2 # Error messages for the krb5 library
4 # This might look like a com_err file, but is not
6 # Do try to keep this in sync with MIT's.
13 error_code NONE, "No error"
14 error_code NAME_EXP, "Client's entry in database has expired"
15 error_code SERVICE_EXP, "Server's entry in database has expired"
16 error_code BAD_PVNO, "Requested protocol version not supported"
17 error_code C_OLD_MAST_KVNO, "Client's key is encrypted in an old master key"
18 error_code S_OLD_MAST_KVNO, "Server's key is encrypted in an old master key"
19 error_code C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN, "Client not found in Kerberos database"
20 error_code S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN, "Server not found in Kerberos database"
21 error_code PRINCIPAL_NOT_UNIQUE,"Principal has multiple entries in Kerberos database"
22 error_code NULL_KEY, "Client or server has a null key"
23 error_code CANNOT_POSTDATE, "Ticket is ineligible for postdating"
24 error_code NEVER_VALID, "Requested effective lifetime is negative or too short"
25 error_code POLICY, "KDC policy rejects request"
26 error_code BADOPTION, "KDC can't fulfill requested option"
27 error_code ETYPE_NOSUPP, "KDC has no support for encryption type"
28 error_code SUMTYPE_NOSUPP, "KDC has no support for checksum type"
29 error_code PADATA_TYPE_NOSUPP, "KDC has no support for padata type"
30 error_code TRTYPE_NOSUPP, "KDC has no support for transited type"
31 error_code CLIENT_REVOKED, "Clients credentials have been revoked"
32 error_code SERVICE_REVOKED, "Credentials for server have been revoked"
33 error_code TGT_REVOKED, "TGT has been revoked"
34 error_code CLIENT_NOTYET, "Client not yet valid - try again later"
35 error_code SERVICE_NOTYET, "Server not yet valid - try again later"
36 error_code KEY_EXPIRED, "Password has expired"
37 error_code PREAUTH_FAILED, "Preauthentication failed"
38 error_code PREAUTH_REQUIRED, "Additional pre-authentication required"
39 error_code SERVER_NOMATCH, "Requested server and ticket don't match"
40 error_code KDC_ERR_MUST_USE_USER2USER, "Server principal valid for user2user only"
41 error_code PATH_NOT_ACCEPTED, "KDC Policy rejects transited path"
42 error_code SVC_UNAVAILABLE, "A service is not available"
46 error_code ERR_BAD_INTEGRITY, "Decrypt integrity check failed"
47 error_code ERR_TKT_EXPIRED, "Ticket expired"
48 error_code ERR_TKT_NYV, "Ticket not yet valid"
49 error_code ERR_REPEAT, "Request is a replay"
50 error_code ERR_NOT_US, "The ticket isn't for us"
51 error_code ERR_BADMATCH, "Ticket/authenticator don't match"
52 error_code ERR_SKEW, "Clock skew too great"
53 error_code ERR_BADADDR, "Incorrect net address"
54 error_code ERR_BADVERSION, "Protocol version mismatch"
55 error_code ERR_MSG_TYPE, "Invalid message type"
56 error_code ERR_MODIFIED, "Message stream modified"
57 error_code ERR_BADORDER, "Message out of order"
58 error_code ERR_ILL_CR_TKT, "Invalid cross-realm ticket"
59 error_code ERR_BADKEYVER, "Key version is not available"
60 error_code ERR_NOKEY, "Service key not available"
61 error_code ERR_MUT_FAIL, "Mutual authentication failed"
62 error_code ERR_BADDIRECTION, "Incorrect message direction"
63 error_code ERR_METHOD, "Alternative authentication method required"
64 error_code ERR_BADSEQ, "Incorrect sequence number in message"
65 error_code ERR_INAPP_CKSUM, "Inappropriate type of checksum in message"
66 error_code PATH_NOT_ACCEPTED, "Policy rejects transited path"
69 error_code RESPONSE_TOO_BIG, "Response too big for UDP, retry with TCP"
72 error_code GENERIC, "Generic error (see e-text)"
73 error_code FIELD_TOOLONG, "Field is too long for this implementation"
78 error_code CLIENT_NOT_TRUSTED, "Client not trusted"
79 error_code KDC_NOT_TRUSTED, "KDC not trusted"
80 error_code INVALID_SIG, "Invalid signature"
