1 // Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
2 // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
4 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
6 // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
7 // License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
15 // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 #include "nel/3d/u_landscape.h"
22 #include "nel/3d/u_visual_collision_manager.h"
23 #include "nel/misc/traits_nl.h"
24 #include "nel/misc/polygon.h"
29 // *********************************************************************************
30 template <class T> class CArray2D
33 typedef typename std::vector<T> TArrayContainer;
34 typedef typename TArrayContainer::iterator iterator;
35 typedef typename TArrayContainer::const_iterator const_iterator;
36 CArray2D() : _Width(0), _Height(0) {}
37 void init(uint width, uint height);
38 void init(uint width, uint height, const T &defaultValue);
39 bool empty() const { return _Array.empty(); }
40 typename iterator begin() { return _Array.begin(); }
41 typename iterator end() { return _Array.end(); }
42 typename const_iterator begin() const { return _Array.begin(); }
43 typename const_iterator end() const { return _Array.end(); }
45 // access element by column/row
46 T &operator()(uint x, uint y)
50 nlassert(y < _Height);
52 return _Array[x + y * _Width];
54 // access element by column/row (const version)
55 const T &operator()(uint x, uint y) const
59 nlassert(y < _Height);
61 return _Array[x + y * _Width];
63 // Return width of array
64 uint getWidth() const { return _Width; }
65 // Return height of array
66 uint getHeight() const { return _Height; }
67 // Move array content of the given offset. No wrapping is applied
68 // Example : move(1, 0) will move the array of one column to the left. The latest column is lost. The first column remains unchanged
70 void move(sint offsetX, sint offsetY);
71 // Move a part of the array. Values are clamped as necessary
72 void moveSubArray(sint dstX, sint dstY, sint srcX, sint srcY, sint width, sint height);
73 // get an iterator to the start of a row
74 iterator beginRow(uint row)
76 nlassert(row < _Height);
77 return _Array.begin() + row * _Width;
79 const_iterator beginRow(uint row) const
81 nlassert(row < _Height);
82 return _Array.begin() + row * _Width;
84 iterator endRow(uint row)
86 nlassert(row < _Height);
87 return _Array.begin() + (row + 1) * _Width;
89 const_iterator endRow(uint row) const
91 nlassert(row < _Height);
92 return _Array.begin() + (row + 1) * _Width;
94 // get an iterator at the given position
95 iterator getIteratorAt(uint x, uint y)
99 nlassert(y < _Height);
101 return _Array.begin() + x + (y * _Width);
103 // Get a const iterator at the given position
104 const iterator getIteratorAt(uint x, uint y) const
107 nlassert(x < _Width);
108 nlassert(y < _Height);
110 return _Array.begin() + x + (y * _Width);
112 // See which part of array should be updated after its content has been displaced by the given offset (by a call to move for example).
113 // Example: getUpdateRects(0, 1, result) will result the first row as a result
115 void getUpdateRects(sint moveOffsetX, sint moveOffsetY, std::vector<CRect> &rectsToUpdate);
116 // See which parts of array will be discarded if the array is displaced by the given offset
117 void getDiscardRects(sint moveOffsetX, sint moveOffsetY, std::vector<CRect> &discardedRects);
119 TArrayContainer _Array;
123 inline void checkRect(const CRect &r) const
125 nlassert(r.X >= 0 && r.X < (sint32) _Width);
126 nlassert(r.Y >= 0 && r.Y < (sint32) _Height);
127 nlassert(r.X + r.Width >= 0 && r.X + (sint32) r.Width <= (sint32) _Width);
128 nlassert(r.Y + r.Height >= 0 && r.Y + (sint32) r.Height <= (sint32) _Height);
133 // *********************************************************************************
135 void CArray2D<T>::getUpdateRects(sint moveOffsetX, sint moveOffsetY, std::vector<CRect> &rectsToUpdate)
137 rectsToUpdate.clear();
138 if (moveOffsetX < 0) // moved right ?
140 // the width to update
141 uint width = std::min((uint) moveOffsetX, _Width);
142 // the grid moved top or bottom, exclude this part
143 sint height = _Height - abs(moveOffsetY);
147 // complete column on the right
148 rectsToUpdate.push_back(CRect((sint32) (_Width - width), (sint32) (std::max(- moveOffsetY, 0)), (uint32) width, (uint32) height));
150 checkRect(rectsToUpdate.back());
154 else if (moveOffsetX > 0) // moved left ?
156 // the width to update
157 uint width = std::min((uint) (- moveOffsetX), _Width);
158 // the grid moved top or bottom.
