Add infos into target window
[ryzomcore.git] / ryzom / client / mods / syui_v3 / syui / widgets.xml
1 <!-- ****************************************** -->
2 <!-- *                  WIDGETS               * -->
3 <!-- ****************************************** -->
4 <interface_config>
5   <root id="interface"
6         x="0"
7         y="0"
8         w="800"
9         h="600"
10         active="true" />
11   <proc id="proc_nothing"></proc>
12   <!-- template for border inside of a group -->
13   <template name="inner_thin_border_group"
14             posparent="parent"
15             keep="true"
16             inherit_gc_alpha="false"
17             posref="BL BL"
18             w="0"
19             h="0">
20     <group id="itb"
21            posparent="#posparent"
22            sizeref="hw"
23            w="#w"
24            h="#h"
25            posref="#posref">
26       <view type="bitmap"
27             id="bg"
28             texture="W_box_blank.tga"
29             scale="true"
30             posref="MM MM"
31             sizeref="hw"
32             w="-8"
33             h="-8"
34             inherit_gc_alpha="#inherit_gc_alpha" />
35       <view type="bitmap"
36             id="tlb"
37             texture="W_box_top_left.tga"
38             posref="TL TL"
39             inherit_gc_alpha="#inherit_gc_alpha" />
40       <view type="bitmap"
41             id="trb"
42             texture="W_box_top_right.tga"
43             posref="TR TR"
44             inherit_gc_alpha="#inherit_gc_alpha" />
45       <view type="bitmap"
46             id="brb"
47             texture="W_box_bot_right.tga"
48             posref="BR BR"
49             inherit_gc_alpha="#inherit_gc_alpha" />
50       <view type="bitmap"
51             id="blb"
52             texture="W_box_bot_left.tga"
53             posref="BL BL"
54             inherit_gc_alpha="#inherit_gc_alpha" />
55       <view type="bitmap"
56             id="tb"
57             texture="W_box_top.tga"
58             posref="TM TM"
59             scale="true"
60             sizeref="w"
61             w="-8"
62             h="4"
63             inherit_gc_alpha="#inherit_gc_alpha" />
64       <view type="bitmap"
65             id="bb"
66             texture="W_box_bot.tga"
67             posref="BM BM"
68             scale="true"
69             sizeref="w"
70             w="-8"
71             h="4"
72             inherit_gc_alpha="#inherit_gc_alpha" />
73       <view type="bitmap"
74             id="lb"
75             texture="W_box_left.tga"
76             posref="ML ML"
77             scale="true"
78             sizeref="h"
79             h="-8"
80             w="4"
81             inherit_gc_alpha="#inherit_gc_alpha" />
82       <view type="bitmap"
83             id="rb"
84             texture="W_box_right.tga"
85             posref="MR MR"
86             scale="true"
87             sizeref="h"
88             h="-8"
89             w="4"
90             inherit_gc_alpha="#inherit_gc_alpha" />
91     </group>
92   </template>
93   <!-- *********************************** -->
95   <!-- *********************************** -->
96   <!-- * In scene user info with guild logo * -->
97   <define id="in_scene_user_info_bar_h"
98           value="4" />
99   <define id="in_scene_user_info_bar_space"
100           value="2" />
101   <define id="in_scene_user_bar_length"
102           value="120" />
103   <!-- * In scene Target Selected * -->
104   <template name="string_cursor"
105             id=""
106             keep="true">
107     <group id="#id"
108            posref="BL TL"
109            x="0"
110            y="0"
111            child_resize_w="true"
112            h="32"
113            active="true">
114       <!-- TEXT -->
115       <view type="text"
116             id="fake_txt"
117             posref="TL TL"
118             x="22"
119             fontsize="12"
120             shadow="true"
121             hardtext="uimGcmTradePact"
122             color="255 255 255 0" />
123       <!-- BMP -->
124       <view type="bitmap"
125             id="curs_L"
126             posref="TL TL"
127             texture="curs_L.tga"
128             global_color="false" />
129       <view type="bitmap"
130             id="curs_R"
131             posref="TR TL"
132             posparent="fake_txt"
133             x="-10"
134             texture="curs_R.tga"
135             global_color="false" />
136       <view type="bitmap"
137             id="curs_M"
138             posref="TM TM"
139             posparent="fake_txt"
140             sizeref="w"
141             w="-20"
142             scale="true"
143             h="32"
144             texture="curs_M.tga"
145             global_color="false" />
146       <view type="text"
147             id="real_txt"
148             posref="ML ML"
149             x="26"
150             y="-2"
151             fontsize="12"
152             shadow="true"
153             hardtext="uimGcmTradePact"
154             color="255 255 255 255"
155             global_color="false" />
156     </group>
157   </template>
158   <!-- hardware version of the text cursor : mouse cursor is not duplicated on the left of the text -->
159   <template name="string_cursor_hardware"
160             id=""
161             keep="true">
162     <group id="#id"
163            posref="BL TL"
164            x="0"
165            y="0"
166            child_resize_w="true"
167            h="32"
168            active="true">
169       <!-- TEXT -->
170       <view type="text"
171             id="fake_txt"
172             posref="TL TL"
173             x="22"
174             fontsize="12"
175             shadow="true"
176             hardtext="uimGcmTradePact"
177             color="255 255 255 0" />
178       <!-- BMP -->
179       <view type="bitmap"
180             id="curs_L"
181             posref="TL TL"
182             texture="curs_L_no_mouse.tga"
183             global_color="false" />
184       <view type="bitmap"
185             id="curs_R"
186             posref="TR TL"
187             posparent="fake_txt"
188             x="-10"
189             texture="curs_R.tga"
190             global_color="false" />
191       <view type="bitmap"
192             id="curs_M"
193             posref="TM TM"
194             posparent="fake_txt"
195             sizeref="w"
196             w="-20"
197             scale="true"
198             h="32"
199             texture="curs_M.tga"
200             global_color="false" />
201       <view type="text"
202             id="real_txt"
203             posref="ML ML"
204             x="26"
205             y="-2"
206             fontsize="12"
207             shadow="true"
208             hardtext="uimGcmTradePact"
209             color="255 255 255 255"
210             global_color="false" />
211     </group>
212   </template>
213   <template name="in_scene_user_info"
214             id=""
215             keep="true">
216     <group id="isui"
217            type="in_scene_user_info"
218            header_active="false"
219            options="no_bordure"
220            openable="false"
221            savable="false"
222            resizer="true"
223            movable="false"
224            right_button="false"
225            opened="true"
226            child_resize_w="true"
227                    child_resize_h="true"
228            w="0"
229                    h="0"
230            win_priority="%win_priority_world_space"
231            posref="BL BM"
232            use_cursor="false">
234       <group id="right"
235              child_resize_w="true"
236                          child_resize_h="true"
237              w="180"
238                          x="38"
239                          h="158"
240              posref="TL TL" >
242                 <!-- Player Name --> 
243         <view type="text"
244               id="info0"
245               posref="TL TL"
246               x="0"
247               y="-17"
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250               hardtext=""
251               color="255 255 255 255"
252               global_color="true" />
253                 <!-- Player Title -->
254         <view type="text"
255               id="info1"
256               posref="BL TL"
257                           posparent="info0"
258               x="0"
259               fontsize="10"
260               shadow="true"
261               hardtext=""
262               color="255 255 255 255"
263               global_color="true" />
264                 <!-- Player Guild -->
265         <view type="text"
266               id="info2"
267               posref="BL TL"
268                           posparent="info1"
269               x="0"
270               fontsize="10"
271               shadow="true"
272               hardtext=""
273               color="255 255 255 255"
274               global_color="true" />
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276               id="permanent_content"
277               posref="TR TL"
278               posparent="info0"
279               y="0"
280               x="4"
281               texture=""
282               global_color="false" />
283                   <!-- target eyes -->
284         <view type="bitmap"
285               id="target"
286               posref="TL TL"
287                           posparent="info0"
288                           w="48"
289                           h="23"
290               x="40"
291                           y="25"
292               texture="target_eyes.tga"
293               global_color="false" />
294       <view type="bitmap"
295             id="invisible_logo"
296             posref="TR TL"
297             posparent="target"
298             x="2"
299                         y="3"
300             scale="true"
301             w="20"
302             h="20"
303             texture="ico_fear.tga"
304             active="false"
305             global_color="false" />
306         <view type="bitmap"
307               id="mission_target"
308               posref="TR TL"
309               posparent="invisible_logo"
310               x="2"
311               y="4"
312               texture="target_mission.tga"
313               global_color="false" />
314        <view type="bitmap"
315             id="rp_logo_1"
316             posref="TR TL"
317             x="2"
318             y="0"
319             slot="false"
320             posparent="mission_target"
321             color="255 255 255 255"
322             render_layer="1"
323             texture=""
324             global_color="false" />
325       <view type="bitmap"
326             id="rp_logo_2"
327             posref="TR TL"
328             x="2"
329             y="0"
330             slot="false"
331             posparent="rp_logo_1"
332             color="255 255 255 255"
333             render_layer="1"
334             texture=""
335             global_color="false" />
336       <view type="bitmap"
337             id="rp_logo_3"
338             posref="TR TL"
339             x="2"
340             y="0"
341             slot="false"
342             posparent="rp_logo_2"
343             color="255 255 255 255"
344             render_layer="1"
345             texture=""
346             global_color="false" />
347       <view type="bitmap"
348             id="rp_logo_4"
349             posref="TR TL"
350             x="2"
351             y="0"
352             slot="false"
353             posparent="rp_logo_3"
354             color="255 255 255 255"
355             render_layer="1"
356             texture=""
357             global_color="false" />
359         <view type="bitmap"
360               id="win_top"
361                           posparent="info2"
362               posref="BL TL"
363                           y="-8"
364               texture="Infos_top.tga"
365               global_color="true" />
366         <view type="bitmap"
367               id="win_mid"
368               posparent="win_top"
369               posref="BL TL"
370               scale="true"
371               w="70"
372               h="1"
373               texture="Infos_mid.tga"
374               global_color="true" />
375         <view type="bitmap"
376               id="win_bot"
377               posparent="win_mid"
378               posref="BL TL"
379               texture="Infos_bot.tga"
380               global_color="true" />
381         <view type="bitmap"
382               id="win_jauge_mid"
383               posparent="win_bot"
384               posref="TL ML"
385               x="0"
386               y="-2"
387               scale="true"
388               w="128"
389               h="24"
390               texture="Bg_jauge_mid.tga"
391               global_color="true" />
392         <view type="bitmap"
393               id="win_jauge_top"
394               posparent="win_jauge_mid"
395               posref="TL BL"
396               texture="Bg_jauge_top.tga"
397               global_color="true" />
