Add very hacky symbol constant support and function calling.
[sbcl/llvm.git] / src / code / early-print.lisp
1 ;;;; printer stuff which has to be defined early (e.g. DEFMACROs)
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
12 (in-package "SB!IMPL")
14 ;;;; level and length abbreviations
16 ;;; The current level we are printing at, to be compared against
17 ;;; *PRINT-LEVEL*. See the macro DESCEND-INTO for a handy interface to
18 ;;; depth abbreviation.
19 (defvar *current-level-in-print* 0)
21 ;;; Automatically handle *PRINT-LEVEL* abbreviation. If we are too
22 ;;; deep, then a #\# is printed to STREAM and BODY is ignored.
23 (defmacro descend-into ((stream) &body body)
24 (let ((flet-name (sb!xc:gensym "DESCEND")))
25 `(flet ((,flet-name ()
26 ,@body))
27 (cond ((and (null *print-readably*)
28 *print-level*
29 (>= *current-level-in-print* *print-level*))
30 (write-char #\# ,stream))
32 (let ((*current-level-in-print* (1+ *current-level-in-print*)))
33 (,flet-name)))))))
35 ;;; Punt if INDEX is equal or larger then *PRINT-LENGTH* (and
36 ;;; *PRINT-READABLY* is NIL) by outputting \"...\" and returning from
37 ;;; the block named NIL.
38 (defmacro punt-print-if-too-long (index stream)
39 `(when (and (not *print-readably*)
40 *print-length*
41 (>= ,index *print-length*))
42 (write-string "..." ,stream)
43 (return)))
46 ;;;; circularity detection stuff
48 ;;; When *PRINT-CIRCLE* is T, this gets bound to a hash table that
49 ;;; (eventually) ends up with entries for every object printed. When
50 ;;; we are initially looking for circularities, we enter a T when we
51 ;;; find an object for the first time, and a 0 when we encounter an
52 ;;; object a second time around. When we are actually printing, the 0
53 ;;; entries get changed to the actual marker value when they are first
54 ;;; printed.
55 (defvar *circularity-hash-table* nil)
57 ;;; When NIL, we are just looking for circularities. After we have
58 ;;; found them all, this gets bound to 0. Then whenever we need a new
59 ;;; marker, it is incremented.
60 (defvar *circularity-counter* nil)
62 ;;; Check to see whether OBJECT is a circular reference, and return
63 ;;; something non-NIL if it is. If ASSIGN is true, reference
64 ;;; bookkeeping will only be done for existing entries, no new
65 ;;; references will be recorded. If ASSIGN is true, then the number to
66 ;;; use in the #n= and #n# noise is assigned at this time.
67 ;;;
68 ;;; Note: CHECK-FOR-CIRCULARITY must be called *exactly* once with
69 ;;; ASSIGN true, or the circularity detection noise will get confused
70 ;;; about when to use #n= and when to use #n#. If this returns non-NIL
71 ;;; when ASSIGN is true, then you must call HANDLE-CIRCULARITY on it.
72 ;;; If CHECK-FOR-CIRCULARITY returns :INITIATE as the second value,
73 ;;; you need to initiate the circularity detection noise, e.g. bind
74 ;;; *CIRCULARITY-HASH-TABLE* and *CIRCULARITY-COUNTER* to suitable values
75 ;;; (see #'OUTPUT-OBJECT for an example).
76 ;;;
77 ;;; Circularity detection is done in two places, OUTPUT-OBJECT and
79 ;;; These checks aren't really redundant (at least I can't really see
80 ;;; a clean way of getting by with the checks in only one of the places).
81 ;;; This causes problems when mixed with pprint-dispatching; an object is
82 ;;; marked as visited in OUTPUT-OBJECT, dispatched to a pretty printer
83 ;;; that uses PPRINT-LOGICAL-BLOCK (directly or indirectly), leading to
84 ;;; output like #1=#1#. The MODE parameter is used for detecting and
85 ;;; correcting this problem.
86 (defun check-for-circularity (object &optional assign (mode t))
87 (cond ((null *print-circle*)
88 ;; Don't bother, nobody cares.
89 nil)
90 ((null *circularity-hash-table*)
91 (values nil :initiate))
92 ((null *circularity-counter*)
93 (ecase (gethash object *circularity-hash-table*)
94 ((nil)
95 ;; first encounter
96 (setf (gethash object *circularity-hash-table*) mode)
97 ;; We need to keep looking.
