Fix backtrace from internal-error on x86-64 OS X.
[sbcl/smoofra.git] / src / assembly / sparc / arith.lisp
1 ;;;; Stuff to handle simple cases for generic arithmetic.
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
12 (in-package "SB!VM")
14 ;;;; Addition and subtraction.
16 (define-assembly-routine (generic-+
17 (:cost 10)
18 (:return-style :full-call)
19 (:translate +)
20 (:policy :safe)
21 (:save-p t))
22 ((:arg x (descriptor-reg any-reg) a0-offset)
23 (:arg y (descriptor-reg any-reg) a1-offset)
25 (:res res (descriptor-reg any-reg) a0-offset)
27 (:temp temp non-descriptor-reg nl0-offset)
28 (:temp temp2 non-descriptor-reg nl1-offset)
29 (:temp lra descriptor-reg lra-offset)
30 (:temp nargs any-reg nargs-offset)
31 (:temp ocfp any-reg ocfp-offset))
32 (inst andcc zero-tn x fixnum-tag-mask)
33 (inst b :ne DO-STATIC-FUN)
34 (inst andcc zero-tn y fixnum-tag-mask)
35 (inst b :ne DO-STATIC-FUN)
36 (inst nop)
37 (inst addcc temp x y)
38 (inst b :vc done)
39 (inst nop)
41 (inst sra temp x n-fixnum-tag-bits)
42 (inst sra temp2 y n-fixnum-tag-bits)
43 (inst add temp2 temp)
44 (with-fixed-allocation (res temp bignum-widetag (1+ bignum-digits-offset))
45 (storew temp2 res bignum-digits-offset other-pointer-lowtag))
46 (lisp-return lra :offset 2)
49 (inst ld code-tn null-tn (static-fun-offset 'two-arg-+))
50 (inst li nargs (fixnumize 2))
51 (inst move ocfp cfp-tn)
52 (inst j code-tn
53 (- (* simple-fun-code-offset n-word-bytes) fun-pointer-lowtag))
54 (inst move cfp-tn csp-tn)
57 (move res temp))
60 (define-assembly-routine (generic--
61 (:cost 10)
62 (:return-style :full-call)
63 (:translate -)
64 (:policy :safe)
65 (:save-p t))
66 ((:arg x (descriptor-reg any-reg) a0-offset)
67 (:arg y (descriptor-reg any-reg) a1-offset)
69 (:res res (descriptor-reg any-reg) a0-offset)
71 (:temp temp non-descriptor-reg nl0-offset)
72 (:temp temp2 non-descriptor-reg nl1-offset)
73 (:temp lra descriptor-reg lra-offset)
74 (:temp nargs any-reg nargs-offset)
75 (:temp ocfp any-reg ocfp-offset))
76 (inst andcc zero-tn x fixnum-tag-mask)
77 (inst b :ne DO-STATIC-FUN)
78 (inst andcc zero-tn y fixnum-tag-mask)
79 (inst b :ne DO-STATIC-FUN)
80 (inst nop)
81 (inst subcc temp x y)
82 (inst b :vc done)
83 (inst nop)
85 (inst sra temp x n-fixnum-tag-bits)
86 (inst sra temp2 y n-fixnum-tag-bits)
87 (inst sub temp2 temp temp2)
88 (with-fixed-allocation (res temp bignum-widetag (1+ bignum-digits-offset))
89 (storew temp2 res bignum-digits-offset other-pointer-lowtag))
90 (lisp-return lra :offset 2)
93 (inst ld code-tn null-tn (static-fun-offset 'two-arg--))
94 (inst li nargs (fixnumize 2))
95 (inst move ocfp cfp-tn)
96 (inst j code-tn
97 (- (* simple-fun-code-offset n-word-bytes) fun-pointer-lowtag))
98 (inst move cfp-tn csp-tn)
100 DONE
101 (move res temp))
105 ;;;; Multiplication
108 (define-assembly-routine (generic-*
109 (:cost 50)
110 (:return-style :full-call)
111 (:translate *)
112 (:policy :safe)
113 (:save-p t))
114 ((:arg x (descriptor-reg any-reg) a0-offset)
115 (:arg y (descriptor-reg any-reg) a1-offset)
117 (:res res (descriptor-reg any-reg) a0-offset)
119 (:temp temp non-descriptor-reg nl0-offset)
120 (:temp lo non-descriptor-reg nl1-offset)
121 (:temp hi non-descriptor-reg nl2-offset)
122 (:temp lra descriptor-reg lra-offset)
123 (:temp nargs any-reg nargs-offset)
124 (:temp ocfp any-reg ocfp-offset))
125 ;; If either arg is not a fixnum, call the static function.
