8 * myvacation [start 2006-10-4 end 2006-10-10]
9 * mydue [1d] [end 2006-10-11]
10 * mystart [1d] [start 2006-10-15]
19 Milestone "proj1:ff1" 2006-01-01
25 Milestone "proj1:ff2" 2006-02-02
38 # default for Wv 1.0 bugs
39 Milestone "Weaver:Wv 1.0"
41 workinghours 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
43 # the last Weaver project entry, so the default for all other Weaver releases
46 workinghours 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
48 # because it's last, this will be the default for all bugs that didn't get
49 # one assigned, and whose fixfor/project have no defaults. That includes
50 # the "default" bug at the top of this file!