Merge branch 'fixes' into main/rendor-staging
[ryzomcore.git] / ryzom / common / data_common / r2 / r2_features_timer.lua
1 -- In Transalation file
2 -- Category : uiR2EdTimer --
3 -- CreationFrom : uiR2EdTimerParameters
4 -- uiR2EDtooltipCreateFeatureTimer -> tooltip
6 r2.Features.TimerFeature = {}
8 local feature = r2.Features.TimerFeature
10 feature.Name="TimerFeature"
12 feature.BanditCount = 0
14 feature.Description="A Timer"
16 feature.Components = {}
19 feature.Components.Timer =
21 PropertySheetHeader = r2.getDisplayButtonHeader("", "uiR2EdEditEventsButton"),
22 BaseClass="LogicEntity",
23 Name="Timer",
24 InEventUI = true,
25 Menu="ui:interface:r2ed_feature_menu",
27 DisplayerUI = "R2::CDisplayerLua",
28 DisplayerUIParams = "defaultUIDisplayer",
29 DisplayerVisual = "R2::CDisplayerVisualEntity",
30 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 Parameters = {},
32 ApplicableActions = {
33 "Activate", "Deactivate", "Pause", "Resume", "Trigger",
34 "add seconds", "sub seconds",
35 -- "Add 10 Seconds", "Add 1 minute", "Sub 10 seconds", "Sub 1 minute"
37 Events = {
38 "On Trigger",
39 "On Activation", "On Desactivation",
40 "On Pause", "On Resume"
42 Conditions = {
43 "is active", "is inactive", "is paused",
44 "is running", "is finished"
46 TextContexts = {},
47 TextParameters = {},
48 LiveParameters = {},
49 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 -- Category="uiR2EDRollout_Timer",
51 Prop =
53 {Name="InstanceId", Type="String", WidgetStyle="StaticText", Visible = false},
54 {Name="Name", Type="String", MaxNumChar="32"},
55 {Name="Components", Type="Table"},
56 {Name="Minutes", Type="Number", Min="0", Max="120", DefaultValue="0"},
57 {Name="Secondes",Type="Number", Min="0", Max="999", DefaultValue="30"},
58 {Name="Cyclic", Type="Number", WidgetStyle="Boolean", Min="0", Max="1", DefaultValue="0"},
59 {Name="Active", Type="Number", WidgetStyle="Boolean", DefaultValue="1"},
61 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
62 -- from base class
63 getParentTreeNode = function(this)
64 return this:getFeatureParentTreeNode()
65 end,
66 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 getAvailableCommands = function(this, dest)
68 r2.Classes.LogicEntity.getAvailableCommands(this, dest) -- fill by ancestor
69 this:getAvailableDisplayModeCommands(dest)
70 end,
71 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 -- from base class
73 appendInstancesByType = function(this, destTable, kind)
74 assert(type(kind) == "string")
75 --this:delegate():appendInstancesByType(destTable, kind)
76 r2.Classes.LogicEntity.appendInstancesByType(this, destTable, kind)
77 for k, component in specPairs(this.Components) do
78 component:appendInstancesByType(destTable, kind)
79 end
80 end,
81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 -- from base class
83 getSelectBarSons = function(this)
84 return Components
85 end,
86 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
87 -- from base class
88 canHaveSelectBarSons = function(this)
89 return false;
90 end,
92 onPostCreate = function(this)
93 --this:createGhostComponents()
94 if this.User.DisplayProp and this.User.DisplayProp == 1 then
95 r2:setSelectedInstanceId(this.InstanceId)
96 r2:showProperties(this)
97 this.User.DisplayProp = nil
98 end
99 end,
101 pretranslate = function(this, context)
102 r2.Translator.createAiGroup(this, context)
103 end,
105 translate = function(this, context)
106 r2.Translator.translateAiGroup(this, context)
109 local time = this.Secondes + this.Minutes * 60
110 --local time = secs + min * 60
111 local rtNpcGrp = r2.Translator.getRtGroup(context, this.InstanceId)
113 if this.Active == 1 then
114 local action1 = r2.Translator.createAction("timer_set", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0, time)
115 local action2 = r2.Translator.createAction("generic_event_trigger", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0)
116 local action3 = r2.Translator.createAction("set_value", rtNpcGrp.Id, "v2", 0)
117 local action4 = r2.Translator.createAction("set_value", rtNpcGrp.Id, "Active", 1)
118 local action = r2.Translator.createAction("multi_actions", {action1, action2, action3, action4})
