Prepare for SDCC 4.5.0 release.
[sdcc.git] / sdcc / device / non-free / lib / pic16 / libdev / pic18f44j10.c
1 /*
2 * This definitions of the PIC18F44J10 MCU.
4 * This file is part of the GNU PIC library for SDCC, originally
5 * created by Molnar Karoly <> 2016.
7 * This file is generated automatically by the, 2016-04-13 17:23:29 UTC.
9 * SDCC is licensed under the GNU Public license (GPL) v2. Note that
10 * this license covers the code to the compiler and other executables,
11 * but explicitly does not cover any code or objects generated by sdcc.
13 * For pic device libraries and header files which are derived from
14 * Microchip header (.inc) and linker script (.lkr) files Microchip
15 * requires that "The header files should state that they are only to be
16 * used with authentic Microchip devices" which makes them incompatible
17 * with the GPL. Pic device libraries and header files are located at
18 * non-free/lib and non-free/include directories respectively.
19 * Sdcc should be run with the --use-non-free command line option in
20 * order to include non-free header files and libraries.
22 * See for the latest information on sdcc.
25 #include <pic18f44j10.h>
27 //==============================================================================
29 __at(0x0F80) __sfr PORTA;
30 __at(0x0F80) volatile __PORTAbits_t PORTAbits;
32 __at(0x0F81) __sfr PORTB;
33 __at(0x0F81) volatile __PORTBbits_t PORTBbits;
35 __at(0x0F82) __sfr PORTC;
36 __at(0x0F82) volatile __PORTCbits_t PORTCbits;
38 __at(0x0F83) __sfr PORTD;
39 __at(0x0F83) volatile __PORTDbits_t PORTDbits;
41 __at(0x0F84) __sfr PORTE;
42 __at(0x0F84) volatile __PORTEbits_t PORTEbits;
44 __at(0x0F85) __sfr SSP2CON2;
45 __at(0x0F85) volatile __SSP2CON2bits_t SSP2CON2bits;
47 __at(0x0F86) __sfr SSP2CON1;
48 __at(0x0F86) volatile __SSP2CON1bits_t SSP2CON1bits;
50 __at(0x0F87) __sfr SSP2STAT;
51 __at(0x0F87) volatile __SSP2STATbits_t SSP2STATbits;
53 __at(0x0F88) __sfr SSP2ADD;
55 __at(0x0F89) __sfr LATA;
56 __at(0x0F89) volatile __LATAbits_t LATAbits;
58 __at(0x0F8A) __sfr LATB;
59 __at(0x0F8A) volatile __LATBbits_t LATBbits;
61 __at(0x0F8B) __sfr LATC;
62 __at(0x0F8B) volatile __LATCbits_t LATCbits;
64 __at(0x0F8C) __sfr LATD;
65 __at(0x0F8C) volatile __LATDbits_t LATDbits;
67 __at(0x0F8D) __sfr LATE;
68 __at(0x0F8D) volatile __LATEbits_t LATEbits;
70 __at(0x0F8E) __sfr SSP2BUF;
72 __at(0x0F92) __sfr DDRA;
73 __at(0x0F92) volatile __DDRAbits_t DDRAbits;
75 __at(0x0F92) __sfr TRISA;
76 __at(0x0F92) volatile __TRISAbits_t TRISAbits;
78 __at(0x0F93) __sfr DDRB;
79 __at(0x0F93) volatile __DDRBbits_t DDRBbits;
81 __at(0x0F93) __sfr TRISB;
82 __at(0x0F93) volatile __TRISBbits_t TRISBbits;
84 __at(0x0F94) __sfr DDRC;
85 __at(0x0F94) volatile __DDRCbits_t DDRCbits;
87 __at(0x0F94) __sfr TRISC;
88 __at(0x0F94) volatile __TRISCbits_t TRISCbits;
90 __at(0x0F95) __sfr DDRD;
91 __at(0x0F95) volatile __DDRDbits_t DDRDbits;
93 __at(0x0F95) __sfr TRISD;
94 __at(0x0F95) volatile __TRISDbits_t TRISDbits;
