struct / union in initializer, RFE #901.
[sdcc.git] / sdcc / support / regression /
1 from __future__ import print_function
3 import sys, re, io
4 #import string
6 """Simple script that scans all of the test suite results text fed in
7 through stdin and summarises the total number of failures, test
8 points, and test cases."""
10 # Function to parse numbers
11 def number_from_string(str_value):
12 if str_value.find("x") != -1:
13 return int(str_value.replace("0x", "").replace("x", ""), 16);
14 else:
15 return int(str_value)
17 # Read in everything
18 if sys.version_info[0]<3:
19 safe_stdin = sys.stdin
20 else:
21 safe_stdin = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdin.buffer, encoding="latin-1")
22 lines = safe_stdin.readlines()
24 # Init the running totals
25 failures = 0
26 cases = 0
27 tests = 0
28 bytes = 0
29 ticks = 0
30 invalid = 0
31 stack_overflow = 0
32 halt = 0
33 unmatch = 0
34 flag = 0
35 messagelog = []
36 exlist = ["bug663539"]
38 # hack for valdiag
39 name = ""
41 for line in lines:
43 m = re.match(r'^Simulation started,', line)
44 if (m):
45 flag = 0
46 name = ""
48 # --- Running: gen/ucz80/longor/longor
49 m = re.match(r'^--- Running: (.*)$', line)
50 if (m):
51 #take the name only if not a whitespace, this happens if simulator stops when calling to print the name (stack overflow)
52 stripped_name =
53 if stripped_name != "":
54 name = stripped_name
56 # in case the test program crashes before the "--- Running" message
57 m = re.match(r'^[0-9]+ words read from (.*).ihx', line)
58 if (m):
59 name =
61 # '--- Summary: f/t/c: ...', where f = # failures, t = # test points,
62 # c = # test cases.
63 if ('^--- Summary:', line)):
64 try:
65 if line.count(':') == 1:
66 (summary, data) = re.split(r':', line)
67 else:
68 (summary, data, rest) = re.split(r':', line)
70 (nfailures, ntests, ncases) = re.split(r'/', data)
71 failures = failures + number_from_string(nfailures)
72 tests = tests + number_from_string(ntests)
73 cases = cases + number_from_string(ncases)
74 except ValueError:
75 print("Parsing error at ", name)
76 print("Bad summary line: ", line)
77 nfailures = '1'
78 if (number_from_string(nfailures)):
79 messagelog.append("Failure: %s" % name)
80 flag = 1
82 # '--- Simulator: b/t: ...', where b = # bytes, t = # ticks
83 if ('^--- Simulator:', line)):
84 try:
85 (simulator, data, rest) = re.split(r':', line)
86 (nbytes, nticks) = re.split(r'/', data)
87 except ValueError:
88 print("Bad simulator line", line)
89 else:
90 bytes = bytes + int(nbytes)
91 ticks = ticks + int(nticks)
92 if (flag != 1):
93 for e in exlist:
94 if (e in name):
95 flag = 2
96 if (flag == 0):
97 unmatch += 1
98 messagelog.append("abnormal stop: %s" % name)
99 flag = 0
101 # Stop at 0x000228: (106) Invalid instruction 0x00fd
102 if ('Invalid instruction', line) or'unknown instruction', line)):
103 invalid += 1
104 messagelog.append("Invalid instruction: %s" % name)
106 # Stop at 0xXXXXXX: (103) Stack overflow
107 if ('Stack overflow', line)):
108 stack_overflow += 1
109 messagelog.append("Stack overflow: %s" % name)
111 # HALT instruction
112 if ('HALT instruction', line) or'Halt instruction', line) or'halt instruction', line)):
113 halt += 1
114 messagelog.append("HALT instruction: %s" % name)
116 # --- FAIL: "timeout, simulation killed" in xx/xx/testfile.c
117 m ='simulation killed',line)
118 if (m):
119 name = line.split()[-1]
120 name = '.'.join(name.split('.')[0:-1])
123 if (len(sys.argv) > 1):
124 print("Summary for '%s':" % sys.argv[1], end=' ')
125 if (unmatch > 0):
126 print("%d abnormal stops (" % unmatch, end=' ')
127 if (invalid > 0):
128 print("%d invalid instructions," % invalid, end=' ')
129 if (stack_overflow > 0):
130 print("%d Stack overflows," % stack_overflow, end=' ')
131 if (halt > 0):
132 print("%d HALT instructions," % halt, end=' ')
133 print("),", end=' ')
134 print("%.0f failures, %.0f tests, %.0f test cases, %.0f bytes, %.0f ticks" % (failures, tests, cases, bytes, ticks))
135 for msg in messagelog:
136 print(" ",msg)
137 print()