120 r2.Translator.translateAiGroupInitialState(this, context, action)
121 else
122 local action1 = r2.Translator.createAction("set_value", rtNpcGrp.Id, "v2", 0)
123 local action2 = r2.Translator.createAction("set_value", rtNpcGrp.Id, "Active", 0)
124 local action = r2.Translator.createAction("multi_actions", {action1, action2})
126 r2.Translator.translateAiGroupInitialState(this, context, action)
127 end
130 local actionTrigger = r2.Translator.createAction("set_value", rtNpcGrp.Id, "v2", 1)
131 r2.Translator.translateAiGroupEvent("timer_t0_triggered", this, context, actionTrigger)
134 --TODO: gestion v2 pour trigger
135 if this.Cyclic == 1 then
136 local states = r2.Translator.getRtStatesNames(context, this.InstanceId)
137 local eventHandler = r2.Translator.createEvent("timer_t0_triggered", states, rtNpcGrp.Id)
138 local action1 = r2.Translator.createAction("timer_set", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0, time)
139 local action2 = r2.Translator.createAction("generic_event_trigger", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0)
140 local action = r2.Translator.createAction("multi_actions", {action1, action2})
141 table.insert(context.RtAct.Events, eventHandler)
142 -- insert a npc_event_handler_action
143 table.insert(eventHandler.ActionsId, action.Id)
144 table.insert(context.RtAct.Actions, action)
145 else
146 local states = r2.Translator.getRtStatesNames(context, this.InstanceId)
147 local eventHandler = r2.Translator.createEvent("timer_t0_triggered", states, rtNpcGrp.Id)
148 local actionEmit = r2.Translator.createAction("generic_event_trigger", rtNpcGrp.Id, 1)
149 table.insert(context.RtAct.Events, eventHandler)
150 -- insert a npc_event_handler_action
151 table.insert(eventHandler.ActionsId, actionEmit.Id)
152 table.insert(context.RtAct.Actions, actionEmit)
154 end,
157 -- Specific to the component Timer
158 local component = feature.Components.Timer
161 function component.getLogicActionActivate(entity, context, action, rtNpcGrp)
163 local time = entity.Secondes + entity.Minutes * 60
164 local action1 = r2.Translator.createAction("timer_set", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0, time)
165 -- local action1 = r2.Translator.createAction("timer_enable", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0)
166 local action2 = r2.Translator.createAction("generic_event_trigger", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0)
167 local actionIfInactive = r2.Translator.createAction("if_value_equal", rtNpcGrp.Id, "Active", 0,
168 r2.Translator.createAction("multi_actions", {action1, action2}))
170 return actionIfInactive, actionIfInactive
173 function component.getLogicActionDeactivate(entity, context, action, rtNpcGrp)
174 local action2 = r2.Translator.createAction("timer_disable", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0)
175 local action1 = r2.Translator.createAction("generic_event_trigger", rtNpcGrp.Id, 1)
176 local retAction = r2.Translator.createAction("multi_actions", {action1, action2})
177 local actionIfActive = r2.Translator.createAction("if_value_equal", rtNpcGrp.Id, "Active", 1, retAction)
178 return actionIfActive, actionIfActive
181 function component.getLogicActionPause(entity, context, action, rtNpcGrp)
182 local action1 = r2.Translator.createAction("timer_suspend", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0)
183 local action2 = r2.Translator.createAction("generic_event_trigger", rtNpcGrp.Id, 2)
185 local multiAction = r2.Translator.createAction("multi_actions", {action1, action2})
187 local actionIsEnable = r2.Translator.createAction("timer_is_enable", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0);
188 local actionIf = r2.Translator.createAction("if_value_equal", rtNpcGrp.Id, "is_enable", 1, multiAction)
189 local retAction = r2.Translator.createAction("multi_actions", {actionIsEnable, actionIf})
190 assert(retAction)
191 return retAction, retAction
194 function component.getLogicActionResume(entity, context, action, rtNpcGrp)
196 local action1 = r2.Translator.createAction("timer_resume", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0)
