Some LLVM hacks.
[sbcl/llvm.git] / llvm / llvm.lisp
1 ;; HACK! make sigabrt not abort.
2 (cffi:defcfun "undoably_install_low_level_interrupt_handler" :void
3 (signal :int)
4 (handler :pointer))
6 (undoably-install-low-level-interrupt-handler 6 (cffi:null-pointer))
8 (defun sigabrt-handler (signal info context)
9 (declare (ignore signal info))
10 (declare (type system-area-pointer context))
11 (sb-sys:with-interrupts
12 (error "sigabrt at #X~X"
13 (with-alien ((context (* sb-sys:os-context-t) context))
14 (sb-sys:sap-int (sb-vm:context-pc context))))))
15 (sb-sys:enable-interrupt sb-posix:sigabrt #'sigabrt-handler)
19 (defun LispObjType ()
20 (LLVMInt64TypeInContext *llvm-context*))
22 (defun define-support-fns (mod)
23 (LLVMAddFunction mod "call_into_lisp"
24 (LLVMFunctionType* (LispObjType) (list (LispObjType) (LLVMPointerType (LispObjType) 0) (LLVMInt32TypeInContext *llvm-context*)) 0))
26 ; (LLVMAddGlobal mod (LLVMFunctionType* (LispObjType) (list (LLVMPointerType (LispObjType) 0)) 0)
27 ; "call_into_lisp"))
28 ; (CLLLVM_LLVMParseAssemblyString
29 ;"declare i64 @call_into_lisp(i64, i64*, i32)
31 ; *jit-module* *llvm-context*))
33 ;; Do it now!
34 (define-support-fns *jit-module*)
35 (LLVMDumpModule *jit-module*)
37 (defvar *lambda-var-hash*)
39 (defun llvm-compile (lambda)
40 (let* ((component (first (sb-c::compile-to-ir1 nil lambda)))
41 (fun (second (sb-c::component-lambdas component))))
42 (build-function fun *jit-module-provider*)))
44 (defun build-function (fun mod-provider)
45 (let* ((mod (CLLLVM_LLVMModuleProviderGetModule mod-provider))
46 (n-args (length (sb-c::lambda-vars fun)))
47 (fun-args (loop for n from 0 below n-args
48 collect (LispObjType)))
49 (llfun (LLVMAddFunction mod "anonymous"
50 (LLVMFunctionType*
51 (LispObjType)
52 fun-args
53 0)))
54 ;; From lambda-var -> llvm var
55 (*lambda-var-hash* (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
56 ; (block-hash (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
57 (builder (LLVMCreateBuilderInContext *llvm-context*)))
58 (LLVMSetFunctionCallConv llfun (cffi:foreign-enum-value 'LLVMCallConv :LLVMCCallConv))
59 (loop for node in (sb-c::lambda-vars fun)
60 for n from 0
62 (setf (gethash node *lambda-var-hash*) (LLVMGetParam llfun n)))
64 (let ((block (sb-c::ctran-block (sb-c::node-prev (sb-c::lambda-bind fun)))))
65 (sb-c::do-blocks (block (sb-c::block-component block) :both)
66 (setf (sb-c::block-flag block) nil))
67 (labels ((walk (block)
68 (unless (sb-c::block-flag block)
69 (setf (sb-c::block-flag block) t)
70 (when (sb-c::block-start block)
71 (build-block llfun builder block))
72 (dolist (block (sb-c::block-succ block))
73 (walk block)))))
74 (walk block)))
76 (LLVMDumpValue llfun)
77 llfun))
79 ;; Run the code!
80 (defun run-fun (fun a b c)
81 (let ((fun-ptr (LLVMGetPointerToGlobal *jit-execution-engine* fun)))
82 (cffi:foreign-funcall-pointer fun-ptr () :int64 a :int64 b :int64 c :int64)))
84 (defun build-block (llfun builder block)
85 (format t "block start~%")
86 (let ((llblock (LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext *llvm-context* llfun "blockname")))
87 (LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd builder llblock)
88 (do ((ctran (sb-c::block-start block) (sb-c::node-next (sb-c::ctran-next ctran))))
89 ((not ctran))
90 (let ((node (sb-c::ctran-next ctran)))
91 (format t "~s~%" node)
92 (etypecase node
93 ;; Don't do anything; this is entirely superfluous.
94 (sb-c::bind nil)
95 (sb-c::ref (llvm-convert-ref llfun builder node))
96 (sb-c::combination (llvm-convert-combination llfun builder node))
97 (sb-c::creturn (llvm-convert-return llfun builder node)))
98 ))))
100 ;;; Convert a REF node. The reference must not be delayed.
