Mostly-working Win32 file handles commit. DO NOT USE THIS COMMIT.
[sbcl/kreuter.git] / contrib / sb-simple-streams / file.lisp
1 ;;; -*- lisp -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; **********************************************************************
4 ;;; This code was written by Paul Foley and has been placed in the public
5 ;;; domain.
6 ;;;
8 ;;; Sbcl port by Rudi Schlatte.
10 (in-package "SB-SIMPLE-STREAMS")
12 ;;;
13 ;;; **********************************************************************
14 ;;;
15 ;;; Definition of File-Simple-Stream and relations
17 (def-stream-class file-simple-stream (single-channel-simple-stream file-stream)
18 (;; XXX: I can't tell if it's part of the external API that we call
19 ;; the name used to open the file the "filename", but this is at
20 ;; variance with other uses of the term "filename" around SBCL,
21 ;; where we mostly mean "string suitable for system calls". --
22 ;; RMK, 2008-01-04.
23 (filename :initform nil :initarg :filename)
24 (truename :initform nil :initarg :truename)
25 (altname :initform nil :initarg :altname)
26 (after-close :initform nil :initarg :after-close)
27 (owner-pid :initform nil :initarg :owner-pid)))
29 (sb-ext:with-unlocked-packages ("SB-IMPL" "SB-EXT")
30 (fmakunbound 'stream-pathname)
31 (defgeneric stream-pathname (stream)
32 (:method ((stream sb-sys:fd-stream))
33 (sb-impl::fd-stream-pathname stream))
34 (:method ((stream file-simple-stream))
35 (with-stream-class (file-simple-stream stream)
36 (sm filename stream))))
38 (fmakunbound 'stream-truename)
39 (defgeneric stream-truename (stream)
40 (:method ((stream sb-sys:fd-stream))
41 (let ((truename (sb-impl::fd-stream-truename stream)))
42 (if truename
43 truename
44 ;; This is a flaw in our system: not all FD-STREAMs should be
45 ;; FILE-STREAMs, Unix propaganda notwithstanding.
46 (error 'type-error :datum stream :expected-type 'file-stream))))
47 (:method ((stream file-simple-stream))
48 (with-stream-class (file-simple-stream stream)
49 (sm truename stream))))
51 (fmakunbound '(setf stream-truename))
52 (defgeneric (setf stream-truename) (new-value stream)
53 (:method (new-name (stream sb-sys:fd-stream))
54 (setf (sb-impl::fd-stream-truename stream) new-name))
55 (:method (new-name (stream file-simple-stream))
56 (with-stream-class (file-simple-stream stream)
57 (setf (sm truename stream) new-name))))
59 (fmakunbound 'stream-altname)
60 (defgeneric stream-altname (stream)
61 (:method ((stream sb-sys:fd-stream))
62 (sb-impl::fd-stream-altname stream))
63 (:method ((stream file-simple-stream))
64 (with-stream-class (file-simple-stream stream)
65 (sm altname stream))))
67 (fmakunbound '(setf stream-altname))
68 (defgeneric (setf stream-altname) (new-value stream)
69 (:method (new-name (stream sb-sys:fd-stream))
70 (setf (sb-impl::fd-stream-altname stream) new-name))
71 (:method (new-name (stream file-simple-stream))
72 (with-stream-class (file-simple-stream stream)
73 (setf (sm altname stream) new-name))))
75 (fmakunbound 'stream-owner-pid)
76 (defgeneric stream-owner-pid (stream)
77 (:method ((stream sb-sys:fd-stream))
78 (sb-impl::fd-stream-owner-pid stream))
79 (:method ((stream file-simple-stream))
80 (with-stream-class (file-simple-stream stream)
81 (sm owner-pid stream))))
83 (fmakunbound '(setf stream-owner-pid))
84 (defgeneric (setf stream-owner-pid) (new-value stream)
