Followon to PR #4348: more bool fixes
[scons.git] / SCons / Tool /
1 # MIT License
3 # Copyright The SCons Foundation
5 # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
6 # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
7 # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
8 # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
9 # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
10 # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
11 # the following conditions:
13 # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
14 # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
24 """ Tool-specific initialization for TeX.
26 Generates .dvi files from .tex files
28 There normally shouldn't be any need to import this module directly.
29 It will usually be imported through the generic SCons.Tool.Tool()
30 selection method.
31 """
33 import os.path
34 import re
35 import shutil
36 import sys
37 import platform
38 import glob
40 import SCons.Action
41 import SCons.Node
42 import SCons.Node.FS
43 import SCons.Util
44 import SCons.Scanner.LaTeX
46 Verbose = False
48 must_rerun_latex = True
50 # these are files that just need to be checked for changes and then rerun latex
51 check_suffixes = ['.toc', '.lof', '.lot', '.out', '.nav', '.snm']
53 # these are files that require bibtex or makeindex to be run when they change
54 all_suffixes = check_suffixes + ['.bbl', '.idx', '.nlo', '.glo', '.acn', '.bcf']
57 # regular expressions used to search for Latex features
58 # or outputs that require rerunning latex
60 # search for all .aux files opened by latex (recorded in the .fls file)
61 openout_aux_re = re.compile(r"OUTPUT *(.*\.aux)")
63 # search for all .bcf files opened by latex (recorded in the .fls file)
64 # for use by biber
65 openout_bcf_re = re.compile(r"OUTPUT *(.*\.bcf)")
67 #printindex_re = re.compile(r"^[^%]*\\printindex", re.MULTILINE)
68 #printnomenclature_re = re.compile(r"^[^%]*\\printnomenclature", re.MULTILINE)
69 #printglossary_re = re.compile(r"^[^%]*\\printglossary", re.MULTILINE)
71 # search to find rerun warnings
72 warning_rerun_str = r'(^LaTeX Warning:.*Rerun)|(^Package \w+ Warning:.*Rerun)'
73 warning_rerun_re = re.compile(warning_rerun_str, re.MULTILINE)
75 # search to find citation rerun warnings
76 rerun_citations_str = r"^LaTeX Warning:.*\n.*Rerun to get citations correct"
77 rerun_citations_re = re.compile(rerun_citations_str, re.MULTILINE)
79 # search to find undefined references or citations warnings
80 undefined_references_str = r'(^LaTeX Warning:.*undefined references)|(^Package \w+ Warning:.*undefined citations)'
81 undefined_references_re = re.compile(undefined_references_str, re.MULTILINE)
83 # used by the emitter
84 auxfile_re = re.compile(r".", re.MULTILINE)
85 tableofcontents_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\tableofcontents", re.MULTILINE)
86 makeindex_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\makeindex", re.MULTILINE)
87 bibliography_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\bibliography", re.MULTILINE)
88 bibunit_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\begin\{bibunit\}", re.MULTILINE)
89 multibib_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\newcites\{([^\}]*)\}", re.MULTILINE)
90 addbibresource_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\(addbibresource|addglobalbib|addsectionbib)", re.MULTILINE)
91 listoffigures_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\listoffigures", re.MULTILINE)
92 listoftables_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\listoftables", re.MULTILINE)
93 hyperref_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\usepackage.*\{hyperref\}", re.MULTILINE)
94 makenomenclature_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\makenomenclature", re.MULTILINE)
95 makeglossary_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\makeglossary", re.MULTILINE)
96 makeglossaries_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\makeglossaries", re.MULTILINE)
97 makeacronyms_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\makeglossaries", re.MULTILINE)
98 beamer_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\documentclass\{beamer\}", re.MULTILINE)
99 regex = r'^[^%\n]*\\newglossary\s*\[([^\]]+)\]?\s*\{([^}]*)\}\s*\{([^}]*)\}\s*\{([^}]*)\}\s*\{([^}]*)\}'
100 newglossary_re = re.compile(regex, re.MULTILINE)
101 biblatex_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\usepackage.*\{biblatex\}", re.MULTILINE)
103 newglossary_suffix = []
105 # search to find all files included by Latex
106 include_re = re.compile(r'^[^%\n]*\\(?:include|input){([^}]*)}', re.MULTILINE)
107 includeOnly_re = re.compile(r'^[^%\n]*\\(?:include){([^}]*)}', re.MULTILINE)
109 # search to find all graphics files included by Latex
110 includegraphics_re = re.compile(r'^[^%\n]*\\(?:includegraphics(?:\[[^\]]+\])?){([^}]*)}', re.MULTILINE)
112 # search to find all files opened by Latex (recorded in .log file)
113 openout_re = re.compile(r"OUTPUT *(.*)")
115 # list of graphics file extensions for TeX and LaTeX
116 TexGraphics = SCons.Scanner.LaTeX.TexGraphics
117 LatexGraphics = SCons.Scanner.LaTeX.LatexGraphics
119 # An Action sufficient to build any generic tex file.
