Pick three bugfixes from next branch to trunk for inclusion in 4.5.0 RC2, as discusse...
[sdcc.git] / sdcc / support / scripts / pic16fam-h-gen.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3 =back
5 This script generates a C header file that maps the target device (as
6 indicated via the sdcc generated -Dpic16cxxx or -Dpic12fxxx or -Dpic16fxxx
7 macro) to its device family and the device families to their respective
8 style of ADC, USART and SSP programming for use in the SDCC PIC14 I/O library.
10 Copyright 2010 Raphael Neider <rneider AT web.de>
11 PIC14 port:
12 Copyright 2012-2014 Molnar Karoly <molnarkaroly@users.sf.net>
14 This file is part of SDCC.
16 SDCC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
17 the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
18 Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your
19 option) any later version.
21 SDCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
22 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
23 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
24 for more details.
26 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
27 along with SDCC. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
29 Usage: perl pic16fam-h-gen.pl [-i|-p|-h]
31 This will create pic16fam.h.gen in your current directory.
32 Check sanity of the file and move it to .../include/pic14/pic16fam.h.
33 If you assigned new I/O styles, implement them in
34 .../include/pic14/{adc,i2c,pwm,spi,usart}.h and
35 .../lib/pic14/libio/*/*.c
37 $Id$
38 =cut
41 use strict;
42 use warnings;
43 no if $] >= 5.018, warnings => "experimental::smartmatch"; # perl 5.16
44 use 5.10.1;
45 use feature 'switch'; # Starting from 5.10.1.
47 use constant FALSE => 0;
48 use constant TRUE => 1;
50 use constant SECT_NONE => 0;
51 use constant SECT_REG => 1;
52 use constant SECT_ENH => 2;
53 use constant SECT_PER => 3;
55 my $head = '__SDCC_PIC';
57 my $gen_ignore_lists = FALSE;
58 my $gen_mcu_lists = FALSE;
60 my @regular_mcu = ();
61 my @enhanced_mcu = ();
63 my %peripherals_by_names = ();
64 my $actual_peripheral;
66 my $section;
68 my $line;
70 my $tail = '.gen';
71 my $update = 'Please update your pic14/pic16fam.h manually and/or inform the maintainer.';
73 my $fname;
75 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
77 sub align($$)
79 my $Text = $_[0];
80 my $al = $_[1] - length($Text);
82 # One space will surely becomes behind it.
83 $al = 1 if ($al < 1);
85 return ($Text . (' ' x $al));
88 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 sub find_in_supported($$)
92 my ($Hash, $Name) = @_;
94 for (keys %{$Hash})
96 return TRUE if ($_ > 0 && $Name ~~ @{${$Hash}{$_}});
99 return FALSE;
102 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
104 =back
105 This procedure give a list (id=0) to the peripherals, in which are
106 included the not supported devices.
107 =cut
109 sub create_ignore_lists()
111 my @full_mcu_list = (@regular_mcu, @enhanced_mcu);
113 foreach (keys %peripherals_by_names)
115 my $peri = $peripherals_by_names{$_};
116 my @ignore_list = ();
118 foreach (@full_mcu_list)
120 push(@ignore_list, $_) if (! find_in_supported($peri, $_) && ! ($_ ~~ @ignore_list));
123 @{${$peri}{0}} = @ignore_list;
127 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
129 sub smartCompare($$)
131 my ($Str1, $Str2) = @_;
133 if (${$Str1} =~ /^\d/o && ${$Str2} =~ /^\d/o)
135 # $Str1 number and $Str2 number
136 return (int(${$Str1}) <=> int(${$Str2}));
139 return (${$Str1} cmp ${$Str2});
142 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
144 sub smartSort
146 my @a_s = ($a =~ /(\d+|\D+)/go);
147 my @b_s = ($b =~ /(\d+|\D+)/go);
148 my ($i, $k, $end, $ret);
150 $i = scalar(@a_s);
151 $k = scalar(@b_s);
153 if ($i < $k)
155 $end = $i;
156 $ret = -1;
158 elsif ($i == $k)
160 $end = $i;
161 $ret = 0;
163 else
165 $end = $k;
166 $ret = 1;
169 for ($i = 0; $i < $end; ++$i)
171 $k = smartCompare(\$a_s[$i], \$b_s[$i]);
173 return $k if ($k != 0);
176 return $ret;
179 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
181 sub collector($)
183 my $id;
184 my @fields = split(':', $line);
186 die "Invalid record: >$line<" if (@fields != 2);
188 $id = int($fields[0]);
189 push(@{${$_[0]}{$id}}, map { uc($_); } split(',', $fields[1])) if ($id > 0);
