ctdb-doc: Drop unnecessary, broken attempt at rpc.statd stack trace
[samba4-gss.git] / python / samba / sd_utils.py
1 # Utility methods for security descriptor manipulation
3 # Copyright Nadezhda Ivanova 2010 <nivanova@samba.org>
5 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
8 # (at your option) any later version.
10 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 # GNU General Public License for more details.
15 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 """Utility methods for security descriptor manipulation."""
21 from ldb import FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, SCOPE_BASE, Dn, Message, MessageElement
23 import samba
24 from samba.dcerpc import security
25 from samba.ndr import ndr_deepcopy, ndr_pack, ndr_unpack
26 from samba.ntstatus import NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
29 def escaped_claim_id(claim_id):
30 """Encode claim attribute names according to [MS-DTYP] 2.5.1 ("attr-char2")
32 Some characters must be encoded as %hhhh, while others must not be.
33 Of the optional ones, we encode some control characters.
35 The \x00 byte is also encoded, which is useful for tests, but it
36 is forbidden in either form.
37 """
38 escapes = '\x00\t\n\x0b\x0c\r !"%&()<=>|'
39 return ''.join(c
40 if c not in escapes
41 else f'%{ord(c):04x}'
42 for c in claim_id)
45 class SDUtils(object):
46 """Some utilities for manipulation of security descriptors on objects."""
48 def __init__(self, samdb):
49 self.ldb = samdb
50 self.domain_sid = security.dom_sid(self.ldb.get_domain_sid())
52 def modify_sd_on_dn(self, object_dn, sd, controls=None):
53 """Modify security descriptor using either SDDL string
54 or security.descriptor object
55 """
56 m = Message()
57 if isinstance(object_dn, Dn):
58 m.dn = object_dn
59 else:
60 m.dn = Dn(self.ldb, object_dn)
62 assert (isinstance(sd, str) or isinstance(sd, security.descriptor))
63 if isinstance(sd, str):
64 tmp_desc = security.descriptor.from_sddl(sd, self.domain_sid)
65 elif isinstance(sd, security.descriptor):
66 tmp_desc = sd
68 m["nTSecurityDescriptor"] = MessageElement(ndr_pack(tmp_desc),
70 "nTSecurityDescriptor")
71 self.ldb.modify(m, controls)
73 def read_sd_on_dn(self, object_dn, controls=None):
74 res = self.ldb.search(object_dn, SCOPE_BASE, None,
75 ["nTSecurityDescriptor"], controls=controls)
76 desc = res[0]["nTSecurityDescriptor"][0]
77 return ndr_unpack(security.descriptor, desc)
79 def get_object_sid(self, object_dn):
80 res = self.ldb.search(object_dn)
81 return ndr_unpack(security.dom_sid, res[0]["objectSid"][0])
83 def update_aces_in_dacl(self, dn, del_aces=None, add_aces=None,
84 sddl_attr=None, controls=None):
85 if del_aces is None:
86 del_aces = []
87 if add_aces is None:
88 add_aces = []
90 def ace_from_sddl(ace_sddl):
91 ace_sd = security.descriptor.from_sddl("D:" + ace_sddl, self.domain_sid)
92 assert len(ace_sd.dacl.aces) == 1
93 return ace_sd.dacl.aces[0]
95 if sddl_attr is None:
96 if controls is None:
97 controls = ["sd_flags:1:%d" % security.SECINFO_DACL]
98 sd = self.read_sd_on_dn(dn, controls=controls)
99 if not sd.type & security.SEC_DESC_DACL_PROTECTED:
100 # if the DACL is not protected remove all
101 # inherited aces, as they will be re-inherited
102 # on the server, we need a ndr_deepcopy in order
103 # to avoid reference problems while deleting
104 # the aces while looping over them
105 dacl_copy = ndr_deepcopy(sd.dacl)
106 for ace in dacl_copy.aces:
107 if ace.flags & security.SEC_ACE_FLAG_INHERITED_ACE:
