[sbcl/smoofra.git] / src / compiler / constraint.lisp
1 ;;;; This file implements the constraint propagation phase of the
2 ;;;; compiler, which uses global flow analysis to obtain dynamic type
3 ;;;; information.
5 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
6 ;;;; more information.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
9 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
10 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
11 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
12 ;;;; files for more information.
14 ;;; TODO:
15 ;;;
16 ;;; -- documentation
17 ;;;
20 ;;; Problems:
21 ;;;
22 ;;; -- Constraint propagation badly interacts with bottom-up type
23 ;;; inference. Consider
24 ;;;
25 ;;; (defun foo (n &aux (i 42))
26 ;;; (declare (optimize speed))
27 ;;; (declare (fixnum n)
28 ;;; #+nil (type (integer 0) i))
29 ;;; (tagbody
30 ;;; (setq i 0)
31 ;;; :loop
32 ;;; (when (>= i n) (go :exit))
33 ;;; (setq i (1+ i))
34 ;;; (go :loop)
35 ;;; :exit))
36 ;;;
37 ;;; In this case CP cannot even infer that I is of class INTEGER.
38 ;;;
39 ;;; -- In the above example if we place the check after SETQ, CP will
40 ;;; fail to infer (< I FIXNUM): is does not understand that this
41 ;;; constraint follows from (TYPEP I (INTEGER 0 0)).
43 ;;; BUGS:
44 ;;;
45 ;;; -- this code does not check whether SET appears between REF and a
46 ;;; test (bug 233b)
48 (in-package "SB!C")
50 (defstruct (constraint
51 (:include sset-element)
52 (:constructor make-constraint (number kind x y not-p))
53 (:copier nil))
54 ;; the kind of constraint we have:
56 ;; TYPEP
57 ;; X is a LAMBDA-VAR and Y is a CTYPE. The value of X is
58 ;; constrained to be of type Y.
60 ;; > or <
61 ;; X is a lambda-var and Y is a CTYPE. The relation holds
62 ;; between X and some object of type Y.
64 ;; EQL
65 ;; X is a LAMBDA-VAR Y is a LAMBDA-VAR or a CONSTANT. The
66 ;; relation is asserted to hold.
67 (kind nil :type (member typep < > eql))
68 ;; The operands to the relation.
69 (x nil :type lambda-var)
70 (y nil :type (or ctype lambda-var constant))
71 ;; If true, negates the sense of the constraint, so the relation
72 ;; does *not* hold.
73 (not-p nil :type boolean))
75 (defvar *constraint-number*)
77 ;;; Return a constraint for the specified arguments. We only create a
78 ;;; new constraint if there isn't already an equivalent old one,
79 ;;; guaranteeing that all equivalent constraints are EQ. This
80 ;;; shouldn't be called on LAMBDA-VARs with no CONSTRAINTS set.
81 (defun find-constraint (kind x y not-p)
82 (declare (type lambda-var x) (type (or constant lambda-var ctype) y)
83 (type boolean not-p))
84 (or (etypecase y
85 (ctype
86 (do-sset-elements (con (lambda-var-constraints x) nil)
87 (when (and (eq (constraint-kind con) kind)
88 (eq (constraint-not-p con) not-p)
89 (type= (constraint-y con) y))
90 (return con))))
91 (constant
92 (do-sset-elements (con (lambda-var-constraints x) nil)
93 (when (and (eq (constraint-kind con) kind)
94 (eq (constraint-not-p con) not-p)
95 (eq (constraint-y con) y))
96 (return con))))
97 (lambda-var
98 (do-sset-elements (con (lambda-var-constraints x) nil)
99 (when (and (eq (constraint-kind con) kind)
100 (eq (constraint-not-p con) not-p)
101 (let ((cx (constraint-x con)))
102 (eq (if (eq cx x)
103 (constraint-y con)
105 y)))
106 (return con)))))
107 (let ((new (make-constraint (incf *constraint-number*) kind x y not-p)))
108 (sset-adjoin new (lambda-var-constraints x))
109 (when (lambda-var-p y)
110 (sset-adjoin new (lambda-var-constraints y)))
111 new)))
113 ;;; If REF is to a LAMBDA-VAR with CONSTRAINTs (i.e. we can do flow
114 ;;; analysis on it), then return the LAMBDA-VAR, otherwise NIL.
115 #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline ok-ref-lambda-var))
116 (defun ok-ref-lambda-var (ref)
117 (declare (type ref ref))
118 (let ((leaf (ref-leaf ref)))
119 (when (and (lambda-var-p leaf)
120 (lambda-var-constraints leaf))
121 leaf)))
123 ;;; If LVAR's USE is a REF, then return OK-REF-LAMBDA-VAR of the USE,
124 ;;; otherwise NIL.
