ctdb-scripts: Support storing statd-callout state in cluster filesystem
[samba4-gss.git] / source4 / torture / drs / python / fsmo.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 # Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
5 # Copyright (C) Anatoliy Atanasov <anatoliy.atanasov@postpath.com> 2010
7 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
10 # (at your option) any later version.
12 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 # GNU General Public License for more details.
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 # Usage:
22 # export DC1=dc1_dns_name
23 # export DC2=dc2_dns_name
24 # export SUBUNITRUN=$samba4srcdir/scripting/bin/subunitrun
25 # PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$samba4srcdir/torture/drs/python" $SUBUNITRUN fsmo -U"$DOMAIN/$DC_USERNAME"%"$DC_PASSWORD"
28 import sys
29 import time
30 import os
32 sys.path.insert(0, "bin/python")
34 from ldb import SCOPE_BASE
36 import drs_base
39 class DrsFsmoTestCase(drs_base.DrsBaseTestCase):
41 def setUp(self):
42 super(DrsFsmoTestCase, self).setUp()
44 # we have to wait for the replication before we make the check
45 self.fsmo_wait_max_time = 20
46 self.fsmo_wait_sleep_time = 0.2
48 # cache some of RootDSE props
49 self.dsServiceName_dc1 = self.info_dc1["dsServiceName"][0]
50 self.dsServiceName_dc2 = self.info_dc2["dsServiceName"][0]
51 self.infrastructure_dn = "CN=Infrastructure," + self.domain_dn
52 self.naming_dn = "CN=Partitions," + self.config_dn
53 self.rid_dn = "CN=RID Manager$,CN=System," + self.domain_dn
54 self.domain_dns_dn = (
55 "CN=Infrastructure,DC=DomainDnsZones, %s" % self.domain_dn )
56 self.forest_dns_dn = (
57 "CN=Infrastructure,DC=ForestDnsZones, %s" % self.domain_dn )
59 def tearDown(self):
60 super(DrsFsmoTestCase, self).tearDown()
62 def _net_fsmo_role_transfer(self, DC, role, noop=False):
63 # make command line credentials string
64 ccache_name = self.get_creds_ccache_name()
65 cmd_line_auth = "--use-krb5-ccache=%s" % ccache_name
66 (result, out, err) = self.runsubcmd("fsmo", "transfer",
67 "--role=%s" % role,
68 "-H", "ldap://%s:389" % DC,
69 cmd_line_auth)
71 self.assertCmdSuccess(result, out, err)
72 self.assertEqual(err, "", "Shouldn't be any error messages")
73 if not noop:
74 self.assertTrue("FSMO transfer of '%s' role successful" % role in out)
75 else:
76 self.assertTrue("This DC already has the '%s' FSMO role" % role in out)
78 def _wait_for_role_transfer(self, ldb_dc, role_dn, master):
79 """Wait for role transfer for certain amount of time
81 :return: (Result=True|False, CurrentMasterDnsName) tuple
82 """
83 cur_master = ''
84 retries = int(self.fsmo_wait_max_time / self.fsmo_wait_sleep_time) + 1
85 for i in range(0, retries):
86 # check if master has been transferred
87 res = ldb_dc.search(role_dn,
88 scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["fSMORoleOwner"])
89 assert len(res) == 1, "Only one fSMORoleOwner value expected!"
90 cur_master = res[0]["fSMORoleOwner"][0]
91 if master == cur_master:
92 return (True, cur_master)
93 # skip last sleep, if no need to wait anymore
94 if i != (retries - 1):
95 # wait a little bit before next retry
96 time.sleep(self.fsmo_wait_sleep_time)
97 return (False, cur_master)
99 def _role_transfer(self, role, role_dn):
100 """Triggers transfer of role from DC1 to DC2
101 and vice versa so the role goes back to the original dc"""
102 # dc2 gets the role from dc1
103 print("Testing for %s role transfer from %s to %s" % (role, self.dnsname_dc1, self.dnsname_dc2))
105 self._net_fsmo_role_transfer(DC=self.dnsname_dc2, role=role)
106 # check if the role is transferred
107 (res, master) = self._wait_for_role_transfer(ldb_dc=self.ldb_dc2,
108 role_dn=role_dn,
109 master=self.dsServiceName_dc2)
110 self.assertTrue(res,
111 "Transferring %s role to %s has failed, master is: %s!" % (role, self.dsServiceName_dc2, master))
113 # dc1 gets back the role from dc2
114 print("Testing for %s role transfer from %s to %s" % (role, self.dnsname_dc2, self.dnsname_dc1))
115 self._net_fsmo_role_transfer(DC=self.dnsname_dc1, role=role)
116 # check if the role is transferred
117 (res, master) = self._wait_for_role_transfer(ldb_dc=self.ldb_dc1,
118 role_dn=role_dn,
119 master=self.dsServiceName_dc1)
120 self.assertTrue(res,
121 "Transferring %s role to %s has failed, master is: %s!" % (role, self.dsServiceName_dc1, master))
123 # dc1 keeps the role
124 print("Testing for no-op %s role transfer from %s to %s" % (role, self.dnsname_dc2, self.dnsname_dc1))
125 self._net_fsmo_role_transfer(DC=self.dnsname_dc1, role=role, noop=True)
126 # check if the role is transferred
127 (res, master) = self._wait_for_role_transfer(ldb_dc=self.ldb_dc1,
128 role_dn=role_dn,
129 master=self.dsServiceName_dc1)
130 self.assertTrue(res,
131 "Transferring %s role to %s has failed, master is: %s!" % (role, self.dsServiceName_dc1, master))
133 def test_SchemaMasterTransfer(self):
134 self._role_transfer(role="schema", role_dn=self.schema_dn)
136 def test_InfrastructureMasterTransfer(self):
137 self._role_transfer(role="infrastructure", role_dn=self.infrastructure_dn)
139 def test_PDCMasterTransfer(self):
140 self._role_transfer(role="pdc", role_dn=self.domain_dn)
142 def test_RIDMasterTransfer(self):
143 self._role_transfer(role="rid", role_dn=self.rid_dn)
145 def test_NamingMasterTransfer(self):
146 self._role_transfer(role="naming", role_dn=self.naming_dn)
148 def test_DomainDnsZonesMasterTransfer(self):
149 self._role_transfer(role="domaindns", role_dn=self.domain_dns_dn)
151 def test_ForestDnsZonesMasterTransfer(self):
152 self._role_transfer(role="forestdns", role_dn=self.forest_dns_dn)