another minor fix
[sgc.git] / SGC_ToneProt / SGC_ToneProt.tcl
1 #!/bin/sh
2 # the next line restarts using wish \
3 exec wish8.4 "$0" "$@"
5 #tk_messageBox -message "Start"
7 package require -exact snack 2.2
9 set currentDirectory [pwd]
11 # Button and Label texts
12 set ExampleTxt "Example"
13 set NextTxt "Next sound"
14 set PinyinTxt "Pinyin"
15 set ClearTxt "Clear"
16 set ShowTxt "Show"
17 set QuitTxt "Quit"
19 set T1Txt "T1"
20 set HzTxt "Hz"
21 set FemaleTxt "Female"
22 set MaleTxt "Male"
23 set ChildTxt "Child"
24 set SubmitTxt "Submit"
26 set WrongTxt "Wrong"
27 set CorrectTxt "Correct"
28 set InvalidTxt "Invalid"
29 set TooLowTxt "You speak too low"
30 set TooHighTxt "You speak too high"
31 set TooWideTxt "Your range is too wide"
32 set TooNarrowTxt "Your range is too narrow"
33 set WordListTitleTxt "Open a pinyin word list (one word per line)"
35 # Initializations
36 set RecordedSound 0
37 set register 300
38 set pinyin "duo1shao3"
39 set ExamplePinyin $pinyin
40 set precision 3
41 set StandardWordList "SGC_protWordList.txt"
42 set WordList {}
43 # This list gets the files path as the second argument in the WordList file
44 # It will force recognition of these files for debugging
45 set AutoFileList {}
46 set standardlogPerf 0
47 set logPerf $standardlogPerf
49 if {[file readable $currentDirectory/lastResult.txt]} {
50 set fileID [open $currentDirectory/lastResult.txt {RDONLY}]
51 gets $fileID lastResult
52 close $fileID
53 set pinyin [lindex $lastResult 1]
54 set ExamplePinyin $pinyin
55 set register [lindex $lastResult 6]
56 if {$register < 50 || $register > 900} {
57 set register 300
62 proc ReadWordList {filename} {
63 global WordList
64 global AutoFileList
65 global currentSoundFileName
66 global currentExampleFileName
67 global pinyin
68 global ExamplePinyin
69 global logPerf
70 global NextTxt
72 if {[file readable $filename]} {
73 set WordList {}
74 set AutoFileList {}
76 set f [open $filename]
77 foreach line [split [read $f] \n] {
78 if {[string length $line]} {
79 # Process log files
80 if {[llength $line] > 3} {
81 set directory ""
82 if {[regexp "logFile\.txt" $filename]} {set directory "log/"}
83 set line "[lindex $line 1] $directory[lindex $line end]"
85 # Also store any file names
86 if {[llength $line] > 1} {
87 lappend AutoFileList [lindex $line 1]
89 lappend WordList [lindex $line 0]
92 close $f
93 if {[llength $AutoFileList] > 0} {
94 set logPerf 0
97 # Pick first random word
98 if {[llength $WordList] > 0} {
99 set i [expr {int(rand()*[llength $WordList])}]
100 set pinyin [lindex $WordList $i]
101 if {[llength $AutoFileList] > 0} {
102 set currentSoundFileName [lindex $AutoFileList $i]
103 set currentExampleFileName $currentSoundFileName
104 set ExamplePinyin $pinyin
105 s configure -file $currentSoundFileName
106 SetTime [s length -unit sec]
107 .fa.b1 configure -text "$NextTxt"
113 ReadWordList "$currentDirectory/$StandardWordList"
115 # Where to find the files
116 set standardSoundFileName "currentSound.wav"
117 set currentSoundFileName $standardSoundFileName
118 set standardExampleFileName "lastExample.wav"
119 set currentExampleFileName $standardExampleFileName
121 set Platform $tcl_platform(os)
123 # Platform dependend commands
124 switch $Platform {
125 "Linux" {
126 set PraatCommand "./praatLinux"
127 set SendPraatCommand "./sendpraatLinux"
128 set TimeOut 1000
129 set PraatName "praatLinux"
131 "MacOS" {
132 set PraatCommand "./praatMac"
133 set SendPraatCommand "./sendpraatMac"
134 set TimeOut 1000
135 set PraatName "praatMac"
137 "Windows 95" -
138 "Windows NT" -
139 "Windows XP" -
140 default {
141 set PraatCommand "$currentDirectory/praatWin.exe"