120 TeXAction = None
122 # An action to build a latex file. This action might be needed more
123 # than once if we are dealing with labels and bibtex.
124 LaTeXAction = None
126 # An action to run BibTeX on a file.
127 BibTeXAction = None
129 # An action to run Biber on a file.
130 BiberAction = None
132 # An action to run MakeIndex on a file.
133 MakeIndexAction = None
135 # An action to run MakeIndex (for nomencl) on a file.
136 MakeNclAction = None
138 # An action to run MakeIndex (for glossary) on a file.
139 MakeGlossaryAction = None
141 # An action to run MakeIndex (for acronyms) on a file.
142 MakeAcronymsAction = None
144 # An action to run MakeIndex (for newglossary commands) on a file.
145 MakeNewGlossaryAction = None
147 # Used as a return value of modify_env_var if the variable is not set.
148 _null = SCons.Scanner.LaTeX._null
150 modify_env_var = SCons.Scanner.LaTeX.modify_env_var
152 def check_file_error_message(utility, filename: str='log') -> None:
153 msg = '%s returned an error, check the %s file\n' % (utility, filename)
154 sys.stdout.write(msg)
156 def FindFile(name,suffixes,paths,env,requireExt: bool=False):
157 if requireExt:
158 name,ext = SCons.Util.splitext(name)
159 # if the user gave an extension use it.
160 if ext:
161 name = name + ext
162 if Verbose:
163 print(" searching for '%s' with extensions: " % name,suffixes)
165 for path in paths:
166 testName = os.path.join(path,name)
167 if Verbose:
168 print(" look for '%s'" % testName)
169 if os.path.isfile(testName):
170 if Verbose:
171 print(" found '%s'" % testName)
172 return env.fs.File(testName)
173 else:
174 name_ext = SCons.Util.splitext(testName)[1]
175 if name_ext:
176 continue
178 # if no suffix try adding those passed in
179 for suffix in suffixes:
180 testNameExt = testName + suffix
181 if Verbose:
182 print(" look for '%s'" % testNameExt)
184 if os.path.isfile(testNameExt):
185 if Verbose:
186 print(" found '%s'" % testNameExt)
187 return env.fs.File(testNameExt)
188 if Verbose:
189 print(" did not find '%s'" % name)
190 return None
192 def InternalLaTeXAuxAction(XXXLaTeXAction, target = None, source= None, env=None):
193 """A builder for LaTeX files that checks the output in the aux file
194 and decides how many times to use LaTeXAction, and BibTeXAction."""
196 global must_rerun_latex
198 # This routine is called with two actions. In this file for DVI builds
199 # with LaTeXAction and from the with PDFLaTeXAction
200 # set this up now for the case where the user requests a different extension
201 # for the target filename
202 if XXXLaTeXAction == LaTeXAction:
203 callerSuffix = ".dvi"
204 else:
205 callerSuffix = env['PDFSUFFIX']
207 basename = SCons.Util.splitext(str(source[0]))[0]
208 basedir = os.path.split(str(source[0]))[0]
209 basefile = os.path.split(str(basename))[1]
210 abspath = os.path.abspath(basedir)
212 targetext = os.path.splitext(str(target[0]))[1]
213 targetdir = os.path.split(str(target[0]))[0]
215 saved_env = {}
216 for var in SCons.Scanner.LaTeX.LaTeX.env_variables:
217 saved_env[var] = modify_env_var(env, var, abspath)
219 # Create base file names with the target directory since the auxiliary files
220 # will be made there. That's because the *COM variables have the cd
221 # command in the prolog. We check
222 # for the existence of files before opening them--even ones like the
223 # aux file that TeX always creates--to make it possible to write tests
224 # with stubs that don't necessarily generate all of the same files.
226 targetbase = os.path.join(targetdir, basefile)
228 # if there is a \makeindex there will be a .idx and thus
229 # we have to run makeindex at least once to keep the build
230 # happy even if there is no index.
