Added spawnCrystalItem
[ryzomcore.git] / nel / src / 3d / stereo_ovr_fp.cpp
1 /************************************************************************************
3 Filename : stereo_ovf_fp.cpp
4 Content : Barrel fragment program compiled to a blob of assembly
5 Created : July 01, 2013
6 Modified by : Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
8 Copyright : Copyright 2012 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved.
10 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
11 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
12 You may obtain a copy of the License at
16 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
17 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
19 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
20 limitations under the License.
22 ************************************************************************************/
24 #include "std3d.h"
26 #ifdef DEBUG_NEW
27 #define new DEBUG_NEW
28 #endif
30 namespace NL3D {
31 const char *g_StereoOVR_fp40 =
32 "!!ARBfp1.0\n"
33 "OPTION NV_fragment_program2;\n"
34 //# cgc version 3.1.0013, build date Apr 18 2012
35 //# command line args: -profile fp40
36 //# source file:
37 //#vendor NVIDIA Corporation
38 //#version
39 //#profile fp40
40 //#program pp_oculus_vr
41 //#semantic pp_oculus_vr.cLensCenter
42 //#semantic pp_oculus_vr.cScreenCenter
43 //#semantic pp_oculus_vr.cScale
44 //#semantic pp_oculus_vr.cScaleIn
45 //#semantic pp_oculus_vr.cHmdWarpParam
46 //#semantic pp_oculus_vr.cTex0 : TEX0
47 //#var float2 texCoord : $vin.TEXCOORD0 : TEX0 : 0 : 1
48 //#var float2 cLensCenter : : c[0] : 1 : 1
49 //#var float2 cScreenCenter : : c[1] : 2 : 1
50 //#var float2 cScale : : c[2] : 3 : 1
51 //#var float2 cScaleIn : : c[3] : 4 : 1
52 //#var float4 cHmdWarpParam : : c[4] : 5 : 1
53 //#var sampler2D nlTex0 : TEX0 : texunit 0 : 6 : 1
54 //#var float4 oCol : $vout.COLOR : COL : 7 : 1
55 //#const c[5] = 0.25 0.5 0
56 "PARAM c[6] = { program.env[0..4],\n" // program.local->program.env!
57 " { 0.25, 0.5, 0 } };\n"
58 "TEMP R0;\n"
59 "TEMP R1;\n"
60 "SHORT TEMP H0;\n"
61 "TEMP RC;\n"
62 "TEMP HC;\n"
63 "OUTPUT oCol = result.color;\n"
64 "ADDR R0.xy, fragment.texcoord[0], -c[0];\n"
65 "MULR R0.xy, R0, c[3];\n"
66 "MULR R0.z, R0.y, R0.y;\n"
67 "MADR R1.x, R0, R0, R0.z;\n"
68 "MULR, R1.x, c[4].xywz;\n"
69 "MADR R1.y, R1.x, c[4], c[4].x;\n"
70 "MADR R0.w, R0, R1.x, R1.y;\n"
71 "MULR R0.z, R0, R1.x;\n"
72 "MADR R0.z, R0, R1.x, R0.w;\n"
73 "MULR R1.xy, R0, R0.z;\n"
74 "MOVR R0.xy, c[5];\n"
75 "ADDR, R0.xyxy, c[1].xyxy;\n"
76 "MOVR, c[0].xyxy;\n"
77 "MADR, R1.xyxy, c[2].xyxy, R0;\n"
78 "MINR R1.xy, R0.zwzw, R1.zwzw;\n"
79 "ADDR R0.xy, -R0, c[1];\n"
80 "MAXR R0.xy, R0, R1;\n"