85 (:method (new-name (stream sb-sys:fd-stream))
86 (setf (sb-impl::fd-stream-owner-pid stream) new-name))
87 (:method (new-name (stream file-simple-stream))
88 (with-stream-class (file-simple-stream stream)
89 (setf (sm owner-pid stream) new-name))))
91 (fmakunbound 'stream-after-close)
92 (defgeneric stream-after-close (stream)
93 (:method ((stream sb-sys:fd-stream))
94 (sb-impl::fd-stream-after-close stream))
95 (:method ((stream file-simple-stream))
96 (with-stream-class (file-simple-stream stream)
97 (sm after-close stream))))
99 (fmakunbound '(setf stream-after-close))
100 (defgeneric (setf stream-after-close) (new-value stream)
101 (:method (new-name (stream sb-sys:fd-stream))
102 (setf (sb-impl::fd-stream-after-close stream) new-name))
103 (:method (new-name (stream file-simple-stream))
104 (with-stream-class (file-simple-stream stream)
105 (setf (sm after-close stream) new-name)))))
107 (def-stream-class mapped-file-simple-stream (file-simple-stream
108 direct-simple-stream)
111 (def-stream-class probe-simple-stream (simple-stream)
112 ((pathname :initform nil :initarg :pathname)))
114 (defmethod print-object ((object file-simple-stream) stream)
115 (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type nil :identity nil)
116 (with-stream-class (file-simple-stream object)
117 (cond ((not (any-stream-instance-flags object :simple))
118 (princ "Invalid " stream))
119 ((not (any-stream-instance-flags object :input :output))
120 (princ "Closed " stream)))
121 (format stream "~:(~A~) for ~S"
122 (type-of object) (sm filename object)))))
125 (sb-ext:with-unlocked-packages ("SB-IMPL")
126 (defun open-file-stream (stream options)
127 (let ((direction (getf options :direction :input))
128 (if-exists (getf options :if-exists))
129 (if-exists-given (not (eql (getf options :if-exists t) t)))
130 (if-does-not-exist (getf options :if-does-not-exist))
131 (if-does-not-exist-given (not (eql (getf options :if-does-not-exist t) t))))
132 (with-stream-class (file-simple-stream stream)
133 (ecase direction
134 (:input (add-stream-instance-flags stream :input))
135 (:output (add-stream-instance-flags stream :output))
136 (:io (add-stream-instance-flags stream :input :output)))
137 (cond ((and (sm input-handle stream) (sm output-handle stream)
138 (not (eql (sm input-handle stream)
139 (sm output-handle stream))))
140 (error "Input-Handle and Output-Handle can't be different."))
141 ((or (sm input-handle stream) (sm output-handle stream))
142 (add-stream-instance-flags stream :simple)
143 ;; get namestring, etc., from handle, if possible
144 ;; (i.e., if it's a stream)
145 ;; set up buffers
146 stream)
148 (let (*file-descriptor*) ;OPEN-FILE sets this
149 (declare (special *file-descriptor*))
150 (multiple-value-bind
151 (pathname truename altname input output
152 init-func close-func)
153 (open-file
154 (getf options :filename)
155 direction
156 (if if-does-not-exist-given
157 if-does-not-exist
158 'default)
159 (if if-exists-given
160 (case if-exists
161 ;; KLUDGE: circa 1.0.13, SB-SIMPLE-STREAMS
162 ;; did :APPEND as an O_RDWR opening followed
163 ;; by a reposition, but FD-STREAMS opened
164 ;; with O_APPEND.
165 ;(:append :overwrite)
166 (otherwise if-exists))
167 'default)
169 ;; OPEN-FILE doesn't care about the ELEMENT-TYPE,
170 ;; but in principle we might have to care about it
171 ;; eventually on Windows.
