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9 A library for stochastic delay differential equations implementing published
10 numerical schemes, utilities for constructing network models and handling
11 simulation results, as well as bindings for MATLAB, Python. Our intent is
12 to make it possible to use and benchmark available schemes on your favorite
13 model, not invent new numerical schemes, so we have attempted to follow
14 [published results](#references), documenting caveats, assumptions etc. Care will be taken to
15 handle calculation of partial erivatives, to enable higher order schemes,
16 optimization and inversion techniques.
18 *The current focus is nailing down 'software carpentry' aspects of building a scientific library, and only preliminary sets of mathematical components are implemented, not for use pending v0.1 release, though I have stopped ruthless rebasing of master so it's safe to fork*.
22 Currently the [overview](https://github.com/maedoc/sddekit/wiki/High-level-overview),
23 [documentation](https://maedoc.github.io/sddekit),
24 [tests](tests) and [benchmark](bench/bench_net_exc.c) are the best places
25 to look to understand what you can do with SDDEKit.
27 Python, MATLAB bindings and C++ header are in the works, on separate
28 (`ctype`/`cython`/`py-c-api`, `matlab`, `cpp` respectively) branches of
31 You can build the tests and benchmark if you have GCC (or a C99 compiler) and Make:
40 Running the tests will generate some data files from [one of the tests](test/test_exc.c), which
41 tests different integration schemes on the same system. These can be compared with
42 the gnuplot script `fig/exc_em_emcolor_heun.gpi`
45 $ gnuplot fig/exc_em_emcolor_heun.gpi
50 ![this](fig/exc_em_emcolor_heun.png)
52 Running the benchmark will produce a trace `bench_net_exc.dat` which can be visualized
53 with `fig/bench_net_exc.py`, producing
55 ![this](fig/bench_net_exc.png)
57 As stated, these are in place to help build up the library at this point. In the
58 future extensive examples for different kinds of systems & networks will be provided.
62 Because SDDEKit is a C library, it's straighforward to build it as a JavaScript
63 library and embed it in HTML with Emscripten. With the benchmark mentioned above
64 as an example, compile it natively,
67 $ make BUILD=fast -B -j bench_net_exc
70 [bench_net_exc] nnz=1560
71 [INFO] bench/bench_net_exc.c:71 (main) continuation required 23.766 s
74 A little slow on this 2009 Core 2 Duo laptop. Now, with
75 the [Emscripten SDK installed](http://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/docs/getting_started/downloads.html),
76 build an HTML page that runs the benchmark in your browser:
79 $ make CC=emcc BUILD=js OBJEXT=bc EXE=.html -B -j bench_net_exc.html
83 Open [`bench_net_exc.html`](http://rawgit.com/maedoc/sddekit/js-bench-html/bench_net_exc.html)
84 with your browser. On this same machine, Safari
85 runs the benchmark in 74 s, Firefox 55 s. On a win 10 workstation,
86 GCC-compiled takes 12 s, Firefox takes 32 s & MS Edge 39 s.
88 Obviously for high-performance computing & science JS isn't ideal, but it could
89 be useful for creating interactive graphics exploring dynamical systems.
93 Fork the code, try it out. See our documented [issues](issues) or
98 Please follow the generic GitHub workflow:
101 - create a topic branch, e.g add-foo-implementation
103 - git commit -m 'useful comments'
104 - push branch to your fork on GitHub
107 [Here's way more detail w/ pictures](https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/index.html)
111 The current work on Python wrapper in the `ctype` branch follows the naming conventions
112 of the C library for the moment, drastically reducing the code required to use it. Though
113 if time permits, the API could be Python-ized.
115 ### C lib architecture
117 To keep things general, most high-level components are exposed as interfaces through
118 structs whose fields are just function pointers.
120 Contributing an implementation of a particular interface therefore implies
122 - writing implementations for each of the members of the interface struct
123 - writing a constructor function which
124 - alloc with sd_malloc
125 - fill out interface struct
129 Keep in mind that if you 'subclass' an existing interface, some methods like
130 `free` should be available (and correctly implemented) in both
134 - Kloeden & Platen 1999 *Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations*.
138 - Kuechler & Platen 2000