"
3501                realtime="true" />
3502         <param ui="entity_colors:cc_pvpenemy:c"
3503                type="db"
3504                widget="colbut"
3505                link="UI:SAVE:ENTITY:COLORS:PVPENEMY"
3506                realtime="true" />
3507         <param ui="entity_colors:cc_pvpally:c"
3508                type="db"
3509                widget="colbut"
3510                link="UI:SAVE:ENTITY:COLORS:PVPALLY"
3511                realtime="true" />
3512         <param ui="entity_colors:cc_pvpneutral:c"
3513                type="db"
3514                widget="colbut"
3515                link="UI:SAVE:ENTITY:COLORS:PVPNEUTRAL"
3516                realtime="true" />
3517         <param ui="entity_colors:cc_pvpallyinteam:c"
3518                type="db"
3519                widget="colbut"
3520                link="UI:SAVE:ENTITY:COLORS:PVPALLYINTEAM"
3521                realtime="true" />
3522         <param ui="entity_colors:cc_pvpallyinguild:c"
3523                type="db"
3524                widget="colbut"
3526                realtime="true" />
3527         <param ui="in_scene_user:is_user_guild_symbol:c"
3528                type="db"
3529                widget="boolbut"
3530                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:USER:GUILD_SYMBOL"
3531                realtime="true" />
3532         <param ui="in_scene_user:is_user_name:c"
3533                type="db"
3534                widget="boolbut"
3535                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:USER:NAME"
3536                realtime="true" />
3537         <param ui="in_scene_user:is_user_title:c"
3538                type="db"
3539                widget="boolbut"
3540                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:USER:TITLE"
3541                realtime="true" />
3542         <param ui="in_scene_user:is_user_rptags:c"
3543                type="db"
3544                widget="boolbut"
3545                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:USER:RPTAGS"
3546                realtime="true" />
3547         <param ui="in_scene_user:is_user_guild_name:c"
3548                type="db"
3549                widget="boolbut"
3550                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:USER:GUILD_NAME"
3551                realtime="true" />
3552         <param ui="in_scene_user:is_user_hp:c"
3553                type="db"
3554                widget="boolbut"
3555                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:USER:HP"
3556                realtime="true" />
3557         <param ui="in_scene_user:is_user_sap:c"
3558                type="db"
3559                widget="boolbut"
3560                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:USER:SAP"
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3562         <param ui="in_scene_user:is_user_sta:c"
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3566                realtime="true" />
3567         <param ui="in_scene_user:is_user_focus:c"
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3572         <param ui="in_scene_user:is_user_action:c"
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3575                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:USER:ACTION"
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3580                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:USER:PVP_LOGO"
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3582         <param ui="in_scene_friend:is_friend_guild_symbol:c"
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3585                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:FRIEND:GUILD_SYMBOL"
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3587         <param ui="in_scene_friend:is_friend_name:c"
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3592         <param ui="in_scene_friend:is_friend_title:c"
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3600                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:FRIEND:RPTAGS"
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3602         <param ui="in_scene_friend:is_friend_guild_name:c"
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3605                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:FRIEND:GUILD_NAME"
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3607         <param ui="in_scene_friend:is_friend_hp:c"
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3612         <param ui="in_scene_friend:is_friend_sap:c"
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3615                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:FRIEND:SAP"
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3619                widget="boolbut"
3620                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:FRIEND:STA"
3621                realtime="true" />
3622         <param ui="in_scene_friend:is_friend_focus:c"
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3624                widget="boolbut"
3625                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:FRIEND:FOCUS"
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3627         <param ui="in_scene_friend:is_friend_pvp_logo:c"
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3630                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:FRIEND:PVP_LOGO"
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3635                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:FRIEND:NPCNAME"