398         <view type="bitmap"
399               id="win_jauge_bot"
400               posparent="win_jauge_mid"
401               posref="BL TL"
402               texture="Bg_jauge_bot.tga"
403               global_color="true" />
404       <!-- In Scene Bar -->
405       <view type="bitmap"
406               id="bar0"
407               posparent="win_jauge_top"
408               posref="TL TL"
409               x="3"
410               y="-3"
411               scale="true"
412               w="64"
413               h="4"
414               texture="jauge_fill.tga"
415               color="234 46 41 255"
416               global_color="false" />
417                 <!-- In Scene Bar -->
418         <view type="bitmap"
419               id="bar1"
420               posparent="bar0"
421               posref="BL TL"
422               x="0"
423               y="-2"
424               scale="true"
425               w="120"
426               h="4"
427               texture="jauge_fill.tga"
428               color="41 234 114 255"
429               global_color="false" />
430                 <!-- In Scene Bar -->
431         <view type="bitmap"
432               id="bar2"
433               posparent="bar1"
434               posref="BL TL"
435               x="0"
436               y="-2"
437               scale="true"
438               w="112"
439               h="4"
440               texture="jauge_fill.tga"
441               color="232 41 234 255"
442               global_color="false" />
443                 <!-- In Scene Bar -->
444         <view type="bitmap"
445               id="bar3"
446               posparent="bar2"
447               posref="BL TL"
448               x="0"
449               y="-2"
450               scale="true"
451               w="30"
452               h="4"
453               texture="jauge_fill.tga"
454               color="41 218 234 255"
455               global_color="false" />
456                 <!-- In Scene Bar -->
457         <view type="bitmap"
458               id="bar4"
459               posparent="bar3"
460               posref="BL TL"
461               x="0"
462               y="-2"
463               scale="true"
464               w="0"
465               h="4"
466               texture="jauge_fill.tga"
467               color="246 255 0 255"
468               global_color="false" />
469       </group>
470       <!-- target Guild Logo -->
471           <ctrl type="sheet"
472             id="guild_logo"
473             posref="TL TR"
474                         posparent="right"
475                         x="-4"
476                         y="-16"
477                         scale="true"
478             slot="false"
479             nature="guild_flag"
480             value="UI:TEMP:GUILD_SHEET"
481             dragable="false"
482             color="255 255 255 255" />
483           <view type="bitmap"
484             id="npc_mission_logo"
485             posref="TL TL"
486             slot="false"
487             x="0"
488             color="255 255 255 255"
489             render_layer="1"
490             texture=""
491             global_color="false" />
492       <view type="bitmap"
493             id="npc_mission_logo_over"
494             posref="TL TL"
495             slot="false"
496             x="0"
497             color="255 255 255 255"
498             render_layer="2"
499             texture=""
500             global_color="false" />
502         <group id="right_pvp"
503                posref="TR TL"
504                posparent="right"
505                child_resize_w="true"
506                child_resize_h="true" >
507           <group id="top_pvp"
508                  posref="TL TL"
509                                  w="0"
510                  h="0"
511                  child_resize_w="true"
512                  child_resize_h="true" >
513             <view type="bitmap"
514                   id="pvp_faction_logo"
515                   posref="TL TL"
516                   active="false"
517                   texture="mp_pearl.tga"
518                   global_color="false" />
519             <view type="bitmap"
520                   id="pvp_safe_logo"
521                   posref="TR TL"
522                   active="false"
523                   posparent="pvp_faction_logo"
524                   texture="mp_pearl.tga"
525                   x="2"
526                   global_color="false" />
527           </group>
528           <group id="bottom_pvp"
529                  posref="BL TL"
530                  posparent="top_pvp"
531                  child_resize_w="true"
532                  child_resize_h="true" >
533             <view type="bitmap"
534                   id="pvp_outpost_logo"
535                   posref="TL TL"
536                                   active="false"
537                   texture="building_state_24x24.tga"
538                   global_color="false" />
539             <view type="bitmap"
540                   id="pvp_duel_logo"
541                   posref="TR TL"
542                   posparent="pvp_outpost_logo"
543                   active="false"
544                   x="2"
545                                   y="0"
546                   texture="pvp_duel.tga"
547                   global_color="false" />
548           </group>
549         </group>
551     </group>
552   </template>
553   <!-- prototype for fast cloning -->
554   <instance template="in_scene_user_info"
555             id="in_scene_user_info_proto" />
556   <template name="in_scene_user_info_back"
557             id=""
558             keep="true">
559     <group id="#id"
560            type="in_scene_user_info"
561            header_active="false"
562            options="no_bordure"
563            openable="false"
564            savable="false"
565            resizer="true"
566            movable="false"
567            right_button="false"
568            opened="true"
569            child_resize_w="true"
570            child_resize_h="true"
571            child_resize_hmargin="20"
572            w="0"
573            h="86"
574            win_priority="%win_priority_world_space"
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576            use_cursor="false">
577       <group id="right"
578              x="42"
579              y="-20"
580              child_resize_w="true"
581              w="0"
582              h="86"
583              posref="TL TL">
584         <view type="bitmap"
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752     <group id="#id"
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863               scale="true"
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872               posparent="bar0"
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886               id="icon2"
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888               posparent="bar2"
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894               id="icon3"
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896               posparent="bar3"
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898               y="0"
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900               global_color="false" />
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902               id="icon4"
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906               y="0"
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1003   <instance template="forage_source"
1004             id="forage_source_proto" />
1005   <!-- flying text in scene (deltax is the delta xcoord to apply right for the user, and left for the ennemy) -->
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1008   <template name="in_scene_flying_text"
1009             id=""
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1011     <group id="#id"
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1022            child_resize_h="true"
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1024            h="0"
1025            win_priority="%win_priority_world_space"
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1042   <!-- *  Bulle de dialogue a droite du perso * -->
1043   <!-- NOT USED FOR THE MOMENT !!!
1044 <template name="3dbulle_R" id="" >
1045         <group id="#id" type="container" header_active="false" options="no_bordure" openable="false" savable="false" resizer="true" movable="false" right_button="false" opened="true" child_resize_w="true" w="0" max_w="256" min_w="48" h="48" >
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1052                                 <view type="bitmap" id="win_B" posparent="win_M" posref="BL TL" scale="true" sizeref="w" w="0" h="5" texture="Bulle_B.tga" global_color="false"/>
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1054                                 <view type="bitmap" id="win_R" posparent="win_M" posref="TR TL" scale="true" sizeref="h" w="5" h="0" texture="Bulle_R.tga" global_color="false"/>
1055                                 <view type="bitmap" id="win_TL" posref="TL TL" texture="Bulle_TL.tga" global_color="false"/>
1056                                 <view type="bitmap" id="win_TR" posref="TR TR" texture="Bulle_TR.tga" global_color="false"/>
1057                                 <view type="bitmap" id="win_BL" posref="BL BL" texture="Bulle_BL.tga" global_color="false"/>
1058                                 <view type="bitmap" id="win_BR" posref="BR BR" texture="Bulle_BR.tga" global_color="false"/>
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1062                                         multi_line="true" multi_line_space="0" line_maxw="160" multi_line_maxw_only="true" />
1063                                 <! - Yoyo: Fake to have minimum bubble size - >
1064                                 <group id="min_w" posparent="text" posref="TL TL" x="0" y="0" w="48" h="14" />
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1068                         <view type="bitmap" id="win_talk" posref="BL TL" x="24" y="2" posparent="window" texture="Bulle_Say_R.tga" global_color="false"/>
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1072         </group>
1073 </template>
1075   <!-- *  Bulle de dialogue a gauche du perso * -->
1076   <template name="3dbulle_L"
1077             id=""
1078             hardtext="uiTestDialogue"
1079             keep="true">
1080     <group id="#id"
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1085            savable="false"
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1176                   id="win_TL"
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1234                 col_over="255 255 255 0"
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1267   <!-- *  Bulle de dialogue dynamique a gauche du perso 
1268                 textid of the views are updated by code * -->
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1434                 global_color_over="false"
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1462           <!-- Yoyo: Fake to have minimum bubble size -->
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1562   <!-- *  Bulle d'IA a droite * -->
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1564             id="">
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1604   <!-- *  Bulle d'IA a gauche * -->
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1606             id="">
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1629               global_color="false" />
1630         <view type="bitmap"
1631               id="win_think"
1632               posref="BR BR"
1633               x="-2"
1634               y="0"
1635               texture="Bulle_Think_L.tga"
1636               global_color="false" />
1637         <view type="bitmap"
1638               id="ia"
1639               posparent="win_ia"
1640               posref="MM MM"
1641               texture="IA_Surpris.tga"
1642               global_color="false" />
1643       </group>
1644     </group>
1645   </template>
1646   <!-- ********************************* -->
1648   <!-- ********************************* -->
1649   <template name="menu_separator"
1650             keep="true">
1651     <group id="sep_gr"
1652            posref="BL BL"
1653            sizeref="w"
1654            w="0"
1655            h="4">
1656       <!-- width is setupped by the menu -->
1657       <view type="bitmap"
1658             id="m"
1659             scale="true"
1660             w="0"
1661             h="0"
1662             sizeref="wh"
1663             texture="W_line_hor3.tga" />
1664     </group>
1665   </template>
1666   <!-- the same as menu_separator, but this is just a place holder (must give height of the separator -->
1667   <template name="menu_separator_empty"
1668             keep="true">
1669     <group id="sep"
1670            posref="BL BL"
1671            w="4"
1672            h="4"
1673            x="-4">