98 nil)
99 ((:logical-block)
100 (setf (gethash object *circularity-hash-table*)
101 :logical-block-circular)
103 ((t)
104 (cond ((eq mode :logical-block)
105 ;; We've seen the object before in output-object, and now
106 ;; a second time in a PPRINT-LOGICAL-BLOCK (for example
107 ;; via pprint-dispatch). Don't mark it as circular yet.
108 (setf (gethash object *circularity-hash-table*)
109 :logical-block)
110 nil)
112 ;; second encounter
113 (setf (gethash object *circularity-hash-table*) 0)
114 ;; It's a circular reference.
115 t)))
116 ((0 :logical-block-circular)
117 ;; It's a circular reference.
118 t)))
120 (let ((value (gethash object *circularity-hash-table*)))
121 (case value
122 ((nil t :logical-block)
123 ;; If NIL, we found an object that wasn't there the
124 ;; first time around. If T or :LOGICAL-BLOCK, this
125 ;; object appears exactly once. Either way, just print
126 ;; the thing without any special processing. Note: you
127 ;; might argue that finding a new object means that
128 ;; something is broken, but this can happen. If someone
129 ;; uses the ~@<...~:> format directive, it conses a new
130 ;; list each time though format (i.e. the &REST list),
131 ;; so we will have different cdrs.
132 nil)
133 ;; A circular reference to something that will be printed
134 ;; as a logical block. Wait until we're called from
135 ;; PPRINT-LOGICAL-BLOCK with ASSIGN true before assigning the
136 ;; number.
138 ;; If mode is :LOGICAL-BLOCK and assign is false, return true
139 ;; to indicate that this object is circular, but don't assign
140 ;; it a number yet. This is neccessary for cases like
141 ;; #1=(#2=(#2# . #3=(#1# . #3#))))).
142 (:logical-block-circular
143 (cond ((and (not assign)
144 (eq mode :logical-block))
146 ((and assign
147 (eq mode :logical-block))
148 (let ((value (incf *circularity-counter*)))
149 ;; first occurrence of this object: Set the counter.
150 (setf (gethash object *circularity-hash-table*) value)
151 value))
153 nil)))
155 (if (eq assign t)
156 (let ((value (incf *circularity-counter*)))
157 ;; first occurrence of this object: Set the counter.
158 (setf (gethash object *circularity-hash-table*) value)
159 value)
162 ;; second or later occurrence
163 (- value)))))))
165 ;;; Handle the results of CHECK-FOR-CIRCULARITY. If this returns T then
166 ;;; you should go ahead and print the object. If it returns NIL, then
167 ;;; you should blow it off.
168 (defun handle-circularity (marker stream)
169 (case marker
170 (:initiate
171 ;; Someone forgot to initiate circularity detection.
172 (let ((*print-circle* nil))
173 (error "trying to use CHECK-FOR-CIRCULARITY when ~
174 circularity checking isn't initiated")))
175 ((t :logical-block)
176 ;; It's a second (or later) reference to the object while we are
177 ;; just looking. So don't bother groveling it again.
178 nil)
180 (write-char #\# stream)
181 (let ((*print-base* 10) (*print-radix* nil))
182 (cond ((minusp marker)
183 (output-integer (- marker) stream)
184 (write-char #\# stream)
185 nil)
187 (output-integer marker stream)
188 (write-char #\= stream)
189 t))))))
191 (defmacro with-circularity-detection ((object stream) &body body)
192 (with-unique-names (marker body-name)
193 `(labels ((,body-name ()
194 ,@body))
195 (cond ((not *print-circle*)
196 (,body-name))
197 (*circularity-hash-table*
198 (let ((,marker (check-for-circularity ,object t :logical-block)))
199 (if ,marker
200 (when (handle-circularity ,marker ,stream)
201 (,body-name))
202 (,body-name))))
204 (let ((*circularity-hash-table* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
205 (output-object ,object (make-broadcast-stream))
206 (let ((*circularity-counter* 0))
207 (let ((,marker (check-for-circularity ,object t
208 :logical-block)))
209 (when ,marker
210 (handle-circularity ,marker ,stream)))
211 (,body-name))))))))