81 error_code DH_KEY_PARAMETERS_NOT_ACCEPTED, "DH parameters not accepted"
85 error_code WRONG_REALM, "Wrong realm"
89 error_code USER_TO_USER_REQUIRED, "User to user required"
93 error_code CANT_VERIFY_CERTIFICATE, "Cannot verify certificate"
94 error_code INVALID_CERTIFICATE, "Certificate invalid"
95 error_code REVOKED_CERTIFICATE, "Certificate revoked"
96 error_code REVOCATION_STATUS_UNKNOWN, "Revocation status unknown"
97 error_code REVOCATION_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE, "Revocation status unavailable"
98 error_code CLIENT_NAME_MISMATCH, "Client name mismatch in certificate"
99 error_code INCONSISTENT_KEY_PURPOSE, "Inconsistent key purpose"
100 error_code DIGEST_IN_CERT_NOT_ACCEPTED, "Digest in certificate not accepted"
101 error_code PA_CHECKSUM_MUST_BE_INCLUDED, "paChecksum must be included"
102 error_code DIGEST_IN_SIGNED_DATA_NOT_ACCEPTED, "Digest in signedData not accepted"
103 error_code PUBLIC_KEY_ENCRYPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Public key encryption not supported"
105 ## these are never used
108 #error_code ERR_KDC_NOT_FOUND, "IAKERB proxy could not find a KDC"
109 #error_code ERR_KDC_NO_RESPONSE, "IAKERB proxy never received a response from a KDC"
112 error_code PREAUTH_EXPIRED, "Pre-authentication data expired"
115 error_code MORE_PREAUTH_DATA_REQUIRED, "More pre-authentication data required"
118 error_code UNKNOWN_CRITICAL_FAST_OPTIONS, "Unknown critical FAST options"
121 error_code INVALID_HASH_ALG, "Invalid OTP digest algorithm"
122 error_code INVALID_ITERATION_COUNT, "Invalid OTP iteration count"
127 error_code NO_ACCEPTABLE_KDF, "No acceptable KDF offered"
129 # 101-127 are reserved
133 error_code KRB5_ERR_RCSID, "$Id$"
135 error_code KRB5_LIBOS_BADLOCKFLAG, "Invalid flag for file lock mode"
136 error_code KRB5_LIBOS_CANTREADPWD, "Cannot read password"
137 error_code KRB5_LIBOS_BADPWDMATCH, "Password mismatch"
138 error_code KRB5_LIBOS_PWDINTR, "Password read interrupted"
140 error_code KRB5_PARSE_ILLCHAR, "Invalid character in component name"
141 error_code KRB5_PARSE_MALFORMED, "Malformed representation of principal"
143 error_code KRB5_CONFIG_CANTOPEN, "Can't open/find configuration file"
144 error_code KRB5_CONFIG_BADFORMAT, "Improper format of configuration file"
145 error_code KRB5_CONFIG_NOTENUFSPACE, "Insufficient space to return complete information"
147 error_code KRB5_BADMSGTYPE, "Invalid message type specified for encoding"
149 error_code KRB5_CC_BADNAME, "Credential cache name malformed"
150 error_code KRB5_CC_UNKNOWN_TYPE, "Unknown credential cache type"
151 error_code KRB5_CC_NOTFOUND, "Matching credential not found"
152 error_code KRB5_CC_END, "End of credential cache reached"
154 error_code KRB5_NO_TKT_SUPPLIED, "Request did not supply a ticket"
156 error_code KRB5KRB_AP_WRONG_PRINC, "Wrong principal in request"
157 error_code KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_TKT_INVALID, "Ticket has invalid flag set"
159 error_code KRB5_PRINC_NOMATCH, "Requested principal and ticket don't match"
160 error_code KRB5_KDCREP_MODIFIED, "KDC reply did not match expectations"
161 error_code KRB5_KDCREP_SKEW, "Clock skew too great in KDC reply"
162 error_code KRB5_IN_TKT_REALM_MISMATCH, "Client/server realm mismatch in initial ticket request"
164 error_code KRB5_PROG_ETYPE_NOSUPP, "Program lacks support for encryption type"
165 error_code KRB5_PROG_KEYTYPE_NOSUPP, "Program lacks support for key type"
166 error_code KRB5_WRONG_ETYPE, "Requested encryption type not used in message"
167 error_code KRB5_PROG_SUMTYPE_NOSUPP, "Program lacks support for checksum type"
169 error_code KRB5_REALM_UNKNOWN, "Cannot find KDC for requested realm"
170 error_code KRB5_SERVICE_UNKNOWN, "Kerberos service unknown"
171 error_code KRB5_KDC_UNREACH, "Cannot contact any KDC for requested realm"