1674       <!-- <view type="bitmap" id="l" posref="TL TL" texture="w_button_08_over.tga" /> -->
1675     </group>
1676   </template>
1677   <!-- ******************************* -->
1678   <!-- *  TEMPLATE FOR MENU CHECKBOX * -->
1679   <!-- ******************************* -->
1680   <template name="menu_checkbox"
1681             keep="true"
1682             onclick_l=""
1683             params_l="">
1684     <group id="cb"
1685            child_resize_h="true"
1686            child_resize_w="true">
1687       <ctrl type="button"
1688             id="b"
1689             button_type="toggle_button"
1690             posref="TL TL"
1691             tx_normal="W_sound_off.tga"
1692             tx_pushed="W_sound_on.tga"
1693             tx_over="W_button_14_over.tga"
1694             color="255 255 255 255"
1695             col_pushed="255 255 255 255"
1696             col_over="255 255 255 255"
1697             global_color_pushed="false"
1698             onclick_l="#onclick_l"
1699             params_l="#params_l" />
1700     </group>
1701   </template>
1702   <!-- **************************************** -->
1703   <!-- *  BASE PARAMETERS FOR MENU (COLOR ..) * -->
1704   <!-- **************************************** -->
1705   <group type="menu"
1706          id="base_menu"
1707          mouse_pos="true"
1708          exit_click_b="true"
1709          win_priority="%win_priority_highest"
1710          space="1"
1711          fontsize="12"
1712          shadow="true"
1713          color="255 255 255 200"
1714          shadow_color="0 0 0 255"
1715          color_over="0 0 0 255"
1716          shadow_color_over="0 0 0 0"
1717          color_grayed="255 255 255 64"
1718          shadow_color_grayed="0 0 0 255"
1719          highlight_over="255 255 255 150"
1720          case_mode="%case_normal"></group>
1721   <group type="menu"
1722          id="base_menu_with_color"
1723          extends="base_menu">
1724     <action id="choose_ui_alpha"
1725             name="uimChooseUIAlpha"
1726             handler="choose_ui_alpha"
1727             cond="eq(@UI:VARIABLES:GC_POPUP, 1)" />
1728     <action id="lock_unlock"
1729             name="uimLockUnlock"
1730             handler="lock_unlock"
1731             cond="eq(@UI:VARIABLES:GC_POPUP, 1)" />
1732     <action id="help"
1733             name="uimHelp"
1734             handler="ic_help"
1735             cond="eq(@UI:VARIABLES:GC_HAS_HELP, 1)" />
1736   </group>
1737   <!-- ************** -->
1738   <!-- *  ITEM MENU * -->
1739   <!-- ************** -->
1740   <proc id="move_to_bag">
1741     <action handler="move_item"
1742             params="to=lists|nblist=1|
1743                                                                                 listsheet0=ui:interface:inventory:content:bag:iil:bag_icons" />
1744   </proc>
1745   <proc id="move_to_pa">
1746     <action handler="move_item"
1747             params="to=lists|nblist=1|
1748                                                                                 listsheet0=ui:interface:inventory:content:pa@0:iil:bag_icons" />
1749   </proc>
1750   <proc id="move_to_room">
1751     <action handler="move_item"
1752             params="to=lists|nblist=1|
1753                                                                                 listsheet0=ui:interface:inventory:content:room:iil:bag_icons" />
1754   </proc>
1755   <proc id="move_to_guild">
1756     <action handler="move_item"
1757             params="to=lists|nblist=1|
1758                                                                                 listsheet0=ui:interface:inventory:content:guild:iil:bag_icons" />
1759   </proc>
1760   <!-- item menu when we are in bags (do not modify hierarchy or ids if you do not modify the code) -->
1761   <group type="menu"
1762          id="item_menu_in_bag"
1763          extends="base_menu"
1764          on_deactive="item_menu_deactivate"
1765          on_active="item_menu_check">
1766     <action id="cris_enchant"
1767             name="uimCristalEnchant"
1768             handler="item_cristal_enchant" />
1769     <action id="cris_reload"
1770             name="uimCristalReload"
1771             handler="item_cristal_reload" />
1772     <action id="teleport_use"
1773             name="uimTeleportUse"
1774             handler="teleport_use" />
1775     <action id="item_consume"
1776             name="uimItemConsume"
1777             handler="item_consume" />
1778     <action id="xp_catalyser_use"
1779             name="uimXpCatalyserUse"
1780             handler="xp_catalyser_use" />
1781     <action id="item_text_display"
1782             name="uiOpen"
1783             handler="item_text_display"
1784             params="ui:interface:edit_custom" />
1785    <separator />
1786     <!-- Move to an Animal -->
1787     <action id="move"
1788             name="uimMoveTo">
1789       <action id="bag"
1790               name="uimMtBag"
1791               handler="proc"
1792               params="move_to_bag" />
1793       <!-- MAX_INVENTORY_ANIMAL -->
1794       <action id="pa0"
1795               name="uimMtPaMount0"
1796               handler="proc"
1797               params="move_to_pa|0" />
1798       <action id="pa1"
1799               name="uimMtPaMount1"
1800               handler="proc"
1801               params="move_to_pa|1" />
1802       <action id="pa2"
1803               name="uimMtPaMount2"
1804               handler="proc"
1805               params="move_to_pa|2" />
1806       <action id="pa3"
1807               name="uimMtPaMount3"
1808               handler="proc"
1809               params="move_to_pa|3" />
1810       <action id="guild"
1811               name="uimMtGuild"
1812               handler="proc"
1813               params="move_to_guild" />
1814       <action id="room"
1815               name="uimMtRoom"
1816               handler="proc"
1817               params="move_to_room" />
1818     </action>
1819     <!--<action id="drop"           name="uimDrop"          handler="proc"  params="drop_item_proc" />-->
1820     <action id="destroy"
1821             name="uimDestroy"
1822             handler="proc"
1823             params="destroy_item_proc" />
1824     <action id="equip"
1825             name="uimEquip"
1826             handler="inv_auto_equip" />
1827     <action id="infos"
1828             name="uimBoldInfo"
1829             handler="open_item_help" />
1830     <action id="lockunlock"
1831             name="uimLockItem"
1832             handler="lock_inv_item" />
1833     <action id="item_text_edition"
1834             name="uimItemTextEdit"
1835             handler="item_text_edition"
1836             params="ui:interface:edit_custom" />
1837   </group>
1838   <!-- MAX_INVENTORY_ANIMAL -->
1839   <link expr="switch(@%pa_beast0:TYPE, 'uimMtPaMount0', 'uimMtPaMount0', 'uimMtPaPacker0', 'uimMtPaDemon0')"
1840         target="ui:interface:item_menu_in_bag:move:pa0:hardtext" />
1841   <link expr="switch(@%pa_beast1:TYPE, 'uimMtPaMount1', 'uimMtPaMount1', 'uimMtPaPacker1', 'uimMtPaDemon1')"
1842         target="ui:interface:item_menu_in_bag:move:pa1:hardtext" />
1843   <link expr="switch(@%pa_beast2:TYPE, 'uimMtPaMount2', 'uimMtPaMount2', 'uimMtPaPacker2', 'uimMtPaDemon2')"
1844         target="ui:interface:item_menu_in_bag:move:pa2:hardtext" />
1845   <link expr="switch(@%pa_beast3:TYPE, 'uimMtPaMount3', 'uimMtPaMount3', 'uimMtPaPacker3', 'uimMtPaDemon3')"
1846         target="ui:interface:item_menu_in_bag:move:pa3:hardtext" />
1847   <!-- item menu when we are in self -->
1848   <group type="menu"
1849          id="item_menu_in_self"
1850          extends="base_menu"
1851          on_active="item_menu_base_check" >
1852     <!--<action id="drop"    name="uimDrop"     handler="proc" params="drop_item_proc"/>-->
1853     <action id="destroy"
1854             name="uimDestroy"
1855             handler="proc"
1856             params="destroy_item_proc" />
1857     <action id="infos"
1858             name="uimBoldInfo"
1859             handler="open_item_help"
1860             params="" />
1861     <action id="lockunlock"
1862             name="uimLockItem"
1863             handler="lock_inv_item" />
1864   </group>
1865   <!-- item menu default -->
1866   <group type="menu"
1867          id="item_menu"
1868          extends="base_menu"
1869          on_active="item_menu_base_check" >
1870     <!--<action id="drop"    name="uimDrop"     handler="proc" params="drop_item_proc"/>-->
1871     <action id="destroy"
1872             name="uimDestroy"
1873             handler="proc"
1874             params="destroy_item_proc" />
1875     <action id="move"
1876             name="uimMoveTo">
1877       <!--<action id="bag"    name="uimMtBag"         handler="proc" params="move_to_bag" /> -->
1878     </action>
1879     <action id="infos"
1880             name="uimBoldInfo"
1881             handler="open_item_help"
1882             params="" />
1883     <action id="lockunlock"
1884             name="uimLockItem"
1885             handler="lock_inv_item" />
1886   </group>
1887   <define id="item_modal_menu"
1888           value="ui:interface:item_menu" />
1889   <define id="self_item_modal_menu"
1890           value="ui:interface:item_menu_in_self" />
1891   <!-- ************************ -->
1892   <!-- *  ITEM DROP PROCEDURE * -->
1893   <!-- ************************ -->
1894   <!-- modal de selection d'armure/fourreaux -->
1895   <group type="modal"
1896          id="bag_choose"
1897          x="0"
1898          y="0"
1899          w="182"
1900          posref="BL TL"
1901          child_resize_h="true"
1902          exit_click_out="true"
1903          exit_click_l="true"
1904          options="skin_modal">
1905     <group type="list_sheet_filter_clm_slot"
1906            id="list"
1907            posref="TL TL"
1908            value="%bag"
1909            wspace="2"
1910            hspace="2"
1911            array="false"
1912            x="0"
1913            y="0"
1914            w="182"
1915            display_empty_slot="true"
1916            onclick_l="inv_drop"
1917            params_l="src=ctrl_launch_modal"
1918            onclick_r="open_help_auto"
1919            lmargin="4"
1920            rmargin="4"
1921            tmargin="4"
1922            bmargin="4"
1923            column_max="4"
1924            child_resize_h="true"></group>
1925   </group>
1926   <!-- the player buy an item from a bot -->
1927   <!--
1928 <proc id="buy_item">
1930   <!-- set sheet of item to buy -->
1931   <!--<action handler="set" params="dblink=%item_to_trade_sheet:SHEET|value=getSheetID(getDraggedSheet())" /> -->
1932   <!-- activate the box to choose the number of item to but (stackable item) -->
1933   <!--<action handler="set_active" params="target=ui:interface:confirm_buy:content:quantity|active=isStackable(getDraggedSheet())"/>-->
1934   <!-- set the number of item to 1 -->
1935   <!--<action handler="set" params="dblink=%num_stackable_item_to_trade|value=1"/>-->
1936   <!-- activate the dialog to choose -->
1937   <!--<action handler="buy_dropped_item"/>-->
1938   <!--</proc>-->
1939   <!--
1940 <proc id="drop_item" >
1942   <!-- If the item is from the inventory, just swap the item -->
1943   <!-- <action handler="swap_item"        params="@0" cond="eq(getSheetSelectionGroup(getDraggedSheet()), 'inventory_selection')"/>       -->
1944   <!-- If the items comes from a bot inventory, display the dialog to buy it -->
1945   <!-- <action handler="proc" cond="eq(getDroppedItemSelectionGroup(), 'buy_selection')" params="buy_item"/>-->
1946   <!--</proc>-->
1947   <proc id="drop_item">
1948     <action handler="swap_item"
1949             params="@0" />
1950   </proc>
1951   <proc id="drag_item"></proc>
1952   <!--
1953 <proc id="test_can_drop"> -->
1954   <!-- If the item is from the inventory, can drop if it is an item -->
1955   <!--
1956         <action handler="isitem"        params="@0" cond="eq(getSheetSelectionGroup(getDraggedSheet()), 'inventory_selection')"/>       
1957         -->
1958   <!-- If the items comes from a bot inventory, can drop on an empty slot only. The source must also be an item -->
1959   <!--
1960         <action handler="itemtoemptyslottest"  params="@0" cond="eq(getSheetSelectionGroup(getDraggedSheet()), 'buy_selection')"/>
1961         -->
1962   <!--    
1963 </proc>
1965   <proc id="test_can_drop">
1966     <action handler="isitem"
1967             params="@0" />
1968   </proc>
1969   <!-- ******************* -->
1970   <!-- *     THUNES      * -->
1971   <!-- ******************* -->
1972   <template name="argent"
1973             posparent="parent"
1974             x="0"
1975             y="0"
1976             w="110"
1977             h="16"
1978             posref="TL TL"
1979             id=""
1980             tooltip="uittPlayerMoney">
1981     <group id="#id"
1982            posparent="#posparent"
1983            posref="#posref"
1984            w="#w"
