Fix FILE-POSITION on simple-streams after READ-VECTOR
[sbcl/smoofra.git] / contrib / asdf-install / installer.lisp
1 (in-package :asdf-install)
3 (defvar *proxy* (posix-getenv "http_proxy"))
4 (defvar *cclan-mirror*
5 (let ((mirror (posix-getenv "CCLAN_MIRROR")))
6 (or (and (not (string= mirror "")) mirror)
7 "http://ftp.linux.org.uk/pub/lisp/cclan/")))
9 (defun directorify (name)
10 ;; input name may or may not have a training #\/, but we know we
11 ;; want a directory
12 (let ((path (pathname name)))
13 (if (pathname-name path)
14 (merge-pathnames
15 (make-pathname :directory `(:relative ,(pathname-name path)))
16 (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory path)
17 :host (pathname-host path)
18 :device (pathname-device path)))
19 path)))
21 (defvar *sbcl-home* (directorify (posix-getenv "SBCL_HOME")))
22 (defvar *dot-sbcl*
23 (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative ".sbcl"))
24 (user-homedir-pathname)))
26 (defparameter *trusted-uids* nil)
28 (defvar *locations*
29 `((,(merge-pathnames "site/" *sbcl-home*)
30 ,(merge-pathnames "site-systems/" *sbcl-home*)
31 "System-wide install")
32 (,(merge-pathnames "site/" *dot-sbcl*)
33 ,(merge-pathnames "systems/" *dot-sbcl*)
34 "Personal installation")))
36 (let* ((*package* (find-package :asdf-install-customize))
37 (file (probe-file (merge-pathnames
38 (make-pathname :name ".asdf-install")
39 (user-homedir-pathname)))))
40 (when file (load file)))
42 (define-condition download-error (error)
43 ((url :initarg :url :reader download-url)
44 (response :initarg :response :reader download-response))
45 (:report (lambda (c s)
46 (format s "Server responded ~A for GET ~A"
47 (download-response c) (download-url c)))))
49 (define-condition signature-error (error)
50 ((cause :initarg :cause :reader signature-error-cause))
51 (:report (lambda (c s)
52 (format s "Cannot verify package signature: ~A"
53 (signature-error-cause c)))))
55 (define-condition gpg-error (error)
56 ((message :initarg :message :reader gpg-error-message))
57 (:report (lambda (c s)
58 (format s "GPG failed with error status:~%~S"
59 (gpg-error-message c)))))
61 (define-condition no-signature (gpg-error) ())
62 (define-condition key-not-found (gpg-error)
63 ((key-id :initarg :key-id :reader key-id))
64 (:report (lambda (c s)
65 (format s "No key found for key id 0x~A. Try some command like ~% gpg --recv-keys 0x~A"
66 (key-id c) (key-id c)))))
68 (define-condition key-not-trusted (gpg-error)
69 ((key-id :initarg :key-id :reader key-id)
70 (key-user-name :initarg :key-user-name :reader key-user-name))
71 (:report (lambda (c s)
72 (format s "GPG warns that the key id 0x~A (~A) is not fully trusted"
73 (key-id c) (key-user-name c)))))
74 (define-condition author-not-trusted (gpg-error)
75 ((key-id :initarg :key-id :reader key-id)
76 (key-user-name :initarg :key-user-name :reader key-user-name))
77 (:report (lambda (c s)
78 (format s "~A (key id ~A) is not on your package supplier list"
79 (key-user-name c) (key-id c)))))
81 (defun url-host (url)
82 (assert (string-equal url "http://" :end1 7))
83 (let* ((port-start (position #\: url :start 7))
84 (host-end (min (or (position #\/ url :start 7) (length url))
85 (or port-start (length url)))))
86 (subseq url 7 host-end)))
88 (defun url-port (url)
89 (assert (string-equal url "http://" :end1 7))
90 (let ((port-start (position #\: url :start 7)))
91 (if port-start (parse-integer url :start (1+ port-start) :junk-allowed t) 80)))
93 (defun request-uri (url)
94 (assert (string-equal url "http://" :end1 7))
95 (if *proxy*
96 url
97 (let ((path-start (position #\/ url :start 7)))
98 (subseq url path-start))))
100 (defun url-connection (url)
101 (let ((s (make-instance 'inet-socket :type :stream :protocol :tcp))
102 (host (url-host url))
103 (port (url-port url))
104 result)
105 (declare (ignore port))
106 (unwind-protect
107 (progn
108 (socket-connect
109 s (car (host-ent-addresses (get-host-by-name (url-host (or *proxy* url)))))
110 (url-port (or *proxy* url)))
111 (let ((stream (socket-make-stream s :input t :output t :buffering :full
112 :element-type :default :external-format :iso-8859-1)))
113 ;; we are exceedingly unportable about proper line-endings here.