197 local action2 = r2.Translator.createAction("generic_event_trigger", rtNpcGrp.Id, 3)
199 local multiAction = r2.Translator.createAction("multi_actions", {action1, action2})
201 local actionIsEnable = r2.Translator.createAction("timer_is_enable", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0);
202 local actionIf = r2.Translator.createAction("if_value_equal", rtNpcGrp.Id, "is_enable", 1, multiAction)
203 local retAction = r2.Translator.createAction("multi_actions", {actionIsEnable, actionIf})
204 assert(retAction)
205 return retAction, retAction
208 function component.getLogicActionTrigger(entity, context, action, rtNpcGrp)
209 local multiAction = r2.Translator.createAction("multi_actions", {
210 r2.Translator.createAction("set_value", rtNpcGrp.Id, "v2", 1),
211 r2.Translator.createAction("timer_trigger", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0)})
212 local actionIsEnable = r2.Translator.createAction("timer_is_enable", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0);
213 local actionIf = r2.Translator.createAction("if_value_equal", rtNpcGrp.Id, "is_enable", 1, multiAction)
214 local retAction = r2.Translator.createAction("multi_actions", {actionIsEnable, actionIf})
215 assert(retAction)
216 return retAction, retAction
219 function component.getLogicActionAddSeconds(entity, context, action, rtNpcGrp)
220 local value = 0
221 if action.Action.ValueString then value = tonumber(action.Action.ValueString) end
222 local timerAdd = r2.Translator.createAction("timer_add", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0, value)
224 local actionIsEnable = r2.Translator.createAction("timer_is_enable", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0);
225 local actionIf = r2.Translator.createAction("if_value_equal", rtNpcGrp.Id, "is_enable", 1, timerAdd)
226 local retAction = r2.Translator.createAction("multi_actions", {actionIsEnable, actionIf})
227 assert(retAction)
228 return retAction, retAction
231 function component.getLogicActionSubSeconds(entity, context, action, rtNpcGrp)
232 local value = 0
233 if action.Action.ValueString then value = tonumber(action.Action.ValueString) end
234 local actionSub = r2.Translator.createAction("timer_sub", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0, value)
236 local actionIsEnable = r2.Translator.createAction("timer_is_enable", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0);
237 local actionIf = r2.Translator.createAction("if_value_equal", rtNpcGrp.Id, "is_enable", 1, actionSub)
238 local retAction = r2.Translator.createAction("multi_actions", {actionIsEnable, actionIf})
239 assert(retAction)
240 return retAction, retAction
245 component.getLogicAction = function(entity, context, action)
247 assert( action.Class == "ActionStep")
248 local component = r2:getInstanceFromId(action.Entity)
249 assert(component)
250 local rtNpcGrp = r2.Translator.getRtGroup(context, component.InstanceId)
251 assert(rtNpcGrp)
254 local funs = {
255 ["Activate"] = component.getLogicActionActivate,
256 ["Deactivate"] = component.getLogicActionDeactivate,
257 ["Pause"] = component.getLogicActionPause,
258 ["Resume"] = component.getLogicActionResume,
259 ["Trigger"] = component.getLogicActionTrigger,
260 ["Add 10 Seconds"] = component.getLogicActionAdd10Seconds,
261 ["Add 1 minute"] = component.getLogicActionAdd1Minute,
262 ["Sub 10 seconds"] = component.getLogicActionSub0Seconds,
263 ["Sub 1 minute"] = component.getLogicActionSub1Minute,
264 ["sub seconds"] = component.getLogicActionSubSeconds,
265 ["add seconds"] = component.getLogicActionAddSeconds,
270 local fun = funs[ action.Action.Type ]
271 if fun then
272 firstAction, lastAction = fun(entity, context, action, rtNpcGrp)
276 assert(firstAction)
277 return firstAction, lastAction
282 component.getLogicCondition = function(this, context, condition)
284 assert( condition.Class == "ConditionStep")
285 local component = r2:getInstanceFromId(condition.Entity)
286 assert(component)
287 local rtNpcGrp = r2.Translator.getRtGroup(context, component.InstanceId)
288 assert(rtNpcGrp)
289 local prefix = ""
291 if rtNpcGrp.Id and rtNpcGrp.Id ~= "" then
292 prefix = r2:getNamespace() .. rtNpcGrp.Id.."."