81 "SEQR H0.xy, R0, R0.zwzw;\n"
82 "MULXC HC.x, H0, H0.y;\n"
83 "IF EQ.x;\n"
84 "MOVR oCol, c[5].z;\n"
85 "ELSE;\n"
86 "TEX oCol, R0.zwzw, texture[0], 2D;\n"
87 "ENDIF;\n"
88 "END\n";
89 //# 24 instructions, 2 R-regs, 1 H-regs
91 const char *g_StereoOVR_arbfp1 =
92 "!!ARBfp1.0\n"
93 //# cgc version 3.1.0013, build date Apr 18 2012
94 //# command line args: -profile arbfp1
95 //# source file:
96 //#vendor NVIDIA Corporation
97 //#version
98 //#profile arbfp1
99 //#program pp_oculus_vr
100 //#semantic pp_oculus_vr.cLensCenter
101 //#semantic pp_oculus_vr.cScreenCenter
102 //#semantic pp_oculus_vr.cScale
103 //#semantic pp_oculus_vr.cScaleIn
104 //#semantic pp_oculus_vr.cHmdWarpParam
105 //#semantic pp_oculus_vr.cTex0 : TEX0
106 //#var float2 texCoord : $vin.TEXCOORD0 : TEX0 : 0 : 1
107 //#var float2 cLensCenter : : c[0] : 1 : 1
108 //#var float2 cScreenCenter : : c[1] : 2 : 1
109 //#var float2 cScale : : c[2] : 3 : 1
110 //#var float2 cScaleIn : : c[3] : 4 : 1
111 //#var float4 cHmdWarpParam : : c[4] : 5 : 1
112 //#var sampler2D nlTex0 : TEX0 : texunit 0 : 6 : 1
113 //#var float4 oCol : $vout.COLOR : COL : 7 : 1
114 //#const c[5] = 0.25 0.5 0 1
115 "PARAM c[6] = { program.env[0..4],\n"
116 " { 0.25, 0.5, 0, 1 } };\n"
117 "TEMP R0;\n"
118 "TEMP R1;\n"
119 "ADD R0.xy, fragment.texcoord[0], -c[0];\n"
120 "MUL R0.xy, R0, c[3];\n"
121 "MUL R0.z, R0.y, R0.y;\n"
122 "MAD R0.z, R0.x, R0.x, R0;\n"
123 "MUL R0.w, R0.z, c[4];\n"
124 "MUL R0.w, R0, R0.z;\n"
125 "MAD R1.y, R0.z, c[4], c[4].x;\n"
126 "MUL R1.x, R0.z, c[4].z;\n"
127 "MAD R1.x, R0.z, R1, R1.y;\n"
128 "MAD R0.z, R0.w, R0, R1.x;\n"
129 "MUL R0.xy, R0, R0.z;\n"
130 "MOV, c[5].xyxy;\n"
131 "ADD R1.xy, R0.zwzw, c[1];\n"
132 "MUL R0.xy, R0, c[2];\n"
133 "ADD R0.xy, R0, c[0];\n"
134 "MIN R1.xy, R1, R0;\n"
135 "ADD, -R0, c[1].xyxy;\n"
136 "MAX, R0, R1.xyxy;\n"
137 "ADD, R0, -R0.xyxy;\n"
138 "ABS, R0;\n"
139 "CMP, -R0, c[5].z, c[5].w;\n"
140 "MUL R0.z, R0, R0.w;\n"
141 "ABS R0.z, R0;\n"
142 "CMP R0.z, -R0, c[5], c[5].w;\n"
143 "ABS R1.x, R0.z;\n"
144 "TEX R0, R0, texture[0], 2D;\n"
145 "CMP R1.x, -R1, c[5].z, c[5].w;\n"
146 "CMP result.color, -R1.x, R0, c[5].z;\n"
147 "END\n";
148 //# 28 instructions, 2 R-regs
150 const char *g_StereoOVR_ps_2_0 =
151 "ps_2_0\n"
152 // cgc version 3.1.0013, build date Apr 18 2012
153 // command line args: -profile ps_2_0
154 // source file:
155 //vendor NVIDIA Corporation
156 //version
157 //profile ps_2_0
158 //program pp_oculus_vr
159 //semantic pp_oculus_vr.cLensCenter
160 //semantic pp_oculus_vr.cScreenCenter
161 //semantic pp_oculus_vr.cScale
162 //semantic pp_oculus_vr.cScaleIn
163 //semantic pp_oculus_vr.cHmdWarpParam
164 //semantic pp_oculus_vr.cTex0 : TEX0
165 //var float2 texCoord : $vin.TEXCOORD0 : TEX0 : 0 : 1