172 error_code KRB5_NO_LOCALNAME, "No local name found for principal name"
174 error_code KRB5_MUTUAL_FAILED, "Mutual authentication failed"
176 # some of these should be combined/supplanted by system codes
178 error_code KRB5_RC_TYPE_EXISTS, "Replay cache type is already registered"
179 error_code KRB5_RC_MALLOC, "No more memory to allocate (in replay cache code)"
180 error_code KRB5_RC_TYPE_NOTFOUND, "Replay cache type is unknown"
181 error_code KRB5_RC_UNKNOWN, "Generic unknown RC error"
182 error_code KRB5_RC_REPLAY, "Message is a replay"
183 error_code KRB5_RC_IO, "Replay I/O operation failed XXX"
184 error_code KRB5_RC_NOIO, "Replay cache type does not support non-volatile storage"
185 error_code KRB5_RC_PARSE, "Replay cache name parse/format error"
187 error_code KRB5_RC_IO_EOF, "End-of-file on replay cache I/O"
188 error_code KRB5_RC_IO_MALLOC, "No more memory to allocate (in replay cache I/O code)"
189 error_code KRB5_RC_IO_PERM, "Permission denied in replay cache code"
190 error_code KRB5_RC_IO_IO, "I/O error in replay cache i/o code"
191 error_code KRB5_RC_IO_UNKNOWN, "Generic unknown RC/IO error"
192 error_code KRB5_RC_IO_SPACE, "Insufficient system space to store replay information"
194 error_code KRB5_TRANS_CANTOPEN, "Can't open/find realm translation file"
195 error_code KRB5_TRANS_BADFORMAT, "Improper format of realm translation file"
197 error_code KRB5_LNAME_CANTOPEN, "Can't open/find lname translation database"
198 error_code KRB5_LNAME_NOTRANS, "No translation available for requested principal"
199 error_code KRB5_LNAME_BADFORMAT, "Improper format of translation database entry"
201 error_code KRB5_CRYPTO_INTERNAL, "Cryptosystem internal error"
203 error_code KRB5_KT_BADNAME, "Key table name malformed"
204 error_code KRB5_KT_UNKNOWN_TYPE, "Unknown Key table type"
205 error_code KRB5_KT_NOTFOUND, "Key table entry not found"
206 error_code KRB5_KT_END, "End of key table reached"
207 error_code KRB5_KT_NOWRITE, "Cannot write to specified key table"
208 error_code KRB5_KT_IOERR, "Error writing to key table"
210 error_code KRB5_NO_TKT_IN_RLM, "Cannot find ticket for requested realm"
211 error_code KRB5DES_BAD_KEYPAR, "DES key has bad parity"
212 error_code KRB5DES_WEAK_KEY, "DES key is a weak key"
214 error_code KRB5_BAD_ENCTYPE, "Bad encryption type"
215 error_code KRB5_BAD_KEYSIZE, "Key size is incompatible with encryption type"
216 error_code KRB5_BAD_MSIZE, "Message size is incompatible with encryption type"
218 error_code KRB5_CC_TYPE_EXISTS, "Credentials cache type is already registered."
219 error_code KRB5_KT_TYPE_EXISTS, "Key table type is already registered."
221 error_code KRB5_CC_IO, "Credentials cache I/O operation failed XXX"
222 error_code KRB5_FCC_PERM, "Credentials cache file permissions incorrect"
223 error_code KRB5_FCC_NOFILE, "No credentials cache file found"
224 error_code KRB5_FCC_INTERNAL, "Internal file credentials cache error"
225 error_code KRB5_CC_WRITE, "Error writing to credentials cache file"
226 error_code KRB5_CC_NOMEM, "No more memory to allocate (in credentials cache code)"
227 error_code KRB5_CC_FORMAT, "Bad format in credentials cache"
228 error_code KRB5_CC_NOT_KTYPE, "No credentials found with supported encryption types"
230 # errors for dual tgt library calls
231 error_code KRB5_INVALID_FLAGS, "Invalid KDC option combination (library internal error)"
232 error_code KRB5_NO_2ND_TKT, "Request missing second ticket"
234 error_code KRB5_NOCREDS_SUPPLIED, "No credentials supplied to library routine"
236 # errors for sendauth (and recvauth)
238 error_code KRB5_SENDAUTH_BADAUTHVERS, "Bad sendauth version was sent"
239 error_code KRB5_SENDAUTH_BADAPPLVERS, "Bad application version was sent (via sendauth)"
240 error_code KRB5_SENDAUTH_BADRESPONSE, "Bad response (during sendauth exchange)"