101 (defun llvm-convert-ref (llfun builder node)
102 (declare (type sb-c::ref node))
103 (let* ((lvar (sb-c::node-lvar node))
104 (leaf (sb-c::ref-leaf node)))
105 (etypecase leaf
106 (sb-c::lambda-var
107 (let ((llvm-var (gethash leaf *lambda-var-hash*)))
108 (if (sb-c::lambda-var-indirect leaf)
109 FIXME #|(vop value-cell-ref node block tn res)|#
110 (setf (sb-c::lvar-info lvar) llvm-var))))
111 (sb-c::constant
112 FIXME #|(emit-move node block (constant-tn leaf) res)|#)
113 (sb-c::functional
114 FIXME #|(ir2-convert-closure node block leaf res)|#)
115 (sb-c::global-var
117 #|(let ((unsafe (policy node (zerop safety)))
118 (name (leaf-source-name leaf)))
119 (ecase (global-var-kind leaf)
120 ((:special :unknown)
121 (aver (symbolp name))
122 (let ((name-tn (emit-constant name)))
123 (if (or unsafe (info :variable :always-bound name))
124 (vop fast-symbol-value node block name-tn res)
125 (vop symbol-value node block name-tn res))))
126 (:global
127 (aver (symbolp name))
128 (let ((name-tn (emit-constant name)))
129 (if (or unsafe (info :variable :always-bound name))
130 (vop fast-symbol-global-value node block name-tn res)
131 (vop symbol-global-value node block name-tn res))))
132 (:global-function
133 (let ((fdefn-tn (make-load-time-constant-tn :fdefinition name)))
134 (if unsafe
135 (vop fdefn-fun node block fdefn-tn res)
136 (vop safe-fdefn-fun node block fdefn-tn res))))))|#)
138 (values))
140 (defun llvmconstify (type list)
141 (map 'list (lambda (x) (LLVMConstInt type x 0))
142 list))
144 (defun llvm-convert-combination (llfun builder node)
145 (let* ((lvar (sb-c::node-lvar node))
146 (arg-count (length (sb-c::combination-args node)))
147 (arg-count-llc (LLVMConstInt (LLVMInt32TypeInContext *llvm-context*) arg-count 0))
148 (arg-mem (LLVMBuildArrayAlloca builder (LispObjType)
149 arg-count-llc "CIL-array")))
150 ; (setf (sb-c::lvar-info lvar) (sb-c::lvar-info (sb-c::combination-fun node)))
151 ; (return-from llvm-convert-combination nil)
152 (loop for arg in (sb-c::combination-args node)
153 for n from 0
155 (let ((GEP (LLVMBuildGEP* builder arg-mem (llvmconstify (LLVMInt32TypeInContext *llvm-context*) (list n)))))
156 (LLVMBuildStore builder (sb-c::lvar-info arg) GEP)))
158 ; pass array as pointer to first element.
159 (let* ((arg-mem-ptr (LLVMBuildGEP* builder arg-mem (llvmconstify (LLVMInt32TypeInContext *llvm-context*) (list 0))))
160 (call-into-lisp (LLVMGetNamedFunction *jit-module* "call_into_lisp"))
161 (callee (sb-c::lvar-info (sb-c::combination-fun node))))
162 (when (cffi:pointer-eq (cffi:null-pointer) call-into-lisp)
163 (error "call-into-lisp not found!"))
164 (setf (sb-c::lvar-info lvar)
165 (LLVMBuildCall* builder call-into-lisp (list callee arg-mem-ptr arg-count-llc) "call_into_lisp")))))
167 (defun llvm-convert-return (llfun builder node)
168 (LLVMBuildRet builder (sb-c::lvar-info (sb-c::return-result node))))
173 (defun print-nodes (fun block)
174 (do ((ctran (block-start block) (node-next (ctran-next ctran))))
175 ((not ctran))
176 (let ((node (ctran-next ctran)))
177 (format t "~3D>~:[ ~;~:*~3D:~] "
178 (cont-num ctran)
179 (when (and (valued-node-p node) (node-lvar node))
180 (cont-num (node-lvar node))))
181 (etypecase node
182 (ref (print-leaf (ref-leaf node)))
183 (basic-combination
184 (let ((kind (basic-combination-kind node)))
185 (format t "~(~A~A ~A~) "
186 (if (node-tail-p node) "tail " "")
187 kind
188 (type-of node))
189 (print-lvar (basic-combination-fun node))
190 (dolist (arg (basic-combination-args node))
191 (if arg
192 (print-lvar arg)
193 (format t "<none> ")))))
194 (cset
195 (write-string "set ")
196 (print-leaf (set-var node))
197 (write-char #\space)
198 (print-lvar (set-value node)))
199 (cif
200 (write-string "if ")
201 (print-lvar (if-test node))
202 (print-ctran (block-start (if-consequent node)))
203 (print-ctran (block-start (if-alternative node))))
204 (bind
205 (write-string "bind ")
206 (print-leaf (bind-lambda node))
207 (when (functional-kind (bind-lambda node))
208 (format t " ~S ~S" :kind (functional-kind (bind-lambda node)))))
209 (creturn
210 (write-string "return ")
211 (print-lvar (return-result node))
212 (print-leaf (return-lambda node)))
213 (entry
214 (let ((cleanup (entry-cleanup node)))
215 (case (cleanup-kind cleanup)
216 ((:dynamic-extent)
217 (format t "entry DX~{ v~D~}"
218 (mapcar (lambda (lvar-or-cell)
219 (if (consp lvar-or-cell)
220 (cons (car lvar-or-cell)
221 (cont-num (cdr lvar-or-cell)))
222 (cont-num lvar-or-cell)))
223 (cleanup-info cleanup))))
225 (format t "entry ~S" (entry-exits node))))))
226 (exit
227 (let ((value (exit-value node)))
228 (cond (value
229 (format t "exit ")
230 (print-lvar value))
231 ((exit-entry node)
232 (format t "exit <no value>"))
234 (format t "exit <degenerate>")))))
235 (cast
236 (let ((value (cast-value node)))
237 (format t "cast v~D ~A[~S -> ~S]" (cont-num value)
238 (if (cast-%type-check node) #\+ #\-)
239 (cast-type-to-check node)
240 (cast-asserted-type node)))))
241 (pprint-newline :mandatory)))