1 - update and date the changelog
2 - bump the version number in the source file
5 - tag and push the code
7 git tag -s safe-rm-VERSION -m "New upstream release"
11 - build the tarball using "make dist"
12 - upload the tarball to Launchpad (empty changelog, fill in release notes):
14 gpg --armor --sign --detach-sig safe-rm-VERSION.tar.gz
15 lp-project-upload safe-rm VERSION safe-rm-VERSION.tar.gz
17 - update and upload the Debian package
18 - add a new announcement on Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/safe-rm/+announce
19 - create milestone for next release on Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/safe-rm/trunk/+addmilestone