1985            h="#h"
1986            x="#x"
1987            y="#y">
1988       <!-- Yoyo: pust scale=true, because this texture may be replaced with Faction icones (32x32) -->
1989       <view type="bitmap"
1990             id="icone"
1991             posref="TL TL"
1992             texture="money_seve.tga"
1993             scale="true"
1994             w="16"
1995             h="16"
1996             global_color="false" />
1997       <instance template="box_widget"
1998                 id="box1"
1999                 posref="TL TL"
2000                 sizeref="w"
2001                 w="-18"
2002                 h="16"
2003                 x="18" />
2004       <view type="text_number"
2005             id="val1"
2006             posparent="box1"
2007             posref="MR MR"
2008             x="-3"
2009             y="0"
2010             color="135 243 28 255"
2011             shadow="true"
2012             fontsize="10"
2013             value="#value"
2014             global_color="false"
2015             positive="true"
2016             format="true" />
2017       <view type="text"
2018             id="bad_price"
2019             posparent="box1"
2020             posref="MR MR"
2021             x="-3"
2022             y="0"
2023             color="192 192 192 255"
2024             shadow="true"
2025             fontsize="10"
2026             hardtext="uiBadPrice"
2027             global_color="false" />
2028       <ctrl type="tooltip"
2029             id="tt"
2030             posparent="box1"
2031             posref="TL TL"
2032             sizeref="wh"
2033             w="0"
2034             h="0"
2035             tooltip="#tooltip" />
2036       <!-- display bad price text if price value is -1 -->
2037       <link expr="eq(@#value, -1)"
2038             target="bad_price:active" />
2039       <link expr="ne(@#value, -1)"
2040             target="val1:active" />
2041     </group>
2042   </template>
2043   <!-- ********************* -->
2044   <!-- *     SKILL POINTS  * -->
2045   <!-- ********************* -->
2046   <template name="skill_points_widget"
2047             posparent="parent"
2048             sizeref="w"
2049             posref="TL TL"
2050             x="0"
2051             y="0"
2052             id=""
2053             fontsize_text="10"
2054             fontsize_number="10"
2055             hardtext="uiSkillPoints"
2056             tooltip=""
2057             global_color="true">
2058     <group id="#id"
2059            child_resize_h="true"
2060            posparent="#posparent"
2061            posref="#posref"
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2065            global_color="#global_color">
2066       <view type="text"
2067             id="sp_text"
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2072             fontsize="#fontsize_text"
2073             hardtext="#hardtext"
2074             global_color="#global_color" />
2075       <view type="text_number"
2076             id="sp_value"
2077             posref="MR MR"
2078             x="-4"
2079             y="0"
2080             color="255 255 255 255"
2081             shadow="true"
2082             fontsize="#fontsize_number"
2083             value="#value"
2084             global_color="#global_color" />
2085     </group>
2086     <instance template="text_tt"
2087               posparent="#id"
2088               tooltip="#tooltip" />
2089   </template>
2090   <template name="skill_points_widget2"
2091             posparent="parent"
2092             posref="TL TL"
2093             x="0"
2094             y="0"
2095             id=""
2096             fontsize_text="10"
2097             fontsize_number="10"
2098             hardtext="uiSkillPoints">
2099     <group id="#id"
2100            child_resize_h="true"
2101            posparent="#posparent"
2102            posref="#posref"
2103            child_resize_w="true"
2104            x="#x"
2105            y="#y">
2106       <view type="text"
2107             id="sp_text"
2108             posref="ML ML"
2109             color="255 255 255 255"
2110             shadow="true"
2111             fontsize="#fontsize_text"
2112             hardtext="#hardtext"
2113             global_color="false" />
2114       <view type="text_number"
2115             id="sp_value"
2116             posref="MR ML"
2117             posparent="sp_text"
2118             x="4"
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2429   <!-- ********** -->
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2432   <!-- test if drop can be done depending on the mode 
2433         Param 0 is src=... (filled by code)
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4309   <!-- Over Text used for SingleLine TextView that are clamped (group_tree, keys interface....) -->
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4311          child_resize_w="true"
4312          child_resize_h="true"
4313          child_resize_wmargin="4"
4314          child_resize_hmargin="4"
4315          posref="BL BL">
4316     <!-- System, don'change the ids, nor the posref -->
4317     <!-- color and modulate_color are replaced according to the view text to over -->
4318     <view type="bitmap"
4319           id="midoutline"
4320           sizeref="wh"
4321           posref="MM MM"
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4327     <view type="bitmap"
4328           id="midback"
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4332           w="-2"
4333           scale="true"
4334           color="64 64 64 255"
4335           texture="blank.tga" />
4336     <!-- fontsize, shadow, text, color, modulate_color.... are replaced according to the view text to over -->
4337     <view type="text"
4338           id="text"
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4343           fontsize="12"
4344           shadow="true"
4345           multi_line="false" />
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4347   <!-- Helper to place a tooltip over a text or anything else
4348         Basically just define 'posparent', and 'tooltip'.  (id is the parent id prefixed by tt_
4349         Other params are for advanced use
4351   <template name="text_tt"
4352             posparent=""
4353             tooltip=""
4354             tooltip_i18n=""
4355             on_tooltip=""
4356             on_tooltip_params=""
4357             instant_help="true"
4358             tooltip_parent="ctrl"
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4361             keep="true">
4362     <ctrl type="tooltip"
4363           id="tt_#posparent"
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4368           h="0"
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4370           tooltip="#tooltip"
4371           tooltip_i18n="#tooltip_i18n"
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4375           tooltip_parent="#tooltip_parent"
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4377           tooltip_special_parent="#tooltip_special_parent" />
4378   </template>
4379   <!-- ******************************** -->
4380   <!-- *  ITEM DROP/DESTROY PROCEDURE * -->
4381   <!-- ******************************** -->
4382   <proc id="drop_item_proc">
4383     <!-- set the mode -->
4384     <action handler="set"
4385             params="dblink=UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:DROP_MODE|value=1" />
4386     <action handler="proc"
4387             params="drop_destroy_item_proc" />
4388   </proc>
4389   <proc id="destroy_item_proc">
4390     <!-- set the mode -->
4391     <action handler="set"
4392             params="dblink=UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:DROP_MODE|value=0" />
4393     <action handler="proc"
4394             params="drop_destroy_item_proc" />
4395   </proc>
4396   <proc id="drop_destroy_item_proc">
4397     <!-- copy infos about current sheet -->
4398     <action handler="eval_expr"
4399             params="expr=copySheet(getMenuItemSheet(), getSheetFromId('ui:interface:drop_destroy_item_quantity_modal:sheet'))" />
4400     <!-- set default quantity to 1 -->
4401     <action handler="set"
4402             params="dblink=UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM:QUANTITY|value=1" />
4403     <!-- if the item is stackable, popup a menu to select the number of item to drop/destroy, else, directly drop/destroy the item (after confirmation)-->
4404     <action cond="isStackable(getMenuItemSheet())"
4405             handler="enter_modal"
4406             params="group=ui:interface:drop_destroy_item_quantity_modal" />
4407     <action cond="not(isStackable(getMenuItemSheet()))"
4408             handler="enter_modal"
4409             params="group=ui:interface:drop_destroy_item_confirm_modal" />
4410   </proc>
4411   <!-- proc to setup modal box to choose the number of item to drop/destroy -->
4412   <proc id="setup_drop_destroy_item_modal">
4413     <!-- copy the max number of items into the edit box (start value that is displayed), and the db -->
4414     <action handler="set"
4415             params="dblink=UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM:QUANTITY|value=getSheetQuantity(getMenuItemSheet())" />
4416     <action handler="set"
4417             params="target_property=ui:interface:drop_destroy_item_quantity_modal:edit:eb:input_string|value=getSheetQuantity(getMenuItemSheet())" />
4418     <!-- set keyboard focus on the edit box -->
4419     <action handler="set_keyboard_focus"
4420             params="select_all=true|target=ui:interface:drop_destroy_item_quantity_modal:edit:eb" />
4421   </proc>
4422   <!-- proc that is called when the user has given the number of item to drop/destroy -->
4423   <proc id="drop_destroy_item_quantity_modal_ok">
4424     <!-- close the modal -->
4425     <action handler="leave_modal"
4426             params="" />
4427     <!-- clamp the number of item to drop/destroy -->
4428     <action handler="set"
4429             params="dblink=UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM:QUANTITY|value=min(getSheetQuantity(getMenuItemSheet()), @@UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM:QUANTITY)" />
4430     <!-- call the modal to confirm the choice -->
4431     <action cond="ne(@UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM:QUANTITY, 0)"
4432             handler="enter_modal"
4433             params="group=ui:interface:drop_destroy_item_confirm_modal" />
4434   </proc>
4435   <!-- temp variables -->
4436   <variable entry="UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM:SHEET"
4437             type="sint64"
4438             value="0" />
4439   <variable entry="UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM:QUANTITY"
4440             type="sint64"
4441             value="0" />
4442   <variable entry="UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM:QUALITY"
4443             type="sint64"
4444             value="0" />
4445   <variable entry="UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM:USER_COLOR"
4446             type="sint64"
4447             value="0" />
4448   <variable entry="UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM:LOCKED"
4449             type="sint64"
4450             value="0" />
4451   <variable entry="UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM:WEIGHT"
4452             type="sint64"
4453             value="0" />
4454   <variable entry="UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM:NAMEID"
4455             type="sint64"
4456             value="0" />
4458             type="sint64"
4459             value="0" />
4460   <variable entry="UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM:ENCHANT"
4461             type="sint32"
4462             value="0" />
4463   <variable entry="UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM:RM_CLASS_TYPE"
4464             type="sint32"
4465             value="0" />
4467             type="sint32"
4468             value="0" />
4470             type="sint32"
4471             value="0" />
4472   <!-- drop or destroy/mode -->
4473   <variable entry="UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:DROP_MODE"
4474             type="sint64"
4475             value="0" />
4476   <!-- modal box to choose the number of item to drop/destroy -->
4477   <group type="modal"
4478          id="drop_destroy_item_quantity_modal"
4479          exit_click_out="true"
4480          posref="TL TL"
4481          w="180"
4482          h="80"
4483          x="-8"
4484          y="8"
4485          on_active="proc"
4486          on_active_params="setup_drop_destroy_item_modal"
4487          options="skin_modal"
4488          on_enter="proc"
4489          on_enter_params="drop_destroy_item_quantity_modal_ok">
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4491           id="warning"
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4496           texture="w_warning_2.tga" />
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4503           shadow="true"