231 # Same for glossaries, nomenclature, and acronyms
232 src_content = source[0].get_text_contents()
233 run_makeindex = and not os.path.isfile(targetbase + '.idx')
234 run_nomenclature = and not os.path.isfile(targetbase + '.nlo')
235 run_glossary = and not os.path.isfile(targetbase + '.glo')
236 run_glossaries = and not os.path.isfile(targetbase + '.glo')
237 run_acronyms = and not os.path.isfile(targetbase + '.acn')
239 saved_hashes = {}
240 suffix_nodes = {}
243 for suffix in all_suffixes+sum(newglossary_suffix, []):
244 theNode = env.fs.File(targetbase + suffix)
245 suffix_nodes[suffix] = theNode
246 saved_hashes[suffix] = theNode.get_csig()
248 if Verbose:
249 print("hashes: ",saved_hashes)
251 must_rerun_latex = True
253 # .aux files already processed by BibTex
254 already_bibtexed = []
256 def check_content_hash(filenode, suffix) -> bool:
258 Routine to update content hash and compare
260 global must_rerun_latex
261 # two calls to clear old csig
262 filenode.clear_memoized_values()
263 filenode.ninfo = filenode.new_ninfo()
264 new_md5 = filenode.get_csig()
266 if saved_hashes[suffix] == new_md5:
267 if Verbose:
268 print("file %s not changed" % (targetbase+suffix))
269 return False # unchanged
270 saved_hashes[suffix] = new_md5
271 must_rerun_latex = True
272 if Verbose:
273 print("file %s changed, rerunning Latex, new hash = " % (targetbase+suffix), new_md5)
274 return True # changed
276 # generate the file name that latex will generate
277 resultfilename = targetbase + callerSuffix
279 count = 0
281 while must_rerun_latex and count < int(env.subst('$LATEXRETRIES')):
282 result = XXXLaTeXAction(target, source, env)
283 if result != 0:
284 return result
286 count = count + 1
288 must_rerun_latex = False
289 # Decide if various things need to be run, or run again.
291 # Read the log file to find warnings/errors
292 logfilename = targetbase + '.log'
293 logContent = ''
294 if os.path.isfile(logfilename):
295 with open(logfilename, "rb") as f:
296 logContent ='replace')
298 # Read the fls file to find all .aux files
299 flsfilename = targetbase + '.fls'
300 flsContent = ''
301 auxfiles = []
302 if os.path.isfile(flsfilename):
303 with open(flsfilename, "r") as f:
304 flsContent =
305 auxfiles = openout_aux_re.findall(flsContent)
306 # remove duplicates
307 dups = {}
308 for x in auxfiles:
309 dups[x] = 1
310 auxfiles = list(dups.keys())
312 bcffiles = []
313 if os.path.isfile(flsfilename):
314 with open(flsfilename, "r") as f:
315 flsContent =
316 bcffiles = openout_bcf_re.findall(flsContent)
317 # remove duplicates
318 dups = {}
319 for x in bcffiles:
320 dups[x] = 1
321 bcffiles = list(dups.keys())
323 if Verbose:
324 print("auxfiles ",auxfiles)
325 print("bcffiles ",bcffiles)
327 # Now decide if bibtex will need to be run.
328 # The information that bibtex reads from the .aux file is
329 # pass-independent. If we find (below) that the .bbl file is unchanged,
330 # then the last latex saw a correct bibliography.
331 # Therefore only do this once
332 # Go through all .aux files and remember the files already done.
333 for auxfilename in auxfiles:
334 if auxfilename not in already_bibtexed:
335 already_bibtexed.append(auxfilename)
336 target_aux = os.path.join(targetdir, auxfilename)
337 if os.path.isfile(target_aux):
338 with open(target_aux, "r") as f:
339 content =
340 if content.find("bibdata") != -1:
341 if Verbose:
342 print("Need to run bibtex on ",auxfilename)
343 bibfile = env.fs.File(SCons.Util.splitext(target_aux)[0])
344 result = BibTeXAction(bibfile, bibfile, env)
345 if result != 0:
346 check_file_error_message(env['BIBTEX'], 'blg')
347 check_content_hash(suffix_nodes[".bbl"], ".bbl")
349 # Now decide if biber will need to be run.
350 # When the backend for biblatex is biber (by choice or default) the
351 # citation information is put in the .bcf file.
352 # The information that biber reads from the .bcf file is
353 # pass-independent. If we find (below) that the .bbl file is unchanged,
354 # then the last latex saw a correct bibliography.
355 # Therefore only do this once
356 # Go through all .bcf files and remember the files already done.
357 for bcffilename in bcffiles:
358 if bcffilename not in already_bibtexed:
359 already_bibtexed.append(bcffilename)
360 target_bcf = os.path.join(targetdir, bcffilename)
361 if os.path.isfile(target_bcf):
362 with open(target_bcf, "r") as f:
363 content =
364 if content.find("bibdata") != -1:
365 if Verbose:
366 print("Need to run biber on ",bcffilename)
367 bibfile = env.fs.File(SCons.Util.splitext(target_bcf)[0])
368 result = BiberAction(bibfile, bibfile, env)
369 if result != 0:
370 check_file_error_message(env['BIBER'], 'blg')
371 check_content_hash(suffix_nodes[".bbl"], ".bbl")
373 # Now decide if latex will need to be run again due to index.
374 if check_content_hash(suffix_nodes['.idx'], '.idx') or (count == 1 and run_makeindex):
375 # We must run makeindex
376 if Verbose:
377 print("Need to run makeindex")
378 idxfile = suffix_nodes['.idx']
379 result = MakeIndexAction(idxfile, idxfile, env)
380 if result != 0:
381 check_file_error_message(env['MAKEINDEX'], 'ilg')
382 return result
384 # TO-DO: need to add a way for the user to extend this list for whatever
385 # auxiliary files they create in other (or their own) packages
386 # Harder is case is where an action needs to be called -- that should be rare (I hope?)