108 try:
109 sd.dacl_del_ace(ace)
110 except samba.NTSTATUSError as err:
111 if err.args[0] != NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND:
112 raise err
113 # dacl_del_ace may remove more than
114 # one ace, so we may not find it anymore
115 pass
116 else:
117 if controls is None:
118 controls = []
119 res = self.ldb.search(dn, SCOPE_BASE, None,
120 [sddl_attr], controls=controls)
121 old_sddl = str(res[0][sddl_attr][0])
122 sd = security.descriptor.from_sddl(old_sddl, self.domain_sid)
124 num_changes = 0
125 del_ignored = []
126 add_ignored = []
127 inherited_ignored = []
129 for ace in del_aces:
130 if isinstance(ace, str):
131 ace = ace_from_sddl(ace)
132 assert isinstance(ace, security.ace)
134 if ace.flags & security.SEC_ACE_FLAG_INHERITED_ACE:
135 inherited_ignored.append(ace)
136 continue
138 if ace not in sd.dacl.aces:
139 del_ignored.append(ace)
140 continue
142 sd.dacl_del_ace(ace)
143 num_changes += 1
145 for ace in add_aces:
146 add_idx = -1
147 if isinstance(ace, dict):
148 if "idx" in ace:
149 add_idx = ace["idx"]
150 ace = ace["ace"]
151 if isinstance(ace, str):
152 ace = ace_from_sddl(ace)
153 assert isinstance(ace, security.ace)
155 if ace.flags & security.SEC_ACE_FLAG_INHERITED_ACE:
156 inherited_ignored.append(ace)
157 continue
159 if ace in sd.dacl.aces:
160 add_ignored.append(ace)
161 continue
163 sd.dacl_add(ace, add_idx)
164 num_changes += 1
166 if num_changes == 0:
167 return del_ignored, add_ignored, inherited_ignored
169 if sddl_attr is None:
170 self.modify_sd_on_dn(dn, sd, controls=controls)
171 else:
172 new_sddl = sd.as_sddl(self.domain_sid)
173 m = Message()
174 m.dn = dn
175 m[sddl_attr] = MessageElement(new_sddl.encode('ascii'),
177 sddl_attr)
178 self.ldb.modify(m, controls=controls)
180 return del_ignored, add_ignored, inherited_ignored
182 def dacl_prepend_aces(self, object_dn, aces, controls=None):
183 """Prepend an ACE (or more) to an objects security descriptor
185 ace_sd = security.descriptor.from_sddl("D:" + aces, self.domain_sid)
186 add_aces = []
187 add_idx = 0
188 for ace in ace_sd.dacl.aces:
189 add_aces.append({"idx": add_idx, "ace": ace})
190 add_idx += 1
191 _, ai, ii = self.update_aces_in_dacl(object_dn, add_aces=add_aces,
192 controls=controls)
193 return ai, ii
195 def dacl_add_ace(self, object_dn, ace):
196 """Add an ACE (or more) to an objects security descriptor
198 _, _ = self.dacl_prepend_aces(object_dn, ace,
199 controls=["show_deleted:1"])
201 def dacl_append_aces(self, object_dn, aces, controls=None):
202 """Append an ACE (or more) to an objects security descriptor
204 ace_sd = security.descriptor.from_sddl("D:" + aces, self.domain_sid)
205 add_aces = []
206 for ace in ace_sd.dacl.aces:
207 add_aces.append(ace)
208 _, ai, ii = self.update_aces_in_dacl(object_dn, add_aces=add_aces,
209 controls=controls)
210 return ai, ii
212 def dacl_delete_aces(self, object_dn, aces, controls=None):
213 """Delete an ACE (or more) to an objects security descriptor
215 del_sd = security.descriptor.from_sddl("D:" + aces, self.domain_sid)
216 del_aces = []
217 for ace in del_sd.dacl.aces:
218 del_aces.append(ace)
219 di, _, ii = self.update_aces_in_dacl(object_dn, del_aces=del_aces,
220 controls=controls)
221 return di, ii
223 def get_sd_as_sddl(self, object_dn, controls=None):
224 """Return object nTSecurityDescriptor in SDDL format
226 if controls is None:
227 controls = []
228 desc = self.read_sd_on_dn(object_dn, controls + ["show_deleted:1"])
229 return desc.as_sddl(self.domain_sid)