Add very hacky symbol constant support and function calling.
[sbcl/llvm.git] / tests / compare-and-swap.impure.lisp
1 ;;; Basics
3 (defstruct xxx yyy)
5 (macrolet ((test (init op)
6 `(let ((x ,init)
7 (y (list 'foo))
8 (z (list 'bar)))
9 (assert (eql nil (compare-and-swap (,op x) nil y)))
10 (assert (eql y (compare-and-swap (,op x) nil z)))
11 (assert (eql y (,op x)))
12 (let ((x "foo"))
13 (multiple-value-bind (res err)
14 (ignore-errors (compare-and-swap (,op x) nil nil))
15 (assert (not res))
16 (assert (typep err 'type-error)))))))
17 (test (cons nil :no) car)
18 (test (cons nil :no) first)
19 (test (cons :no nil) cdr)
20 (test (cons :no nil) rest)
21 (test '.foo. symbol-plist)
22 (test (progn (set '.bar. nil) '.bar.) symbol-value)
23 (test (make-xxx) xxx-yyy))
25 (defvar *foo*)
27 ;;; thread-local bindings
29 (let ((*foo* 42))
30 (let ((*foo* nil))
31 (assert (eql nil (compare-and-swap (symbol-value '*foo*) nil t)))
32 (assert (eql t (compare-and-swap (symbol-value '*foo*) nil :foo)))
33 (assert (eql t *foo*)))
34 (assert (eql 42 *foo*)))
36 ;;; unbound symbols + symbol-value
38 (assert (not (boundp '*foo*)))
40 (multiple-value-bind (res err)
41 (ignore-errors (compare-and-swap (symbol-value '*foo*) nil t))
42 (assert (not res))
43 (assert (typep err 'unbound-variable)))
45 (defvar *bar* t)
47 (let ((*bar* nil))
48 (makunbound '*bar*)
49 (multiple-value-bind (res err)
50 (ignore-errors (compare-and-swap (symbol-value '*bar*) nil t))
51 (assert (not res))
52 (assert (typep err 'unbound-variable))))
54 ;;; SVREF
56 (defvar *v* (vector 1))
58 ;; basics
59 (assert (eql 1 (compare-and-swap (svref *v* 0) 1 2)))
60 (assert (eql 2 (compare-and-swap (svref *v* 0) 1 3)))
61 (assert (eql 2 (svref *v* 0)))
63 ;; bounds
64 (multiple-value-bind (res err)
65 (ignore-errors (compare-and-swap (svref *v* -1) 1 2))
66 (assert (not res))
67 (assert (typep err 'type-error)))
68 (multiple-value-bind (res err)
69 (ignore-errors (compare-and-swap (svref *v* 1) 1 2))
70 (assert (not res))
71 (assert (typep err 'type-error)))
73 ;; type of the first argument
74 (multiple-value-bind (res err)
75 (ignore-errors (compare-and-swap (svref "foo" 1) 1 2))
76 (assert (not res))
77 (assert (typep err 'type-error)))
79 ;; Check that we don't modify constants
80 (defconstant +a-constant+ 42)
81 (assert
82 (eq :error
83 (handler-case
84 (sb-ext:compare-and-swap (symbol-value '+a-constant+) 42 13)
85 (error () :error))))
86 (let ((name '+a-constant+))
87 (assert
88 (eq :error
89 (handler-case
90 (sb-ext:compare-and-swap (symbol-value name) 42 13)
91 (error () :error)))))
93 ;; Check that we don't mess declaimed types
94 (declaim (boolean *a-boolean*))
95 (defparameter *a-boolean* t)
96 (assert
97 (eq :error
98 (handler-case
99 (sb-ext:compare-and-swap (symbol-value '*a-boolean*) t 42)
100 (error () :error))))
101 (let ((name '*a-boolean*))
102 (assert
103 (eq :error
104 (handler-case
105 (sb-ext:compare-and-swap (symbol-value name) t 42)
106 (error () :error)))))
108 ;;;; ATOMIC-INCF (we should probably rename this file atomic-ops...)
110 (defstruct box
111 (word 0 :type sb-vm:word))
113 (defun inc-box (box n)
114 (declare (fixnum n) (box box))
115 (loop repeat n
116 do (sb-ext:atomic-incf (box-word box))))
118 (defun dec-box (box n)
119 (declare (fixnum n) (box box))
120 (loop repeat n
121 do (sb-ext:atomic-incf (box-word box) -1)))
123 (let ((box (make-box)))
124 (inc-box box 10000)
125 (assert (= 10000 (box-word box)))
126 (dec-box box 10000)
127 (assert (= 0 (box-word box))))
129 #+sb-thread
130 (let* ((box (make-box))
131 (threads (loop repeat 64
132 collect (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda ()
133 (inc-box box 1000)
134 (dec-box box 10000)
135 (inc-box box 10000)
136 (dec-box box 1000))
137 :name "inc/dec thread"))))
138 (mapc #'sb-thread:join-thread threads)
139 (assert (= 0 (box-word box))))