192 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
194 =back
195 Creates the ignore files of peripherals from the ignore lists.
196 =cut
198 sub generate_ignore_files()
200 foreach (keys %peripherals_by_names)
202 $fname = "$_.ignore$tail";
203 open(FH, '>', $fname) or die "Could not open: \"$fname\"";
204 print FH join("\n", map { lc($_); } sort smartSort @{${$peripherals_by_names{$_}}{0}}) . "\n";
205 close(FH);
209 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
211 =back
212 Creates the lists of MCUs.
213 =cut
215 sub generate_mcu_files()
217 $fname = "mcu.regular$tail";
218 open(FH, '>', $fname) or die "Could not open: \"$fname\"";
219 print FH join("\n", map { lc($_); } sort smartSort @regular_mcu) . "\n";
220 close(FH);
222 $fname = "mcu.enhanced$tail";
223 open(FH, '>', $fname) or die "Could not open: \"$fname\"";
224 print FH join("\n", map { lc($_); } sort smartSort @enhanced_mcu) . "\n";
225 close(FH);
228 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
230 sub print_peripheral($)
232 my $Name = $_[0];
233 my $array = $peripherals_by_names{$_};
234 my $def = align("#define __SDCC_${Name}_STYLE", 30);
235 my $cpp;
237 print FH <<EOT
239 * Define $Name style per device family.
241 #undef __SDCC_${Name}_STYLE
245 $cpp = '#if ';
246 foreach (sort keys %{$array})
248 my $fams = "defined($head" . join(") || \\\n defined($head", sort smartSort @{$array->{$_}}) . ')';
250 print FH "$cpp$fams\n$def$_\n\n";
251 $cpp = '#elif ';
254 print FH <<EOT
255 #else
256 #warning No $Name style associated with the target device.
257 #warning $update
258 #endif
264 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
266 for (my $i = 0; $i < @ARGV; )
268 my $opt = $ARGV[$i++];
270 given ($opt)
272 when (/^-(i|-gen-ignore)$/o)
274 # This command creates the PERIPHERAL.ignore.gen files.
275 $gen_ignore_lists = TRUE;
278 when (/^-(p|-gen-processor-lists)$/o)
280 # This command creates the mcu.{enhanced,regular}.gen files.
281 $gen_mcu_lists = TRUE;
284 when (/^-(ip|pi)$/o)
286 # This command creates the PERIPHERAL.ignore.gen and
287 # the mcu.{enhanced,regular}.gen files.
288 $gen_ignore_lists = TRUE;
289 $gen_mcu_lists = TRUE;
292 when (/^-(h|-help)$/o)
294 print <<EOT
295 Usage: $0 [options]
297 Options are:
298 -i or --gen-ignore
299 This command creates the PERIPHERAL.ignore$tail files.
301 -p or --gen-processor-lists
302 This command creates the mcu.{enhanced,regular}$tail files.
304 -h or --help
305 This text.
308 exit(0);
310 } # given ($opt)
313 $section = SECT_NONE;
315 # While reading skips the blank or comment lines.