96 __at(0x0F96) __sfr DDRE;
97 __at(0x0F96) volatile __DDREbits_t DDREbits;
99 __at(0x0F96) __sfr TRISE;
100 __at(0x0F96) volatile __TRISEbits_t TRISEbits;
102 __at(0x0F9B) __sfr OSCTUNE;
103 __at(0x0F9B) volatile __OSCTUNEbits_t OSCTUNEbits;
105 __at(0x0F9D) __sfr PIE1;
106 __at(0x0F9D) volatile __PIE1bits_t PIE1bits;
108 __at(0x0F9E) __sfr PIR1;
109 __at(0x0F9E) volatile __PIR1bits_t PIR1bits;
111 __at(0x0F9F) __sfr IPR1;
112 __at(0x0F9F) volatile __IPR1bits_t IPR1bits;
114 __at(0x0FA0) __sfr PIE2;
115 __at(0x0FA0) volatile __PIE2bits_t PIE2bits;
117 __at(0x0FA1) __sfr PIR2;
118 __at(0x0FA1) volatile __PIR2bits_t PIR2bits;
120 __at(0x0FA2) __sfr IPR2;
121 __at(0x0FA2) volatile __IPR2bits_t IPR2bits;
123 __at(0x0FA3) __sfr PIE3;
124 __at(0x0FA3) volatile __PIE3bits_t PIE3bits;
126 __at(0x0FA4) __sfr PIR3;
127 __at(0x0FA4) volatile __PIR3bits_t PIR3bits;
129 __at(0x0FA5) __sfr IPR3;
130 __at(0x0FA5) volatile __IPR3bits_t IPR3bits;
132 __at(0x0FA6) __sfr EECON1;
133 __at(0x0FA6) volatile __EECON1bits_t EECON1bits;
135 __at(0x0FA7) __sfr EECON2;
137 __at(0x0FAB) __sfr RCSTA;
138 __at(0x0FAB) volatile __RCSTAbits_t RCSTAbits;
140 __at(0x0FAB) __sfr RCSTA1;
141 __at(0x0FAB) volatile __RCSTA1bits_t RCSTA1bits;
143 __at(0x0FAC) __sfr TXSTA;
144 __at(0x0FAC) volatile __TXSTAbits_t TXSTAbits;
146 __at(0x0FAC) __sfr TXSTA1;
147 __at(0x0FAC) volatile __TXSTA1bits_t TXSTA1bits;
149 __at(0x0FAD) __sfr TXREG;
151 __at(0x0FAD) __sfr TXREG1;
153 __at(0x0FAE) __sfr RCREG;
155 __at(0x0FAE) __sfr RCREG1;
157 __at(0x0FAF) __sfr SPBRG;
159 __at(0x0FAF) __sfr SPBRG1;
161 __at(0x0FB0) __sfr SPBRGH;
163 __at(0x0FB4) __sfr CMCON;
164 __at(0x0FB4) volatile __CMCONbits_t CMCONbits;
166 __at(0x0FB5) __sfr CVRCON;
167 __at(0x0FB5) volatile __CVRCONbits_t CVRCONbits;
169 __at(0x0FB6) __sfr ECCP1AS;
170 __at(0x0FB6) volatile __ECCP1ASbits_t ECCP1ASbits;
172 __at(0x0FB7) __sfr ECCP1DEL;
173 __at(0x0FB7) volatile __ECCP1DELbits_t ECCP1DELbits;
175 __at(0x0FB7) __sfr PWM1CON;
176 __at(0x0FB7) volatile __PWM1CONbits_t PWM1CONbits;
178 __at(0x0FB8) __sfr BAUDCON;
179 __at(0x0FB8) volatile __BAUDCONbits_t BAUDCONbits;
181 __at(0x0FB8) __sfr BAUDCTL;
182 __at(0x0FB8) volatile __BAUDCTLbits_t BAUDCTLbits;
184 __at(0x0FBA) __sfr CCP2CON;
185 __at(0x0FBA) volatile __CCP2CONbits_t CCP2CONbits;
187 __at(0x0FBB) __sfr CCPR2;
189 __at(0x0FBB) __sfr CCPR2L;
191 __at(0x0FBC) __sfr CCPR2H;
193 __at(0x0FBD) __sfr CCP1CON;
194 __at(0x0FBD) volatile __CCP1CONbits_t CCP1CONbits;
196 __at(0x0FBD) __sfr ECCP1CON;
197 __at(0x0FBD) volatile __ECCP1CONbits_t ECCP1CONbits;
199 __at(0x0FBE) __sfr CCPR1;
201 __at(0x0FBE) __sfr CCPR1L;
203 __at(0x0FBF) __sfr CCPR1H;
205 __at(0x0FC0) __sfr ADCON2;
206 __at(0x0FC0) volatile __ADCON2bits_t ADCON2bits;
208 __at(0x0FC1) __sfr ADCON1;
209 __at(0x0FC1) volatile __ADCON1bits_t ADCON1bits;
211 __at(0x0FC2) __sfr ADCON0;
212 __at(0x0FC2) volatile __ADCON0bits_t ADCON0bits;
214 __at(0x0FC3) __sfr ADRES;
216 __at(0x0FC3) __sfr ADRESL;
218 __at(0x0FC4) __sfr ADRESH;
