1 <generator header_tag="LOGIN_SERVICE_ITF">
2 <include file="nel/net/login_cookie.h"/>
3 <cpp-include file="stdpch.h"/>
7 <!-- <module_interface name="CLoginService" module_class='"LoginService"'>
9 <method name="pendingUserLost" msg="PUL">
10 <doc line="An awaited user did not connect before the allowed timeout expire"/>
12 <param type="NLNET::CLoginCookie" name="cookie" byref="true"/>
18 <module_interface name="CLoginServiceClient">
19 <method name="disconnectUser" msg="DU">
20 <doc line="A user log but is was already 'in game' logged, disconnect it"/>
21 <param type="uint32" name="userId"/>
25 <callback_interface name="CLoginServiceWeb" caller="php">
27 <invoke name="login" msg="LG">
28 <doc line="The web side as authentified an user"/>
29 <doc line="and inform the LS that the user is now online"/>
30 <doc line="and authentified for the indicated ring domain"/>
31 <doc line="LS then generate a cookie that will be"/>
32 <doc line="used to authenticate the user when it will"/>
33 <doc line="conect to the front end later"/>
35 <param type="uint32" name="userId"/>
36 <param type="std::string" name="ipAddress" php_serial="String" byref="true"/>
37 <param type="uint32" name="domainId"/>
40 <return name="loginResult" msg="LGR">
41 <doc line="Return the cookie generated for this user session"/>
42 <doc line="Eventualy, return an empty string as cookie in case of error"/>
43 <doc line=" resultCode : 0 - ok, login success"/>
44 <doc line=" 1 - invalid user"/>
45 <doc line=" 2 - user already online, must relog"/>
46 <doc line=" errorString contain a stringified description in case of error"/>
48 <param type="uint32" name="userId"/>
49 <param type="std::string" name="cookie" php_serial="String" byref="true"/>
50 <param type="uint32" name="resultCode"/>
51 <param type="std::string" name="errorString" php_serial="String" byref="true"/>
54 <invoke name="logout" msg="LO">
55 <doc line="The web side says that the user is no more actif (has logged out)"/>
56 <doc line="If the user is not in game (status cs_online), then "/>
57 <doc line="it's status is set to cs_offline and the cookie cleared"/>
58 <doc line="Otherwise, the status is unchanged and the cookie is still valid."/>
60 <param type="uint32" name="userId"/>
63 <return name="logoutResult" msg="LGOR">
64 <doc line="Return an error code for the logout attemp"/>
65 <doc line="If return is not 0, then reason contains a debug string"/>
66 <doc line="Return values : 0 - ok"/>
67 <doc line=" 1 - invalid user"/>
68 <doc line=" 2 - user already offline"/>
70 <param type="uint32" name="errorCode"/>
71 <param type="std::string" name="reason" php_serial="String" byref="true"/>