126 (inst andcc zero-tn x fixnum-tag-mask)
127 (inst b :ne DO-STATIC-FUN)
128 (inst andcc zero-tn y fixnum-tag-mask)
129 (inst b :ne DO-STATIC-FUN)
130 (inst nop)
132 ;; Remove the tag from one arg so that the result will have the correct
133 ;; fixnum tag.
134 (inst sra temp x n-fixnum-tag-bits)
135 ;; Compute the produce temp * y and return the double-word product
136 ;; in hi:lo.
137 (cond
138 ((member :sparc-64 *backend-subfeatures*)
139 ;; Sign extend y to a full 64-bits. temp was already
140 ;; sign-extended by the sra instruction above.
141 (inst sra y 0)
142 (inst mulx hi temp y)
143 (inst move lo hi)
144 (inst srax hi 32))
145 ((or (member :sparc-v8 *backend-subfeatures*)
146 (member :sparc-v9 *backend-subfeatures*))
147 (inst smul lo temp y)
148 (inst rdy hi))
150 (let ((MULTIPLIER-POSITIVE (gen-label)))
151 (inst wry temp)
152 (inst andcc hi zero-tn)
153 (inst nop)
154 (inst nop)
155 (dotimes (i 32)
156 (inst mulscc hi y))
157 (inst mulscc hi zero-tn)
158 (inst cmp x)
159 (inst b :ge MULTIPLIER-POSITIVE)
160 (inst nop)
161 (inst sub hi y)
162 (emit-label MULTIPLIER-POSITIVE)
163 (inst rdy lo))))
164 ;; Check to see if the result will fit in a fixnum. (I.e. the high word
165 ;; is just 32 copies of the sign bit of the low word).
166 (inst sra temp lo 31)
167 (inst xorcc temp hi)
168 (inst b :eq LOW-FITS-IN-FIXNUM)
169 ;; Shift the double word hi:lo down two bits to get rid of the fixnum tag.
170 (inst sll temp hi 30)
171 (inst srl lo n-fixnum-tag-bits)
172 (inst or lo temp)
173 (inst sra hi n-fixnum-tag-bits)
174 ;; Allocate a BIGNUM for the result.
175 #+nil
176 (pseudo-atomic (:extra (pad-data-block (1+ bignum-digits-offset)))
177 (let ((one-word (gen-label)))
178 (inst or res alloc-tn other-pointer-lowtag)
179 ;; We start out assuming that we need one word. Is that correct?
180 (inst sra temp lo 31)
181 (inst xorcc temp hi)
182 (inst b :eq one-word)
183 (inst li temp (logior (ash 1 n-widetag-bits) bignum-widetag))
184 ;; Nope, we need two, so allocate the addition space.
185 (inst add alloc-tn (- (pad-data-block (+ 2 bignum-digits-offset))
186 (pad-data-block (1+ bignum-digits-offset))))
187 (inst li temp (logior (ash 2 n-widetag-bits) bignum-widetag))
188 (storew hi res (1+ bignum-digits-offset) other-pointer-lowtag)
189 (emit-label one-word)
190 (storew temp res 0 other-pointer-lowtag)
191 (storew lo res bignum-digits-offset other-pointer-lowtag)))
192 ;; Always allocate 2 words for the bignum result, even if we only
193 ;; need one. The copying GC will take care of the extra word if it
194 ;; isn't needed.
195 (with-fixed-allocation
196 (res temp bignum-widetag (+ 2 bignum-digits-offset))
197 (let ((one-word (gen-label)))
198 (inst or res alloc-tn other-pointer-lowtag)
199 ;; We start out assuming that we need one word. Is that correct?
200 (inst sra temp lo 31)
201 (inst xorcc temp hi)
202 (inst b :eq one-word)
203 (inst li temp (logior (ash 1 n-widetag-bits) bignum-widetag))
204 ;; Need 2 words. Set the header appropriately, and save the
205 ;; high and low parts.