220 __at(0x0FC5) __sfr SSP1CON2;
221 __at(0x0FC5) volatile __SSP1CON2bits_t SSP1CON2bits;
223 __at(0x0FC5) __sfr SSPCON2;
224 __at(0x0FC5) volatile __SSPCON2bits_t SSPCON2bits;
226 __at(0x0FC6) __sfr SSP1CON1;
227 __at(0x0FC6) volatile __SSP1CON1bits_t SSP1CON1bits;
229 __at(0x0FC6) __sfr SSPCON1;
230 __at(0x0FC6) volatile __SSPCON1bits_t SSPCON1bits;
232 __at(0x0FC7) __sfr SSP1STAT;
233 __at(0x0FC7) volatile __SSP1STATbits_t SSP1STATbits;
235 __at(0x0FC7) __sfr SSPSTAT;
236 __at(0x0FC7) volatile __SSPSTATbits_t SSPSTATbits;
238 __at(0x0FC8) __sfr SSP1ADD;
240 __at(0x0FC8) __sfr SSPADD;
242 __at(0x0FC9) __sfr SSP1BUF;
244 __at(0x0FC9) __sfr SSPBUF;
246 __at(0x0FCA) __sfr T2CON;
247 __at(0x0FCA) volatile __T2CONbits_t T2CONbits;
249 __at(0x0FCB) __sfr PR2;
251 __at(0x0FCC) __sfr TMR2;
253 __at(0x0FCD) __sfr T1CON;
254 __at(0x0FCD) volatile __T1CONbits_t T1CONbits;
256 __at(0x0FCE) __sfr TMR1;
258 __at(0x0FCE) __sfr TMR1L;
260 __at(0x0FCF) __sfr TMR1H;
262 __at(0x0FD0) __sfr RCON;
263 __at(0x0FD0) volatile __RCONbits_t RCONbits;
265 __at(0x0FD1) __sfr WDTCON;
266 __at(0x0FD1) volatile __WDTCONbits_t WDTCONbits;
268 __at(0x0FD3) __sfr OSCCON;
269 __at(0x0FD3) volatile __OSCCONbits_t OSCCONbits;
271 __at(0x0FD5) __sfr T0CON;
272 __at(0x0FD5) volatile __T0CONbits_t T0CONbits;
274 __at(0x0FD6) __sfr TMR0;
276 __at(0x0FD6) __sfr TMR0L;
278 __at(0x0FD7) __sfr TMR0H;
280 __at(0x0FD8) __sfr STATUS;
281 __at(0x0FD8) volatile __STATUSbits_t STATUSbits;
283 __at(0x0FD9) __sfr FSR2L;
285 __at(0x0FDA) __sfr FSR2H;
287 __at(0x0FDB) __sfr PLUSW2;
289 __at(0x0FDC) __sfr PREINC2;
291 __at(0x0FDD) __sfr POSTDEC2;
293 __at(0x0FDE) __sfr POSTINC2;
295 __at(0x0FDF) __sfr INDF2;
297 __at(0x0FE0) __sfr BSR;
299 __at(0x0FE1) __sfr FSR1L;
301 __at(0x0FE2) __sfr FSR1H;
303 __at(0x0FE3) __sfr PLUSW1;
305 __at(0x0FE4) __sfr PREINC1;
307 __at(0x0FE5) __sfr POSTDEC1;
309 __at(0x0FE6) __sfr POSTINC1;
311 __at(0x0FE7) __sfr INDF1;
313 __at(0x0FE8) __sfr WREG;
315 __at(0x0FE9) __sfr FSR0L;
317 __at(0x0FEA) __sfr FSR0H;
319 __at(0x0FEB) __sfr PLUSW0;
321 __at(0x0FEC) __sfr PREINC0;
323 __at(0x0FED) __sfr POSTDEC0;
325 __at(0x0FEE) __sfr POSTINC0;
327 __at(0x0FEF) __sfr INDF0;
329 __at(0x0FF0) __sfr INTCON3;
330 __at(0x0FF0) volatile __INTCON3bits_t INTCON3bits;
332 __at(0x0FF1) __sfr INTCON2;
333 __at(0x0FF1) volatile __INTCON2bits_t INTCON2bits;
335 __at(0x0FF2) __sfr INTCON;
336 __at(0x0FF2) volatile __INTCONbits_t INTCONbits;
338 __at(0x0FF3) __sfr PROD;
340 __at(0x0FF3) __sfr PRODL;
342 __at(0x0FF4) __sfr PRODH;
344 __at(0x0FF5) __sfr TABLAT;
346 __at(0x0FF6) __sfr TBLPTR;
348 __at(0x0FF6) __sfr TBLPTRL;
350 __at(0x0FF7) __sfr TBLPTRH;
352 __at(0x0FF8) __sfr TBLPTRU;
354 __at(0x0FF9) __sfr PC;
356 __at(0x0FF9) __sfr PCL;
358 __at(0x0FFA) __sfr PCLATH;
360 __at(0x0FFB) __sfr PCLATU;
362 __at(0x0FFC) __sfr STKPTR;
363 __at(0x0FFC) volatile __STKPTRbits_t STKPTRbits;
365 __at(0x0FFD) __sfr TOS;
367 __at(0x0FFD) __sfr TOSL;
369 __at(0x0FFE) __sfr TOSH;
371 __at(0x0FFF) __sfr TOSU;