1 // Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
2 // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
4 // This source file has been modified by the following contributors:
5 // Copyright (C) 2012 Matt RAYKOWSKI (sfb) <matt.raykowski@gmail.com>
6 // Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Jan BOON (Kaetemi) <jan.boon@kaetemi.be>
8 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
10 // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
11 // License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 // GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
18 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
19 // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
23 // User Privilege set in the mysql database must be like that ":GM:" or "" or ":GM:ADMIN:" ....
38 #include "nel/misc/common.h"
39 #include "nel/misc/command.h"
40 #include "nel/misc/variable.h"
41 #include "nel/misc/eid_translator.h"
42 #include "nel/misc/algo.h"
43 #include "nel/misc/sstring.h"
44 #include "nel/misc/i18n.h"
45 #include "nel/misc/string_view.h"
47 #include "nel/net/admin.h"
48 #include "nel/net/service.h"
50 #include "game_share/scores.h"
51 #include "game_share/send_chat.h"
52 #include "game_share/time_weather_season/time_date_season_manager.h"
53 #include "game_share/permanent_ban_magic_number.h"
54 #include "game_share/fame.h"
55 #include "game_share/outpost.h"
56 #include "game_share/visual_slot_manager.h"
57 #include "game_share/shard_names.h"
58 #include "game_share/http_client.h"
59 #include "server_share/log_command_gen.h"
60 #include "server_share/r2_vision.h"
61 #include "server_share/mongo_wrapper.h"
63 #include "egs_sheets/egs_sheets.h"
64 #include "egs_sheets/egs_static_rolemaster_phrase.h"
65 #include "egs_sheets/egs_static_encyclo.h"
67 #include "player_manager/player_manager.h"
68 #include "player_manager/player.h"
69 #include "player_manager/character.h"
70 #include "player_manager/character_encyclopedia.h"
71 #include "player_manager/player_room.h"
72 #include "creature_manager/creature_manager.h"
73 #include "phrase_manager/phrase_manager.h"
74 #include "mission_manager/mission_manager.h"
75 #include "mission_manager/mission_queue_manager.h"
77 #include "entities_game_service.h"
78 #include "player_manager/character_respawn_points.h"
79 #include "weather_everywhere.h"
80 #include "phrase_manager/fg_prospection_phrase.h"
81 #include "team_manager/team_manager.h"
82 #include "world_instances.h"
83 #include "egs_variables.h"
84 #include "building_manager/building_manager.h"
85 #include "building_manager/building_physical.h"
86 #include "player_manager/gm_tp_pending_command.h"
87 #include "guild_manager/guild_manager.h"
88 #include "guild_manager/guild.h"
89 #include "guild_manager/guild_member.h"
90 #include "guild_manager/guild_member_module.h"
91 #include "guild_manager/guild_char_proxy.h"
92 #include "guild_manager/fame_manager.h"
93 #include "mission_manager/mission_solo.h"
94 #include "position_flag_manager.h"
95 //#include "name_manager.h"
96 #include "zone_manager.h"
97 #include "player_manager/character_game_event.h"
98 #include "game_event_manager.h"
99 #include "dyn_chat_egs.h"
100 #include "admin_log.h"
102 #include "pvp_manager/pvp.h"
103 #include "pvp_manager/pvp_manager_2.h"
104 #include "player_manager/admin_properties.h"
105 #include "shop_type/offline_character_command.h"
106 #include "player_manager/item_service_manager.h"
107 #include "outpost_manager/outpost_manager.h"
108 #include "primitives_parser.h"
109 #include "shop_type/named_items.h"
110 #include "progression/progression_pvp.h"
112 #include "modules/shard_unifier_client.h"
113 #include "modules/client_command_forwarder.h"
114 #include "modules/guild_unifier.h"
115 #include "server_share/log_command_gen.h"
116 #include "server_share/log_item_gen.h"
117 #include "server_share/log_character_gen.h"
118 #include "server_share/used_continent.h"
124 // Max number of user channel character can be have
125 #define NB_MAX_USER_CHANNELS 2
127 extern CPlayerManager PlayerManager
128 extern CCreatureManager CreatureManager
129 extern CPlayerService
130 extern CGenericXmlMsgHeaderManager GenericMsgManager
131 extern CBSAIDeathReport BotDeathReport
132 extern NLMISC::CVariable
> FixedSessionId
138 using namespace NLMISC
139 using namespace NLNET
142 extern CVariable
> BannerPriv
143 extern CVariable
> ArkSalt
152 // You can assume here that the user can execute the command, you don't have to check it
154 // Don't forget to add your command in the AdminCommandsInit array if you want the command to be executed on the client
156 // If you change parameter or add/remove something, please update the wiki:
158 // http://www.nevrax.net/wiki/index.php/Main/CommandesAdmin
161 // AddEid must be true if you want to have the eid in the args[0] of the command
163 // Privileges are now stored in a text file (data_shard/client_commands_privileges.txt), do not forget to update it.
166 // please update the following stuff if you add new GM titles
167 // player_manager.cpp : NLMISC_COMMAND(setPriv,"set a privilege to a user using his user id, must be in form :priv1:priv2:priv3:","<uid> <priv>")
168 // player_manager.cpp : hasBetterCSRGrade
174 AdminCommandsInit
[] =
176 // player character accessible commands
179 "leagueInvite", true,
184 "setGuildMessage", true,
185 "clearGuildMessage", true,
188 "respawnAfterDeath", true,
190 "validateRespawnPoint", true,
192 "connectUserChannel", true,
193 "connectLangChannel", true,
194 "setDontTranslateLangs", true,
195 "updateTarget", true,
199 "openTargetApp", true,
200 "openTargetUrl", true,
203 "webExecCommand", true,
204 "webDelCommandsIds", true,
205 "webAddCommandsIds", true,
207 "addPetAnimal", true,
208 "addSkillPoints", true,
209 "addXPToSkill", true,
211 "checkTargetSP", true,
212 "clearFriendsList", true,
213 "clearIgnoreList", true,
214 "clearIsFriendOfList", true,
215 "createItemInBag", true,
216 "createItemInInv", true,
217 "createItemInTmpInv", true,
218 "createNamedItemInBag", true,
219 "createFullArmorSet", true,
220 "displayInfosOnTarget", true,
222 "execMemorizedPhrase", true,
223 "executeSabrinaPhrase", true,
224 "forceTargetToDie", true,
225 "learnAllBricks", true,
226 "learnAllRolemasterBricks", true,
227 "learnAllPhrases", true,
229 "unlearnBrick", true,
231 "learnAllForagePhrases", true,
232 "learnAllFaberPlans", true,
234 "memorizePhrase", true,
235 "resetPowerFlags", true,
236 "setSkillsToMaxValue", true,
237 "displayForageRM", true,
238 "setItemSapLoad", true,
240 "allowSummonPet", true,
241 "setPetAnimalSatiety", true,
242 "getPetAnimalSatiety", true,
243 "setPetAnimalName", true,
245 "setFamePlayer", true,
254 "renamePlayerForEvent", true,
255 "renamePlayer", true,
257 "setGuildDescription", false,
258 "setGuildIcon", false,
263 "ignoreTells", true, // hierarchy
265 "monitorMissions", true,
266 "stopMonitorMissions", true,
268 "progressMission", true,
271 "muteUniverse", true,
272 "unmuteUniverse", true,
281 "listPosFlags", true,
283 "updateGuildMembersList", true,
284 "listGuildMembers", true,
285 "addGuildMember", true,
286 "setGuildMemberGrade", true,
287 "setGuildLeader", true,
290 "getEventFaction", true,
291 "setEventFaction", true,
292 "clearEventFaction", true,
293 "giveRespawnPoint", true,
294 "provideItemService", true,
295 "dumpFactionPVPDamage", true,
296 "changeHairCut", true,
298 "farTPReplace", true,
300 "resetPVPTimers", true,
301 "savePlayerActiveChar", false,
302 "reloadPlayer", false,
303 "characterMissionDump", true,
304 "removeMission", true,
307 "Invisible", true, // not in /who; hierarchy except for user with privilege
309 "Invulnerable", true,
310 "ShowFactionChannels", true,
311 "CreateCharacterStartSkillsValue", false,
317 "FactionPoint", true,
321 "PriviledgePVP", true,
327 "setGuildChargePoint", false,
328 "characterInventoryDump", true,
329 "deleteInventoryItem", true,
330 "setSimplePhrase", false,
333 // remove when message of the day interface is ready
334 // remove this when death interface is ready
335 "respawnCharacter", true,
337 "cancelTopPhrase", true, //temp : to remove
338 "EntitiesNoActionFailure", false,
339 "EntitiesNoCastBreak", false,
340 "EntitiesNoResist", false,
342 "setTeamLeader", true,
347 "outpostBanGuild", false,
348 "outpostBanPlayer", false,
349 "outpostUnbanGuild", false,
350 "outpostUnbanPlayer", false,
351 "outpostChallengeByGuild", false,
352 "outpostSimulateTimer0End", false,
353 "outpostSimulateTimer1End", false,
354 "outpostSimulateTimer2End", false,
355 "outpostSetFightData", false,
356 "setOutpostLevel", false,
357 "outpostAccelerateConstruction", false,
358 "outpostSetOutpostOwner", false,
359 "outpostChallengeOutpost", true,
360 "outpostGiveupOutpost", true,
361 "outpostDisplayGuildOutposts", true,
362 "outpostForceOpenGuildInventory", true,
363 "outpostForceCloseGuildInventory", true,
364 "outpostSetPlayerPvpSide", true,
365 "outpostSetOutpostToPlayer", true,
366 "outpostSelectOutpost", true,
367 "outpostUnselectOutpost", true,
369 "setPvpClan", true, //remove it when interface fo choose pvp clan is ready
370 "setPvPTag", true, //set pvp tag to true or false
372 // stuff added by sadge for testing character read/ write stuff
378 // queues related stuff
379 "acceptProposalForQueue", true,
380 "awakePlayerInQueue", true,
382 "displayShopSelector", true,
384 "addFactionAttackableToTarget", true,
385 "eventCreateNpcGroup", true,
387 "eventNpcGroupScript", true,
388 "eventSetBotName", true,
389 "eventSetBotScale", true,
390 "eventSetNpcGroupAggroRange", true,
391 "eventSetNpcGroupEmote", true,
392 "eventSetFaunaBotAggroRange", true,
393 "eventResetFaunaBotAggroRange", true,
394 "eventSetBotCanAggro", true,
395 "eventSetItemCustomText", true,
396 "eventResetItemCustomText", true,
397 "eventSetBotSheet", true,
398 "eventSetBotFaction", true,
399 "eventSetBotFameByKill", true,
400 "dssTarget", true, //ring stuff
401 "forceMissionProgress", true,
402 "eventSetBotURL", true,
403 "eventSetBotURLName", true,
404 "eventSpawnToxic", true,
406 "eventSetBotFacing", true,
407 "eventGiveControl", true,
408 "eventLeaveControl", true,
409 "eventSpawnDamageLine", true,
411 "setOrganization", true,
412 "setOrganizationStatus", true,
414 "addGuildBuilding", true,
417 static vector
> AdminCommands
418 static string CommandsPrivilegesFileName
419 static string PositionFlagsFileName
420 static const char * DefaultPriv
= ":DEV:";
422 // forward declarations
423 static void loadCommandsPrivileges(const string
& fileName
, bool init
424 void cbRemoteClientCallback (uint32 rid
, const std::string
, const std::string
428 // get AI instance and remove it form the group name
429 bool getAIInstanceFromGroupName(string
& groupName
, uint32
& instanceNumber
431 if (groupName
.find("@") != string::npos
433 string continent
= groupName
.substr(0, groupName
434 uint32 nr
= CUsedContinent::instance().getInstanceForContinent(continent
435 if (nr
== std::numeric_limits
440 groupName
= groupName
.find('@') + 1, groupName
445 bool checkBannerPriv(const string
, CEntityId eid
448 if (sheetName
.find("banner") == string::npos
454 CPlayer
* player
= PlayerManager
.getPlayer( PlayerManager
) );
461 if (player
463 // Dev should be able to get all banners
467 if ( ! player
469 // Player has no banner privs
473 if (sheetName
.find("_gu") != string::npos
475 if (player
480 else if (sheetName
.find("_sgu") != string::npos
482 if (player
486 // VG uses SG banner for now
487 if (player
492 else if (sheetName
.find("_vgu") != string::npos
494 if (player
499 else if (sheetName
.find("_gm") != string::npos
501 if (player
506 else if (sheetName
.find("_sgm") != string::npos
508 if (player
517 CAdminCommand
* findAdminCommand(const string
& name
519 H_AUTO(findAdminCommand
521 const uint nbCommands
= (uint
522 for (uint i
= 0; i
< nbCommands
; i
524 if (name
== AdminCommands
525 return &AdminCommands
531 static void cbCommandsPrivilegesFileChange(const string
& fileName
533 H_AUTO(cbCommandsPrivilegesFileChange
535 if (fileName
!= CommandsPrivilegesFileName
538 loadCommandsPrivileges(fileName
, false);
543 const uint nbCommands
= sizeof(AdminCommandsInit
) / sizeof(AdminCommandsInit
544 for (uint i
= 0; i
< nbCommands
; i
547 cmd
= AdminCommandsInit
548 cmd
= AdminCommandsInit
549 cmd
= DefaultPriv
552 AdminCommands
555 setRemoteClientCallback (cbRemoteClientCallback
558 void initCommandsPrivileges(const std::string
& fileName
560 //init the admin log system
561 CConfigFile::CVar
= IService::getInstance()->ConfigFile
563 AdminLog
565 AdminLog
.init( varPtr
->asString() );
567 H_AUTO(initCommandsPrivileges
569 loadCommandsPrivileges(fileName
, true);
572 static void loadCommandsPrivileges(const string
& fileName
, bool init
574 H_AUTO(loadCommandsPrivileges
577 if (!ifile
579 nlwarning ("ADMIN: file '%s' cannot be opened", fileName
585 const string filePath
= CPath::getFullPath(fileName
, false);
586 CFile::removeFileChangeCallback(CommandsPrivilegesFileName
587 CFile::addFileChangeCallback(filePath
, cbCommandsPrivilegesFileChange
588 CommandsPrivilegesFileName
= filePath
591 // reset privileges with default value
592 const uint nbCommands
= (uint
593 for (uint i
= 0; i
< nbCommands
; i
595 AdminCommands
= DefaultPriv
599 CSString fileContent
600 uint32 fileSize
= ifile
601 uint8
* buf
= new uint8
+ 1];
603 ifile
, fileSize
607 fileContent
= (char *)buf
610 while (!fileContent
612 CSString line
= fileContent
614 // remove any comment
615 line
= line
617 if (line
620 CSString fullLine
= line
622 // only extract the first 4 params
623 CVectorSString params
624 for (uint i
= 0; !line
.empty() && i
< 4; i
626 string param
= line
.strtok(" \t");
629 params
632 if (params
.size() < 1)
634 nlwarning("ADMIN: invalid entry: '%s'.", fullLine
638 // check second param if it is a forward info
639 if (params
.size() > 1 && params
[1][0] == '[')
643 else if (params
.size() > 3)
645 nlwarning("ADMIN: invalid entry: '%s'.", fullLine
651 params
.begin()+1, "[]");
654 if (params
.size() < 3)
656 // no required privilege
657 params
660 if (params
.size() < 4)
662 // no audit specified
663 params
666 const string
& cmdName
= params
667 const string
& forward
= params
668 const string
& cmdPriv
= params
669 const bool & audit
= (params
[3] == "audit");
671 CAdminCommand
* cmd
= findAdminCommand(cmdName
675 cmd
= forward
.substr(1, forward
677 nlinfo("ADMIN: command '%s' forwarded to [%s] has new privileges '%s'.", cmdName
.c_str(), cmd
.c_str(), cmdPriv
681 nlwarning("ADMIN: command '%s' is unknown.", cmdName
686 void initPositionFlags(const std::string
& fileName
688 H_AUTO(initPositionFlags
690 string fileNameAndPath
= Bsi
.getLocalPath() + fileName
691 if (CFile::fileExists(fileNameAndPath
693 CPositionFlagManager::getInstance().loadFromFile(fileName
695 PositionFlagsFileName
= fileName
698 string
getStringFromHash(const string
701 getUCstringFromHash(hash
, finaltext
703 return finaltext
706 void getUCstringFromHash(const string
, ucstring
708 string fullhash
= hash
709 // fill hash with space to be a *2
715 // cut hash in portion of 4
716 for (uint i
=0; i
.size()/4; i
++) {
717 string part
= fullhash
*4)+2, 2)+fullhash
*4, 2);
721 if (sscanf(part
.c_str(), "%4x%n", &ch
, &n
) != 1) {
722 // Unexpected string format
726 finaltext
730 static void selectEntities (const string
, vector
> &entities
732 H_AUTO(selectEntities
734 if (entityName
.empty ())
739 * valid name formats:
741 * - * Select all entities
742 * - <entity id(id:type:crea:dyn)> Select the specified entity using his eid
745 if (entityName
== "*")
747 // we want all entities
748 for (CPlayerManager::TMapPlayers::const_iterator it
= PlayerManager
.getPlayers().begin(); it
!= PlayerManager
.getPlayers().end(); ++it
750 if ((*it
!= 0)
752 const CCharacter
= (*it
755 entities
.push_back (c
760 else if (entityName
[0] == '(')
762 // we want a specific entity id
763 CEntityId
eid (entityName
764 if (eid
!= CEntityId::Unknown
765 entities
.push_back (eid
770 CEntityId eid
= CEntityIdTranslator::getInstance()->getByEntity(CShardNames::getInstance().makeFullNameFromRelative(TSessionId(FixedSessionId
), entityName
771 if (eid
!= CEntityId::Unknown
772 entities
.push_back (eid
776 #define ENTITY_VARIABLE(__name,__help) \
777 struct __name##Class : public NLMISC::ICommand \
779 __name##Class () : NLMISC::ICommand("variables",#__name, __help, "<entity> [<value>]") { Type = Variable; } \
780 virtual bool execute(const std::string &rawCommandString, const std::vector<std::string> &args, NLMISC::CLog &log, bool quiet, bool human) \
782 if (args.size () != 1 && args.size () != 2) \
785 vector <CEntityId> entities; \
786 selectEntities (args[0], entities); \
788 for (uint i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++) \
791 if (args.size()==2) \
795 pointer (entities[i], (args.size()==1), value); \
797 log.displayNL ("%s %s", entities[i].toString().c_str(), value.c_str()); \
799 log.displayNL ("Entity %s Variable %s = %s", entities[i].toString().c_str(), _CommandName.c_str(), value.c_str()); \
803 void pointer(CEntityId entity, bool get, std::string &value); \
805 __name##Class __name##Instance; \
806 void __name##Class::pointer(CEntityId entity, bool get, std::string &value)
810 // This macro get an eid and return c that is a pointer to a CCharacter.
813 #define ENTITY_GET_ENTITY \
814 TLogContext_Character_AdminCommand commandContext(entity); \
815 CEntityBase *e = CEntityBaseManager::getEntityBasePtr(entity); \
818 nlwarning ("Unknown entity '%s'", entity.toString().c_str()); \
819 if(get) value = "UnknownEntity"; \
822 if(!TheDataset.isAccessible(e->getEntityRowId())) \
824 nlwarning ("'%s' is not valid in mirror", entity.toString().c_str()); \
825 if(get) value = "NotValidInMirror"; \
830 TLogContext_Character_AdminCommand commandContext(entity); \
831 CCharacter *c = PlayerManager.getChar(entity); \
834 nlwarning ("Unknown player '%s'", entity.toString().c_str()); \
835 if(get) value = "UnknownPlayer"; \
838 if(!c->getEnterFlag()) \
840 nlwarning ("'%s' is not entered", entity.toString().c_str()); \
841 if(get) value = "NotEntered"; \
844 if(!TheDataset.isAccessible(c->getEntityRowId())) \
846 nlwarning ("'%s' is not valid in mirror", entity.toString().c_str()); \
847 if(get) value = "NotValidInMirror"; \
851 void GET_CHARACTER_Helper(std::string
& command
, const NLMISC::CEntityId
& id
, const std::string
& adminCommand
853 CAdminOfflineCommand::makeStringCommande( command
, id
, adminCommand
854 COfflineCharacterCommand::getInstance()->addOfflineCommandWithoutApply( command
857 #define TRY_GET_CHARACTER \
858 if (args.size() < 1) { nlwarning ("Missing argument number 0 that should be the eid"); return false; } \
859 CEntityId eid(args[0]); \
860 TLogContext_Character_AdminCommand commandContext(eid); \
861 CCharacter *c = PlayerManager.getChar(eid); \
864 nlwarning("Unknown character '%s'", args[0].c_str()); \
870 #define CHECK_RIGHT( csr, target ) \
872 if ( !PlayerManager.hasBetterCSRGrade( csr, target ) )\
875 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( csr->getEntityRowId(), "CSR_BAD_RIGHTS" );\
880 #define GET_GUILD(argPos, onlyLocal, eId) \
881 CGuild * guild = CGuildManager::getInstance()->getGuildByName( args[argPos] );\
882 if ( guild == NULL )\
884 /* try to find the guild with an id*/ \
887 sscanf(args[argPos].c_str(), "%u:%u", &shardId, &guildId); \
888 guild = CGuildManager::getInstance()->getGuildFromId((shardId<<20)+guildId); \
892 if (eId != NLMISC::CEntityId::Unknown)\
894 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eId, "GUILD_IS_PROXY");\
896 log.displayNL("Invalid guild '%s'",args[argPos].c_str());\
900 if (onlyLocal && guild->isProxy())\
902 log.displayNL("The guild '%s' is a foreign guild, operation forbidden", guild->getName().toString().c_str());\
907 // You can here all variables for a player.