172 '(unsigned-byte 8)
173 (apply #'sb-sys:make-os-open-arguments options))
174 (declare (ignore input output))
175 (unwind-protect
176 (when *file-descriptor*
177 (add-stream-instance-flags stream :simple)
178 (setf (sm filename stream) pathname
179 (sm truename stream) truename
180 (sm altname stream) altname
181 (sm after-close stream) close-func
182 (sm owner-pid stream) (sb-posix:getpid))
183 (when (any-stream-instance-flags stream :input)
184 (setf (sm input-handle stream)
185 *file-descriptor*))
186 (when (any-stream-instance-flags stream :output)
187 (setf (sm output-handle stream)
188 *file-descriptor*))
189 (sb-ext:finalize stream
190 (lambda ()
191 (close-descriptor
192 *file-descriptor*)
193 (format
194 *terminal-io*
195 "~&;;; ** closed ~A (fd ~D)~%"
196 pathname
197 *file-descriptor*)))
198 (setf *file-descriptor* nil)
199 (when init-func
200 (handler-case (funcall init-func stream)
201 (error () (close stream :abort t))))
202 stream)
203 (when *file-descriptor*
204 (sb-posix:close *file-descriptor*)))))))))))
206 (defmethod device-open ((stream file-simple-stream) options)
207 (with-stream-class (file-simple-stream stream)
208 (when (open-file-stream stream options)
209 ;; Franz says:
210 ;; "The device-open method must be prepared to recognize resource
211 ;; and change-class situations. If no filename is specified in
212 ;; the options list, and if no input-handle or output-handle is
213 ;; given, then the input-handle and output-handle slots should
214 ;; be examined; if non-nil, that means the stream is still open,
215 ;; and thus the operation being requested of device-open is a
216 ;; change-class. Also, a device-open method need not allocate a
217 ;; buffer every time it is called, but may instead reuse a
218 ;; buffer it finds in a stream, if it does not become a security
219 ;; issue."
220 (unless (sm buffer stream)
221 (let ((length (device-buffer-length stream)))
222 (setf (sm buffer stream) (allocate-buffer length)
223 (sm buffpos stream) 0
224 (sm buffer-ptr stream) 0
225 (sm buf-len stream) length)))
226 (when (any-stream-instance-flags stream :output)
227 (setf (sm control-out stream) *std-control-out-table*))
228 (setf (stream-external-format stream)
229 (getf options :external-format :default))
230 stream)))
232 (defmethod device-close ((stream file-simple-stream) abort)
233 (when (open-stream-p stream)
234 (with-stream-class (file-simple-stream stream)
235 (let ((fd (or (sm input-handle stream) (sm output-handle stream))))
236 (when (sb-int:fixnump fd)
237 (close-descriptor fd
238 (lambda (fd errno)
239 (declare (ignore fd))
240 (sb-impl::simple-stream-perror
241 "failed to close() the descriptor in ~A"
242 stream errno)))
243 (do-after-close-actions stream abort))
244 (when (sm buffer stream)
245 (free-buffer (sm buffer stream))
246 (setf (sm buffer stream) nil)))))
249 (defmethod device-file-position ((stream file-simple-stream))
250 (with-stream-class (file-simple-stream stream)
251 (let ((fd (or (sm input-handle stream) (sm output-handle stream))))
252 (if (sb-int:fixnump fd)
253 (values (sb-unix:unix-lseek fd 0 sb-unix:l_incr))
254 (file-position fd)))))
256 (defmethod (setf device-file-position) (value (stream file-simple-stream))
257 (declare (type fixnum value))
258 (with-stream-class (file-simple-stream stream)
259 (let ((fd (or (sm input-handle stream) (sm output-handle stream))))
260 (if (sb-int:fixnump fd)
261 (values (sb-unix:unix-lseek fd
262 (if (minusp value) (1+ value) value)
263 (if (minusp value) sb-unix:l_xtnd sb-unix:l_set)))
264 (file-position fd value)))))
266 (defmethod device-file-length ((stream file-simple-stream))
267 (with-stream-class (file-simple-stream stream)
268 (let ((fd (or (sm input-handle stream) (sm output-handle stream))))
269 (if (sb-int:fixnump fd)
270 (multiple-value-bind (okay dev ino mode nlink uid gid rdev size)
271 (sb-unix:unix-fstat (sm input-handle stream))
272 (declare (ignore dev ino mode nlink uid gid rdev))
273 (if okay size nil))
274 (file-length fd)))))
276 (defmethod device-open ((stream mapped-file-simple-stream) options)
277 (with-stream-class (mapped-file-simple-stream stream)
278 (when (open-file-stream stream options)
279 (let* ((input (any-stream-instance-flags stream :input))
280 (output (any-stream-instance-flags stream :output))
281 (prot (logior (if input sb-posix::PROT-READ 0)
282 (if output sb-posix::PROT-WRITE 0)))
283 (fd (or (sm input-handle stream) (sm output-handle stream))))
284 (unless (sb-int:fixnump fd)
285 (error "Can't memory-map an encapsulated stream."))