206 (inst li temp (logior (ash 2 n-widetag-bits) bignum-widetag))
207 (storew hi res (1+ bignum-digits-offset) other-pointer-lowtag)
208 (emit-label one-word)
209 (storew temp res 0 other-pointer-lowtag)
210 (storew lo res bignum-digits-offset other-pointer-lowtag)))
211 ;; Out of here
212 (lisp-return lra :offset 2)
215 (inst ld code-tn null-tn (static-fun-offset 'two-arg-*))
216 (inst li nargs (fixnumize 2))
217 (inst move ocfp cfp-tn)
218 (inst j code-tn
219 (- (* simple-fun-code-offset n-word-bytes) fun-pointer-lowtag))
220 (inst move cfp-tn csp-tn)
223 (move res lo))
225 (macrolet
226 ((frob (name note cost type sc)
227 `(define-assembly-routine (,name
228 (:note ,note)
229 (:cost ,cost)
230 (:translate *)
231 (:policy :fast-safe)
232 (:arg-types ,type ,type)
233 (:result-types ,type))
234 ((:arg x ,sc nl0-offset)
235 (:arg y ,sc nl1-offset)
236 (:res res ,sc nl0-offset)
237 (:temp temp ,sc nl2-offset))
238 ,@(when (eq type 'tagged-num)
239 `((inst sra x 2)))
240 (cond
241 ((member :sparc-64 *backend-subfeatures*)
242 ;; Sign extend, then multiply
243 (inst sra x 0)
244 (inst sra y 0)
245 (inst mulx res x y))
246 ((or (member :sparc-v8 *backend-subfeatures*)
247 (member :sparc-v9 *backend-subfeatures*))
248 (inst smul res x y))
250 (inst wry x)
251 (inst andcc temp zero-tn)
252 (inst nop)
253 (inst nop)
254 (dotimes (i 32)
255 (inst mulscc temp y))
256 (inst mulscc temp zero-tn)
257 (inst rdy res))))))
258 (frob unsigned-* "unsigned *" 40 unsigned-num unsigned-reg)
259 (frob signed-* "signed *" 41 signed-num signed-reg)
260 (frob fixnum-* "fixnum *" 30 tagged-num any-reg))
264 ;;;; Division.
266 #+sb-assembling
267 (defun emit-divide-loop (divisor rem quo tagged)
268 (inst li quo 0)
269 (labels
270 ((do-loop (depth)
271 (cond
272 ((zerop depth)
273 (inst unimp 0))
275 (let ((label-1 (gen-label))
276 (label-2 (gen-label)))
277 (inst cmp divisor rem)
278 (inst b :geu label-1)
279 (inst nop)
280 (inst sll divisor 1)
281 (do-loop (1- depth))
282 (inst srl divisor 1)
283 (inst cmp divisor rem)
284 (emit-label label-1)
285 (inst b :gtu label-2)
286 (inst sll quo 1)
287 (inst add quo (if tagged (fixnumize 1) 1))
288 (inst sub rem divisor)
289 (emit-label label-2))))))
290 (do-loop (if tagged 30 32))))
292 (define-assembly-routine (positive-fixnum-truncate
293 (:note "unsigned fixnum truncate")
294 (:cost 45)
295 (:translate truncate)
296 (:policy :fast-safe)
297 (:arg-types positive-fixnum positive-fixnum)
298 (:result-types positive-fixnum positive-fixnum))
299 ((:arg dividend any-reg nl0-offset)
300 (:arg divisor any-reg nl1-offset)
302 (:res quo any-reg nl2-offset)
303 (:res rem any-reg nl0-offset))
305 (let ((error (generate-error-code nil division-by-zero-error
306 dividend divisor)))
307 (inst cmp divisor)
308 (inst b :eq error))
310 (move rem dividend)
311 (emit-divide-loop divisor rem quo t))
314 (define-assembly-routine (fixnum-truncate
315 (:note "fixnum truncate")
316 (:cost 50)
317 (:policy :fast-safe)
318 (:translate truncate)
319 (:arg-types tagged-num tagged-num)
320 (:result-types tagged-num tagged-num))
321 ((:arg dividend any-reg nl0-offset)
322 (:arg divisor any-reg nl1-offset)
324 (:res quo any-reg nl2-offset)
325 (:res rem any-reg nl0-offset)
327 (:temp quo-sign any-reg nl5-offset)
328 (:temp rem-sign any-reg nargs-offset))
330 (let ((error (generate-error-code nil division-by-zero-error
331 dividend divisor)))
332 (inst cmp divisor)
333 (inst b :eq error))
335 (inst xor quo-sign dividend divisor)
336 (inst move rem-sign dividend)
337 (let ((label (gen-label)))
338 (inst cmp dividend)
339 (inst ba :lt label)
340 (inst neg dividend)
341 (emit-label label))
342 (let ((label (gen-label)))
343 (inst cmp divisor)
344 (inst ba :lt label)
345 (inst neg divisor)
346 (emit-label label))
347 (move rem dividend)
348 (emit-divide-loop divisor rem quo t)
349 (let ((label (gen-label)))
350 ;; If the quo-sign is negative, we need to negate quo.
