1 It's now possible to fix the price of an Accessory by setting the FreeMarketLimit of it to 0
2 The price of each accessory is calculated and stored exactly with no rounding, the rounding is only applied to the visible prices.
3 Removed the dependancy on returning char * from certain S3D APIs (for thread safety)
4 Most S3D global APIs are now namespaced into the S3D:: namespace
5 Updated directory structure to enforce server only builds (client directories are not added to server -I path)
6 Changed landscape to use geomipmaps instead of ROAM
7 Removed option to have border heightmap around landscape (just make larger landscape)
8 Optimized indexing of water and landscape into larger VBOs
9 Water LOD now depends on water mesh detail as well as distance
10 Added quadtree for water/land visibility
11 Started experimental splatting texture mapping for landscape
12 Added LUA scripting language support
13 Player dies when less than 1 HP (avoids 0 HP tanks)
14 Fixed tanks being positioned in the corner when joining at round begining
15 Added -startcustom option to server to start using default server.xml file
16 Added errosion and noise to options for landscape generation
17 Optimized collision space updates to be more efficient
18 Boids are now all grouped into groups of 5 to make flocking algorithm more efficient
19 New boids can be added in the middle of a round
20 Added option for simpler water shaders for framerate improvement
21 Optimized object visibility checks to use quadtree
22 Optimized/minimized OpenGL calls during landscape/water rendering
23 Added arenawidth and arenaheight options to landscape defn to allow smaller playable area to be defined
24 Added weaponscript for LUA scripted weapons
25 Enlarged the LAN, MOTD and Tank dialogs to fit mimimum GUI size
26 Added nosingleflow attribute to napalm to make it fill the area more
27 Added console enforced parsing of console commands
28 Added console tab completion for console command arguments
29 Added script hooks to allow LUA scripts to be called on S3D events
30 Combat messages are now shown in the server log
31 Fog also applied to landscape in shader mode
32 Added usenumber attribute to accessories to specifiy the number to use up when fired (supported 0 or 1)
33 Changed fonts to dejavu to provide a larger set of characters
34 Added multi-lingual localization support for Scorched3D guis
35 Added multi-lingual character support for Scorched3D chat and player names
36 Fullscreen mode is now only the default on Win32 systems
37 Skill and skill change now displayed on tooltips and combat messages
38 Added server admin permissions
39 Admin users can now change their own passwords
40 Added server GUI to client to perform simple add/remove player operations. Can be used in offline mode too.
41 Changed effectiveness of some shields after playing review
42 Changed rollers to be less bouncy
43 Changed key duplicates to be a warning rather than halting the program
44 Added nobuy tag to accessories to allow accessories that can be given but not bought
45 Landscape definition and texture files are chosen at random within each landscape (if cycle maps is off)