125 #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline ok-lvar-lambda-var))
126 (defun ok-lvar-lambda-var (lvar)
127 (declare (type lvar lvar))
128 (let ((use (lvar-uses lvar)))
129 (when (ref-p use)
130 (ok-ref-lambda-var use))))
132 ;;;; Searching constraints
134 ;;; Add the indicated test constraint to BLOCK, marking the block as
135 ;;; having a new assertion when the constriant was not already
136 ;;; present. We don't add the constraint if the block has multiple
137 ;;; predecessors, since it only holds on this particular path.
138 (defun add-test-constraint (block fun x y not-p)
139 (unless (rest (block-pred block))
140 (let ((con (find-constraint fun x y not-p))
141 (old (or (block-test-constraint block)
142 (setf (block-test-constraint block) (make-sset)))))
143 (when (sset-adjoin con old)
144 (setf (block-type-asserted block) t))))
145 (values))
147 ;;; Add complementary constraints to the consequent and alternative
148 ;;; blocks of IF. We do nothing if X is NIL.
149 (defun add-complement-constraints (if fun x y not-p)
150 (when (and x
151 ;; Note: Even if we do (IF test exp exp) => (PROGN test exp)
152 ;; optimization, the *MAX-OPTIMIZE-ITERATIONS* cutoff means
153 ;; that we can't guarantee that the optimization will be
154 ;; done, so we still need to avoid barfing on this case.
155 (not (eq (if-consequent if)
156 (if-alternative if))))
157 (add-test-constraint (if-consequent if) fun x y not-p)
158 (add-test-constraint (if-alternative if) fun x y (not not-p)))
159 (values))
161 ;;; Add test constraints to the consequent and alternative blocks of
162 ;;; the test represented by USE.
163 (defun add-test-constraints (use if)
164 (declare (type node use) (type cif if))
165 (typecase use
166 (ref
167 (add-complement-constraints if 'typep (ok-ref-lambda-var use)
168 (specifier-type 'null) t))
169 (combination
170 (unless (eq (combination-kind use)
171 :error)
172 (let ((name (lvar-fun-name
173 (basic-combination-fun use)))
174 (args (basic-combination-args use)))
175 (case name
176 ((%typep %instance-typep)
177 (let ((type (second args)))
178 (when (constant-lvar-p type)
179 (let ((val (lvar-value type)))
180 (add-complement-constraints if 'typep
181 (ok-lvar-lambda-var (first args))
182 (if (ctype-p val)
184 (specifier-type val))
185 nil)))))
186 ((eq eql)
187 (let* ((var1 (ok-lvar-lambda-var (first args)))
188 (arg2 (second args))
189 (var2 (ok-lvar-lambda-var arg2)))
190 (cond ((not var1))
191 (var2
192 (add-complement-constraints if 'eql var1 var2 nil))
193 ((constant-lvar-p arg2)
194 (add-complement-constraints if 'eql var1
195 (ref-leaf
196 (lvar-uses arg2))
197 nil)))))
198 ((< >)
199 (let* ((arg1 (first args))
200 (var1 (ok-lvar-lambda-var arg1))
201 (arg2 (second args))
202 (var2 (ok-lvar-lambda-var arg2)))
203 (when var1
204 (add-complement-constraints if name var1 (lvar-type arg2)
205 nil))
206 (when var2
207 (add-complement-constraints if (if (eq name '<) '> '<)
208 var2 (lvar-type arg1)
209 nil))))
211 (let ((ptype (gethash name *backend-predicate-types*)))
212 (when ptype
213 (add-complement-constraints if 'typep
214 (ok-lvar-lambda-var (first args))
215 ptype nil)))))))))
216 (values))
218 ;;; Set the TEST-CONSTRAINT in the successors of BLOCK according to
219 ;;; the condition it tests.
220 (defun find-test-constraints (block)
221 (declare (type cblock block))
222 (let ((last (block-last block)))
223 (when (if-p last)
224 (let ((use (lvar-uses (if-test last))))
225 (when (node-p use)
226 (add-test-constraints use last)))))
228 (setf (block-test-modified block) nil)
229 (values))
231 ;;;; Applying constraints
233 ;;; Return true if X is an integer NUMERIC-TYPE.