351 (inst cmp quo-sign)
352 (inst ba :lt label)
353 (inst neg quo)
354 (emit-label label))
355 (let ((label (gen-label)))
356 ;; If the rem-sign is negative, we need to negate rem.
357 (inst cmp rem-sign)
358 (inst ba :lt label)
359 (inst neg rem)
360 (emit-label label)))
363 (define-assembly-routine (signed-truncate
364 (:note "(signed-byte 32) truncate")
365 (:cost 60)
366 (:policy :fast-safe)
367 (:translate truncate)
368 (:arg-types signed-num signed-num)
369 (:result-types signed-num signed-num))
371 ((:arg dividend signed-reg nl0-offset)
372 (:arg divisor signed-reg nl1-offset)
374 (:res quo signed-reg nl2-offset)
375 (:res rem signed-reg nl0-offset)
377 (:temp quo-sign signed-reg nl5-offset)
378 (:temp rem-sign signed-reg nargs-offset))
380 (let ((error (generate-error-code nil division-by-zero-error
381 dividend divisor)))
382 (inst cmp divisor)
383 (inst b :eq error))
385 (inst xor quo-sign dividend divisor)
386 (inst move rem-sign dividend)
387 (let ((label (gen-label)))
388 (inst cmp dividend)
389 (inst ba :lt label)
390 (inst neg dividend)
391 (emit-label label))
392 (let ((label (gen-label)))
393 (inst cmp divisor)
394 (inst ba :lt label)
395 (inst neg divisor)
396 (emit-label label))
397 (move rem dividend)
398 (emit-divide-loop divisor rem quo nil)
399 (let ((label (gen-label)))
400 ;; If the quo-sign is negative, we need to negate quo.
401 (inst cmp quo-sign)
402 (inst ba :lt label)
403 (inst neg quo)
404 (emit-label label))
405 (let ((label (gen-label)))
406 ;; If the rem-sign is negative, we need to negate rem.
407 (inst cmp rem-sign)
408 (inst ba :lt label)
409 (inst neg rem)
410 (emit-label label)))
413 ;;;; Comparison
415 (macrolet
416 ((define-cond-assem-rtn (name translate static-fn cmp)
417 `(define-assembly-routine (,name
418 (:cost 10)
419 (:return-style :full-call)
420 (:policy :safe)
421 (:translate ,translate)
422 (:save-p t))
423 ((:arg x (descriptor-reg any-reg) a0-offset)
424 (:arg y (descriptor-reg any-reg) a1-offset)
426 (:res res descriptor-reg a0-offset)
428 (:temp nargs any-reg nargs-offset)
429 (:temp ocfp any-reg ocfp-offset))
430 (inst andcc zero-tn x fixnum-tag-mask)
431 (inst b :ne DO-STATIC-FN)
432 (inst andcc zero-tn y fixnum-tag-mask)
433 (inst b :eq DO-COMPARE)
434 (inst cmp x y)
437 (inst ld code-tn null-tn (static-fun-offset ',static-fn))
438 (inst li nargs (fixnumize 2))
439 (inst move ocfp cfp-tn)
440 (inst j code-tn
441 (- (* simple-fun-code-offset n-word-bytes) fun-pointer-lowtag))
442 (inst move cfp-tn csp-tn)
445 (inst b ,cmp done)
446 (load-symbol res t)
447 (inst move res null-tn)
448 DONE)))
450 (define-cond-assem-rtn generic-< < two-arg-< :lt)
451 (define-cond-assem-rtn generic-<= <= two-arg-<= :le)
452 (define-cond-assem-rtn generic-> > two-arg-> :gt)
453 (define-cond-assem-rtn generic->= >= two-arg->= :ge))
