Add sb-ext:*print-circle-not-shared*
[sbcl.git] /
1 #!/bin/sh
2 ./ --noprint --disable-debugger $* <<\EOF
3 (defvar *configs-to-build* (cdr *posix-argv*))
5 (defparameter *jobs*
6 (max 1
7 #+unix
8 (floor (sb-alien:alien-funcall
9 (sb-alien:extern-alien "sysconf"
10 (function sb-alien:long sb-alien:int))
11 sb-unix::sc-nprocessors-onln)
12 2)))
14 (let ((first (car *configs-to-build*)))
15 (if (and (stringp first)
16 (>= (length first) 2)
17 (string= first "-j" :end1 2))
18 ;; allow "-jN" as two args
19 (cond ((= (length first) 2)
20 (pop *configs-to-build*)
21 (setq *jobs* (parse-integer (pop *configs-to-build*))))
22 ((digit-char-p (char first 2)) ; or "-jN" as one arg
23 (setq *jobs* (parse-integer first :start 2))
24 (pop *configs-to-build*))
26 (error "-j requires a number")))))
28 (when (> *jobs* 1) (format t "~&Using up to ~D job~:P~%" *jobs*))
30 ;;; I should probably have a way to add a fixed set of features in
31 ;;; for an architecture, such as :LITTLE-ENDIAN for x86{-64}.
32 ;;; This list is: arch-name and ((configuation-name feature ...) ...)
33 (defparameter *all-configurations*
34 '(("arm" ("arm" :little-endian :largefile))
35 ("arm64" ("arm64" :little-endian :sb-thread)
36 ("arm64-darwin" :darwin :bsd :unix :mach-o :little-endian :sb-thread :darwin-jit)
37 ("arm64-reloc" :little-endian :sb-thread :relocatable-static-space)
38 ("arm64-immobile-space" :little-endian :sb-thread :immobile-space))
39 ("mips" ("mips" :largefile :little-endian))
40 ("ppc" ("ppc" :big-endian)
41 ("ppc-thread" :big-endian :sb-thread))
42 ("ppc64" ("ppc64" :ppc64 :big-endian)) ; sb-thread is the default and required
43 ("riscv" ("riscv" :64-bit :little-endian :sb-thread))
44 ("sparc" ("sparc" :big-endian)
45 ("sparc-sunos" :big-endian :unix :sunos :elf))
46 ("x86" ("x86" :little-endian :largefile (not :sb-eval) :sb-fasteval)
47 ("x86-ascii" :little-endian :largefile (not :sb-unicode))
48 ("x86-thread" :little-endian :largefile :sb-thread)
49 ("x86-linux" :little-endian :largefile :sb-thread :linux :unix :elf :sb-thread))
50 ("x86-64" ("x86-64" :little-endian :avx2 :gencgc :sb-simd-pack :sb-simd-pack-256)
51 ("x86-64-linux" :linux :unix :elf :little-endian :avx2 :gencgc :sb-simd-pack :sb-simd-pack-256
52 (not :sb-eval) :sb-fasteval)
53 ("x86-64-darwin" :darwin :bsd :unix :mach-o :little-endian :avx2 :gencgc
54 :sb-simd-pack :sb-simd-pack-256)
55 ("x86-64-imm" :little-endian :avx2 :gencgc :sb-simd-pack :sb-simd-pack-256
56 :immobile-space)
57 ("x86-64-permgen" :little-endian :avx2 :gencgc :sb-simd-pack :sb-simd-pack-256
58 :permgen))))
60 (setq sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :compile)
61 (defun interpolate (string substitutions)
62 (sb-int:collect ((fragments))
63 (let ((start 0))
64 (loop
65 (let ((p (position #\{ string :start start)))
66 (unless p
67 (fragments (subseq string start))
68 (return (apply #'concatenate 'string (fragments))))
69 (fragments (subseq string start p))
70 (let* ((end (the (not null) (position #\} string :start (1+ p))))
71 (var (subseq string (1+ p) end))
72 (pair (assoc var substitutions :test #'string=)))
73 (fragments (the string (cdr pair)))
74 (setq start (1+ end))))))))
76 (defun add-os-features (arch features)
77 (if (intersection '(:unix :win32) features)
78 features
79 (let* ((arch-symbol (sb-int:keywordicate (string-upcase arch)))
80 (os-features (case arch-symbol
81 ((:x86 :x86-64) '(:win32 :sb-thread :sb-safepoint))
82 (t '(:unix :linux :elf)))))
83 (append os-features features))))
85 ;;; TODO: dependencies for each target based on build-order.lisp-expr
86 (let
87 ((new
88 (with-output-to-string (makefile)
89 (format makefile
90 "SBCL=src/runtime/sbcl
91 ARGS=--core output/sbcl.core --noinform --disable-debugger --noprint --no-userinit --no-sysinit
92 SCRIPT1=crossbuild-runner/pass-1.lisp
93 SCRIPT2=crossbuild-runner/pass-2.lisp
94 DEPS1=crossbuild-runner/pass-1.lisp src/cold/build-order.lisp-expr~%")
95 (dolist (arch+configs *all-configurations*)
96 (dolist (config (cdr arch+configs))
97 (destructuring-bind (config-name . features) config
98 (setq features (add-os-features (car arch+configs) features))
99 (format makefile
100 (interpolate
101 "~%obj/xbuild/{cfg}/xc.core: $(DEPS1)
102 $(SBCL) $(ARGS) {cfg} {arch} \"{feat}\" < $(SCRIPT1)
103 obj/xbuild/{cfg}.core: obj/xbuild/{cfg}/xc.core
104 $(SBCL) $(ARGS) {cfg} < $(SCRIPT2)~%"
105 `(("cfg" . ,config-name)
106 ("arch" . ,(car arch+configs))
107 ;; features string can't contain a #\newline
108 ("feat" . ,(write-to-string features :pretty nil))))))))))
109 (existing (with-open-file (stream "crossbuild-runner/Makefile")
110 (let ((a (make-array (file-length stream) :element-type 'character)))
111 (read-sequence a stream)
112 a))))
113 (unless (string= new existing)
114 (with-open-file (stream "crossbuild-runner/Makefile" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
115 (write-string new stream))
116 (format t "~&Rewrote Makefile~%")))
118 (defun corefiles ()
119 (mapcar (lambda (x) (format nil "obj/xbuild/~A.core" x))
120 (or *configs-to-build*
121 (mapcan (lambda (x) (mapcar 'car (cdr x)))
122 *all-configurations*))))
124 (ensure-directories-exist "obj/xbuild/")
125 ;; if it's just one target this could exec() instead
126 (defvar *process*
127 (run-program "make"
128 `(,(format nil "-j~D" *jobs*)
129 "-k"
130 "-fcrossbuild-runner/Makefile"
131 ,@(corefiles))
132 :output t :error t
133 :search t))
134 (when (= (process-exit-code *process*) 0)
135 (load "src/cold/shared" :verbose t)
136 (load "validate-float.lisp")
137 (dolist (pathname (directory "obj/xbuild/**/xfloat-math.lisp-expr"))
138 (check-float-file pathname))
139 (dolist (nbits '(30 61 63))
140 (let* ((filename (format nil "xperfecthash~D.lisp-expr" nbits))
141 (sources (directory (format nil "obj/xbuild/*/from-xc/~A" filename))))
142 (when sources
143 (funcall (intern "UPDATE-PERFECT-HASHFUNS" "SB-COLD")
144 sources filename))))
145 (format t "~&Success~%"))
146 (sb-ext:exit :code (sb-ext:process-exit-code *process*))