[sbcl/smoofra.git] / contrib / sb-cltl2 / env.lisp
1 (in-package :sb-cltl2)
3 #| TODO:
4 function-information
5 declaration-information
6 augment-environment
7 define-declaration
8 (map-environment)
9 |#
11 (declaim (ftype (sfunction
12 (symbol &optional (or null lexenv))
13 (values (member nil :special :lexical :symbol-macro :constant)
14 boolean
15 list))
16 variable-information))
17 (defun variable-information (var &optional env)
18 "Return three values. The first indicates a binding kind of VAR; the
19 second is True if there is a local binding of VAR; the third is an
20 alist of declarations that apply to the apparent binding of VAR."
21 (let* ((*lexenv* (or env (make-null-lexenv)))
22 (info (lexenv-find var vars)))
23 (etypecase info
24 (sb-c::leaf (let ((type (type-specifier
25 (type-intersection
26 (sb-c::leaf-type info)
27 (or (lexenv-find info type-restrictions)
28 *universal-type*)))))
29 (etypecase info
30 (sb-c::lambda-var
31 (values :lexical t
32 `((ignore . ,(sb-c::lambda-var-ignorep info))
33 (type . ,type))))
34 (sb-c::global-var
35 (values :special t
36 `((type . ,type)) ; XXX ignore
38 (sb-c::constant
39 (values :constant nil
40 `((type . ,type)) ; XXX ignore
41 )))))
42 (cons (values :symbol-macro t
43 nil ; FIXME: also in the compiler
45 (null (values (ecase (info :variable :kind var)
46 (:special :special)
47 (:constant :constant)
48 (:macro :symbol-macro)
49 (:global nil))
50 nil
51 `( ; XXX ignore
52 (type . ,(type-specifier ; XXX local type
53 (info :variable :type var)))))))))
55 (declaim (ftype (sfunction (symbol &optional (or null lexenv)) t)
56 declaration-information))
57 (defun declaration-information (declaration-name &optional env)
58 (let ((env (or env (make-null-lexenv))))
59 (case declaration-name
60 (optimize
61 (let ((policy (sb-c::lexenv-policy env)))
62 (collect ((res))
63 (dolist (name sb-c::*policy-qualities*)
64 (res (list name (cdr (assoc name policy)))))
65 (loop for (name . nil) in sb-c::*policy-dependent-qualities*
66 do (res (list name (sb-c::policy-quality policy name))))
67 (res))))
68 (sb-ext:muffle-conditions
69 (car (rassoc 'muffle-warning
70 (sb-c::lexenv-handled-conditions env))))
71 (t (error "Unsupported declaration ~S." declaration-name)))))
73 (defun parse-macro (name lambda-list body &optional env)
74 (declare (ignore env))
75 (with-unique-names (whole environment)
76 (multiple-value-bind (body decls)
77 (parse-defmacro lambda-list whole body name
78 'parse-macro
79 :environment environment)
80 `(lambda (,whole ,environment)
81 ,@decls
82 ,body))))
84 (defun enclose (lambda-expression &optional env)
85 (let ((env (if env
86 (sb-c::make-restricted-lexenv env)
87 (make-null-lexenv))))
88 (compile-in-lexenv nil lambda-expression env)))