909 // Don't forget to add your command in the AdminCommandsInit array if you want the command to be executed on the client
, "Hit points of a player")
918 value
= toString (e
923 NLMISC::fromString(value
, v
924 e
= v
, "Max hit points of a player")
934 value
= toString (e
939 NLMISC::fromString(value
, v
940 e
= v
, "Speed modifier of an entity")
950 value
= toString (e
954 e
, "Name of a player")
964 // value = CEntityIdTranslator::getInstance()->getByEntity(entity).toString();
965 value
= e
->getName ().toString();
, "Money")
978 value
= toString("%" NL_I64
"u", c
986 if(value
[0] == '+') dir
= +1;
987 else if(value
[0] == '-') dir
= -1;
988 else if(!isdigit(value
990 nlwarning ("Bad money format for %s right format is [<sign>]<value> sign can be +,- or nothing to set the money", value
996 nlwarning ("You must provide a [<sign>]<value>");
1002 c
1006 uint64 val
= NLMISC::atoiInt64(value
1013 nlinfo ("Player %s money is %" NL_I64
"u", entity
, "MoneyGuild")
1021 CGuild
* guild
= CGuildManager::getInstance()->getGuildFromId(c
1024 nlwarning("Invalid guild");
1030 value
= toString("%" NL_I64
"u", guild
1038 if(value
[0] == '+') dir
= +1;
1039 else if(value
[0] == '-') dir
= -1;
1040 else if(!isdigit(value
1042 nlwarning ("Bad money format for %s right format is [<sign>]<value> sign can be +,- or nothing to set the money", value
1048 nlwarning ("You must provide a [<sign>]<value>");
1054 guild
1059 NLMISC::fromString(value
.substr(1), val
1061 guild
1063 guild
1066 nlinfo ("Player %s guild money is %" NL_I64
"u", entity
1070 ENTITY_VARIABLE(FactionPoint
, "FactionPoint")
1078 for (uint i
= PVP_CLAN::BeginClans
; i
<= PVP_CLAN::EndClans
; ++i
1079 sTmp
+= PVP_CLAN::toString((PVP_CLAN::TPVPClan
) + " : " + toString(c
)) + "\n";
1085 string sFactionName
= value
.substr(0, value
1086 string sNumber
= value
1088 if (value
.empty() || sFactionName
.empty() || sNumber
1090 nlwarning ("You must provide : <faction_name> [<sign>]<value>");
1095 if(sNumber
[0] == '+') dir
= +1;
1096 else if(sNumber
[0] == '-') dir
= -1;
1097 else if(!isdigit(sNumber
1099 nlwarning ("Bad format for '%s' right format is [<sign>]<value> sign can be +,- or nothing", sNumber
1103 PVP_CLAN::TPVPClan clan
= PVP_CLAN::fromString(sFactionName
1104 if ((clan
< PVP_CLAN::BeginClans
) || (clan
> PVP_CLAN::EndClans
1106 nlwarning ("'%s' is not a valid faction name", sFactionName
1113 NLMISC::fromString(sNumber
, val
1114 c
, val
, true);
1119 NLMISC::fromString(sNumber
.substr(1), val
1121 c
, c
, true);
1123 c
, c
, true);
, "User privilege")
1133 CPlayer
= PlayerManager
1136 nlwarning ("Can't find player with UserId %d for checking privilege, assume no priv", PlayerManager
1142 value
= p
1146 p
1147 nlinfo ("%s have now this priv '%s'", entity
.toString().c_str(), value
, "Focus Beta Tester")
1157 CPlayer
* p
= PlayerManager
.getPlayerId( c
->getId() ));
1160 nlwarning ("Can't find player with UserId %d", PlayerManager
.getPlayerId( c
->getId() ));
1166 value
= NLMISC::toString(p
1170 if (value
== "1" || value
== "on" || strlwr(value
) == "true")
1172 p
1174 else if (value
== "0" || value
== "off" || strlwr(value
) == "false")
1176 p
1178 nlinfo ("%s %s now a Focus Beta Tester", entity
.toString().c_str(), (p
->isBetaTester() ? "is" : "isn't"));
, "Position of a player (in meter) <eid> <posx>,<posy>[,<posz>][,<season>] | <bot_name> | <player_name> | home | <creature>")
1190 float fx
= 0, fy
= 0, fz
= 0;
1191 sint32 x
= 0, y
= 0, z
= 0;
1193 TDataSetRow dsr
= e
1194 CMirrorPropValueRO
> playerCell(TheDataset
, dsr
, DSPropertyCELL
1195 sint32 cell
= playerCell
1199 fx
= e
->getState().X() / 1000.f
1200 fy
= e
->getState().Y() / 1000.f
1201 fz
= e
->getState().Z() / 1000.f
1203 value
= toString ("%.2f,%.2f,%.2f@%d", fx
, fy
, fz
, -cell
1205 value
= toString ("%.2f,%.2f,%.2f", fx
, fy
, fz
1209 if ( value
.find(',') != string::npos
1211 explode (value
, string(","), res
1212 if (res
.size() >= 2)
1214 fromString(res
[0], fx
1215 x
= sint32(fx
1216 fromString(res
[1], fy
1217 y
= sint32(fy
1219 if (res
.size() >= 3)
1221 fromString(res
[2], fz
1222 z
= sint32(fz
1225 else if ( value
.find('@') != string::npos
1227 x
= e
1228 y
= e
1229 z
= e
1230 explode (value
, string("@"), res
1231 if (res
.size() == 1)
1233 fromString(res
[0], cell
1238 if ( value
.find(".creature") != string::npos
1240 CSheetId
1241 if( creatureSheetId
!= CSheetId::Unknown
1243 double minDistance
= -1.;
1244 CCreature
* creature
1246 TMapCreatures::const_iterator it
1247 const TMapCreatures
& creatures
= CreatureManager
1248 for( it
= creatures
.begin(); it
!= creatures
.end(); ++it
1250 CSheetId sheetId
= (*it
1251 if( sheetId
== creatureSheetId
1253 double distance
= PHRASE_UTILITIES::getDistance( e
->getEntityRowId(), (*it
->getEntityRowId() );
1254 if( !creature
|| (creature
&& distance
< minDistance
) )
1256 creature
= (*it
1257 minDistance
= distance
1263 x
= creature
1264 y
= creature
1265 z
= creature
1270 nlwarning ("<Position> '%s' is an invalid creature", value
1275 // try to find the player name
1276 CCharacter
= dynamic_cast<CCharacter
1279 nlwarning ("<Position> '%s' is not a player", entity
1282 CEntityBase
= PlayerManager
.getCharacterByName (CShardNames::getInstance().makeFullNameFromRelative(c
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), value
1283 if (entityBase
1285 // try to find the bot name
1286 vector
> aliases
1287 CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getNPCAliasesFromName( value
, aliases
1288 if ( aliases
.empty() )
1290 nldebug ("<Position> Ignoring attempt to teleport because no NPC found matching name '%s'", value
1294 TAIAlias alias
= aliases
1296 const CEntityId
& botId
= CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getEntityId (alias
1297 if ( botId
!= CEntityId::Unknown
1299 entityBase
= CreatureManager
.getCreature (botId
1303 nlwarning ("'%s' has no eId. Is it Spawned???", value
1308 if (entityBase
1310 x
= entityBase
+ sint32 (cos (entityBase
->getState ().Heading
) * 2000);
1311 y
= entityBase
+ sint32 (sin (entityBase
->getState ().Heading
) * 2000);
1312 z
= entityBase
1314 TDataSetRow dsr
= entityBase
1315 CMirrorPropValueRO
> mirrorCell( TheDataset
, dsr
, DSPropertyCELL
1321 if (x
== 0 && y
== 0 && z
== 0)
1323 nlwarning ("'%s' is a bad value for position, don't change position", value
1327 CCharacter
* c
= dynamic_cast<CCharacter
1330 CContinent
* cont
= CZoneManager::getInstance().getContinent(x
1331 /*if(c->getCurrentContinent() == CONTINENT::NEWBIELAND )
1333 if( cont == 0 || cont->getId() != CONTINENT::NEWBIELAND )
1335 log_Command_TPOutsideNewbieland(c->getId());
1336 // nlwarning("Position %s player outside NEWBIELAND, this is logged.", c->getId().toString().c_str());
1341 c
1342 if (res
.size() >= 4)
1346 NLMISC::fromString(res
[3], season
1347 c
,true, false, 0.f
, 0xFF, cell
, season
1351 c
,true, false, 0.f
, 0xFF, cell
1356 c
->getRespawnPoints().addDefaultRespawnPoint( CONTINENT::TContinent(cont
->getId()) );
1361 e
->tpWanted (x
, y
, z
1366 //-----------------------------------------------
1368 //-----------------------------------------------
1369 NLMISC_COMMAND(changeMode
," change_mode","<entity id(id:type:crea:dyn)> <mode>")
1371 if( args
.size() == 2 )
1374 id
.fromString( args
[0].c_str() );
1377 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], iMode
1378 MBEHAV::EMode mode
= MBEHAV::EMode(iMode
1381 if( id
.getType() == 0 )
1383 e
= PlayerManager
1387 e
->setMode( mode
, true );
1388 log
.displayNL("Character %s mode changed to %d", id
.toString().c_str(), mode
1392 log
.displayNL("Unknown entity %s ",id
1400 //-----------------------------------------------
1401 // checkTargetSP :check target player SP
1402 //-----------------------------------------------
1403 NLMISC_COMMAND(checkTargetSP
," check target player skill points (if there is lost SP)","<entity id(id:type:crea:dyn)>")
1405 if( args
.size() < 1 )
1410 CCharacter
= PlayerManager
.getChar( c
->getTargetDataSetRow() );
1413 log
.displayNL("No target or invalid target");
1417 uint32 totalEarnedSp
= targetPlayer
1418 uint32 spentSp
= targetPlayer
->getActionsSPValue() - targetPlayer
1420 uint32 currentSp
= (uint32
) targetPlayer
1421 currentSp
+= (uint32
) targetPlayer
1422 currentSp
+= (uint32
) targetPlayer
1423 currentSp
+= (uint32
) targetPlayer
1426 log
.displayNL("Player %s : Current SP total = %u, totalEarnedSp = %u, spentTotalSP = %u, MISSING SP = %d", targetPlayer
->getId().toString().c_str(), currentSp
, totalEarnedSp
, spentSp
, totalEarnedSp
1428 // send result to asker
1429 string strTemp
= NLMISC::toString("Player %s : Current SP total = %u, totalEarnedSp = %u, spentTotalSP = %d, MISSING SP = %d",targetPlayer
->getId().toString().c_str(), currentSp
, totalEarnedSp
, spentSp
, totalEarnedSp
1430 chatToPlayer(eid
, strTemp
1436 NLMISC_COMMAND (createItemInBag
, "Create an item and put it in the player bag", "<eid> <sheetId>|<sheetName> <quantity> <quality> [force]")
1438 if (args
.size() < 4 || args
.size() > 5) return false;
1441 string sheetName
= args
1444 NLMISC::fromString(sheetName
, sheetId
1447 sheet
= CSheetId(sheetId
1451 if (sheetName
.find(".") == string::npos
1452 sheetName
+= ".sitem";
1453 sheet
= CSheetId(sheetName
1456 if (sheet
== CSheetId::Unknown
1458 log
.displayNL("sheetId '%s' is Unknown", sheetName
1462 // banners are the only items in game which use privilege
1463 // banners are the only items in game which use privilege
1464 bool ok
= checkBannerPriv(sheetName
, eid
1467 log
.displayNL("Invalid banner priviledge");
1471 const CStaticItem
= CSheets::getForm (sheet
1474 log
.displayNL ("sheetId '%s' is not found", sheetName
1479 NLMISC::fromString(args
[2], quantity
1482 log
.displayNL ("Quantity must be > 0");
1487 NLMISC::fromString(args
[3], quality
1490 log
.displayNL ("Quality must be > 0");
1494 bool res
= c
, quality
, quantity
, sheet
1497 if (args
.size() == 5 && args
[4] == "force")
1500 forceCreate
= false;
1502 if (!res
&& forceCreate
1504 CGameItemPtr item
= GameItemManager
, quality
, true, true);
1507 res
= c
, item
1514 log
.displayNL ("Item '%s' created and set in the bag of the player %s", sheet
.toString ().c_str(), eid
1516 log
.displayNL ("Failed to create and set the item '%s' for the player %s", sheet
.toString ().c_str(), eid
1521 NLMISC_COMMAND (createItemInTmpInv
, "Create an item and put it in the player temp inventory", "<eid> <sheetId>|<sheetName> <quantity> <quality>")
1523 if (args
.size () != 4) return false;
1526 string sheetName
= args
1529 NLMISC::fromString(sheetName
, sheetId
1532 sheet
= CSheetId(sheetId
1536 if (sheetName
.find(".") == string::npos
1537 sheetName
+= ".item";
1538 sheet
= CSheetId(sheetName
1541 if (sheet
== CSheetId::Unknown
1543 log
.displayNL("sheetId '%s' is Unknown", sheetName
1547 // banners are the only items in game which use privilege
1548 bool ok
= checkBannerPriv(sheetName
, eid
1551 log
.displayNL("Invalid banner priviledge");
1555 const CStaticItem
= CSheets::getForm (sheet
1558 log
.displayNL ("sheetId '%s' is not found", sheetName
1563 NLMISC::fromString(args
[2], quantity
1566 log
.displayNL ("Quantity must be > 0");
1571 NLMISC::fromString(args
[3], quality
1574 log
.displayNL ("Quality must be > 0");
1578 bool res
= c
, quality
, quantity
, sheet
1581 log
.displayNL ("Item '%s' created and set in the temp inventory of the player %s", sheet
.toString ().c_str(), eid
1583 log
.displayNL ("Failed to create and set the item '%s' for the player %s", sheet
.toString ().c_str(), eid
1588 NLMISC_COMMAND (createItemInInv
, "Create items and put them in the given inventory", "<eid> <invId> <sheetId>|<sheetName> <quantity> <quality> <nb items>")
1590 if (args
.size () != 6) return false;
1593 string sheetName
= args
1596 NLMISC::fromString(sheetName
, sheetId
1599 sheet
= CSheetId(sheetId
1603 if (sheetName
.find(".") == string::npos
1604 sheetName
+= ".sitem";
1605 sheet
= CSheetId(sheetName
1608 if (sheet
== CSheetId::Unknown
1610 log
.displayNL("sheetId '%s' is Unknown", sheetName
1614 // banners are the only items in game which use privilege
1615 bool ok
= checkBannerPriv(sheetName
, eid
1618 log
.displayNL("Invalid banner priviledge");
1622 const CStaticItem
= CSheets::getForm (sheet
1625 log
.displayNL ("sheetId '%s' is not found", sheetName
1630 NLMISC::fromString(args
[3], quantity
1633 log
.displayNL ("Quantity must be > 0");
1638 NLMISC::fromString(args
[4], quality
1641 log
.displayNL ("Quality must be > 0");
1646 NLMISC::fromString(args
[5], nb
1647 uint nbItems
= min(nb
, 1000U);
1648 uint nbCreatedItems
= 0;
1649 for (uint i
= 0; i
< nbItems
; i
1651 if ( !c
[1]), quality
, quantity
, sheet
, CEntityId::Unknown
) )
1656 log
.displayNL("%u (of %u) items '%s' created and set in the inventory '%s' of the player %s", nbCreatedItems
, nbItems
, sheet
.toString ().c_str(), args
[1].c_str(), eid
1661 NLMISC_COMMAND(createNamedItemInBag
, "create a named item in bag", "<eId> <item> [<quantity>]")
1663 if (args
.size() > 3)
1666 if (args
.size() < 2 )
1669 CCharacter
* user
= PlayerManager
1672 log
.displayNL("invalid char '%s'", args
1677 if (args
.size() == 3)
1679 NLMISC::fromString(args
[2], quantity
1682 log
.displayNL("invalid quantity '%s'", args
1691 TLogNoContext_Item noLog
1692 CGameItemPtr item
= CNamedItems::getInstance().createNamedItem(args
[1], quantity
1695 log
.displayNL("invalid item '%s'", args
1699 user
, item
1704 NLMISC_COMMAND (createFullArmorSet
, "Create and equip player with chosen full armor set","<eid> <race (fyros/matis/zorai/tryker)> <type (light/medium/heavy)> <quality>")
1706 static string armors
1714 static string heavyArmors
1724 if (args
.size () != 4) return false;
1727 const string
= args
1728 const string
= args
1730 NLMISC::fromString(args
[3], quality
1732 const uint16 min
= quality
- (quality
1733 const string minStr
= (min
< 10) ? string("0") + toString(min
) : toString(min
1734 const uint16 max
= min
1735 const string maxStr
= (max
< 10) ? string("0") + toString(max
) : toString(max
1737 const string endName
= string("_") + minStr
+ string("_") + maxStr
+ string(".item");
1739 // create the armor pieces
1740 if (type
== "heavy")
1742 for ( int i
= 0 ; i
< sizeof(heavyArmors
[0]) ; ++i
1744 const string sheetName
= race
+ string("_") + type
+ string("_") + heavyArmors
] + endName
1745 CSheetId
1747 if ( !c
, quality
, 1, sheetId
, eid
) )
1749 log
.displayNL ("For entity %s Failed to create item %s", eid
.toString().c_str(), sheetName
.c_str() );
1755 for ( int i
= 0 ; i
< sizeof(armors
[0]) ; ++i
1757 const string sheetName
= race
+ string("_") + type
+ string("_") + armors
] + endName
1758 CSheetId
1760 if ( !c
, quality
, 1, sheetId
, eid
) )
1762 log
.displayNL ("For entity %s Failed to create item %s", eid
.toString().c_str(), sheetName
.c_str() );
1769 NLMISC_COMMAND (displayInfosOnTarget
, "display info on entity target", "<eid>")
1771 if (args
.size () < 1) return false;
1774 TDataSetRow target
= c
1775 if (TheDataset
1777 // little slow but acceptable in command
1778 CMirrorPropValueRO
> instanceNumber(TheDataset
, target
1780 CAIAskForInfosOnEntityMsg msg
1781 msg
= target
1782 msg
= c
1784 CWorldInstances::instance().msgToAIInstance(instanceNumber
, msg
1787 log
.displayNL ("<displayInfosOnTarget> Entity %s has no valid target", eid
.toString().c_str() );
1792 NLMISC_COMMAND (forceTargetToDie
, "(debug) Force entity target to die", "<eid>")
1794 if (args
.size () != 1)
1799 // force sending of target as dead (can only be done on creature)
1800 CCreature
= CreatureManager
1803 if (!target
1804 target
1806 BotDeathReport
1807 TDataSetRow emptyRow
1808 BotDeathReport
1809 BotDeathReport
1815 NLMISC_COMMAND (learnAllBricks
, "Specified player learns all possible bricks for it's skill values", "<eid>")
1817 H_AUTO(learnAllBricks
1819 if (args
.size () != 1)
1824 // get all phrases and bypass brick requirements
1826 vector
> phrases
1827 vector
> tempPhrases
1829 static const EGSPD::CPeople::TPeople races
[] =
1831 EGSPD::CPeople::Common
1832 EGSPD::CPeople::Tryker
1833 EGSPD::CPeople::Fyros
1834 EGSPD::CPeople::Matis
1835 EGSPD::CPeople::Zorai
1838 const uint nbRaces
= sizeof(races
) / sizeof(races
1840 for (uint i
= 0 ; i
< nbRaces
; ++i
1843 string filter
= "bf";
1844 c
->getAvailablePhrasesList( filter
, tempPhrases
, races
], true );
1845 phrases
.insert( phrases
.end(), tempPhrases
.begin(), tempPhrases
.end() );
1846 tempPhrases
1849 c
->getAvailablePhrasesList( filter
, tempPhrases
, races
], true );
1850 phrases
.insert( phrases
.end(), tempPhrases
.begin(), tempPhrases
.end() );
1851 tempPhrases
1854 c
->getAvailablePhrasesList( filter
, tempPhrases
, races
], true );
1855 phrases
.insert( phrases
.end(), tempPhrases
.begin(), tempPhrases
.end() );
1856 tempPhrases
1859 c
->getAvailablePhrasesList( filter
, tempPhrases
, races
], true );
1860 phrases
.insert( phrases
.end(), tempPhrases
.begin(), tempPhrases
.end() );
1861 tempPhrases
1864 c
->getAvailablePhrasesList( filter
, tempPhrases
, races
], true );
1865 phrases
.insert( phrases
.end(), tempPhrases
.begin(), tempPhrases
.end() );
1866 tempPhrases
1871 for (uint i
= 0; i
< phrases
.size() ; ++i
1873 const CStaticRolemasterPhrase
= CSheets::getSRolemasterPhrase(phrases
1876 const uint size
= (uint
1877 for ( uint j
= 0; j
< size
; ++j
1879 c
->addKnownBrick( phrase
] );
1885 log
.displayNL ("%s learnt %u bricks", eid
.toString().c_str(), nbBricks
1891 NLMISC_COMMAND (learnAllRolemasterBricks
, "Specified player learns all possible bricks sold by rolemaster for it's skill values", "<eid>")
1893 H_AUTO(learnAllRolemasterBricks
1895 if (args
.size () != 1)
1900 // get all phrases and bypass brick requirements
1902 vector
> phrases
1903 vector
> tempPhrases
1905 static const EGSPD::CPeople::TPeople races
[] =
1907 EGSPD::CPeople::Common
1908 EGSPD::CPeople::Tryker
1909 EGSPD::CPeople::Fyros
1910 EGSPD::CPeople::Matis
1911 EGSPD::CPeople::Zorai
1914 const uint nbRaces
= sizeof(races
) / sizeof(races
1916 for (uint i
= 0 ; i
< nbRaces
; ++i
1919 string filter
= "bf";
1920 c
->getAvailablePhrasesList( filter
, tempPhrases
, races
], true, false );
1921 phrases
.insert( phrases
.end(), tempPhrases
.begin(), tempPhrases
.end() );
1922 tempPhrases
1925 c
->getAvailablePhrasesList( filter
, tempPhrases
, races
], true, false );
1926 phrases
.insert( phrases
.end(), tempPhrases
.begin(), tempPhrases
.end() );
1927 tempPhrases
1930 c
->getAvailablePhrasesList( filter
, tempPhrases
, races
], true, false );
1931 phrases
.insert( phrases
.end(), tempPhrases
.begin(), tempPhrases
.end() );
1932 tempPhrases
1935 c
->getAvailablePhrasesList( filter
, tempPhrases
, races
], true, false );
1936 phrases
.insert( phrases
.end(), tempPhrases
.begin(), tempPhrases
.end() );
1937 tempPhrases
1940 c
->getAvailablePhrasesList( filter
, tempPhrases
, races
], true, false );
1941 phrases
.insert( phrases
.end(), tempPhrases
.begin(), tempPhrases
.end() );
1942 tempPhrases
1947 for (uint i
= 0; i
< phrases
.size() ; ++i
1949 const CStaticRolemasterPhrase
= CSheets::getSRolemasterPhrase(phrases
1952 const uint size
= (uint
1953 for ( uint j
= 0; j
< size
; ++j
1955 c
->addKnownBrick( phrase
] );
1961 log
.displayNL ("%s learnt %u bricks", eid
.toString().c_str(), nbBricks
1967 NLMISC_COMMAND (learnAllPhrases
, "Specified player learns all possible phrases for it's skill values", "<eid>")
1969 H_AUTO(learnAllPhrases
1971 if (args
.size () != 1)
1976 // get all phrases and bypass brick requirements
1977 vector
> phrases
1978 vector
> tempPhrases
1980 static const EGSPD::CPeople::TPeople races
[] =
1982 EGSPD::CPeople::Common
1983 EGSPD::CPeople::Tryker
1984 EGSPD::CPeople::Fyros
1985 EGSPD::CPeople::Matis
1986 EGSPD::CPeople::Zorai
1989 const uint nbRaces
= sizeof(races
) / sizeof(races
1991 for (uint i
= 0 ; i
< nbRaces
; ++i
1994 string filter
= "bf";
1995 c
->getAvailablePhrasesList( filter
, tempPhrases
, races
], true );
1996 phrases
.insert( phrases
.end(), tempPhrases
.begin(), tempPhrases
.end() );
1997 tempPhrases
2000 c
->getAvailablePhrasesList( filter
, tempPhrases
, races
], true );
2001 phrases
.insert( phrases
.end(), tempPhrases
.begin(), tempPhrases
.end() );
2002 tempPhrases
2005 c
->getAvailablePhrasesList( filter
, tempPhrases
, races
], true );
2006 phrases
.insert( phrases
.end(), tempPhrases
.begin(), tempPhrases
.end() );
2007 tempPhrases
2010 c
->getAvailablePhrasesList( filter
, tempPhrases
, races
], true );
2011 phrases
.insert( phrases
.end(), tempPhrases
.begin(), tempPhrases
.end() );
2012 tempPhrases
2015 c
->getAvailablePhrasesList( filter
, tempPhrases
, races
], true );
2016 phrases
.insert( phrases
.end(), tempPhrases
.begin(), tempPhrases
.end() );
2017 tempPhrases
2020 // learn all phrases
2021 uint16 nbPhrases
= 0;
2022 for (uint i
= 0; i
< phrases
.size() ; ++i
2024 uint16 index
= c
2026 if ( !c
], index
) )
2027 log
.displayNL ("%s FAILED to learn phrase id %s", eid
.toString().c_str(), phrases
2032 log
.displayNL ("%s learnt %u phrases", eid
.toString().c_str(), nbPhrases
2038 NLMISC_COMMAND(learnBrick
, "Specified player learns given brick","<eid> <brickid>")
2040 if (args
.size () != 2) return false;
2043 CSheetId
2045 c
2047 log
.displayNL ("%s learnt brick %s", eid
.toString().c_str(), brickId
2052 NLMISC_COMMAND(unlearnBrick
, "Specified player unlearns given brick","<eid> <brickid>")
2054 if (args
.size () != 2) return false;
2057 CSheetId
2059 c
2061 log
.displayNL ("%s unlearnt brick %s", eid
.toString().c_str(), brickId
2066 NLMISC_COMMAND (learnPhrase
, "Specified player learns a phrase and set it at index knownPhraseIndex", "<eid> <phraseSheet>")
2068 if (args
.size () != 2) return false;
2071 CSheetId
2072 const CStaticRolemasterPhrase
= CSheets::getSRolemasterPhrase( phraseId
2075 log
.displayNL ("%s isn't a valid phrase !", phraseId
2079 uint16 index
= c
2081 if ( c
, index
) )
2082 log
.displayNL ("%s learnt phrase id %s", eid
.toString().c_str(), phraseId
2084 log
.displayNL ("%s FAILED to learn phrase id %s", eid
.toString().c_str(), phraseId
2088 NLMISC_COMMAND (logXpGain
, "log or not xp gain infos for specified player", "<eid> <on/off>")
2090 if (args
.size () != 2) return false;
2094 if (args
[1]=="1" || strlwr(args
[1])=="on" || strlwr(args
[1])=="true" )
2098 else if (args
[1]=="0" || strlwr(args
[1])=="off" || strlwr(args
[1])=="false" )
2105 PlayerManager
->getEntityRowId(), flag
2106 log
.displayNL ("Player %s. Flag logXpGain is now %s", eid
.toString().c_str(), (flag
?"ON":"OFF") );
2112 NLMISC_COMMAND (learnAllForagePhrases
, "Learn all forage phrase, begin at specified index", "<eid> <index>" )
2114 H_AUTO(learnAllForagePhrases
2116 if ( args
.size() != 2 ) return false;
2120 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], i
2122 uint nbSuccess
= 0, nbFail
= 0;
2123 const CAllRolemasterPhrases
& phrases
= CSheets::getSRolemasterPhrasesMap();
2124 for ( CAllRolemasterPhrases::const_iterator ip
.begin(); ip
.end(); ++ip
2126 const string phraseCode
= (*ip
2127 if ( phraseCode
.find( "abhf" ) == 0 )
2129 if ( c
->learnPrebuiltPhrase( (*ip
, i
) )
2136 log
.displayNL( "%u phrases learned, %u phrases failed", nbSuccess
, nbFail
2142 NLMISC_COMMAND (learnAllFaberPlans, "Specified player learns all faber plans", "<eid>")
2144 if (args.size () != 1) return false;
2147 c->learnAllFaberPlans();
2148 log.displayNL ("%s learnt all faber plans", eid.toString().c_str());
2154 /* Don't use this command, use Money variable instead (same syntax for example "Money <eid> +10")
2155 NLMISC_COMMAND(giveMoney, "Give money to a player","<eid> <money>")
2157 if (args.size () != 2) return false;
2160 c->giveMoney ( NLMISC::atoiInt64( args[1].c_str() ) );
2161 log.displayNL ("You gave money to player %s", eid.toString().c_str());
2166 /* Don't use this command, use SP variable instead (same syntax for example "SP <eid> +10")
2167 NLMISC_COMMAND(giveSP, "Give SP (skill points) to a player","<eid> <SP>")
2169 if (args.size () != 2) return false;
2172 uint32 nbSp = atol(args[1].c_str());
2174 c->addSP( (double)nbSp );
2175 log.displayNL ("You gave %u SP to player %s", nbSp, eid.toString().c_str());
2180 NLMISC_COMMAND(respawn
, "Same as '/a Position home' but without any privilege","<eid>")
2182 if (args
.size () != 1) return false;
2185 //TODO rules of spawn point
2186 // COfflineEntityState state = PlayerManager.getStartState (c->getActiveRole ());
2187 COfflineEntityState state
2188 c
2189 c
->tpWanted (state
, state
, state
2194 //-----------------------------------------------
2196 //-----------------------------------------------
,"save a character to an XML file","<eid> <file name>")
2199 if (args
.size () < 2) return false;
2202 std::string fileName
= args
2206 static CPersistentDataRecordRyzomStore pdr
2209 pdr
2217 //-----------------------------------------------
2219 //-----------------------------------------------
,"load a character from an XML file","<eid> <file name>")
2222 if (args
.size () < 2) return false;
2225 std::string fileName
= args
2229 ucstring name
= c
2230 uint32 guildId
= c
2231 NLMISC::CEntityId id
= c
2233 static CPersistentDataRecord pdr
2235 pdr
2238 c
2241 c
2242 c
->getX(), c
->getY(), c
->getZ(), true, c
2251 //-----------------------------------------------
2253 //-----------------------------------------------
,"save a character to a binary PDR file","<eid> <file name>")
2256 if (args
.size () < 2) return false;
2259 std::string fileName
= args
2263 static CPersistentDataRecordRyzomStore pdr
2266 pdr
2274 //-----------------------------------------------
2276 //-----------------------------------------------
,"load a character from a binary PDR file","<eid> <file name>")
2279 if (args
.size () < 2) return false;
2282 std::string fileName
= args
2286 ucstring name
= c
2287 uint32 guildId
= c
2288 NLMISC::CEntityId id
= c
2290 static CPersistentDataRecord pdr
2292 pdr
2296 c
2299 c
2300 c
->getX(), c
->getY(), c
->getZ(), true, c
2309 //-----------------------------------------------
2311 //-----------------------------------------------
,"list files in the current directory","[<wildcard>]")
2317 std::vector
> files
2318 NLMISC::CPath::getPathContent(".",false,false,true,files
2319 for (uint32 i
2321 if (!NLMISC::testWildCard(files
],"*.xml") && !NLMISC::testWildCard(files
2323 files
2327 std::sort(files
2328 for (uint32 i
2330 log
.displayNL("%-40s %10d",files
2337 //-----------------------------------------------
2339 //-----------------------------------------------
2340 NLMISC_COMMAND(addPetAnimal
,"Add pet animal to character","<eid> <PetTicket>")
2342 if (args
.size () < 2) return false;
2345 CSheetId ticket
= CSheetId( args
[1] );
2349 if( ticket
!= CSheetId::Unknown
2351 CGameItemPtr item
= c
, 1, 1, ticket
2354 if ( ! c
->addCharacterAnimal( ticket
, 0, item
2362 log
.displayNL("<addPetAnimal> command, cannot create item in bag '%s'", args
[1].c_str() );
2365 log
.displayNL("<addPetAnimal> command, unknown pet ticket '%s'", args
[1].c_str() );
2369 } // addPetAnimal //
2371 NLMISC_COMMAND(setPetAnimalSatiety
,"Set the satiety of pet animal (petIndex in 0..3)","<eid> <petIndex> full|<value> [<nameForAnswer>]")
2373 if (args
.size () < 3) return false;
2378 // Set the new satiety
2381 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], petIndex
2382 float previousSatiety
, maxSatiety
2383 if ( c
->getAnimalSatiety( petIndex
, previousSatiety
, maxSatiety
) )
2385 if ( args
[2] == "full" )
2386 c
->setAnimalSatietyToMax( petIndex
2389 float value
= (float)atof( args
[2].c_str() );
2390 c
->setAnimalSatiety( petIndex
, value
2392 float currentSatiety
2393 if ( c
->getAnimalSatiety( petIndex
, currentSatiety
, maxSatiety
) )
2394 result
= toString( "Satiety changed from %.1f to %.1f / %.1f", previousSatiety
, currentSatiety
, maxSatiety
2396 result
= toString( "Internal error" );
2399 result
= toString( "Pet %u not found", petIndex
2401 // Send result if requested
2402 if ( args
.size() > 3 )
2404 CCharacter
= PlayerManager
.getCharacterByName( CShardNames::getInstance().makeFullNameFromRelative(c
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), args
[3]) );
2407 CHECK_RIGHT( addressee
, c
2408 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
2409 params
= trim(result
2410 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(addressee
->getId(), "LITERAL", params
2413 result
+= " nameForAnswer not found";
2416 log
.displayNL( result
.c_str() );
2422 NLMISC_COMMAND(getPetAnimalSatiety
,"Get the satiety of pet animal (petIndex in 0..3)","<eid> <petIndex> [<nameForAnswer>]")
2424 if (args
.size () < 2) return false;
2428 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], petIndex
2433 float currentSatiety
, maxSatiety
2434 if ( c
->getAnimalSatiety( petIndex
, currentSatiety
, maxSatiety
) )
2435 result
= toString( "Satiety: %.1f / %.1f", currentSatiety
, maxSatiety
2437 result
= toString( "Pet %u not found", petIndex
2439 // Send result if requested
2440 if ( args
.size() > 2 )
2442 CCharacter
= PlayerManager
.getCharacterByName( CShardNames::getInstance().makeFullNameFromRelative(c
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), args
[2] ));
2445 CHECK_RIGHT( addressee
, c
2446 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
2447 params
= trim(result
2448 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(addressee
->getId(), "LITERAL", params
2451 result
+= " nameForAnswer not found";
2454 log
.displayNL( result
.c_str() );
2459 NLMISC_COMMAND(setPetAnimalName
, "Set the name of a pet animal","<eid> <petIndex (0..3)> [<name>]")
2461 if (args
.size () < 2) return false;
2467 fromString(args
[1], petIndex
2468 ucstring customName
2469 if (args
.size () == 3)
2470 customName
= args
2471 c
, customName
2477 NLMISC_COMMAND (addSkillPoints
, "add skill points of given type (Fight = 0, Magic = 1,Craft = 2, Harvest = 3)", "<eid> <SP type [0..3]> <nb SP>")
2479 if (args
.size () < 3) return false;
2482 EGSPD::CSPType::TSPType type
= (EGSPD::CSPType::TSPType
) atoi (args
2483 if (type
>= EGSPD::CSPType::EndSPType
2485 log
.displayNL ("Unknown SP type %u", atoi (args
[1].c_str()) );
2490 fromString(args
[2], nbSP
2492 c
->addSP( nbSP
, type
2494 log
.displayNL ("Added %d skill points of type %u (%s) to player %s", nbSP
, (uint8
) type
, EGSPD::CSPType::toString(type
).c_str(), eid
2497 } // addSkillPoints //
, "Gain experience in a given skills", "<eid> <xp> <skill> [<count>]")
2502 if (args
.size () < 3) return false;
2506 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], xp
2508 string skill
= args
2514 NLMISC::fromString(args
[3], count
2516 count
= min( count
, (uint
2519 for( i
=0; i
; ++i
2521 c
->addXpToSkill( (double) xp
, skill
2523 log
.displayNL ("Added %d xp skill '%s' to player %s %d time(s)", xp
, skill
.c_str(), eid
2528 NLMISC_COMMAND(setSkillsToMaxValue
, "Set skills character to max value of each skill","<eid>")
2530 if (args
.size () != 1) return false;
2533 c
2534 log
.displayNL ("You set skills of player %s to max value of each skill", eid
2539 NLMISC_COMMAND(cancelTopPhrase
, "cancelTopPhrase","<eid>")
2541 if (args
.size () != 1) return false;
2544 CPhraseManager::getInstance().cancelTopPhrase( c
2549 NLMISC_COMMAND (clearFriendsList
, "clear the friend list of a player", "<eid>")
2551 if ( args
.size() < 1 ) return false;
2556 c
2557 log
.displayNL("player %s friends list cleared",eid
2564 NLMISC_COMMAND (clearIgnoreList
, "clear the ignore list of a player", "<eid>")
2566 if ( args
.size() < 1 ) return false;
2571 c
2572 log
.displayNL("player %s ignore list cleared",eid
2578 NLMISC_COMMAND (clearIsFriendOfList
, "clear the ignore list of a player", "<eid>")
2580 if ( args
.size() < 1 ) return false;
2585 c
2586 log
.displayNL("player %s 'IsFriendOf' list cleared",eid
2593 //-----------------------------------------------
2594 // set the defense mode to dodge
2595 //-----------------------------------------------
,"set the defense mode to dodge","<player id(id:type:crea:dyn)>")
2598 if ( args
.size() >= 1 )
2602 c
2604 log
.displayNL("player id %s defense mode is now dodge",eid
2611 //-----------------------------------------------
2612 // set the defense mode to parry
2613 //-----------------------------------------------
,"set the defense mode to parry","<player id(id:type:crea:dyn)>")
2616 if ( args
.size() >= 1 )
2619 c
2620 log
.displayNL("player id %s defense mode is now parry",c
2628 //-----------------------------------------------
2629 // reset the ineffective aura and the power flags for given player
2630 //-----------------------------------------------
2631 NLMISC_COMMAND(resetPowerFlags
,"reset the ineffective aura and the power flags for given character","<eId>")
2633 if ( args
.size() == 1)
2637 c
2638 log
.displayNL("resetPowerFlags for character %s ", c
2642 } // resetPowerFlags
2645 //-----------------------------------------------
2646 // excute a sabrina phrase
2647 //-----------------------------------------------
2648 NLMISC_COMMAND(execPhrase
,"execute a sabrina phrase","<player id(id:type:crea:dyn)> <cyclic 0/1> [<brick ids>...]")
