Fix css style order when using external css files
[ryzomcore.git] / ryzom / client / src / interface_v3 / lua_dll.cpp
1 // Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
2 // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
3 //
4 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
6 // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
7 // License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 //
9 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
15 // along with this program. If not, see <>.
17 #include "../stdpch.h"
19 extern "C"
21 // #include "lua_loadlib.h"
24 #include "nel/misc/dynloadlib.h"
25 #include "lua_dll.h"
27 // from lua.h
28 Tlua_open lua_open;
29 Tlua_close lua_close;
30 Tlua_newthread lua_newthread;
31 Tlua_atpanic lua_atpanic;
32 Tlua_gettop lua_gettop;
33 Tlua_settop lua_settop;
34 Tlua_pushvalue lua_pushvalue;
35 Tlua_remove lua_remove;
36 Tlua_insert lua_insert ;
37 Tlua_replace lua_replace;
38 Tlua_checkstack lua_checkstack;
39 Tlua_xmove lua_xmove;
40 Tlua_isnumber lua_isnumber;
41 Tlua_isstring lua_isstring;
42 Tlua_iscfunction lua_iscfunction;
43 Tlua_isuserdata lua_isuserdata;
44 Tlua_type lua_type;
45 Tlua_typename lua_typename;
46 Tlua_equal lua_equal;
47 Tlua_rawequal lua_rawequal;
48 Tlua_lessthan lua_lessthan;
49 Tlua_tonumber lua_tonumber;
50 Tlua_toboolean lua_toboolean;
51 Tlua_tostring lua_tostring;
52 Tlua_strlen lua_strlen;
53 Tlua_tocfunction lua_tocfunction;
54 Tlua_touserdata lua_touserdata;
55 Tlua_tothread lua_tothread;
56 Tlua_topointer lua_topointer;
57 Tlua_pushnil lua_pushnil;
58 Tlua_pushnumber lua_pushnumber;
59 Tlua_pushlstring lua_pushlstring;
60 Tlua_pushstring lua_pushstring;
61 Tlua_pushvfstring lua_pushvfstring;
62 Tlua_pushfstring lua_pushfstring;
63 Tlua_pushcclosure lua_pushcclosure;
64 Tlua_pushboolean lua_pushboolean;
65 Tlua_pushlightuserdata lua_pushlightuserdata;
66 Tlua_gettable lua_gettable;
67 Tlua_rawget lua_rawget;
68 Tlua_rawgeti lua_rawgeti;
69 Tlua_newtable lua_newtable;
70 Tlua_newuserdata lua_newuserdata;
71 Tlua_getmetatable lua_getmetatable;
72 Tlua_getfenv lua_getfenv;
73 Tlua_settable lua_settable;
74 Tlua_rawset lua_rawset;
75 Tlua_rawseti lua_rawseti;
76 Tlua_setmetatable lua_setmetatable;
77 Tlua_setfenv lua_setfenv;
78 Tlua_call lua_call;
79 Tlua_pcall lua_pcall;
80 Tlua_cpcall lua_cpcall;
81 Tlua_load lua_load;
82 Tlua_dump lua_dump;
83 Tlua_yield lua_yield;
84 Tlua_resume lua_resume;
85 Tlua_getgcthreshold lua_getgcthreshold;
86 Tlua_getgccount lua_getgccount;
87 Tlua_setgcthreshold lua_setgcthreshold;
88 Tlua_version lua_version;
89 Tlua_error lua_error;
90 Tlua_next lua_next;
91 Tlua_concat lua_concat;
92 Tlua_pushupvalues lua_pushupvalues;
93 Tlua_getstack lua_getstack;
94 Tlua_getinfo lua_getinfo;
95 Tlua_getlocal lua_getlocal;
96 Tlua_setlocal lua_setlocal;
97 Tlua_getupvalue lua_getupvalue;
98 Tlua_setupvalue lua_setupvalue;
99 Tlua_sethook lua_sethook;
100 Tlua_gethook lua_gethook;
101 Tlua_gethookmask lua_gethookmask;
102 Tlua_gethookcount lua_gethookcount;
103 // from lauxlib.h
104 TluaL_openlib luaL_openlib;
105 TluaL_getmetafield luaL_getmetafield;
106 TluaL_callmeta luaL_callmeta;
107 TluaL_typerror luaL_typerror;
108 TluaL_argerror luaL_argerror;
109 TluaL_checklstring luaL_checklstring;
110 TluaL_optlstring luaL_optlstring;
111 TluaL_checknumber luaL_checknumber;
112 TluaL_optnumber luaL_optnumber;
113 TluaL_checkstack luaL_checkstack;
114 TluaL_checktype luaL_checktype;
115 TluaL_checkany luaL_checkany;
116 TluaL_newmetatable luaL_newmetatable;
117 TluaL_getmetatable luaL_getmetatable;
118 TluaL_checkudata luaL_checkudata;
119 TluaL_where luaL_where;
120 TluaL_error luaL_error;
121 TluaL_findstring luaL_findstring;
122 TluaL_ref luaL_ref;
123 TluaL_unref luaL_unref;
124 TluaL_getn luaL_getn;
125 TluaL_setn luaL_setn;
126 TluaL_loadfile luaL_loadfile;
127 TluaL_loadbuffer luaL_loadbuffer;
128 TluaL_buffinit luaL_buffinit;
129 TluaL_prepbuffer luaL_prepbuffer;
130 TluaL_addlstring luaL_addlstring;
131 TluaL_addstring luaL_addstring;
132 TluaL_addvalue luaL_addvalue;
133 TluaL_pushresult luaL_pushresult;
134 Tlua_dofile lua_dofile;
135 Tlua_dostring lua_dostring;
136 Tlua_dobuffer lua_dobuffer;
137 // from lua lib.h
138 Tluaopen_base luaopen_base;
139 Tluaopen_table luaopen_table;
140 Tluaopen_io luaopen_io;
141 Tluaopen_string luaopen_string;
142 Tluaopen_math luaopen_math;
143 Tluaopen_debug luaopen_debug;
144 Tluaopen_loadlib luaopen_loadlib;
146 bool loadLuaDLL()
148 #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS
149 HMODULE libHandle = ::LoadLibrary("lua.dll");
150 if (!libHandle) return false;
151 #define GET_LUA_PROC(name) name = (T##name) ::GetProcAddress(libHandle, #name); if (!name) return false;
152 // from lua.h
153 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_open)
154 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_close)
155 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_newthread)
156 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_atpanic)
157 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_gettop)
158 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_settop)
159 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushvalue)
160 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_remove)
161 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_insert )
162 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_replace)
163 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_checkstack)
164 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_xmove)
165 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_isnumber)
166 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_isstring)
167 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_iscfunction)
168 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_isuserdata)
169 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_type)
170 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_typename)
171 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_equal)
172 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_rawequal)
173 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_lessthan)
174 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_tonumber)
