struct / union in initializer, RFE #901.
[sdcc.git] / sdcc-extra / historygraphs / stdcbench-r3ka-scoretable.p
1 set output "stdcbench-r3ka-score.svg"
2 set terminal svg size 640,480
3 set style data lines
4 set key bottom right
5 set xlabel "revision"
6 set ylabel "stdcbench score"
7 set arrow from 12085, 125 to 12085, 124
8 set label "4.1.0" at 12085, 125
9 set arrow from 13131, 127 to 13131, 126
10 set label "4.2.0" at 13131, 127
11 plot "stdcbench-r3ka-scoretable" using 1:4 title "default", "stdcbench-r3ka-scoretable" using 1:2 title "size", "stdcbench-r3ka-scoretable" using 1:3 title "speed"