1 ; This is a sample configuration file
2 ; Comments start with ';', as in php.ini
5 ams_title="Ryzom Account Mangement System"
8 home_title = "Introduction"
9 home_info = "Welcome to the Ryzom Core - Account Management System"
15 title = "Forgot your password?"
16 forgot_password_message = "Fill in your account's email address to reset the password."
17 email_tag = "Email Address"
18 email_tooltip = "The email address related to the account of which you forgot the password."
19 email_default = "Email"
20 email_doesnt_exist = "The email address does not match any user."
21 email_sent = "An email with further instructions has been sent to the email address."
22 register_message ="<strong>Register</strong> If you don't have an account yet, create one "
24 login_message = "You can always try to login by clicking "
27 title = "Reset your password"
28 reset_password_message = "Fill in your new password."
30 password_tag = "Desired Password"
31 password_tooltip = "Pick a hard to guess password (it must be 5-20 characters)."
32 password_message = "Password must be 5-20 characters."
33 password_default = "Password"
35 cpassword_tag = "Confirm Password"
36 cpassword_tooltip = "Retype your Password"
37 cpassword_message = "Retype your Password"
38 cpassword_default = "Re-enter Password"
43 syncing_title = "LibDB-Query List"
44 syncing_info = "Here you can see the entire list of elements in the LibDB-Query table. You can easily remove elements and by pressing 'Synchronize' you can start the syncing process manually!"
45 syncing_sync = "Synchronize"
46 shard_online = "The shard seems to be <strong>online</strong>, manually syncing is possible."
47 shard_offline = "The shard seems to be <strong>offline</strong>, manually syncing is not possible."
56 plugin_title = "Plugin List"
57 plugin_info = "Here you can see the entire list of plugins. You can easily remove plugins, activate them, and add permissions."
60 plugin_version = "Version"
61 plugin_description = "Description"
63 plugin_permission = "Access<br>Permission"
64 plugin_status = "Status"
65 ip_success = "Plugin added succesfuly."
66 plugin_actions = "Actions"
67 dp_success = "Plugin deleted successfully"
68 dp_error = "Error in deleting plugin.Please try again later."
69 ac_success = "Plugin Activated successfully."
70 ac_error = "Plugin facing some error in activating. Please try again later."
71 dc_success = "Plugin de-Activated successfully."
72 dc_error = "Plugin facing some error in de-activating. Please try again later."
73 up_success = "Update added successfully. Go to Updates page for installing updates."
74 up_install_success = "Update installed successfully."
77 ip_title = "Install a new Plugin"
78 ip_message = "For example: name.zip from your local computer"
79 ip_support = "Upload the plugin archieve to install.</br>The following file extension is supported: zip."
80 ip_info_nfound = "Info file not found in the Plugin.Please recheck"
81 ip_file_nfnd="Please upload a plugin before clicking on install button"
84 up_title = "Updates for Plugins"
85 up_info = "Here you can see the entire list of available updates for plugins."
86 up_description = "Updates Info"
88 plugin_version = "Version"
89 up_updated_version = "New Version"
90 up_actions = "Actions"
95 t_reply = "Reply on ticket"
96 t_fill = "Fill in your reply"
98 invalid_sgroup = "Invalid support group."
99 ticket_not_existing = "That's an invalid ticket"
100 success_forwarded = "The ticket was forwarded successfully."
101 public_sgroup = "Public"
102 not_assigned = "None"
103 success_assigned = "The ticket was successfully assigned."
104 success_unassigned = "The ticket was successfully unassigned."
105 ticket_not_existing = "That ticket doesn't exist."
106 ticket_already_assigned = "That ticket is already assigned to someone."
111 not_assigned = "Open"
112 success_assigned = "The ticket was successfully assigned."
113 success_unassigned = "The ticket was successfully unassigned."
114 ticket_not_existing = "That ticket doesn't exist."
115 ticket_already_assigned = "That ticket is already assigned to someone."
116 ticket_not_assigned = "That ticket isn't assigned to you."
117 public_sgroup = "Public"
120 add_to_group_success = "The user has been added to the group."
121 user_already_added = "The user is already part of the group."
122 group_not_existing = "The group doesn't exist."
123 user_not_existing = "The user doesn't seem to exist."
124 not_mod_or_admin = "You can only add Moderators or Admins."
125 modify_mail_of_group_success = "The Support Group's email settings have been modified."
126 email_not_valid = "The group email address is invalid."
127 no_password_given = "Be aware that there was no password filled in, so the password is currently empty."
130 group_success = "The group has been created."
131 group_name_taken = "The groupname was already used."
132 group_tag_taken = "The tag was already used."
133 group_size_error = "The name has to be between 4-20 chars and the tag between 2-4."