2650 if ( args
.size() >= 3 )
2654 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], cyclic
2656 vector
> brickIds
2657 for (uint i
= 2 ; i
< args
.size() ; ++i
2659 CSheetId
2660 brickIds
.push_back( sheet
2663 CPhraseManager::getInstance().executePhrase(c
->getEntityRowId(), c
->getTargetDataSetRow(), brickIds
, cyclic
2670 //-----------------------------------------------
2671 // excute a sabrina phrase
2672 //-----------------------------------------------
2673 NLMISC_COMMAND(executeSabrinaPhrase
,"execute a sabrina phrase, an sphrase","<player id(id:type:crea:dyn)> <cyclic 0/1> <phraseId>")
2675 if ( args
.size() == 3 )
2680 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], cyclic
2682 CSheetId
2683 CPhraseManager::getInstance().executePhrase(c
->getEntityRowId(), c
->getTargetDataSetRow(), phraseSheet
, cyclic
2688 } // executeSabrinaPhrase //
2691 //-----------------------------------------------
2692 // memorize a sabrina phrase
2693 //-----------------------------------------------
2694 NLMISC_COMMAND(memorizePhrase
,"memorize a sabrina phrase","<player id(id:type:crea:dyn)> <index> [<brick ids>...]")
2696 /* if ( args.size() >= 3 )
2699 id.fromString(args[0].c_str());
2702 NLMISC::fromString(args[1], index);
2704 CCharacter * c = PlayerManager.getChar( id );
2707 vector<CSheetId> brickIds;
2708 for (uint i = 2 ; i < args.size() ; ++i)
2710 CSheetId sheet(args[i]);
2711 brickIds.push_back( sheet );
2714 c->memorize(index, brickIds );
2718 log.displayNL("invalid player id %s",id.toString().c_str());
2724 } // memorizePhrase //
2727 //-----------------------------------------------
2728 // execute a memorized sabrina phrase
2729 //-----------------------------------------------
2730 NLMISC_COMMAND(execMemorizedPhrase
,"memorize a memorized sabrina phrase","<player id(id:type:crea:dyn)> <index> <cyclic 0/1>")
2732 /* if ( args.size() >= 2 )
2735 id.fromString(args[0].c_str());
2738 NLMISC::fromString(args[1], index);
2740 NLMISC::fromString(args[2], cyclic);
2742 CCharacter * c = PlayerManager.getChar( id );
2745 c->executeMemorizedPhrase(index, cyclic,false);
2749 log.displayNL("invalid player id %s",id.toString().c_str());
2754 } // execMemorizedPhrase //
2756 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2757 // Death commands until client interface is ready //
2758 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2760 //-----------------------------------------------
2761 // Simulate character choice a re-spawn point until UI is ready
2762 //-----------------------------------------------
2763 NLMISC_COMMAND(respawnAfterDeath
,"respawnAfterDeath at re-spawn point name, it must be valid (validated by PC and usable)","<player id(id:type:crea:dyn)><Respawn idx>")
2765 if ( args
.size() == 2 )
2770 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], idx
2772 // A death character can choose to re-spawn to a previously validated re-spawn point, a last of one re-spawn point is always valid
2778 } // execMemorizedPhrase //
2781 //-----------------------------------------------
2782 // Simulate Resurrection by other PC until UI is ready
2783 //-----------------------------------------------
2784 NLMISC_COMMAND(resurrected
,"Another PC resurrect PC by giving some energy","<player id(id:type:crea:dyn)><Hp gived><Sta gived><Sap gived><Focus gived>")
2786 if( args
.size() == 1 )
2797 //-----------------------------------------------
2798 // Simulate buy kami / karavan pact until UI is ready
2799 //-----------------------------------------------
,"Buy Kami or Karavan pact","<player id(id:type:crea:dyn)><Pact Name>")
2802 if( args
.size() == 3 )
2806 // Character buy pact with Kami / Karavan by botchat (same has trade)
2807 // effect is validate re-spawn point for one use
2808 c
->buyPact( args
[1] );
2816 //-----------------------------------------------
2817 // Simulate validate re-spawn point until UI is ready
2818 //-----------------------------------------------
2819 NLMISC_COMMAND(validateRespawnPoint
,"Validate re-spawn point","<player id(id:type:crea:dyn)><Re-spawn point idx>")
2821 if( args
.size() == 2 )
2825 CCharacterRespawnPoints::TRespawnPoint respawnPoint
2826 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], respawnPoint
2827 c
2833 NLMISC_COMMAND(displayForageRM
,"Display forageable raw materials near by or at the exact position of a player","<eid> <exactPos=1> <extendedInfo=0>")
2835 if ( args
.size() < 1 ) return false;
2838 bool exactPos
= ! ((args
.size() > 1) && (args
[1] == "0"));
2839 bool extendedInfo
= (args
.size() > 2) && (args
[2] == "1");
2840 CFgProspectionPhrase::displayRMNearBy( c
, exactPos
, extendedInfo
, &log
2845 NLMISC_COMMAND(setItemSapLoad
,"set an item sap load","<eId><slot index in bag (starts at 0)><float value>")
2847 if ( args
.size() != 3)
2852 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], slot
2853 float value
= (float)atof(args
2854 // vector<CGameItemPtr>& items = (vector<CGameItemPtr> &)c->getInventory()[INVENTORIES::bag]->getChildren();
2855 CInventoryPtr invent
= c
2856 // if ( slot >= invent->getNumChildren() )
2857 if ( slot
>= invent
->getSlotCount() )
2859 // log.displayNL("Invalid slot %u max = %u",slot, items.size()-1);
2860 log
.displayNL("Invalid slot %u max = %u",slot
, invent
2863 // if( items[slot] == NULL )
2864 if( invent
) == NULL
2866 log
.displayNL("empty slot %u",slot
2871 // CGameItemPtr item = invent->getChildItem(slot);
2872 CGameItemPtr item
= invent
2873 // if ( items[slot]->getSheetId() == CSheetId("stack.sitem") )
2874 // if (item->getSheetId() == CSheetId("stack.sitem") )
2876 //// for ( uint i = 0; i < items[slot]->getChildren().size(); i++ )
2877 // for ( uint i = 0; i < item->getNumChildren(); i++ )
2879 //// if ( items[slot]->getChildren()[i] != NULL)
2880 // if ( item->getChildItem(i) != NULL)
2882 //// items[slot]->getChildren()[i]->setMaxSapLoad( value );
2883 // item->getChildItem(i)->setMaxSapLoad( value );
2884 //// sapLoad = items[slot]->getChildren()[i]->maxSapLoad();
2885 // sapLoad = item->getChildItem(i)->maxSapLoad();
2891 // items[slot]->setMaxSapLoad( value );
2892 item
->setMaxSapLoad( value
2893 // sapLoad = items[slot]->maxSapLoad();
2894 sapLoad
= item
2896 //trap c->incSlotVersion( INVENTORIES::bag,slot);
2897 log
.displayNL("item in slot %u has now a sap load of %u",slot
, "show Focus Beta Tester title if the player is a FBT", "<FBT id>" )
2905 if ( args
.size() != 1 )
2908 CPlayer
* p
= PlayerManager
.getPlayerId( c
->getId() ) );
2911 nlwarning ("ADMIN: Can't find player with UserId %d", PlayerManager
2915 if (!p
2917 nlwarning ("ADMIN: UserId %d is not a FBT", PlayerManager
2921 c
2926 NLMISC_COMMAND( summonPet
, "player can summon it's pet one time only", "<eid><Pet Number>" )
2928 if ( args
.size() != 2 )
2933 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], index
2935 const std::vector
< CPetAnimal
>& pet
= c
2936 if( index
< pet
.size() )
2938 if( pet
[ index
!= CPetAnimal::not_present
2940 if( pet
[ index
2942 c
->sendPetCommand( CPetCommandMsg::DESPAWN
, index
, true );
2943 c
->setPetStatus( index
, CPetAnimal::waiting_spawn
2944 c
->setSpawnPetFlag( index
2945 c
->petTpAllowed( index
, false );
2952 NLMISC_COMMAND( allowSummonPet
, "autorize player summon it's pet one time only", "<eid><Pet Number>" )
2954 if ( args
.size() != 2 )
2959 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], index
2962 const std::vector
< CPetAnimal
>& pet
= c
2963 if( index
< pet
.size() )
2965 if( pet
[ index
!= CPetAnimal::not_present
2967 c
->petTpAllowed( index
, true );
2976 // You can add here all variables to administrate this service.
2981 NLMISC_DYNVARIABLE (float, RyzomTime
, "Current ryzom time")
2985 *pointer
= CTimeDateSeasonManager::getRyzomTimeReference().getRyzomTime ();
2989 CMessage msgout ("SET_RYZOM_TIME");
2990 msgout.serial (*pointer);
2991 CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->send( "WOS", msgout );
, RyzomDate
, "Current ryzom date")
3001 *pointer
= CTimeDateSeasonManager::getRyzomTimeReference().getRyzomDay ();
3005 CMessage msgout ("SET_RYZOM_DAY");
3006 msgout.serial (*pointer);
3007 CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->send( "WOS", msgout );
3017 void audit(const CAdminCommand
, const string
, const CEntityId
, const string
, const string
3022 CConfigFile::CVar
= IService::getInstance()->ConfigFile
3023 CConfigFile::CVar
= IService::getInstance()->ConfigFile
3025 if (varHost
|| varPage
3028 string host
= varHost
3029 string page
= varPage
3031 if (host
.empty() || page
3035 sprintf(params
, "action=audit&cmd=%s&raw=%s&name=(%s,%s)&target=%s", cmd
.c_str(), rawCommand
.c_str(), eid
.toString().c_str(), name
.c_str(), targetName
3037 IThread
= IThread::create(new CHttpPostTask(host
, page
, params
3041 // all admin /a /b commands executed by the client go in this callback
3042 void cbClientAdmin (NLNET::CMessage
& msgin
, const std::string
, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId
3044 H_AUTO(cbClientAdmin
3048 CEntityId targetEid
3052 msgin
.serial (onTarget
3054 CSString cmdName
, arg
3055 msgin
.serial (cmdName
, arg
3057 //nlinfo("ADMIN: Executing admin command: eid=%s onTarget=%s cmdName=%s arg=%s",eid.toString().c_str(),onTarget?"true":"false",cmdName.quote().c_str(),arg.quote().c_str());
3058 TLogContext_Command_ExecCtx
3060 // find the character
3061 CCharacter
= PlayerManager
.getChar( eid
3064 nlwarning ("ADMIN: Unknown player %s", eid
3065 chatToPlayer (eid
, "Unknown player");
3069 // test character is ready and valid
3070 if (!c
3072 nlwarning("ADMIN: player %s not ready", eid
3075 if (!TheDataset
3077 nlwarning("ADMIN: player %s not ready in mirror (invalid rowid)", eid
3081 // find if the command is available
3082 const CAdminCommand
* cmd
= findAdminCommand(cmdName
3085 nlinfo("ADMIN: Player %s tried to execute a no valid client admin command '%s'", eid
.toString().c_str(), cmdName
3086 chatToPlayer (eid
, "Unknown command");
3090 if (!c
3092 nlinfo("ADMIN: Player %s doesn't have privilege to execute the client admin command '%s' ", eid
.toString().c_str(), cmdName
3093 chatToPlayer (eid
, "You don't have privilege to execute this command");
3097 if (onTarget
&& !c
3099 nlinfo("ADMIN: Player %s doesn't have privilege to execute /b command onTarget '%s' ", eid
.toString().c_str(), cmdName
3100 chatToPlayer (eid
, "You don't have privilege to execute this command");
3104 if (!cmd
3106 // we need to forward the command to another service
3107 if (IClientCommandForwader::getInstance())
3109 IClientCommandForwader::getInstance()->sendCommand(cmd
, cmdName
, eid
, onTarget
, onTarget
? c
->getTarget() : CEntityId::Unknown
, arg
3115 // create the command line
3116 string res
= cmdName
+ " ";
3118 if( cmdName
== string("Position") )
3120 // check validity of Position command
3123 if( !c
->havePriv(":DEV:SGM:GM:EM:") )
3125 nlwarning ("ADMIN: Player %s doesn't have privilege to execute the client admin command /b '%s' ", eid
.toString().c_str(), cmdName
3126 chatToPlayer (eid
, "You don't have privilege to execute this command");
3132 std::string targetName
= string("Implicite");
3134 // add the eid of the player or target if necessary
3139 log_Command_ExecOnTarget(c
->getTarget(), cmdName
, arg
3140 res
+= c
3141 targetEid
= c
3142 targetName
= NLMISC::toString("%s,%s", c
->getTarget().toString().c_str(), CEntityIdTranslator::getInstance()->getByEntity(c
3146 log_Command_Exec(cmdName
, arg
3147 res
+= eid
3149 targetName
= string("Himself");
3156 TLogContext_Item_Command
? c
->getTarget() : eid
3157 TLogContext_Character_BuyRolemasterPhrase
? c
->getTarget() : eid
3158 std::string csName
= CEntityIdTranslator::getInstance()->getByEntity(eid
3160 strFindReplace(res
, "#player", eid
3161 if (c
->getTarget() != CEntityId::Unknown
3163 strFindReplace(res
, "#target", c
3164 strFindReplace(res
, "#gtarget", string("#"+c
3166 ADMINLOG("/a %s %s %s", csName
.c_str(), targetName
.c_str(), res
3167 // nlinfo ("ADMIN: Player (%s,%s) will execute client admin command '%s' on target %s", eid.toString().c_str(), csName.c_str(), res.c_str(), targetName.c_str());
3169 //audit(cmd, res, eid, csName, targetName);
3171 CLightMemDisplayer
= new CLightMemDisplayer("CmdDisplayer");
3172 CLog
= new CLog( CLog::LOG_NO
3173 CmdLogger
->addDisplayer( CmdDisplayer
3174 NLMISC::ICommand::execute(res
, *CmdLogger
, true);
3175 const std::deque
> &strs
= CmdDisplayer
->lockStrings ();
3176 for (uint i
= 0; i
< strs
.size(); i
3178 InfoLog
->displayNL("%s", trim(strs
3180 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
3181 params
= trim(strs
3182 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid
, "LITERAL", params
3184 CmdDisplayer
3185 CmdLogger
->removeDisplayer (CmdDisplayer
3186 delete CmdDisplayer
3191 // all admin /c commands executed by the client go in this callback
3192 void cbClientAdminOffline (NLNET::CMessage
& msgin
, const std::string
, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId
3194 H_AUTO(cbClientAdminOffline
3199 string characterName
3200 msgin
3202 string cmdName
, arg
3203 msgin
.serial (cmdName
, arg
3205 ADMINLOG("/c %s %s %s", eid
.toString().c_str(), characterName
.c_str(), cmdName
.c_str(), arg
3206 //nlinfo("ADMIN: Executing admin /c command: eid=%s onTarget=%s cmdName=%s arg=%s",eid.toString().c_str(),characterName.c_str(),cmdName.c_str(),arg.c_str());
3208 // find the character
3209 CCharacter
= PlayerManager
.getChar( eid
3212 nlwarning ("ADMIN: Unknown player %s", eid
3213 chatToPlayer (eid
, "Unknown player");
3217 // test character is ready and valid
3218 if (!c
3220 nlwarning("ADMIN: player %s not ready", eid
3223 if (!TheDataset
3225 nlwarning("ADMIN: player %s not ready in mirror (invalid rowid)", eid
3229 // find if the command is available
3230 const CAdminCommand
* cmd
= findAdminCommand(cmdName
3233 nlwarning ("ADMIN: Player %s tried to execute a no valid client admin command '%s'", eid
.toString().c_str(), cmdName
3234 chatToPlayer (eid
, "Unknown command");
3238 if (!c
3240 nlwarning ("ADMIN: Player %s doesn't have privilege to execute the client admin command '%s' ", eid
.toString().c_str(), cmdName
3241 chatToPlayer (eid
, "You don't have privilege to execute this command");
3245 if (!c
3247 nlinfo("ADMIN: Player %s doesn't have privilege to execute /c command '%s' ", eid
.toString().c_str(), cmdName
3248 chatToPlayer (eid
, "You don't have privilege to execute this command");
3252 // find the character eid
3253 CEntityId charEid
= CEntityIdTranslator::getInstance()->getByEntity(characterName
3254 if (charEid
== CEntityId::Unknown
3256 nlwarning ("ADMIN: Unknown character %s", characterName
3260 if( cmdName
== string("Position") )
3262 // check validity of Position command
3263 if( !c
->havePriv(":DEV:SGM:GM:EM:") )
3265 nlwarning ("ADMIN: Player %s doesn't have privilege to execute the client admin command /c '%s' ", eid
.toString().c_str(), cmdName
3266 chatToPlayer (eid
, "You don't have privilege to execute this command");
3271 // create the command line
3272 string res
= cmdName
+ " ";
3274 // add the eid of the player or target if necessary
3277 res
+= charEid
3283 std::string csName
= CEntityIdTranslator::getInstance()->getByEntity(eid
3284 std::string targetName
= NLMISC::toString("(%s,%s)", CEntityIdTranslator::getInstance()->getByEntity( ucstring(characterName
) ).toString().c_str(), characterName
.c_str() );
3286 ADMINLOG("/o %s %s %s", csName
.c_str(), targetName
.c_str(), res
3287 //nlinfo("ADMINOFFLINE: Player (%s,%s) will execute client admin command '%s' on target %s", eid.toString().c_str(), csName.c_str(), res.c_str(), targetName.c_str());
3288 NLMISC::ICommand::execute(res
, *InfoLog
3291 void cbRemoteClientCallback (uint32 rid
, const std::string
, const std::string
3293 vector
> entities
3294 selectEntities (entityNames
, entities
3296 for (uint i
= 0; i
< entities
.size(); i
3298 CCharacter
= PlayerManager
3301 nlinfo ("ADMIN: I have to send a request for admin to a client : rid %d cmd '%s' eid %s", rid
, cmd
.c_str(), entities
3303 CMessage
msgout ("IMPULSION_ID");
3304 msgout
.serial (entities
3307 if (!GenericMsgManager
.pushNameToStream ("COMMAND:REMOTE_ADMIN", bms
3308 nlstopex (("Missing a message in the msg.xml"));
3311 bms
.serial (const_cast<string
3313 msgout
.serialBufferWithSize ((uint8
.buffer(), bms
3314 sendMessageViaMirror (NLNET::TServiceId(entities
].getDynamicId()), msgout
3319 void cbClientRemoteAdmin( NLNET::CMessage
& msgin
, const std::string
, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId
3321 H_AUTO(cbClientRemoteAdmin
3333 msgin
.serial (answer
3335 vector
> vara
, vala
3337 if (ICommand::isCommand(cmd
3339 vara
.push_back ("__log");
3340 vala
.push_back ("----- Result from "+eid
.toString()+" "+IService::getInstance()->getServiceUnifiedName()+" of command '"+cmd
3341 vala
.push_back (answer
3345 vara
.push_back ("service");
3346 vala
.push_back (IService::getInstance ()->getServiceUnifiedName());
3348 vara
.push_back ("entity");
3349 vala
.push_back (eid
3351 vara
.push_back (cmd
3352 vala
.push_back (answer
3355 nlinfo ("ADMIN: received an answer from %s for command '%s' that is '%s' for rid %d", eid
.toString().c_str(), cmd
.c_str(), answer
.c_str(), rid
3357 addRequestAnswer (rid
, vara
, vala
3360 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3361 NLMISC_COMMAND( displayWeather
, "Display current weather at specified pos", "<x> <y>" )
3363 if ( args
.size() < 2 )
3366 pos
= (float)atof( args
[0].c_str() );
3367 pos
= (float)atof( args
[1].c_str() );
3369 CRyzomTime::EWeather weather
= WeatherEverywhere
.getWeather( pos
, CTimeDateSeasonManager::getRyzomTimeReference() );
3370 log
.displayNL( "Weather: %u", (uint
3377 /***********************************************************************************************************************
3381 ***********************************************************************************************************************/
, "Invoke a CSR command from service console or admin tool without the need to have a CSR logged in", "<csrCommandName> <command params>+" )
3388 // build the command line
3389 string command
= args
3390 command
+= string(" (0x0000000000:00:00:00) ");
3391 for (uint i
=1; i
.size(); ++i
3393 command
+= "\""+args
3394 if (i
3398 ICommand::execute(command
, log
, quiet
, human
3404 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
, "set the current message of the day", "<message to be displayed (string)>" )
3410 string msg
= args
3411 for ( uint i
= 1; i
< args
.size(); i
++ )
3413 msg
+= " " + args
3415 MessageOfTheDay
= msg
3419 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3420 NLMISC_COMMAND( summon
, "summon a player in front of the CSR", "<CSR eId><player name>" )
3422 if ( args
.size() !=2 )
3425 CCharacter
* target
= PlayerManager
.getCharacterByName( CShardNames::getInstance().makeFullNameFromRelative(c
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), args
[1]) );
3426 if ( !target
|| !TheDataset
.isAccessible( target
->getEntityRowId() ) )
3428 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid
3430 COfflineEntityState state
3431 state
= c
3432 state
= c
3433 state
= c
3434 state
= c
3435 CGmTpPendingCommand::getInstance()->addTpPendingforCharacter( args
[1], state
3441 /* if(target->getCurrentContinent() == CONTINENT::NEWBIELAND )
3443 if( c->getCurrentContinent() != CONTINENT::NEWBIELAND )
3445 log.displayNL( "Summon player outside NEWBIELAND is forbiden, <CSR eId %s> try to made an illegal action, this is loged.", eid.toString().c_str());
3446 chatToPlayer (eid, "You don't have privilege to execute this command");
3451 COfflineEntityState state
3452 state
= target
3453 state
= target
3454 state
= target
3455 state
= target
3456 PlayerManager
.addSummonnedUser( target
->getEntityRowId(), state
3458 state
= c
+ sint32 (cos (c
) * 2000);
3459 state
= c
+ sint32 (sin (c
) * 2000);
3460 state
= c
3461 state
= c
+ (float)NLMISC::Pi
3462 if ( state
>= (float)NLMISC::Pi
3463 state
-= 2* (float)NLMISC::Pi
3465 target
3466 target
->tpWanted( state
, state
, state
, true, state
3470 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3471 NLMISC_COMMAND( dismiss
, "teleport a player back to its former position ( before last call to summonPlayer )", "<CSR eId><player name>" )
3473 if ( args
.size() !=2 )
3476 CCharacter
* target
= PlayerManager
.getCharacterByName( CShardNames::getInstance().makeFullNameFromRelative(c
[1]) );
3477 if ( !target
|| !TheDataset
.isAccessible( target
->getEntityRowId() ) )
3479 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid
3483 COfflineEntityState state
3484 if ( PlayerManager
.getDismissCoords( target
->getEntityRowId(), state
) )
3486 target
3487 target
->tpWanted( state
, state
, state
, true, state
3488 CContinent
* cont
= CZoneManager::getInstance().getContinent(state
, state
3491 target
->getRespawnPoints().addDefaultRespawnPoint( CONTINENT::TContinent(cont
->getId()) );
3493 PlayerManager
.removeSummonedUser( target
->getEntityRowId() );
3497 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid
3502 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3503 NLMISC_COMMAND( teleport
, "teleport the CSR in front of a player", "<CSR eId><player name>" )
3505 if ( args
.size() !=2 )
3508 CCharacter
* target
= PlayerManager
.getCharacterByName( CShardNames::getInstance().makeFullNameFromRelative(c
[1]) );
3509 if ( !target
|| !TheDataset
.isAccessible( target
->getEntityRowId() ) )
3511 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid
3514 float heading
= target
3515 sint32 x
= target
+ sint32 (cos (target
->getState ().Heading
) * 2000);
3516 sint32 y
= target
+ sint32 (sin (target
->getState ().Heading
) * 2000);
3517 sint32 z
= target
3518 heading
+= (float)NLMISC::Pi
3519 if ( heading
>= (float)NLMISC::Pi
3520 heading
-= 2* (float)NLMISC::Pi
3522 c
3523 c
, y
, z
, true, true, heading
3524 CContinent
* continent
= CZoneManager::getInstance().getContinent(x
, y
3525 if (continent
3527 c
->getRespawnPoints().addDefaultRespawnPoint( CONTINENT::TContinent(continent
->getId()) );
3532 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3533 //static string capitalize(const string & s)
3538 // return toUpper( s.substr(0,1) ) + toLower( s.substr(1,string::npos) );
3541 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3542 NLMISC_COMMAND( renamePlayerForEvent
, "rename a player for the event", "<CSR eId><player name><new playerName>" )
3544 if ( args
.size() != 3 )
3547 ucstring
newName( args
[2] );
3549 CCharacter
* target
= PlayerManager
.getCharacterByName( CShardNames::getInstance().makeFullNameFromRelative(c
[1]) );
3550 if ( !target
|| !TheDataset
.isAccessible( target
->getEntityRowId() ) )
3552 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid
3557 // assign new name to player
3559 // PlayerManager.addEntityForStringIdRequest( target->getId() );
3560 target
3565 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3566 //NLMISC_COMMAND( renamePlayer, "rename a player", "<CSR eId><player name><new playerName>" )
3568 // if ( args.size() != 3 )
3571 // ucstring oldName( capitalize(args[1]) );
3572 // ucstring newName( capitalize(args[2]) );
3574 // CCharacter * target = PlayerManager.getCharacterByName( args[1] );
3575 // if ( !target || !TheDataset.isAccessible( target->getEntityRowId() ) )
3577 // CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid, "CSR_BAD_TARGET" );
3580 // CHECK_RIGHT( c,target );
3582 // if ( CEntityIdTranslator::getInstance()->entityNameExists( newName ) )
3584 // CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid, "CSR_NAME_EXISTS" );
3588 // // assign new name to player
3589 // bool result = CNameManager::getInstance()->assignName( target->getId(), newName );
3592 // CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid, "CSR_BAD_NAME" );
3593 // nlwarning("assignName failed for name: %s", newName.toUtf8().c_str() );
3596 // PlayerManager.addEntityForStringIdRequest( target->getId() );
3597 // target->setName( newName );
3598 // target->registerName();
3600 // if ( toLower(newName) != toLower(oldName) )
3602 // // liberate old name
3603 // CNameManager::getInstance()->liberateName( target->getId(), oldName );
3609 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3610 NLMISC_COMMAND( renameGuild
, "rename a guild", "<CSR_eId> <guild_name>|<shardId:guildId> <new_guild_name>" )
3612 if ( args
.size() != 3 )
3614 if (args
