Adjust tests in case running as root
[scons.git] / site_scons /
1 # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
3 # Copyright The SCons Foundation
5 # flake8: noqa
6 import os.path
8 from SConsRevision import SCons_revision
9 from Utilities import is_windows, whereis, platform, deb_date
10 # from zip_utils import unzipit, zipit, zcat
11 from soe_utils import soelim, soscan, soelimbuilder
12 # from epydoc import epydoc_cli, epydoc_commands
13 from BuildCommandLine import BuildCommandLine
14 from scons_local_package import install_local_package_files, create_local_packages
15 from update_build_info import update_init_file
17 gzip = whereis('gzip')
18 git = os.path.exists('.git') and whereis('git')
19 unzip = whereis('unzip')
20 zip_path = whereis('zip')
22 BuildCommandLine.git = git