316 foreach (grep(! /^\s*$|^\s*#/o, <DATA>))
318 chomp;
319 s/\s*//go; # strip whitespace
321 $line = $_;
323 if ($line =~ /^SECTION=(\S+)$/o)
325 given ($1)
327 when ('REGULAR') { $section = SECT_REG; }
328 when ('ENHANCED') { $section = SECT_ENH; }
330 default
332 my $name = uc($1);
334 die "The $name peripheral already exist!" if (defined($peripherals_by_names{$name}));
336 $actual_peripheral = {};
337 $peripherals_by_names{$name} = $actual_peripheral;
338 $section = SECT_PER;
342 next;
345 given ($section)
347 when (SECT_REG)
349 push(@regular_mcu, map { uc($_); } split(',', $line));
352 when (SECT_ENH)
354 push(@enhanced_mcu, map { uc($_); } split(',', $line));
357 when (SECT_PER)
359 collector($actual_peripheral);
362 } # foreach (grep(! /^\s*$|^\s*#/o, <DATA>))
364 create_ignore_lists();
366 generate_ignore_files() if ($gen_ignore_lists);
367 generate_mcu_files() if ($gen_mcu_lists);
369 $fname = "pic16fam.h$tail";
370 open(FH, '>', $fname) or die "Could not open: \"$fname\"";
372 print FH <<EOT
374 * pic16fam.h - PIC14 families
376 * This file is has been generated using $0 .
378 #ifndef __SDCC_PIC16FAM_H__
379 #define __SDCC_PIC16FAM_H__ 1
382 * Define device class.
384 #undef __SDCC_PIC14_ENHANCED
389 my $memb = "defined($head" . join(") || \\\n defined($head", sort smartSort @enhanced_mcu) . ')';
390 print FH <<EOT
391 #if $memb
392 #define __SDCC_PIC14_ENHANCED 1
394 #endif
399 foreach (sort smartSort keys %peripherals_by_names)
401 print_peripheral($_);
404 print FH "#endif /* !__SDCC_PIC16FAM_H__ */\n";
406 close(FH);
408 __END__
409 ################################################################################
411 # This list contains the names of the regular devices.
412 # (Of course only them which are the sdcc also know.)
417 10f320,10f322,12f609,12f615,12f617,12f629,12f635,12f675,12f683,12f752
418 16c62,16c63a,16c65b,16c71,16c72,16c73b,16c74b,16c432,16c433,16c554
419 16c557,16c558,16c620,16c620a,16c621,16c621a,16c622,16c622a,16c710,16c711
420 16c715,16c717,16c745,16c765,16c770,16c771,16c773,16c774,16c781,16c782
421 16c925,16c926,16f72,16f73,16f74,16f76,16f77,16f84,16f84a,16f87
422 16f88,16f610,16f616,16f627,16f627a,16f628,16f628a,16f630,16f631,16f636
423 16f639,16f648a,16f676,16f677,16f684,16f685,16f687,16f688,16f689,16f690
424 16f707,16f716,16f720,16f721,16f722,16f722a,16f723,16f723a,16f724,16f726
425 16f727,16f737,16f747,16f753,16f767,16f777,16f785,16f818,16f819,16f870
426 16f871,16f872,16f873,16f873a,16f874,16f874a,16f876,16f876a,16f877,16f877a
427 16f882,16f883,16f884,16f886,16f887,16f913,16f914,16f916,16f917,16f946
428 16hv616,16hv753
430 ################################################################################
432 # This list in turn exclusively contains the names of the enhanced devices.
433 # (Only them which are the sdcc also know.)