3618 GET_GUILD(1, true, NLMISC::CEntityId::Unknown
3620 ucstring
name( args
[2] );
3621 // check if name already exists in the player list
3622 if ( NLMISC::CEntityIdTranslator::getInstance()->entityNameExists( name
) /*|| EGSPD::PDSLib.getStringManager().stringExists(name, RYZOMID::guildName)*/ )
3624 if (args
3626 log
.displayNL("renameGuild failed because the name is already taken: ",args
3631 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid
3636 guild
->setName( name
3638 if (IGuildUnifier::getInstance() != NULL
3639 IGuildUnifier::getInstance()->broadcastGuildUpdate(guild
3640 // CGuildManager::getInstance()->addGuildsAwaitingString(name,guild->getId());
3644 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3645 NLMISC_COMMAND( setGuildDescription
, "set a guild description", "<guild_name>|<shardId:guildId> <new_guild_description>" )
3647 if ( args
.size() != 2)
3649 GET_GUILD(0, true, NLMISC::CEntityId::Unknown
3650 ucstring
desc( args
[1] );
3651 guild
->setDescription( desc
3653 if (IGuildUnifier::getInstance() != NULL
3654 IGuildUnifier::getInstance()->broadcastGuildUpdate(guild
3656 // CGuildManager::getInstance()->addGuildsAwaitingString(desc,guild->getId());
3660 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3661 NLMISC_COMMAND( setGuildIcon
, "set a guild icon", "<guild_name>|<shardId:guildId> <new_icon_code(on 64 bits)>" )
3663 if ( args
.size() != 2)
3665 GET_GUILD(0, true, NLMISC::CEntityId::Unknown
3667 uint64 icon
= atoiInt64( args
[1].c_str() );
3668 guild
->setIcon( icon
3670 if (IGuildUnifier::getInstance() != NULL
3671 IGuildUnifier::getInstance()->broadcastGuildUpdate(guild
3676 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3677 NLMISC_COMMAND( killMob
, "kill a mob ( /a killMob )", "<CSR eId>" )
3679 if ( args
.size() != 1 )
3683 CCreature
* creature
= CreatureManager
.getCreature( c
->getTarget() );
3684 if (creature
3686 nlwarning ("Unknown creature '%s'", c
->getTarget().toString().c_str() );
3689 if(!TheDataset
3691 nlwarning ("'%s' is not valid in mirror", c
3694 if ( !creature
->getContextualProperty().directAccessForStructMembers().attackable() )
3696 if ( ! creature
3698 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid
3702 creature
= 0;
3707 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3708 NLMISC_COMMAND( dssTarget
, "target a mob and send information to dss( /b dssTarget )", "<ring player eId>[<cmd>]" )
3710 if ( args
.size() < 1 )
3715 CCreature
* creature
= CreatureManager
.getCreature( c
->getTarget() );
3716 if (creature
3718 nlwarning ("Unknown creature '%s'", c
->getTarget().toString().c_str() );
3721 if(!TheDataset
3723 nlwarning ("'%s' is not valid in mirror", c
3728 NLMISC::CEntityId creatureId
= creature
3729 TAIAlias alias
= CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getAIAlias(creatureId
3730 TDataSetRow entityRowId
= creature
3732 if (alias
== CAIAliasTranslator::Invalid
3734 nlwarning ("'%s' has no alias translation", creatureId
3737 CMessage
3738 msgout
); //eid of the player
3739 msgout
); // eid of the mob
3740 msgout
); //mob targeted
3741 msgout
); //datasetrow
3743 uint32 args_size
= (uint32
.size() - 1;
3745 msgout
3746 for ( ; i
!= args_size
; ++i
3748 std::string str
= args
3752 CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->send("DSS", msgout
3761 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
, "root a player", "<CSR id><player name><time in second>" )
3764 if ( args
.size() != 3 )
3767 CCharacter
* target
= PlayerManager
.getCharacterByName( CShardNames::getInstance().makeFullNameFromRelative(c
[1]) );
3768 if ( !target
|| !TheDataset
.isAccessible( target
->getEntityRowId() ) )
3770 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid
3775 NLMISC::TGameCycle cycle
3776 NLMISC::fromString(args
[2], cycle
3777 cycle
= TGameCycle(NLMISC::TGameTime(cycle
) / CTickEventHandler::getGameTimeStep() + CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle());
3778 PlayerManager
.addGMRoot( eid
, target
->getId(), cycle
3782 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3783 NLMISC_COMMAND( unroot
, "stop rooting a player", "<CSR id> <player name>" )
3785 if ( args
.size() != 2 )
3788 CCharacter
* target
= PlayerManager
.getCharacterByName( CShardNames::getInstance().makeFullNameFromRelative(c
[1]) );
3789 if ( !target
|| !TheDataset
.isAccessible( target
->getEntityRowId() ) )
3791 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid
3795 PlayerManager
, target
->getId() );
3799 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3800 NLMISC_COMMAND( ignoreTells
, "ignore incoming tell", "<CSR id> <0 / false / 1 / true >" )
3802 if ( args
.size() != 2 )
3806 CMessage
3808 bool ignore
= (args
[1]=="1" || strlwr(args
[1])=="on" || strlwr(args
[1])=="true" );
3809 msgout
.serial( ignore
3810 CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->send("IOS", msgout
3814 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
, "activate GM title", "<CSR id>" )
3817 if ( args
.size() != 1 )
3820 CPlayer
= PlayerManager
.getPlayerId( eid
) );
3823 nlwarning ("ADMIN: Can't find player with UserId %d", PlayerManager
3826 CHARACTER_TITLE::ECharacterTitle title
= CHARACTER_TITLE::getGMTitleFromPriv( p
->getUserPriv() );
3827 if ( title
3829 nlwarning ("ADMIN: UserId %d has an invalid privilege %s", PlayerManager
), p
->getUserPriv().c_str() );
3832 c
->setTitle( title
3837 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3838 NLMISC_COMMAND( monitorMissions
, "monitor a player missions", "<CSR id><player name>" )
3840 if ( args
.size() != 2 )
3843 CCharacter
* target
= PlayerManager
.getCharacterByName( CShardNames::getInstance().makeFullNameFromRelative(c
[1]) );
3844 if ( !target
|| !TheDataset
.isAccessible( target
->getEntityRowId() ) )
3846 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid
3851 // CSR must have no missions to monitor a player
3852 if ( c
->getMissionsBegin() != c
->getMissionsEnd() )
3854 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( c
->getEntityRowId() , "CSR_HAS_MISSION" );
3858 // target missions must not be monitored
3859 if ( target
->getMonitoringCSR() != TDataSetRow::createFromRawIndex( INVALID_DATASET_ROW
) )
3861 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( c
->getEntityRowId() , "CSR_MISSION_MONITORED" );
3864 target
->setMonitoringCSR( c
->getEntityRowId() );
3865 c
->getAdminProperties().setMissionMonitoredUser( target
->getEntityRowId() );
3867 for ( map
, CMission
*>::iterator it
= target
->getMissionsBegin(); it
!= target
->getMissionsEnd(); ++it
3869 (*it
3874 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3875 NLMISC_COMMAND( stopMonitorMissions
, "monitor a player missions", "<CSR id>" )
3877 if ( args
.size() != 1 )
3881 CCharacter
* target
= PlayerManager
.getChar( c
->getAdminProperties().getMissionMonitoredUser() );
3882 c
->getAdminProperties().setMissionMonitoredUser( TDataSetRow::createFromRawIndex( INVALID_DATASET_ROW
) );
3884 target
->setMonitoringCSR( TDataSetRow::createFromRawIndex( INVALID_DATASET_ROW
) );
3890 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3891 NLMISC_COMMAND( failMission
, "force mission failure", "<CSR id><mission idx>" )
3893 if ( args
.size() != 2 )
3898 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], index
3899 CMission
* mission
= c
3902 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( c
->getEntityRowId(), "CSR_BAD_MISSION" );
3905 mission
3909 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3910 NLMISC_COMMAND( progressMission
, "force mission progression", "<CSR id><mission idx>[repeat]")
3912 if ( args
.size() != 2 && args
.size() != 3 )
3917 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], index
3918 CMission
* mission
= c
3921 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( c
->getEntityRowId(), "CSR_BAD_MISSION" );
3924 CCharacter
* user
= mission
3926 if ( args
.size() == 3 )
3927 NLMISC::fromString(args
[2], repeat
3928 CMissionEventDebug event
3929 for ( uint i
= 0; i
< repeat
; i
++ )
3930 user
3934 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3935 NLMISC_COMMAND (changeVar
, "change a variable of a player", "<eid> <var> <val>")
3937 if (args
.size() != 3)
3940 CEntityId
eid (args
3942 string var
= args
3943 string value
= args
3945 CEntityBase
= CEntityBaseManager::getEntityBasePtr(eid
3948 if (e
->setValue (var
, value
3949 log
.displayNL("Change Var of Entity %s Var %s Value %s", eid
.toString().c_str(), var
.c_str(), value
3953 log
.displayNL("Unknown entity %s (not a player or a creature)", eid
3959 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
, "mute a user", "<csr id> <player name><duration>")
3962 if ( args
.size() != 3 )
3965 CCharacter
* target
= PlayerManager
.getCharacterByName( CShardNames::getInstance().makeFullNameFromRelative(c
[1]) );
3966 if ( !target
|| !TheDataset
.isAccessible( target
->getEntityRowId() ) )
3968 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid
3973 NLMISC::fromString(args
[2], duration
3974 NLMISC::TGameCycle cycle
= (NLMISC::TGameCycle
) ( duration
/ CTickEventHandler::getGameTimeStep() + CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle() );
3975 PlayerManager
.addGMMute( eid
, target
->getId(), cycle
3979 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3980 NLMISC_COMMAND (unmute
, "unmute a user", "<csr id> <player name>")
3982 if ( args
.size() != 2 )
3985 CCharacter
* target
= PlayerManager
.getCharacterByName( CShardNames::getInstance().makeFullNameFromRelative(c
[1]) );
3986 if ( !target
|| !TheDataset
.isAccessible( target
->getEntityRowId() ) )
3988 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid
3992 PlayerManager
.removeGMMute( eid
, target
->getId() );
3996 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3997 NLMISC_COMMAND (universe
, "chat in universe mode", "<boolean>")
3999 if ( args
.size() != 2 )
4002 bool on
= (args
[1]=="1" || strlwr(args
[1])=="on" || strlwr(args
[1])=="true" );
4004 CMessage
4006 msgOut
.serial( const_cast<CEntityId
) );
4007 msgOut
.serial( on
4008 CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->send( "IOS", msgOut
4012 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4013 NLMISC_COMMAND (muteUniverse
, "mute the univers chat", "<csr id><player name><duration>")
4015 if ( args
.size() != 3 )
4019 CCharacter
* target
= PlayerManager
.getCharacterByName( CShardNames::getInstance().makeFullNameFromRelative(c
[1]) );
4020 if ( !target
|| !TheDataset
.isAccessible( target
->getEntityRowId() ) )
4022 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid
4026 // find if the command is available
4027 const CAdminCommand
* cmd
= findAdminCommand("muteUniverse");
4030 nlwarning ("ADMIN: Player %s tried to execute a no valid client admin command '%s'", c
->getId().toString().c_str(), "muteUniverse");
4031 chatToPlayer (c
->getId(), "Unknown command");
4035 if (!c
4037 nlwarning ("ADMIN: Player %s doesn't have privilege to execute the client admin command '%s' ", c
->getId().toString().c_str(), "muteUniverse");
4038 chatToPlayer (c
->getId(), "You don't have privilege to execute this command");
4043 NLMISC::fromString(args
[2], duration
4044 NLMISC::TGameCycle cycle
= (NLMISC::TGameCycle
) (duration
/ CTickEventHandler::getGameTimeStep() + CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle() );
4045 PlayerManager
.muteUniverse( eid
, cycle
, target
->getId() );
4049 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4050 NLMISC_COMMAND (unmuteUniverse
, "unmute the univers chat", "<csr id><player name>")
4052 if ( args
.size() != 2 )
4056 CCharacter
* target
= PlayerManager
.getCharacterByName( CShardNames::getInstance().makeFullNameFromRelative(c
[1]) );
4057 if ( !target
|| !TheDataset
.isAccessible( target
->getEntityRowId() ) )
4059 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid
4063 // find if the command is available
4064 const CAdminCommand
* cmd
= findAdminCommand("unmuteUniverse");
4067 nlwarning ("ADMIN: Player %s tried to execute a no valid client admin command '%s'", c
->getId().toString().c_str(), "unmuteUniverse");
4068 chatToPlayer (c
->getId(), "Unknown command");
4072 if (!c
4074 nlwarning ("ADMIN: Player %s doesn't have privilege to execute the client admin command '%s' ", c
->getId().toString().c_str(), "unmuteUniverse");
4075 chatToPlayer (c
->getId(), "You don't have privilege to execute this command");
4079 PlayerManager
, target
4083 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
, "set the current GM guild", "")
4087 uint32 guildId
= c
4088 CGuildManager::getInstance()->setGMGuild( guildId
4092 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4093 NLMISC_COMMAND (targetInfos
, "give infos on the target", "")
4095 if ( args
.size() != 1 )
4099 string answer
= "displaying info on target : \n";
4100 if ( c
->getTarget().getType() == RYZOMID::creature
|| c
->getTarget().getType() == RYZOMID::npc
4102 CCreature
* target
= CreatureManager
.getCreature( c
->getTarget() );
4104 answer
= "invalid creature target";
4107 answer
= NLMISC::toString( "HP : %u / %u",
4108 target
4109 target
].Max() );
4112 else if ( c
->getTarget().getType() == RYZOMID::player
4114 CCharacter
* target
= PlayerManager
.getChar( c
->getTarget() );
4116 answer
+= "invalid player target";
4119 const std::vector
< SCharacteristicsAndScores
> & scores
= target
4120 answer
= NLMISC::toString( "HP : %d / %d \nSAP : %d / %d \nSTA : %d / %d \nFOCUS : %d / %d \n",
4121 scores
4122 scores
4123 scores
4124 scores
].Max() );
4125 answer
+= "\n Displaying skills > 1:\n";
4126 for ( uint i
= 0; i
< target
++ )
4128 sint32 base
= target
->getSkillBaseValue( ( SKILLS::ESkills
) i
4129 sint32 current
= target
->getSkillValue( ( SKILLS::ESkills
) i
4130 if ( base
> 1 || current
> 1 )
4132 answer
+= NLMISC::toString( "%s: %d / %d\n", SKILLS::toString( i
).c_str(), current
4139 answer
+= "invalid target type";
4141 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
4142 params
= answer
4144 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid
,"LITERAL", params
4148 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4149 NLMISC_COMMAND (infos
, "give info on character (GodMode, Invisible...)", "")
4151 CSString
str("INFO: ");
4153 if( c
->invulnerableMode() )
4155 str
4163 if( c
->invulnerableMode() == false )
4164 str
4167 if( R2_VISION::isEntityVisibleToPlayers(c
->getWhoSeesMe()) )
4175 str
<< "INVISIBLE(" <<R2_VISION::extractInvisibilityLevel(c
->getWhoSeesMe()) << ") ";
4179 str
4183 if ( IsRingShard
&& R2_VISION::extractVisionLevel(c
4185 str
<< "SEEINVIS(" << R2_VISION::extractVisionLevel(c
->getWhoSeesMe()) << ") ";
4188 if (c
4190 str
4194 str
4197 log
4201 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4202 //NLMISC_COMMAND(addGuildXp,"add xp of a guild","<guild_name>|<shardId:guildId> <xp ( positive or negative )>")
4204 // if ( args.size() != 2 )
4207 // GET_GUILD(0, true, NLMISC::CEntityId::Unknown);
4209 // NLMISC::fromString(args[1], xp);
4212 // uint32 uXP = (uint32)(-xp);
4213 // if ( uXP > guild->getXP() )
4214 // guild->spendXP( guild->getXP() );
4216 // guild->spendXP( uXP );
4220 // uint32 uXP = (uint32)xp;
4221 // guild->addXP ( uXP );
4223 // log.displayNL( "added %d xp. Current xp is %u", xp, guild->getXP() );
4227 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4228 //NLMISC_COMMAND(setGuildChargePoint,"set the charge points of a guild","<guild_name>|<shardId:guildId> <points>")
4230 // if ( args.size() != 2 )
4232 // GET_GUILD(0, true, NLMISC::CEntityId::Unknown);
4234 // NLMISC::fromString(args[1], points);
4235 // guild->clearChargePoints();
4236 // guild->addChargePoints( points );
4237 // log.displayNL( "set charge points to %u", points );
4241 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4242 ENTITY_VARIABLE(Invisible
, "Invisibility of a player")
4248 value
= R2_VISION::isEntityVisibleToPlayers(e
->getWhoSeesMe()) ?"0":"1";
4252 TDataSetRow userRow
= TheDataset
.getDataSetRow( e
->getId() );
4253 if ( !TheDataset
.isAccessible( userRow
) )
4257 CCharacter
= dynamic_cast<CCharacter
4260 bool isVisible
= R2_VISION::isEntityVisibleToPlayers(e
4262 if (value
=="1" || value
=="on" || strlwr(value
)=="true" || (strlwr(value
)=="toggle" && isVisible
4265 c
4269 // seup the default value to use
4270 val
4272 CPlayer
* player
= PlayerManager
.getPlayer( PlayerManager
) );
4273 if (player
4275 if( player
->havePriv(":VG:") ) val
4276 if( player
->havePriv(":SG:") ) val
4277 if( player
->havePriv(":EG:") ) val
4278 if( player
->havePriv(":EM:") ) val
4279 if( player
->havePriv(":GM:") ) val
4280 if( player
->havePriv(":SGM:") ) val
4281 if( player
->havePriv(":DEV:") ) val
4289 else if (value
=="0" || value
=="off" || strlwr(value
)=="false" || strlwr(value
4292 c
4296 // seup the default value to use
4297 val
4299 CPlayer
* player
= PlayerManager
.getPlayer( PlayerManager
) );
4300 if (player
4302 if( player
->havePriv(":VG:") ) val
4303 if( player
->havePriv(":SG:") ) val
4304 if( player
->havePriv(":EG:") ) val
4305 if( player
->havePriv(":EM:") ) val
4306 if( player
->havePriv(":GM:") ) val
4307 if( player
->havePriv(":SGM:") ) val
4308 if( player
->havePriv(":DEV:") ) val
4319 // Set visibility of character
4320 e
->setWhoSeesMe( val
4322 // Force unmounting (can't be invisible on a mount)
4325 CEntityBase
= c
4330 // Ignore tells if invisible
4331 CMessage
4332 msgout
.serial( const_cast<CEntityId
->getId()) );
4333 bool ignore
= (val
== 0);
4334 msgout
.serial( ignore
4335 CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->send("IOS", msgout
4337 nlinfo ("%s has now '%" NL_I64
"X' in invisibility", entity
.toString().c_str(), e
4341 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4342 NLMISC_COMMAND(broadcast
, "Broadcast a text", "[repeat=<num repeat> or during=<time in seconds>] [every=<delay in seconds>] <message>")
4344 if( args
.size() < 1 )
4351 for( i
= 0; i
< args
.size(); i
++ )
4354 if( i
!= args
.size() - 1 )
4364 string::size_type posMessage
= 0;
4366 string::size_type pos
= message
4367 if( pos
!= string::npos
4369 string::size_type posEgale
= message
.find("=", pos
4370 if( posEgale
!= string::npos
4372 NLMISC::fromString(message
.substr( posEgale
+1 ), repeat
4373 if( posEgale
+ 1 > posMessage
4374 posMessage
= posEgale
+ 1;
4378 pos
= message
4379 if( pos
!= string::npos
4381 string::size_type posEgale
= message
.find("=", pos
4382 if( posEgale
!= string::npos
4384 NLMISC::fromString(message
.substr( posEgale
+1 ), during
4385 if( posEgale
+ 1 > posMessage
4386 posMessage
= posEgale
+ 1;
4390 pos
= message
4391 if( pos
!= string::npos
4393 string::size_type posEgale
= message
.find("=", pos
4394 if( posEgale
!= string::npos
4396 NLMISC::fromString(message
.substr( posEgale
+1 ), every
4397 if( posEgale
+ 1 > posMessage
4398 posMessage
= posEgale
+ 1;
4402 if( posMessage
!= 0 )
4404 posMessage
= message
.find( " ", posMessage
+1 );
4405 if( posMessage
!= string::npos
4407 message
= message
.substr( posMessage
+1 );
4415 if( message
.size() == 0 )
4417 log
.displayNL("You must enter a message");
4421 if( repeat
> 1 && during
!= 0 )
4423 log
.displayNL("You can't use repeat and during option in same time");
4427 if( ( ( repeat
> 1 || during
> 0 ) && every
== 0 ) || ( ( every
> during
) && during
> 0 ) )
4429 log
.displayNL("Can't execute broadcast command, check your repeat/during/every parameters");
4433 log
.displayNL("Execute Broadcast: repeat=%d during=%d every=%d message=%s", repeat
, during
, every
, message
.c_str() );
4434 PlayerManager
.broadcastMessage( repeat
, during
, every
, message
4438 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
, "God mode, invulnerability")
4445 value
= c
4449 if (value
=="1" || value
=="on" || strlwr(value
)=="god" || strlwr(value
)=="true" || (strlwr(value
)=="toggle" && !c
4451 c
4452 c
4453 c
->setBonusMalusName("god", c
->addEffectInDB(CSheetId("berserk.sbrick"), true));
4455 else if (value
=="0" || value
=="off" || strlwr(value
)=="false" || strlwr(value
4457 c
4458 c
4459 c
->getBonusMalusName("god"), true);
4461 nlinfo ("%s %s now in god mode", entity
.toString().c_str(), c
4465 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4466 ENTITY_VARIABLE (Invulnerable
, "Invulnerable mode, invulnerability too all")
4472 value
= c
4476 if (value
=="1" || value
=="on" || strlwr(value
)=="invulnerable" || strlwr(value
)=="true" || (strlwr(value
)=="toggle" && !c
4478 c
4479 c
->setBonusMalusName("invulnerability", c
->addEffectInDB(CSheetId("invulnerability.sbrick"), true));
4481 else if (value
=="0" || value
=="off" || strlwr(value
)=="false" || strlwr(value
4483 c
4484 c
->getBonusMalusName("invulnerability"), true);
4486 nlinfo ("%s %s now in invulnerable mode", entity
.toString().c_str(), c
4490 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4491 NLMISC_COMMAND (ShowFactionChannels
, "Show faction channels", "<csr id> <channel> <0|1>")
4493 if (args
.size() != 3)
4497 // PVP_CLAN::TPVPClan channelClan = PVP_CLAN::fromString( args[1] );
4499 bool display
= (args
[2]=="1" || strlwr(args
[2])=="on" || strlwr(args
[2])=="true" );
4501 TChanID channel
= CPVPManager2::getInstance()->getFactionDynChannel(args
4502 if (channel
4504 log
.displayNL("Invalid Faction name: '%s'", args
4507 CPVPManager2::getInstance()->addRemoveFactionChannelToUserWithPriviledge(channel
, c
, display
4508 nlinfo ("%s %s now in show %s channel mode", eid
.toString().c_str(), display
?"is":"isn't", channel
4514 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4515 // If channel not exists create it
4516 NLMISC_COMMAND (connectUserChannel
, "Connect to user channels", "<user id> <channel_name> [<pass>]")
4518 if ((args
.size() < 2) || (args
.size() > 3))
4522 CPVPManager2
= CPVPManager2::getInstance();
4525 string name
= args
4526 string nameLwr
= toCaseInsensitive(args
4527 TChanID channel
= inst
4529 if (args
.size() < 3)
4534 if ( (channel
) && (pass
!= nlstr("*")) && (pass
!= nlstr("***")) )
4536 // Don't allow channels starting with "FACTION_" (to not clash with the faction channels)
4537 if (!c
->havePriv(":DEV:") && !c
->havePriv(":SGM:") && !c
->havePriv(":EM:") && nameLwr
.substr(0, 8) == toCaseInsensitive("FACTION_"))
4538 channel
4540 channel
= inst
, pass
4543 if (channel
4545 string channelPass
= inst
4547 if ( pass
== nlstr("***") && (c
->havePriv(":DEV:") || c
->havePriv(":SGM:") || c
->havePriv(":GM:") || c
4549 inst
4551 else if (channelPass
== pass
4553 std::vector
> userChannels
= inst
4554 if (userChannels
4556 inst
[0], c
, true);
4558 inst
, c
, true, true);
4560 else if (pass
== nlstr("*"))
4562 inst
, c
, true);
4566 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
4567 params
= name
4568 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid
, nlstr("EGS_CHANNEL_NO_RIGHTS"), params
4574 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
4575 params
= name
4576 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid
, nlstr("EGS_CHANNEL_INVALID_NAME"), params
4581 NLMISC_COMMAND (connectLangChannel
, "Connect to lang channel", "<user id> <lang> <leave:0|1>")
4583 if ((args
.size() < 2) || (args
.size() > 3))
4587 CPVPManager2
= CPVPManager2::getInstance();
4589 string lang
= args
4590 if (lang
!= "en" && lang
!= "fr" && lang
!= "de" && lang
!= "ru" && lang
!= "es" && lang
!= "rf" && !c
4594 if (args
.size() > 2)
4595 leave
= args
[2] == "1";
4597 string channelName
= lang
4598 // Convert langs to usr lang channels
4599 if (lang
== "en" || lang
== "fr" || lang
== "de" || lang
== "ru" || lang
== "es")
4600 channelName
= "usr_"+lang
4602 TChanID channel
= inst
4604 if (channel
4606 string current_channels
= c
4609 strFindReplace(current_channels
, lang
+" ", "");
4610 strFindReplace(current_channels
, " "+lang
, "");
4611 inst
, c
4612 c
4614 else if (current_channels
) == string::npos
4616 inst
, c
, true);
4617 c
+ " "+lang
4622 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
4623 params
= lang
4624 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid
4629 NLMISC_COMMAND (setDontTranslateLangs
, "Set langs that a player dont want to see translated", "<user id> <langs>")
4631 if (args
.size() != 2)
4636 TDataSetRow player
= c
4639 CMessage
4640 msgout
4641 string langs
= args
4642 msgout
4643 CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->send("IOS", msgout
4644 c
4650 NLMISC_COMMAND (updateTarget
, "Update current target", "<user id>")
4657 // !!! Deprecated !!!
