1 TLCS90 Port by Rainer Keuchel
3 The assembler is tested and works. I compared output from ast90 and asl.
4 A test prog was run on a TMP90C041.
7 The TLCS90 uses the Z80 instruction set but has different opcode encodings.
9 The TLCS90 usually has internal ram and io from 0xFF00-0xFFFF.
10 These memory locations can be accessed by a one byte address
11 offset from 0xFF00, which reduces instruction size.
13 The following extra instructions are available:
20 incx only used for direct mem/ports?
21 decx only used for direct mem/ports?
29 The following instructions are missing:
35 **********************************************************************
39 "(hl+a)" must currently be written as "a(hl)"
40 "ex af,af'" must currently be written as "ex af, af"