159 sint height = _Height - abs(moveOffsetY);
163 // complete column on the right
164 rectsToUpdate.push_back(CRect(0, (sint32) std::max(- moveOffsetY, 0), (uint32) width, (uint32) height));
166 checkRect(rectsToUpdate.back());
170 // update top or bottom part
173 sint height = std::min((uint) moveOffsetY, _Height);
175 rectsToUpdate.push_back(CRect(0, _Height - height, _Width, height));
177 checkRect(rectsToUpdate.back());
183 sint height = std::min((uint) (- moveOffsetY), _Height);
185 rectsToUpdate.push_back(CRect(0, 0, _Width, height));
187 checkRect(rectsToUpdate.back());
192 // *********************************************************************************
194 void CArray2D<T>::getDiscardRects(sint moveOffsetX, sint moveOffsetY,std::vector<CRect> &discardedRects)
196 getUpdateRects(- moveOffsetX, - moveOffsetY, discardedRects);
199 // *********************************************************************************
201 void CArray2D<T>::moveSubArray(sint dstX, sint dstY, sint srcX, sint srcY, sint width, sint height)
203 if (srcX >= (sint) getWidth()) return;
204 if (srcY >= (sint) getHeight()) return;
205 if (dstX >= (sint) getWidth()) return;
206 if (dstY >= (sint) getHeight()) return;
210 if (width <= 0) return;
216 if (height <= 0) return;
219 if (srcX + width > (sint) getWidth())
221 width = getWidth() - srcX;
223 if (srcY + height > (sint) getHeight())
225 height = getHeight() - srcY;
230 if (width < 0) return;
237 if (height < 0) return;
241 if (dstX + width > (sint) getWidth())
243 width = getWidth() - dstX;
245 if (dstY + height > (sint) getHeight())
247 height = getHeight() - dstY;
251 nlassert(height > 0);
252 nlassert(srcX >= 0 && srcX < (sint) getWidth());
253 nlassert(srcY >= 0 && srcY < (sint) getHeight());
257 const_iterator src = getIteratorAt(srcX, srcY);
258 iterator dst = getIteratorAt(dstX, dstY);
261 if (CTraits<T>::SupportRawCopy)
263 // type support fast copy
264 ::memcpy(&(*dst), &(*src), sizeof(T) * width);
268 std::copy(src, src + width, dst);
275 else if (dstY > srcY)
277 // copy from top to bottom
278 const_iterator src = getIteratorAt(srcX, srcY + height - 1);
279 iterator dst = getIteratorAt(dstX, dstY + height - 1);
282 if (CTraits<T>::SupportRawCopy)
284 // type support fast copy
285 ::memcpy(&(*dst), &(*src), sizeof(T) * width);
289 std::copy(src, src + width, dst);
298 const_iterator src = getIteratorAt(srcX, srcY);
299 iterator dst = getIteratorAt(dstX, dstY);
304 if (CTraits<T>::SupportRawCopy)
306 // type support fast copy
307 ::memmove(&(*dst), &(*src), sizeof(T) * width);
311 std::reverse_copy(src, src + width, dst);
322 if (CTraits<T>::SupportRawCopy)
324 // type support fast copy
325 ::memcpy(&(*dst), &(*src), sizeof(T) * width);
329 std::copy(src, src + width, dst);
340 // *********************************************************************************
342 void CArray2D<T>::move(sint offsetX, sint offsetY)
344 moveSubArray(offsetX, offsetY, 0, 0, _Width, _Height);
347 // *********************************************************************************
349 void CArray2D<T>::init(uint width, uint height)
351 _Array.resize(width * height);
356 // *********************************************************************************
358 void CArray2D<T>::init(uint width,uint height, const T &defaultValue)
360 _Array.resize(width * height, defaultValue);
366 // *********************************************************************************
367 // A height grid with wrapping
369 class CHeightGridWrapped
379 bool operator == (const CGridElem &other) const
381 return X == other.X &&
386 typedef std::list<CGridElem> TGridElemList;
388 CHeightGridWrapped();
389 // Init with the given size
390 // The size is required to be a power of 2
391 void init(uint size, float cellSize);
392 inline void insert(const CGridElem &ge);
393 inline void remove(const CGridElem &ge);
394 const TGridElemList &getGridElemList(sint x, sint y) const { return _Grid(x & _SizeMask, y & _SizeMask); }
395 uint getSize() const { return _Grid.getWidth(); }
397 uint getListMaxLength() const;
399 CArray2D<TGridElemList> _Grid;
407 // *********************************************************************************
408 inline void CHeightGridWrapped::insert(const CGridElem &ge)
410 _Grid(ge.X & _SizeMask, ge.Y & _SizeMask).push_back(ge);
413 // *********************************************************************************
414 inline void CHeightGridWrapped::remove(const CGridElem &ge)
416 TGridElemList &gel = _Grid(ge.X & _SizeMask, ge.Y & _SizeMask);
417 for(TGridElemList::iterator &it = gel.begin(); it != gel.end(); ++it)
428 const float HEIGHT_GRID_MIN_Z = -10000.f;
430 // A height grid that give approximate z of geometry near the viewer.
