Hackfix and re-enable strtoull and wcstoull, see bug #3798.
[sdcc.git] / sdcc-extra / historygraphs / dhrystone-r3ka-sizetable.p
1 set output "dhrystone-r3ka-size.svg"
2 set terminal svg size 640,480
3 set style data lines
4 set xlabel "revision"
5 set ylabel "size [B]"
6 set arrow from 12085, 9960 to 12085, 9860
7 set label "4.1.0" at 12085, 9960
8 set arrow from 13131, 8907 to 13131, 8807
9 set label "4.2.0" at 13131, 8907
10 set arrow from 14208, 8878 to 14208, 8778
11 set label "4.3.0" at 14208, 8878
12 set arrow from 14648, 8436 to 14648, 8336
13 set label "4.4.0" at 14648, 8436
14 plot "dhrystone-r3ka-sizetable" using 1:4 title "default", "dhrystone-r3ka-sizetable" using 1:2 title "size", "dhrystone-r3ka-sizetable" using 1:3 title "speed"