142 set SendPraatCommand "$currentDirectory/sendpraatWin.exe"
143 set PraatName "Praat"
144 set TimeOut 0
148 # Define commands
149 # (watch out for trailing spaces)
150 set QuitCommand [list exec $SendPraatCommand "$PraatName" "Quit" "&"]
151 if {$TimeOut > 0} {set QuitCommand [linsert $QuitCommand 2 $TimeOut]}
152 set PlayExampleCommand [list exec $SendPraatCommand "$PraatName" "Read from file... \$currentDirectory/\$currentExampleFileName" "Play" "Remove" "&"]
153 if {$TimeOut > 0} {set PlayExampleCommand [linsert $PlayExampleCommand 2 $TimeOut]}
154 set HumToneCommand [list exec $SendPraatCommand "$PraatName" {execute "$currentDirectory/HumToneContour.praat" $pinyin $register} "&"]
155 if {$TimeOut > 0} {set HumToneCommand [linsert $HumToneCommand 2 $TimeOut]}
156 set ShowToneCommand [list exec $SendPraatCommand "$PraatName" {execute "$currentDirectory/DrawToneContour.praat" $pinyin $register} "&"]
157 if {$TimeOut > 0} {set ShowToneCommand [linsert $ShowToneCommand 2 $TimeOut]}
158 set RecognizeCommand [list exec $SendPraatCommand "$PraatName" {execute "$currentDirectory/SGC_ToneProt.praat" "$currentDirectory/$currentSoundFileName" $pinyin $register $precision Hum $logPerf} ]
159 if {$TimeOut > 0} {set RecognizeCommand [linsert $RecognizeCommand 2 $TimeOut]}
161 exec "$PraatCommand" "&"
163 # Start of Audio SNACK stuff
164 file delete _tmprec.wav
165 snack::sound t -debug 0
166 t write _tmprec.wav
167 snack::sound s -file _tmprec.wav -debug 0
169 # Menues
170 set m [menu .menu]
171 $m add cascade -label File -menu $m.file -underline 0
172 menu $m.file -tearoff 0
173 $m.file add command -label "Open..." -command [list OpenSound]
174 $m.file add command -label "Save As..." -command [list SaveSound]
175 $m.file add command -label "$QuitTxt" -command Destroy
177 $m add cascade -label Audio -menu $ -underline 0
178 menu $ -tearoff 0
179 $ add command -label "Settings..." -command Settings
180 $ add command -label "Mixer..." -command snack::mixerDialog
182 $m add cascade -label Tools -menu $ -underline 0
183 menu $ -tearoff 0
184 $ add command -label "Replay" -command ReplayLogFile
185 $ add command -label "Open word list..." -command GetWordList
186 $ add command -label "Close word list" -command CloseWordList
188 . config -menu $m
190 # UI frames
191 pack [frame .fa] -pady 5
192 button .fa.b1 -text "$ExampleTxt" -command PlayExample
193 button .fa.b2 -text "$ShowTxt" -command ShowTone
194 label .fa.l1 -text "$PinyinTxt:"
195 entry .fa.e1 -width 12 -relief sunken -bd 2 -textvariable pinyin
196 button .fa.b3 -text "$ClearTxt" -command {set pinyin ""}
197 button .fa.b4 -text "$QuitTxt" -command Destroy
198 pack .fa.b1 .fa.b2 .fa.l1 .fa.e1 .fa.b3 .fa.b4 -side left
200 pack [frame .fb] -pady 5
201 label .fb.l1 -text "$T1Txt:"
202 entry .fb.e1 -width 4 -relief sunken -bd 2 -textvariable register
203 label .fb.l2 -text "$HzTxt"
204 radiobutton .fb.r1 -text "$FemaleTxt" -variable register -value 300
205 radiobutton .fb.r2 -text "$MaleTxt" -variable register -value 200
206 radiobutton .fb.r3 -text "$ChildTxt" -variable register -value 450
207 pack .fb.l1 .fb.e1 .fb.l2 .fb.r1 .fb.r2 .fb.r3 -side left
210 snack::createIcons
212 pack [frame .f1] -pady 5
213 button .f1.bp -bitmap snackPlay -command Play
214 button .f1.bu -bitmap snackPause -command Pause
215 button -bitmap snackStop -command Stop
216 button -bitmap snackRecord -command Record -fg red
217 button .f1.b1 -text "$SubmitTxt" -command Recognize
218 pack .f1.bp .f1.bu .f1.b1 -side left
220 pack [frame .f2] -pady 5
221 label .f2.time -text "00:00.0" -width 10
222 snack::levelMeter .f2.lm
223 pack .f2.time .f2.lm -side left