438 12f1501,12f1571,12f1572,12f1612,12f1822,12f1840,12lf1552,16f1454,16f1455,16f1458
439 16f1459,16f1503,16f1507,16f1508,16f1509,16f1512,16f1513,16f1516,16f1517,16f1518
440 16f1519,16f1526,16f1527,16f1613,16f1703,16f1704,16f1705,16f1707,16f1708,16f1709
441 16f1713,16f1716,16f1717,16f1718,16f1719,16f1782,16f1783,16f1784,16f1786,16f1787
442 16f1788,16f1789,16f1823,16f1824,16f1825,16f1826,16f1827,16f1828,16f1829,16f1847
443 16f1933,16f1934,16f1936,16f1937,16f1938,16f1939,16f1946,16f1947,16lf1554,16lf1559
444 16lf1704,16lf1708,16lf1902,16lf1903,16lf1904,16lf1906,16lf1907
446 ################################################################################
448 # <id>:<head>{,<member>}
450 # Each line provides a colon separated list of
452 # * a numeric family name, derived from the first family member as follows:
454 # ADC : <num1>(c|f|hv|lf)<num2>.? -> printf("%u%04u1", <num1>, <num2>)
455 # CCP : <num1>(c|f|hv|lf)<num2>.? -> printf("%u%04u2", <num1>, <num2>)
456 # PWM : <num1>(c|f|hv|lf)<num2>.? -> printf("%u%04u3", <num1>, <num2>)
457 # I2C : <num1>(c|f|hv|lf)<num2>.? -> printf("%u%04u4", <num1>, <num2>)
458 # SPI : <num1>(c|f|hv|lf)<num2>.? -> printf("%u%04u5", <num1>, <num2>)
459 # USART : <num1>(c|f|hv|lf)<num2>.? -> printf("%u%04u6", <num1>, <num2>)
461 # * a comma-separated list of members of a device family.
463 # The rules basis of which members of a family belong together:
465 # a.) The connectors of peripheral are located on the same pin.
467 # b.) In the periphery - in context with other peripherals - should be
468 # used in the same way. (Pin relocation. Other peripheral to use
469 # the same pin? Peripheral initialization. ...)
471 # This data has been gathered manually from data sheets published by
472 # Microchip Technology Inc.
477 10032001:10f320,10f322
478 12061501:12f615
479 12061701:12f617
480 12067501:12f675
481 12068301:12f683
482 12075201:12f752
483 12150101:12f1501
484 12157101:12f1571
485 12157201:12f1572
486 12161201:12f1612
487 12182201:12f1822
488 12155201:12lf1552
489 16007100:16c71,16c710,16c711
490 16007200:16c72,16f72
491 16007300:16c73b,16c74b,16c745,16c765,16f73,16f76
492 16043300:16c433
493 16071500:16c715
494 16071700:16c717,16c770,16c771
495 16077300:16c773
496 16077400:16c774
497 16078100:16c781,16c782
498 16092500:16c925,16c926,16f872
499 16007401:16f74,16f77
500 16008801:16f88
501 16061601:16f616,16hv616
502 16067601:16f676,16f684
503 16067701:16f677,16f685
504 16068701:16f687,16f689,16f690
505 16068801:16f688
506 16070701:16f707
507 16071601:16f716
508 16072001:16f720,16f721
509 16072201:16f722,16f722a,16f723,16f723a,16f726
510 16072401:16f724,16f727
511 16073701:16f737,16f767
512 16074701:16f747,16f777
513 16075301:16f753,16hv753
514 16078501:16f785
515 16081801:16f818,16f819
516 16087001:16f870,16f873,16f876
517 16087101:16f871,16f874,16f877
518 16087301:16f873a,16f876a
519 16087401:16f874a,16f877a
520 16088201:16f882,16f883,16f886
521 16088401:16f884,16f887
522 16091301:16f913,16f916
523 16091401:16f914,16f917,16f946
524 16145501:16f1455
525 16145901:16f1459
526 16150301:16f1503
527 16150701:16f1507