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3637         <param ui="in_scene_friend:is_friend_npctitle:c"
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3649                widget="boolbut"
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3655                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:ENEMY:GUILD_SYMBOL"
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3660                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:ENEMY:NAME"
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3670                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:ENEMY:RPTAGS"
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3672         <param ui="in_scene_enemy:is_enemy_guild_name:c"
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3674                widget="boolbut"
3675                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:ENEMY:GUILD_NAME"
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3684                widget="boolbut"
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3700                link="UI:SAVE:INSCENE:ENEMY:MESSAGES"
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3737         <param ui="win_colors:wc_help:c"
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3822         <param ui="mouse:hard:c"
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3832         <param ui="mouse:dbl:c"
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3844         <param ui="mouse:curspeed:c"
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3872                link="RotKeySpeedMin"
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3874         <param ui="sound:enabler:c"
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3889         <param ui="sound:maxtrack:c"
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3892                link="MaxTrack"
3893                realtime="end_scroll"
3894                ui_view="sound:maxtrack:c_res" />
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3900         <param ui="sound:music_volume:c"
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3902                widget="sbfloat"
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3950         <param ui="landmark_colors:cc_foragesup:c"
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3994                realtime="true" />
3995         <param ui="landmark_colors:cc_wood:c"
3996                type="db"
3997                widget="colbut"
3998                link="UI:SAVE:LANDMARK:COLORS:WOOD"
3999                realtime="true" />
4000         <param ui="landmark_colors:cc_oil:c"
4001                type="db"
4002                widget="colbut"
4003                link="UI:SAVE:LANDMARK:COLORS:OIL"
4004                realtime="true" />
4005         <param ui="landmark_colors:cc_mission:c"
4006                type="db"
4007                widget="colbut"
4008                link="UI:SAVE:LANDMARK:COLORS:MISSION"
4009                realtime="true" />
4010         <param ui="landmark_colors:cc_food:c"
4011                type="db"
4012                widget="colbut"
4013                link="UI:SAVE:LANDMARK:COLORS:FOOD"
4014                realtime="true" />
4015         <param ui="landmark_colors:cc_construction:c"
4016                type="db"
4017                widget="colbut"
4019                realtime="true" />
4020         <param ui="landmark_colors:cc_goo:c"
4021                type="db"
4022                widget="colbut"
4023                link="UI:SAVE:LANDMARK:COLORS:GOO"
4024                realtime="true" />
4025         <param ui="landmark_colors:cc_insect:c"
4026                type="db"
4027                widget="colbut"
4028                link="UI:SAVE:LANDMARK:COLORS:INSECT"
4029                realtime="true" />
4030         <param ui="landmark_colors:cc_kitin:c"
4031                type="db"
4032                widget="colbut"
4033                link="UI:SAVE:LANDMARK:COLORS:KITIN"
4034                realtime="true" />
4035         <param ui="landmark_colors:cc_nocive:c"
4036                type="db"
4037                widget="colbut"
4038                link="UI:SAVE:LANDMARK:COLORS:NOCIVE"
4039                realtime="true" />
4040         <param ui="landmark_colors:cc_preservative:c"
4041                type="db"
4042                widget="colbut"
4044                realtime="true" />
4045         <param ui="landmark_colors:cc_passage:c"
4046                type="db"
4047                widget="colbut"
4048                link="UI:SAVE:LANDMARK:COLORS:PASSAGE"
4049                realtime="true" />
4050         <param ui="landmark_colors:cc_teleporter:c"
4051                type="db"
4052                widget="colbut"
4053                link="UI:SAVE:LANDMARK:COLORS:TELEPORTER"
4054                realtime="true" />
4056         <param ui="help:context_help:c"
4057                type="db"
4058                widget="boolbut"
4059                link="UI:SAVE:ENTITY:CONTEXT_HELP"
4060                realtime="true" />
4061       </ddx>
4062     </group>
4063   </group>
4064   <tree node="game_config" />
4065   <link expr="depends(@UI:SAVE:CONTENT_ALPHA)"
4066         action="set"
4068   <link expr="depends(@UI:SAVE:CONTAINER_ALPHA)"
4069         action="set"
4070         params="dblink=UI:SAVE:CONTENT_ALPHA|value=max(@UI:SAVE:CONTENT_ALPHA, @UI:SAVE:CONTAINER_ALPHA)" />
4071   <link expr="depends(@UI:SAVE:CONTENT_ROLLOVER_FACTOR)"
4072         action="set"
4074   <link expr="depends(@UI:SAVE:CONTAINER_ROLLOVER_FACTOR)"
4075         action="set"
4077 </interface_config>