Linux multi-monitor fullscreen support
[ryzomcore.git] / web / public_php / ams / templates / dashboard.tpl
1 {block name=content}
4         <div class="sortable row-fluid ui-sortable">
5                 <a data-original-title="{$nrAssignedWaiting} Assigned to you and waiting for support!" data-rel="tooltip" class="well span3 top-block"
6                    href="index.php?page=show_queue&get=create&userid={$user_id}&groupid=1&what=waiting_for_support&how=assigned&who=user">
7                         <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign lg-icon red"></span>
8                         <div>Tickets Waiting for Direct Action</div>
9                         <span class="notification red">{$nrAssignedWaiting}</span>
10                 </a>
12                 <a data-original-title="{$nrToDo} Tickets Todo." data-rel="tooltip" class="well span3 top-block" href="index.php?page=show_queue&get=todo">
13                         <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit lg-icon yellow"></span>
14                         <div>Tickets Todo</div>
15                         <span class="notification red">{$nrToDo}</span>
16                 </a>
18                 <a data-original-title="By {$newestTicketAuthor}" data-rel="tooltip" class="well span3 top-block" {if $newestTicketId != null}href="index.php?page=show_ticket&id={$newestTicketId}"{/if}>
19                         <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-flag lg-icon green"></span>
20                         <div>Newest Ticket</div>
21                         <span class="notification blue">{if $newestTicketId != null}{$newestTicketTitle}{else}No Tickets!{/if}</span>
22                 </a>
24                 <a data-original-title="{$nrTotalTickets} tickets in total" data-rel="tooltip" class="well span3 top-block" href="index.php?page=show_queue&get=all">
25                         <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-briefcase lg-icon blue"></span>
26                         <div>Total amount of Tickets</div>
27                         <span class="notification blue">{$nrTotalTickets}</span>
28                 </a>
31         </div>
33         <div class="row-fluid">
34                 <div class="box col-md-12">
35                 <div class="panel panel-default">
36                         <div class="panel-heading">
37                                 <span class="icon-info-sign"></span> {$home_title}
38                         </div>
39                         <div class="panel-body">
40                                 <p><strong>{$home_info}</strong></p>
41                                 <p>This is the GSOC project of Daan Janssens mentored by Matthew Lagoe.</p>
42                                 <p>The features as admin covered in this project are:</p>
43                                 <ul>
44                                         <li>Manage user accounts</li>
45                                         <li>Make users moderator or admin</li>
46                                         <li>browse user's tickets</li>
47                                         <li>Create a new ticket for a specific user as admin</li>
48                                         <li>Create a new support group (and link an email to it)</li>
49                                         <li>Add mods to support groups</li>
50                                         <li>Assign ticket to you</li>
51                                         <li>Forward ticket to a support group</li>
52                                         <li>Add hidden messages to a ticket only viewable by other mods</li>
53                                         <li>Browse ticket queues or create one dynamically</li>
54                                         <li>Sync changes after the game server is back up after being down for a while</li>
55                                         <li>Browse the log of a ticket</li>
56                                         <li>Browse additional info sent along when a ticket is created ingame</li>
57                                         <li>All the above can be done while ingame too</li>
58                                 </ul>
60                                 <div class="clearfix"></div>
61                         </div>
62                         </div>
63                 </div>
64         </div>
67 {/block}