4658 NLMISC_COMMAND (webAddCommandsIds
, "Add ids of commands will be run from webig", "<user id> <bot_name> <web_app_url> <indexes>")
4660 if (args
.size() != 4)
4665 string web_app_url
= args
4666 string indexes
= args
4668 c
, indexes
, ArkSalt
4672 // !!! Deprecated !!!
4673 NLMISC_COMMAND (webDelCommandsIds
, "Del ids of commands", "<user id> <web_app_url>")
4675 if (args
.size() != 2)
4680 string web_app_url
= args
4681 uint item_idx
= c
4682 if (item_idx
4685 CInventoryPtr inv
= c
4686 CGameItemPtr item
= inv
4687 inv
4689 c
4693 CInventoryPtr
, const string
4695 CInventoryPtr inventoryPtr
4698 INVENTORIES::TInventory selectedInv
= INVENTORIES::toInventory(inv
4699 switch (selectedInv
4701 case INVENTORIES::temporary
4702 case INVENTORIES::bag
4703 case INVENTORIES::equipment
4704 case INVENTORIES::pet_animal1
4705 case INVENTORIES::pet_animal2
4706 case INVENTORIES::pet_animal3
4707 case INVENTORIES::pet_animal4
4708 case INVENTORIES::pet_animal5
4709 case INVENTORIES::pet_animal6
4710 case INVENTORIES::pet_animal7
4711 case INVENTORIES::guild
4712 case INVENTORIES::player_room
4713 inventoryPtr
= c
4721 return inventoryPtr
4724 NLMISC_COMMAND (webExecCommand
, "Execute a web command", "<user id> <web_app_url> <index> <command> <hmac> [<new_check=0|1|2|3>] [<next_step=0|1>] [<send_url=0|1|2>]")
4727 if (args
.size() < 5)
4732 bool new_check
= false;
4733 bool new_separator
= false;
4734 // New check using HMagic
4735 if (args
.size() >= 6 && (args
[5] == "1" || args
[5] == "3"))
4738 // New separator "|"
4739 if (args
.size() >= 6 && (args
[5] == "2" || args
[5] == "3"))
4740 new_separator
= true;
4742 bool next_step
= false;
4743 if (args
.size() >= 7 && args
[6] == "1")
4746 bool send_url
= false;
4747 if (args
.size() >= 8 && args
[7] == "1")
4750 bool save_index
= false;
4751 if (args
.size() >= 8 && args
[7] == "2")
4757 c
4759 string web_app_url
= args
4760 string index
= args
4762 NLMISC::fromString(index
, iindex
4763 string command
= args
4764 string hmac
= args
4766 vector
> infos
4771 uint32 saved_index
= c
4772 if (iindex
<= saved_index
&& command
!= "is_valid_index")
4774 // Index of command must be higher than last used index to prevent re-use of commands
4776 c
4779 if (next_step
&& (iindex
!= saved_index
4781 // Next step commands wants an index who follow the last used index.
4783 c
4787 string checksumEid
= web_app_url
+ toString(c
->getLastConnectedDate()) + index
+ command
+ c
4789 string checksumRowId
= web_app_url
+ toString(c
->getLastConnectedDate()) + index
+ command
+ toString(c
4791 string salt
= ArkSalt
4793 string realhmacEid
= getHMacSHA1((uint8
[0], checksumEid
.size(), (uint8
[0], salt
4794 string realhmacRowId
= getHMacSHA1((uint8
[0], checksumRowId
.size(), (uint8
[0], salt
4795 if (realhmacEid
!= hmac
&& realhmacRowId
!= hmac
&& command
!= "is_valid_index")
4798 c
4804 // !!! DEPRECATED !!!
4805 CInventoryPtr check_inv
= c
4806 if (!c
->havePriv(":DEV:") || (web_app_url
!= "debug"))
4808 uint item_idx
= c
, index
, hmac
, "");
4809 if (item_idx
4811 nlwarning("Bad web command check");
4815 item
= check_inv
4816 string cText
= item
4817 NLMISC::splitString(cText
, "\n", infos
4819 vector
> indexes
4820 NLMISC::splitString(infos
[1], ",", indexes
4822 if (index
!= indexes
4827 string pName
= CEntityIdTranslator::getInstance()->getByEntity(c
4828 nlinfo("(%s ,%s) %s[%s]%d", c
->getId().toString().c_str(), pName
.c_str(), web_app_url
.c_str(), command
.c_str(), iindex
4830 if (command
== "is_valid_index")
4832 if (!c
)) {
4833 c
4837 c
4842 std::vector
> command_args
4844 NLMISC::splitString(command
, "|", command_args
4846 NLMISC::splitString(command
, "!", command_args
4847 if (command_args
4850 //*************************************************
4851 //***************** give_item sheet quality quantity inv is_min_qual[0|1]=0
4852 //*************************************************
4854 if (command_args
[0] == "give_item")
4856 if (command_args
.size() < 4)
4859 const CSheetId
4860 if (sheetId
== CSheetId::Unknown
4863 fromString(command_args
[2], quality
4867 fromString(command_args
[3], quantity
4871 string selected_inv
4872 if (command_args
.size() >= 5)
4873 selected_inv
= command_args
4874 CInventoryPtr inventory
= getInv(c
, selected_inv
4876 if (inventory
4879 c
4883 bool is_min_quality
= false;
4884 if (command_args
.size() >= 6)
4885 selected_inv
= command_args
4887 uint32 numberEqualItem
= 0;
4888 uint32 numberItem
= 0;
4889 for ( uint32 i
= 0; i
< inventory
->getSlotCount(); ++ i
4891 const CGameItemPtr itemPtr
= inventory
4892 if ( itemPtr
4894 if ( (itemPtr
->getSheetId() == sheetId
) )
4896 if (itemPtr
->quality() == quality
4897 numberEqualItem
+= itemPtr
4898 if (itemPtr
->quality() >= quality
4899 numberItem
+= itemPtr
4904 if ( (is_min_quality
&& numberItem
< quantity
) || (!is_min_quality
&& numberEqualItem
< quantity
) )
4907 c
4911 numberItem
= quantity
4912 numberEqualItem
= quantity
4913 for(uint32 i
= 0; i
< inventory
->getSlotCount(); ++i
4915 const CGameItemPtr itemPtr
= inventory
4916 if ( itemPtr
4918 if ( (itemPtr
->getSheetId() == sheetId
) )
4920 if (is_min_quality
&& itemPtr
->quality() >= quality
4922 numberEqualItem
-= inventory
, quantity
4923 if(numberEqualItem
== 0)
4926 else if (!is_min_quality
&& itemPtr
->quality() == quality
4928 numberItem
-= inventory
, quantity
4937 //*************************************************
4938 //***************** recv_item
4939 //*************************************************
4941 else if (command_args
[0] == "recv_item" || command_args
[0] == "recv_unique_item")
4943 if (command_args
.size() < 4)
4947 fromString(command_args
[2], quality
4951 fromString(command_args
[3], quantity
4955 // Inventory to put item in; can be temp, bag or animals.
4956 INVENTORIES::TInventory inventory
4957 if (command_args
.size() == 5)
4959 INVENTORIES::TInventory inv
= INVENTORIES::toInventory(command_args
4962 case INVENTORIES::temporary
4963 case INVENTORIES::bag
4964 case INVENTORIES::pet_animal1
4965 case INVENTORIES::pet_animal2
4966 case INVENTORIES::pet_animal3
4967 case INVENTORIES::pet_animal4
4968 case INVENTORIES::pet_animal5
4969 case INVENTORIES::pet_animal6
4970 case INVENTORIES::pet_animal7
4971 case INVENTORIES::guild
4972 case INVENTORIES::player_room
4977 inventory
4981 CGameItemPtr new_item
4982 string sheet
= command_args
4984 if ( sheet
.find(".sitem") == string::npos
) // try named item
4986 new_item
= CNamedItems::getInstance().createNamedItem(command_args
[1], quantity
4990 const CSheetId
4991 if (sheetId
== CSheetId::Unknown
4994 if (command_args
[0] == "recv_unique_item")
4996 CInventoryPtr selected_inv
= c
4997 for( uint32 i
= 0; i
< selected_inv
->getSlotCount(); ++ i
4999 const CGameItemPtr itemPtr
= selected_inv
5000 if( itemPtr
5002 if( itemPtr
->getSheetId() == sheetId
&& itemPtr
->quality() == quality
5005 c
5012 new_item
= c
, quantity
, sheetId
5015 if (new_item
5018 if (!c
, new_item
5020 new_item
5022 c
5026 if (new_item
) // When the item is stacked, it's deleted by addItemToInventory. Need be checked again to prevent crash of egs
5028 ucstring customValue
5030 if (command_args
.size() >= 6 && command_args
[5] != "*")
5033 //customValue.fromUtf8(command_args[5]);
5034 //new_item->setCustomName(customValue);
5037 if (command_args
.size() >= 7 && command_args
[6] != "*")
5039 customValue
5040 new_item
5043 if (command_args
.size() >= 8)
5045 new_item
[7] == "1");
5048 if (command_args
.size() >= 9)
5050 new_item
[8] == "1");
5054 //*************************************************
5055 //***************** check_position
5056 //*************************************************
5058 else if (command_args
[0] == "check_position")
5060 if (command_args
.size () != 5) return false;
5061 sint32 x
= (sint32
->getX() / 1000);
5062 sint32 y
= (sint32
->getY() / 1000);
5070 NLMISC::fromString(command_args
[1], min_x
5071 NLMISC::fromString(command_args
[2], min_y
5072 NLMISC::fromString(command_args
[3], max_x
5073 NLMISC::fromString(command_args
[4], max_y
5075 nlinfo("x = %d, y = %d", x
, y
5076 nlinfo("min_x = %d, min_y = %d", min_x
, min_y
5077 nlinfo("max_x = %d, max_y = %d", max_x
, max_y
5078 if ((x
< min_x
|| y
< min_y
|| x
> max_x
|| y
> max_y
5081 c
5086 //*************************************************
5087 //***************** check_fame
5088 //*************************************************
5089 else if (command_args
[0] == "check_fame")
5091 if (command_args
.size () != 4) return false;
5093 uint32 factionIndex
= CStaticFames::getInstance().getFactionIndex(command_args
5094 if (factionIndex
5096 sint32 fame
= CFameInterface::getInstance().getFameIndexed(c
->getId(), factionIndex
5099 NLMISC::fromString(command_args
[3], value
5102 nlinfo("fame = %d, value = %d", fame
, value
5104 if ((command_args
[2] != "below" && command_args
[2] != "above"))
5107 if ((command_args
[2] == "below" && fame
> value
) || (command_args
[2] == "above" && fame
< value
5110 c
5116 //*************************************************
5117 //***************** set_fame (need x6000 to change 1 point)
5118 //*************************************************
5119 else if (command_args
[0] == "change_fame")
5121 if (command_args
.size () < 4) return false;
5123 uint32 factionIndex
= CStaticFames::getInstance().getFactionIndex(command_args
5124 if (factionIndex
5126 sint32 fame
= CFameInterface::getInstance().getFameIndexed(c
->getId(), factionIndex
5129 NLMISC::fromString(command_args
[3], value
5131 if (command_args
[2] == "add")
5133 CFameManager::getInstance().setEntityFame(c
->getId(), factionIndex
, fame
, false);
5134 nlinfo("fame : %d => %d", fame
, fame
5136 else if (command_args
[2] == "del")
5138 CFameManager::getInstance().setEntityFame(c
->getId(), factionIndex
, fame
, false);
5139 nlinfo("fame : %d => %d", fame
, fame
5141 else if (command_args
[2] == "set")
5143 CFameManager::getInstance().setEntityFame(c
->getId(), factionIndex
, value
, false);
5144 nlinfo("fame : %d => %d", fame
, value
5147 if (command_args
.size() == 4 || (command_args
.size () == 5 && command_args
[4] != "0"))
5149 // Make sure fame values are properly capped.
5150 CFameManager::getInstance().enforceFameCaps(c
->getId(), c
->getOrganization(), c
5152 // set tribe fame threshold and clamp fame if necessary
5153 CFameManager::getInstance().setAndEnforceTribeFameCap(c
->getId(), c
->getOrganization(), c
5157 //*************************************************
5158 //***************** check_target
5159 //*************************************************
5160 else if (command_args
[0] == "check_target")
5162 const CEntityId
= c
5164 if (command_args
.size () < 2) return false;
5166 if (command_args
[1] == "leaguemate")
5168 if (target
== CEntityId::Unknown
|| target
.getType() != RYZOMID::player
5171 c
5174 CCharacter
* targetTarget
= dynamic_cast<CCharacter
5175 if (targetTarget
->getLeagueId() == DYN_CHAT_INVALID_CHAN
|| c
->getLeagueId() != targetTarget
5178 c
5182 else if (command_args
[1] == "guildmate")
5184 if (target
== CEntityId::Unknown
|| target
.getType() != RYZOMID::player
5187 c
5190 CCharacter
* targetTarget
= dynamic_cast<CCharacter
5191 if (targetTarget
->getGuildId() == 0 || c
->getGuildId() != targetTarget
5194 c
5198 else if (command_args
[1] == "teammate")
5200 if (target
== CEntityId::Unknown
|| target
.getType() != RYZOMID::player
5203 c
5206 CCharacter
* targetTarget
= dynamic_cast<CCharacter
5207 if (targetTarget
->getTeamId() == CTEAM::InvalidTeamId
|| c
->getTeamId() != targetTarget
5210 c
5215 if (command_args
.size () < 3) return false;
5217 if (command_args
[1] == "sheet")
5219 CSheetId
5220 CCreature
= CreatureManager
5222 if (creature
|| creatureSheetId
== CSheetId::Unknown
|| creatureSheetId
!= creature
5225 c
5229 else if (command_args
[1] == "bot_name")
5231 if (target
== CEntityId::Unknown
|| target
.getType() == RYZOMID::player
5234 c
5237 vector
> aliases
5238 CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getNPCAliasesFromName(command_args
[2], aliases
5241 for(uint k
= 0; k
< aliases
.size(); ++k
5243 const CEntityId
& botId
= CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getEntityId(aliases
5244 if (botId
!= CEntityId::Unknown
&& botId
== target
5252 c
5256 else if (command_args
[1] == "player_name")
5258 if (target
== CEntityId::Unknown
|| target
.getType() != RYZOMID::player
5261 c
5264 CEntityBase
= PlayerManager
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), command_args
5265 if (entityBase
5268 c
5275 //*************************************************
5276 //***************** check_brick
5277 //*************************************************
5278 else if (command_args
[0] == "check_brick")
5280 if (command_args
.size () != 2) return false;
5282 if (!c
5285 c
5290 //*************************************************
5291 //***************** set_brick
5292 //*************************************************
5293 else if (command_args
[0] == "set_brick")
5295 if (command_args
.size () != 3) return false;
5297 if (command_args
[1] == "add")
5299 c
5301 else if (command_args
[1] == "del")
5303 c
5308 c
5313 //*************************************************
5314 //***************** check_item
5315 //*************************************************
5316 else if (command_args
[0] == "check_item" || command_args
[0] == "check_no_item") // sheetid ! quality ! quantity ! inv ! iscrafted ! customName
5318 if (command_args
.size() < 4)
5321 const CSheetId
5322 if (sheetId
== CSheetId::Unknown
5324 const uint32 quality
= (uint32
5327 const uint32 quantity
= (uint32
5331 string selected_inv
= "bag";
5332 if (command_args
.size() == 5)
5333 selected_inv
= command_args
5334 CInventoryPtr inventory
= getInv(c
, selected_inv
5336 if (inventory
5339 c
5343 bool crafted
= false;
5344 if (command_args
.size() == 6)
5345 crafted
= (command_args
[5] == "1");
5347 ucstring needCustomName
5348 if (command_args
.size() == 7)
5349 needCustomName
5351 uint32 numberItem
= 0;
5352 for( uint32 i
= 0; i
< inventory
->getSlotCount(); ++ i
5354 const CGameItemPtr itemPtr
= inventory
5355 if( itemPtr
5357 if( (itemPtr
->getSheetId() == sheetId
) && (itemPtr
->quality() == quality
) )
5359 if (!crafted
|| itemPtr
->getCreator() == c
5362 //if (needCustomName.empty() || itemPtr->getCustomName() == needCustomName)
5364 numberItem
+= itemPtr
5371 if (numberItem
< quantity
5373 if (command_args
[0] == "check_item")
5376 c
5382 if (command_args
[0] == "check_no_item")
5385 c
5391 //*************************************************
5392 //***************** check_outpost
5393 //*************************************************
5394 else if (command_args
[0] == "check_outpost")
5396 if (command_args
.size() != 3)
5399 CSmartPtr
> outpost
5400 TAIAlias outpostAlias
= CPrimitivesParser::aliasFromString(command_args
5401 outpost
= COutpostManager::getInstance().getOutpostFromAlias(outpostAlias
5402 if (outpost
5404 CSheetId
5405 outpost
= COutpostManager::getInstance().getOutpostFromSheet(outpostSheet
5408 if (outpost
5413 if ((command_args
[2] != "attacker") && (command_args
[2] != "defender") && (command_args
[2] != "attack") && (command_args
[2] != "defend"))
5416 nlinfo("oupost name : %s, State : %s, Owner : %d, Attacker = %d", outpost
->getName().c_str(), outpost
->getStateName().c_str(), outpost
->getOwnerGuild(), outpost
->getAttackerGuild() );
5417 if ((command_args
[2] == "attacker" && (outpost
->getAttackerGuild() == 0 || outpost
->getAttackerGuild() != c
->getGuildId())) ||
5418 (command_args
[2] == "defender" && (outpost
->getOwnerGuild() == 0 || outpost
->getOwnerGuild() != c
->getGuildId())) ||
5419 (command_args
[2] == "attack" && outpost
->getState() != OUTPOSTENUMS::AttackRound
) ||
5420 (command_args
[2] == "defend" && outpost
->getState() != OUTPOSTENUMS::DefenseRound
5423 c
5428 //*************************************************
5429 //***************** create_group
5430 //*************************************************
5431 else if (command_args
[0] == "create_group")
5433 if (command_args
.size () < 3) return false;
5435 uint32 instanceNumber
= c
5436 sint32 x
= c
5437 sint32 y
= c
5438 sint32 z
= c
5439 sint32 orientation
= 6666; // used to specify a random orientation
5442 fromString(command_args
[1], nbBots
5445 log
.displayNL("invalid bot count");
5449 NLMISC::CSheetId
5450 if (sheetId
== NLMISC::CSheetId::Unknown
5451 sheetId
= command_args
[2] + ".creature";
5452 if (sheetId
== NLMISC::CSheetId::Unknown
5455 double dispersionRadius
= 10.;
5456 if (command_args
5458 fromString(command_args
[3], dispersionRadius
5459 if (dispersionRadius
< 0.)
5463 bool spawnBots
= true;
5465 if (command_args
5467 if (command_args
[4] == "self")
5469 orientation
= (sint32
->getHeading() * 1000.0);
5471 else if (command_args
[4] != "random")
5473 NLMISC::fromString(command_args
[4], orientation
5474 orientation
= (sint32
/ 360.0 * (NLMISC::Pi
* 2.0) * 1000.0);
5479 if (command_args
.size()>5) botsName
= command_args
5480 if (botsName
== "*")
5483 if (command_args
.size() > 7)
5486 if (command_args
[6] != "*") {
5488 NLMISC::fromString(command_args
[6], userX
5489 x
= (sint32
* 1000.0);
5492 if (command_args
[7] != "*") {
5494 NLMISC::fromString(command_args
[7], userY
5495 y
= (sint32
* 1000.0);
5499 if (command_args
.size() > 8)
5501 if (command_args
[8] != "*") {
5502 NLMISC::fromString(command_args
[8], z
5507 if (command_args
.size() > 9)
5509 if (command_args
[9] != "*")
5511 look
= command_args
5512 if (look
.find(".creature") == string::npos
5513 look
+= ".creature";
5517 //[[inVillage=0/1][inOutpost=0/1][inStable=0/1][InAtys=0/1]]
5518 std::string validation
5519 if (command_args
.size() > 10)
5521 validation
= command_args
5522 if (validation
.length() == 4)
5524 bool inVillage
= validation
[0] == '1';
5525 bool inOutpost
= validation
[1] == '1';
5526 bool inStable
= validation
[2] == '1';
5527 bool inAtys
= validation
[3] == '1';
5529 if (!c
, inOutpost
, inStable
, inAtys
5535 // See if another AI instance has been specified
5536 if ( ! getAIInstanceFromGroupName(botsName
, instanceNumber
5541 TDataSetRow dsr
= c
5542 CMirrorPropValueRO
> srcCell( TheDataset
, dsr
, DSPropertyCELL
5543 sint32 cell
= srcCell
5545 CEntityId playerId
= c
5547 CMessage
5548 uint32 messageVersion
= 1;
5549 msgout
5550 msgout
5551 msgout
5555 msgout
5556 msgout
5557 msgout
5558 msgout
5559 msgout
5560 msgout
5561 msgout
5562 msgout
5563 CWorldInstances::instance().msgToAIInstance2(instanceNumber
, msgout
5566 //*************************************************
5567 //***************** group_script
5568 //*************************************************
5570 else if (command_args
[0] == "group_script")
5572 if (command_args
.size () < 3) return false;
5574 uint32 instanceNumber
= c
5575 uint32 nbString
= (uint32
5577 // See if it needs another AI instance
5578 string botsName
= command_args
5579 if ( ! getAIInstanceFromGroupName(botsName
, instanceNumber
5584 CMessage
5585 uint32 messageVersion
= 1;
5586 msgout
5587 msgout
5589 string command
= command_args
5590 msgout
5591 msgout
5592 for (uint32 i
=2; i
; ++i
5594 string arg
= command_args
5597 while((pos
= arg
.find(" &", pos
)) != string::npos
5599 arg
, 6, " ");
5603 while((pos
= arg
.find("_NBSP_", pos
)) != string::npos
5605 arg
, 6, " ");
5609 while((pos
= arg
.find("__OR__", pos
)) != string::npos
5611 arg
, 6, "|");
5616 CWorldInstances::instance().msgToAIInstance2(instanceNumber
, msgout
5619 //*************************************************
5620 //***************** change_hair
5621 //*************************************************
5623 else if (command_args
[0] == "change_hair")
5625 if (command_args
.size () != 3) return false;
5627 CCharacter
= PlayerManager
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), command_args
5629 CSheetId
5631 const CStaticItem
* form
= CSheets::getForm(sheetId
5634 nlwarning("unknown item : '%s'", sheetId
5638 if (form
&& form
5640 nlwarning("'%s' is not a haircut item", sheetId
5644 uint32 hairValue
= CVisualSlotManager::getInstance()->sheet2Index(form
5645 if (target
5647 target
5651 //*************************************************
5652 //***************** change_hair_color
5653 //*************************************************
5655 else if (command_args
[0] == "change_hair_color") {
5656 if (command_args
.size () != 3) return false;
5658 CCharacter
= PlayerManager
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), command_args
5661 fromString(command_args
[2], value
5663 target
5668 //*************************************************
5669 //***************** change_vpx
5670 //*************************************************
5672 else if (command_args
[0] == "change_vpx")
5674 if (command_args
.size () != 4) return false;
5676 CCharacter
= PlayerManager
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), command_args
5678 string name
= command_args
5681 fromString(command_args
[3], value
5683 if(target
&& target
5685 if( name
== string("Sex") )
5687 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyA(), PropertySubData
, value
5689 else if( name
== string("HatModel") )
5691 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyA(), PropertySubData
, value
5693 else if( name
== string("HatColor") )
5695 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyA(), PropertySubData
, value
5697 else if( name
== string("JacketModel") )
5699 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyA(), PropertySubData
, value
5701 else if( name
== string("JacketColor") )
5703 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyA(), PropertySubData
, value
5705 else if( name
== string("TrouserModel") )
5707 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyA(), PropertySubData
, value
5709 else if( name
== string("TrouserColor") )
5711 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyA(), PropertySubData
, value
5713 else if( name
== string("WeaponRightHand") )
5715 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyA(), PropertySubData
, value
5717 else if( name
== string("WeaponLeftHand") )
5719 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyA(), PropertySubData
, value
5721 else if( name
== string("ArmModel") )
5723 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyA(), PropertySubData
, value
5725 else if( name
== string("ArmColor") )
5727 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyA(), PropertySubData
, value
5729 else if( name
== string("HandsModel") )
5731 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyB(), PropertySubData
, value
5733 else if( name
== string("HandsColor") )
5735 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyB(), PropertySubData
, value
5737 else if( name
== string("FeetModel") )
5739 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyB(), PropertySubData
, value
5741 else if( name
== string("FeetColor") )
5743 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyB(), PropertySubData
, value
5745 else if( name
== string("MorphTarget1") )
5747 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyC(), PropertySubData
, value
5749 else if( name
== string("MorphTarget2") )
5751 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyC(), PropertySubData
, value
5753 else if( name
== string("MorphTarget3") )
5755 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyC(), PropertySubData
, value
5757 else if( name
== string("MorphTarget4") )
5759 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyC(), PropertySubData
, value
5761 else if( name
== string("MorphTarget5") )
5763 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyC(), PropertySubData
, value
5765 else if( name
== string("MorphTarget6") )
5767 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyC(), PropertySubData
, value
5769 else if( name
== string("MorphTarget7") )
5771 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyC(), PropertySubData
, value
5773 else if( name
== string("MorphTarget8") )
5775 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyC(), PropertySubData
, value
5777 else if( name
== string("EyesColor") )
5779 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyC(), PropertySubData
, value
5781 else if( name
== string("Tattoo") )
5783 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyC(), PropertySubData
, value
5785 else if( name
== string("CharacterHeight") )
5787 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyC(), PropertySubData
, value
5789 else if( name
== string("TorsoWidth") )
5791 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyC(), PropertySubData
, value
5793 else if( name
== string("ArmsWidth") )
5795 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyC(), PropertySubData
, value
5797 else if( name
== string("LegsWidth") )
5799 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyC(), PropertySubData
, value
5801 else if( name
== string("BreastSize") )
5803 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( target
->getVisualPropertyC(), PropertySubData
, value
5809 c
5812 //*************************************************
5813 //***************** set_title
5814 //*************************************************
5815 // /a webExecCommand debug 1 set_title!#toto# hmac 0
5816 else if (command_args
[0] == "set_title")
5818 if (command_args
.size () != 2) return false;
5819 TDataSetRow row
= c
5820 c
5821 string fullname
= c
5823 name
5824 NLNET::CMessage
5826 msgout
5827 sendMessageViaMirror("IOS", msgout
5830 //*************************************************
5831 //***************** rename
5832 //*************************************************
5833 // /a webExecCommand debug 1 rename!moondev!ulukyndev hmac 0
5834 else if (command_args
[0] == "rename")
5836 if (command_args
.size () != 3) return false;
5837 string arg
= command_args
[1]+" "+command_args
5838 const CAdminCommand
* cmd
= findAdminCommand("renamePlayer");
5839 if (!cmd
5841 // we need to forward the command to another service
5842 if (IClientCommandForwader::getInstance())
5844 IClientCommandForwader::getInstance()->sendCommand(cmd
, "renamePlayer", c
->getId(), false, CEntityId::Unknown
, arg
5849 //*************************************************
5850 //***************** set_tag
5851 //*************************************************
5853 else if (command_args
[0] == "set_tag") {
5854 if (command_args
.size () != 3) return false;
5855 TDataSetRow row
= c
5856 if (command_args
[1] == "pvpA") c
5857 if (command_args
[1] == "pvpB") c
5858 if (command_args
[1] == "A") c
5859 if (command_args
[1] == "B") c
5860 string fullname
= c
5862 name
5863 NLNET::CMessage
5865 msgout
5866 sendMessageViaMirror("IOS", msgout
5869 //*************************************************
5870 //***************** teleport
5871 //*************************************************
5873 else if (command_args
[0] == "teleport") // teleport![x,y,z|player name|bot name]!teleport mektoub?!checks!Same Cell?
