Use configured resolution for login/outgame/ingame
[ryzomcore.git] / web / private_php / setup / config / config.php
1 <?php
2 /**
3 * This file contains all variables needed by other php scripts.
4 * @author Daan Janssens, mentored by Matthew Lagoe
5 */
7 // WARNING: Do not modify this manually on your web server, it will be
8 // overwritten by the upgrade process. Instead, add overrides to the
9 // config_user.php file.
11 // Variables for database access to the www/CMS database (only if support role)
12 $cfg['db']['web']['host'] = '%amsSqlHostname%';
13 $cfg['db']['web']['port'] = '3306';
14 $cfg['db']['web']['name'] = '%amsDatabase%';
15 $cfg['db']['web']['user'] = '%amsSqlUsername%';
16 $cfg['db']['web']['pass'] = '%amsSqlPassword%';
18 // Variables for database access to the lib database (only if support role)
19 $cfg['db']['lib']['host'] = '%amsSqlHostname%';
20 $cfg['db']['lib']['port'] = '3306';
21 $cfg['db']['lib']['name'] = '%amsLibDatabase%';
22 $cfg['db']['lib']['user'] = '%amsSqlUsername%';
23 $cfg['db']['lib']['pass'] = '%amsSqlPassword%';
25 // Variables for database access to the shard database
26 $cfg['db']['shard']['host'] = '%nelSqlHostname%';
27 $cfg['db']['shard']['port'] = '3306';
28 $cfg['db']['shard']['name'] = '%nelDatabase%';
29 $cfg['db']['shard']['user'] = '%nelSqlUsername%';
30 $cfg['db']['shard']['pass'] = '%nelSqlPassword%';
32 // Variables for database access to the ring_open database (only if domain role)
33 $cfg['db']['ring']['host'] = '%nelSqlHostname%';
34 $cfg['db']['ring']['port'] = '3306';
35 $cfg['db']['ring']['name'] = '%domainDatabase%';
36 $cfg['db']['ring']['user'] = '%nelSqlUsername%';
37 $cfg['db']['ring']['pass'] = '%nelSqlPassword%';
39 // Variables for database access to the nel_tool database (only if service role)
40 $cfg['db']['tool']['host'] = '%nelSqlHostname%';
41 $cfg['db']['tool']['port'] = '3306';
42 $cfg['db']['tool']['name'] = '%toolDatabase%';
43 $cfg['db']['tool']['user'] = '%nelSqlUsername%';
44 $cfg['db']['tool']['pass'] = '%nelSqlPassword%';
46 // To connect to an IMAP server running on port 143 on the local machine,
47 // do the following: $mbox = imap_open("{localhost:143}INBOX", "user_id", "password");
48 // POP3 server on port 110: $mbox = imap_open ("{localhost:110/pop3}INBOX", "user_id", "password");
49 // SSL IMAP or POP3 server, add /ssl after the protocol: $mbox = imap_open ("{localhost:993/imap/ssl}INBOX", "user_id", "password");
50 // To connect to an SSL IMAP or POP3 server with a self-signed certificate,
51 // add /ssl/novalidate-cert after the protocol specification:
52 // $mbox = imap_open ("{localhost:995/pop3/ssl/novalidate-cert}", "user_id", "password");
53 // NNTP server on port 119 use: $nntp = imap_open ("{localhost:119/nntp}comp.test", "", "");
54 // To connect to a remote server replace "localhost" with the name or the IP address of the server you want to connect to.
55 //$cfg['mail']['server'] = '{localhost:110/pop3/novalidate-cert}INBOX';
57 // IMAP connection string as explained above
58 $cfg['mail']['default_mailserver']= '{}INBOX';
59 // The email address that sends the email
60 $cfg['mail']['default_groupemail'] = '';
61 // Name displayed as sender
62 $cfg['mail']['default_groupname'] = 'Ryzom Core Support';
63 // Username of the account
64 $cfg['mail']['default_username'] = '';
65 // Password of the account
66 $cfg['mail']['default_password'] = 'passw0rd';
67 // The host, being used when a mail is sent from a support group: support_groups_name@host
68 $cfg['mail']['host'] = "";
70 //Defines mailing related stuff
74 //terms of service url location
75 $TOS_URL ="";
77 //crypt is being used by encrypting & decrypting of the IMAP password of the supportgroups
78 $cfg['crypt']['key'] = '%cryptKey%';
79 $cfg['crypt']['enc_method'] = 'AES-256-CBC';
80 $cfg['crypt']['hash_method'] = "SHA512";
82 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
83 // If true, the server will add automatically unknown user in the database
84 // (in nel.user, nel.permission, ring.ring_user and ring.characters
85 $ALLOW_UNKNOWN = false;
86 // If true, the login service automaticaly create a ring user and a editor character if needed
87 $CREATE_RING = true;
89 // PHP server paths
90 $PUBLIC_PHP_PATH = "%publicPhpDirectory%";
91 $PRIVATE_PHP_PATH = "%privatePhpDirectory%";
93 // Site paths definitions (you shouldn't have to edit these..)
94 $AMS_LIB = $PRIVATE_PHP_PATH . '/ams';
95 $AMS_TRANS = $AMS_LIB . '/translations';
96 $AMS_CACHEDIR = $AMS_LIB . '/cache';
97 $AMS_PLUGINS = $AMS_LIB . '/plugins';
98 $AMS_TMPDIR = $AMS_LIB . '/tmp';
100 //The incoming emails will be backed up here and the log file keeps track of the mail_cron job.
101 $MAIL_DIR = $AMS_LIB."/mail";
102 $MAIL_LOG_PATH = $AMS_LIB."/mail/mail.log";
104 // Here your inc and func resides
105 $SITEBASE = $PUBLIC_PHP_PATH . '/ams/' ;
107 // The paths to your website url
108 $BASE_WEBPATH = '/ams/';
110 $WEBPATH = $BASE_WEBPATH . 'index.php';
111 $INGAME_WEBPATH = $BASE_WEBPATH . 'index.php';
114 // Defines the default language
117 // Defines if logging actions should happen or not.
118 $TICKET_LOGGING = true;
120 // Defines the time format display
121 $TIME_FORMAT = "m-d-Y H:i:s";
123 // Defines which ingame layout template should be used
124 $INGAME_LAYOUT = "basic";
126 // Forces to load the ingame templates if set to true
127 $FORCE_INGAME = false;
129 // File storage path (must be a publicly accessible url)
130 $FILE_STORAGE_PATH = $PUBLIC_PHP_PATH . '/ams/files/';
131 $FILE_WEB_PATH = $BASE_WEBPATH . 'files/';
133 // Setup password
134 $NEL_SETUP_PASSWORD = '%nelSetupPassword%';
136 // Name of current domain (only if domain role)
137 $NEL_DOMAIN_NAME = '%nelDomainName%';
139 // Currently configured setup version
140 $NEL_SETUP_VERSION_CONFIGURED = (int)'%nelSetupVersion%';
142 // Get installed version
143 require_once('setup/version.php');
145 // Override user parameters
146 require_once('config_user.php');
148 /* end of file */