234 (defun integer-type-p (x)
235 (declare (type ctype x))
236 (and (numeric-type-p x)
237 (eq (numeric-type-class x) 'integer)
238 (eq (numeric-type-complexp x) :real)))
240 ;;; Given that an inequality holds on values of type X and Y, return a
241 ;;; new type for X. If GREATER is true, then X was greater than Y,
242 ;;; otherwise less. If OR-EQUAL is true, then the inequality was
243 ;;; inclusive, i.e. >=.
245 ;;; If GREATER (or not), then we max (or min) in Y's lower (or upper)
246 ;;; bound into X and return that result. If not OR-EQUAL, we can go
247 ;;; one greater (less) than Y's bound.
248 (defun constrain-integer-type (x y greater or-equal)
249 (declare (type numeric-type x y))
250 (flet ((exclude (x)
251 (cond ((not x) nil)
252 (or-equal x)
253 (greater (1+ x))
254 (t (1- x))))
255 (bound (x)
256 (if greater (numeric-type-low x) (numeric-type-high x))))
257 (let* ((x-bound (bound x))
258 (y-bound (exclude (bound y)))
259 (new-bound (cond ((not x-bound) y-bound)
260 ((not y-bound) x-bound)
261 (greater (max x-bound y-bound))
262 (t (min x-bound y-bound)))))
263 (if greater
264 (modified-numeric-type x :low new-bound)
265 (modified-numeric-type x :high new-bound)))))
267 ;;; Return true if X is a float NUMERIC-TYPE.
268 (defun float-type-p (x)
269 (declare (type ctype x))
270 (and (numeric-type-p x)
271 (eq (numeric-type-class x) 'float)
272 (eq (numeric-type-complexp x) :real)))
274 ;;; Exactly the same as CONSTRAIN-INTEGER-TYPE, but for float numbers.
275 (defun constrain-float-type (x y greater or-equal)
276 (declare (type numeric-type x y))
277 (declare (ignorable x y greater or-equal)) ; for CROSS-FLOAT-INFINITY-KLUDGE
279 (aver (eql (numeric-type-class x) 'float))
280 (aver (eql (numeric-type-class y) 'float))
281 #+sb-xc-host ; (See CROSS-FLOAT-INFINITY-KLUDGE.)
283 #-sb-xc-host ; (See CROSS-FLOAT-INFINITY-KLUDGE.)
284 (labels ((exclude (x)
285 (cond ((not x) nil)
286 (or-equal x)
287 (greater
288 (if (consp x)
289 (car x)
292 (if (consp x)
294 (list x)))))
295 (bound (x)
296 (if greater (numeric-type-low x) (numeric-type-high x)))
297 (max-lower-bound (x y)
298 ;; Both X and Y are not null. Find the max.
299 (let ((res (max (type-bound-number x) (type-bound-number y))))
300 ;; An open lower bound is greater than a close
301 ;; lower bound because the open bound doesn't
302 ;; contain the bound, so choose an open lower
303 ;; bound.
304 (set-bound res (or (consp x) (consp y)))))
305 (min-upper-bound (x y)
306 ;; Same as above, but for the min of upper bounds
307 ;; Both X and Y are not null. Find the min.
308 (let ((res (min (type-bound-number x) (type-bound-number y))))
309 ;; An open upper bound is less than a closed
310 ;; upper bound because the open bound doesn't
311 ;; contain the bound, so choose an open lower
312 ;; bound.
313 (set-bound res (or (consp x) (consp y))))))
314 (let* ((x-bound (bound x))
315 (y-bound (exclude (bound y)))
316 (new-bound (cond ((not x-bound)
317 y-bound)
318 ((not y-bound)
319 x-bound)
320 (greater
321 (max-lower-bound x-bound y-bound))
323 (min-upper-bound x-bound y-bound)))))
324 (if greater
325 (modified-numeric-type x :low new-bound)
326 (modified-numeric-type x :high new-bound)))))
328 ;;; Given the set of CONSTRAINTS for a variable and the current set of
329 ;;; restrictions from flow analysis IN, set the type for REF
330 ;;; accordingly.
