struct / union in initializer, RFE #901.
[sdcc.git] / sdcc-extra / historygraphs / dhrystone-z80-sizetable.p
1 set output "dhrystone-z80-size.svg"
2 set terminal svg size 640,480
3 set style data lines
4 set xlabel "revision"
5 set ylabel "size [B]"
6 set arrow from 9256, 11002 to 9256, 10902
7 set label "3.5.0" at 9256, 11002
8 set arrow from 9618, 10819 to 9618, 10719
9 set label "3.6.0" at 9618, 10819
10 set arrow from 10582, 11111 to 10582, 11011
11 set label "3.8.0" at 10582, 11111
12 set arrow from 11214, 11356 to 11214, 11256
13 set label "3.9.0" at 11214, 11356
14 set arrow from 11533, 11470 to 11533, 11370
15 set label "4.0.0" at 11533, 11470
16 set arrow from 12085, 10894 to 12085, 10794
17 set label "4.1.0" at 12085, 10894
18 set arrow from 13131, 9632 to 13131, 9532
19 set label "4.2.0" at 13131, 9632
20 set arrow from 14208, 9606 to 14208, 9506
21 set label "4.3.0" at 14208, 9606
22 set arrow from 14648, 9431 to 14648, 9331
23 set label "4.4.0" at 14648, 9431
24 plot "dhrystone-z80-sizetable" using 1:4 title "default", "dhrystone-z80-sizetable" using 1:2 title "size", "dhrystone-z80-sizetable" using 1:3 title "speed"