5875 if (command_args
.size () < 2) return false;
5877 // Checks : PvP Flag, PvP Tag, Sitting, Water, Mount, Fear, Sleep, Invu, Stun
5878 if (command_args
.size () > 3)
5880 bool pvpFlagValid
= (c
->getPvPRecentActionFlag() == false || c
->getPVPFlag() == false);
5881 if (command_args
[3][0] == '1' && !pvpFlagValid
) {
5882 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(c
->getEntityRowId(), "PVP_TP_FORBIDEN");
5886 bool pvpTagValid
= c
->getPVPFlag() == false;
5887 if (command_args
[3].length() > 1 && command_args
[3][1] == '1' && !pvpTagValid
5889 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(c
->getEntityRowId(), "PVP_TP_FORBIDEN");
5893 if (command_args
[3].length() > 2)
5895 CBypassCheckFlags bypassCheckFlags
5896 bypassCheckFlags
, command_args
[3].length() > 2 && command_args
[3][2] == '1');
5897 bypassCheckFlags
, command_args
[3].length() > 3 && command_args
[3][3] == '1');
5898 bypassCheckFlags
, command_args
[3].length() > 4 && command_args
[3][4] == '1');
5899 bypassCheckFlags
, command_args
[3].length() > 5 && command_args
[3][5] == '1');
5900 bypassCheckFlags
, command_args
[3].length() > 6 && command_args
[3][6] == '1');
5901 bypassCheckFlags
, command_args
[3].length() > 7 && command_args
[3][7] == '1');
5902 bypassCheckFlags
, command_args
[3].length() > 8 && command_args
[3][8] == '1');
5904 if (!c
, true))
5909 string value
= command_args
5912 sint32 x
= 0, y
= 0, z
= 0;
5915 if ( value
.find(',') != string::npos
) // Position x,y,z,a
5917 explode (value
, string(","), res
5918 if (res
.size() >= 2)
5920 fromString(res
[0], x
5922 fromString(res
[1], y
5925 if (res
.size() >= 3)
5927 fromString(res
[2], z
5930 if (res
.size() >= 4)
5931 fromString(res
[3], h
5935 if ( value
.find(".creature") != string::npos
5937 CSheetId
5938 if( creatureSheetId
!= CSheetId::Unknown
5940 double minDistance
= -1.;
5941 CCreature
* creature
5943 TMapCreatures::const_iterator it
5944 const TMapCreatures
& creatures
= CreatureManager
5945 for( it
= creatures
.begin(); it
!= creatures
.end(); ++it
5947 CSheetId sheetId
= (*it
5948 if( sheetId
== creatureSheetId
5950 double distance
= PHRASE_UTILITIES::getDistance( c
->getEntityRowId(), (*it
->getEntityRowId() );
5951 if( !creature
|| (creature
&& distance
< minDistance
) )
5953 creature
= (*it
5954 minDistance
= distance
5960 x
= creature
5961 y
= creature
5962 z
= creature
5963 h
= creature
5968 nlwarning ("<Position> '%s' is an invalid creature", value
5974 CEntityBase
= PlayerManager
.getCharacterByName (CShardNames::getInstance().makeFullNameFromRelative(c
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), value
5975 if (entityBase
5977 // try to find the bot name
5978 vector
> aliases
5979 CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getNPCAliasesFromName( value
, aliases
5980 if ( aliases
.empty() )
5982 nldebug ("<Position> Ignoring attempt to teleport because no NPC found matching name '%s'", value
5986 TAIAlias alias
= aliases
5988 const CEntityId
& botId
= CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getEntityId (alias
5989 if ( botId
!= CEntityId::Unknown
5991 entityBase
= CreatureManager
.getCreature (botId
5995 nlwarning ("'%s' has no eId. Is it Spawned???", value
6000 if (entityBase
6002 x
= entityBase
+ sint32 (cos (entityBase
->getState ().Heading
) * 2000);
6003 y
= entityBase
+ sint32 (sin (entityBase
->getState ().Heading
) * 2000);
6004 z
= entityBase
6005 h
= entityBase
6007 TDataSetRow dsr
= entityBase
6008 CMirrorPropValueRO
> mirrorCell( TheDataset
, dsr
, DSPropertyCELL
6014 if (x
== 0 && y
== 0 && z
== 0)
6016 nlwarning ("'%s' is a bad value for position, don't change position", value
6020 CContinent
* cont
= CZoneManager::getInstance().getContinent(x
6022 bool allowPetTp
= false;
6023 if (command_args
.size () > 2 && command_args
[2] == "1")
6027 c
6029 c
6031 // Respawn player if dead
6034 PROGRESSIONPVP::CCharacterProgressionPVP::getInstance()->playerRespawn(c
6035 // apply respawn effects because user is dead
6036 c
6040 if (command_args
.size () > 4 && command_args
[4] == "1")
6042 TDataSetRow dsr
= c
6043 CMirrorPropValueRO
> mirrorCell( TheDataset
, dsr
, DSPropertyCELL
6047 c
6051 c
->getRespawnPoints().addDefaultRespawnPoint( CONTINENT::TContinent(cont
->getId()) );
6055 //*************************************************
6056 //***************** slide
6057 //*************************************************
6058 else if (command_args
[0] == "slide") // x,y,z,a!building![player name|guild name]!teleport mektoub?
6060 if (command_args
.size () < 4) return false;
6063 string value
= command_args
6065 sint32 x
= c
6066 sint32 y
= c
6067 sint32 z
= c
6068 float h
= c
6070 if ( value
.find(',') != string::npos
) // Position x,y,z,a
6072 explode (value
, string(","), res
6073 if (res
.size() >= 2)
6075 fromString(res
[0], x
6077 fromString(res
[1], y
6080 if (res
.size() >= 3)
6082 fromString(res
[2], z
6085 if (res
.size() >= 4)
6086 fromString(res
[3], h
6089 bool allowPetTp
= false;
6090 if (command_args
.size() > 4 && command_args
[4] == "1")
6094 c
6096 c
6098 IBuildingPhysical
* building
= CBuildingManager::getInstance()->getBuildingPhysicalsByName(command_args
6102 if (building
6105 /*TDataSetRow dsr = c->getEntityRowId();
6106 CMirrorPropValueRO<TYPE_CELL> srcCell( TheDataset, dsr, DSPropertyCELL );
6107 sint32 cell = srcCell;*/
6111 CBuildingPhysicalPlayer
* buildingPlayer
= dynamic_cast<CBuildingPhysicalPlayer
*>( building
6113 CEntityBase
= PlayerManager
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), command_args
6114 if (buildingPlayer
&& entityBase
6116 CBuildingManager::getInstance()->removePlayerFromRoom( c
6117 uint16 ownerId
= buildingPlayer
->getOwnerIdx( entityBase
->getId() );
6118 nlinfo("Gettting ownerId : %d", ownerId
6120 buildingPlayer
, 0, ownerId
, cell
6122 //CBuildingManager::getInstance()->setRoomLifeTime(cell, TGameCycle(NLMISC::TGameTime(4*60*60) / CTickEventHandler::getGameTimeStep()));
6123 nlinfo("Gettting cell : %d", cell
6124 c
6131 //*************************************************
6132 //***************** rename_animal
6133 //*************************************************
6134 else if (command_args
[0] == "rename_animal")
6136 if (command_args
.size () < 3) return false;
6138 uint petIndex
= atoi( command_args
[1].c_str() );
6139 ucstring customName
= ucstring(command_args
6140 c
, customName
6143 //*************************************************
6144 //***************** organization
6145 //*************************************************
6146 else if (command_args
[0] == "organization")
6148 if (command_args
.size () < 3) return false;
6150 string action
= command_args
[1]; // change, add_points, set_status, add_status
6152 fromString(command_args
[2], value
6154 if (action
== "change" && value
>= 0)
6155 c
6156 else if (action
== "add_points")
6157 c
6158 else if (action
== "set_status" && value
>= 0)
6159 c
6160 else if (action
== "add_status")
6161 c
6164 //*************************************************
6165 //***************** buildings
6166 // /a webExecCommand debug 1 building!set_player_room!building_instance_ARCC_player_320 hmac 0
6167 //*************************************************
6168 else if (command_args
[0] == "building")
6170 if (command_args
.size() < 2) return false;
6172 string action
= command_args
[1]; // trigger_in, trigger_out, add_guild_room, add_player_room
6174 if (action
== "trigger_in" && command_args
.size () == 3)
6176 uint32 liftId
= atoi(command_args
6177 CBuildingManager::getInstance()->addTriggerRequest(c
->getEntityRowId(), liftId
6179 else if (action
== "trigger_out")
6181 CBuildingManager::getInstance()->removeTriggerRequest(c
6184 else if (action
== "add_guild_room" && command_args
.size () == 3)
6186 CBuildingPhysicalGuild
* building
= dynamic_cast<CBuildingPhysicalGuild
6189 building
6192 else if (action
== "add_player_room" && command_args
.size () == 3)
6194 CBuildingPhysicalPlayer
* building
= dynamic_cast<CBuildingPhysicalPlayer
6197 building
6200 else if (action
== "buy_guild_room" && command_args
.size () == 3)
6202 CBuildingPhysicalGuild
* building
= dynamic_cast<CBuildingPhysicalGuild
6205 CGuild
* guild
= CGuildManager::getInstance()->getGuildFromId(c
6208 guild
6212 else if (action
== "buy_player_room" && command_args
.size () == 3)
6214 CBuildingPhysicalPlayer
* building
= dynamic_cast<CBuildingPhysicalPlayer
6217 CBuildingManager::getInstance()->buyBuilding(c
->getId(), building
6220 else if (action
== "set_player_room" && command_args
.size () == 3)
6222 CBuildingPhysicalPlayer
* building
= dynamic_cast<CBuildingPhysicalPlayer
6225 c
6226 building
6229 else if (action
== "get_access_room" && command_args
.size () == 3)
6232 CCharacter
= PlayerManager
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), command_args
6234 owner
6238 //*************************************************
6239 //***************** Skill
6240 //*************************************************
6242 else if (command_args
[0] == "skill")
6244 if (command_args
.size() < 4) return false;
6246 string action
= command_args
[1]; // check, best, add_xp
6248 if (action
== "check")
6250 SKILLS::ESkills skillEnum
= SKILLS::toSkill( command_args
[2] );
6252 fromString(command_args
[3], wantedValue
6254 if (c
) < wantedValue
) {
6256 c
6260 else if (action
== "best")
6262 SKILLS::ESkills skillEnum
= SKILLS::toSkill( command_args
[2] );
6264 fromString(command_args
[3], wantedValue
6266 if (c
) < wantedValue
) {
6268 c
6272 else if (action
== "add_xp")
6275 fromString(command_args
[3], xp
6276 c
, command_args
6280 //*************************************************
6281 //***************** Dead
6282 //*************************************************
6284 else if (command_args
[0] == "check_state")
6286 if (command_args
.size() < 3) return false;
6288 string action
= command_args
[1]; // dead, alive, tag, flag
6290 if (action
== "dead")
6294 c
6298 else if (action
== "alive")
6302 c
6306 else if (action
== "tag")
6308 if (!c
->getPVPFlag()) {
6310 c
6314 else if (action
== "flag")
6316 if (!c
->getPvPRecentActionFlag()) {
6318 c
6324 //*************************************************
6325 //***************** Money
6326 //*************************************************
6328 else if (command_args
[0] == "money")
6330 if (command_args
.size() < 3) return false;
6332 string action
= command_args
[1]; // check, give, spend
6334 if (action
== "check")
6337 fromString(command_args
[2], wantedMoney
6338 if (c
->getMoney() < wantedMoney
) {
6340 c
6344 else if (action
== "give")
6347 fromString(command_args
[2], money
6348 c
6350 else if (action
== "spend")
6353 fromString(command_args
[2], money
6354 c
6358 //*************************************************
6359 //***************** Guild
6360 //*************************************************
6362 else if (command_args
[0] == "guild")
6364 if (command_args
.size() < 3) return false;
6366 CGuild
* guild
= CGuildManager::getInstance()->getGuildFromId(c
6370 c
6374 string action
= command_args
[1]; // check, give, spend
6376 if (action
== "check_money")
6379 fromString(command_args
[2], wantedMoney
6380 if (guild
->getMoney() < wantedMoney
) {
6382 c
6386 else if (action
== "money_give")
6389 fromString(command_args
[2], money
6390 guild
6392 else if (action
== "money_spend")
6395 fromString(command_args
[2], money
6396 guild
6398 else if (action
== "check_rank")
6400 CGuildMember
* member
= guild
6401 if ( member
6406 EGSPD::CGuildGrade::TGuildGrade wanted_grade
= EGSPD::CGuildGrade::fromString(command_args
6407 if (wanted_grade
== EGSPD::CGuildGrade::Unknown
6410 EGSPD::CGuildGrade::TGuildGrade memberGrade
= member
6411 if( memberGrade
> wanted_grade
6414 c
6421 //*************************************************
6422 //***************** Resets
6423 //*************************************************
6425 else if (command_args
[0] == "reset")
6427 if (command_args
.size() < 2) return false;
6429 string action
= command_args
[1]; // pvp, powers
6431 if (action
== "pvp")
6433 c
6435 else if (action
== "powers")
6437 c
6441 //*************************************************
6442 //***************** Faction Points
6443 //*************************************************
6445 else if (command_args
[0] == "faction_points")
6447 if (command_args
.size() < 4) return false;
6449 string action
= command_args
[1]; // check, set, add, remove
6452 PVP_CLAN::TPVPClan clan
= PVP_CLAN::fromString(command_args
6453 if ((clan
< PVP_CLAN::BeginClans
) || (clan
> PVP_CLAN::EndClans
6459 fromString(command_args
[3], value
6461 if (action
6463 if (c
) < value
6466 c
6470 else if (action
6472 c
, value
, true);
6474 else if (action
6476 c
, c
, true);
6478 else if (action
6480 if (c
) < value
6481 c
, 0, true);
6483 c
, c
, true);
6487 //*************************************************
6488 //***************** Pvp Points
6489 //*************************************************
6491 else if (command_args
[0] == "pvp_points")
6493 if (command_args
.size() < 3) return false;
6495 string action
= command_args
[1]; // check, set, add, remove
6498 fromString(command_args
[2], value
6500 if (action
6502 if (c
->getPvpPoint() < value
6505 c
6509 else if (action
6511 c
6513 else if (action
6515 c
6517 else if (action
6519 c
6523 //*************************************************
6524 //***************** ios
6525 //*************************************************
6527 else if (command_args
[0] == "ios")
6530 if (command_args
.size() < 4)
6533 string action
= command_args
[1]; // single_phrase
6535 if (action
== "single_phrase")
6537 string phraseName
= command_args
6538 ucstring phraseContent
= phraseName
6539 ucstring phraseText
6540 phraseText
6541 phraseContent
+= "(){[";
6542 phraseContent
+= phraseText
6543 phraseContent
+= "]}";
6545 string msgname
6546 bool withLang
= false;
6548 if (command_args
.size() == 5)
6550 lang
= command_args
6554 msgname
6558 NLNET::CMessage
6559 msgout
6560 msgout
6562 msgout
6563 sendMessageViaMirror("IOS", msgout
6568 //*************************************************
6569 //***************** sendurl
6570 //*************************************************
6572 else if (command_args
[0] == "sendurl")
6575 if (command_args
.size() != 4)
6578 string player
= command_args
[1]; // player
6579 string app
= command_args
[2]; // app
6580 string params
= command_args
[3]; // params
6581 CCharacter
6583 if (player
!= "_target_") {
6584 CEntityBase
= PlayerManager
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), player
6585 destPlayer
= dynamic_cast<CCharacter
6587 const CEntityId
= c
6588 destPlayer
= dynamic_cast<CCharacter
6591 destPlayer
+" "+params
6595 //*************************************************
6596 //***************** dt_bot
6597 // /a webExecCommand debug 1 dt_bot!bejc hmac 0
6598 //*************************************************
6600 /* else if (command_args[0] == "dt_bot")
6603 if (command_args.size() != 2)
6606 string botname = command_args[1]; // bot_name
6607 vector<TAIAlias> aliases;
6609 CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getNPCAliasesFromName( botname, aliases );
6610 if ( aliases.empty() )
6612 nldebug ("Bot not found '%s'", botname.c_str());
6616 TAIAlias alias = aliases[0];
6618 const CEntityId & botId = CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getEntityId (alias);
6619 if ( botId != CEntityId::Unknown )
6621 nlinfo("Openning window trad...");
6622 c->setDirectTradeNpc(botId);
6623 if ( !c->startDirectBotChat( BOTCHATTYPE::TradeItemFlag ) )
6628 c->resetRawMaterialItemPartFilter();
6629 c->resetItemTypeFilter();
6630 c->refreshTradeList();
6635 nlwarning ("'%s' has no eId. Is it Spawned???", botname.c_str());
6641 //*************************************************
6642 //***************** missions
6643 //*************************************************
6645 else if (command_args
[0] == "mission") // Please set params before spawn mission
6647 if (command_args
.size() < 3)
6650 string action
= command_args
[1]; // spawn, set_params, add_param
6652 if (action
== "spawn" && command_args
.size() == 4)
6654 // try to find the bot name
6655 vector
> aliases
6656 CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getNPCAliasesFromName(command_args
[2], aliases
6657 if (aliases
6659 nldebug ("<spawn_mission> No NPC found matching name '%s'", command_args
6663 TAIAlias giverAlias
= aliases
6665 TAIAlias missionAlias
= CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getMissionUniqueIdFromName(command_args
6667 if (missionAlias
== CAIAliasTranslator::Invalid
6669 nldebug ("<addMissionByName> No Mission found matching name '%s'", command_args
6675 std::list
< CMissionEvent
* > eventList
6676 CMissionManager::getInstance()->instanciateMission(c
, missionAlias
, giverAlias
, eventList
6677 c
,true, CAIAliasTranslator::Invalid
6679 else if (action
== "remove")
6681 TAIAlias missionAlias
= CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getMissionUniqueIdFromName(command_args
6682 c
, 0);
6683 c
6685 else if (action
== "finish")
6687 TAIAlias missionAlias
= CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getMissionUniqueIdFromName(command_args
6688 c
, 0, true);
6689 c
6691 else if (action
== "add_compass" && command_args
.size() == 4)
6693 TVectorParamCheck
6697 if (command_args
[2] == "bot")
6699 vector
> aliases
6700 CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getNPCAliasesFromName(command_args
[3], aliases
6701 if (aliases
6703 CCreature
* bot
= CreatureManager
6706 x
= bot
6707 y
= bot
6708 params
6709 params
[0].setEIdAIAlias( bot
->getId(), aliases
[0] );
6710 msg
6711 uint32 txt
= STRING_MANAGER::sendStringToClient(c
->getEntityRowId(), msg
, params
6712 PlayerManager
, y
, txt
, bot
6715 else if (command_args
[2] == "place")
6717 CPlace
* place
= CZoneManager::getInstance().getPlaceFromName(command_args
6720 x
= place
6721 y
= place
6723 params
= place
6724 params
6725 msg
6726 uint32 txt
= STRING_MANAGER::sendStringToClient(c
->getEntityRowId(), msg
, params
6727 PlayerManager
, y
, txt
6731 else if (action
== "set_text" && command_args
.size() >= 4)
6733 uint32 nbString
= (uint32
6734 string text
= getStringFromHash(command_args
6736 for (uint32 i
=4; i
; ++i
6737 text
+= "\n"+getStringFromHash(command_args
6738 c
[2], text
6740 else if (action
== "set_params" && command_args
.size() == 4)
6742 c
[2], web_app_url
6744 else if (action
== "add_params" && command_args
.size() == 4)
6746 c
[2], command_args
6756 if (!c
->havePriv(":DEV:") || (web_app_url
!= "debug"))
6758 string::size_type pos
= infos
6759 if (pos
&& pos
6761 item
6765 c
6772 c
6775 c
6780 c
6782 c
6784 c
6790 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
, "Priviledge Pvp Mode")
6797 value
= c
6801 if (value
=="1" || value
=="on" || strlwr(value
)=="pvp" || strlwr(value
)=="true" )
6802 c
6803 else if (value
=="0" || value
=="off" || strlwr(value
)=="false" )
6804 c
6805 // c->setPVPRecentActionFlag();
6806 CPVPManager2::getInstance()->setPVPModeInMirror(c
6807 nlinfo ("%s %s now in pvp mode", entity
.toString().c_str(), c
6811 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
, "Full Pvp Mode")
6818 value
= c
6822 if (value
=="1" || value
=="on" || toLowerAscii(value
)=="pvp" || toLowerAscii(value
)=="true" )
6823 c
6824 else if (value
=="0" || value
=="off" || toLowerAscii(value
)=="false" )
6825 c
6826 // c->setPVPRecentActionFlag();
6827 CPVPManager2::getInstance()->setPVPModeInMirror(c
6828 nlinfo ("%s %s now in pvp mode", entity
.toString().c_str(), c
6832 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6833 NLMISC_COMMAND(addPosFlag
, "add a new position flag", "<csr_eid> <flag_name>")
6835 if (args
.size() != 2)
6839 const string
& flagName
= args
6840 if (CPositionFlagManager::getInstance().flagExists(flagName
6842 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
6846 CFlagPosition
flagPos( c
->getState().X()/1000, c
->getState().Y()/1000, c
->getState().Z()/1000 );
6847 CPositionFlagManager::getInstance().setFlag(flagName
, flagPos
6848 CPositionFlagManager::getInstance().saveToFile(PositionFlagsFileName
6853 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6854 NLMISC_COMMAND(setPosFlag
, "set a position flag", "<csr_eid> <flag_name>")
6856 if (args
.size() != 2)
6860 const string
& flagName
= args
6861 if (!CPositionFlagManager::getInstance().flagExists(flagName
6863 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
6867 CFlagPosition
flagPos( c
->getState().X()/1000, c
->getState().Y()/1000, c
->getState().Z()/1000 );
6868 CPositionFlagManager::getInstance().setFlag(flagName
, flagPos
6869 CPositionFlagManager::getInstance().saveToFile(PositionFlagsFileName
6874 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6875 NLMISC_COMMAND(delPosFlag
, "delete a position flag", "<csr_eid> <flag_name>")
6877 if (args
.size() != 2)
6881 const string
& flagName
= args
6882 if (!CPositionFlagManager::getInstance().flagExists(flagName
6884 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
6888 CPositionFlagManager::getInstance().removeFlag(flagName
6889 CPositionFlagManager::getInstance().saveToFile(PositionFlagsFileName
6894 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
, "list position flags (short format)", "<csr_eid> [<radius_in_meters>]")
6897 if (args
.size() < 1 || args
.size() > 2)
6902 if (args
.size() == 2)
6904 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], radius
6907 CPositionFlagManager::getInstance().sendFlagsList(eid
, true, radius
6912 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6913 NLMISC_COMMAND(listPosFlags
, "list position flags (long format)", "<csr_eid> [<radius_in_meters>]")
6915 if (args
.size() < 1 || args
.size() > 2)
6920 if (args
.size() == 2)
6922 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], radius
6925 CPositionFlagManager::getInstance().sendFlagsList(eid
, false, radius
6930 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
, "teleport a player to a position flag", "<eid> <flag_name>")
6933 if (args
.size() != 2)
6937 const string
& flagName
= args
6938 const CFlagPosition
* flagPos
= CPositionFlagManager::getInstance().getFlagPosition(flagName
6939 if (flagPos
6941 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
6945 const sint32 x
= flagPos
* 1000;
6946 const sint32 y
= flagPos
* 1000;
6947 const sint32 z
= flagPos
* 1000;
6949 c
6950 c
, y
, z
, true);
6952 CContinent
* continent
= CZoneManager::getInstance().getContinent(x
, y
6953 if (continent
6955 c
->getRespawnPoints().addDefaultRespawnPoint( CONTINENT::TContinent(continent
->getId()) );
6961 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6962 NLMISC_COMMAND(updateGuildMembersList
, "update guild members list on members clients", "<csr eid> <guild_name>|<shardId:guildId>")
6964 if (args
.size() != 2)
6969 GET_GUILD(1, false, eid
6971 guild
6973 std::map
*>::iterator it
6974 for (it
= guild
->getMembersBegin(); it
!= guild
->getMembersEnd(); ++it
6976 CGuildMember
* member
*>( (*it
6977 BOMB_IF( !member
, "null guild member!!!", continue );
6978 guild
->setMemberClientDB( member
6984 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6985 NLMISC_COMMAND(listGuildMembers
, "display guild members list", "<csr eid> <guild_name>|<shardId:guildId>")
6987 if (args
.size() != 2)
6992 GET_GUILD(1, false, eid
6994 std::map
*>::iterator it
6995 for (it
= guild
->getMembersBegin(); it
!= guild
->getMembersEnd(); ++it
6997 CGuildMember
* member
*>( (*it
6998 BOMB_IF( !member
, "null guild member!!!", continue );
7000 const string memberName
= CEntityIdTranslator::getInstance()->getByEntity( member
->getIngameEId() ).toUtf8();
7002 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_2(params
7003 params
.fromUtf8( memberName
7004 params
= EGSPD::CGuildGrade::toString( member
->getGrade() );
7005 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
7011 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7012 NLMISC_COMMAND(roomInvite
, "send a room invite to a player character", "<eid> <member name>")
7014 if(args
.size() != 2 )
7018 eId
7020 CCharacter
* user
= PlayerManager
.getChar( eId
7023 log
.displayNL("<ROOMINVITE>'%s' is not a valid char. Cant process command",eId
7026 if (!user
7028 log
.displayNL("'%s' is not entered", eId
7031 if (!TheDataset
7033 log
.displayNL("'%s' is not valid in mirror", eId
7037 CCharacter
* target
= PlayerManager
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), args
7039 if(target
|| target
->getEnterFlag() == false )
7041 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( user
7046 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
7047 params
[0].setEIdAIAlias( user
->getId(), CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getAIAlias(user