388 for index in check_suffixes:
389 check_content_hash(suffix_nodes[index], index)
391 # Now decide if latex will need to be run again due to nomenclature.
392 if check_content_hash(suffix_nodes['.nlo'], '.nlo') or (count == 1 and run_nomenclature):
393 # We must run makeindex
394 if Verbose:
395 print("Need to run makeindex for nomenclature")
396 nclfile = suffix_nodes['.nlo']
397 result = MakeNclAction(nclfile, nclfile, env)
398 if result != 0:
399 check_file_error_message('%s (nomenclature)' % env['MAKENCL'],
400 'nlg')
401 #return result
403 # Now decide if latex will need to be run again due to glossary.
404 if check_content_hash(suffix_nodes['.glo'], '.glo') or (count == 1 and run_glossaries) or (count == 1 and run_glossary):
405 # We must run makeindex
406 if Verbose:
407 print("Need to run makeindex for glossary")
408 glofile = suffix_nodes['.glo']
409 result = MakeGlossaryAction(glofile, glofile, env)
410 if result != 0:
411 check_file_error_message('%s (glossary)' % env['MAKEGLOSSARY'],
412 'glg')
413 #return result
415 # Now decide if latex will need to be run again due to acronyms.
416 if check_content_hash(suffix_nodes['.acn'], '.acn') or (count == 1 and run_acronyms):
417 # We must run makeindex
418 if Verbose:
419 print("Need to run makeindex for acronyms")
420 acrfile = suffix_nodes['.acn']
421 result = MakeAcronymsAction(acrfile, acrfile, env)
422 if result != 0:
423 check_file_error_message('%s (acronyms)' % env['MAKEACRONYMS'],
424 'alg')
425 return result
427 # Now decide if latex will need to be run again due to newglossary command.
428 for ng in newglossary_suffix:
429 if check_content_hash(suffix_nodes[ng[2]], ng[2]) or (count == 1):
430 # We must run makeindex
431 if Verbose:
432 print("Need to run makeindex for newglossary")
433 newglfile = suffix_nodes[ng[2]]
434 MakeNewGlossaryAction = SCons.Action.Action(
435 "$MAKENEWGLOSSARYCOM ${SOURCE.filebase}%s -s ${SOURCE.filebase}.ist -t ${SOURCE.filebase}%s -o ${SOURCE.filebase}%s"
436 % (ng[2], ng[0], ng[1]),
440 result = MakeNewGlossaryAction(newglfile, newglfile, env)
441 if result != 0:
442 check_file_error_message(
443 '%s (newglossary)' % env['MAKENEWGLOSSARY'], ng[0]
445 return result
447 # Now decide if latex needs to be run yet again to resolve warnings.
448 if
449 must_rerun_latex = True
450 if Verbose:
451 print("rerun Latex due to latex or package rerun warning")
453 if
454 must_rerun_latex = True
455 if Verbose:
456 print("rerun Latex due to 'Rerun to get citations correct' warning")
458 if
459 must_rerun_latex = True
460 if Verbose:
461 print("rerun Latex due to undefined references or citations")
463 if count >= int(env.subst('$LATEXRETRIES')) and must_rerun_latex:
464 print("reached max number of retries on Latex ,",int(env.subst('$LATEXRETRIES')))
465 # end of while loop
467 # rename Latex's output to what the target name is
468 if not (str(target[0]) == resultfilename and os.path.isfile(resultfilename)):
469 if os.path.isfile(resultfilename):
470 print("move %s to %s" % (resultfilename, str(target[0]), ))
471 shutil.move(resultfilename,str(target[0]))
473 # Original comment (when TEXPICTS was not restored):
474 # The TEXPICTS environment variable is needed by a dvi -> pdf step
475 # later on Mac OSX so leave it
477 # It is also used when searching for pictures (implicit dependencies).
478 # Why not set the variable again in the respective builder instead
479 # of leaving local modifications in the environment? What if multiple
480 # latex builds in different directories need different TEXPICTS?
481 for var in SCons.Scanner.LaTeX.LaTeX.env_variables:
482 if var == 'TEXPICTS':
483 continue
484 if saved_env[var] is _null:
485 try:
486 del env['ENV'][var]
487 except KeyError:
488 pass # was never set
489 else:
490 env['ENV'][var] = saved_env[var]
492 return result
494 def LaTeXAuxAction(target=None, source=None, env=None):
495 result = InternalLaTeXAuxAction(LaTeXAction, target, source, env)
496 return result
499 LaTeX_re = re.compile("\\\\document(style|class)")
502 def is_LaTeX(flist, env, abspath) -> bool:
503 """Scan a file list to decide if it's TeX- or LaTeX-flavored."""
505 # We need to scan files that are included in case the
506 # \documentclass command is in them.