241 error_code KRB5_SENDAUTH_REJECTED, "Server rejected authentication (during sendauth exchange)"
243 # errors for preauthentication
245 error_code KRB5_PREAUTH_BAD_TYPE, "Unsupported preauthentication type"
246 error_code KRB5_PREAUTH_NO_KEY, "Required preauthentication key not supplied"
247 error_code KRB5_PREAUTH_FAILED, "Generic preauthentication failure"
249 # version number errors
251 error_code KRB5_RCACHE_BADVNO, "Unsupported replay cache format version number"
252 error_code KRB5_CCACHE_BADVNO, "Unsupported credentials cache format version number"
253 error_code KRB5_KEYTAB_BADVNO, "Unsupported key table format version number"
258 error_code KRB5_PROG_ATYPE_NOSUPP, "Program lacks support for address type"
259 error_code KRB5_RC_REQUIRED, "Message replay detection requires rcache parameter"
260 error_code KRB5_ERR_BAD_HOSTNAME, "Hostname cannot be canonicalized"
261 error_code KRB5_ERR_HOST_REALM_UNKNOWN, "Cannot determine realm for host"
262 error_code KRB5_SNAME_UNSUPP_NAMETYPE, "Conversion to service principal undefined for name type"
264 error_code KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_V4_REPLY, "Initial Ticket response appears to be Version 4"
265 error_code KRB5_REALM_CANT_RESOLVE, "Cannot resolve KDC for requested realm"
266 error_code KRB5_TKT_NOT_FORWARDABLE, "Requesting ticket can't get forwardable tickets"
267 error_code KRB5_FWD_BAD_PRINCIPAL, "Bad principal name while trying to forward credentials"
269 error_code KRB5_GET_IN_TKT_LOOP, "Looping detected inside krb5_get_in_tkt"
270 error_code KRB5_CONFIG_NODEFREALM, "Configuration file does not specify default realm"
272 error_code KRB5_SAM_UNSUPPORTED, "Bad SAM flags in obtain_sam_padata"
273 error_code KRB5_SAM_INVALID_ETYPE, "Invalid encryption type in SAM challenge"
274 error_code KRB5_SAM_NO_CHECKSUM, "Missing checksum in SAM challenge"
275 error_code KRB5_SAM_BAD_CHECKSUM, "Bad checksum in SAM challenge"
277 error_code KRB5_KT_NAME_TOOLONG, "Keytab name too long"
278 error_code KRB5_KT_KVNONOTFOUND, "Key version number for principal in key table is incorrect"
279 error_code KRB5_APPL_EXPIRED, "This application has expired"
280 error_code KRB5_LIB_EXPIRED, "This Krb5 library has expired"
282 error_code KRB5_CHPW_PWDNULL, "New password cannot be zero length"
283 error_code KRB5_CHPW_FAIL, "Password change failed"
284 error_code KRB5_KT_FORMAT, "Bad format in keytab"
286 error_code KRB5_NOPERM_ETYPE, "Encryption type not permitted"
287 error_code KRB5_CONFIG_ETYPE_NOSUPP, "No supported encryption types (config file error?)"
289 error_code KRB5_OBSOLETE_FN, "Program called an obsolete, deleted function"
291 error_code KRB5_EAI_FAIL, "unknown getaddrinfo failure"
292 error_code KRB5_EAI_NODATA, "no data available for host/domain name"
293 error_code KRB5_EAI_NONAME, "host/domain name not found"
294 error_code KRB5_EAI_SERVICE, "service name unknown"
296 error_code KRB5_ERR_NUMERIC_REALM, "Cannot determine realm for numeric host address"
298 error_code KRB5_ERR_BAD_S2K_PARAMS, "Invalid key generation parameters from KDC"
300 error_code KRB5_ERR_NO_SERVICE, "Service not available"
303 error_code KRB5_CC_NOSUPP, "Credential cache function not supported"
304 error_code KRB5_DELTAT_BADFORMAT, "Invalid format of Kerberos lifetime or clock skew string"
305 error_code KRB5_PLUGIN_NO_HANDLE, "Supplied data not handled by this plugin"
306 error_code KRB5_PLUGIN_OP_NOTSUPP, "Plugin does not support the operaton"
308 error_code KRB5_ERR_INVALID_UTF8, "Invalid UTF-8 string"
309 error_code KRB5_ERR_FAST_REQUIRED, "FAST protected pre-authentication required but not supported by KDC"
311 error_code KRB5_LOCAL_ADDR_REQUIRED, "Auth context must contain local address"
312 error_code KRB5_REMOTE_ADDR_REQUIRED, "Auth context must contain remote address"
314 error_code KRB5_TRACE_NOSUPP, "Tracing unsupported"