166 //var float2 cLensCenter : : c[0] : 1 : 1
167 //var float2 cScreenCenter : : c[1] : 2 : 1
168 //var float2 cScale : : c[2] : 3 : 1
169 //var float2 cScaleIn : : c[3] : 4 : 1
170 //var float4 cHmdWarpParam : : c[4] : 5 : 1
171 //var sampler2D nlTex0 : TEX0 : texunit 0 : 6 : 1
172 //var float4 oCol : $vout.COLOR : COL : 7 : 1
173 //const c[5] = -0.25 -0.5 0.25 0.5
174 //const c[6] = 1 0
175 "dcl_2d s0\n"
176 "def c5, -0.25000000, -0.50000000, 0.25000000, 0.50000000\n"
177 "def c6, 1.00000000, 0.00000000, 0, 0\n"
178 "dcl t0.xy\n"
179 "add r0.xy, t0, -c0\n"
180 "mul r4.xy, r0, c3\n"
181 "mul r0.x, r4.y, r4.y\n"
182 "mad r0.x, r4, r4, r0\n"
183 "mul r1.x, r0, c4.w\n"
184 "mul r1.x, r1, r0\n"
185 "mad r3.x, r0, c4.y, c4\n"
186 "mul r2.x, r0, c4.z\n"
187 "mad r2.x, r0, r2, r3\n"
188 "mad r0.x, r1, r0, r2\n"
189 "mul r0.xy, r4, r0.x\n"
190 "mul r0.xy, r0, c2\n"
191 "add r3.xy, r0, c0\n"
192 "mov r1.x, c5.z\n"
193 "mov r1.y, c5.w\n"
194 "mov r2.xy, c1\n"
195 "add r2.xy, r1, r2\n"
196 "mov r1.xy, c1\n"
197 "min r2.xy, r2, r3\n"
198 "add r1.xy, c5, r1\n"
199 "max r1.xy, r1, r2\n"
200 "add r1.xy, r1, -r3\n"
201 "abs r1.xy, r1\n"
202 "cmp r1.xy, -r1, c6.x, c6.y\n"
203 "mul_pp r1.x, r1, r1.y\n"
204 "abs_pp r1.x, r1\n"
205 "cmp_pp r1.x, -r1, c6, c6.y\n"
206 "abs_pp r1.x, r1\n"
207 "texld r0, r3, s0\n"
208 "cmp r0, -r1.x, r0, c6.y\n"
209 "mov oC0, r0\n";
211 const char *g_StereoOVR_glsl330f =
212 "#version 330\n"
213 "\n"
214 "bool _TMP2;\n"
215 "bvec2 _TMP1;\n"
216 "vec2 _TMP3;\n"
217 "uniform vec2 cLensCenter;\n"
218 "uniform vec2 cScreenCenter;\n"
219 "uniform vec2 cScale;\n"
220 "uniform vec2 cScaleIn;\n"
221 "uniform vec4 cHmdWarpParam;\n"
222 "uniform sampler2D nlTex0;\n"
223 "vec2 _TMP10;\n"
224 "vec2 _b0011;\n"
225 "vec2 _a0011;\n"
226 "in vec4 nlTexCoord0;\n"
227 "out vec4 nlCol;\n"
228 "\n"
229 "void main()\n"
230 "{\n"
231 " vec2 _theta;\n"
232 " float _rSq;\n"
233 " vec2 _theta1;\n"
234 " vec2 _tc;\n"
235 "\n"
236 " _theta = (nlTexCoord0.xy - cLensCenter)*cScaleIn;\n"
237 " _rSq = _theta.x*_theta.x + _theta.y*_theta.y;\n"
238 " _theta1 = _theta*(cHmdWarpParam.x + cHmdWarpParam.y*_rSq + cHmdWarpParam.z*_rSq*_rSq + cHmdWarpParam.w*_rSq*_rSq*_rSq);\n"
239 " _tc = cLensCenter + cScale*_theta1;\n"
240 " _a0011 = cScreenCenter - vec2( 0.25, 0.5);\n"
241 " _b0011 = cScreenCenter + vec2( 0.25, 0.5);\n"
242 " _TMP3 = min(_b0011, _tc);\n"
243 " _TMP10 = max(_a0011, _TMP3);\n"
244 " _TMP1 = bvec2(_TMP10.x == _tc.x, _TMP10.y == _tc.y);\n"
245 " _TMP2 = _TMP1.x && _TMP1.y;\n"
246 " if (!_TMP2) {\n"
247 " nlCol = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);\n"
248 " } else {\n"
249 " nlCol = texture(nlTex0, _tc);\n"
250 " }\n"
251 "}\n";
255 /* end of file */