508 # get path list from both env['TEXINPUTS'] and env['ENV']['TEXINPUTS']
509 savedpath = modify_env_var(env, "TEXINPUTS", abspath)
510 paths = env["ENV"]["TEXINPUTS"]
511 if SCons.Util.is_List(paths):
512 pass
513 else:
514 # Split at os.pathsep to convert into absolute path
515 paths = paths.split(os.pathsep)
517 # now that we have the path list restore the env
518 if savedpath is _null:
519 try:
520 del env["ENV"]["TEXINPUTS"]
521 except KeyError:
522 pass # was never set
523 else:
524 env["ENV"]["TEXINPUTS"] = savedpath
525 if Verbose:
526 print("is_LaTeX search path ", paths)
527 print("files to search: ", flist)
529 # Now that we have the search path and file list, check each one
530 file_test = False
531 for f in flist:
532 if Verbose:
533 print(f" checking for Latex source {f}")
535 content = f.get_text_contents()
536 if
537 if Verbose:
538 print(f"file {f} is a LaTeX file")
539 return True
540 if Verbose:
541 print(f"file {f} is not a LaTeX file")
543 # now find included files
544 inc_files = []
545 inc_files.extend(include_re.findall(content))
546 if Verbose:
547 print(f"files included by '{f}': ", inc_files)
548 # inc_files is list of file names as given. need to find them
549 # using TEXINPUTS paths.
551 # search the included files
552 for src in inc_files:
553 srcNode = FindFile(
554 src, [".tex", ".ltx", ".latex"], paths, env, requireExt=False
556 # make this a list since is_LaTeX takes a list.
557 fileList = [srcNode]
558 if Verbose:
559 print("FindFile found ", srcNode)
560 if srcNode is not None:
561 file_test = is_LaTeX(fileList, env, abspath)
563 # return on first file that finds latex is needed.
564 if file_test:
565 return True
567 if Verbose:
568 print(f" done scanning {f}")
570 return False
573 def TeXLaTeXFunction(target = None, source= None, env=None):
574 """A builder for TeX and LaTeX that scans the source file to
575 decide the "flavor" of the source and then executes the appropriate
576 program."""
578 # find these paths for use in is_LaTeX to search for included files
579 basedir = os.path.split(str(source[0]))[0]
580 abspath = os.path.abspath(basedir)
582 if is_LaTeX(source,env,abspath):
583 result = LaTeXAuxAction(target,source,env)
584 if result != 0:
585 check_file_error_message(env['LATEX'])
586 else:
587 result = TeXAction(target,source,env)
588 if result != 0:
589 check_file_error_message(env['TEX'])
590 return result
592 def TeXLaTeXStrFunction(target = None, source= None, env=None):
593 """A strfunction for TeX and LaTeX that scans the source file to
594 decide the "flavor" of the source and then returns the appropriate
595 command string."""
596 if env.GetOption("no_exec"):
598 # find these paths for use in is_LaTeX to search for included files
599 basedir = os.path.split(str(source[0]))[0]
600 abspath = os.path.abspath(basedir)
602 if is_LaTeX(source,env,abspath):
603 result = env.subst('$LATEXCOM',0,target,source)+" ..."
604 else:
605 result = env.subst("$TEXCOM",0,target,source)+" ..."
606 else:
607 result = ''
608 return result
610 def tex_eps_emitter(target, source, env):
611 """An emitter for TeX and LaTeX sources when
612 executing tex or latex. It will accept .ps and .eps
613 graphics files
615 (target, source) = tex_emitter_core(target, source, env, TexGraphics)
617 return (target, source)
619 def tex_pdf_emitter(target, source, env):
620 """An emitter for TeX and LaTeX sources when
621 executing pdftex or pdflatex. It will accept graphics
622 files of types .pdf, .jpg, .png, .gif, and .tif
624 (target, source) = tex_emitter_core(target, source, env, LatexGraphics)
626 return (target, source)
628 def ScanFiles(theFile, target, paths, file_tests, file_tests_search, env, graphics_extensions, targetdir, aux_files):
629 """ For theFile (a Node) update any file_tests and search for graphics files
630 then find all included files and call ScanFiles recursively for each of them"""
632 content = theFile.get_text_contents()
633 if Verbose:
634 print(" scanning ",str(theFile))
636 for i in range(len(file_tests_search)):
637 if file_tests[i][0] is None:
638 if Verbose:
639 print("scan i ",i," files_tests[i] ",file_tests[i], file_tests[i][1])
640 file_tests[i][0] = file_tests_search[i].search(content)
641 if Verbose and file_tests[i][0]:
642 print(" found match for ",file_tests[i][1][-1])
643 # for newglossary insert the suffixes in file_tests[i]
644 if file_tests[i][0] and file_tests[i][1][-1] == 'newglossary':
645 findresult = file_tests_search[i].findall(content)
646 for l in range(len(findresult)) :
647 (file_tests[i][1]).insert(0,'.'+findresult[l][3])
648 (file_tests[i][1]).insert(0,'.'+findresult[l][2])
649 (file_tests[i][1]).insert(0,'.'+findresult[l][0])
650 suffix_list = ['.'+findresult[l][0],'.'+findresult[l][2],'.'+findresult[l][3] ]
651 newglossary_suffix.append(suffix_list)
652 if Verbose:
653 print(" new suffixes for newglossary ",newglossary_suffix)
656 incResult =
657 if incResult:
658 aux_files.append(os.path.join(targetdir,
659 if Verbose:
660 print(r"\include file names : ", aux_files)
661 # recursively call this on each of the included files
662 inc_files = [ ]
663 inc_files.extend( include_re.findall(content) )
664 if Verbose:
665 print("files included by '%s': "%str(theFile),inc_files)
666 # inc_files is list of file names as given. need to find them
667 # using TEXINPUTS paths.