295 if condition.Condition.Type == "is active" then
296 local action1 = r2.Translator.createAction("timer_is_enable", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0);
297 local action2 = r2.Translator.createAction("condition_if", prefix.."is_enable == 1" );
298 local multiactions= r2.Translator.createAction("multi_actions", {action1, action2});
299 return multiactions, action2
300 elseif condition.Condition.Type == "is inactive" then
301 local action1 = r2.Translator.createAction("timer_is_enable", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0)
302 local action2 = r2.Translator.createAction("condition_if", prefix.."is_enable == 0")
303 local multiActions = r2.Translator.createAction("multi_actions", {action1, action2})
304 return multiActions, action2
305 elseif condition.Condition.Type == "is paused" then
306 local action1 = r2.Translator.createAction("timer_is_enable", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0);
307 local action2 = r2.Translator.createAction("timer_is_suspended", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0);
308 local actionSuspended = r2.Translator.createAction("condition_if", prefix.."is_suspended == 1");
309 local action3 = r2.Translator.createAction("condition_if", prefix.."is_enable == 1", actionSuspended);
310 local multiactions = r2.Translator.createAction("multi_actions", {action1, action2, action3});
311 return multiactions, actionSuspended
312 elseif condition.Condition.Type == "is running" then
313 local action1 = r2.Translator.createAction("timer_is_enable", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0);
314 local action2 = r2.Translator.createAction("timer_is_suspended", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0);
315 local actionSuspended = r2.Translator.createAction("condition_if", prefix.."is_suspended == 0");
316 local action3 = r2.Translator.createAction("condition_if", prefix.."is_enable == 1", actionSuspended);
317 local multiactions = r2.Translator.createAction("multi_actions", {action1, action2, action3});
318 return multiactions, actionSuspended
319 elseif condition.Condition.Type == "is finished" then
320 local action1 = r2.Translator.createAction("timer_is_enable", rtNpcGrp.Id, 0);
321 local action2 = r2.Translator.createAction("condition_if", prefix.."is_enable == 0");
322 local action3 = r2.Translator.createAction("condition_if", prefix.."v2 == 1", action2);
324 local multiactions= r2.Translator.createAction("multi_actions", {action1, action3});
326 return multiactions, action2
327 else
328 assert(nil)
330 return nil,nil
333 component.getLogicEvent = function(this, context, event)
334 assert( event.Class == "LogicEntityAction")
336 local component = this -- r2:getInstanceFromId(event.Entity)
337 assert(component)
338 local rtNpcGrp = r2.Translator.getRtGroup(context, component.InstanceId)
339 assert(rtNpcGrp)
341 local eventType = tostring(event.Event.Type)
343 local eventHandler, lastCondition = nil, nil
345 if eventType == "On Trigger" then
346 eventHandler, firstCondition, lastCondition = r2.Translator.createEvent("timer_t0_triggered", "", rtNpcGrp.Id)
