Remove sign-extend arg to LLVMConstInt calls.
[sbcl/llvm.git] / llvm / compile.lisp
1 (in-package :sb-c)
3 (defun compile-component-to-ir1 (component)
5 ;; miscellaneous sanity checks
6 ;;
7 ;; FIXME: These are basically pretty wimpy compared to the checks done
8 ;; by the old CHECK-IR1-CONSISTENCY code. It would be really nice to
9 ;; make those internal consistency checks work again and use them.
10 (aver-live-component component)
11 (do-blocks (block component)
12 (aver (eql (block-component block) component)))
13 (dolist (lambda (component-lambdas component))
14 ;; sanity check to prevent weirdness from propagating insidiously as
15 ;; far from its root cause as it did in bug 138: Make sure that
16 ;; thing-to-COMPONENT links are consistent.
17 (aver (eql (lambda-component lambda) component))
18 (aver (eql (node-component (lambda-bind lambda)) component)))
20 (let* ((*component-being-compiled* component))
22 ;; Record xref information before optimization. This way the
23 ;; stored xref data reflects the real source as closely as
24 ;; possible.
25 (record-component-xrefs component)
27 (ir1-phases component)
29 (when *loop-analyze*
30 (dfo-as-needed component)
31 (find-dominators component)
32 (loop-analyze component))
35 (when (and *loop-analyze* *compiler-trace-output*)
36 (labels ((print-blocks (block)
37 (format *compiler-trace-output* " ~A~%" block)
38 (when (block-loop-next block)
39 (print-blocks (block-loop-next block))))
40 (print-loop (loop)
41 (format *compiler-trace-output* "loop=~A~%" loop)
42 (print-blocks (loop-blocks loop))
43 (dolist (l (loop-inferiors loop))
44 (print-loop l))))
45 (print-loop (component-outer-loop component))))
48 ;; FIXME: What is MAYBE-MUMBLE for? Do we need it any more?
49 (maybe-mumble "env ")
50 (physenv-analyze component)
51 (dfo-as-needed component)
53 (delete-if-no-entries component)
55 ; (unless (eq (block-next (component-head component))
56 ; (component-tail component))
57 ; (%compile-component component)))
60 component)
62 (defun %compile-to-ir1 (lambda-expression
63 *compile-object*
64 &key
65 name
66 (path
67 ;; This magical idiom seems to be the appropriate
68 ;; path for compiling standalone LAMBDAs, judging
69 ;; from the CMU CL code and experiment, so it's a
70 ;; nice default for things where we don't have a
71 ;; real source path (as in e.g. inside CL:COMPILE).
72 '(original-source-start 0 0)))
73 (when name
74 (legal-fun-name-or-type-error name))
75 (let* ((*lexenv* (make-lexenv
76 :policy *policy*
77 :handled-conditions *handled-conditions*
78 :disabled-package-locks *disabled-package-locks*))
79 (*compiler-sset-counter* 0)
80 (fun (make-functional-from-toplevel-lambda lambda-expression
81 :name name
82 :path path)))
83 (locall-analyze-clambdas-until-done (list fun))
85 (let ((components-from-dfo (find-initial-dfo (list fun))))
86 (map 'list 'compile-component-to-ir1 components-from-dfo))))
88 (defun cleanup-after-compile-to-ir1 (components-from-dfo)
89 (clear-constant-info)
90 (mapc #'clear-ir1-info components-from-dfo)
91 (clear-stuff))
94 (defun compile-to-ir1 (name definition &optional (*lexenv* (make-null-lexenv)))
95 (with-compilation-values
96 (with-compilation-unit ()
97 ;; FIXME: These bindings were copied from SUB-COMPILE-FILE with
98 ;; few changes. Once things are stable, the shared bindings
99 ;; probably be merged back together into some shared utility
100 ;; macro, or perhaps both merged into one of the existing utility
103 (let* (;; FIXME: Do we need the *INFO-ENVIRONMENT* rebinding
104 ;; here? It's a literal translation of the old CMU CL
105 ;; rebinding to (OR *BACKEND-INFO-ENVIRONMENT*
106 ;; *INFO-ENVIRONMENT*), and it's not obvious whether the
107 ;; rebinding to itself is needed now that SBCL doesn't
109 (*info-environment* *info-environment*)
110 (form (get-lambda-to-compile definition))
111 (*source-info* (make-lisp-source-info form :parent *source-info*))
112 (*toplevel-lambdas* ())
113 (*block-compile* nil)
114 (*allow-instrumenting* nil)
115 (*code-coverage-records* nil)
116 (*code-coverage-blocks* nil)
117 (*compiler-error-bailout*
118 (lambda (&optional error)
119 (declare (ignore error))
120 (compiler-mumble
121 "~2&fatal error, aborting compilation~%")
122 (return-from compile-to-ir1 (values nil t nil))))
123 (*current-path* nil)
124 (*last-source-context* nil)
125 (*last-original-source* nil)
126 (*last-source-form* nil)
127 (*last-format-string* nil)
128 (*last-format-args* nil)
129 (*last-message-count* 0)
130 (*last-error-context* nil)
131 (*gensym-counter* 0)
132 ;; KLUDGE: This rebinding of policy is necessary so that
133 ;; forms such as LOCALLY at the REPL actually extend the
134 ;; compilation policy correctly. However, there is an
135 ;; invariant that is potentially violated: future
136 ;; refactoring must not allow this to be done in the file
137 ;; compiler. At the moment we're clearly alright, as we
138 ;; call %COMPILE with a core-object, not a fasl-stream,
139 ;; but caveat future maintainers. -- CSR, 2002-10-27
140 (*policy* (lexenv-policy *lexenv*))
141 ;; see above
142 (*handled-conditions* (lexenv-handled-conditions *lexenv*))
143 ;; ditto
144 (*disabled-package-locks* (lexenv-disabled-package-locks *lexenv*))
145 ;; FIXME: ANSI doesn't say anything about CL:COMPILE
146 ;; interacting with these variables, so we shouldn't. As
147 ;; of SBCL 0.6.7, COMPILE-FILE controls its verbosity by
148 ;; binding these variables, so as a quick hack we do so
149 ;; too. But a proper implementation would have verbosity
150 ;; controlled by function arguments and lexical variables.
151 (*compile-verbose* nil)
152 (*compile-print* nil))
153 (handler-bind (((satisfies handle-condition-p) #'handle-condition-handler))
154 (clear-stuff)
155 (find-source-paths form 0)
156 (%compile-to-ir1 form (make-core-object)
157 :name name
158 :path '(original-source-start 0 0)))))))