4504           hardtext="uimQuantityDestroy"
4505           global_color="false"
4506           color="233 197 42 255" />
4507     <view type="text"
4508           id="drop_text"
4509           posref="TL TL"
4510           x="20"
4511           y="-5"
4512           fontsize="12"
4513           shadow="true"
4514           hardtext="uimQuantityDrop"
4515           global_color="false"
4516           color="233 197 42 255" />
4517     <ctrl type="sheet"
4518           id="sheet"
4519           value="UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM"
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4522           x="-26"
4523           y="0" />
4524     <view type="text"
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4532           shadow="true"
4533           hardtext="X" />
4534     <instance template="edit_box_widget"
4535               entry_type="positive_integer"
4536               id="edit"
4537               text_ref="TR TR"
4538               text_y="0"
4539               fontsize="12"
4540               posparent="sheet"
4541               posref="MR ML"
4542               x="16"
4543               text_x="-2"
4544               w="32"
4545               prompt=""
4546               enter_loose_focus="false"
4547               multi_line="false"
4548               max_num_chars="3"
4549               onchange="editbox_number"
4550               onchange_params="value=UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM:QUANTITY|update_text=false"
4551               onenter="proc"
4552               params="drop_destroy_item_quantity_modal_ok"
4553               max_historic="0" />
4554     <instance template="button_ok_cancel"
4555               posref="BR BR"
4556               x="-4"
4557               y="4"
4558               onclick_ok="proc"
4559               onclick_ok_param="drop_destroy_item_quantity_modal_ok"
4560               onclick_cancel="leave_modal"
4561               onclick_cancel_param="" />
4562     <!-- link to display the right text (drop or destroy) -->
4563     <link expr="eq(@UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:DROP_MODE, 1)"
4564           target="drop_text:active" />
4565     <link expr="ne(@UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:DROP_MODE, 1)"
4566           target="destroy_text:active" />
4567   </group>
4568   <!-- confirm drop/destroy item -->
4569   <proc id="confirm_drop_destroy_item">
4570     <action handler="leave_modal"
4571             params="" />
4572     <action cond="eq(@UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:DROP_MODE, 1)"
4573             handler="drop_item"
4574             params="quantity=@@UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM:QUANTITY" />
4575     <action cond="ne(@UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:DROP_MODE, 1)"
4576             handler="destroy_item"
4577             params="quantity=@@UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM:QUANTITY" />
4578   </proc>
4579   <!-- modal box to confirm destruction of the item -->
4580   <group type="modal"
4581          id="drop_destroy_item_confirm_modal"
4582          exit_click_out="true"
4583          posref="TL TL"
4584          x="-8"
4585          y="8"
4586          w="104"
4587          h="96"
4588          on_enter="proc"
4589          options="skin_modal"
4590          on_enter_params="confirm_drop_destroy_item">
4591     <view type="bitmap"
4592           id="warning"
4593           posref="TL TL"
4594           x="4"
4595           y="-4"
4596           global_color="false"
4597           texture="w_warning_2.tga" />
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4599           id="destroy_text"
4600           posref="TL TL"
4601           x="20"
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4606           global_color="false"
4607           hardtext="uimDestroy" />
4608     <view type="text"
4609           id="drop_text"
4610           posref="TL TL"
4611           x="20"
4612           y="-5"
4613           color="233 197 42 255"
4614           fontsize="12"
4615           shadow="true"
4616           global_color="false"
4617           hardtext="uimDrop" />
4618     <ctrl type="sheet"
4619           id="sheet"
4620           value="UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM"
4621           posparent="parent"
4622           posref="MM MM"
4623           y="0"
4624           x="0"
4625           use_quantity="false" />
4626     <view type="text"
4627           id="disp_number"
4628           posref="MR MM"
4629           posparent="sheet"
4630           x="16"
4631           y="-1"
4632           color="255 255 255 255"
4633           fontsize="12"
4634           shadow="true"
4635           global_color="false"
4636           hardtext="" />
4637     <!-- link to display the right number of item -->
4638     <link expr="ifthenelse(eq(@UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM:QUANTITY, 1), '', str('x', @UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM:QUANTITY))"
4639           target="disp_number:hardtext" />
4640     <link expr="ifthenelse(eq(@UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:ITEM:QUANTITY, 1), 0, -10)"
4641           target="sheet:x" />
4642     <instance template="button_ok_cancel"
4643               posref="BR BR"
4644               x="-4"
4645               y="4"
4646               onclick_ok="proc"
4647               onclick_ok_param="confirm_drop_destroy_item"
4648               onclick_cancel="leave_modal"
4649               onclick_cancel_param="" />
4650     <!-- link to display the right text (drop or destroy) -->
4651     <link expr="eq(@UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:DROP_MODE, 1)"
4652           target="drop_text:active" />
4653     <link expr="ne(@UI:DROP_DESTROY_ITEM:DROP_MODE, 1)"
4654           target="destroy_text:active" />
4655   </group>
4656   <!-- ********************************************************* -->
4658   <!-- ********************************************************* -->
4659   <proc id="memorize_inventory_state">
4660     <!-- memorize previous state -->
4661     <!-- <action handler="set" params="dblink=%bag1_open_value|value=isOpen('ui:interface:userbag1')"/>
4662         <action handler="set" params="dblink=%bag2_open_value|value=isOpen('ui:interface:userbag2')"/>
4663         <action handler="set" params="dblink=%bag3_open_value|value=isOpen('ui:interface:userbag3')"/>
4664         <action handler="set" params="dblink=%bag4_open_value|value=isOpen('ui:interface:userbag4')"/>
4665         <action handler="set" params="dblink=%bags_open_value|value=isOpen('ui:interface:userbags')"/>
4666         <action handler="set" params="dblink=%player_open_value|value=isOpen('ui:interface:player')"/>
4667         <action handler="set" params="dblink=%money_open_value|value=isOpen('ui:interface:usermoney')"/> -->
4668     <action handler="set"
4669             params="dblink=%inventory_open_value|value=isOpen('ui:interface:inventory')" />
4670     <!-- force to open the inventory -->
4671     <!-- <action handler="set_open" cond="le(1,@%bag_nb)" params="target=ui:interface:userbags|open='true'"/>
4672         <action handler="set_open" cond="le(1,@%bag_nb)" params="target=ui:interface:userbag1|open='true'"/>    
4673         <action handler="set_open" cond="le(2,@%bag_nb)" params="target=ui:interface:userbag2|open='true'"/>
4674         <action handler="set_open" cond="le(3,@%bag_nb)" params="target=ui:interface:userbag3|open='true'"/>
4675         <action handler="set_open" cond="le(4,@%bag_nb)" params="target=ui:interface:userbag4|open='true'"/>
4676         <action handler="set_open" params="target=ui:interface:player|open='true'"/>
4677         <action handler="set_open" params="target=ui:interface:usermoney|open='true'"/> -->
4678     <action handler="set_open"
4679             params="target=ui:interface:inventory|open='true'" />
4680     <!-- reset flag to see if the user has opened the inventory -->
4681     <!--<action handler="set" params="dblink=%bag1_touched|value=0"/>
4682         <action handler="set" params="dblink=%bag2_touched|value=0"/>
4683         <action handler="set" params="dblink=%bag3_touched|value=0"/>
4684         <action handler="set" params="dblink=%bag4_touched|value=0"/>
4685         <action handler="set" params="dblink=%bags_touched|value=0"/>
4686         <action handler="set" params="dblink=%player_touched|value=0"/>
4687         <action handler="set" params="dblink=%money_touched|value=0"/>-->
4688     <action handler="set"
4689             params="dblink=%inventory_touched|value=0" />
4690   </proc>
4691   <proc id="restore_inventory_state">
4692     <!--<action handler="set_open" cond="and(eq(@%bag1_touched, 0), le(1,@%bag_nb))" params="target=ui:interface:userbag1|open=@@%bag1_open_value"/>
4693         <action handler="set_open" cond="and(eq(@%bag2_touched, 0), le(2,@%bag_nb))" params="target=ui:interface:userbag2|open=@@%bag2_open_value"/>
4694         <action handler="set_open" cond="and(eq(@%bag3_touched, 0), le(3,@%bag_nb))" params="target=ui:interface:userbag3|open=@@%bag3_open_value"/>
4695         <action handler="set_open" cond="and(eq(@%bag4_touched, 0), le(4,@%bag_nb))" params="target=ui:interface:userbag4|open=@@%bag4_open_value"/>
4696         <action handler="set_open" cond="and(eq(@%bags_touched, 0), le(1,@%bag_nb))" params="target=ui:interface:userbags|open=@@%bags_open_value"/>    
4697         <action handler="set_open" cond="eq(@%player_touched, 0)" params="target=ui:interface:player|open=@@%player_open_value"/>
4698         <action handler="set_open" cond="eq(@%money_touched, 0)" params="target=ui:interface:usermoney|open=@@%money_open_value"/>-->
4699     <action handler="set_open"
4700             cond="eq(@%inventory_touched, 0)"
4701             params="target=ui:interface:inventory|open=@@%inventory_open_value" />
4702   </proc>
4703   <!-- modal box -->
4704   <template name="modal_border"
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4735     <view type="bitmap"
4736           id="bb"
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4742           w="-8"
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4763   <!-- *************************** -->
4764   <!-- *  COMBO BOX DEFINITIONS  * -->
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4766   <!-- the modal Menu opened on a combo box 's click -->
4767   <group type="menu"
4768          id="combo_box_select_menu"
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4773          space="2"
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4777          color_over="255 255 255 255"
4778          shadow_color_over="0 0 0 255"
4779          color_grayed="0 0 0 255"
4780          shadow_color_grayed="155 155 155 255"
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4784   <group type="menu"
4785          id="combo_box_measure_menu"
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4787          x="0"
4788          y="0"
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4790          mouse_pos="false"
4791          space="2"
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4796          shadow_color_over="0 0 0 255"
4797          color_grayed="0 0 0 255"
4798          shadow_color_grayed="155 155 155 255"
4799          fontsize="12"
4800          highlight_over="255 255 255 128"
4801          force_inside_screen="true" />
4802   <!-- the common children definitions of a combo box -->
4803   <!-- keep is true because this template is used in the teditcmd template -->
4804   <template name="combo_box_def1"
4805             keep="true"
4806             render_layer="0">
4807     <!-- DECORATION -->
4808     <instance template="box_widget"
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4812               w="0"
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4814     <view type="bitmap"
4815           render_layer="#render_layer"
4816           id="arrow"
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4818           x="-4"
4819           texture="W_arrow_down_2.tga" />
4820     <!-- SYSTEM -->
4821     <view type="text"
4822           id="text"
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4826     <ctrl type="button"
4827           render_layer="#render_layer"
4828           button_type="push_button"
4829           id="select"
4830           sizeref="wh"
4831           w="0"
4832           h="0"
4833           col_over="255 255 255 90"
4834           tx_over="blank.tga"
4835           scale="true" />
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4837   <!-- ******************* -->
4838   <!-- *    STYLES       * -->
4839   <!-- ******************* -->
4840   <!-- Common Style of a Modal Container. user should define 
4841         - the "modal_parent" window
4842         - and the "on_enter" ActionHandler to support all "Modal Container"     aspects.