114 ;; Anyone wishing to run this under non-SBCL should take especial care
115 (format stream "GET ~A HTTP/1.0~c~%~
116 Host: ~A~c~%~
117 Cookie: CCLAN-SITE=~A~c~%~c~%"
118 (request-uri url) #\Return
119 host #\Return
120 *cclan-mirror* #\Return #\Return)
121 (force-output stream)
122 (setf result
123 (list
124 (let* ((l (read-line stream))
125 (space (position #\Space l)))
126 (parse-integer l :start (1+ space) :junk-allowed t))
127 (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil)
128 until (or (null line) (eql (elt line 0) (code-char 13)))
129 collect
130 (let ((colon (position #\: line)))
131 (cons (intern (string-upcase (subseq line 0 colon)) :keyword)
132 (string-trim (list #\Space (code-char 13))
133 (subseq line (1+ colon))))))
134 stream))))
135 (when (and (null result)
136 (socket-open-p s))
137 (socket-close s)))))
140 (defun copy-stream (in out)
141 (let ((buf (make-array 8192 :element-type (stream-element-type out))))
142 (loop for pos = (read-sequence buf in)
143 until (zerop pos)
144 do (write-sequence buf out :end pos))))
146 (defun download-files-for-package (package-name-or-url file-name)
147 (let ((url
148 (if (= (mismatch package-name-or-url "http://") 7)
149 package-name-or-url
150 (format nil "http://www.cliki.net/~A?download"
151 package-name-or-url))))
152 (destructuring-bind (response headers stream)
153 (block got
154 (loop
155 (destructuring-bind (response headers stream) (url-connection url)
156 (unless (member response '(301 302))
157 (return-from got (list response headers stream)))
158 (close stream)
159 (setf url (cdr (assoc :location headers))))))
160 (if (>= response 400)
161 (error 'download-error :url url :response response))
162 (let ((length (parse-integer
163 (or (cdr (assoc :content-length headers)) "")
164 :junk-allowed t)))
165 (format t "Downloading ~A bytes from ~A ..."
166 (if length length "some unknown number of") url)
167 (force-output)
168 (with-open-file (out file-name :direction :output
169 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
170 (if length
171 (let ((buf (make-array length :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
172 (read-sequence buf stream)
173 (write-sequence buf out))
174 (copy-stream stream out))))
175 (close stream)
176 (terpri)
177 (restart-case
178 (verify-gpg-signature/url url file-name)
179 (skip-gpg-check ()
180 :report "Don't check GPG signature for this package"
181 nil)))))
183 (defun read-until-eof (stream)
184 (with-output-to-string (o)
185 (copy-stream stream o)))
187 (defun verify-gpg-signature/string (string file-name)
188 (let* ((proc
189 (sb-ext:run-program
190 "gpg"
191 (list
192 "--status-fd" "1" "--verify" "-"
193 (namestring file-name))
194 :output :stream :error :stream :search t
195 :input (make-string-input-stream string) :wait t))
196 (err (read-until-eof (process-error proc)))
197 tags)
198 (loop for l = (read-line (process-output proc) nil nil)
199 while l
200 when (> (mismatch l "[GNUPG:]") 6)
201 do (destructuring-bind (_ tag &rest data) (asdf::split l)
202 (declare (ignore _))
203 (pushnew (cons (intern tag :keyword)
204 data) tags)))
205 ;; test for obvious key/sig problems
206 (let ((errsig (assoc :errsig tags)))
207 (and errsig (error 'key-not-found :key-id (second errsig) :gpg-err err)))
208 (let ((badsig (assoc :badsig tags)))
209 (and badsig (error 'key-not-found :key-id (second badsig) :gpg-err err)))
210 (let* ((good (assoc :goodsig tags))
211 (id (second good))
212 (name (format nil "~{~A~^ ~}" (nthcdr 2 good))))
213 ;; good signature, but perhaps not trusted
214 (unless (or (assoc :trust_ultimate tags)
215 (assoc :trust_fully tags))
216 (cerror "Install the package anyway"
217 'key-not-trusted
218 :key-user-name name
219 :key-id id :gpg-err err))
220 (loop
221 (when
222 (restart-case
223 (or (assoc id *trusted-uids* :test #'equal)
224 (error 'author-not-trusted
225 :key-user-name name
226 :key-id id :gpg-err nil))
227 (add-key ()
228 :report "Add to package supplier list"
229 (pushnew (list id name) *trusted-uids*)))
230 (return))))))
234 (defun verify-gpg-signature/url (url file-name)
235 (destructuring-bind (response headers stream)
236 (url-connection (concatenate 'string url ".asc"))
237 (unwind-protect
238 (if (= response 200)
239 (let ((data (make-string (parse-integer
240 (cdr (assoc :content-length headers))
241 :junk-allowed t))))
242 (read-sequence data stream)
243 (verify-gpg-signature/string data file-name))
244 (error 'download-error :url (concatenate 'string url ".asc")
245 :response response))
246 (close stream))))
248 (defun where ()