->getId()) );
7048 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(target
->getId(), "ROOM_INVITED_BY", params
7049 params
[0].setEIdAIAlias( target
->getId(), CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getAIAlias(target
->getId()) );
7050 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(user
->getId(), "ROOM_YOU_INVITE", params
7052 user
7057 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7058 NLMISC_COMMAND(roomKick
, "kick player from room", "<eid> <member name>")
7060 if(args
.size() != 2 )
7064 eId
7066 CCharacter
* user
= PlayerManager
.getChar( eId
7069 log
.displayNL("<ROOMKICK>'%s' is not a valid char. Cant process command",eId
7072 if (!user
7074 log
.displayNL("'%s' is not entered", eId
7077 if (!TheDataset
7079 log
.displayNL("'%s' is not valid in mirror", eId
7082 CCharacter
* target
= PlayerManager
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), args
7084 if(target
|| target
->getEnterFlag() == false )
7086 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( user
7090 user
->getId(), false);
7095 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7096 NLMISC_COMMAND(guildInvite
, "send a guild invite to a player character", "<eid> <member name>")
7098 if(args
.size() != 2 )
7102 eId
7104 CCharacter
* user
= PlayerManager
.getChar( eId
7107 log
.displayNL("<GUILDINVITE>'%s' is not a valid char. Cant process command",eId
7110 if (!user
7112 log
.displayNL("'%s' is not entered", eId
7115 if (!TheDataset
7117 log
.displayNL("'%s' is not valid in mirror", eId
7121 CGuildMemberModule
* gmModule
7122 if ( !user
->getModuleParent().getModule( gmModule
7124 log
.displayNL("<GUILD>'%s' has no valid guild module, Cant process command",eId
7128 uint32 guildId
= user
7129 CGuild
= CGuildManager::getInstance()->getGuildFromId(guildId
7132 log
.displayNL("<GUILD>'%s' Failed to find guild %u",eId
.toString().c_str(), guildId
7136 // make sure the guild is local
7137 if (guild
->isProxy() )
7139 log
.displayNL("<GUILD>'%s' is in a foreign guild, Cant process command", eId
7140 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eId
7144 gmModule
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), args
7148 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7149 NLMISC_COMMAND(addGuildMember
, "add a new member to a guild", "<csr eid> <guild_name>|<shardId:guildId> <member name>")
7151 if (args
.size() != 3)
7156 GET_GUILD(1, true, eid
7158 string memberName
= CShardNames::getInstance().makeFullNameFromRelative(c
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), args
7159 CCharacter
* memberChar
= PlayerManager
.getCharacterByName( memberName
7160 if ( !memberChar
|| !memberChar
->getEnterFlag() || !TheDataset
->getEntityRowId()) )
7162 if ( CEntityIdTranslator::getInstance()->getByEntity( ucstring(memberName
) ) == CEntityId::Unknown
7164 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
7165 params
.fromUtf8( memberName
7166 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
7170 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
7171 params
.fromUtf8( memberName
7172 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
7177 CGuildCharProxy
7179 CGuildMemberModule
* module
7180 if ( proxy
) )
7182 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
7183 params
[0].setEIdAIAlias( proxy
.getId(), CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getAIAlias(proxy
.getId()) );
7184 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
7188 // message for all guild members about the new member
7190 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
7191 params
[0].setEIdAIAlias( proxy
.getId(), CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getAIAlias(proxy
.getId()) );
7192 guild
->sendMessageToGuildMembers("GUILD_JOIN", params
7195 proxy
.setGuildId( guild
->getId() );
7197 // message for the new member
7199 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
, STRING_MANAGER::string_id
7200 params
= guild
7201 proxy
.sendSystemMessage("GUILD_YOU_JOIN", params
7204 CGuildMember
* member
= guild
->newMember( proxy
.getId() );
7205 BOMB_IF( !member
, "created null guild member!", return true );
7207 // ask the client to open it's guild interface
7208 PlayerManager
.sendImpulseToClient( proxy
7210 // module = new CGuildMemberModule( proxy, member );
7211 // BOMB_IF( !module, "created null guild member module!", return true );
7213 // member->setMemberGrade( EGSPD::CGuildGrade::Member );
7214 // guild->setMemberOnline( member, proxy.getId().getDynamicId() );
7216 log
.displayNL("%s now is a member of guild '%s'", memberName
.c_str(), guild
->getName().toString().c_str() );
7218 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_2(params
, STRING_MANAGER::string_id
7219 params
[0].setEIdAIAlias( proxy
.getId(), CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getAIAlias(proxy
.getId()) );
7220 params
= guild
7221 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
7227 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7228 NLMISC_COMMAND(setGuildMemberGrade
, "set the grade of a guild member", "<csr eid> <guild_name>|<shardId:guildId> <memberName> <grade = Member/Officer/HighOfficer/Leader>")
7230 if (args
.size() != 4)
7235 GET_GUILD(1, true, eid
7237 string memberName
= CShardNames::getInstance().makeFullNameFromRelative(c
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), args
7238 CEntityId memberEId
= CEntityIdTranslator::getInstance()->getByEntity( ucstring(memberName
) );
7239 if (memberEId
== CEntityId::Unknown
7241 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
7242 params
.fromUtf8( memberName
7243 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
7247 EGSPD::CGuildGrade::TGuildGrade grade
= EGSPD::CGuildGrade::fromString( args
[3] );
7249 CGuildMember
* member
= guild
->getMemberFromEId( memberEId
7252 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_2(params
, STRING_MANAGER::string_id
7253 params
.fromUtf8( memberName
7254 params
= uint32(guild
7255 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
7259 guild
->setMemberGrade( member
, grade
, &log
, eid
7264 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7265 NLMISC_COMMAND(setGuildLeader
, "set the leader of a guild", "<csr eid> <guild_name>|<shardId:guildId> <member name>")
7267 if (args
.size() != 3)
7272 GET_GUILD(1, true, eid
7274 string memberName
= CShardNames::getInstance().makeFullNameFromRelative(c
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), args
7275 CEntityId memberEId
= CEntityIdTranslator::getInstance()->getByEntity( ucstring(memberName
) );
7276 if (memberEId
== CEntityId::Unknown
7278 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
7279 params
.fromUtf8( memberName
7280 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
7284 CGuildMember
* member
= guild
->getMemberFromEId( memberEId
7287 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_2(params
, STRING_MANAGER::string_id
7288 params
.fromUtf8( memberName
7289 params
= guild
7290 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
7294 if (member
->getGrade() == EGSPD::CGuildGrade::Leader
7296 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
7297 params
.fromUtf8( memberName
7298 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
7302 CGuildMember
* leader
= guild
7304 guild
->setMemberGrade( leader
, EGSPD::CGuildGrade::Member
, &log
, eid
7306 guild
->setMemberGrade( member
, EGSPD::CGuildGrade::Leader
, &log
, eid
7311 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7313 NLMISC_COMMAND(setPvpClan, "set the pv clan for player", "<csr eid> <clan number 0=neutral, 1=clan1, 2=clan2 >")
7315 if (args.size() != 2)
7321 NLMISC::fromString(args[1], clan);
7323 if ( c && c->getEnterFlag() )
7325 if ( c->getPVPInterface().isValid() )
7326 c->getPVPInterface().setUserClan( clan );
7332 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7333 NLMISC_COMMAND(startEvent
, "start an event with the given name", "<csr eid> <event name> [<faction1> <faction2> [<Faction 1 GM channel name> <faction2 GM channel Name> [<zone only ?>]]]")
7335 if (args
.size() != 2 && args
.size() < 4)
7340 const string
& eventName
= args
7341 string eventFaction1
7342 string eventFaction2
7343 string eventFaction1ChannelName
7344 string eventFaction2ChannelName
7345 bool factionChanelInZoneOnly
= false;
7347 if( args
.size() > 3 )
7349 eventFaction1
= args
7350 eventFaction2
= args
7352 if( args
.size() > 5 )
7354 eventFaction1ChannelName
= args
7355 eventFaction2ChannelName
= args
7358 if( args
.size() > 6 )
7360 NLMISC::fromString(args
[6], factionChanelInZoneOnly
7364 CGameEventManager::getInstance().resetGameEvent(eventName
, eventFaction1
, eventFaction2
, eventFaction1ChannelName
, eventFaction2ChannelName
, factionChanelInZoneOnly
7366 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
7367 params
7368 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
, "CSR_START_EVENT", params
7373 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7374 NLMISC_COMMAND(stopEvent
, "stop previous started event", "<csr eid>")
7376 if (args
.size() != 1)
7381 const string
& eventName
= CGameEventManager::getInstance().getGameEventName();
7382 CGameEventManager::getInstance().resetGameEvent(string(""),string(""),string(""),string(""),string(""),false);
7384 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
7385 params
7386 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
, "CSR_STOP_EVENT", params
7391 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7392 NLMISC_COMMAND(setEventFaction
, "set the event faction of player", "<csr eid> <player name> <event faction>")
7394 if (args
.size() != 3)
7399 const string
& playerName
= args
7400 const string
& eventFaction
= args
7402 CCharacter
* player
= PlayerManager
7405 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
7406 params
.fromUtf8( playerName
7407 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
7411 player
7413 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_2(params
, STRING_MANAGER::event_faction
7414 params
[0].setEIdAIAlias( player
->getId(), CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getAIAlias(player
->getId()) );
7415 params
= eventFaction
7416 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
7421 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7422 NLMISC_COMMAND(clearEventFaction
, "clear the event faction of player", "<csr eid> <player name>")
7424 if (args
.size() != 2)
7429 const string
& playerName
= args
7431 CCharacter
* player
= PlayerManager
7434 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
7435 params
.fromUtf8( playerName
7436 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
7440 player
7442 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
7443 params
[0].setEIdAIAlias( player
->getId(), CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getAIAlias(player
->getId()) );
7444 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
7449 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7450 NLMISC_COMMAND(getEventFaction
, "get the event faction of player", "<csr eid> <player name>")
7452 if (args
.size() != 2)
7457 const string
& playerName
= args
7459 CCharacter
* player
= PlayerManager
7462 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
7463 params
.fromUtf8( playerName
7464 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
7468 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_2(params
, STRING_MANAGER::event_faction
7469 params
[0].setEIdAIAlias( player
->getId(), CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getAIAlias(player
->getId()) );
7470 params
= player
7471 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(eid
7476 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7477 NLMISC_COMMAND(provideItemService
, "provide a service from an item to a player", "<eid> <sheet name>")
7479 if (args
.size() != 2)
7484 CSheetId
7485 const CStaticItem
* form
= CSheets::getForm(sheetId
7488 CItemServiceManager::getInstance()->provideService(form
, c
7494 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7495 NLMISC_COMMAND(dumpFactionPVPDamage
, "dump damage made in Faction PvP", "<eid>")
7497 if (args
.size() != 1)
7502 PROGRESSIONPVP::CCharacterProgressionPVP::getInstance()->dumpPlayerDamageScoreTable(c
, log
7503 log
7508 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7509 NLMISC_COMMAND(changeHairCut
, "change the haircut of a player", "<eid> <sheet name>")
7511 if (args
.size() != 2)
7516 CSheetId
7517 const CStaticItem
* form
= CSheets::getForm(sheetId
7520 nlwarning("unknown item : '%s'", sheetId
7524 if (form
&& form
7526 nlwarning("'%s' is not a haircut item", sheetId
7530 uint32 hairValue
= CVisualSlotManager::getInstance()->sheet2Index(form
7531 if (c
7533 c
7539 /***********************************************************************************************************************
7543 ***********************************************************************************************************************/
7546 ///////////////////////
7548 ///////////////////////
7550 //============================================================================================================
7551 // create a new channel with a localized name
7552 NLMISC_COMMAND(addLocalizedChan
,"Add a new dyn chat channel","<string name of the channel localized name>")
7554 if (args
.size() != 1) return false;
7555 TChanID chanID
= DynChatEGS
7556 if (chanID
7558 nlwarning("Can't create localized channel %s", args
7564 //============================================================================================================
7565 // create a new channel
,"Add a new dyn chat channel","<string name of the channel localized name>")
7568 if (args
.size() < 2) return false;
7570 for (uint k
= 2; k
< args
.size(); ++k
7572 if (k
!= 0) mess
+= ucstring(" ");
7573 mess
+= ucstring(args
7575 TChanID chanID
= DynChatEGS
[0], mess
7576 if (chanID
7578 nlwarning("Can't create channel %s", args
7585 //============================================================================================================
7587 NLMISC_COMMAND(removeChan
, "Remove a new dyn chat channel","<string name of the channel localized name>")
7589 if (args
.size() != 1) return false;
7590 TChanID chanID
= DynChatEGS
7591 if (chanID
7593 nlwarning("Unknown channel : %s", args
7596 bool res
= DynChatEGS
7599 nlwarning("Couldn't remove chan : %s", args
7604 //============================================================================================================
7605 // set historic size for a channel
7606 NLMISC_COMMAND(setChanHistoricSize
, "Set size of the historic for a localized channel", "<string name of the channel localized name><size>")
7608 if (args
.size() != 2) return false;
7609 TChanID chanID
= DynChatEGS
7610 if (chanID
7612 nlwarning("Unknown channel : %s", args
7616 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], historicSize
7618 if (historicSize
> 1000)
7620 nlwarning("Historic size too big");
7623 DynChatEGS
, historicSize
7627 //============================================================================================================
7628 // add a client to a channel
7629 NLMISC_COMMAND(addChanClient
, "add a client to a channel", "<client name or user id><string name of the channel localized name>[1=Read/Write,0=ReadOnly(default)]")
7631 if (args
.size() < 2 || args
.size() > 3) return false;
7633 TChanID chanID
= DynChatEGS
7634 if (chanID
7636 nlwarning("Unknown channel : %s", args
7639 bool writeRight
= true;
7640 if (args
.size() > 2)
7642 NLMISC::fromString(args
[2], writeRight
7644 bool res
= DynChatEGS
, c
->getEntityRowId(), writeRight
7647 nlwarning("Couldn't add character %s to channel %s", args
[0].c_str(), args
7652 //============================================================================================================
7653 // remove clients from channels
7654 NLMISC_COMMAND(removeChanClient
, "remove a client to a channel", "<client name or user id><string name of the channel localized name>")
7656 if (args
.size() != 2) return false;
7658 TChanID chanID
= DynChatEGS
7659 if (chanID
7661 nlwarning("Unknown channel : %s", args
7664 bool res
= DynChatEGS
, c
7667 nlwarning("Couldn't remove character %s from channel %s", args
[0].c_str(), args
7672 //============================================================================================================
7673 // Set the read only for a client in a channel
7674 NLMISC_COMMAND(setChanClientWriteRight
, "set write right for a client in the given channel", "<client name or user id><string name of the channel localized name><1=Read/Write,0=ReadOnly(default)>")
7676 if (args
.size() != 3) return false;
7678 TChanID chanID
= DynChatEGS
7679 if (chanID
7681 nlwarning("Unknown channel : %s", args
7685 NLMISC::fromString(args
[2], canWrite
7686 bool res
= DynChatEGS
, c
->getEntityRowId(), canWrite
7689 nlwarning("Couldn't remove character %s from channel %s", args
[0].c_str(), args
7694 //============================================================================================================
7695 // Display the list of all channels
7696 NLMISC_COMMAND(chanList
, "display the list of all channels", "<>")
7698 if (!args
.empty()) return false;
7699 std::vector
*> chans
7700 DynChatEGS
7701 for(uint k
= 0; k
< chans
.size(); ++k
7703 ucstring name
= DynChatEGS
7704 nlinfo("Channel name : %s, num sessions = %d, historic size = %d", name
.toString().c_str(), (int) chans
]->getSessionCount(), (int) chans
7709 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
, "Aggroable by creatures")
7716 value
= toString (c
7720 TDataSetRow userRow
= TheDataset
.getDataSetRow( c
->getId() );
7721 if ( !TheDataset
.isAccessible( userRow
) )
7725 NLMISC::fromString(value
, aggroable
7726 c
7727 c
7730 nlinfo ("%s is now aggroable", entity
7731 else if (aggroable
< 0)
7732 nlinfo ("%s aggroable is defined by privilege", entity
7734 nlinfo ("%s is now non aggroable", entity
7739 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7740 NLMISC_COMMAND(acceptProposalForQueue
, "player accept to enter critical part (for queue Id i)", "<eid> <accept (0/1)> [<queueId>]")
7742 if (args
.size() < 2 || args
.size() > 3 ) return false;
7744 CEntityId
7746 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], accept
7749 if (args
.size() == 3)
7750 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], queueId
7753 CCharacter
= PlayerManager
7755 queueId
= player
7758 CMissionQueueManager::getInstance()->playerEntersCriticalArea(eid
, queueId
, accept
7763 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7764 NLMISC_COMMAND(awakePlayerInQueue
, "awake player in given queue", "<eid> <queueId>")
7766 if (args
.size() != 2) return false;
7768 CEntityId
7770 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], queueId
7772 CMissionQueueManager::getInstance()->playerWakesUp( eid
, queueId
7778 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7779 NLMISC_COMMAND(debugMissionsQueues
, "dump mission queues for debug", "")
7781 CMissionQueueManager::getInstance()->dump();
7786 static bool serialMagicNumberMsg(const std::string
, const std::string
, uint64 magicNumber
7788 CMessage
msgout( "IMPULSION_ID" );
7789 CEntityId
7792 if ( ! GenericMsgManager
, bms
) )
7794 nlwarning("Msg name %s not found", msgName
7797 bms
7798 msgout
.buffer(), bms
7799 CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->send(NLNET::TServiceId(eid
.getDynamicId()), msgout
7803 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7804 NLMISC_COMMAND(permanentBan
, "permanently ban a player (player must be online)", "")
7806 if (args
.size() != 1) return false;
7807 return serialMagicNumberMsg("CONNECTION:PERMANENT_BAN", args
[0], PermanentBanMSGMagicNumber
7810 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7811 NLMISC_COMMAND(permanentUnban
, "unban a player (player must be online)", "")
7813 if (args
.size() != 1) return false;
7814 return serialMagicNumberMsg("CONNECTION:UNBAN", args
[0], PermanentUnbanMSGMagicNumber
7817 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7818 NLMISC_COMMAND(nbKnownPhrases
, "display nb of known phrases for player", "<eid>")
7820 if (args
.size() != 1)
7823 CEntityId
7825 CCharacter
= PlayerManager
7828 nlwarning("Player %s not found", eid
7832 const vector
> &kp
= player
7833 nlinfo("For player %s, size of Known Phrases vector = %u", eid
.toString().c_str(), kp
7836 for (uint i
= 0;i
< kp
.size() ; ++i
7841 nlinfo("Total nb of non null known phrases = %u", count
7846 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7847 NLMISC_COMMAND(displayShopSelector
, "display shop selector for a NPC", "")
7849 if (args
.size() != 1) return false;
7851 CEntityId
7852 CCreature
= CreatureManager
.getCreature( eid
7855 c
->displayShopSelectors( log
7860 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7861 NLMISC_COMMAND(addFactionAttackableToTarget
, "Add a faction to attackable list to given entity target creature/npc", "<player eid> <faction name> <fameLevel -600+600> <0/1 0 = below 1 = above>")
7863 if (args
.size () < 4) return false;
7867 uint factionIndex
= CStaticFames::getInstance().getFactionIndex(args
7868 if (factionIndex
7870 const CEntityId
= c
7871 if (target
!= CEntityId::Unknown
&& target
.getType() != RYZOMID::player
7873 CCreature
= CreatureManager
7877 NLMISC::fromString(args
[2], fameLevel
7879 NLMISC::fromString(args
[3], above
7880 creature
, fameLevel
* FameAbsoluteMax
/ 100, above
7889 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7890 NLMISC_COMMAND(taskPass
, "pass a task from a rite", "<player eid> <rite> [<task>]")
7892 if (args
.size () != 2 && args
.size () != 3) return false;
7895 string rite
= args
7898 uint32 taskCount
= 0;
7899 CSheets::getEncyclopedia().getRiteInfos( rite
, nAlbum
, nThema
, taskCount
7901 if( nAlbum
!=0 && nThema
!=0 && taskCount
!=0 )
7903 CCharacterEncyclopedia
= c
7904 if( args
.size() == 3 )
7907 NLMISC::fromString(args
[2], nTask
7910 nlwarning("<taskPass> task index too high : %d",nTask
7913 rEncy
, nThema
, nTask
, 2, true);
7918 for( i
=0; i
; ++i
7920 rEncy
, nThema
, i
, 2, true);
7926 nlwarning("<taskPass> wrong rite ? %s",rite
7933 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7934 NLMISC_COMMAND(setFamePlayer
, "set the fame value of a player in the given faction", "<player eid> <faction> <fame>")
7936 if (args
.size () != 3)
7941 uint32 factionIndex
7942 if (factionIndex
7946 NLMISC::fromString(args
[2], fame
7948 CFameManager::getInstance().setEntityFame(c
->getId(), factionIndex
, fame
, true);
7954 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7955 NLMISC_COMMAND(addGuildBuilding
, "sadd a building to guild", "<player eid> <building name>")
7957 if (args
.size () != 2)
7962 IBuildingPhysical
= CBuildingManager::getInstance()->getBuildingPhysicalsByName(args
7964 if (building
7967 if (c
->getGuildId() == 0)
7970 CBuildingManager::getInstance()->registerGuild( c
->getGuildId(), building
->getAlias() );
7975 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7976 NLMISC_COMMAND(setOrganization
, "set the organization of a player to the given faction", "<player eid> <faction>")
7978 if (args
.size () != 2)
7983 uint32 factionIndex
= CStaticFames::getInstance().getFactionIndex(args
7984 if (factionIndex
7987 c
7992 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7993 NLMISC_COMMAND(setOrganizationStatus
, "set the organization status of a player", "<player eid> <status>")
7995 if (args
.size () != 2)
8002 if (args
[1][0] == '+')
8004 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1].substr(1), status
8006 else if (args
[1][0] == '-')
8008 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], status
8012 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], status
8013 c
8017 c
8022 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8023 NLMISC_COMMAND(eventCreateNpcGroup
, "create an event npc group", "<player eid> <nbBots> <sheet> [<dispersionRadius=10m>] [<spawnBots=true>] [<orientation=random|self|-360..360>] [<name>] [<x>] [<y>] [<z>] [client_sheet] [inVIllage?inOutpost?inStable?inAtys?]")
8025 if (args
.size () < 3) return false;
8028 sint32 x
= c
8029 sint32 y
= c
8030 sint32 z
= c
8031 sint32 orientation
= 6666; // used to specify a random orientation
8034 fromString(args
[1], nbBots
8037 log
.displayNL("invalid bot count");
8041 string sheetName
= args
8042 if (sheetName
.find(".creature") == string::npos
8043 sheetName
+= ".creature";
8044 NLMISC::CSheetId
8045 if (sheetId
8047 log
.displayNL("invalid sheet id");
8051 double dispersionRadius
= 10.;
8054 fromString(args
[3], dispersionRadius
8055 if (dispersionRadius
< 0.)