528 16150801:16f1508,16f1509
529 16151201:16f1512,16f1513
530 16151601:16f1516,16f1518
531 16151701:16f1517,16f1519
532 16152601:16f1526,16f1527
533 16161301:16f1613
534 16170301:16f1703
535 16170401:16f1704,16f1705,16lf1704
536 16170701:16f1707
537 16170801:16f1708,16lf1708
538 16170901:16f1709
539 16171301:16f1713,16f1716,16f1718
540 16171701:16f1717,16f1719
541 16178201:16f1782,16f1783
542 16178401:16f1784,16f1787
543 16178601:16f1786
544 16178801:16f1788
545 16178901:16f1789
546 16182301:16f1823
547 16182401:16f1824,16f1825
548 16182601:16f1826,16f1827,16f1847
549 16182801:16f1828,16f1829
550 16193301:16f1933,16f1936,16f1938
551 16193401:16f1934,16f1937,16f1939
552 16194601:16f1946,16f1947
553 16155401:16lf1554
554 16155901:16lf1559
555 16190201:16lf1902,16lf1903
556 16190401:16lf1904,16lf1907
557 16190601:16lf1906
561 12061511:12f615
562 12061711:12f617
563 12068311:12f683
564 12075211:12f752
565 12161211:12f1612
566 12182211:12f1822
567 16006210:16c62
568 16006310:16c63a,16c65b
569 16007210:16c72,16f72
570 16007310:16c73b,16c74b,16f73,16f74,16f76,16f77
571 16071710:16c717,16c770,16c771
572 16074510:16c745,16c765
573 16077310:16c773,16c774
574 16092510:16c925,16c926,16f872
575 16008711:16f87
576 16008811:16f88
577 16061611:16f616,16hv616
578 16062711:16f627,16f627a,16f628,16f628a,16f648a
579 16068411:16f684
580 16068511:16f685
581 16068711:16f687,16f689
582 16069011:16f690
583 16070711:16f707
584 16071611:16f716
585 16072011:16f720,16f721
586 16072211:16f722,16f722a,16f723,16f723a,16f726
587 16072411:16f724,16f727
588 16073711:16f737,16f747,16f767,16f777
589 16075311:16f753,16hv753
590 16078511:16f785
591 16081811:16f818,16f819
592 16087011:16f870,16f871
593 16087311:16f873,16f874,16f876,16f877
594 16087311:16f873a,16f874a,16f876a,16f877a
595 16088211:16f882,16f883,16f886
596 16088411:16f884,16f887
597 16091311:16f913,16f916
598 16091411:16f914,16f917,16f946
599 16151211:16f1512,16f1513,16f1516,16f1518
600 16151711:16f1517,16f1519
601 16152611:16f1526,16f1527
602 16161311:16f1613
603 16170311:16f1703
604 16170411:16f1704,16f1705,16lf1704
605 16170711:16f1707
606 16170811:16f1708,16lf1708
607 16170911:16f1709
608 16171311:16f1713,16f1716,16f1718
609 16171711:16f1717,16f1719
610 16178211:16f1782,16f1783
611 16178411:16f1784,16f1787
612 16178611:16f1786
613 16178811:16f1788
614 16178911:16f1789
615 16182311:16f1823
616 16182411:16f1824
617 16182511:16f1825
618 16182611:16f1826
619 16182711:16f1827,16f1847
620 16182811:16f1828
621 16182911:16f1829
622 16193311:16f1933,16f1936,16f1938
623 16193411:16f1934,16f1937,16f1939
624 16194611:16f1946,16f1947
628 10032021:10f320,10f322
629 12061521:12f615
630 12061721:12f617
631 12068321:12f683
632 12075221:12f752
633 12150121:12f1501
634 12157121:12f1571
635 12157221:12f1572
636 12161221:12f1612
637 12182221:12f1822
638 16006220:16c62
639 16006320:16c63a,16c65b
640 16007220:16c72,16f72
641 16007320:16c73b,16c74b,16f73,16f74,16f76,16f77
642 16071720:16c717,16c770,16c771
643 16074520:16c745,16c765
644 16077320:16c773,16c774
645 16092520:16c925,16c926,16f872
646 16008721:16f87
647 16008821:16f88
648 16061621:16f616,16hv616