456 (define-assembly-routine (generic-eql
457 (:cost 10)
458 (:return-style :full-call)
459 (:policy :safe)
460 (:translate eql)
461 (:save-p t))
462 ((:arg x (descriptor-reg any-reg) a0-offset)
463 (:arg y (descriptor-reg any-reg) a1-offset)
465 (:res res descriptor-reg a0-offset)
467 (:temp lra descriptor-reg lra-offset)
468 (:temp nargs any-reg nargs-offset)
469 (:temp ocfp any-reg ocfp-offset))
470 (inst cmp x y)
471 (inst b :eq RETURN-T)
472 (inst andcc zero-tn x fixnum-tag-mask)
473 (inst b :eq RETURN-NIL)
474 (inst andcc zero-tn y fixnum-tag-mask)
475 (inst b :ne DO-STATIC-FN)
476 (inst nop)
479 (inst move res null-tn)
480 (lisp-return lra :offset 2)
483 (inst ld code-tn null-tn (static-fun-offset 'eql))
484 (inst li nargs (fixnumize 2))
485 (inst move ocfp cfp-tn)
486 (inst j code-tn
487 (- (* simple-fun-code-offset n-word-bytes) fun-pointer-lowtag))
488 (inst move cfp-tn csp-tn)
491 (load-symbol res t))
493 (define-assembly-routine (generic-=
494 (:cost 10)
495 (:return-style :full-call)
496 (:policy :safe)
497 (:translate =)
498 (:save-p t))
499 ((:arg x (descriptor-reg any-reg) a0-offset)
500 (:arg y (descriptor-reg any-reg) a1-offset)
502 (:res res descriptor-reg a0-offset)
504 (:temp lra descriptor-reg lra-offset)
505 (:temp nargs any-reg nargs-offset)
506 (:temp ocfp any-reg ocfp-offset))
507 (inst andcc zero-tn x fixnum-tag-mask)
508 (inst b :ne DO-STATIC-FN)
509 (inst andcc zero-tn y fixnum-tag-mask)
510 (inst b :ne DO-STATIC-FN)
511 (inst cmp x y)
512 (inst b :eq RETURN-T)
513 (inst nop)
515 (inst move res null-tn)
516 (lisp-return lra :offset 2)
519 (inst ld code-tn null-tn (static-fun-offset 'two-arg-=))
520 (inst li nargs (fixnumize 2))
521 (inst move ocfp cfp-tn)
522 (inst j code-tn
523 (- (* simple-fun-code-offset n-word-bytes) fun-pointer-lowtag))
524 (inst move cfp-tn csp-tn)
527 (load-symbol res t))
529 (define-assembly-routine (generic-/=
530 (:cost 10)
531 (:return-style :full-call)
532 (:policy :safe)
533 (:translate /=)
534 (:save-p t))
535 ((:arg x (descriptor-reg any-reg) a0-offset)
536 (:arg y (descriptor-reg any-reg) a1-offset)
538 (:res res descriptor-reg a0-offset)
540 (:temp lra descriptor-reg lra-offset)
541 (:temp nargs any-reg nargs-offset)
542 (:temp ocfp any-reg ocfp-offset))
543 (inst cmp x y)
544 (inst b :eq RETURN-NIL)
545 (inst andcc zero-tn x fixnum-tag-mask)
546 (inst b :ne DO-STATIC-FN)
547 (inst andcc zero-tn y fixnum-tag-mask)
548 (inst b :ne DO-STATIC-FN)
549 (inst nop)
551 (load-symbol res t)
552 (lisp-return lra :offset 2)
555 (inst ld code-tn null-tn (static-fun-offset 'two-arg-/=))
556 (inst li nargs (fixnumize 2))
557 (inst move ocfp cfp-tn)
558 (inst j code-tn
559 (- (* simple-fun-code-offset n-word-bytes) fun-pointer-lowtag))
560 (inst move cfp-tn csp-tn)
563 (inst move res null-tn))