descriptionratings software for music students & instructors
last changeTue, 13 Dec 2011 03:03:55 +0000 (12 21:03 -0600)
content tags
This directory contains some initial code for a software engineering
project codenamed 'Panther'.

In a Debian-based environment, panther requires (if I haven't forgotten

java jdk	- (I'm using openjdk-7-jdk)
ant		- java based build tool similar to make
libmysql-java	- MySQL Connector for java
libjfreechart	- provides generation of reports

--- SETUP ---
To build run ant in the project directory:

$ ant

and run by using the included 'run' bash script:

$ ./run
2011-12-13 Brian Paterniuse correct main-class in manifest filemaster
2011-12-11 Brian Paterniremove straggler demo file
2011-12-09 Brian Paterniadd 'tempo' and 'fingering' graphs for scales report
2011-12-09 Brian Paterniremove un-integrated demo programs, move gui-playground...
2011-12-08 Brian Paterniintegrate scales reports in gui interface
2011-12-08 Brian Paterniremove some unnessessary imports in main class
2011-12-05 Brian Paterniadd 'mailer' and 'report-scales' demo programs
2011-12-04 Brian Paterniremove 'localdata' directory; no longer needed
2011-12-04 Brian Paternigenerate repetoire report when a session is selected
2011-12-03 Brian Paternitie UI Student table to database student table
2011-12-03 Brian Paternigui-playground: move mysql logic into its own module
2011-12-03 Brian Paterniadd db002 subdirectory
2011-12-03 Brian Paternimove initial gui plans to 'gui-playground' subdirectory
2011-11-30 Brian Paternihook up a skeleton ListSelectionListener to StudentTable
2011-11-27 Brian Paterniadd README
2011-11-27 Brian PaterniInitial commit
12 years ago official-db
12 years ago master
12 years ago demos