347 --return r2.Translator.getComponentUserEvent(rtNpcGrp, 6)
348 elseif eventType == "On Activation" then
349 return r2.Translator.getComponentGenericEvent(rtNpcGrp, 0)
350 elseif eventType == "On Desactivation" then
351 return r2.Translator.getComponentGenericEvent(rtNpcGrp, 1)
352 elseif eventType == "On Pause" then
353 return r2.Translator.getComponentGenericEvent(rtNpcGrp, 2)
354 elseif eventType == "On Resume" then
355 return r2.Translator.getComponentGenericEvent(rtNpcGrp, 3)
359 return eventHandler, firstCondition, lastCondition
362 component.createComponent = function(x, y, secondes, minutes, cyclic)
364 local comp = r2.newComponent("Timer")
365 assert(comp)
367 comp.Base = r2.Translator.getDebugBase("palette.entities.botobjects.timer")
368 comp.Name = r2:genInstanceName(i18n.get("uiR2EdNameTimerFeature")):toUtf8()
370 comp.Position.x = x
371 comp.Position.y = y
372 comp.Position.z = r2:snapZToGround(x, y)
373 if minutes then comp.Minutes = minutes end
374 if secondes then comp.Secondes = secondes end
375 if cyclic then comp.Cyclic = cyclic end
377 return comp
381 component.create = function()
383 if not r2:checkAiQuota() then return end
386 local function paramsOk(resultTable)
390 local x = tonumber( resultTable["X"] )
391 local y = tonumber( resultTable["Y"] )
392 local minutes = tonumber( resultTable["Minutes"] )
393 local secondes = tonumber( resultTable["Secondes"] )
394 local cyclic = tonumber( resultTable["Cyclic"] )
395 local showAgain = tonumber(resultTable["Display"])
397 if not x or not y
398 then
399 debugInfo("Can't create Component")
400 return
403 local component = feature.Components.Timer.createComponent( x, y, secondes, minutes, cyclic)
404 r2:setCookie(component.InstanceId, "DisplayProp", 1)
405 r2.requestInsertNode(r2:getCurrentAct().InstanceId, "Features", -1, "", component)
408 local function paramsCancel()
409 debugInfo("Cancel form for 'Timer' creation")
411 local function posOk(x, y, z)
412 debugInfo(string.format("Validate creation of 'Timer' at pos (%d, %d, %d)", x, y, z))
413 if r2.mustDisplayInfo("Timer") == 1 then
414 r2.displayFeatureHelp("Timer")
416 r2.requestNewAction(i18n.get("uiR2EDNewTimerFeatureAction"))
417 local component = feature.Components.Timer.createComponent( x, y)
418 r2:setCookie(component.InstanceId, "DisplayProp", 1)
419 r2.requestInsertNode(r2:getCurrentAct().InstanceId, "Features", -1, "", component)
422 local function posCancel()
423 debugInfo("Cancel choice 'Timer' position")
425 local creature = r2.Translator.getDebugCreature("object_component_timer.creature")
426 r2:choosePos(creature, posOk, posCancel, "createFeatureTimer")
431 function feature.registerForms()
432 r2.Forms.TimerForm =
434 Caption = "uiR2EdTimerParameters",
435 PropertySheetHeader =
437 <view type="text" id="t" multi_line="true" sizeref="w" w="-36" x="4" y="-2" posref="TL TL" global_color="true" fontsize="14" shadow="true" hardtext="uiR2EDTimerDescription"/>
440 Prop =
442 {Name="Display", Type="Number", WidgetStyle="Boolean", DefaultValue="0", Translation="uiR2showMessageAgain", InvertWidget=true, CaptionWidth=5 },