669 for src in inc_files:
670 srcNode = FindFile(src,['.tex','.ltx','.latex'],paths,env,requireExt=False)
671 if srcNode is not None:
672 file_tests = ScanFiles(srcNode, target, paths, file_tests, file_tests_search, env, graphics_extensions, targetdir, aux_files)
673 if Verbose:
674 print(" done scanning ",str(theFile))
675 return file_tests
677 def tex_emitter_core(target, source, env, graphics_extensions):
678 """An emitter for TeX and LaTeX sources.
679 For LaTeX sources we try and find the common created files that
680 are needed on subsequent runs of latex to finish tables of contents,
681 bibliographies, indices, lists of figures, and hyperlink references.
683 basename = SCons.Util.splitext(str(source[0]))[0]
684 basefile = os.path.split(str(basename))[1]
685 targetdir = os.path.split(str(target[0]))[0]
686 targetbase = os.path.join(targetdir, basefile)
688 basedir = os.path.split(str(source[0]))[0]
689 abspath = os.path.abspath(basedir)
690 target[0].attributes.path = abspath
693 # file names we will make use of in searching the sources and log file
695 emit_suffixes = ['.aux', '.log', '.ilg', '.blg', '.nls', '.nlg', '.gls', '.glg', '.alg'] + all_suffixes
696 auxfilename = targetbase + '.aux'
697 logfilename = targetbase + '.log'
698 flsfilename = targetbase + '.fls'
699 syncfilename = targetbase + '.synctex.gz'
701 env.SideEffect(auxfilename,target[0])
702 env.SideEffect(logfilename,target[0])
703 env.SideEffect(flsfilename,target[0])
704 env.SideEffect(syncfilename,target[0])
705 if Verbose:
706 print("side effect :",auxfilename,logfilename,flsfilename,syncfilename)
707 env.Clean(target[0],auxfilename)
708 env.Clean(target[0],logfilename)
709 env.Clean(target[0],flsfilename)
710 env.Clean(target[0],syncfilename)
712 content = source[0].get_text_contents()
714 # set up list with the regular expressions
715 # we use to find features used
716 file_tests_search = [auxfile_re,
717 makeindex_re,
718 bibliography_re,
719 bibunit_re,
720 multibib_re,
721 addbibresource_re,
722 tableofcontents_re,
723 listoffigures_re,
724 listoftables_re,
725 hyperref_re,
726 makenomenclature_re,
727 makeglossary_re,
728 makeglossaries_re,
729 makeacronyms_re,
730 beamer_re,
731 newglossary_re,
732 biblatex_re ]
733 # set up list with the file suffixes that need emitting
734 # when a feature is found
735 file_tests_suff = [['.aux','aux_file'],
736 ['.idx', '.ind', '.ilg','makeindex'],
737 ['.bbl', '.blg','bibliography'],
738 ['.bbl', '.blg','bibunit'],
739 ['.bbl', '.blg','multibib'],
740 ['.bbl', '.blg','.bcf','addbibresource'],
741 ['.toc','contents'],
742 ['.lof','figures'],
743 ['.lot','tables'],
744 ['.out','hyperref'],
745 ['.nlo', '.nls', '.nlg','nomenclature'],
746 ['.glo', '.gls', '.glg','glossary'],
747 ['.glo', '.gls', '.glg','glossaries'],
748 ['.acn', '.acr', '.alg','acronyms'],
749 ['.nav', '.snm', '.out', '.toc','beamer'],
750 ['newglossary',],
751 ['.bcf', '.blg','biblatex'] ]
752 # for newglossary the suffixes are added as we find the command
753 # build the list of lists
754 file_tests = []
755 for i in range(len(file_tests_search)):
756 file_tests.append( [None, file_tests_suff[i]] )
758 # TO-DO: need to add a way for the user to extend this list for whatever
759 # auxiliary files they create in other (or their own) packages
761 # get path list from both env['TEXINPUTS'] and env['ENV']['TEXINPUTS']
762 savedpath = modify_env_var(env, 'TEXINPUTS', abspath)
763 paths = env['ENV']['TEXINPUTS']
764 if SCons.Util.is_List(paths):
765 pass
766 else:
767 # Split at os.pathsep to convert into absolute path
768 paths = paths.split(os.pathsep)
770 # now that we have the path list restore the env
771 if savedpath is _null:
772 try:
773 del env['ENV']['TEXINPUTS']
774 except KeyError:
775 pass # was never set
776 else:
777 env['ENV']['TEXINPUTS'] = savedpath
778 if Verbose:
779 print("search path ",paths)
781 # scan all sources for side effect files
782 aux_files = []
