[sbcl/attila.git] / tests / float.pure.lisp
1 ;;;; floating-point-related tests with no side effects
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 (cl:in-package :cl-user)
16 (dolist (ifnis (list (cons single-float-positive-infinity
17 single-float-negative-infinity)
18 (cons double-float-positive-infinity
19 double-float-negative-infinity)))
20 (destructuring-bind (+ifni . -ifni) ifnis
21 (assert (= (* +ifni 1) +ifni))
22 (assert (= (* +ifni -0.1) -ifni))
23 (assert (= (+ +ifni -0.1) +ifni))
24 (assert (= (- +ifni -0.1) +ifni))
25 (assert (= (sqrt +ifni) +ifni))
26 (assert (= (* -ifni -14) +ifni))
27 (assert (= (/ -ifni 0.1) -ifni))
28 (assert (= (/ -ifni 100/3) -ifni))
29 (assert (not (= +ifni -ifni)))
30 (assert (= -ifni -ifni))
31 (assert (not (= +ifni 100/3)))
32 (assert (not (= -ifni -1.0 -ifni)))
33 (assert (not (= -ifni -17/02 -ifni)))
34 (assert (< -ifni +ifni))
35 (assert (not (< +ifni 100)))
36 (assert (not (< +ifni 100.0)))
37 (assert (not (< +ifni -ifni)))
38 (assert (< 100 +ifni))
39 (assert (< 100.0 +ifni))
40 (assert (>= 100 -ifni))
41 (assert (not (<= 6/7 (* 3 -ifni))))
42 (assert (not (> +ifni +ifni)))))
44 ;;; ANSI: FLOAT-RADIX should signal an error if its argument is not a
45 ;;; float.
46 ;;;
47 ;;; (Peter Van Eynde's ansi-test suite caught this, and Eric Marsden
48 ;;; reported a fix for CMU CL, which was ported to sbcl-
49 (assert (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (float-radix "notfloat")))
50 'type-error))
52 (assert (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors
53 (funcall (fdefinition 'float-radix) "notfloat")))
54 'type-error))
56 ;;; Before the cross compiler failed to work with
57 ;;; denormalized numbers
58 (when (subtypep 'single-float 'short-float)
59 (assert (eql least-positive-single-float least-positive-short-float)))
61 #+nil ; bug 269
62 (let ((f (eval 'least-positive-double-float)))
63 (assert (eql (multiple-value-bind (signif expon sign)
64 (integer-decode-float f)
65 (scale-float (float signif f) expon))
66 f)))
68 ;;; bug found by Paul Dietz: FFLOOR and similar did not work for integers
69 (let ((tests '(((ffloor -8 3) (-3.0 1))
70 ((fround -8 3) (-3.0 1))
71 ((ftruncate -8 3) (-2.0 -2))
72 ((fceiling -8 3) (-2.0 -2)))))
73 (loop for (exp res) in tests
74 for real-res = (multiple-value-list (eval exp))
75 do (assert (equal real-res res))))
77 ;;; bug 45b reported by PVE
78 (dolist (type '(short single double long))
79 (dolist (sign '(positive negative))
80 (let* ((name (find-symbol (format nil "LEAST-~A-~A-FLOAT"
81 sign type)
82 :cl))
83 (value (symbol-value name)))
84 (assert (zerop (/ value 2))))))
86 ;;; bug found by Paul Dietz: bad rounding on small floats
87 (assert (= (fround least-positive-short-float least-positive-short-float) 1.0))