443 -- following field are tmp for property sheet building testing
444 -- {Name="Minutes", Type="Number", Category="uiR2EDRollout_Timer", Min="0", Max="59", Default="0"},
445 -- {Name="Secondes", Type="Number", Category="uiR2EDRollout_Timer", Min="0", Max="59", Default="10"},
446 -- {Name="Cyclic", Type="Number", Category="uiR2EDRollout_Timer", WidgetStyle="Boolean", Min="0", Max="1", Default="0"},
447 -- {Name="Active", Type="Number", WidgetStyle="Boolean", Category="uiR2EDRollout_Default", DefaultValue="1"},
454 function component:getLogicTranslations()
455 -- register trad
456 local logicTranslations = {
457 ["ApplicableActions"] = {
458 ["Activate"] = { menu=i18n.get( "uiR2AA0Activate" ):toUtf8(),
459 text=i18n.get( "uiR2AA1Activate" ):toUtf8()},
460 ["Deactivate"] = { menu=i18n.get( "uiR2AA0Deactivate" ):toUtf8(),
461 text=i18n.get( "uiR2AA1Deactivate" ):toUtf8()},
462 ["Trigger"] = { menu=i18n.get( "uiR2AA0Trigger" ):toUtf8(),
463 text=i18n.get( "uiR2AA1Trigger" ):toUtf8()},
464 ["Pause"] = { menu=i18n.get( "uiR2AA0TimerPause" ):toUtf8(),
465 text=i18n.get( "uiR2AA1TimerPause" ):toUtf8()},
466 ["Resume"] = { menu=i18n.get( "uiR2AA0TimerResume" ):toUtf8(),
467 text=i18n.get( "uiR2AA1TimerResume" ):toUtf8()},
468 ["Add 10 Seconds"] = { menu=i18n.get( "uiR2AA0TimerAdd10s" ):toUtf8(),
469 text=i18n.get( "uiR2AA1TimerAdds10s" ):toUtf8()},
470 ["Add 1 minute"] = { menu=i18n.get( "uiR2AA0TimerAdd1m" ):toUtf8(),
471 text=i18n.get( "uiR2AA1TimerAdds1m" ):toUtf8()},
472 ["Sub 10 seconds"] = { menu=i18n.get( "uiR2AA0TimerSub10s" ):toUtf8(),
473 text=i18n.get( "uiR2AA1TimerSubs10s" ):toUtf8()},
474 ["Sub 1 minute"] = { menu=i18n.get( "uiR2AA0TimerSub1m" ):toUtf8(),
475 text=i18n.get( "uiR2AA1TimerSubs1m" ):toUtf8()},
476 ["add seconds"] = { menu=i18n.get( "uiR2AA0TimerAddNSeconds" ):toUtf8(),
477 text=i18n.get( "uiR2AA1TimerAddNSeconds" ):toUtf8()},
478 ["sub seconds"] = { menu=i18n.get( "uiR2AA0TimerSubNSeconds" ):toUtf8(),
479 text=i18n.get( "uiR2AA1TimerSubNSeconds" ):toUtf8()},
481 ["Events"] = {
482 ["On Activation"] = { menu=i18n.get( "uiR2Event0Activation" ):toUtf8(),
483 text=i18n.get( "uiR2Event1Activation" ):toUtf8()},
484 ["On Desactivation"]= { menu=i18n.get( "uiR2Event0Deactivation" ):toUtf8(),
485 text=i18n.get( "uiR2Event1Deactivation" ):toUtf8()},
486 ["On Trigger"] = { menu=i18n.get( "uiR2Event0Trigger" ):toUtf8(),
487 text=i18n.get( "uiR2Event1Trigger" ):toUtf8()},
488 ["On Pause"] = { menu=i18n.get( "uiR2Event0TimerPause" ):toUtf8(),
489 text=i18n.get( "uiR2Event1TimerPause" ):toUtf8()},
490 ["On Resume"] = { menu=i18n.get( "uiR2Event0TimerResume" ):toUtf8(),
491 text=i18n.get( "uiR2Event1TimerResume" ):toUtf8()},
493 ["Conditions"] = {
494 ["is active"] = { menu=i18n.get( "uiR2Test0Active" ):toUtf8(),
495 text=i18n.get( "uiR2Test1Active" ):toUtf8()},
496 ["is inactive"] = { menu=i18n.get( "uiR2Test0Inactive" ):toUtf8(),
497 text=i18n.get( "uiR2Test1Inactive" ):toUtf8()},
498 ["is paused"] = { menu=i18n.get( "uiR2Test0TimerPaused" ):toUtf8(),
499 text=i18n.get( "uiR2Test1TimerPaused" ):toUtf8()},
