3 .
6 unit_test cmdline_test
9 Command 'nofunc' has no implementation function
10 Command 'nohelp' has no help msg
11 Command 'really really long command with lots of words' is too long (85)
12 Command 'longhelp' help too long (90)
14 unit_test cmdline_test
17 Option has no long name
18 Option 'debug' has unsupported type
19 Option 'debug' has invalid arg
21 unit_test cmdline_test
24 Usage: test4 [<options>] <command> [<args>]
27 -h, --help Show this help message
30 -c, --count=INT Option help of length thirty.
31 -v, --value=Value help of length 23 Short description
34 A really really long command <a long arguments message> This is a really long help message
35 short command <short arg msg> short msg for short command
36 Usage: test4 [-h] [-h|--help] [-c|--count=INT]
37 [-v|--value=Value help of length 23] <command> [<args>]
39 short command <short arg msg> short msg for short command
41 unit_test cmdline_test
44 Usage: test5 [<options>] <command> [<args>]
47 -h, --help Show this help message
50 action one action one help
51 action two action two help
52 Usage: test5 [<options>] <command> [<args>]
55 -h, --help Show this help message
58 action one action one help
59 action two action two help
60 Usage: test5 [<options>] <command> [<args>]
63 -h, --help Show this help message
66 action one action one help
67 action two action two help
69 unit_test cmdline_test
74 unit_test cmdline_test
77 Usage: test7 [<options>] <command> [<args>]
80 -h, --help Show this help message
87 cmd3 command three help
88 cmd4 command four help
91 cmd5 command five help
98 unit_test cmdline_test