783 file_tests = ScanFiles(source[0], target, paths, file_tests, file_tests_search, env, graphics_extensions, targetdir, aux_files)
785 for (theSearch,suffix_list) in file_tests:
786 # add side effects if feature is present.If file is to be generated,add all side effects
787 if Verbose and theSearch:
788 print("check side effects for ",suffix_list[-1])
789 if theSearch is not None or not source[0].exists():
790 file_list = [targetbase,]
791 # for bibunit we need a list of files
792 if suffix_list[-1] == 'bibunit':
793 file_basename = os.path.join(targetdir, 'bu*.aux')
794 file_list = glob.glob(file_basename)
795 # remove the suffix '.aux'
796 for fl in file_list.copy():
797 file_list.append(SCons.Util.splitext(fl)[0])
798 # for multibib we need a list of files
799 if suffix_list[-1] == 'multibib':
800 for multibibmatch in multibib_re.finditer(content):
801 if Verbose:
802 print("multibib match ",
803 if multibibmatch is not None:
804 baselist =',')
805 if Verbose:
806 print("multibib list ", baselist)
807 for bl in baselist:
808 file_list.append(os.path.join(targetdir, bl))
809 # now define the side effects
810 for file_name in file_list:
811 for suffix in suffix_list[:-1]:
812 env.SideEffect(file_name + suffix,target[0])
813 if Verbose:
814 print("side effect tst :",file_name + suffix, " target is ",str(target[0]))
815 env.Clean(target[0],file_name + suffix)
817 for aFile in aux_files:
818 aFile_base = SCons.Util.splitext(aFile)[0]
819 env.SideEffect(aFile_base + '.aux',target[0])
820 if Verbose:
821 print("side effect aux :",aFile_base + '.aux')
822 env.Clean(target[0],aFile_base + '.aux')
823 # read fls file to get all other files that latex creates and will read on the next pass
824 # remove files from list that we explicitly dealt with above
825 if os.path.isfile(flsfilename):
826 with open(flsfilename, "r") as f:
827 content =
828 out_files = openout_re.findall(content)
829 myfiles = [auxfilename, logfilename, flsfilename, targetbase+'.dvi',targetbase+'.pdf']
830 for filename in out_files[:]:
831 if filename in myfiles:
832 out_files.remove(filename)
833 env.SideEffect(out_files,target[0])
834 if Verbose:
835 print("side effect fls :",out_files)
836 env.Clean(target[0],out_files)
838 return (target, source)
841 TeXLaTeXAction = None
843 def generate(env) -> None:
844 """Add Builders and construction variables for TeX to an Environment."""
846 global TeXLaTeXAction
847 if TeXLaTeXAction is None:
848 TeXLaTeXAction = SCons.Action.Action(TeXLaTeXFunction,
849 strfunction=TeXLaTeXStrFunction)
851 env.AppendUnique(LATEXSUFFIXES=SCons.Tool.LaTeXSuffixes)
853 generate_common(env)
855 from . import dvi
856 dvi.generate(env)
858 bld = env['BUILDERS']['DVI']
859 bld.add_action('.tex', TeXLaTeXAction)
860 bld.add_emitter('.tex', tex_eps_emitter)
862 def generate_darwin(env) -> None:
863 try:
864 environ = env['ENV']
865 except KeyError:
866 environ = {}
867 env['ENV'] = environ
869 if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
870 try:
871 ospath = env['ENV']['PATHOSX']
872 except KeyError:
873 ospath = None
874 if ospath:
875 env.AppendENVPath('PATH', ospath)
877 def generate_common(env) -> None:
878 """Add internal Builders and construction variables for LaTeX to an Environment."""
880 # Add OSX system paths so TeX tools can be found
881 # when a list of tools is given the exists() method is not called
882 generate_darwin(env)
884 # A generic tex file Action, sufficient for all tex files.
885 global TeXAction
886 if TeXAction is None:
887 TeXAction = SCons.Action.Action("$TEXCOM", "$TEXCOMSTR")
889 # An Action to build a latex file. This might be needed more
890 # than once if we are dealing with labels and bibtex.
891 global LaTeXAction
892 if LaTeXAction is None:
893 LaTeXAction = SCons.Action.Action("$LATEXCOM", "$LATEXCOMSTR")
895 # Define an action to run BibTeX on a file.
896 global BibTeXAction
897 if BibTeXAction is None:
898 BibTeXAction = SCons.Action.Action("$BIBTEXCOM", "$BIBTEXCOMSTR")
900 # Define an action to run Biber on a file.