500 ["is running"] = { menu=i18n.get( "uiR2Test0TimerRunning" ):toUtf8(),
501 text=i18n.get( "uiR2Test1TimerRunning" ):toUtf8()},
502 ["is finished"] = { menu=i18n.get( "uiR2Test0TimerFinished" ):toUtf8(),
503 text=i18n.get( "uiR2Test1TimerFinished" ):toUtf8()},
506 return logicTranslations
509 function component.initEventValuesMenu(this, menu, categoryEvent)
510 --local startTime = nltime.getPreciseLocalTime()
511 for ev=0,menu:getNumLine()-1 do
513 local eventType = tostring(menu:getLineId(ev))
515 --local endTime = nltime.getPreciseLocalTime()
516 --debugInfo(string.format("time for 10 is %f", endTime - startTime))
517 --startTime = nltime.getPreciseLocalTime()
519 if[eventType] == "Number" then
520 menu:addSubMenu(ev)
521 local subMenu = menu:getSubMenu(ev)
522 local func = ""
523 -- for i=0, 9 do
524 -- local uc_name = ucstring()
525 -- uc_name:fromUtf8( tostring(i) )
526 -- func = "'','" .. categoryEvent .."','".. tostring(i).."')"
527 -- subMenu:addLine(uc_name, "lua", func, tostring(i))
528 -- end
530 --endTime = nltime.getPreciseLocalTime()
531 --debugInfo(string.format("time for 11 is %f", endTime - startTime))
532 --startTime = nltime.getPreciseLocalTime()
534 local lineNb = 0
535 for i=0, 50, 10 do
536 local lineStr = tostring(i).."/"..tostring(i+9)
537 subMenu:addLine(ucstring(lineStr), "", "", tostring(i))
539 --endTime = nltime.getPreciseLocalTime()
540 --debugInfo(string.format("time for 12 is %f", endTime - startTime))
541 --startTime = nltime.getPreciseLocalTime()
543 subMenu:addSubMenu(lineNb)
544 local subMenu2= subMenu:getSubMenu(lineNb)
545 for s=0,9 do
546 lineStr = tostring(i+s)
547 local func = "'','" .. categoryEvent .."','".. lineStr.."')"
548 subMenu2:addLine(ucstring(lineStr), "lua", func, lineStr)
550 lineNb = lineNb+1
552 --endTime = nltime.getPreciseLocalTime()
553 --debugInfo(string.format("time for 13 is %f", endTime - startTime))
554 --startTime = nltime.getPreciseLocalTime()
557 for i=0, 50, 10 do
558 local lineStr = tostring(i).." m /"..tostring(i+9).." m"
559 subMenu:addLine(ucstring(lineStr), "", "", tostring(i))
561 subMenu:addSubMenu(lineNb)
562 local subMenu2= subMenu:getSubMenu(lineNb)
563 local index = 0
565 --endTime = nltime.getPreciseLocalTime()
566 --debugInfo(string.format("time for 14 is %f", endTime - startTime))
567 --startTime = nltime.getPreciseLocalTime()
569 for m=0,9 do
570 lineStr = tostring( (i+m)*60)
571 -- local func = "'','" .. categoryEvent .."','".. lineStr.."')"
572 subMenu2:addLine(ucstring(tostring(i+m) .. "m"), "", "", lineStr)
573 subMenu2:addSubMenu(index)
574 local subMenu3= subMenu2:getSubMenu(index)
575 index = index + 1
576 for s=0, 55, 5 do
577 lineStr = tostring( (i+m)*60 + s)
578 local func = "'','" .. categoryEvent .."','".. lineStr.."')"
579 subMenu3:addLine(ucstring(tostring(i+m) .. "m ".. s .. "s"), "lua", func, lineStr)
580 end
582 lineNb = lineNb+1
584 --endTime = nltime.getPreciseLocalTime()
585 --debugInfo(string.format("time for 15 is %f", endTime - startTime))
586 --startTime = nltime.getPreciseLocalTime()
592 r2.Features["TimerFeature"] = feature