144 1 = "created the ticket"
145 2 = "created the ticket for"
146 3 = "read the ticket"
148 5 = "changed the status to"
149 6 = "changed the priority to"
150 7 = "assigned to the ticket"
151 8 = "forwarded the ticket to the support group: "
152 9 = "unassigned from the ticket"
153 10= "added attachment"
156 title404 = "Not<br/>Found"
157 title403 = "Forbidden"
158 error_message404 = "This is not the page you are looking for."
159 error_message403 = "You cannot access this page."
163 userlist_info = "welcome to the userlist"
166 login_info = "Please login with your user name (or email) and password."
167 login_error_message = "Login or password were invalid"
168 login_register_message ="Create a new account"
170 login_forgot_password_message = "I forgot my password"
173 logout_message = "You've been logged out successfully."
174 login_title = "Login"
175 login_timer = "You will be redirected to the login page in "
176 login_text = "Or click here if you don't want to wait."
180 reset_success_message = "You've changed the password succesfully."
181 reset_success_title = "Login"
182 reset_success_timer = "You will be redirected to the login page in "
183 login_text = "Or click here if you don't want to wait."
187 status_ok = "You registered like a baws!"
188 status_shardoffline = "It seems the shard is offline, you can use the web-account, but you will need to wait for the shard."
189 status_liboffline = "You can't register an account at this time"
190 login_title = "Login"
191 login_timer = "You will be redirected to the login page in "
192 login_text = "Click here if you do not want to wait."
196 welcome_message = "Welcome! Please fill in the following fields to get your new Ryzom Core account"
198 username_tag = "Desired Username"
199 username_tooltip = "5-12 lower-case characters and numbers. The login (username) you create here will be your login name. The name of your game characters will be chosen later on."
200 username_default = "Username"
202 password_tag = "Desired Password"
203 password_tooltip = "Pick a hard to guess password (it must be 5-20 characters)."
204 password_message = "Password must be 5-20 characters."
205 password_default = "Password"
207 cpassword_tag = "Confirm Password"
208 cpassword_tooltip = "Retype your Password"
209 cpassword_message = "Retype your Password"
210 cpassword_default = "Re-enter Password"
212 email_tag = "Email Address"
213 email_tooltip = "Email Address to which a confirmation email will be sent."
214 email_message = "Please verify that the e-mail address you enter here is valid and will remain valid in the future. It will only be used to manage your Ryzom Core account."
215 email_default = "Email"
217 tac_tag1= "YES, I agree to the "
218 tac_tag2="terms of service"
219 tac_message = "You must accept the Terms of Service."
223 ;NEWREPLY==========================================================================
224 email_subject_new_reply = "New reply on [Ticket #"
225 email_body_new_reply_1 = "---------- Ticket #"
226 email_body_new_reply_2 = " ----------
227 You received a new reply on your ticket
: "
228 email_body_new_reply_3 = "
232 email_body_new_reply_4 = "
234 You can reply on this message to answer directly on the ticket.
237 ;==========================================================================
238 email_subject_new_ticket = "New ticket created [Ticket #"
239 email_body_new_ticket_1 = "---------- Ticket #"
240 email_body_new_ticket_2 = " ----------
242 email_body_new_ticket_3 = " ,is newly created
245 email_body_new_ticket_4 = "
247 You can reply on this message to answer directly on the ticket."
250 ;==========================================================================
251 email_subject_warn_author = "Someone tried to reply to your ticket: [Ticket #"
252 email_body_warn_author_1 = "Someone tried to reply at your ticket: "
253 email_body_warn_author_2 = " by sending an email from "
254 email_body_warn_author_3 = " ! Please use the email address matching to your account if you want to auto reply
257 email_body_warn_author_4 = " isn't one of your email addresses, please contact us by replying to this ticket."
260 ;==========================================================================
261 email_subject_warn_sender = "You tried to reply to someone elses ticket."
262 email_body_warn_sender = "It seems you tried to reply to someone elses ticket, please use the matching email address to that account!
264 This action is notified to the real ticket owner!"
267 ;==========================================================================
268 email_subject_warn_unknown_sender = "You tried to reply to someone's ticket."
269 email_body_warn_unknown_sender = "It seems you tried to reply to someone's ticket, However this email address isn't linked to any account, please use the matching email address to that account.
271 This action is notified to the real ticket owner
272 ;===========================================================================
275 ;===========================================================================
276 email_subject_forgot_password = "Request to reset your password"
277 email_body_forgot_password_header = "A request to reset your account's password has been made, you can do this by going to the following link:
279 email_body_forgot_password_footer = "
281 If you didn't make this request
, please ignore this message.
282 ;===========================================================================