8057 log
.displayNL("invalid dispersion radius");
8062 bool spawnBots
= true;
8064 fromString(args
[4], spawnBots
8068 if (args
[5] == "self")
8070 orientation
= (sint32
->getHeading() * 1000.0);
8072 else if (args
[5] != "random")
8074 fromString(args
[5], orientation
8075 orientation
= (sint32
/ 360.0 * (NLMISC::Pi
* 2.0) * 1000.0);
8079 std::string botsName
8080 if (args
.size()>6) botsName
= args
8081 if (botsName
== "*")
8084 if (args
.size() > 8)
8089 NLMISC::fromString(args
[7], userX
8090 x
= (sint32
* 1000.0);
8096 NLMISC::fromString(args
[8], userY
8097 y
= (sint32
* 1000.0);
8101 if (args
.size() > 9)
8103 if (args
[9] != "*") {
8104 NLMISC::fromString(args
[9], z
8109 if (args
.size() > 10)
8112 if (look
.find(".creature") == string::npos
8113 look
+= ".creature";
8117 //Get instance number from position
8118 CContinent
* continent
= CZoneManager::getInstance().getContinent(x
, y
8121 log
.displayNL("ERR: invalid continent");
8124 uint32 instanceNumber
= CUsedContinent::instance().getInstanceForContinent((CONTINENT::TContinent
8126 if (instanceNumber
== ~0)
8128 log
.displayNL("ERR: invalid continent");
8132 TDataSetRow dsr
= c
8133 CMirrorPropValueRO
> srcCell( TheDataset
, dsr
, DSPropertyCELL
8134 sint32 cell
= srcCell
8136 CEntityId playerId
= c
8138 CMessage
8139 uint32 messageVersion
= 1;
8140 msgout
8141 msgout
8142 msgout
8146 msgout
8147 msgout
8148 msgout
8149 msgout
8150 msgout
8151 msgout
8152 msgout
8153 msgout
8154 CWorldInstances::instance().msgToAIInstance2(instanceNumber
, msgout
8159 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8160 NLMISC_COMMAND(eventNpcGroupScript
, "executes a script on an event npc group", "<bot eid> <script>")
8162 if (args
.size () < 1) return false;
8165 uint32 instanceNumber
= e
8167 uint32 nbString
= (uint32
8169 CMessage
8170 uint32 messageVersion
= 1;
8171 msgout
8172 msgout
8173 for (uint32 i
=0; i
; ++i
8175 string arg
= args
8178 CWorldInstances::instance().msgToAIInstance2(instanceNumber
, msgout
8183 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
, "executes a script on an event npc group", "<player eid> <groupname> <script>")
8186 if (args
.size () < 3) return false;
8189 uint32 instanceNumber
= c
8191 uint32 nbString
= (uint32
8193 string botsName
= args
8194 if ( ! getAIInstanceFromGroupName(botsName
, instanceNumber
8199 CMessage
8200 uint32 messageVersion
= 1;
8201 msgout
8202 msgout
8204 string playerEid
= args
8205 msgout
8206 msgout
8207 for (uint32 i
=2; i
; ++i
8209 string arg
= args
8212 while((pos
= arg
.find(" &", pos
)) != string::npos
8214 arg
, 6, " ");
8218 // Replace "(eid:<player name>)" with player Entity ID string
8219 pos
= arg
8220 while (pos
!= string::npos
8222 string s
= arg
, arg
.find(")\"", pos
) - pos
+ 1);
8225 string name
= s
.substr(5, s
.length() - 6);
8226 CCharacter
* player
= PlayerManager
.getCharacterByName( CShardNames::getInstance().makeFullNameFromRelative(c
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), name
) );
8227 CEntityId id
= CEntityId::Unknown
8230 id
= player
8232 strFindReplace(arg
, s
, id
8234 pos
= arg
8237 strFindReplace(arg
, "#item:", "");
8238 strFindReplace(arg
, "#rrp:", "");
8241 CWorldInstances::instance().msgToAIInstance2(instanceNumber
, msgout
8246 NLMISC_COMMAND(eventSetBotName
, "changes the name of a bot", "<bot eid> <name>")
8248 if (args
.size () < 2) return false;
8251 TDataSetRow row
= e
8253 name
8254 NLNET::CMessage
8256 msgout
8257 sendMessageViaMirror("IOS", msgout
8262 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8263 NLMISC_COMMAND(eventSetBotScale
, "changes the scale of a bot (in % up to 255)", "<bot eid> <scale in %>")
8265 if (args
.size () < 2) return false;
8268 TDataSetRow row
= e
8270 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], scale
8273 CMirrorPropValue
< SAltLookProp2
, CPropLocationPacked
<2> > visualPropertyB( TheDataset
, row
, DSPropertyVPB
8274 SET_STRUCT_MEMBER( visualPropertyB
, PropertySubData
, scale
8279 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8280 NLMISC_COMMAND(eventSetNpcGroupAggroRange
, "changes the aggro range of a npc group", "<bot eid> <range>")
8282 if (args
.size() < 2) return false;
8285 uint32 instanceNumber
= e
8287 std::vector
> args2
8289 args2
8290 args2
.push_back(NLMISC::toString("()setAggro(%f, 0);", atof(args
8292 uint32 nbString
= (uint32
8294 CMessage
8295 uint32 messageVersion
= 1;
8296 msgout
8297 msgout
8298 for (uint32 i
=0; i
; ++i
8300 string arg
= args2
8303 CWorldInstances::instance().msgToAIInstance2(instanceNumber
, msgout
8308 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8309 NLMISC_COMMAND(eventSetNpcGroupEmote
, "Set emote animation to a npc group", "<bot eid> <emote>")
8311 if (args
.size() < 2) return false;
8314 CEntityId
8316 uint32 instanceNumber
= e
8318 std::vector
> args2
8320 args2
8321 args2
.push_back(NLMISC::toString("()emote(\"%s\",\"%s\");", entityId
.toString().c_str(), args
8323 uint32 nbString
= (uint32
8325 CMessage
8326 uint32 messageVersion
= 1;
8327 msgout
8328 msgout
8329 for (uint32 i
=0; i
; ++i
8331 string arg
= args2
8334 CWorldInstances::instance().msgToAIInstance2(instanceNumber
, msgout
8338 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8339 NLMISC_COMMAND(eventSetFaunaBotAggroRange
, "changes the aggro range of a fauna bot", "<bot eid> <not hungry range> [<hungry range> [<hunting range>]]")
8341 if (args
.size() < 2) return false;
8344 uint32 instanceNumber
= e
8346 uint32 messageVersion
= 1;
8347 string botName
= args
8348 float notHungryRadius
= (float)atof(args
8349 float hungryRadius
= -1.f
8350 if (args
.size() > 2)
8351 hungryRadius
= (float)atof(args
8352 float huntingRadius
= -1.f
8353 if (args
.size() > 3)
8354 huntingRadius
= (float)atof(args
8356 CMessage
8357 msgout
8358 msgout
8359 msgout
8360 msgout
8361 msgout
8362 CWorldInstances::instance().msgToAIInstance2(instanceNumber
, msgout
8367 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8368 NLMISC_COMMAND(eventResetFaunaBotAggroRange
, "reset the aggro range of a fauna bot to sheet defaults", "<bot eid>")
8370 if (args
.size() < 1) return false;
8373 uint32 instanceNumber
= e
8375 uint32 messageVersion
= 1;
8376 string botName
= args
8378 CMessage
8379 msgout
8380 msgout
8381 CWorldInstances::instance().msgToAIInstance2(instanceNumber
, msgout
8386 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8387 NLMISC_COMMAND(eventSetBotCanAggro
, "tells the bot if he can aggro or not", "<bot eid> <can aggro>")
8389 if (args
.size() < 2) return false;
8392 uint32 instanceNumber
= e
8394 uint32 messageVersion
= 1;
8395 string botName
= args
8396 bool canAggro
= true;
8397 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], canAggro
8399 CMessage
8400 msgout
8401 msgout
8402 msgout
8403 CWorldInstances::instance().msgToAIInstance2(instanceNumber
, msgout
8408 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8409 NLMISC_COMMAND(eventSetBotSheet
, "Change the sheet of a bot", "<bot eid> <sheet id>")
8411 if (args
.size() < 2) return false;
8414 uint32 instanceNumber
= e
8416 uint32 messageVersion
= 3;
8417 bool bAutoSpawnDespawn
= false;
8418 string botName
= args
8419 string sCustomName
; // Not needed here
8420 CSheetId
8421 if (sheetId
8422 sheetId
= CSheetId(args
8423 if (sheetId
8425 log
.displayNL("Unknown sheet id '%s'", args
8429 CMessage
8430 msgout
8431 msgout
8432 msgout
8433 msgout
8434 msgout
8435 CWorldInstances::instance().msgToAIInstance2(instanceNumber
, msgout
8440 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8441 extern sint32
* character
, INVENTORIES::TInventory inventory
, uint32 slot
, ucstring
const& text
8443 NLMISC_COMMAND(eventSetItemCustomText
, "set an item custom text, which replaces help text", "<eId> <inventory> <slot in inventory> <text>")
8445 if (args
.size() < 4)
8451 log
.displayNL("Invalid character '%s'", args
8454 INVENTORIES::TInventory inventory
8457 inventory
= INVENTORIES::toInventory(args
8458 NLMISC::fromString(args
[2], slot
8459 text
8461 sint32 ret
= clientEventSetItemCustomText(c
, inventory
, slot
, text
8466 log
.displayNL("Item in slot %u has now the custom text \"%s\"", slot
, text
8469 log
.displayNL("'%s' is not a valid inventory name", args
8472 log
.displayNL("Invalid slot %u", slot
8475 log
.displayNL("Empty slot %u", slot
8478 log
.displayNL("Unknown error");
8483 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8484 NLMISC_COMMAND(eventResetItemCustomText
, "set an item custom text, which replaces help text", "<eId> <inventory> <slot in inventory>")
8486 if (args
.size() < 3)
8488 log
.displayNL("not enough parameters");
8493 INVENTORIES::TInventory inventory
= INVENTORIES::toInventory(args
8494 if (inventory
8496 log
.displayNL("'%s' is not a valid inventory name", args
8500 NLMISC::fromString(args
[2], slot
8501 CInventoryPtr invent
= c
8502 if (slot
>= invent
8504 log
.displayNL("Invalid slot %u max = %u", slot
, invent
8507 if (invent
) == NULL
8509 log
.displayNL("empty slot %u", slot
8513 CGameItemPtr item
= invent
8514 item
8515 // Following line was commented out by trap, reason unknown
8516 c
, slot
8517 log
.displayNL("item in slot %u has now its default text displayed", slot
8522 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8524 NLMISC_COMMAND(eventSpawnToxic
, "Spawn a toxic cloud", "<player eid> <posXm> <posYm> <iRadius{0,1,2}=0> <dmgPerHit=0> <updateFrequency=ToxicCloudUpdateFrequency> <lifetimeInTicks=ToxicCloudDefaultLifetime>" )
8526 if ( args
.size() < 1 )
8531 float x
= (float)c
8532 float y
= (float)c
8534 if (args
.size() > 1)
8536 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], x
8538 if (args
.size() > 2)
8540 NLMISC::fromString(args
[2], y
8543 CVector
cloudPos( x
, y
, 0.0f
8545 sint32 dmgPerHit
= 100;
8546 TGameCycle updateFrequency
= ToxicCloudUpdateFrequency
8547 TGameCycle lifetime
= CToxicCloud::ToxicCloudDefaultLifetime
8548 if ( args
.size() > 3 )
8550 iRadius
= atoi( args
[3].c_str() );
8551 if ( args
.size() > 4 )
8553 dmgPerHit
= atoi( args
[4].c_str() );
8554 if ( args
.size() > 5 )
8556 updateFrequency
= atoi( args
[5].c_str() );
8557 if ( args
.size() > 6 )
8558 lifetime
= atoi( args
[6].c_str() );
8563 CToxicCloud
= new CToxicCloud();
8564 float radius
= (float)(iRadius
*2 + 1); // {1, 3, 5} corresponding to the 3 sheets
8565 tc
->init( cloudPos
, radius
, dmgPerHit
, updateFrequency
, lifetime
8566 CSheetId
sheet( toString( "toxic_cloud_%d.fx", iRadius
8567 if ( tc
->spawn( sheet
) )
8569 CEnvironmentalEffectManager::getInstance()->addEntity( tc
8570 log
.displayNL( "Toxic cloud spawned (radius %g)", radius
8574 log
.displayNL( "Unable to spawn toxic cloud (mirror range full?)" );
8579 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8581 /a eventSpawnDamageLine test_ulu 40900,-12198|40651,-12148 teanwen_haleine
8583 NLMISC_COMMAND(eventSpawnDamageLine
, "Spawn a damage line", "<player eid> <name> [<px1,py1|px2,py2|...>] [<dammage>]" )
8585 if ( args
.size() < 2 )
8590 if (args
.size() > 2 )
8593 string dammage
= "";
8594 if (args
.size() > 3 )
8597 CZoneManager::getInstance().parseGooBorder( args
[1], path
, dammage
8603 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8604 NLMISC_COMMAND(useCatalyser
, "use an xp catalyser", "<eId> [<slot in bag>]")
8606 if (args
.size() != 2)
8608 log
.displayNL("not enough parameters");
8614 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], slot
8617 c
->useItem( (uint32
8623 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8624 NLMISC_COMMAND(eventSetBotFaction
, "changes the faction of a bot", "<bot eid> <faction>|default")
8626 if (args
.size() < 2) return false;
8628 CEntityId
8629 CCreature
* creature
= CreatureManager
8632 if (args
8633 creature
8635 creature
8640 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8641 NLMISC_COMMAND(eventSetBotFameByKill
, "set the fame a player win after killing a bot", "<bot eid> <fame>|default")
8643 if (args
.size() < 2) return false;
8645 CEntityId
8647 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], fame
8648 CCreature
* creature
= CreatureManager
8651 if (args
8653 creature
8654 creature
8658 creature
8659 creature
8665 // Dev only ------------------------------------------------------------------
8666 NLMISC_COMMAND(displayPositionStack
, "Display the position stack of a character (top to bottom) (works as soon as player is connected)", "<eid>")
8668 if ( args
.size() < 1 )
8671 // Get character without using GET_CHARACTER to prevent from issueing an "offline command"
8672 CEntityId
8673 if (eid
== CEntityId::Unknown
8675 CCharacter
= PlayerManager
8678 log
.displayNL( "Character not found" );
8681 if ( c
->sessionId() == SessionLockPositionStack
8683 COfflineEntityState
st( c
->getState() );
8684 log
.displayNL( "[STACK LOCKED] Current pos: %s", st
.toString().c_str() );
8686 for ( sint p
.size()))-1; p
>=0; --p
8688 log
.displayNL( "%u: Session %u, %s", p
, c
.asInt(), c
.toString().c_str() );
8693 // Dev only ------------------------------------------------------------------
8694 NLMISC_COMMAND(popPosition
, "Remove the top position in the stack of a character", "<eid>")
8696 if ( args
.size() < 1 )
8700 if ( ! c
.empty() )
8702 c
8703 log
.displayNL( "OK, %u remaining in stack", c
.size() );
8706 log
.displayNL( "No pos in stack" );
8710 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
, "Far TP a character, but let the current position in the stack for returning. Pos in meters.", "<eid> <destSessionId> [<X> <Y> [<Z> [<Heading>]]]")
8713 if ( args
.size() < 2 )
8718 // Push the new position into the stack
8719 c
8721 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], sessionId
8722 c
= TSessionId(sessionId
8723 if ( args
.size() > 3 )
8725 NLMISC::fromString(args
[2], c
8726 c
*= 1000;
8727 NLMISC::fromString(args
[3], c
8728 c
*= 1000;
8729 if ( args
.size() > 4 )
8731 NLMISC::fromString(args
[4], c
8732 c
*= 1000;
8733 if ( args
.size() > 5 )
8735 NLMISC::fromString(args
[5], c
8740 // Lock the stack to save it in this state, and make the client Far TP
8741 c
->setSessionId( SessionLockPositionStack
8742 c
->requestFarTP( c
8746 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8747 NLMISC_COMMAND(farTPReplace
, "Far TP a character. Pos in meters. Default values = current values", "<eid> [<destSessionId> [<X> <Y> [<Z> [<Heading>]]]]")
8749 if ( args
.size() < 1 )
8754 // Modify the top position in the stack
8755 if ( c
.empty() )
8756 c
8757 if ( args
.size() > 1 ) // with the same session id: will make the client reconnect
8760 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], sessionId
8761 c
= TSessionId(sessionId
8762 if ( args
.size() > 3 )
8764 NLMISC::fromString(args
[2], c
8765 c
*= 1000;
8766 NLMISC::fromString(args
[3], c
8767 c
*= 1000;
8768 if ( args
.size() > 4 )
8770 NLMISC::fromString(args
[4], c
8771 c
*= 1000;
8772 if ( args
.size() > 5 )
8774 NLMISC::fromString(args
[5], c
8780 // Lock the stack to save it in this state, and make the client Far TP
8781 c
->setSessionId( SessionLockPositionStack
8782 c
->requestFarTP( c
, false );
8786 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
, "Far TP a character back to the previous session in the stack", "")
8789 if ( args
.size() < 1 )
8793 c
->returnToPreviousSession(~0, ~0, 0);
8797 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
, "Substitute a position in the stack (no immediate far TP, does not lock the stack, works as soon as player is connected). Pos in meters. Default values = current values", "<eid> index <sessionId> [<X> <Y> [<Z> [<Heading>]]]")
8800 if ( args
.size() < 3 )
8803 // Get character without using GET_CHARACTER to prevent from issueing an "offline command"
8804 CEntityId
8805 if (eid
== CEntityId::Unknown
8807 CCharacter
= PlayerManager
8810 log
.displayNL( "Character not found" );
8814 // Access the specified position in the stack
8816 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], index
8817 if ( c
.size() <= index
8819 log
.displayNL( "Index out of bounds" );
8824 CFarPosition newFarPos
= c
8826 NLMISC::fromString(args
[2], sessionId
8827 newFarPos
= TSessionId(sessionId
8828 if ( args
.size() > 3 )
8830 NLMISC::fromString(args
[3], newFarPos
8831 newFarPos
*= 1000;
8832 NLMISC::fromString(args
[4], newFarPos
8833 newFarPos
*= 1000;
8834 if ( args
.size() > 5 )
8836 NLMISC::fromString(args
[5], newFarPos
8837 newFarPos
*= 1000;
8838 if ( args
.size() > 6 )
8840 newFarPos
= (float)atof(args
8844 c
.substFarPosition( index
, newFarPos
8849 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8850 NLMISC_COMMAND(teamInvite
, "send a team invite to a player character", "<eid> <member name>")
8852 if(args
.size() != 2 )
8856 eId
8859 CCharacter
* user
= PlayerManager
.getChar( eId
8862 log
.displayNL("<TEAMINVITE>'%s' is not a valid char. Cant process command",eId
8865 if (!user
8867 log
.displayNL("'%s' is not entered", eId
8870 if (!TheDataset
8872 log
.displayNL("'%s' is not valid in mirror", eId
8877 CCharacter
= PlayerManager
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), args
8878 if (invitedCharacter
|| invitedCharacter
->getEnterFlag() == false )
8880 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( user
8885 user
8886 TeamManager
.joinProposal( user
, invitedCharacter
->getId() );
8891 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8892 NLMISC_COMMAND(leagueInvite
, "send a League invite to a player character", "<eid> <player name>")
8894 if(args
.size() != 2 )
8898 eId
8901 CCharacter
* user
= PlayerManager
.getChar( eId
8904 log
.displayNL("<LEAGUE_INVITE>'%s' is not a valid char. Cant process command",eId
8907 if (!user
8909 log
.displayNL("'%s' is not entered", eId
8912 if (!TheDataset
8914 log
.displayNL("'%s' is not valid in mirror", eId
8919 CCharacter
= PlayerManager
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), args
8920 if (invitedCharacter
|| invitedCharacter
->getEnterFlag() == false )
8922 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( user
8927 user
8928 TeamManager
.joinLeagueProposal( user
, invitedCharacter
->getId() );
8933 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8934 NLMISC_COMMAND(leagueKick
, "kick a player character from league", "<eid> <member name>")
8936 if(args
.size() != 2 )
8940 eId
8943 CCharacter
* user
= PlayerManager
.getChar( eId
8946 log
.displayNL("<LEAGUE_INVITE>'%s' is not a valid char. Cant process command",eId
8949 if (!user
8951 log
.displayNL("'%s' is not entered", eId
8954 if (!TheDataset
8956 log
.displayNL("'%s' is not valid in mirror", eId
8961 CCharacter
= PlayerManager
->getHomeMainlandSessionId(), args
8962 if (invitedCharacter
|| invitedCharacter
->getEnterFlag() == false )
8964 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( user
8969 user
8971 CTeam
* team
= TeamManager
.getTeam( user
->getTeamId() );
8975 if (team
->getLeader() != eId
8978 if (user
->getLeagueId() != invitedCharacter
8981 team
= TeamManager
.getTeam( invitedCharacter
->getTeamId() );
8983 invitedCharacter
8985 team
8986 team
8994 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8995 NLMISC_COMMAND(resetPVPTimers
, "Reset the pvp timers of a player", "<CSR eId><player name>")
8997 if ( args
.size() < 2 )
9002 CCharacter
* target
= PlayerManager
.getCharacterByName( CShardNames::getInstance().makeFullNameFromRelative(c
[1] ));
9003 if ( !target
|| !TheDataset
.isAccessible( target
->getEntityRowId() ) )
9005 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid
9010 target
9016 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9017 NLMISC_COMMAND(revive
, "player revives at full health at his location", "<eId>")
9019 if ( args
.size() < 1 )
9030 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9031 NLMISC_COMMAND(quitDelay
, "Inform the player that the shard will be stopped in N seconds", "<timeBeforeShutdown>")
9033 if (args
.size() != 1)
9037 NLMISC::fromString(args
[0], delay
9039 SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1(params
9041 params
= delay
9043 IPlayerManager
= CPlayerManager::getInstance();
9045 const IPlayerManager::TMapPlayers
= pm
9047 IPlayerManager::TMapPlayers::const_iterator
.begin()), last(players
9048 for (; first
!= last
; ++first
9050 CCharacter
* character
= pm
9052 if (character
9054 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage(TheDataset
->getId()), "SHUTDOWN_WARNING", params
9061 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9062 NLMISC_COMMAND(openTargetApp
, "open target app", "<user_id>")
9064 if (args
.size() < 1)
9069 CCreature
* creature
= CreatureManager
9073 uint32 program
= creature
9074 if (program
& (1 << BOTCHATTYPE::WebPageFlag
9076 c
9080 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9081 // (ulukyn) Very special case to use with ARK.
9082 // !!! Never let user call openTargetUrl with a custom url or player
9083 // will able to sign any url with server salt.
9084 // It's why the url are hardcoded here
9085 NLMISC_COMMAND(openTargetUrl
, "Open target url", "<user_id> [bullying]")
9087 if (args
.size() < 1)
9092 if (args
.size() > 1 && args
[1] == "1")
9093 c
->sendUrl("app_arcc action=mScript_Run&script_name=TalkNpc&bullying=1&command=reset_all");
9095 c
->sendUrl("app_arcc action=mScript_Run&script_name=TalkNpc&command=reset_all");
9099 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
, "changes the url of a bot", "<bot eid> [<url>]")
9102 if (args
.size() < 1) return false;
9104 CEntityId
9105 CCreature
* creature
= CreatureManager
9108 log
.displayNL("Not a creature");
9112 uint32 program
= creature
9113 if(!(program
& (1<<BOTCHATTYPE::WebPageFlag
9115 log
.displayNL("Add web program on this creature");
9116 program
|= 1 << BOTCHATTYPE::WebPageFlag
9117 creature
9120 const string
= creature
9123 log
.displayNL("Remove web program on this creature");
9125 program
&= ~(1 << BOTCHATTYPE::WebPageFlag
9126 creature
9129 (string
= args
9131 log
.displayNL("Set url '%s'", creature
9136 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9137 NLMISC_COMMAND(eventSetBotURLName
, "changes the url name of a bot", "<bot eid> <name>")
9139 if (args
.size() < 2) return false;
9141 CEntityId
9142 CCreature
* creature
= CreatureManager
9145 log
.displayNL("Not a creature");
9149 uint32 program
= creature
9150 if(!(program
& (1<<BOTCHATTYPE::WebPageFlag
9152 log
.displayNL("This creature is not flagged as chat in web 0x%x", program
9156 const string
= creature
9157 (string
= args
9159 log
.displayNL("Set url name '%s'", creature
9164 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9165 NLMISC_COMMAND(eventNpcSay
, "have a bot say a text", "<bot eid> <text to say> <optional mode ('say', 'shout'...)> ")
9167 if (args
.size() < 2 || args
.size() > 3) return false;
9170 string
9172 CChatGroup::TGroupType mode
= CChatGroup::say
9173 if (args
.size() == 3)
9175 mode
= CChatGroup::stringToGroupType(args
9178 std::string prefix
= NLMISC::CSString(text
9179 if (NLMISC::nlstricmp(prefix
.c_str(), "ID:") == 0)
9181 NLMISC::CSString phrase
= NLMISC::CSString(text
9182 npcChatToChannel(e
->getEntityRowId(), mode
, phrase
9186 ucstring ucstr
= text
9187 npcChatToChannelSentence(e
->getEntityRowId(), mode
, ucstr
9193 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9194 NLMISC_COMMAND(eventSetBotFacing
, "Set the direction in which a bot faces", "<bot eid> <angle 0-360|random> [<whole group (0,1)>]")
9196 if (args
.size () < 2) return false;
9199 float orientation
= 0;
9200 std::string param
= args
9201 if (param
== "random")
9203 orientation
= 6666; // used to specify a random orientation
9207 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], orientation
9208 orientation
= (orientation
/ 360.0 * (NLMISC::Pi
* 2.0));
9212 std::vector
> args2
9214 if (args
.size() == 3 && args
[2] != "0")
9216 // Do the whole group
9217 args2
9218 args2
.push_back(NLMISC::toString("()facing(%f);", orientation
9223 TAIAlias alias
= CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getAIAlias(eid
9224 args2
9225 args2
.push_back(NLMISC::toString("()facing(\"%s\",%f);", NLMISC::toString(alias
).c_str(), orientation
9228 uint32 instanceNumber
= e
9229 uint32 nbString
= args2
9231 CMessage
9232 uint32 messageVersion
= 1;
9233 msgout
9234 msgout
9235 for (uint32 i
=0; i
; ++i
9237 string arg
= args2
9240 CWorldInstances::instance().msgToAIInstance2(instanceNumber
, msgout
9247 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9248 NLMISC_COMMAND(characterInventoryDump
, "Dump character inventory info", "<eid> <inventory> [<from slot> <to slot>]")
9250 if (args
.size () < 2)
9252 log
.displayNL("Invalid number of parameters. Parameters: <inventory> [<from slot> <to slot>]");
9257 string selected_inv
= args
9259 CInventoryPtr inventory
= getInv(c
, selected_inv
9261 if (inventory
9263 log
.displayNL("Invalid inventory '%s'.", selected_inv
9267 uint32 start_slot
= 0;
9268 uint32 end_slot
= inventory
9270 if (args
.size() == 4)
9272 fromString(args
[2], start_slot
9273 fromString(args
[3], end_slot
9274 start_slot
= std::max(uint32(0), start_slot
9275 end_slot
= std::min(end_slot
, inventory
9280 for (uint32 i
= start_slot
; i
< end_slot
; ++i
9282 CGameItemPtr itemPtr
= inventory
9283 if (itemPtr
9285 string sheet
= itemPtr
9286 uint32 quality
= itemPtr
9287 uint32 stacksize
= itemPtr
9289 msg
+= NLMISC::toString("- Slot %3d: SHEETID: %s QUALITY: %d QUANTITY: %d\n",
9297 log
9304 log
.displayNL("Showing slot %d - %d for inventory '%s':", start_slot
, end_slot
, selected_inv
9305 if (msg
.length() > 0)
9307 log
9310 log
.displayNL("Nothing to display.");
9316 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9317 NLMISC_COMMAND(deleteInventoryItem
, "Delete an item from a characters inventory", "<eid> <inventory> <slot> <sheetname> <quality> <quantity>")
9319 if (args
.size () < 6)
9321 log
.displayNL("Invalid number of parameters. Parameters: <inventory> <slot> <sheetname> <quality> <quantity>");
9327 string selected_inv
= args
9330 fromString(args
[2], slot
9332 string sheet_name
= args
9335 fromString(args
[4], quality
9337 uint32 quantity
= 0;
9338 fromString(args
[5], quantity
9340 if (sheet_name
.find(".") == string::npos
9341 sheet_name
+= ".sitem";
9343 CInventoryPtr inventory
= getInv(c
, selected_inv
9345 if (inventory
9347 log
.displayNL("Invalid inventory '%s'.", selected_inv
9351 if (slot
< 0 || quality
== 0 || quantity
== 0)
9353 log
.displayNL("Invalid slot or quantity.");
9357 const CGameItemPtr itemPtr
= inventory
9358 if (itemPtr
9360 if (itemPtr
->getSheetId().toString() == sheet_name
9361 itemPtr
->quality() == quality
9362 itemPtr
->getStackSize() >= quantity
9364 log
.displayNL("Deleted item '%s' in slot %d of inventory '%s'",
9365 itemPtr
9367 INVENTORIES::toString(inventory
9369 inventory
, quantity
9372 log
.displayNL("Incorrect sheetid, quality, or quantity.");
9376 log
.displayNL("Invalid slot or item.");
9380 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9381 NLMISC_COMMAND (resetName
, "Reset your name; undo a temporary rename", "<user id>")
9388 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9389 NLMISC_COMMAND(showOnline
, "Set friend visibility", "<user id> <mode=0,1,2>")
9391 if (args
.size() < 2) return false;
9395 NLMISC::fromString(args
[1], mode
9396 if (mode
9398 c
9403 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9404 NLMISC_COMMAND (lockItem
, "Lock/unlock item in inventory", "<user id> <inventory> <slot> <lock=0,1>")
9406 if (args
.size () < 4) return false;
9409 string selected_inv
= args
9410 bool lock
= (args
[3] != "0");
9412 fromString(args
[2], slot
9414 if (selected_inv
== "guild") return false;
9416 CInventoryPtr inventory
= getInv(c
, selected_inv
9417 if (inventory
) return false;
9419 if (slot
< 0 || slot
) return false;
9421 const CGameItemPtr itemPtr
= inventory
9422 if (itemPtr
9424 // If some of the stack is locked for trading, cannot owner-lock.
9425 if (itemPtr
->getNonLockedStackSize() < itemPtr
9427 // TODO: send error message to client?
9430 itemPtr
9435 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9436 NLMISC_COMMAND (setTeamLeader
, "Set the leader of the team", "<user id> <member>")
9438 if (args
.size () < 2) return false;
9442 fromString(args
[1], idx
9444 CTeam
= TeamManager
9448 nlwarning("<TEAM> Invalid team for user %s",c
->getId().toString().c_str() );
9451 if (team
->getLeader() != c
9453 nlwarning("<TEAM> user %s is not leader: cant set leader",c
->getId().toString().c_str() );
9457 // increment the target index as the leader is not in his own team list
9459 team
9460 team
9464 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9465 NLMISC_COMMAND (setLeague
, "Set the League of the team", "<user id> [<name>]")
9469 CTeam
= TeamManager
9473 if (args
.size () != 2)
9474 c
9476 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( c
9480 if (team
->getLeader() != c
9482 CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( c
9486 if (args
.size () == 2)
9487 team
9489 team
9493 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9494 NLMISC_COMMAND(eventGiveControl
, "Give control of entity A to entity B", "<eid> <master eid> <slave eid>")
9496 if (args
.size() != 3) return false;
9498 CEntityId
9499 CEntityId
9501 nlinfo("%s takes control of %s", args
[1].c_str(), args
9503 CMessage
9504 msgout
.serial( slaveEid
9505 msgout
.serial( masterEid
9507 msgout
.serial( local
9508 msgout
.serial( local
9509 msgout
.serial( local
9510 sendMessageViaMirror( "GPMS", msgout
9515 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9516 NLMISC_COMMAND(eventLeaveControl
, "Leave control of entity", "<eid> <master eid>")
9518 if (args
.size() != 2) return false;
9520 CEntityId
9522 nlinfo("%s leaves control", args
9524 CMessage
9525 msgout
.serial( masterEid
9526 sendMessageViaMirror( "GPMS", msgout
9531 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9532 NLMISC_COMMAND(setSimplePhrase
, "Set an IOS phrase", "<id> <phrase> [<language code>]")
9534 if (args
.size() < 2)
9537 string phraseName
= args
9538 ucstring phraseContent
9539 ucstring phraseText
9540 phraseContent
9541 phraseText
9542 phraseContent
+= ucstring("(){[");
9543 phraseContent
+= phraseText
9544 phraseContent
+= ucstring("]}");
9546 string msgname
9547 bool withLang
= false;
9549 if (args
.size() == 3)
9555 msgname
9559 NLNET::CMessage
9560 msgout
9561 msgout
9563 msgout
9564 sendMessageViaMirror("IOS", msgout