Fix checkRpItemsPosition
[ryzomcore.git] / ryzom / client / data / gamedev / interfaces_v3 / login_widgets.xml
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7 <!-- ********** -->
8 <!-- *  LOGIN * -->
9 <!-- ********** -->
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274         -->
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575 <!-- the common children definitions of a combo box -->
576 <!-- keep is true because this template is used in the teditcmd template -->
577 <template name="combo_box_def1" keep="true" >
578         <!-- DECORATION -->     
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589 <!-- ******************* -->
590 <!-- *    STYLES       * -->
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594 <!-- Common Style of a Modal Container. user should define 
595         - the "modal_parent" window
596         - and the "on_enter" ActionHandler to support all "Modal Container"     aspects.
598 <style style="container_modal" type="container" 
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603 <!-- Common Style for an OK Button. User should define:
604         - "onclick_l" and "params_l"
605         - x, y, posparent and posref
607 <style style="button_ok" type="text_button" id="ok" button_type="push_button"           
608                 tx_normal="w_text_button_normal" tx_pushed="w_text_button_pushed" tx_over="w_text_button_over"
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612 <!-- Common Style for a Cancel Button. By default positioned according to the "ok" button. User should define:
613         - "onclick_l" and "params_l"
615 <style style="button_cancel" type="text_button" id="cancel" button_type="push_button"
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617                 global_color_normal="true" global_color_over="true" global_color_pushed="true" 
618                 text_y="0" fontsize="10" shadow="true" case_mode="%case_upper"  wmargin="8" />
621 <!-- Group of two ok, cancel buttons
623 <template name="button_ok_cancel" id="ok_cancel" ok_text="uittOK" cancel_text="uittCancel" posparent="parent" posref="BM TM" 
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633 <!-- *  HTML TEXT BUTTON WIDGET  * -->
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673 <!-- Common Style for a Close Button.
676 <style style="button_close" type="button" id="close" button_type="push_button" posref="TR TR" x="0" y="0" 
677                 tx_normal="W_close_1.tga" tx_pushed="W_close_1.tga" tx_over="W_button_12_over.tga" 
678                 global_color_normal="false" global_color_pushed="false" />      
681 <!-- Common Style for a text Button. User should define:
682         - id
683         - "onclick_l" and "params_l"
684         - x, y, posparent and posref
686 <style style="text_button_16" type="text_button" button_type="push_button"
687                 tx_normal="w_text_button_normal" tx_pushed="w_text_button_pushed" tx_over="w_text_button_over"
688                 global_color_normal="true" global_color_over="true" global_color_pushed="true" 
689                 text_y="0" fontsize="10" shadow="true" case_mode="%case_upper" wmargin="8"
690                 text_color_normal="255 255 255 128" text_color_pushed="255 255 255 255" text_color_over="255 255 255 255" />
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695                 global_color_normal="false" global_color_over="false" global_color_pushed="false" 
696                 text_y="0" fontsize="10" shadow="true" case_mode="%case_upper" wmargin="8"
697                 text_global_color_normal="false" text_global_color_pushed="false" text_global_color_over="false"
698                 text_color_normal="255 255 255 128" text_color_pushed="255 255 255 255" text_color_over="255 255 255 255" 
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704                 text_y="0" fontsize="10" shadow="true" case_mode="%case_upper" wmargin="8"
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706                 text_global_color_normal="true" text_global_color_pushed="true" text_global_color_over="true"
707                 text_color_normal="255 255 255 128" text_color_pushed="255 255 255 255" text_color_over="255 255 255 255" />
710 <style style="qh_button" type="text_button" button_type="radio_button" 
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712                 global_color_normal="true" global_color_over="true" global_color_pushed="false" 
713                 color="255 255 255 128" col_over="255 255 255 0" col_pushed="255 128 0 192"
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715                 text_color_normal="255 255 255 255" 
716             text_color_pushed="255 255 255 255" 
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720             text_shadow_color_over="0 0 0 255" 
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722             text_global_color_pushed="false" 
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725 <style style="mk_button" type="text_button" button_type="push_button" 
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727                 global_color_normal="true" global_color_over="true" global_color_pushed="false" 
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735             text_shadow_color_over="0 0 0 255" 
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758                 global_color_normal="true" global_color_over="true" global_color_pushed="false" 
759                 color="255 255 255 128" col_over="255 255 255 0" col_pushed="255 190 0 192"
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763             text_color_over="255 255 255 255" 
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765             text_shadow_color_pushed="0 0 0 255" 
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767             text_global_color_normal="true" 
768             text_global_color_pushed="false" 
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771 <style style="defense_button" type="button" button_type="radio_button" 
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773                 color="255 255 255 0" col_over="255 255 255 255" col_pushed="255 190 0 255"
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778 <style style="quit_button" type="text_button" button_type="push_button" 
779                 tx_normal="Quit_button_normal" tx_pushed="Quit_button_pushed" tx_over="Quit_button_over" wmargin="12"
780                 global_color_normal="false" global_color_over="false" global_color_pushed="false" 
781                 color="255 255 255 255" col_over="255 255 255 255" col_pushed="255 255 255 255"
782                 text_y="0" fontsize="14" shadow="true"
783                 text_color_pushed="255 255 255 255" 
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787             text_shadow_color_over="0 0 0 255" 
788             text_global_color_normal="false" 
789             text_global_color_pushed="false" 
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793 <!-- Common Style for a Tab Button. User should define:
794         - id: eg "tab1"
795         - posparent: eg "tab0"
796         - hardtext
797         - x="0" and posref="TL TL" for tab0
799 <style style="tab_button_16" type="tab_button" button_type="radio_button"
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802                 global_color_normal="true" global_color_over="true" global_color_pushed="true" 
803                 text_y="0" fontsize="10" shadow="true" case_mode="%case_upper" wmargin="8"
804                 text_color_normal="255 255 255 128" text_color_pushed="255 255 255 255" text_color_over="255 255 255 255" />
806 <style style="tab_button_new" type="tab_button" button_type="radio_button"
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808                 tx_normal="w_tab_normal" tx_pushed="w_tab_pushed" tx_over="w_tab_over"
809                 global_color_normal="true" global_color_over="true" global_color_pushed="true"
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846         <action handler="" params=""/>                          
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901 <!-- ********************* -->
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