4844   <style style="container_modal"
4845          type="container"
4846          movable="true"
4847          resizer="false"
4848          global_color="false"
4849          openable="false"
4850          opened="true"
4851          active="false"
4852          escapable="true"
4853          right_button="true" />
4854   <!-- Common Style for an OK Button. User should define:
4855         - "onclick_l" and "params_l"
4856         - x, y, posparent and posref
4858   <style style="button_ok"
4859          type="text_button"
4860          id="ok"
4861          button_type="push_button"
4862          tx_normal="w_text_button_normal"
4863          tx_pushed="w_text_button_pushed"
4864          tx_over="w_text_button_over"
4865          global_color_normal="true"
4866          global_color_over="true"
4867          global_color_pushed="true"
4868          text_y="0"
4869          fontsize="10"
4870          shadow="true"
4871          case_mode="%case_upper"
4872          wmargin="8" />
4873   <!-- Common Style for a Cancel Button. By default positioned according to the "ok" button. User should define:
4874         - "onclick_l" and "params_l"
4876   <style style="button_cancel"
4877          type="text_button"
4878          id="cancel"
4879          button_type="push_button"
4880          tx_normal="w_text_button_normal"
4881          tx_pushed="w_text_button_pushed"
4882          tx_over="w_text_button_over"
4883          global_color_normal="true"
4884          global_color_over="true"
4885          global_color_pushed="true"
4886          text_y="0"
4887          fontsize="10"
4888          shadow="true"
4889          case_mode="%case_upper"
4890          wmargin="8" />
4891   <!-- Group of two ok, cancel buttons
4893   <template name="button_ok_cancel"
4894             id="ok_cancel"
4895             ok_text="uittOK"
4896             cancel_text="uittCancel"
4897             posparent="parent"
4898             posref="BM TM"
4899             onclick_ok=""
4900             onclick_ok_param=""
4901             onclick_cancel=""
4902             onclick_cancel_param=""
4903             x="0"
4904             y="0"
4905             keep="true"
4906             tooltip_ok=""
4907             avoid_resize_parent="false">
4908     <group id="#id"
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4912            child_resize_h="true"
4913            x="#x"
4914            y="#y"
4915            avoid_resize_parent="#avoid_resize_parent">
4916       <ctrl style="button_ok"
4917             x="0"
4918             y="0"
4919             posref="TL TL"
4920             text_y="0"
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4922             params_l="#onclick_ok_param"
4923             hardtext="#ok_text"
4924             tooltip="#tooltip_ok" />
4925       <ctrl style="button_cancel"
4926             x="4"
4927             posparent="ok"
4928             text_y="0"
4929             posref="TR TL"
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4931             params_l="#onclick_cancel_param"
4932             hardtext="#cancel_text" />
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4934   </template>
4935   <!-- Common Style for a Close Button.
4937   <style style="button_close"
4938          type="button"
4939          id="close"
4940          button_type="push_button"
4941          posref="TR TR"
4942          x="0"
4943          y="0"
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4945          tx_pushed="W_close_1.tga"
4946          tx_over="W_button_12_over.tga"
4947          global_color_normal="false"
4948          global_color_pushed="false" />
4949   <!-- Common Style for a text Button. User should define:
4950         - id
4951         - hardtext
4952         - "onclick_l" and "params_l"
4953         - x, y, posparent and posref
4955   <style style="text_button_16"
4956          type="text_button"
4957          button_type="push_button"
4958          tx_normal="w_text_button_normal"
4959          tx_pushed="w_text_button_pushed"
4960          tx_over="w_text_button_over"
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4962          global_color_over="true"
4963          global_color_pushed="true"
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4967          case_mode="%case_upper"
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4970          text_color_pushed="255 255 255 255"
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4972   <style style="text_button_header"
4973          type="text_button"
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4976          tx_pushed="w_text_button_pushed"
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4978          text_y="0"
4979          fontsize="10"
4980          shadow="true"
4981          case_mode="%case_upper"
4982          wmargin="8"
4983          text_color_normal="255 255 255 128"
4984          text_color_pushed="255 255 255 255"
4985          text_color_over="255 255 255 255"
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4987          global_color_over="false"
4988          global_color_pushed="false"
4989          text_global_color_normal="false"
4990          text_global_color_pushed="false"
4991          text_global_color_over="false"
4992          text_header_color="true" />
4993   <style style="new_element_header"
4994          type="text_button"
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5000          global_color_over="true"
5001          global_color_pushed="true"
5002          text_y="0"
5003          fontsize="10"
5004          shadow="true"
5005          case_mode="%case_upper"
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5008          text_global_color_pushed="true"
5009          text_global_color_over="true"
5010          text_color_normal="255 255 255 128"
5011          text_color_pushed="255 255 255 255"
5012          text_color_over="255 255 255 255"
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5014   <style style="new_element_content"
5015          type="text_button"
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5017          tx_normal="w_text_button_normal"
5018          tx_pushed="w_text_button_pushed"
5019          tx_over="w_text_button_over"
5020          text_y="0"
5021          fontsize="10"
5022          shadow="true"
5023          case_mode="%case_upper"
5024          wmargin="8"
5025          global_color_normal="true"
5026          global_color_over="true"
5027          global_color_pushed="true"
5028          text_global_color_normal="true"
5029          text_global_color_pushed="true"
5030          text_global_color_over="true"
5031          text_color_normal="255 255 255 128"
5032          text_color_pushed="255 255 255 255"
5033          text_color_over="255 255 255 255" />
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5041          wmargin="8"
5042          global_color_normal="true"
5043          global_color_over="true"
5044          global_color_pushed="false"
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5050          shadow="true"
5051          text_color_normal="255 255 255 255"
5052          text_color_pushed="255 255 255 255"
5053          text_color_over="255 255 255 255"
5054          text_shadow_color_normal="0 0 0 255"
5055          text_shadow_color_pushed="0 0 0 255"
5056          text_shadow_color_over="0 0 0 255"
5057          text_global_color_normal="true"
5058          text_global_color_pushed="false"
5059          text_global_color_over="false" />
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5062          button_type="radio_button"
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5065          tx_over="qh_off"
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5067          wmargin="8"
5068          global_color_normal="true"
5069          global_color_over="true"
5070          global_color_pushed="false"
5071          color="255 255 255 128"
5072          col_over="255 255 255 0"
5073          col_pushed="255 190 0 192"
5074          text_y="0"
5075          fontsize="12"
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5077          text_color_normal="255 255 255 160"
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5079          text_color_over="255 255 255 255"
5080          text_shadow_color_normal="0 0 0 255"
5081          text_shadow_color_pushed="0 0 0 255"
5082          text_shadow_color_over="0 0 0 255"
5083          text_global_color_normal="true"
5084          text_global_color_pushed="false"
5085          text_global_color_over="false" />
5086   <style style="defense_button"
5087          type="button"
5088          button_type="radio_button"
5089          tx_normal="W_slot_item_selected.tga"
5090          tx_pushed="W_slot_item_selected.tga"
5091          tx_over="W_slot_item_selected.tga"
5092          color="255 255 255 0"
5093          col_over="255 255 255 255"
5094          col_pushed="255 190 0 255"
5095          global_color_normal="true"
5096          global_color_over="true"
5097          global_color_pushed="false" />
5098   <style style="quit_button"
5099          type="text_button"
5100          button_type="push_button"
5101          tx_normal="Quit_button_normal"
5102          tx_pushed="Quit_button_pushed"
5103          tx_over="Quit_button_over"
5104          wmargin="12"
5105          global_color_normal="false"
5106          global_color_over="false"
5107          global_color_pushed="false"
5108          color="255 255 255 255"
5109          col_over="255 255 255 255"
5110          col_pushed="255 255 255 255"
5111          text_y="0"
5112          fontsize="14"
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5114          text_color_pushed="255 255 255 255"
5115          text_color_over="255 255 255 255"
5116          text_shadow_color_normal="0 0 0 255"
5117          text_shadow_color_pushed="0 0 0 255"
5118          text_shadow_color_over="0 0 0 255"
5119          text_global_color_normal="false"
5120          text_global_color_pushed="false"
5121          text_global_color_over="false" />
5122   <!-- Common Style for a Tab Button. User should define:
5123         - id: eg "tab1"
5124         - posparent: eg "tab0"
5125         - hardtext
5126         - x="0" and posref="TL TL" for tab0
5128   <style style="tab_button_16"
5129          type="tab_button"
5130          button_type="radio_button"
5131          x="-2"
5132          posref="TR TL"
5133          tx_normal="w_text_button_normal"
5134          tx_pushed="w_text_button_pushed"
5135          tx_over="w_text_button_over"
5136          global_color_normal="true"
5137          global_color_over="true"
5138          global_color_pushed="true"
5139          text_y="0"
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5142          case_mode="%case_upper"
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5144          text_color_normal="255 255 255 128"
5145          text_color_pushed="255 255 255 255"
5146          text_color_over="255 255 255 255" />
5147   <style style="tab_button_new"
5148          type="tab_button"
5149          button_type="radio_button"
5150          x="0"
5151          posref="TR TL"
5152          tx_normal="w_tab_normal"
5153          tx_pushed="w_tab_pushed"
5154          tx_over="w_tab_over"
5155          global_color_normal="true"
5156          global_color_over="true"
5157          global_color_pushed="true"
5158          color="255 255 255 255"
5159          col_over="255 255 255 255"
5160          col_pushed="255 255 255 255"
5161          text_y="0"
5162          fontsize="10"
5163          shadow="true"
5164          case_mode="%case_upper"
5165          wmargin="8"
5166          text_color_normal="255 255 255 128"
5167          text_color_pushed="255 255 255 255"
5168          text_color_over="255 255 255 255"
5169          text_global_color_normal="true"
5170          text_global_color_pushed="false"
5171          text_global_color_over="true" />
5172   <!-- **************** -->
5173   <!-- *  MESSAGE BOX * -->
5174   <!-- **************** -->
5175   <!-- Simple Message Box with just a OK button -->
5176   <group type="modal"
5177          id="message_box"
5178          exit_click_out="true"
5179          posref="MM MM"
5180          w="250"
5181          child_resize_h="true"
5182          child_resize_hmargin="46"
5183          on_enter="leave_modal"
5184          options="skin_modal">
5185     <view type="text"
5186           id="text"
5187           posref="TL TL"
5188           line_maxw="234"
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5191           w="0"
5192           h="0"
5193           color="255 255 255 255"
5194           fontsize="12"
5195           shadow="true"
5196           multi_line="true"
5197           multi_line_space="0"
5198           case_mode="%case_first_sentence_letter_up" />
5199     <ctrl style="button_ok"
5200           posref="BM BM"
5201           x="0"
5202           y="8"
5203           onclick_l="leave_modal"
5204           hardtext="uittOK"
5205           avoid_resize_parent="true" />
5206   </group>
5207   <!-- Message Box with just a OK/Browse Faq button -->
5208   <proc id="proc_browse_faq">
5209     <!--
5210         NB : do not leave the window here, this way the user can refer to the message in the help message box
5211         <action handler="leave_modal" />
5212         -->
5213     <action handler="browse_faq"
5214             params="" />
5215   </proc>
5216   <proc id="proc_message_box_with_help_ok">
5217     <action handler="leave_modal" />
5218     <!-- must leave modal first if another modal is to be displayed after this one -->