286 (multiple-value-bind (okay dev ino mode nlink uid gid rdev size)
287 (sb-unix:unix-fstat fd)
288 (declare (ignore ino mode nlink uid gid rdev))
289 (unless okay
290 (sb-unix:unix-close fd)
291 (sb-ext:cancel-finalization stream)
292 (error "Error fstating ~S: ~A" stream
293 (sb-int:strerror dev)))
294 (when (>= size most-positive-fixnum)
295 ;; Or else BUF-LEN has to be a general integer, or
296 ;; maybe (unsigned-byte 32). In any case, this means
297 ;; BUF-MAX and BUF-PTR have to be the same, which means
298 ;; number-consing every time BUF-PTR moves...
299 ;; Probably don't have the address space available to map
300 ;; bigger files, anyway. Maybe DEVICE-READ can adjust
301 ;; the mapped portion of the file when necessary?
302 (warn "Unable to memory-map entire file.")
303 (setf size (1- most-positive-fixnum)))
304 (let ((buffer
305 (handler-case
306 (sb-posix:mmap nil size prot sb-posix::MAP-SHARED fd 0)
307 (sb-posix:syscall-error nil))))
308 (when (null buffer)
309 (sb-unix:unix-close fd)
310 (sb-ext:cancel-finalization stream)
311 (error "Unable to map file."))
312 (setf (sm buffer stream) buffer
313 (sm buffpos stream) 0
314 (sm buffer-ptr stream) size
315 (sm buf-len stream) size)
316 (when (any-stream-instance-flags stream :output)
317 (setf (sm control-out stream) *std-control-out-table*))
318 (let ((efmt (getf options :external-format :default)))
319 (compose-encapsulating-streams stream efmt)
320 (setf (stream-external-format stream) efmt)
321 ;; overwrite the strategy installed in :after method of
322 ;; (setf stream-external-format)
323 (install-single-channel-character-strategy
324 (melding-stream stream) efmt 'mapped))
325 (sb-ext:finalize stream
326 (lambda ()
327 (sb-posix:munmap buffer size)
328 (format *terminal-io* "~&;;; ** unmapped ~S" buffer))))))
329 stream)))
332 (defmethod device-close ((stream mapped-file-simple-stream) abort)
333 (with-stream-class (mapped-file-simple-stream stream)
334 (when (sm buffer stream)
335 (sb-posix:munmap (sm buffer stream) (sm buf-len stream))
336 (setf (sm buffer stream) nil))
337 (sb-unix:unix-close (or (sm input-handle stream) (sm output-handle stream))))
340 (defmethod device-write ((stream mapped-file-simple-stream) buffer
341 start end blocking)
342 (assert (eq buffer :flush) (buffer)) ; finish/force-output
343 (with-stream-class (mapped-file-simple-stream stream)
344 (sb-posix:msync (sm buffer stream) (sm buf-len stream)
345 (if blocking sb-posix::ms-sync sb-posix::ms-async))))
347 (defmethod device-open ((stream probe-simple-stream) options)
348 (let ((pathname (getf options :filename)))
349 (with-stream-class (probe-simple-stream stream)
350 (add-stream-instance-flags stream :simple)
351 (when (sb-unix:unix-access (sb-int:unix-namestring pathname nil) sb-unix:f_ok)
352 (setf (sm filename stream) pathname)
353 t))))