649 16062721:16f627,16f627a,16f628,16f628a,16f648a
650 16068421:16f684
651 16068521:16f685
652 16068721:16f687,16f689
653 16069021:16f690
654 16070721:16f707
655 16071621:16f716
656 16072021:16f720,16f721
657 16072221:16f722,16f722a,16f723,16f723a,16f726
658 16072421:16f724,16f727
659 16073721:16f737,16f747,16f767,16f777
660 16075321:16f753,16hv753
661 16078521:16f785
662 16081821:16f818,16f819
663 16087021:16f870,16f871
664 16087321:16f873,16f874,16f876,16f877
665 16087321:16f873a,16f874a,16f876a,16f877a
666 16088221:16f882,16f883,16f886
667 16088421:16f884,16f887
668 16091321:16f913,16f916
669 16091421:16f914,16f917,16f946
670 16145421:16f1454
671 16145521:16f1455
672 16145921:16f1459
673 16150321:16f1503
674 16150721:16f1507
675 16150821:16f1508,16f1509
676 16151221:16f1512,16f1513,16f1516,16f1518
677 16151721:16f1517,16f1519
678 16161321:16f1613
679 16170321:16f1703
680 16170421:16f1704,16f1705,16lf1704
681 16170721:16f1707
682 16170821:16f1708,16lf1708
683 16170921:16f1709
684 16171321:16f1713,16f1716,16f1718
685 16171721:16f1717,16f1719
686 16178221:16f1782,16f1783
687 16178421:16f1784,16f1787
688 16178621:16f1786
689 16178821:16f1788
690 16178921:16f1789
691 16182321:16f1823
692 16182421:16f1824
693 16182521:16f1825
694 16182621:16f1826
695 16182721:16f1827,16f1847
696 16182821:16f1828
697 16182921:16f1829
698 16193321:16f1933,16f1936,16f1938
699 16193421:16f1934,16f1937,16f1939
700 16194621:16f1946,16f1947
701 16155421:16lf1554
702 16155921:16lf1559
706 12182231:12f1822
707 12155231:12lf1552
708 16006230:16c62
709 16006330:16c63a,16c65b
710 16007230:16c72
711 16007330:16c73b,16c74b,16f73,16f74,16f76,16f77
712 16071730:16c717,16c770,16c771
713 16077330:16c773,16c774
714 16092530:16c925,16c926
715 16007231:16f72
716 16008731:16f87
717 16008831:16f88
718 16067731:16f677
719 16068731:16f687,16f689,16f690
720 16070731:16f707
721 16072031:16f720,16f721
722 16072231:16f722,16f722a,16f723,16f723a,16f726
723 16072431:16f724,16f727
724 16073731:16f737,16f747,16f767,16f777
725 16081831:16f818,16f819
726 16087231:16f872
727 16087331:16f873,16f874,16f876,16f877
728 16087331:16f873a,16f874a,16f876a,16f877a
729 16088231:16f882,16f883,16f886
730 16088431:16f884,16f887
731 16091331:16f913,16f916
732 16091431:16f914,16f917,16f946
733 16145431:16f1454
734 16145531:16f1455
735 16145931:16f1459
736 16150331:16f1503
737 16150831:16f1508,16f1509
738 16151231:16f1512,16f1513,16f1516,16f1518
739 16151731:16f1517,16f1519
740 16152631:16f1526,16f1527
741 16170331:16f1703
742 16170431:16f1704,16f1705,16lf1704
743 16170731:16f1707
744 16170831:16f1708,16lf1708
745 16170931:16f1709
746 16171331:16f1713,16f1716,16f1718
747 16171731:16f1717,16f1719
748 16178231:16f1782,16f1783
749 16178431:16f1784,16f1787
750 16178631:16f1786
751 16178831:16f1788
752 16178931:16f1789
753 16182331:16f1823
754 16182431:16f1824
755 16182531:16f1825
756 16182631:16f1826
757 16182731:16f1827,16f1847
758 16182831:16f1828
759 16182931:16f1829
760 16193331:16f1933,16f1936,16f1938
761 16193431:16f1934,16f1937,16f1939
762 16194631:16f1946,16f1947
763 16155431:16lf1554
764 16155931:16lf1559