5219     <action handler=""
5220             params="" />
5221   </proc>
5222   <group type="modal"
5223          id="message_box_with_help"
5224          exit_click_out="false"
5225          posref="MM MM"
5226          w="250"
5227          child_resize_h="true"
5228          child_resize_hmargin="46"
5229          on_enter="proc"
5230          on_enter_params="proc_message_box_with_help_ok"
5231          on_deactive="proc"
5232          on_deactive_params="proc_message_box_with_help_ok"
5233          escapable="true"
5234          options="skin_modal">
5235     <view type="text"
5236           id="text"
5237           posref="TL TL"
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5278     <!-- must leave modal first if another modal is to be displayed after this one -->
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5341   <!-- ********************************** -->
5342   <!-- * SERVER IMPORTANT MESSAGE BOX   * -->
5343   <!-- ********************************** -->
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5397       <!-- Choice -->
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5409   <!-- ********************* -->
5410   <!-- *  ITEM/BRICK HELP  * -->
5411   <!-- ********************* -->
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5454             value="0"
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5457             type="sint32"
5458             value="0"
5459             size="%MAX_HELP_WINDOW" />
5460   <!-- Variables for Sheet Help Bricks Widget -->
5461   <template name="help_def_bricks"
5462             index="">
5463     <variable entry="UI:glob_var:help:$i:BRICKS:#index:SHEET"
5464               type="sint32"
5465               value="0"
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5467   </template>
5468   <vector template="help_def_bricks"
5469           index="$i"
5470           _size="64" />
5471   <!-- Same for requirement Bricks -->
5472   <template name="help_def_req_bricks"
5473             index="">
5474     <variable entry="UI:glob_var:help:$i:REQ_BRICKS:#index:SHEET"
5475               type="sint32"
5476               value="0"
5477               size="%MAX_HELP_WINDOW" />
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5480               value="0"
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5482   </template>
5483   <vector template="help_def_req_bricks"
5484           index="$i"
5485           _size="64" />
5486   <!-- Same for item list -->
5487   <template name="help_def_items"
5488             index="">
5489     <variable entry="UI:glob_var:help:$i:BUILD_ITEMS:#index:SHEET"
5490               type="sint32"
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5503               value="0"
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5507               value="0"
5508               size="%MAX_HELP_WINDOW" />
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5511               value="0"
5512               size="%MAX_HELP_WINDOW" />
5513     <variable entry="UI:glob_var:help:$i:BUILD_ITEMS:#index:INFO_VERSION"
5514               type="sint32"
5515               value="0"
5516               size="%MAX_HELP_WINDOW" />
5517     <variable entry="UI:glob_var:help:$i:BUILD_ITEMS:#index:ENCHANT"
5518               type="sint32"
5519               value="0"
5520               size="%MAX_HELP_WINDOW" />
5521     <variable entry="UI:glob_var:help:$i:BUILD_ITEMS:#index:RM_CLASS_TYPE"
5522               type="sint32"
5523               value="0"
5524               size="%MAX_HELP_WINDOW" />
5525     <variable entry="UI:glob_var:help:$i:BUILD_ITEMS:#index:RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE"
5526               type="sint32"
5527               value="0"
5528               size="%MAX_HELP_WINDOW" />
5529     <variable entry="UI:glob_var:help:$i:BUILD_ITEMS:#index:PREREQUISIT_VALID"
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5531               value="0"
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5535           index="$i"
5536           _size="64" />
5537   <!-- Variables for Sheet Help: Mps -->
5538   <variable entry="UI:glob_var:help:$i:MP_ITEM_PART_CHOICE"
5539             type="sint32"
5540             value="0"
5541             size="%MAX_HELP_WINDOW" />
5542   <!-- Stat Craft Mp template -->
5543   <define id="MAX_STAT_MP_CRAFT"
5544           value="20" />
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5546             id=""
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5550             posref="">
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5555            y="#y"
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5571   </template>
5572   <!-- Template for MP statistics (used in info and in botchat validation) -->
5573   <template name="template_info_mp_stats"
5574             id=""
5575             posparent=""
5576             dbcombo=""
5577             cb_handler=""
5578             cb_params="">
5579     <group id="mp_stats"
5580            sizeparent="parent"
5581            sizeref="w"
5582            w="-12"
5583            child_resize_h="true"
5584            child_resize_hmargin="8"
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5586            posref="BL TL"
5587            x="0"
5588            y="0">
5589       <!-- main combo to select the item part to watch -->
5590       <group type="combo_box"
5591              id="item_part_choice"
5592              w="200"
5593              h="20"
5594              value="#dbcombo"
5595              posref="TM TM"
5596              x="0"
5597              y="-4">
5598         <instance template="combo_box_def1" />
5599       </group>
5600       <link expr="@#dbcombo"
5601             action="#cb_handler"
5602             params="#cb_params" />
5603       <!-- The item part info Icon -->
5604       <view type="bitmap"
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5610             y="0"
5611             w="24"
5612             h="24"
5613             global_color="false" />
5614       <!-- header text for this item part -->
5615       <view type="text"
5616             id="text"
5617             multi_line="true"
5618             multi_line_space="0"
5619             posref="TL TL"
5620             x="0"
5621             y="-32" />
5622       <!-- stats -->
5623       <vector template="template_mp_stat"
5624               id="stat$i"
5625               _size="%MAX_STAT_MP_CRAFT"
5626               _firstpos="BL TL"
5627               _xfirst="0"
5628               _yfirst="-6"
5629               _nextpos="BL TL" />
5630     </group>
5631   </template>
5632   <!-- There can be 2 list of bricks in the Action Help: phrase descritopn, and Brick requirements. (Used in info and botchat validation) -->
5633   <template name="template_info_list_brick"
5634             type=""
5635             id=""
5636             posparent=""
5637             param_deltax=""
5638             force_keep=""
5639             brickdb=""
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5642             child_resize_wmargin="0"
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5645             xcost="215"
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5647             global_color="true">
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5655            child_resize_h="true"
5656            child_resize_hmargin="8"
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5658            posref="BL TL"
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5660            y="0"
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5663            xtext="32"
5664            ytext="-2"
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5666            ycost="-8"
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5676            brick_over="false"
5677            onclick_r="open_sbrick_help"
5678            params_r="force_keep=#force_keep"
5679            over_color="%bot_chat_sheet_selection_normal"
5680            over_col_pushed="%bot_chat_sheet_selection_pushed"
5681            over_col_over="%bot_chat_sheet_selection_over"
5682            color="255 255 255 255"
5683            global_color="#global_color"
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5685            shadow="true"
5686            multi_line="true"
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5688            multi_line_space="0"
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5690       <!-- the scroll -->
5691       <ctrl style="skin_scroll"
5692             id="scroll_row"
5693             posref="TL TL"
5694             y="-2" />
5695       <!-- the group to scroll NO SCROLL (caller scroll) -->
5696       <group id="list"
5697              sizeref="#sizeref"
5698              child_resize_w="#child_resize_w"
5699              posref="TL TL"
5700              max_h="10000"
5701              x="8"
5702              y="0"
5703              w="-8"
5704              h="0"
5705              global_color="#global_color" />
5706     </group>
5707   </template>
5708   <!-- There can be 1 list of items: items built by a buuilding  -->
5709   <template name="template_info_list_item"
5710             type=""
5711             id=""
5712             posparent=""
5713             force_keep=""
5714             itemdb=""
5715             auto_grayed="false">
5716     <group type="#type"
5717            id="#id"
5718            sizeparent="parent"
5719            sizeref="w"
5720            w="-12"
5721            child_resize_h="true"
5722            child_resize_hmargin="8"
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5728            yitem="-2"
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5730            ytext="-2"
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5736            gray_text_with_ctrl="#auto_grayed"
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5739            nature="item"
5740            onclick_r="open_item_help"
5741            params_r="force_keep=#force_keep"
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5756       <!-- the group to scroll NO SCROLL (caller scroll) -->
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5790     <action handler="set"
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5793             params="target_property=ui:interface:@0:content:scroll_text:text_list:char3d:scene:camface:tgtz|value=add(0.16,getprop('ui:interface:@0:content:scroll_text:text_list:char3d:scene:char:headz'))" />
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5795   <!-- The Sheet (item/brick) Help Widget -->
5796   <!-- if you change w="296", change also the line_maxw of id="text" below -->
5797   <template name="sheet_help"
5798             id=""
5799             index="">
5800     <group type="container"
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5834         <!-- The INFO icon
5835                         <view type="bitmap" id="ico" texture="W_user_info.tga" posref="ML ML" x="0" y="0" global_color="false" />
5836                         -->
5837         <!-- The "PUNAISE" button -->
5838         <ctrl type="button"
5839               button_type="toggle_button"
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5843               y="0"
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5848               global_color_pushed="false"
5849               global_color_over="false"
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5853         <!--            
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5855                         -->
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5864         <!-- Item is in auto mode -->
5865         <ctrl type="sheet"
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5872               y="-10"
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5874         <view type="text_id"
5875               id="creator"
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5882               id="creator_header"
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5888         <!-- the scroll text (with only one text) -->
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5895                child_resize_hmargin="8">
5896           <instance template="inner_thin_border_group" />
5897           <group id="minh"
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5899                  x="0"
5900                  y="0"
5901                  w="1"
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5904                  posref="TL TL"
5905                  x="16"
5906                  y="-4"
5907                  sizeref="w"
5908                  w="-16"
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5910                  max_h="392">
5911             <!-- the line_maxw is set up so the text does not override the Ctrl Sheet on the right (or not so much...) -->
5912             <view type="text"
5913                   id="text"
5914                   multi_line="true"
5915                   line_maxw="226"
5916                   multi_line_space="0"
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5918             <!-- for item, pacts, .. -->
5919             <!-- For Phrases and title requirement only. 2 lists and a header for the second list -->
5920             <instance template="template_info_list_brick"
5921                       type="list_sheet_text"
5922                       id="list_brick_requirement"
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5924                       brickdb="UI:glob_var:help:#index:REQ_BRICKS"
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5928             <view type="text"