175 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_toboolean)
176 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_tostring)
177 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_strlen)
178 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_tocfunction)
179 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_touserdata)
180 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_tothread)
181 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_topointer)
182 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushnil)
183 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushnumber)
184 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushlstring)
185 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushstring)
186 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushcclosure)
187 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushboolean)
188 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushlightuserdata)
189 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_gettable)
190 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_rawget)
191 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_rawgeti)
192 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_newtable)
193 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_newuserdata)
194 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getmetatable)
195 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getfenv)
196 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_settable)
197 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_rawset)
198 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_rawseti)
199 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_setmetatable)
200 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_setfenv)
201 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_call)
202 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pcall)
203 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_cpcall)
204 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_load)
205 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_dump)
206 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_yield)
207 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_resume)
208 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getgcthreshold)
209 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getgccount)
210 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_setgcthreshold)
211 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_version)
212 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_error)
213 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_next)
214 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_concat)
215 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushupvalues)
216 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getstack)
217 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getinfo)
218 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getlocal)
219 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_setlocal)
220 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getupvalue)
221 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_setupvalue)
222 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_sethook)
223 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_gethook)
224 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_gethookmask)
225 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_gethookcount)
226 // from lauxlib.h
227 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_openlib)
228 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_getmetafield)
229 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_callmeta)
230 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_typerror)
231 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_argerror)
232 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checklstring)
233 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_optlstring)
234 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checknumber)
235 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_optnumber)
236 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checkstack)
237 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checktype)
238 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checkany)
239 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_newmetatable)
240 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_getmetatable)
241 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checkudata)
242 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_where)
243 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_error)
244 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_findstring)
245 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_ref)
246 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_unref)
247 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_getn)
248 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_setn)
249 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_loadfile)
250 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_loadbuffer)
251 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_buffinit)
252 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_prepbuffer)
253 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_addlstring)
254 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_addstring)
255 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_addvalue)
256 GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_pushresult)
257 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_dofile)
258 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_dostring)
259 GET_LUA_PROC(lua_dobuffer)
260 // from lua lib.h
261 GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_base)
262 GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_table)
263 GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_io)
264 GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_string)
265 GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_math)
266 GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_debug)
267 GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_loadlib)
269 return true;
270 #else
271 return false;
272 #endif