768 12182241:12f1822
769 12155241:12lf1552
770 16006240:16c62
771 16006340:16c63a,16c65b
772 16007240:16c72
773 16007340:16c73b,16c74b,16f73,16f74,16f76,16f77
774 16071740:16c717,16c770,16c771
775 16077340:16c773,16c774
776 16092540:16c925,16c926
777 16007241:16f72
778 16008741:16f87
779 16008841:16f88
780 16067741:16f677
781 16068741:16f687,16f689,16f690
782 16070741:16f707
783 16072041:16f720,16f721
784 16072241:16f722,16f722a,16f723,16f723a,16f726
785 16072441:16f724,16f727
786 16073741:16f737,16f747,16f767,16f777
787 16081841:16f818,16f819
788 16087241:16f872
789 16087341:16f873,16f874,16f876,16f877
790 16087341:16f873a,16f874a,16f876a,16f877a
791 16088241:16f882,16f883,16f886
792 16088441:16f884,16f887
793 16091341:16f913,16f916
794 16091441:16f914,16f917,16f946
795 16145441:16f1454
796 16145541:16f1455
797 16145941:16f1459
798 16150341:16f1503
799 16150841:16f1508,16f1509
800 16151241:16f1512,16f1513,16f1516,16f1518
801 16151741:16f1517,16f1519
802 16152641:16f1526,16f1527
803 16170341:16f1703
804 16170441:16f1704,16f1705,16lf1704
805 16170741:16f1707
806 16170841:16f1708,16lf1708
807 16170941:16f1709
808 16171341:16f1713,16f1716,16f1718
809 16171741:16f1717,16f1719
810 16178241:16f1782,16f1783
811 16178441:16f1784,16f1787
812 16178641:16f1786
813 16178841:16f1788
814 16178941:16f1789
815 16182341:16f1823
816 16182441:16f1824
817 16182541:16f1825
818 16182641:16f1826
819 16182741:16f1827,16f1847
820 16182841:16f1828
821 16182941:16f1829
822 16193341:16f1933,16f1936,16f1938
823 16193441:16f1934,16f1937,16f1939
824 16194641:16f1946,16f1947
825 16155441:16lf1554
826 16155941:16lf1559
830 12157251:12f1572
831 12182251:12f1822
832 16006350:16c63a,16c65b
833 16007350:16c73b,16c74b,16c745,16c765,16f73,16f74,16f76,16f77
834 16077350:16c773,16c774
835 16008751:16f87
836 16008851:16f88
837 16062751:16f627,16f627a,16f628,16f628a,16f648a
838 16068751:16f687,16f689,16f690
839 16068851:16f688
840 16070751:16f707
841 16072051:16f720,16f721
842 16072251:16f722,16f722a,16f723,16f723a,16f726
843 16072451:16f724,16f727
844 16073751:16f737,16f747,16f767,16f777
845 16087051:16f870,16f871,16f873,16f874,16f876,16f877
846 16087351:16f873a,16f874a,16f876a,16f877a
847 16088251:16f882,16f883,16f886
848 16088451:16f884,16f887
849 16091351:16f913,16f916
850 16091451:16f914,16f917,16f946
851 16145451:16f1454
852 16145551:16f1455
853 16145951:16f1459
854 16150851:16f1508,16f1509
855 16151251:16f1512,16f1513,16f1516,16f1518
856 16151751:16f1517,16f1519
857 16152651:16f1526,16f1527
858 16170451:16f1704,16f1705,16lf1704
859 16170851:16f1708,16lf1708
860 16170951:16f1709
861 16171351:16f1713,16f1716,16f1718
862 16171751:16f1717,16f1719
863 16178251:16f1782,16f1783
864 16178451:16f1784,16f1787
865 16178651:16f1786
866 16178851:16f1788
867 16178951:16f1789
868 16182351:16f1823
869 16182451:16f1824
870 16182551:16f1825
871 16182651:16f1826,16f1827,16f1847
872 16182851:16f1828
873 16182951:16f1829
874 16193351:16f1933,16f1936,16f1938
875 16193451:16f1934,16f1937,16f1939
876 16194651:16f1946,16f1947
877 16155451:16lf1554
878 16155951:16lf1559
879 16190451:16lf1904,16lf1907
880 16190651:16lf1906