331 (defun constrain-ref-type (ref constraints in)
332 (declare (type ref ref) (type sset constraints in))
333 (let ((var-cons (copy-sset constraints)))
334 (sset-intersection var-cons in)
335 (let ((res (single-value-type (node-derived-type ref)))
336 (not-res *empty-type*)
337 (leaf (ref-leaf ref)))
338 (do-sset-elements (con var-cons)
339 (let* ((x (constraint-x con))
340 (y (constraint-y con))
341 (not-p (constraint-not-p con))
342 (other (if (eq x leaf) y x))
343 (kind (constraint-kind con)))
344 (case kind
345 (typep
346 (if not-p
347 (setq not-res (type-union not-res other))
348 (setq res (type-approx-intersection2 res other))))
349 (eql
350 (let ((other-type (leaf-type other)))
351 (if not-p
352 (when (and (constant-p other)
353 (member-type-p other-type))
354 (setq not-res (type-union not-res other-type)))
355 (let ((leaf-type (leaf-type leaf)))
356 (when (or (constant-p other)
357 (and (leaf-refs other) ; protect from deleted vars
358 (csubtypep other-type leaf-type)
359 (not (type= other-type leaf-type))))
360 (change-ref-leaf ref other)
361 (when (constant-p other) (return)))))))
362 ((< >)
363 (cond ((and (integer-type-p res) (integer-type-p y))
364 (let ((greater (eq kind '>)))
365 (let ((greater (if not-p (not greater) greater)))
366 (setq res
367 (constrain-integer-type res y greater not-p)))))
368 ((and (float-type-p res) (float-type-p y))
369 (let ((greater (eq kind '>)))
370 (let ((greater (if not-p (not greater) greater)))
371 (setq res
372 (constrain-float-type res y greater not-p)))))
373 )))))
375 (cond ((and (if-p (node-dest ref))
376 (csubtypep (specifier-type 'null) not-res))
377 (setf (node-derived-type ref) *wild-type*)
378 (change-ref-leaf ref (find-constant t)))
380 (derive-node-type ref
381 (make-single-value-type
382 (or (type-difference res not-res)
383 res)))))))
385 (values))
387 ;;;; Flow analysis
389 ;;; Local propagation
390 ;;; -- [TODO: For any LAMBDA-VAR ref with a type check, add that
391 ;;; constraint.]
392 ;;; -- For any LAMBDA-VAR set, delete all constraints on that var; add
393 ;;; a type constraint based on the new value type.
394 (declaim (ftype (function (cblock sset
395 &key (:ref-preprocessor function)
396 (:set-preprocessor function))
397 sset)
398 constraint-propagate-in-block))
399 (defun constraint-propagate-in-block
400 (block gen &key ref-preprocessor set-preprocessor)
402 (let ((test (block-test-constraint block)))
403 (when test
404 (sset-union gen test)))
406 (do-nodes (node lvar block)
407 (typecase node
408 (bind
409 (let ((fun (bind-lambda node)))
410 (when (eq (functional-kind fun) :let)
411 (loop with call = (lvar-dest (node-lvar (first (lambda-refs fun))))
412 for var in (lambda-vars fun)
413 and val in (combination-args call)
414 when (and val
415 (lambda-var-constraints var)
416 ;; if VAR has no SETs, type inference is
417 ;; fully performed by IR1 optimizer
418 (lambda-var-sets var))
419 do (let* ((type (lvar-type val))
420 (con (find-constraint 'typep var type nil)))
421 (sset-adjoin con gen))))))
422 (ref
423 (let ((var (ok-ref-lambda-var node)))
424 (when var
425 (when ref-preprocessor
426 (funcall ref-preprocessor node gen))
427 (let ((dest (and lvar (lvar-dest lvar))))
428 (when (cast-p dest)
429 (let* ((atype (single-value-type (cast-derived-type dest))) ; FIXME
430 (con (find-constraint 'typep var atype nil)))
431 (sset-adjoin con gen)))))))
432 (cset
433 (binding* ((var (set-var node))
434 (nil (lambda-var-p var) :exit-if-null)
435 (cons (lambda-var-constraints var) :exit-if-null))
436 (when set-preprocessor
437 (funcall set-preprocessor var))
438 (sset-difference gen cons)
439 (let* ((type (single-value-type (node-derived-type node)))
440 (con (find-constraint 'typep var type nil)))
441 (sset-adjoin con gen))))))
443 gen)
445 ;;; BLOCK-KILL is just a list of the LAMBDA-VARs killed, so we must
446 ;;; compute the kill set when there are any vars killed. We bum this a
447 ;;; bit by special-casing when only one var is killed, and just using
448 ;;; that var's constraints as the kill set. This set could possibly be
449 ;;; precomputed, but it would have to be invalidated whenever any
450 ;;; constraint is added, which would be a pain.
451 (defun compute-block-out (block)
452 (declare (type cblock block))
453 (let ((in (block-in block))
454 (kill (block-kill block))
455 (out (copy-sset (block-gen block))))
456 (cond ((null kill)
457 (sset-union out in))
458 ((null (rest kill))
459 (let ((con (lambda-var-constraints (first kill))))
460 (if con
461 (sset-union-of-difference out in con)
462 (sset-union out in))))
464 (let ((kill-set (make-sset)))
465 (dolist (var kill)
466 (let ((con (lambda-var-constraints var)))
467 (when con
468 (sset-union kill-set con))))
469 (sset-union-of-difference out in kill-set))))
470 out))
472 ;;; Compute the initial flow analysis sets for BLOCK:
473 ;;; -- Compute IN/OUT sets; if OUT of a predecessor is not yet
474 ;;; computed, assume it to be a universal set (this is only
475 ;;; possible in a loop)
477 ;;; Return T if we have found a loop.