225 pack [frame .f5] -pady 5
226 label .f5.l1 -text "-------"
227 pack .f5.l1 -side left
229 pack [frame .f6] -pady 5
230 label .f6.l1 -text ""
231 pack .f6.l1 -side left
234 wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW Destroy
236 # Procedure definitions
238 proc OpenSound {} {
239 set filename [snack::getOpenFile]
240 s configure -file $filename
241 SetTime [s length -unit sec]
244 proc SaveSound {} {
245 set filename [snack::getSaveFile]
246 s write $filename
249 proc Settings {} {
250 set ::s(rate) [s cget -rate]
251 set ::s(enc) [s cget -encoding]
252 set ::s(chan) [s cget -channels]
254 set w .conv
255 catch {destroy $w}
256 toplevel $w
257 wm title $w Settings
259 frame $w.q
260 pack $w.q -expand 1 -fill both -side top
261 pack [frame $w.q.f1] -side left -anchor nw -padx 3m -pady 2m
262 pack [frame $w.q.f2] -side left -anchor nw -padx 3m -pady 2m
263 pack [frame $w.q.f3] -side left -anchor nw -padx 3m -pady 2m
264 pack [frame $w.q.f4] -side left -anchor nw -padx 3m -pady 2m
265 pack [label $w.q.f1.l -text "Sample Rate"]
266 foreach e [snack::audio rates] {
267 pack [radiobutton $w.q.f1.r$e -text $e -value $e -variable ::s(rate)] \
268 -anchor w
270 pack [entry $w.q.f1.e -textvariable ::s(rate) -width 6] -anchor w
271 pack [label $w.q.f2.l -text "Sample Encoding"]
272 foreach e [snack::audio encodings] {
273 pack [radiobutton $w.q.f2.r$e -text $e -value $e -variable ::s(enc)] \
274 -anchor w
276 pack [label $w.q.f3.l -text Channels]
277 pack [radiobutton $w.q.f3.1 -text Mono -value 1 -variable ::s(chan)] -anchor w
278 pack [radiobutton $w.q.f3.2 -text Stereo -value 2 -variable ::s(chan)] \
279 -anchor w
280 pack [entry $w.q.f3.e -textvariable ::s(chan) -width 3] -anchor w
282 pack [ frame $w.f3]
283 pack [ button $w.f3.b1 -text OK -width 6 \
284 -command "ApplySettings;destroy $w"] -side left
285 pack [ button $w.f3.b2 -text Cancel -command "destroy $w"] -side left
288 proc ApplySettings {} {
289 s configure -file ""
290 s configure -rate $::s(rate) -channels $::s(chan) -encoding $::s(enc)
291 t configure -rate $::s(rate) -channels $::s(chan) -encoding $::s(enc)
292 t write _tmprec.wav
293 s configure -file _tmprec.wav
296 proc SetTime {t} {
297 set mmss [clock format [expr int($t)] -format "%M:%S"]
298 .f2.time config -text $mmss.[format "%d" [expr int(10*($t-int($t)))]]
301 proc Update {} {
302 if {$::op == "p"} {
303 set t [audio elapsed]
304 set end [expr int([s cget -rate] * $t)]
305 set start [expr $end - [s cget -rate] / 10]
306 if {$start < 0} { set start 0}
307 if {$end >= [s length]} { set end -1 }
308 set l [s max -start $start -end $end]
309 } else {
310 set l [t max]
311 t length 0
312 set t [s length -unit sec]
314 SetTime $t
315 .f2.lm configure -level $l
317 after 100 Update
320 proc Record {} {
321 s stop
322 s configure -file _tmprec.wav
323 s record
324 t record
325 set ::op r
326 .f1.bp configure -relief raised
327 configure -relief groove
329 global RecordedSound
330 set RecordedSound 1
333 proc GetWordList {} {
334 global WordListTitleTxt
336 set filename [tk_getOpenFile -title "$WordListTitleTxt"]
337 ReadWordList "$filename"
340 proc ReplayLogFile {} {
341 ReadWordList "logFile.txt"
344 proc CloseWordList {} {
345 global WordList
346 global AutoFileList
347 global currentSoundFileName
348 global standardSoundFileName
349 global currentExampleFileName
350 global standardExampleFileName
351 global logPerf
352 global standardlogPerf
353 global ExampleTxt
355 set WordList {}
356 set AutoFileList {}
357 set currentSoundFileName $standardSoundFileName
358 set currentExampleFileName $standardExampleFileName
359 set logPerf $standardlogPerf