249 (format t "Install where?~%")
250 (loop for (source system name) in *locations*
251 for i from 1
252 do (format t "~A) ~A: ~% System in ~A~% Files in ~A ~%"
253 i name system source))
254 (format t " --> ") (force-output)
255 (let ((response (read)))
256 (when (> response 0)
257 (elt *locations* (1- response)))))
259 (defparameter *tar-program*
260 ;; Please do not "clean this up" by using a bunch of #+'s and one
261 ;; #-. When the conditional is written this way, adding a new
262 ;; special case only involves one change. If #- is used, two changes
263 ;; are needed. -- JES, 2007-02-12
264 (progn
265 "tar"
266 #+darwin "gnutar"
267 #+(or sunos netbsd) "gtar"))
269 (defun get-tar-directory (packagename)
270 (let* ((tar (with-output-to-string (o)
272 (sb-ext:run-program *tar-program*
273 (list "-tzf" (namestring packagename))
274 :output o
275 :search t
276 :wait t)
277 (error "can't list archive"))))
278 (first-line (subseq tar 0 (position #\newline tar))))
279 (if (find #\/ first-line)
280 (subseq first-line 0 (position #\/ first-line))
281 first-line)))
283 (defun untar-package (source packagename)
284 (with-output-to-string (o)
286 (sb-ext:run-program *tar-program*
287 (list "-C" (namestring source)
288 "-xzvf" (namestring packagename))
289 :output o
290 :search t
291 :wait t)
292 (error "can't untar"))))
294 (defun install-package (source system packagename)
295 "Returns a list of asdf system names for installed asdf systems"
296 (ensure-directories-exist source)
297 (ensure-directories-exist system)
298 (let* ((tdir (get-tar-directory packagename))
299 (*default-pathname-defaults*
300 (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory `(:relative ,tdir))
301 source)))
302 (princ (untar-package source packagename))
303 (loop for asd in (directory
304 (make-pathname :name :wild :type "asd"))
305 do (let ((target (merge-pathnames
306 (make-pathname :name (pathname-name asd)
307 :type (pathname-type asd))
308 system)))
309 (when (probe-file target)
310 (sb-posix:unlink target))
311 #-win32
312 (sb-posix:symlink asd target))
313 collect (pathname-name asd))))
315 (defvar *temporary-files*)
316 (defun temp-file-name (p)
317 (let* ((pos-slash (position #\/ p :from-end t))
318 (pos-dot (position #\. p :start (or pos-slash 0))))
319 (merge-pathnames
320 (make-pathname
321 :name (subseq p (if pos-slash (1+ pos-slash) 0) pos-dot)
322 :type "asdf-install-tmp"))))
325 ;; this is the external entry point
326 (defun install (&rest packages)
327 (let ((*temporary-files* nil)
328 (*trusted-uids*
329 (let ((p (merge-pathnames "trusted-uids.lisp" *dot-sbcl*)))
330 (when (probe-file p)
331 (with-open-file (f p) (read f))))))
332 (unwind-protect
333 (destructuring-bind (source system name) (where)
334 (declare (ignore name))
335 (labels ((one-iter (packages)
336 (dolist (asd
337 (loop for p in (mapcar 'string packages)
338 unless (probe-file p)
339 do (let ((tmp (temp-file-name p)))
340 (pushnew tmp *temporary-files*)
341 (download-files-for-package p tmp)
342 (setf p tmp))
344 do (format t "Installing ~A in ~A,~A~%"
345 p source system)
346 append (install-package source system p)))
347 (handler-bind
348 ((asdf:missing-dependency
349 (lambda (c)
350 (format t
351 "Downloading package ~A, required by ~A~%"
352 (asdf::missing-requires c)
353 (asdf:component-name
354 (asdf::missing-required-by c)))
355 (one-iter (list
356 (symbol-name
357 (asdf::missing-requires c))))
358 (invoke-restart 'retry))))
359 (loop
360 (multiple-value-bind (ret restart-p)
361 (with-simple-restart
362 (retry "Retry installation")
363 (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op asd))
364 (declare (ignore ret))
365 (unless restart-p (return))))))))
366 (one-iter packages)))
367 (let ((p (merge-pathnames "trusted-uids.lisp" *dot-sbcl*)))
368 (ensure-directories-exist p)
369 (with-open-file (out p :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
370 (with-standard-io-syntax
371 (prin1 *trusted-uids* out))))
372 (dolist (l *temporary-files*)
373 (when (probe-file l) (delete-file l))))))
375 (defun uninstall (system &optional (prompt t))
376 (let* ((asd (asdf:system-definition-pathname system))
377 (system (asdf:find-system system))
378 (dir (asdf::pathname-sans-name+type
379 (asdf::resolve-symlinks asd))))
380 (when (or (not prompt)
381 (y-or-n-p
382 "Delete system ~A~%asd file: ~A~%sources: ~A~%Are you sure?"
383 system asd dir))
384 (delete-file asd)
385 (asdf:run-shell-command "rm -r ~A" (namestring dir)))))
387 ;;; some day we will also do UPGRADE, but we need to sort out version
388 ;;; numbering a bit better first