478 (defun find-block-type-constraints (block)
479 (declare (type cblock block))
480 (collect ((kill nil adjoin))
481 (let ((gen (constraint-propagate-in-block
482 block (make-sset)
483 :set-preprocessor (lambda (var)
484 (kill var)))))
485 (setf (block-gen block) gen)
486 (setf (block-kill block) (kill))
487 (setf (block-type-asserted block) nil)
488 (let* ((n (block-number block))
489 (pred (block-pred block))
490 (in nil)
491 (loop-p nil))
492 (dolist (b pred)
493 (cond ((> (block-number b) n)
494 (if in
495 (sset-intersection in (block-out b))
496 (setq in (copy-sset (block-out b)))))
497 (t (setq loop-p t))))
498 (unless in
499 (bug "Unreachable code is found or flow graph is not ~
500 properly depth-first ordered."))
501 (setf (block-in block) in)
502 (setf (block-out block) (compute-block-out block))
503 loop-p))))
505 ;;; BLOCK-IN becomes the intersection of the OUT of the predecessors.
506 ;;; Our OUT is:
507 ;;; gen U (in - kill)
509 ;;; Return True if we have done something.
510 (defun flow-propagate-constraints (block)
511 (let* ((pred (block-pred block))
512 (in (progn (aver pred)
513 (let ((res (copy-sset (block-out (first pred)))))
514 (dolist (b (rest pred))
515 (sset-intersection res (block-out b)))
516 res))))
517 (setf (block-in block) in)
518 (let ((out (compute-block-out block)))
519 (if (sset= out (block-out block))
521 (setf (block-out block) out)))))
523 ;;; Deliver the results of constraint propagation to REFs in BLOCK.
524 ;;; During this pass, we also do local constraint propagation by
525 ;;; adding in constraints as we seem them during the pass through the
526 ;;; block.
527 (defun use-result-constraints (block)
528 (declare (type cblock block))
529 (constraint-propagate-in-block
530 block (block-in block)
531 :ref-preprocessor (lambda (node cons)
532 (let* ((var (ref-leaf node))
533 (con (lambda-var-constraints var)))
534 (constrain-ref-type node con cons)))))
536 ;;; Give an empty constraints set to any var that doesn't have one and
537 ;;; isn't a set closure var. Since a var that we previously rejected
538 ;;; looks identical to one that is new, so we optimistically keep
539 ;;; hoping that vars stop being closed over or lose their sets.
540 (defun init-var-constraints (component)
541 (declare (type component component))
542 (dolist (fun (component-lambdas component))
543 (flet ((frob (x)
544 (dolist (var (lambda-vars x))
545 (unless (lambda-var-constraints var)
546 (when (or (null (lambda-var-sets var))
547 (not (closure-var-p var)))
548 (setf (lambda-var-constraints var) (make-sset)))))))
549 (frob fun)
550 (dolist (let (lambda-lets fun))
551 (frob let)))))
553 ;;; How many blocks does COMPONENT have?
554 (defun component-n-blocks (component)
555 (let ((result 0))
556 (declare (type index result))
557 (do-blocks (block component :both)
558 (incf result))
559 result))
561 (defun constraint-propagate (component &aux (loop-p nil))
562 (declare (type component component))
563 (init-var-constraints component)
565 (do-blocks (block component)
566 (when (block-test-modified block)
567 (find-test-constraints block)))
569 (unless (block-out (component-head component))
570 (setf (block-out (component-head component)) (make-sset)))
572 (do-blocks (block component)
573 (when (find-block-type-constraints block)
574 (setq loop-p t)))
576 (when loop-p
577 (let (;; If we have to propagate changes more than this many times,
578 ;; something is wrong.
579 (max-n-changes-remaining (component-n-blocks component)))
580 (declare (type fixnum max-n-changes-remaining))
581 (loop (aver (>= max-n-changes-remaining 0))
582 (decf max-n-changes-remaining)
583 (let ((did-something nil))
584 (do-blocks (block component)
585 (when (flow-propagate-constraints block)
586 (setq did-something t)))
587 (unless did-something
588 (return))))))
590 (do-blocks (block component)
591 (use-result-constraints block))
593 (values))