5929                   id="list_brick_header"
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5931                   multi_line_space="0"
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5935             <instance template="template_info_list_brick"
5936                       type="list_sheet_compo_brick"
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5938                       force_keep="#index"
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5940                       posparent="list_brick_header"
5941                       param_deltax="13"
5942                       auto_grayed="false" />
5943             <!-- For raw materials only. group to display stats -->
5944             <instance template="template_info_mp_stats"
5945                       cb_handler="item_help_mp_change_item_part"
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5948                       dbcombo="UI:glob_var:help:#index:MP_ITEM_PART_CHOICE" />
5949             <!-- For outpost building, list of items this building build -->
5950             <instance template="template_info_list_item"
5951                       type="list_sheet_text"
5952                       id="list_item"
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5955                       posparent="text" />
5956             <!-- For Cosmetic only 3D preview -->
5957             <group id="char3d"
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5963                    y="-46">
5964               <instance template="box_widget"
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5967                         sizeref="wh"
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5969                         h="0"
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5971                         y="0"
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5999                        roty_limit_max="15"
6000                        dist_factor="0.005"
6001                        dist_limit_min="4.0"
6002                        dist_limit_max="6.0"
6003                        ambient="128 96 64"
6004                        sun_ambient="0 0 0"
6005                        sun_diffuse="255 255 196"
6006                        sun_specular="0 0 0"
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6028             </group>
6030             <!-- Item preview 3D window -->
6032             <group id="item_preview"
6033                    posref="TL TL"
6034                    sizeref="w"
6035                    w="200"
6036                    h="300"
6037                    x="0"
6038                    y="-60">
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6041                        sizeref="wh"
6042                        w="-2"
6043                        h="-2"
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6045                        x="1"
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6058                        dist_limit_max="80.0" >
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6066                         fov="5" 
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6069                         roll="0" />
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6087         <!-- the scroll text id (use for missions) -->
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6091                y="-6"
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6096           <group id="minh"
6097                  posref="TL TL"
6098                  x="0"
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6136             <!-- for item, pacts, .. -->
6137             <view type="text"
6138                   id="text_mission_prereq"
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6144             <!-- must do the first in special way -->
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6185   <!-- ***************** -->
6186   <!-- *  COMMON RULES * -->
6187   <!-- ***************** -->
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6193   <!-- *  INVENTORIES COMMON STUFF  * -->
6194   <!-- ****************************** -->
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6219          pop_max_h="1600"
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6246               id="weight"
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6248               x="0"
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6250               global_color="false" />
6251         <view type="text"
6252               id="weight_txt"
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6254               posref="ML MR"
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6256               x="-2"
6257               color="255 255 255 255"
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6259               shadow="true"
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6261         <instance template="text_tt"
6262                   tooltip="uittInventoryWeight"
6263                   posparent="weight_txt" />
6264         <link expr="identity(getItemsWeight('#inv_branch',0,#inv_branch_nb),@#inv_branch)"
6265               target="weight_txt:hardtext" />
6266         <view type="bar"
6267               id="encombrement"
6268               mini="true"
6269               posref="MR MR"
6270               x="-48"
6271               range="#inv_bulk_max"
6272               color="%bulk_color" />
6273         <ctrl type="tooltip"
6274               id="encombrement_tt"
6275               posparent="encombrement"
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6277               w="0"
6278               h="0"
6279               on_tooltip="get_tt_bulk"
6280               on_tooltip_params="dbbranch=#inv_branch|dbmax=#inv_bulk_max" />
6281         <link expr="identity(getItemsBulk('#inv_branch',0,#inv_branch_nb),@#inv_branch)"
6282               target="encombrement:value" />
6283       </group>
6284       <view type="text"
6285             id="slots_nb"
6286             posparent="bulk_weight"
6287             posref="BL BR"
6288             color="255 255 255 255"
6289             global_color="false"
6290             shadow="true"
6291             fontsize="10" />
6292       <ctrl type="tooltip"
6293             id="slots_tt"
6294             posparent="slots_nb"
6295             sizeref="wh"
6296             tooltip="uittInvSlots" />
6297       <link expr="identity(getInvSlotCounts('#inv_branch'),@#inv_branch)"
6298             target="slots_nb:hardtext" />
6299       <!-- uses identity(x,@branch) to add an observer on branch -->
6300     </group>
6301   </template>
6302   <!-- onClickR on a filter -->
6303   <proc id="pinv_item_filter">
6304     <!-- Reset all filter first -->
6305     <action handler="set"
6306             params="dblink=UI:SAVE:@0:FILTER_TP|value=0" />
6307     <action handler="set"
6308             params="dblink=UI:SAVE:@0:FILTER_MISSMP|value=0" />
6309     <action handler="set"
6310             params="dblink=UI:SAVE:@0:FILTER_MP|value=0" />
6311     <action handler="set"
6312             params="dblink=UI:SAVE:@0:FILTER_TOOL|value=0" />
6313     <action handler="set"
6314             params="dblink=UI:SAVE:@0:FILTER_WEAPON|value=0" />
6315     <action handler="set"
6316             params="dblink=UI:SAVE:@0:FILTER_ARMOR|value=0" />
6317     <!-- Set the one selected -->
6318     <action handler="set"
6319             params="dblink=@1|value=1" />
6320   </proc>
6321   <!-- template for the list of items FILTERS -->
6322   <template name="tinv_item_list_filter"
6323             id=""
6324             x="0"
6325             y="0"
6326             posref="BL BL"
6327             dblink=""
6328             texture=""
6329             tooltip=""
6330             inv_type="">
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6337           tx_normal="w_button_filter_off.tga"
6338           tx_pushed="w_button_filter_on.tga"
6339           tx_over=""
6340           onclick_l="set"
6341           params_l="dblink=#dblink|value=not(@#dblink)"
6342           onclick_r="proc"
6343           params_r="pinv_item_filter|#inv_type|#dblink"
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6347           id="bit_#id"
6348           posref="TL TL"
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6351           global_color="false" />
6352     <link expr="@#dblink"
6353           target="but_#id:pushed" />
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6355   <!-- template for the mode 'icon' or 'text' (no right click) -->
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6357             id=""
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6361             dblink=""
6362             texture=""
6363             tooltip=""
6364             inv_type="">
6365     <ctrl type="button"
6366           id="but_#id"
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6371           tx_normal="w_button_filter_off.tga"
6372           tx_pushed="w_button_filter_on.tga"
6373           tx_over=""
6374           onclick_l="set"
6375           params_l="dblink=#dblink|value=not(@#dblink)"
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6379           id="bit_#id"
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6381           posparent="but_#id"
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6383           global_color="false" />
6384     <link expr="@#dblink"
6385           target="but_#id:pushed" />
6386   </template>
6387   <!-- template for the list of items -->
6388   <template name="tinv_item_list"
6389             id=""
6390             animal_status=""
6391             inv_branch_nb="256"
6392             inv_branch=""
6393             inv_type=""
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6395             posref="TL TL"
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6397             y="0"
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6401             h="0">
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6411       <!-- Bag Type -->
6412       <!-- Bags : icon list -->
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6415              array="false"
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6419              posref="TL TL"
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6421              y="0"
6422              child_resize_h="false"
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6424              maxitem="#inv_branch_nb"
6425              inv_type="#inv_type"
6426              sort_type="UI:SAVE:#inv_type:SORT_TYPE"
6427              filter_armor="UI:SAVE:#inv_type:FILTER_ARMOR"
6428              filter_weapon="UI:SAVE:#inv_type:FILTER_WEAPON"
6429              filter_tool="UI:SAVE:#inv_type:FILTER_TOOL"
6430              filter_mp="UI:SAVE:#inv_type:FILTER_MP"
6431              filter_missmp="UI:SAVE:#inv_type:FILTER_MISSMP"
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6449              bmargin="0"
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6469       <!-- Bags : detailed list -->
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6484              filter_armor="UI:SAVE:#inv_type:FILTER_ARMOR"
6485              filter_weapon="UI:SAVE:#inv_type:FILTER_WEAPON"
6486              filter_tool="UI:SAVE:#inv_type:FILTER_TOOL"
6487              filter_mp="UI:SAVE:#inv_type:FILTER_MP"
6488              filter_missmp="UI:SAVE:#inv_type:FILTER_MISSMP"
6489              filter_tp="UI:SAVE:#inv_type:FILTER_TP"
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6501              params_drag="from_text_list"
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6503              ondrop="inv_drop"
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6505              instant_help="false"
6506              over_color="%bot_chat_sheet_selection_normal"
6507              over_col_pushed="%bot_chat_sheet_selection_pushed"
6508              over_col_over="%bot_chat_sheet_selection_over"
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6515         <!-- the scroll -->
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6520         <!-- the group to scroll -->
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6551                 tooltip="uittFilterTP" />
6552       <instance template="tinv_item_list_filter"
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6557                 inv_type="#inv_type"
6558                 dblink="UI:SAVE:#inv_type:FILTER_MISSMP"
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6560                 tooltip="uittFilterMissMP" />
6561       <instance template="tinv_item_list_filter"
6562                 id="filter_mp"
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6564                 y="1"
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6566                 inv_type="#inv_type"
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6573                 y="1"
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6575                 inv_type="#inv_type"
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6578                 tooltip="uittFilterTool" />
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6582                 y="1"
6583                 posref="BR BR"
6584                 inv_type="#inv_type"
6585                 dblink="UI:SAVE:#inv_type:FILTER_WEAPON"
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6587                 tooltip="uittFilterWeapon" />
6588       <instance template="tinv_item_list_filter"
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6591                 y="1"
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