361 .fa.b1 configure -text "$ExampleTxt"
364 proc Recognize {} {
365 global currentSoundFileName
366 global currentExampleFileName
367 global AutoFileList
368 global register
369 global pinyin
370 global ExamplePinyin
371 global precision
372 global RecognizeCommand
373 global currentDirectory
374 global CorrectTxt
375 global WrongTxt
376 global WordList
377 global TooHighTxt
378 global TooLowTxt
379 global TooWideTxt
380 global TooNarrowTxt
381 global logPerf
383 # Stop any recording etc
384 Stop
386 set textColor blue
387 set Evaluation "---------"
389 set currentDirectory [pwd]
390 eval [subst $RecognizeCommand]
392 set ExamplePinyin $pinyin
393 set fileID [open $currentDirectory/lastResult.txt {RDONLY}]
394 gets $fileID lastResult
395 close $fileID
396 set Recognition [regsub -all {6} [lindex $lastResult 2] {?}]
398 set feedbackID [open $currentDirectory/feedback.txt {RDONLY}]
399 gets $feedbackID lastFeedback
400 close $feedbackID
402 if {[lindex $lastResult 0] == "Correct:"} {
403 set Evaluation $CorrectTxt
404 set textColor {dark green}
405 set lastFeedback "----"
406 } else {
407 set Evaluation $WrongTxt
408 set textColor {dark red}
411 switch [lindex $lastResult 7] {
412 "High" {set height $TooHighTxt}
413 "Low" {set height $TooLowTxt}
414 default {set height ""}
416 switch [lindex $lastResult 8] {
417 "Wide" {set range $TooWideTxt}
418 "Narrow" {set range $TooNarrowTxt}
419 default {set range ""}
422 # Skip result if spoken at wrong pitch and incorrect
423 if {([lindex $lastResult 7] != "Low" && [lindex $lastResult 7] != "Narrow") || [lindex $lastResult 0] != "Wrong:"} {
424 .f5.l1 configure -fg "$textColor" -text "$pinyin => $Evaluation: $Recognition"
425 } else {
426 .f5.l1 configure -fg "$textColor" -text "$pinyin"
428 .f6.l1 configure -fg "$textColor" -text "$lastFeedback"
430 if {[llength $WordList] > 0} {
431 set i [expr {int(rand()*[llength $WordList])}]
432 set pinyin [lindex $WordList $i]
433 if {[llength $AutoFileList] > 0} {
434 set currentSoundFileName [lindex $AutoFileList $i]
435 set currentExampleFileName $currentSoundFileName
436 set ExamplePinyin $pinyin
437 s configure -file $currentSoundFileName
438 SetTime [s length -unit sec]
443 proc Destroy {} {
444 global QuitCommand
446 eval [subst $QuitCommand]
447 destroy .
450 proc PlayExample {} {
451 global currentExampleFileName
452 global currentSoundFileName
453 global PlayExampleCommand
454 global HumToneCommand
455 global register
456 global pinyin
457 global ExamplePinyin
458 global currentDirectory
459 # Stop any recording etc
460 Stop
462 set currentDirectory [pwd]
464 if {$ExamplePinyin == $pinyin} {
465 eval [subst $PlayExampleCommand]
466 } else {
467 eval [subst $HumToneCommand]
472 proc ShowTone {} {
473 global ShowToneCommand
474 global register
475 global pinyin
476 global currentDirectory
477 # Stop any recording etc
478 Stop
480 set currentDirectory [pwd]
481 eval [subst $ShowToneCommand]
485 #############
487 proc Play {} {
488 t stop
489 s stop
490 s play -command Stop
491 set ::op p
492 .f1.bp configure -relief groove
493 configure -relief raised
494 .f1.bu configure -relief raised
497 proc Stop {} {
498 s stop
499 t record
500 set ::op s
501 .f1.bp configure -relief raised
502 configure -relief raised
503 .f1.bu configure -relief raised
505 global RecordedSound
506 if {$RecordedSound == 1} {
507 global standardSoundFileName
508 s write $standardSoundFileName
510 set RecordedSound 0
514 proc Pause {} {
515 s pause
516 if {$::op != "s"} {
517 if {[.f1.bu cget -relief] == "raised"} {
518 .f1.bu configure -relief groove
519 } else {
520 .f1.bu configure -relief raised
525 t record
526 set op s
527 Update