431 // Useful to avoid precipitations in interiors / tunnels
433 class CHeightGrid : public NL3D::ULandscapeTileCallback
438 // Init the grid before first use
439 // \param cellSize size of a cell of the height grid (in world unit)
440 // \param cellSize heightGridSize width/height of the height grid. It must be a power of 2
441 // \param cellSize wrappedHeightGridSize width/height of the wrapped height grid (for incoming geometry).
442 // It must be a power of 2.
443 // \param minZ Minimum possible Z
445 void init(float cellSize, uint heightGridSize, uint wrappedHeightGridSize, float minZ = HEIGHT_GRID_MIN_Z);
446 void update(const CVector &newPos);
447 // for debug, display the height grid on screen
448 void display(NL3D::UDriver &drv) const;
449 inline void gridCoordToWorld(sint x, sint y, CVector &dest) const;
450 inline CVector gridCoordToWorld(sint x, sint y) const;
451 // Remove a collision mesh (no op if not already added)
452 void removeCollisionMesh(uint id);
453 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
455 typedef std::map<uint, UVisualCollisionManager::CMeshInstanceColInfo> TColMeshMap;
456 typedef std::vector<UVisualCollisionManager::CMeshInstanceColInfo> TColMeshVect;
457 CHeightGridWrapped _ZGridWrapped;
458 CArray2D<float> _ZGrid;
466 std::vector<CRect> _UpdateRects;
467 CHashMap<uint64, CTileAddedInfo> _TileInfos;
469 CPolygon2D::TRasterVect _Rasters;
470 TColMeshMap _Meshs; // meshs currenlty inserted in the wrapped grid
471 TColMeshVect _UpdateMeshs; // mesh to be removed / added to the wrapped grid during the update (keep there to avoid vector allocation)
472 std::vector<CVector> _CurrMeshVertices; // vertices of the mesh being inserted
473 CAABBox _BBox; // bbox containing current grid
476 void updateRect(const CRect &rect);
477 void discardRect(const CRect &rect);
478 void updateCell(sint x, sint y);
479 // from ULandscapeTileCallback
480 virtual void tileAdded(const CTileAddedInfo &infos);
481 virtual void tileRemoved(uint64 id);
482 // add a tri in the height grid, and update height grid if necessary
483 void addTri(const CVector2f corners[3], float z);
484 void removeTri(const CVector2f corners[3], float z);
485 // Add a collision mesh (doesn't test if already inserted)
486 void addCollisionMesh(const UVisualCollisionManager::CMeshInstanceColInfo &colMesh);
489 // ***********************************************************************************
490 inline void CHeightGrid::gridCoordToWorld(sint x, sint y, CVector &dest) const
492 dest.set(x * _CellSize, y * _CellSize, 0.f);
495 // ***********************************************************************************
496 inline CVector CHeightGrid::gridCoordToWorld(sint x, sint y) const
499 gridCoordToWorld(x, y, dest);
510 extern CHeightGrid HeightGrid;
516 * Class to know where precipitation can't fall
517 * This is a grid that is updated with the position of the player
518 * It tells when the quad is in an interior mesh, and gives the
519 * mean height for a point of the quad (for landscape)
520 * \author Nicolas Vizerie
521 * \author Nevrax France
525 class CPrecipitationClipGrid
528 /** Point of the grid
532 float MeanHeight
; // The mean height that precipitation must use at this point
533 bool Clipped
; // True if clipped
534 CGridPoint(float meanHeight
= 0.f
, bool clipped
= true) : MeanHeight(meanHeight
), Clipped(clipped
539 CPrecipitationClipGrid();
541 * \param size width & height of the grid so the grid has (size + 1) ^2 elements. For example if size is 1, the grid is a simple square and it has four corners.
542 * \param gridEltSize width & height of a grid element.
544 void initGrid(uint size
, float gridEltSizeX
, float gridEltSizeY
546 // Update the grid so that it match the position of the user. (this grid is centered at the user pos)
547 void updateGrid(const NLMISC::CVector
, NLPACS::UGlobalRetriever
549 /** Get grid element point its grid coordinate in world
550 * \return NULL if the element is outside the grid
552 const CGridPoint
*get(sint x
, sint y
) const;
554 // for debug, display the clip grid on screen
555 void display(NL3D::UDriver
) const;
557 // Force the whole grid to be recomputed
558 void touch() { _Touched
= true; }
560 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
561 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
563 typedef std::vector
> TGrid
574 void updateGridPart(sint worldX
, sint worldY
, uint gridX
, uint gridY
, uint width
, uint height
, NLPACS::UGlobalRetriever
575 void updateGridElt(CGridPoint
, uint worldX
, uint worldY
576 void moveGrid(sint offsetX
, sint offsetY
577 void printGridValues() const;
578 static TGrid::iterator
, uint x
, uint y
, uint size
583 return grid
.begin() + (x
+ (y
* (size
+ 1)));
585 static TGrid::const_iterator
getGridIt(const TGrid
, uint x
, uint y
, uint size
590 return grid
.begin() + (x
+ (y
* (size
+ 1)));