901 global BiberAction
902 if BiberAction is None:
903 BiberAction = SCons.Action.Action("$BIBERCOM", "$BIBERCOMSTR")
905 # Define an action to run MakeIndex on a file.
906 global MakeIndexAction
907 if MakeIndexAction is None:
908 MakeIndexAction = SCons.Action.Action("$MAKEINDEXCOM", "$MAKEINDEXCOMSTR")
910 # Define an action to run MakeIndex on a file for nomenclatures.
911 global MakeNclAction
912 if MakeNclAction is None:
913 MakeNclAction = SCons.Action.Action("$MAKENCLCOM", "$MAKENCLCOMSTR")
915 # Define an action to run MakeIndex on a file for glossaries.
916 global MakeGlossaryAction
917 if MakeGlossaryAction is None:
918 MakeGlossaryAction = SCons.Action.Action("$MAKEGLOSSARYCOM", "$MAKEGLOSSARYCOMSTR")
920 # Define an action to run MakeIndex on a file for acronyms.
921 global MakeAcronymsAction
922 if MakeAcronymsAction is None:
923 MakeAcronymsAction = SCons.Action.Action("$MAKEACRONYMSCOM", "$MAKEACRONYMSCOMSTR")
925 try:
926 environ = env['ENV']
927 except KeyError:
928 environ = {}
929 env['ENV'] = environ
931 # Some Linux platforms have pdflatex set up in a way
932 # that requires that the HOME environment variable be set.
933 # Add it here if defined.
934 v = os.environ.get('HOME')
935 if v:
936 environ['HOME'] = v
938 CDCOM = 'cd '
939 if platform.system() == 'Windows':
940 # allow cd command to change drives on Windows
941 CDCOM = 'cd /D '
943 env['TEX'] = 'tex'
944 env['TEXFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('-interaction=nonstopmode -recorder')
945 env['TEXCOM'] = CDCOM + '${TARGET.dir} && $TEX $TEXFLAGS ${SOURCE.file}'
947 env['PDFTEX'] = 'pdftex'
948 env['PDFTEXFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('-interaction=nonstopmode -recorder')
951 env['LATEX'] = 'latex'
952 env['LATEXFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('-interaction=nonstopmode -recorder')
953 env['LATEXCOM'] = CDCOM + '${TARGET.dir} && $LATEX $LATEXFLAGS ${SOURCE.file}'
954 env['LATEXRETRIES'] = 4
956 env['PDFLATEX'] = 'pdflatex'
957 env['PDFLATEXFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('-interaction=nonstopmode -recorder')
960 env['BIBTEX'] = 'bibtex'
961 env['BIBTEXFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('')
962 env['BIBTEXCOM'] = CDCOM + '${TARGET.dir} && $BIBTEX $BIBTEXFLAGS ${SOURCE.filebase}'
964 env['BIBER'] = 'biber'
965 env['BIBERFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('')
966 env['BIBERCOM'] = CDCOM + '${TARGET.dir} && $BIBER $BIBERFLAGS ${SOURCE.filebase}'
968 env['MAKEINDEX'] = 'makeindex'
969 env['MAKEINDEXFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('')
972 env['MAKEGLOSSARY'] = 'makeindex'
973 env['MAKEGLOSSARYSTYLE'] = '${SOURCE.filebase}.ist'
974 env['MAKEGLOSSARYFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('-s ${MAKEGLOSSARYSTYLE} -t ${SOURCE.filebase}.glg')
975 env['MAKEGLOSSARYCOM'] = CDCOM + '${TARGET.dir} && $MAKEGLOSSARY ${SOURCE.filebase}.glo $MAKEGLOSSARYFLAGS -o ${SOURCE.filebase}.gls'
977 env['MAKEACRONYMS'] = 'makeindex'
978 env['MAKEACRONYMSSTYLE'] = '${SOURCE.filebase}.ist'
979 env['MAKEACRONYMSFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('-s ${MAKEACRONYMSSTYLE} -t ${SOURCE.filebase}.alg')
980 env['MAKEACRONYMSCOM'] = CDCOM + '${TARGET.dir} && $MAKEACRONYMS ${SOURCE.filebase}.acn $MAKEACRONYMSFLAGS -o ${SOURCE.filebase}.acr'
982 env['MAKENCL'] = 'makeindex'
983 env['MAKENCLSTYLE'] = ''
984 env['MAKENCLFLAGS'] = '-s ${MAKENCLSTYLE} -t ${SOURCE.filebase}.nlg'
985 env['MAKENCLCOM'] = CDCOM + '${TARGET.dir} && $MAKENCL ${SOURCE.filebase}.nlo $MAKENCLFLAGS -o ${SOURCE.filebase}.nls'
987 env['MAKENEWGLOSSARY'] = 'makeindex'
990 def exists(env):
991 generate_darwin(env)
992 return env.Detect('tex')
994 # Local Variables:
995 # tab-width:4
996 # indent-tabs-mode:nil
997 # End:
998 # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: