Prepare to release sgt-puzzles (20170606.272beef-1).
[sgt-puzzles.git] / windows.c
1 /*
2 * windows.c: Windows front end for my puzzle collection.
3 */
5 #include <windows.h>
6 #include <commctrl.h>
7 #ifndef NO_HTMLHELP
8 #include <htmlhelp.h>
9 #endif /* NO_HTMLHELP */
11 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
12 #include <commdlg.h>
13 #include <aygshell.h>
14 #endif
16 #include <stdio.h>
17 #include <assert.h>
18 #include <ctype.h>
19 #include <stdarg.h>
20 #include <stdlib.h>
21 #include <limits.h>
22 #include <time.h>
24 #include "puzzles.h"
26 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
27 #include "resource.h"
28 #endif
30 #define IDM_NEW 0x0010
31 #define IDM_RESTART 0x0020
32 #define IDM_UNDO 0x0030
33 #define IDM_REDO 0x0040
34 #define IDM_COPY 0x0050
35 #define IDM_SOLVE 0x0060
36 #define IDM_QUIT 0x0070
37 #define IDM_CONFIG 0x0080
38 #define IDM_DESC 0x0090
39 #define IDM_SEED 0x00A0
40 #define IDM_HELPC 0x00B0
41 #define IDM_GAMEHELP 0x00C0
42 #define IDM_ABOUT 0x00D0
43 #define IDM_SAVE 0x00E0
44 #define IDM_LOAD 0x00F0
45 #define IDM_PRINT 0x0100
46 #define IDM_PRESETS 0x0110
47 #define IDM_GAMES 0x0300
49 #define IDM_KEYEMUL 0x0400
51 #define HELP_FILE_NAME "puzzles.hlp"
52 #define HELP_CNT_NAME "puzzles.cnt"
53 #ifndef NO_HTMLHELP
54 #define CHM_FILE_NAME "puzzles.chm"
55 #endif /* NO_HTMLHELP */
57 #ifndef NO_HTMLHELP
58 typedef HWND (CALLBACK *htmlhelp_t)(HWND, LPCSTR, UINT, DWORD);
59 static htmlhelp_t htmlhelp;
60 static HINSTANCE hh_dll;
61 #endif /* NO_HTMLHELP */
62 enum { NONE, HLP, CHM } help_type;
63 char *help_path;
64 int help_has_contents;
66 #ifndef FILENAME_MAX
67 #define FILENAME_MAX (260)
68 #endif
70 #ifndef HGDI_ERROR
72 #endif
74 #ifdef COMBINED
75 #define CLASSNAME "Puzzles"
76 #else
77 #define CLASSNAME
78 #endif
80 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
83 * Wrapper implementations of functions not supplied by the
84 * PocketPC API.
89 #undef MessageBox
91 int MessageBox(HWND hWnd, LPCSTR lpText, LPCSTR lpCaption, UINT uType)
93 TCHAR wText[2048];
94 TCHAR wCaption[2048];
96 MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, lpText, -1, wText, 2048);
97 MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, lpCaption, -1, wCaption, 2048);
99 return MessageBoxW (hWnd, wText, wCaption, uType);
102 BOOL SetDlgItemTextA(HWND hDlg, int nIDDlgItem, LPCSTR lpString)
104 TCHAR wText[256];
106 MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, lpString, -1, wText, 256);
107 return SetDlgItemTextW(hDlg, nIDDlgItem, wText);
110 LPCSTR getenv(LPCSTR buf)
112 return NULL;
115 BOOL GetKeyboardState(PBYTE pb)
117 return FALSE;
120 static TCHAR wClassName[256], wGameName[256];
122 #endif
124 #ifdef DEBUGGING
125 static FILE *debug_fp = NULL;
126 static HANDLE debug_hdl = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
127 static int debug_got_console = 0;
129 void dputs(char *buf)
131 /*DWORD dw;
133 if (!debug_got_console) {
134 if (AllocConsole()) {
135 debug_got_console = 1;
136 debug_hdl = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
139 if (!debug_fp) {
140 debug_fp = fopen("debug.log", "w");
143 if (debug_hdl != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
144 WriteFile(debug_hdl, buf, strlen(buf), &dw, NULL);
146 if (debug_fp) {
147 fputs(buf, debug_fp);
148 fflush(debug_fp);
150 OutputDebugString(buf);
153 void debug_printf(char *fmt, ...)
155 char buf[4096];
156 va_list ap;
157 static int debugging = -1;
159 if (debugging == -1)
160 debugging = getenv("DEBUG_PUZZLES") ? 1 : 0;
162 if (debugging) {
163 va_start(ap, fmt);
164 _vsnprintf(buf, 4095, fmt, ap);
165 dputs(buf);
166 va_end(ap);
169 #endif
171 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
174 #else
176 #endif
178 static void new_game_size(frontend *fe, float scale);
180 struct font {
181 HFONT font;
182 int type;
183 int size;
186 struct cfg_aux {
187 int ctlid;
190 struct blitter {
191 HBITMAP bitmap;
192 frontend *fe;
193 int x, y, w, h;
198 struct preset_menuitemref {
199 HMENU which_menu;
200 int item_index;
203 struct frontend {
204 const game *game;
205 midend *me;
206 HWND hwnd, statusbar, cfgbox;
207 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
208 HWND numpad; /* window handle for the numeric pad */
209 #endif
210 HINSTANCE inst;
211 HBITMAP bitmap, prevbm;
212 RECT bitmapPosition; /* game bitmap position within game window */
213 HDC hdc;
214 COLORREF *colours;
215 HBRUSH *brushes;
216 HPEN *pens;
217 HRGN clip;
218 HMENU gamemenu, typemenu;
219 UINT timer;
220 DWORD timer_last_tickcount;
221 struct preset_menu *preset_menu;
222 struct preset_menuitemref *preset_menuitems;
223 int n_preset_menuitems;
224 struct font *fonts;
225 int nfonts, fontsize;
226 config_item *cfg;
227 struct cfg_aux *cfgaux;
228 int cfg_which, dlg_done;
229 HFONT cfgfont;
230 HBRUSH oldbr;
231 HPEN oldpen;
232 int help_running;
233 enum { DRAWING, PRINTING, NOTHING } drawstatus;
234 DOCINFO di;
235 int printcount, printw, printh, printsolns, printcurr, printcolour;
236 float printscale;
237 int printoffsetx, printoffsety;
238 float printpixelscale;
239 int fontstart;
240 int linewidth, linedotted;
241 drawing *dr;
242 int xmin, ymin;
243 float puzz_scale;
246 void frontend_free(frontend *fe)
248 midend_free(fe->me);
250 sfree(fe->colours);
251 sfree(fe->brushes);
252 sfree(fe->pens);
253 sfree(fe->fonts);
255 sfree(fe);
258 static void update_type_menu_tick(frontend *fe);
259 static void update_copy_menu_greying(frontend *fe);
261 void fatal(char *fmt, ...)
263 char buf[2048];
264 va_list ap;
266 va_start(ap, fmt);
267 vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap);
268 va_end(ap);
270 MessageBox(NULL, buf, "Fatal error", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
272 exit(1);
275 char *geterrstr(void)
277 LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
278 DWORD dw = GetLastError();
279 char *ret;
281 FormatMessage(
284 NULL,
287 (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
288 0, NULL );
290 ret = dupstr(lpMsgBuf);
292 LocalFree(lpMsgBuf);
294 return ret;
297 void get_random_seed(void **randseed, int *randseedsize)
301 GetLocalTime(st);
303 *randseed = (void *)st;
304 *randseedsize = sizeof(SYSTEMTIME);
307 static void win_status_bar(void *handle, char *text)
309 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
310 TCHAR wText[255];
311 #endif
312 frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
314 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
315 MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, text, -1, wText, 255);
316 SendMessage(fe->statusbar, SB_SETTEXT,
318 (LPARAM) wText);
319 #else
320 SetWindowText(fe->statusbar, text);
321 #endif
324 static blitter *win_blitter_new(void *handle, int w, int h)
326 blitter *bl = snew(blitter);
328 memset(bl, 0, sizeof(blitter));
329 bl->w = w;
330 bl->h = h;
331 bl->bitmap = 0;
333 return bl;
336 static void win_blitter_free(void *handle, blitter *bl)
338 if (bl->bitmap) DeleteObject(bl->bitmap);
339 sfree(bl);
342 static void blitter_mkbitmap(frontend *fe, blitter *bl)
344 HDC hdc = GetDC(fe->hwnd);
345 bl->bitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, bl->w, bl->h);
346 ReleaseDC(fe->hwnd, hdc);
349 /* BitBlt(dstDC, dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH, srcDC, srcX, srcY, dType) */
351 static void win_blitter_save(void *handle, blitter *bl, int x, int y)
353 frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
354 HDC hdc_win, hdc_blit;
355 HBITMAP prev_blit;
357 assert(fe->drawstatus == DRAWING);
359 if (!bl->bitmap) blitter_mkbitmap(fe, bl);
361 bl->x = x; bl->y = y;
363 hdc_win = GetDC(fe->hwnd);
364 hdc_blit = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc_win);
365 if (!hdc_blit) fatal("hdc_blit failed: 0x%x", GetLastError());
367 prev_blit = SelectObject(hdc_blit, bl->bitmap);
368 if (prev_blit == NULL || prev_blit == HGDI_ERROR)
369 fatal("SelectObject for hdc_main failed: 0x%x", GetLastError());
371 if (!BitBlt(hdc_blit, 0, 0, bl->w, bl->h,
372 fe->hdc, x, y, SRCCOPY))
373 fatal("BitBlt failed: 0x%x", GetLastError());
375 SelectObject(hdc_blit, prev_blit);
376 DeleteDC(hdc_blit);
377 ReleaseDC(fe->hwnd, hdc_win);
380 static void win_blitter_load(void *handle, blitter *bl, int x, int y)
382 frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
383 HDC hdc_win, hdc_blit;
384 HBITMAP prev_blit;
386 assert(fe->drawstatus == DRAWING);
388 assert(bl->bitmap); /* we should always have saved before loading */
390 if (x == BLITTER_FROMSAVED) x = bl->x;
391 if (y == BLITTER_FROMSAVED) y = bl->y;
393 hdc_win = GetDC(fe->hwnd);
394 hdc_blit = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc_win);
396 prev_blit = SelectObject(hdc_blit, bl->bitmap);
398 BitBlt(fe->hdc, x, y, bl->w, bl->h,
399 hdc_blit, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
401 SelectObject(hdc_blit, prev_blit);
402 DeleteDC(hdc_blit);
403 ReleaseDC(fe->hwnd, hdc_win);
406 void frontend_default_colour(frontend *fe, float *output)
408 DWORD c = GetSysColor(COLOR_MENU); /* ick */
410 output[0] = (float)(GetRValue(c) / 255.0);
411 output[1] = (float)(GetGValue(c) / 255.0);
412 output[2] = (float)(GetBValue(c) / 255.0);
415 static POINT win_transform_point(frontend *fe, int x, int y)
417 POINT ret;
419 assert(fe->drawstatus != NOTHING);
421 if (fe->drawstatus == PRINTING) {
422 ret.x = (int)(fe->printoffsetx + fe->printpixelscale * x);
423 ret.y = (int)(fe->printoffsety + fe->printpixelscale * y);
424 } else {
425 ret.x = x;
426 ret.y = y;
429 return ret;
432 static void win_text_colour(frontend *fe, int colour)
434 assert(fe->drawstatus != NOTHING);
436 if (fe->drawstatus == PRINTING) {
437 int hatch;
438 float r, g, b;
439 print_get_colour(fe->dr, colour, fe->printcolour, &hatch, &r, &g, &b);
442 * Displaying text in hatched colours is not permitted.
444 assert(hatch < 0);
446 SetTextColor(fe->hdc, RGB(r * 255, g * 255, b * 255));
447 } else {
448 SetTextColor(fe->hdc, fe->colours[colour]);
452 static void win_set_brush(frontend *fe, int colour)
454 HBRUSH br;
455 assert(fe->drawstatus != NOTHING);
457 if (fe->drawstatus == PRINTING) {
458 int hatch;
459 float r, g, b;
460 print_get_colour(fe->dr, colour, fe->printcolour, &hatch, &r, &g, &b);
462 if (hatch < 0) {
463 br = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(r * 255, g * 255, b * 255));
464 } else {
465 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
467 * This is only ever required during printing, and the
468 * PocketPC port doesn't support printing.
470 fatal("CreateHatchBrush not supported");
471 #else
472 br = CreateHatchBrush(hatch == HATCH_BACKSLASH ? HS_FDIAGONAL :
475 hatch == HATCH_VERT ? HS_VERTICAL :
476 hatch == HATCH_PLUS ? HS_CROSS :
477 /* hatch == HATCH_X ? */ HS_DIAGCROSS,
478 RGB(0,0,0));
479 #endif
481 } else {
482 br = fe->brushes[colour];
484 fe->oldbr = SelectObject(fe->hdc, br);
487 static void win_reset_brush(frontend *fe)
489 HBRUSH br;
491 assert(fe->drawstatus != NOTHING);
493 br = SelectObject(fe->hdc, fe->oldbr);
494 if (fe->drawstatus == PRINTING)
495 DeleteObject(br);
498 static void win_set_pen(frontend *fe, int colour, int thin)
500 HPEN pen;
501 assert(fe->drawstatus != NOTHING);
503 if (fe->drawstatus == PRINTING) {
504 int hatch;
505 float r, g, b;
506 int width = thin ? 0 : fe->linewidth;
508 if (fe->linedotted)
509 width = 0;
511 print_get_colour(fe->dr, colour, fe->printcolour, &hatch, &r, &g, &b);
513 * Stroking in hatched colours is not permitted.
515 assert(hatch < 0);
516 pen = CreatePen(fe->linedotted ? PS_DOT : PS_SOLID,
517 width, RGB(r * 255, g * 255, b * 255));
518 } else {
519 pen = fe->pens[colour];
521 fe->oldpen = SelectObject(fe->hdc, pen);
524 static void win_reset_pen(frontend *fe)
526 HPEN pen;
528 assert(fe->drawstatus != NOTHING);
530 pen = SelectObject(fe->hdc, fe->oldpen);
531 if (fe->drawstatus == PRINTING)
532 DeleteObject(pen);
535 static void win_clip(void *handle, int x, int y, int w, int h)
537 frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
538 POINT p, q;
540 if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
541 return;
543 p = win_transform_point(fe, x, y);
544 q = win_transform_point(fe, x+w, y+h);
545 IntersectClipRect(fe->hdc, p.x, p.y, q.x, q.y);
548 static void win_unclip(void *handle)
550 frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
552 if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
553 return;
555 SelectClipRgn(fe->hdc, NULL);
558 static void win_draw_text(void *handle, int x, int y, int fonttype,
559 int fontsize, int align, int colour, char *text)
561 frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
562 POINT xy;
563 int i;
564 LOGFONT lf;
566 if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
567 return;
569 if (fe->drawstatus == PRINTING)
570 fontsize = (int)(fontsize * fe->printpixelscale);
572 xy = win_transform_point(fe, x, y);
575 * Find or create the font.
577 for (i = fe->fontstart; i < fe->nfonts; i++)
578 if (fe->fonts[i].type == fonttype && fe->fonts[i].size == fontsize)
579 break;
581 if (i == fe->nfonts) {
582 if (fe->fontsize <= fe->nfonts) {
583 fe->fontsize = fe->nfonts + 10;
584 fe->fonts = sresize(fe->fonts, fe->fontsize, struct font);
587 fe->nfonts++;
589 fe->fonts[i].type = fonttype;
590 fe->fonts[i].size = fontsize;
592 memset (&lf, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT));
593 lf.lfHeight = -fontsize;
594 lf.lfWeight = (fe->drawstatus == PRINTING ? 0 : FW_BOLD);
595 lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
596 lf.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
597 lf.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
598 lf.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY;
599 lf.lfPitchAndFamily = (fonttype == FONT_FIXED ?
602 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
603 wcscpy(lf.lfFaceName, TEXT("Tahoma"));
604 #endif
606 fe->fonts[i].font = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
610 * Position and draw the text.
613 HFONT oldfont;
615 SIZE size;
616 WCHAR wText[256];
617 MultiByteToWideChar (CP_UTF8, 0, text, -1, wText, 256);
619 oldfont = SelectObject(fe->hdc, fe->fonts[i].font);
620 if (GetTextMetrics(fe->hdc, &tm)) {
621 if (align & ALIGN_VCENTRE)
622 xy.y -= (tm.tmAscent+tm.tmDescent)/2;
623 else
624 xy.y -= tm.tmAscent;
626 if (GetTextExtentPoint32W(fe->hdc, wText, wcslen(wText), &size))
628 if (align & ALIGN_HCENTRE)
629 xy.x -= / 2;
630 else if (align & ALIGN_HRIGHT)
631 xy.x -=;
633 SetBkMode(fe->hdc, TRANSPARENT);
634 win_text_colour(fe, colour);
635 ExtTextOutW(fe->hdc, xy.x, xy.y, 0, NULL, wText, wcslen(wText), NULL);
636 SelectObject(fe->hdc, oldfont);
640 static void win_draw_rect(void *handle, int x, int y, int w, int h, int colour)
642 frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
643 POINT p, q;
645 if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
646 return;
648 if (fe->drawstatus == DRAWING && w == 1 && h == 1) {
650 * Rectangle() appears to get uppity if asked to draw a 1x1
651 * rectangle, presumably on the grounds that that's beneath
652 * its dignity and you ought to be using SetPixel instead.
653 * So I will.
655 SetPixel(fe->hdc, x, y, fe->colours[colour]);
656 } else {
657 win_set_brush(fe, colour);
658 win_set_pen(fe, colour, TRUE);
659 p = win_transform_point(fe, x, y);
660 q = win_transform_point(fe, x+w, y+h);
661 Rectangle(fe->hdc, p.x, p.y, q.x, q.y);
662 win_reset_brush(fe);
663 win_reset_pen(fe);
667 static void win_draw_line(void *handle, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int colour)
669 frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
670 POINT pp[2];
672 if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
673 return;
675 win_set_pen(fe, colour, FALSE);
676 pp[0] = win_transform_point(fe, x1, y1);
677 pp[1] = win_transform_point(fe, x2, y2);
678 Polyline(fe->hdc, pp, 2);
679 if (fe->drawstatus == DRAWING)
680 SetPixel(fe->hdc, pp[1].x, pp[1].y, fe->colours[colour]);
681 win_reset_pen(fe);
684 static void win_draw_circle(void *handle, int cx, int cy, int radius,
685 int fillcolour, int outlinecolour)
687 frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
688 POINT p, q;
690 assert(outlinecolour >= 0);
692 if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
693 return;
695 if (fillcolour >= 0)
696 win_set_brush(fe, fillcolour);
697 else
698 fe->oldbr = SelectObject(fe->hdc, GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH));
700 win_set_pen(fe, outlinecolour, FALSE);
701 p = win_transform_point(fe, cx - radius, cy - radius);
702 q = win_transform_point(fe, cx + radius, cy + radius);
703 Ellipse(fe->hdc, p.x, p.y, q.x+1, q.y+1);
704 win_reset_brush(fe);
705 win_reset_pen(fe);
708 static void win_draw_polygon(void *handle, int *coords, int npoints,
709 int fillcolour, int outlinecolour)
711 frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
712 POINT *pts;
713 int i;
715 if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
716 return;
718 pts = snewn(npoints+1, POINT);
720 for (i = 0; i <= npoints; i++) {
721 int j = (i < npoints ? i : 0);
722 pts[i] = win_transform_point(fe, coords[j*2], coords[j*2+1]);
725 assert(outlinecolour >= 0);
727 if (fillcolour >= 0) {
728 win_set_brush(fe, fillcolour);
729 win_set_pen(fe, outlinecolour, FALSE);
730 Polygon(fe->hdc, pts, npoints);
731 win_reset_brush(fe);
732 win_reset_pen(fe);
733 } else {
734 win_set_pen(fe, outlinecolour, FALSE);
735 Polyline(fe->hdc, pts, npoints+1);
736 win_reset_pen(fe);
739 sfree(pts);
742 static void win_start_draw(void *handle)
744 frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
745 HDC hdc_win;
747 assert(fe->drawstatus == NOTHING);
749 hdc_win = GetDC(fe->hwnd);
750 fe->hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc_win);
751 fe->prevbm = SelectObject(fe->hdc, fe->bitmap);
752 ReleaseDC(fe->hwnd, hdc_win);
753 fe->clip = NULL;
754 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
755 SetMapMode(fe->hdc, MM_TEXT);
756 #endif
757 fe->drawstatus = DRAWING;
760 static void win_draw_update(void *handle, int x, int y, int w, int h)
762 frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
763 RECT r;
765 if (fe->drawstatus != DRAWING)
766 return;
768 r.left = x;
769 = y;
770 r.right = x + w;
771 r.bottom = y + h;
773 OffsetRect(&r, fe->bitmapPosition.left, fe->;
774 InvalidateRect(fe->hwnd, &r, FALSE);
777 static void win_end_draw(void *handle)
779 frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
780 assert(fe->drawstatus == DRAWING);
781 SelectObject(fe->hdc, fe->prevbm);
782 DeleteDC(fe->hdc);
783 if (fe->clip) {
784 DeleteObject(fe->clip);
785 fe->clip = NULL;
787 fe->drawstatus = NOTHING;
790 static void win_line_width(void *handle, float width)
792 frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
794 assert(fe->drawstatus != DRAWING);
795 if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
796 return;
798 fe->linewidth = (int)(width * fe->printpixelscale);
801 static void win_line_dotted(void *handle, int dotted)
803 frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
805 assert(fe->drawstatus != DRAWING);
806 if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
807 return;
809 fe->linedotted = dotted;
812 static void win_begin_doc(void *handle, int pages)
814 frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
816 assert(fe->drawstatus != DRAWING);
817 if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
818 return;
820 if (StartDoc(fe->hdc, &fe->di) <= 0) {
821 char *e = geterrstr();
822 MessageBox(fe->hwnd, e, "Error starting to print",
824 sfree(e);
825 fe->drawstatus = NOTHING;
829 * Push a marker on the font stack so that we won't use the
830 * same fonts for printing and drawing. (This is because
831 * drawing seems to look generally better in bold, but printing
832 * is better not in bold.)
834 fe->fontstart = fe->nfonts;
837 static void win_begin_page(void *handle, int number)
839 frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
841 assert(fe->drawstatus != DRAWING);
842 if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
843 return;
845 if (StartPage(fe->hdc) <= 0) {
846 char *e = geterrstr();
847 MessageBox(fe->hwnd, e, "Error starting a page",
849 sfree(e);
850 fe->drawstatus = NOTHING;
854 static void win_begin_puzzle(void *handle, float xm, float xc,
855 float ym, float yc, int pw, int ph, float wmm)
857 frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
858 int ppw, pph, pox, poy;
859 float mmpw, mmph, mmox, mmoy;
860 float scale;
862 assert(fe->drawstatus != DRAWING);
863 if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
864 return;
866 ppw = GetDeviceCaps(fe->hdc, HORZRES);
867 pph = GetDeviceCaps(fe->hdc, VERTRES);
868 mmpw = (float)GetDeviceCaps(fe->hdc, HORZSIZE);
869 mmph = (float)GetDeviceCaps(fe->hdc, VERTSIZE);
872 * Compute the puzzle's position on the logical page.
874 mmox = xm * mmpw + xc;
875 mmoy = ym * mmph + yc;
878 * Work out what that comes to in pixels.
880 pox = (int)(mmox * (float)ppw / mmpw);
881 poy = (int)(mmoy * (float)pph / mmph);
884 * And determine the scale.
886 * I need a scale such that the maximum puzzle-coordinate
887 * extent of the rectangle (pw * scale) is equal to the pixel
888 * equivalent of the puzzle's millimetre width (wmm * ppw /
889 * mmpw).
891 scale = (wmm * ppw) / (mmpw * pw);
894 * Now store pox, poy and scale for use in the main drawing
895 * functions.
897 fe->printoffsetx = pox;
898 fe->printoffsety = poy;
899 fe->printpixelscale = scale;
901 fe->linewidth = 1;
902 fe->linedotted = FALSE;
905 static void win_end_puzzle(void *handle)
907 /* Nothing needs to be done here. */
910 static void win_end_page(void *handle, int number)
912 frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
914 assert(fe->drawstatus != DRAWING);
916 if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
917 return;
919 if (EndPage(fe->hdc) <= 0) {
920 char *e = geterrstr();
921 MessageBox(fe->hwnd, e, "Error finishing a page",
923 sfree(e);
924 fe->drawstatus = NOTHING;
928 static void win_end_doc(void *handle)
930 frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
932 assert(fe->drawstatus != DRAWING);
935 * Free all the fonts created since we began printing.
937 while (fe->nfonts > fe->fontstart) {
938 fe->nfonts--;
939 DeleteObject(fe->fonts[fe->nfonts].font);
941 fe->fontstart = 0;
944 * The MSDN web site sample code doesn't bother to call EndDoc
945 * if an error occurs half way through printing. I expect doing
946 * so would cause the erroneous document to actually be
947 * printed, or something equally undesirable.
949 if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
950 return;
952 if (EndDoc(fe->hdc) <= 0) {
953 char *e = geterrstr();
954 MessageBox(fe->hwnd, e, "Error finishing printing",
956 sfree(e);
957 fe->drawstatus = NOTHING;
961 char *win_text_fallback(void *handle, const char *const *strings, int nstrings)
964 * We assume Windows can cope with any UTF-8 likely to be
965 * emitted by a puzzle.
967 return dupstr(strings[0]);
970 const struct drawing_api win_drawing = {
971 win_draw_text,
972 win_draw_rect,
973 win_draw_line,
974 win_draw_polygon,
975 win_draw_circle,
976 win_draw_update,
977 win_clip,
978 win_unclip,
979 win_start_draw,
980 win_end_draw,
981 win_status_bar,
982 win_blitter_new,
983 win_blitter_free,
984 win_blitter_save,
985 win_blitter_load,
986 win_begin_doc,
987 win_begin_page,
988 win_begin_puzzle,
989 win_end_puzzle,
990 win_end_page,
991 win_end_doc,
992 win_line_width,
993 win_line_dotted,
994 win_text_fallback,
997 void print(frontend *fe)
999 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
1000 PRINTDLG pd;
1001 char doctitle[256];
1002 document *doc;
1003 midend *nme = NULL; /* non-interactive midend for bulk puzzle generation */
1004 int i;
1005 char *err = NULL;
1008 * Create our document structure and fill it up with puzzles.
1010 doc = document_new(fe->printw, fe->printh, fe->printscale / 100.0F);
1011 for (i = 0; i < fe->printcount; i++) {
1012 if (i == 0 && fe->printcurr) {
1013 err = midend_print_puzzle(fe->me, doc, fe->printsolns);
1014 } else {
1015 if (!nme) {
1016 game_params *params;
1018 nme = midend_new(NULL, fe->game, NULL, NULL);
1021 * Set the non-interactive mid-end to have the same
1022 * parameters as the standard one.
1024 params = midend_get_params(fe->me);
1025 midend_set_params(nme, params);
1026 fe->game->free_params(params);
1029 midend_new_game(nme);
1030 err = midend_print_puzzle(nme, doc, fe->printsolns);
1032 if (err)
1033 break;
1035 if (nme)
1036 midend_free(nme);
1038 if (err) {
1039 MessageBox(fe->hwnd, err, "Error preparing puzzles for printing",
1041 document_free(doc);
1042 return;
1045 memset(&pd, 0, sizeof(pd));
1046 pd.lStructSize = sizeof(pd);
1047 pd.hwndOwner = fe->hwnd;
1048 pd.hDevMode = NULL;
1049 pd.hDevNames = NULL;
1052 pd.nCopies = 1;
1053 pd.nFromPage = pd.nToPage = 0xFFFF;
1054 pd.nMinPage = pd.nMaxPage = 1;
1056 if (!PrintDlg(&pd)) {
1057 document_free(doc);
1058 return;
1062 * Now pd.hDC is a device context for the printer.
1066 * FIXME: IWBNI we put up an Abort box here.
1069 memset(&fe->di, 0, sizeof(fe->di));
1070 fe->di.cbSize = sizeof(fe->di);
1071 sprintf(doctitle, "Printed puzzles from %s (from Simon Tatham's"
1072 " Portable Puzzle Collection)", fe->game->name);
1073 fe->di.lpszDocName = doctitle;
1074 fe->di.lpszOutput = NULL;
1075 fe->di.lpszDatatype = NULL;
1076 fe->di.fwType = 0;
1078 fe->drawstatus = PRINTING;
1079 fe->hdc = pd.hDC;
1081 fe->dr = drawing_new(&win_drawing, NULL, fe);
1082 document_print(doc, fe->dr);
1083 drawing_free(fe->dr);
1084 fe->dr = NULL;
1086 fe->drawstatus = NOTHING;
1088 DeleteDC(pd.hDC);
1089 document_free(doc);
1090 #endif
1093 void deactivate_timer(frontend *fe)
1095 if (!fe)
1096 return; /* for non-interactive midend */
1097 if (fe->hwnd) KillTimer(fe->hwnd, fe->timer);
1098 fe->timer = 0;
1101 void activate_timer(frontend *fe)
1103 if (!fe)
1104 return; /* for non-interactive midend */
1105 if (!fe->timer) {
1106 fe->timer = SetTimer(fe->hwnd, 1, 20, NULL);
1107 fe->timer_last_tickcount = GetTickCount();
1111 void write_clip(HWND hwnd, char *data)
1113 HGLOBAL clipdata;
1114 int len, i, j;
1115 char *data2;
1116 void *lock;
1119 * Windows expects CRLF in the clipboard, so we must convert
1120 * any \n that has come out of the puzzle backend.
1122 len = 0;
1123 for (i = 0; data[i]; i++) {
1124 if (data[i] == '\n')
1125 len++;
1126 len++;
1128 data2 = snewn(len+1, char);
1129 j = 0;
1130 for (i = 0; data[i]; i++) {
1131 if (data[i] == '\n')
1132 data2[j++] = '\r';
1133 data2[j++] = data[i];
1135 assert(j == len);
1136 data2[j] = '\0';
1138 clipdata = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE | GMEM_MOVEABLE, len + 1);
1139 if (!clipdata) {
1140 sfree(data2);
1141 return;
1143 lock = GlobalLock(clipdata);
1144 if (!lock) {
1145 GlobalFree(clipdata);
1146 sfree(data2);
1147 return;
1149 memcpy(lock, data2, len);
1150 ((unsigned char *) lock)[len] = 0;
1151 GlobalUnlock(clipdata);
1153 if (OpenClipboard(hwnd)) {
1154 EmptyClipboard();
1155 SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, clipdata);
1156 CloseClipboard();
1157 } else
1158 GlobalFree(clipdata);
1160 sfree(data2);
1164 * Set up Help and see if we can find a help file.
1166 static void init_help(void)
1168 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
1169 char b[2048], *p, *q, *r;
1170 FILE *fp;
1173 * Find the executable file path, so we can look alongside
1174 * it for help files. Trim the filename off the end.
1176 GetModuleFileName(NULL, b, sizeof(b) - 1);
1177 r = b;
1178 p = strrchr(b, '\\');
1179 if (p && p >= r) r = p+1;
1180 q = strrchr(b, ':');
1181 if (q && q >= r) r = q+1;
1183 #ifndef NO_HTMLHELP
1185 * Try HTML Help first.
1187 strcpy(r, CHM_FILE_NAME);
1188 if ( (fp = fopen(b, "r")) != NULL) {
1189 fclose(fp);
1192 * We have a .CHM. See if we can use it.
1194 hh_dll = LoadLibrary("hhctrl.ocx");
1195 if (hh_dll) {
1196 htmlhelp = (htmlhelp_t)GetProcAddress(hh_dll, "HtmlHelpA");
1197 if (!htmlhelp)
1198 FreeLibrary(hh_dll);
1200 if (htmlhelp) {
1201 help_path = dupstr(b);
1202 help_type = CHM;
1203 return;
1206 #endif /* NO_HTMLHELP */
1209 * Now try old-style .HLP.
1211 strcpy(r, HELP_FILE_NAME);
1212 if ( (fp = fopen(b, "r")) != NULL) {
1213 fclose(fp);
1215 help_path = dupstr(b);
1216 help_type = HLP;
1219 * See if there's a .CNT file alongside it.
1221 strcpy(r, HELP_CNT_NAME);
1222 if ( (fp = fopen(b, "r")) != NULL) {
1223 fclose(fp);
1224 help_has_contents = TRUE;
1225 } else
1226 help_has_contents = FALSE;
1228 return;
1231 help_type = NONE; /* didn't find any */
1232 #endif
1235 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
1238 * Start Help.
1240 static void start_help(frontend *fe, const char *topic)
1242 char *str = NULL;
1243 int cmd;
1245 switch (help_type) {
1246 case HLP:
1247 assert(help_path);
1248 if (topic) {
1249 str = snewn(10+strlen(topic), char);
1250 sprintf(str, "JI(`',`%s')", topic);
1251 cmd = HELP_COMMAND;
1252 } else if (help_has_contents) {
1253 cmd = HELP_FINDER;
1254 } else {
1255 cmd = HELP_CONTENTS;
1257 WinHelp(fe->hwnd, help_path, cmd, (DWORD)str);
1258 fe->help_running = TRUE;
1259 break;
1260 case CHM:
1261 #ifndef NO_HTMLHELP
1262 assert(help_path);
1263 assert(htmlhelp);
1264 if (topic) {
1265 str = snewn(20 + strlen(topic) + strlen(help_path), char);
1266 sprintf(str, "%s::/%s.html>main", help_path, topic);
1267 } else {
1268 str = dupstr(help_path);
1270 htmlhelp(fe->hwnd, str, HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, 0);
1271 fe->help_running = TRUE;
1272 break;
1273 #endif /* NO_HTMLHELP */
1274 case NONE:
1275 assert(!"This shouldn't happen");
1276 break;
1279 sfree(str);
1283 * Stop Help on window cleanup.
1285 static void stop_help(frontend *fe)
1287 if (fe->help_running) {
1288 switch (help_type) {
1289 case HLP:
1290 WinHelp(fe->hwnd, help_path, HELP_QUIT, 0);
1291 break;
1292 case CHM:
1293 #ifndef NO_HTMLHELP
1294 assert(htmlhelp);
1295 htmlhelp(NULL, NULL, HH_CLOSE_ALL, 0);
1296 break;
1297 #endif /* NO_HTMLHELP */
1298 case NONE:
1299 assert(!"This shouldn't happen");
1300 break;
1302 fe->help_running = FALSE;
1306 #endif
1309 * Terminate Help on process exit.
1311 static void cleanup_help(void)
1313 /* Nothing to do currently.
1314 * (If we were running HTML Help single-threaded, this is where we'd
1315 * call HH_UNINITIALIZE.) */
1318 static int get_statusbar_height(frontend *fe)
1320 int sy;
1321 if (fe->statusbar) {
1322 RECT sr;
1323 GetWindowRect(fe->statusbar, &sr);
1324 sy = sr.bottom -;
1325 } else {
1326 sy = 0;
1328 return sy;
1331 static void adjust_statusbar(frontend *fe, RECT *r)
1333 int sy;
1335 if (!fe->statusbar) return;
1337 sy = get_statusbar_height(fe);
1338 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
1339 SetWindowPos(fe->statusbar, NULL, 0, r->bottom-r->top-sy, r->right-r->left,
1340 sy, SWP_NOZORDER);
1341 #endif
1344 static void get_menu_size(HWND wh, RECT *r)
1346 HMENU bar = GetMenu(wh);
1347 RECT rect;
1348 int i;
1350 SetRect(r, 0, 0, 0, 0);
1351 for (i = 0; i < GetMenuItemCount(bar); i++) {
1352 GetMenuItemRect(wh, bar, i, &rect);
1353 UnionRect(r, r, &rect);
1358 * Given a proposed new puzzle size (cx,cy), work out the actual
1359 * puzzle size that would be (px,py) and the window size including
1360 * furniture (wx,wy).
1363 static int check_window_resize(frontend *fe, int cx, int cy,
1364 int *px, int *py,
1365 int *wx, int *wy)
1367 RECT r;
1368 int x, y, sy = get_statusbar_height(fe), changed = 0;
1370 /* disallow making window thinner than menu bar */
1371 x = max(cx, fe->xmin);
1372 y = max(cy - sy, fe->ymin);
1375 * See if we actually got the window size we wanted, and adjust
1376 * the puzzle size if not.
1378 midend_size(fe->me, &x, &y, TRUE);
1379 if (x != cx || y != cy) {
1381 * Resize the window, now we know what size we _really_
1382 * want it to be.
1384 r.left = = 0;
1385 r.right = x;
1386 r.bottom = y + sy;
1387 AdjustWindowRectEx(&r, WINFLAGS, TRUE, 0);
1388 *wx = r.right - r.left;
1389 *wy = r.bottom -;
1390 changed = 1;
1393 *px = x;
1394 *py = y;
1396 fe->puzz_scale =
1397 (float)midend_tilesize(fe->me) / (float)fe->game->preferred_tilesize;
1399 return changed;
1403 * Given the current window size, make sure it's sane for the
1404 * current puzzle and resize if necessary.
1407 static void check_window_size(frontend *fe, int *px, int *py)
1409 RECT r;
1410 int wx, wy, cx, cy;
1412 GetClientRect(fe->hwnd, &r);
1413 cx = r.right - r.left;
1414 cy = r.bottom -;
1416 if (check_window_resize(fe, cx, cy, px, py, &wx, &wy)) {
1417 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
1418 SetWindowPos(fe->hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, wx, wy,
1420 #endif
1424 GetClientRect(fe->hwnd, &r);
1425 adjust_statusbar(fe, &r);
1428 static void get_max_puzzle_size(frontend *fe, int *x, int *y)
1430 RECT r, sr;
1432 if (SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &sr, FALSE)) {
1433 *x = sr.right - sr.left;
1434 *y = sr.bottom -;
1435 r.left = 100;
1436 r.right = 200;
1437 = 100;
1438 r.bottom = 200;
1439 AdjustWindowRectEx(&r, WINFLAGS, TRUE, 0);
1440 *x -= r.right - r.left - 100;
1441 *y -= r.bottom - - 100;
1442 } else {
1443 *x = *y = INT_MAX;
1446 if (fe->statusbar != NULL) {
1447 GetWindowRect(fe->statusbar, &sr);
1448 *y -= sr.bottom -;
1452 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
1453 /* Toolbar buttons on the numeric pad */
1454 static TBBUTTON tbNumpadButtons[] =
1467 #endif
1470 * Allocate a new frontend structure and create its main window.
1472 static frontend *frontend_new(HINSTANCE inst)
1474 frontend *fe;
1475 const char *nogame = "Puzzles (no game selected)";
1477 fe = snew(frontend);
1479 fe->inst = inst;
1481 fe->game = NULL;
1482 fe->me = NULL;
1484 fe->timer = 0;
1485 fe->hwnd = NULL;
1487 fe->help_running = FALSE;
1489 fe->drawstatus = NOTHING;
1490 fe->dr = NULL;
1491 fe->fontstart = 0;
1493 fe->fonts = NULL;
1494 fe->nfonts = fe->fontsize = 0;
1496 fe->colours = NULL;
1497 fe->brushes = NULL;
1498 fe->pens = NULL;
1500 fe->puzz_scale = 1.0;
1502 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
1503 MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, nogame, -1, wGameName, 256);
1504 fe->hwnd = CreateWindowEx(0, wClassName, wGameName,
1508 NULL, NULL, inst, NULL);
1512 RECT rc, rcBar, rcTB, rcClient;
1514 memset (&mbi, 0, sizeof(SHMENUBARINFO));
1515 mbi.cbSize = sizeof(SHMENUBARINFO);
1516 mbi.hwndParent = fe->hwnd;
1517 mbi.nToolBarId = IDR_MENUBAR1;
1518 mbi.hInstRes = inst;
1520 SHCreateMenuBar(&mbi);
1522 GetWindowRect(fe->hwnd, &rc);
1523 GetWindowRect(mbi.hwndMB, &rcBar);
1524 rc.bottom -= rcBar.bottom -;
1525 MoveWindow(fe->hwnd, rc.left,, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -, FALSE);
1527 fe->numpad = NULL;
1529 #else
1530 fe->hwnd = CreateWindowEx(0, CLASSNAME, nogame,
1535 NULL, NULL, inst, NULL);
1536 if (!fe->hwnd) {
1537 DWORD lerr = GetLastError();
1538 printf("no window: 0x%x\n", (unsigned)lerr);
1540 #endif
1542 fe->gamemenu = NULL;
1543 fe->preset_menu = NULL;
1545 fe->statusbar = NULL;
1546 fe->bitmap = NULL;
1548 SetWindowLong(fe->hwnd, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG)fe);
1550 return fe;
1553 static void savefile_write(void *wctx, void *buf, int len)
1555 FILE *fp = (FILE *)wctx;
1556 fwrite(buf, 1, len, fp);
1559 static int savefile_read(void *wctx, void *buf, int len)
1561 FILE *fp = (FILE *)wctx;
1562 int ret;
1564 ret = fread(buf, 1, len, fp);
1565 return (ret == len);
1569 * Create an appropriate midend structure to go in a puzzle window,
1570 * given a game type and/or a command-line argument.
1572 * 'arg' can be either a game ID string (descriptive, random, or a
1573 * plain set of parameters) or the filename of a save file. The two
1574 * boolean flag arguments indicate which possibilities are
1575 * permissible.
1577 static midend *midend_for_new_game(frontend *fe, const game *cgame,
1578 char *arg, int maybe_game_id,
1579 int maybe_save_file, char **error)
1581 midend *me = NULL;
1583 if (!arg) {
1584 if (me) midend_free(me);
1585 me = midend_new(fe, cgame, &win_drawing, fe);
1586 midend_new_game(me);
1587 } else {
1588 FILE *fp;
1589 char *err_param, *err_load;
1592 * See if arg is a valid filename of a save game file.
1594 err_load = NULL;
1595 if (maybe_save_file && (fp = fopen(arg, "r")) != NULL) {
1596 const game *loadgame;
1598 #ifdef COMBINED
1600 * Find out what kind of game is stored in the save
1601 * file; if we're going to end up loading that, it
1602 * will have to override our caller's judgment as to
1603 * what game to initialise our midend with.
1605 char *id_name;
1606 err_load = identify_game(&id_name, savefile_read, fp);
1607 if (!err_load) {
1608 int i;
1609 for (i = 0; i < gamecount; i++)
1610 if (!strcmp(id_name, gamelist[i]->name))
1611 break;
1612 if (i == gamecount) {
1613 err_load = "Save file is for a game not supported by"
1614 " this program";
1615 } else {
1616 loadgame = gamelist[i];
1617 rewind(fp); /* go back to the start for actual load */
1620 #else
1621 loadgame = cgame;
1622 #endif
1623 if (!err_load) {
1624 if (me) midend_free(me);
1625 me = midend_new(fe, loadgame, &win_drawing, fe);
1626 err_load = midend_deserialise(me, savefile_read, fp);
1628 } else {
1629 err_load = "Unable to open file";
1632 if (maybe_game_id && (!maybe_save_file || err_load)) {
1634 * See if arg is a game description.
1636 if (me) midend_free(me);
1637 me = midend_new(fe, cgame, &win_drawing, fe);
1638 err_param = midend_game_id(me, arg);
1639 if (!err_param) {
1640 midend_new_game(me);
1641 } else {
1642 if (maybe_save_file) {
1643 *error = snewn(256 + strlen(arg) + strlen(err_param) +
1644 strlen(err_load), char);
1645 sprintf(*error, "Supplied argument \"%s\" is neither a"
1646 " game ID (%s) nor a save file (%s)",
1647 arg, err_param, err_load);
1648 } else {
1649 *error = dupstr(err_param);
1651 midend_free(me);
1652 sfree(fe);
1653 return NULL;
1655 } else if (err_load) {
1656 *error = dupstr(err_load);
1657 midend_free(me);
1658 sfree(fe);
1659 return NULL;
1663 return me;
1666 static void populate_preset_menu(frontend *fe,
1667 struct preset_menu *menu, HMENU winmenu)
1669 int i;
1670 for (i = 0; i < menu->n_entries; i++) {
1671 struct preset_menu_entry *entry = &menu->entries[i];
1672 UINT_PTR id_or_sub;
1673 UINT flags = MF_ENABLED;
1675 if (entry->params) {
1676 id_or_sub = (UINT_PTR)(IDM_PRESETS + 0x10 * entry->id);
1678 fe->preset_menuitems[entry->id].which_menu = winmenu;
1679 fe->preset_menuitems[entry->id].item_index =
1680 GetMenuItemCount(winmenu);
1681 } else {
1682 HMENU winsubmenu = CreateMenu();
1683 id_or_sub = (UINT_PTR)winsubmenu;
1684 flags |= MF_POPUP;
1686 populate_preset_menu(fe, entry->submenu, winsubmenu);
1690 * FIXME: we ought to go through and do something with ampersands
1691 * here.
1694 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
1695 AppendMenu(winmenu, flags, id_or_sub, entry->title);
1696 #else
1698 TCHAR wName[255];
1699 MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, entry->title, -1, wName, 255);
1700 AppendMenu(winmenu, flags, id_or_sub, wName);
1702 #endif
1707 * Populate a frontend structure with a new midend structure, and
1708 * create any window furniture that it needs.
1710 * Previously-allocated memory and window furniture will be freed by
1711 * this function.
1714 static int fe_set_midend(frontend *fe, midend *me)
1716 int x, y;
1717 RECT r;
1719 if (fe->me) midend_free(fe->me);
1720 fe->me = me;
1721 fe->game = midend_which_game(fe->me);
1724 int i, ncolours;
1725 float *colours;
1727 colours = midend_colours(fe->me, &ncolours);
1729 if (fe->colours) sfree(fe->colours);
1730 if (fe->brushes) sfree(fe->brushes);
1731 if (fe->pens) sfree(fe->pens);
1733 fe->colours = snewn(ncolours, COLORREF);
1734 fe->brushes = snewn(ncolours, HBRUSH);
1735 fe->pens = snewn(ncolours, HPEN);
1737 for (i = 0; i < ncolours; i++) {
1738 fe->colours[i] = RGB(255 * colours[i*3+0],
1739 255 * colours[i*3+1],
1740 255 * colours[i*3+2]);
1741 fe->brushes[i] = CreateSolidBrush(fe->colours[i]);
1742 fe->pens[i] = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, fe->colours[i]);
1744 sfree(colours);
1747 if (fe->statusbar)
1748 DestroyWindow(fe->statusbar);
1749 if (midend_wants_statusbar(fe->me)) {
1750 fe->statusbar = CreateWindowEx(0, STATUSCLASSNAME,
1753 0, 0, 0, 0, /* status bar does these */
1754 NULL, NULL, fe->inst, NULL);
1755 } else
1756 fe->statusbar = NULL;
1758 get_max_puzzle_size(fe, &x, &y);
1759 midend_size(fe->me, &x, &y, FALSE);
1761 r.left = = 0;
1762 r.right = x;
1763 r.bottom = y;
1764 AdjustWindowRectEx(&r, WINFLAGS, TRUE, 0);
1766 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
1767 if (fe->numpad)
1768 DestroyWindow(fe->numpad);
1769 if (fe->game->flags & REQUIRE_NUMPAD)
1771 fe->numpad = CreateToolbarEx (fe->hwnd,
1773 0, 10, fe->inst, IDR_PADTOOLBAR,
1774 tbNumpadButtons, sizeof (tbNumpadButtons) / sizeof (TBBUTTON),
1775 0, 0, 14, 15, sizeof (TBBUTTON));
1776 GetWindowRect(fe->numpad, &rcTB);
1777 GetClientRect(fe->hwnd, &rcClient);
1778 MoveWindow(fe->numpad,
1780 rcClient.bottom - (rcTB.bottom - - 1,
1781 rcClient.right,
1782 rcTB.bottom -,
1783 FALSE);
1784 SendMessage(fe->numpad, TB_SETINDENT, (rcClient.right - (10 * 21)) / 2, 0);
1786 else {
1787 fe->numpad = NULL;
1789 MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, fe->game->name, -1, wGameName, 256);
1790 SetWindowText(fe->hwnd, wGameName);
1791 #else
1792 SetWindowText(fe->hwnd, fe->game->name);
1793 #endif
1795 if (fe->statusbar)
1796 DestroyWindow(fe->statusbar);
1797 if (midend_wants_statusbar(fe->me)) {
1798 RECT sr;
1799 fe->statusbar = CreateWindowEx(0, STATUSCLASSNAME, TEXT("ooh"),
1801 0, 0, 0, 0, /* status bar does these */
1802 fe->hwnd, NULL, fe->inst, NULL);
1803 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
1804 /* Flat status bar looks better on the Pocket PC */
1805 SendMessage(fe->statusbar, SB_SIMPLE, (WPARAM) TRUE, 0);
1806 SendMessage(fe->statusbar, SB_SETTEXT,
1808 (LPARAM) L"");
1809 #endif
1812 * Now resize the window to take account of the status bar.
1814 GetWindowRect(fe->statusbar, &sr);
1815 GetWindowRect(fe->hwnd, &r);
1816 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
1817 SetWindowPos(fe->hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, r.right - r.left,
1818 r.bottom - + sr.bottom -,
1820 #endif
1821 } else {
1822 fe->statusbar = NULL;
1826 HMENU oldmenu = GetMenu(fe->hwnd);
1828 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
1829 HMENU bar = CreateMenu();
1830 HMENU menu = CreateMenu();
1831 RECT menusize;
1833 AppendMenu(bar, MF_ENABLED|MF_POPUP, (UINT)menu, "&Game");
1834 #else
1835 HMENU menu = SHGetSubMenu(SHFindMenuBar(fe->hwnd), ID_GAME);
1836 DeleteMenu(menu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION);
1837 #endif
1838 fe->gamemenu = menu;
1839 AppendMenu(menu, MF_ENABLED, IDM_NEW, TEXT("&New"));
1840 AppendMenu(menu, MF_ENABLED, IDM_RESTART, TEXT("&Restart"));
1841 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
1842 /* I run out of sensible accelerator characters. */
1843 AppendMenu(menu, MF_ENABLED, IDM_DESC, TEXT("Speci&fic..."));
1844 AppendMenu(menu, MF_ENABLED, IDM_SEED, TEXT("Rando&m Seed..."));
1845 #endif
1847 if (!fe->preset_menu) {
1848 int i;
1849 fe->preset_menu = midend_get_presets(
1850 fe->me, &fe->n_preset_menuitems);
1851 fe->preset_menuitems = snewn(fe->n_preset_menuitems,
1852 struct preset_menuitemref);
1853 for (i = 0; i < fe->n_preset_menuitems; i++)
1854 fe->preset_menuitems[i].which_menu = NULL;
1856 if (fe->preset_menu->n_entries > 0 || fe->game->can_configure) {
1857 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
1858 HMENU sub = CreateMenu();
1860 AppendMenu(bar, MF_ENABLED|MF_POPUP, (UINT)sub, "&Type");
1861 #else
1862 HMENU sub = SHGetSubMenu(SHFindMenuBar(fe->hwnd), ID_TYPE);
1863 DeleteMenu(sub, 0, MF_BYPOSITION);
1864 #endif
1866 populate_preset_menu(fe, fe->preset_menu, sub);
1868 if (fe->game->can_configure) {
1869 AppendMenu(sub, MF_ENABLED, IDM_CONFIG, TEXT("&Custom..."));
1872 fe->typemenu = sub;
1873 } else {
1874 fe->typemenu = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
1877 #ifdef COMBINED
1878 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
1879 #error Windows CE does not support COMBINED build.
1880 #endif
1882 HMENU games = CreateMenu();
1883 int i;
1885 AppendMenu(menu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0);
1886 AppendMenu(menu, MF_ENABLED|MF_POPUP, (UINT)games, "&Other");
1887 for (i = 0; i < gamecount; i++) {
1888 if (strcmp(gamelist[i]->name, fe->game->name) != 0) {
1889 /* only include those games that aren't the same as the
1890 * game we're currently playing. */
1891 AppendMenu(games, MF_ENABLED, IDM_GAMES + i, gamelist[i]->name);
1895 #endif
1897 AppendMenu(menu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0);
1898 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
1899 AppendMenu(menu, MF_ENABLED, IDM_LOAD, TEXT("&Load..."));
1900 AppendMenu(menu, MF_ENABLED, IDM_SAVE, TEXT("&Save..."));
1901 AppendMenu(menu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0);
1902 if (fe->game->can_print) {
1903 AppendMenu(menu, MF_ENABLED, IDM_PRINT, TEXT("&Print..."));
1904 AppendMenu(menu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0);
1906 #endif
1907 AppendMenu(menu, MF_ENABLED, IDM_UNDO, TEXT("Undo"));
1908 AppendMenu(menu, MF_ENABLED, IDM_REDO, TEXT("Redo"));
1909 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
1910 if (fe->game->can_format_as_text_ever) {
1911 AppendMenu(menu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0);
1912 AppendMenu(menu, MF_ENABLED, IDM_COPY, TEXT("&Copy"));
1914 #endif
1915 if (fe->game->can_solve) {
1916 AppendMenu(menu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0);
1917 AppendMenu(menu, MF_ENABLED, IDM_SOLVE, TEXT("Sol&ve"));
1919 AppendMenu(menu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0);
1920 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
1921 AppendMenu(menu, MF_ENABLED, IDM_QUIT, TEXT("E&xit"));
1922 menu = CreateMenu();
1923 AppendMenu(bar, MF_ENABLED|MF_POPUP, (UINT)menu, TEXT("&Help"));
1924 #endif
1925 AppendMenu(menu, MF_ENABLED, IDM_ABOUT, TEXT("&About"));
1926 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
1927 if (help_type != NONE) {
1928 char *item;
1929 AppendMenu(menu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0);
1930 AppendMenu(menu, MF_ENABLED, IDM_HELPC, TEXT("&Contents"));
1931 assert(fe->game->name);
1932 item = snewn(10+strlen(fe->game->name), char); /*ick*/
1933 sprintf(item, "&Help on %s", fe->game->name);
1934 AppendMenu(menu, MF_ENABLED, IDM_GAMEHELP, item);
1935 sfree(item);
1937 DestroyMenu(oldmenu);
1938 SetMenu(fe->hwnd, bar);
1939 get_menu_size(fe->hwnd, &menusize);
1940 fe->xmin = (menusize.right - menusize.left) + 25;
1941 #endif
1944 if (fe->bitmap) DeleteObject(fe->bitmap);
1945 fe->bitmap = NULL;
1946 new_game_size(fe, fe->puzz_scale); /* initialises fe->bitmap */
1948 return 0;
1951 static void show_window(frontend *fe)
1953 ShowWindow(fe->hwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
1954 SetForegroundWindow(fe->hwnd);
1956 update_type_menu_tick(fe);
1957 update_copy_menu_greying(fe);
1959 midend_redraw(fe->me);
1962 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
1963 static HFONT dialog_title_font()
1965 static HFONT hf = NULL;
1966 LOGFONT lf;
1968 if (hf)
1969 return hf;
1971 memset (&lf, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT));
1972 lf.lfHeight = -11; /* - ((8 * GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY)) / 72) */
1973 lf.lfWeight = FW_BOLD;
1974 wcscpy(lf.lfFaceName, TEXT("Tahoma"));
1976 return hf = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
1979 static void make_dialog_full_screen(HWND hwnd)
1983 /* Make dialog full screen */
1984 shidi.dwMask = SHIDIM_FLAGS;
1987 shidi.hDlg = hwnd;
1988 SHInitDialog(&shidi);
1990 #endif
1992 static int CALLBACK AboutDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg,
1993 WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1995 frontend *fe = (frontend *)GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA);
1997 switch (msg) {
1998 case WM_INITDIALOG:
1999 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
2001 char title[256];
2003 make_dialog_full_screen(hwnd);
2005 sprintf(title, "About %.250s", fe->game->name);
2006 SetDlgItemTextA(hwnd, IDC_ABOUT_CAPTION, title);
2008 SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_ABOUT_CAPTION, WM_SETFONT,
2009 (WPARAM) dialog_title_font(), 0);
2011 SetDlgItemTextA(hwnd, IDC_ABOUT_GAME, fe->game->name);
2012 SetDlgItemTextA(hwnd, IDC_ABOUT_VERSION, ver);
2014 #endif
2015 return TRUE;
2017 case WM_COMMAND:
2018 if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK)
2019 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
2020 EndDialog(hwnd, 1);
2021 #else
2022 fe->dlg_done = 1;
2023 #endif
2024 return 0;
2026 case WM_CLOSE:
2027 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
2028 EndDialog(hwnd, 1);
2029 #else
2030 fe->dlg_done = 1;
2031 #endif
2032 return 0;
2035 return 0;
2039 * Wrappers on midend_{get,set}_config, which extend the CFG_*
2040 * enumeration to add CFG_PRINT.
2042 static config_item *frontend_get_config(frontend *fe, int which,
2043 char **wintitle)
2045 if (which < CFG_FRONTEND_SPECIFIC) {
2046 return midend_get_config(fe->me, which, wintitle);
2047 } else if (which == CFG_PRINT) {
2048 config_item *ret;
2049 int i;
2051 *wintitle = snewn(40 + strlen(fe->game->name), char);
2052 sprintf(*wintitle, "%s print setup", fe->game->name);
2054 ret = snewn(8, config_item);
2056 i = 0;
2058 ret[i].name = "Number of puzzles to print";
2059 ret[i].type = C_STRING;
2060 ret[i].sval = dupstr("1");
2061 ret[i].ival = 0;
2062 i++;
2064 ret[i].name = "Number of puzzles across the page";
2065 ret[i].type = C_STRING;
2066 ret[i].sval = dupstr("1");
2067 ret[i].ival = 0;
2068 i++;
2070 ret[i].name = "Number of puzzles down the page";
2071 ret[i].type = C_STRING;
2072 ret[i].sval = dupstr("1");
2073 ret[i].ival = 0;
2074 i++;
2076 ret[i].name = "Percentage of standard size";
2077 ret[i].type = C_STRING;
2078 ret[i].sval = dupstr("100.0");
2079 ret[i].ival = 0;
2080 i++;
2082 ret[i].name = "Include currently shown puzzle";
2083 ret[i].type = C_BOOLEAN;
2084 ret[i].sval = NULL;
2085 ret[i].ival = TRUE;
2086 i++;
2088 ret[i].name = "Print solutions";
2089 ret[i].type = C_BOOLEAN;
2090 ret[i].sval = NULL;
2091 ret[i].ival = FALSE;
2092 i++;
2094 if (fe->game->can_print_in_colour) {
2095 ret[i].name = "Print in colour";
2096 ret[i].type = C_BOOLEAN;
2097 ret[i].sval = NULL;
2098 ret[i].ival = FALSE;
2099 i++;
2102 ret[i].name = NULL;
2103 ret[i].type = C_END;
2104 ret[i].sval = NULL;
2105 ret[i].ival = 0;
2106 i++;
2108 return ret;
2109 } else {
2110 assert(!"We should never get here");
2111 return NULL;
2115 static char *frontend_set_config(frontend *fe, int which, config_item *cfg)
2117 if (which < CFG_FRONTEND_SPECIFIC) {
2118 return midend_set_config(fe->me, which, cfg);
2119 } else if (which == CFG_PRINT) {
2120 if ((fe->printcount = atoi(cfg[0].sval)) <= 0)
2121 return "Number of puzzles to print should be at least one";
2122 if ((fe->printw = atoi(cfg[1].sval)) <= 0)
2123 return "Number of puzzles across the page should be at least one";
2124 if ((fe->printh = atoi(cfg[2].sval)) <= 0)
2125 return "Number of puzzles down the page should be at least one";
2126 if ((fe->printscale = (float)atof(cfg[3].sval)) <= 0)
2127 return "Print size should be positive";
2128 fe->printcurr = cfg[4].ival;
2129 fe->printsolns = cfg[5].ival;
2130 fe->printcolour = fe->game->can_print_in_colour && cfg[6].ival;
2131 return NULL;
2132 } else {
2133 assert(!"We should never get here");
2134 return "Internal error";
2138 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
2139 /* Separate version of mkctrl function for the Pocket PC. */
2140 /* Control coordinates should be specified in dialog units. */
2141 HWND mkctrl(frontend *fe, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2,
2142 LPCTSTR wclass, int wstyle,
2143 int exstyle, const char *wtext, int wid)
2145 RECT rc;
2146 TCHAR wwtext[256];
2148 /* Convert dialog units into pixels */
2149 rc.left = x1; rc.right = x2;
2150 = y1; rc.bottom = y2;
2151 MapDialogRect(fe->cfgbox, &rc);
2153 MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, wtext, -1, wwtext, 256);
2155 return CreateWindowEx(exstyle, wclass, wwtext,
2156 wstyle | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,
2157 rc.left,,
2158 rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -,
2159 fe->cfgbox, (HMENU) wid, fe->inst, NULL);
2162 static void create_config_controls(frontend * fe)
2164 int id, nctrls;
2165 int col1l, col1r, col2l, col2r, y;
2166 config_item *i;
2167 struct cfg_aux *j;
2168 HWND ctl;
2170 /* Control placement done in dialog units */
2171 col1l = 4; col1r = 96; /* Label column */
2172 col2l = 100; col2r = 154; /* Input column (edit boxes and combo boxes) */
2175 * Count the controls so we can allocate cfgaux.
2177 for (nctrls = 0, i = fe->cfg; i->type != C_END; i++)
2178 nctrls++;
2179 fe->cfgaux = snewn(nctrls, struct cfg_aux);
2181 id = 1000;
2182 y = 22; /* Leave some room for the dialog title */
2183 for (i = fe->cfg, j = fe->cfgaux; i->type != C_END; i++, j++) {
2184 switch (i->type) {
2185 case C_STRING:
2187 * Edit box with a label beside it.
2189 mkctrl(fe, col1l, col1r, y + 1, y + 11,
2190 TEXT("Static"), SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP, 0, i->name, id++);
2191 mkctrl(fe, col2l, col2r, y, y + 12,
2193 0, "", (j->ctlid = id++));
2194 SetDlgItemTextA(fe->cfgbox, j->ctlid, i->sval);
2195 break;
2197 case C_BOOLEAN:
2199 * Simple checkbox.
2201 mkctrl(fe, col1l, col2r, y + 1, y + 11, TEXT("BUTTON"),
2203 0, i->name, (j->ctlid = id++));
2204 CheckDlgButton(fe->cfgbox, j->ctlid, (i->ival != 0));
2205 break;
2207 case C_CHOICES:
2209 * Drop-down list with a label beside it.
2211 mkctrl(fe, col1l, col1r, y + 1, y + 11,
2212 TEXT("STATIC"), SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP, 0, i->name, id++);
2213 ctl = mkctrl(fe, col2l, col2r, y, y + 48,
2216 0, "", (j->ctlid = id++));
2218 char c, *p, *q, *str;
2220 p = i->sval;
2221 c = *p++;
2222 while (*p) {
2223 q = p;
2224 while (*q && *q != c) q++;
2225 str = snewn(q-p+1, char);
2226 strncpy(str, p, q-p);
2227 str[q-p] = '\0';
2229 TCHAR ws[50];
2230 MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, ws, 50);
2231 SendMessage(ctl, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)ws);
2234 sfree(str);
2235 if (*q) q++;
2236 p = q;
2239 SendMessage(ctl, CB_SETCURSEL, i->ival, 0);
2240 break;
2243 y += 15;
2247 #endif
2249 static int CALLBACK ConfigDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg,
2250 WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
2252 frontend *fe = (frontend *)GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA);
2253 config_item *i;
2254 struct cfg_aux *j;
2256 switch (msg) {
2257 case WM_INITDIALOG:
2258 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
2260 char *title;
2262 fe = (frontend *) lParam;
2263 SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA, lParam);
2264 fe->cfgbox = hwnd;
2266 fe->cfg = frontend_get_config(fe, fe->cfg_which, &title);
2268 make_dialog_full_screen(hwnd);
2270 SetDlgItemTextA(hwnd, IDC_CONFIG_CAPTION, title);
2271 SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_CONFIG_CAPTION, WM_SETFONT,
2272 (WPARAM) dialog_title_font(), 0);
2274 create_config_controls(fe);
2276 #endif
2277 return TRUE;
2279 case WM_COMMAND:
2281 * OK and Cancel are special cases.
2283 if ((LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK || LOWORD(wParam) == IDCANCEL)) {
2284 if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK) {
2285 char *err = frontend_set_config(fe, fe->cfg_which, fe->cfg);
2287 if (err) {
2288 MessageBox(hwnd, err, "Validation error",
2290 } else {
2291 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
2292 EndDialog(hwnd, 2);
2293 #else
2294 fe->dlg_done = 2;
2295 #endif
2297 } else {
2298 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
2299 EndDialog(hwnd, 1);
2300 #else
2301 fe->dlg_done = 1;
2302 #endif
2304 return 0;
2308 * First find the control whose id this is.
2310 for (i = fe->cfg, j = fe->cfgaux; i->type != C_END; i++, j++) {
2311 if (j->ctlid == LOWORD(wParam))
2312 break;
2314 if (i->type == C_END)
2315 return 0; /* not our problem */
2317 if (i->type == C_STRING && HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE) {
2318 char buffer[4096];
2319 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
2320 TCHAR wBuffer[4096];
2321 GetDlgItemText(fe->cfgbox, j->ctlid, wBuffer, 4096);
2322 WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wBuffer, -1, buffer, 4096, NULL, NULL);
2323 #else
2324 GetDlgItemText(fe->cfgbox, j->ctlid, buffer, lenof(buffer));
2325 #endif
2326 buffer[lenof(buffer)-1] = '\0';
2327 sfree(i->sval);
2328 i->sval = dupstr(buffer);
2329 } else if (i->type == C_BOOLEAN &&
2330 (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED ||
2331 HIWORD(wParam) == BN_DBLCLK)) {
2332 i->ival = IsDlgButtonChecked(fe->cfgbox, j->ctlid);
2333 } else if (i->type == C_CHOICES &&
2334 HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_SELCHANGE) {
2335 i->ival = SendDlgItemMessage(fe->cfgbox, j->ctlid,
2336 CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
2339 return 0;
2341 case WM_CLOSE:
2342 fe->dlg_done = 1;
2343 return 0;
2346 return 0;
2349 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
2350 HWND mkctrl(frontend *fe, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2,
2351 char *wclass, int wstyle,
2352 int exstyle, const char *wtext, int wid)
2354 HWND ret;
2355 ret = CreateWindowEx(exstyle, wclass, wtext,
2356 wstyle | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1,
2357 fe->cfgbox, (HMENU) wid, fe->inst, NULL);
2358 SendMessage(ret, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)fe->cfgfont, MAKELPARAM(TRUE, 0));
2359 return ret;
2361 #endif
2363 static void about(frontend *fe)
2365 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
2366 DialogBox(fe->inst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ABOUT), fe->hwnd, AboutDlgProc);
2367 #else
2368 int i;
2369 WNDCLASS wc;
2370 MSG msg;
2372 HDC hdc;
2373 HFONT oldfont;
2374 SIZE size;
2375 int gm, id;
2376 int winwidth, winheight, y;
2377 int height, width, maxwid;
2378 const char *strings[16];
2379 int lengths[16];
2380 int nstrings = 0;
2381 char titlebuf[512];
2383 sprintf(titlebuf, "About %.250s", fe->game->name);
2385 strings[nstrings++] = fe->game->name;
2386 strings[nstrings++] = "from Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection";
2387 strings[nstrings++] = ver;
2390 wc.lpfnWndProc = DefDlgProc;
2391 wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
2392 wc.cbWndExtra = DLGWINDOWEXTRA + 8;
2393 wc.hInstance = fe->inst;
2394 wc.hIcon = NULL;
2395 wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
2396 wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) (COLOR_BACKGROUND +1);
2397 wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
2398 wc.lpszClassName = "GameAboutBox";
2399 RegisterClass(&wc);
2401 hdc = GetDC(fe->hwnd);
2402 SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT);
2404 fe->dlg_done = FALSE;
2406 fe->cfgfont = CreateFont(-MulDiv(8, GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY), 72),
2407 0, 0, 0, 0,
2411 FF_SWISS,
2412 "MS Shell Dlg");
2414 oldfont = SelectObject(hdc, fe->cfgfont);
2415 if (GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm)) {
2416 height = tm.tmAscent + tm.tmDescent;
2417 width = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
2418 } else {
2419 height = width = 30;
2423 * Figure out the layout of the About box by measuring the
2424 * length of each piece of text.
2426 maxwid = 0;
2427 winheight = height/2;
2429 for (i = 0; i < nstrings; i++) {
2430 if (GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, strings[i], strlen(strings[i]), &size))
2431 lengths[i] =;
2432 else
2433 lengths[i] = 0; /* *shrug* */
2434 if (maxwid < lengths[i])
2435 maxwid = lengths[i];
2436 winheight += height * 3 / 2 + (height / 2);
2439 winheight += height + height * 7 / 4; /* OK button */
2440 winwidth = maxwid + 4*width;
2442 SelectObject(hdc, oldfont);
2443 ReleaseDC(fe->hwnd, hdc);
2446 * Create the dialog, now that we know its size.
2449 RECT r, r2;
2451 r.left = = 0;
2452 r.right = winwidth;
2453 r.bottom = winheight;
2455 AdjustWindowRectEx(&r, (WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW /*|
2459 FALSE, 0);
2462 * Centre the dialog on its parent window.
2464 r.right -= r.left;
2465 r.bottom -=;
2466 GetWindowRect(fe->hwnd, &r2);
2467 r.left = (r2.left + r2.right - r.right) / 2;
2468 = ( + r2.bottom - r.bottom) / 2;
2469 r.right += r.left;
2470 r.bottom +=;
2472 fe->cfgbox = CreateWindowEx(0, wc.lpszClassName, titlebuf,
2475 r.left,,
2476 r.right-r.left,,
2477 fe->hwnd, NULL, fe->inst, NULL);
2480 SendMessage(fe->cfgbox, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)fe->cfgfont, FALSE);
2482 SetWindowLong(fe->cfgbox, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG)fe);
2483 SetWindowLong(fe->cfgbox, DWL_DLGPROC, (LONG)AboutDlgProc);
2485 id = 1000;
2486 y = height/2;
2487 for (i = 0; i < nstrings; i++) {
2488 int border = width*2 + (maxwid - lengths[i]) / 2;
2489 mkctrl(fe, border, border+lengths[i], y+height*1/8, y+height*9/8,
2490 "Static", 0, 0, strings[i], id++);
2491 y += height*3/2;
2493 assert(y < winheight);
2494 y += height/2;
2497 y += height/2; /* extra space before OK */
2498 mkctrl(fe, width*2, maxwid+width*2, y, y+height*7/4, "BUTTON",
2500 "OK", IDOK);
2502 SendMessage(fe->cfgbox, WM_INITDIALOG, 0, 0);
2504 EnableWindow(fe->hwnd, FALSE);
2505 ShowWindow(fe->cfgbox, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
2506 while ((gm=GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) > 0) {
2507 if (!IsDialogMessage(fe->cfgbox, &msg))
2508 DispatchMessage(&msg);
2509 if (fe->dlg_done)
2510 break;
2512 EnableWindow(fe->hwnd, TRUE);
2513 SetForegroundWindow(fe->hwnd);
2514 DestroyWindow(fe->cfgbox);
2515 DeleteObject(fe->cfgfont);
2516 #endif
2519 static int get_config(frontend *fe, int which)
2521 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
2522 fe->cfg_which = which;
2524 return DialogBoxParam(fe->inst,
2526 fe->hwnd, ConfigDlgProc,
2527 (LPARAM) fe) == 2;
2528 #else
2529 config_item *i;
2530 struct cfg_aux *j;
2531 char *title;
2532 WNDCLASS wc;
2533 MSG msg;
2535 HDC hdc;
2536 HFONT oldfont;
2537 SIZE size;
2538 HWND ctl;
2539 int gm, id, nctrls;
2540 int winwidth, winheight, col1l, col1r, col2l, col2r, y;
2541 int height, width, maxlabel, maxcheckbox;
2544 wc.lpfnWndProc = DefDlgProc;
2545 wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
2546 wc.cbWndExtra = DLGWINDOWEXTRA + 8;
2547 wc.hInstance = fe->inst;
2548 wc.hIcon = NULL;
2549 wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
2550 wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) (COLOR_BACKGROUND +1);
2551 wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
2552 wc.lpszClassName = "GameConfigBox";
2553 RegisterClass(&wc);
2555 hdc = GetDC(fe->hwnd);
2556 SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT);
2558 fe->dlg_done = FALSE;
2560 fe->cfgfont = CreateFont(-MulDiv(8, GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY), 72),
2561 0, 0, 0, 0,
2565 FF_SWISS,
2566 "MS Shell Dlg");
2568 oldfont = SelectObject(hdc, fe->cfgfont);
2569 if (GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm)) {
2570 height = tm.tmAscent + tm.tmDescent;
2571 width = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
2572 } else {
2573 height = width = 30;
2576 fe->cfg = frontend_get_config(fe, which, &title);
2577 fe->cfg_which = which;
2580 * Figure out the layout of the config box by measuring the
2581 * length of each piece of text.
2583 maxlabel = maxcheckbox = 0;
2584 winheight = height/2;
2586 for (i = fe->cfg; i->type != C_END; i++) {
2587 switch (i->type) {
2588 case C_STRING:
2589 case C_CHOICES:
2591 * Both these control types have a label filling only
2592 * the left-hand column of the box.
2594 if (GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, i->name, strlen(i->name), &size) &&
2595 maxlabel <
2596 maxlabel =;
2597 winheight += height * 3 / 2 + (height / 2);
2598 break;
2600 case C_BOOLEAN:
2602 * Checkboxes take up the whole of the box width.
2604 if (GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, i->name, strlen(i->name), &size) &&
2605 maxcheckbox <
2606 maxcheckbox =;
2607 winheight += height + (height / 2);
2608 break;
2612 winheight += height + height * 7 / 4; /* OK / Cancel buttons */
2614 col1l = 2*width;
2615 col1r = col1l + maxlabel;
2616 col2l = col1r + 2*width;
2617 col2r = col2l + 30*width;
2618 if (col2r < col1l+2*height+maxcheckbox)
2619 col2r = col1l+2*height+maxcheckbox;
2620 winwidth = col2r + 2*width;
2622 SelectObject(hdc, oldfont);
2623 ReleaseDC(fe->hwnd, hdc);
2626 * Create the dialog, now that we know its size.
2629 RECT r, r2;
2631 r.left = = 0;
2632 r.right = winwidth;
2633 r.bottom = winheight;
2635 AdjustWindowRectEx(&r, (WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW /*|
2639 FALSE, 0);
2642 * Centre the dialog on its parent window.
2644 r.right -= r.left;
2645 r.bottom -=;
2646 GetWindowRect(fe->hwnd, &r2);
2647 r.left = (r2.left + r2.right - r.right) / 2;
2648 = ( + r2.bottom - r.bottom) / 2;
2649 r.right += r.left;
2650 r.bottom +=;
2652 fe->cfgbox = CreateWindowEx(0, wc.lpszClassName, title,
2655 r.left,,
2656 r.right-r.left,,
2657 fe->hwnd, NULL, fe->inst, NULL);
2658 sfree(title);
2661 SendMessage(fe->cfgbox, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)fe->cfgfont, FALSE);
2663 SetWindowLong(fe->cfgbox, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG)fe);
2664 SetWindowLong(fe->cfgbox, DWL_DLGPROC, (LONG)ConfigDlgProc);
2667 * Count the controls so we can allocate cfgaux.
2669 for (nctrls = 0, i = fe->cfg; i->type != C_END; i++)
2670 nctrls++;
2671 fe->cfgaux = snewn(nctrls, struct cfg_aux);
2673 id = 1000;
2674 y = height/2;
2675 for (i = fe->cfg, j = fe->cfgaux; i->type != C_END; i++, j++) {
2676 switch (i->type) {
2677 case C_STRING:
2679 * Edit box with a label beside it.
2681 mkctrl(fe, col1l, col1r, y+height*1/8, y+height*9/8,
2682 "Static", 0, 0, i->name, id++);
2683 ctl = mkctrl(fe, col2l, col2r, y, y+height*3/2,
2685 WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "", (j->ctlid = id++));
2686 SetWindowText(ctl, i->sval);
2687 y += height*3/2;
2688 break;
2690 case C_BOOLEAN:
2692 * Simple checkbox.
2694 mkctrl(fe, col1l, col2r, y, y+height, "BUTTON",
2696 0, i->name, (j->ctlid = id++));
2697 CheckDlgButton(fe->cfgbox, j->ctlid, (i->ival != 0));
2698 y += height;
2699 break;
2701 case C_CHOICES:
2703 * Drop-down list with a label beside it.
2705 mkctrl(fe, col1l, col1r, y+height*1/8, y+height*9/8,
2706 "STATIC", 0, 0, i->name, id++);
2707 ctl = mkctrl(fe, col2l, col2r, y, y+height*41/2,
2710 WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "", (j->ctlid = id++));
2712 char c, *p, *q, *str;
2714 SendMessage(ctl, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
2715 p = i->sval;
2716 c = *p++;
2717 while (*p) {
2718 q = p;
2719 while (*q && *q != c) q++;
2720 str = snewn(q-p+1, char);
2721 strncpy(str, p, q-p);
2722 str[q-p] = '\0';
2723 SendMessage(ctl, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)str);
2724 sfree(str);
2725 if (*q) q++;
2726 p = q;
2730 SendMessage(ctl, CB_SETCURSEL, i->ival, 0);
2732 y += height*3/2;
2733 break;
2736 assert(y < winheight);
2737 y += height/2;
2740 y += height/2; /* extra space before OK and Cancel */
2741 mkctrl(fe, col1l, (col1l+col2r)/2-width, y, y+height*7/4, "BUTTON",
2743 "OK", IDOK);
2744 mkctrl(fe, (col1l+col2r)/2+width, col2r, y, y+height*7/4, "BUTTON",
2747 SendMessage(fe->cfgbox, WM_INITDIALOG, 0, 0);
2749 EnableWindow(fe->hwnd, FALSE);
2750 ShowWindow(fe->cfgbox, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
2751 while ((gm=GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) > 0) {
2752 if (!IsDialogMessage(fe->cfgbox, &msg))
2753 DispatchMessage(&msg);
2754 if (fe->dlg_done)
2755 break;
2757 EnableWindow(fe->hwnd, TRUE);
2758 SetForegroundWindow(fe->hwnd);
2759 DestroyWindow(fe->cfgbox);
2760 DeleteObject(fe->cfgfont);
2762 free_cfg(fe->cfg);
2763 sfree(fe->cfgaux);
2765 return (fe->dlg_done == 2);
2766 #endif
2769 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
2770 static void calculate_bitmap_position(frontend *fe, int x, int y)
2772 /* Pocket PC - center the game in the full screen window */
2773 int yMargin;
2774 RECT rcClient;
2776 GetClientRect(fe->hwnd, &rcClient);
2777 fe->bitmapPosition.left = (rcClient.right - x) / 2;
2778 yMargin = rcClient.bottom - y;
2780 if (fe->numpad != NULL) {
2781 RECT rcPad;
2782 GetWindowRect(fe->numpad, &rcPad);
2783 yMargin -= rcPad.bottom -;
2786 if (fe->statusbar != NULL) {
2787 RECT rcStatus;
2788 GetWindowRect(fe->statusbar, &rcStatus);
2789 yMargin -= rcStatus.bottom -;
2792 fe-> = yMargin / 2;
2794 fe->bitmapPosition.right = fe->bitmapPosition.left + x;
2795 fe->bitmapPosition.bottom = fe-> + y;
2797 #else
2798 static void calculate_bitmap_position(frontend *fe, int x, int y)
2800 /* Plain Windows - position the game in the upper-left corner */
2801 fe->bitmapPosition.left = 0;
2802 fe-> = 0;
2803 fe->bitmapPosition.right = fe->bitmapPosition.left + x;
2804 fe->bitmapPosition.bottom = fe-> + y;
2806 #endif
2808 static void new_bitmap(frontend *fe, int x, int y)
2810 HDC hdc;
2812 if (fe->bitmap) DeleteObject(fe->bitmap);
2814 hdc = GetDC(fe->hwnd);
2815 fe->bitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, x, y);
2816 calculate_bitmap_position(fe, x, y);
2817 ReleaseDC(fe->hwnd, hdc);
2820 static void new_game_size(frontend *fe, float scale)
2822 RECT r, sr;
2823 int x, y;
2825 get_max_puzzle_size(fe, &x, &y);
2826 midend_size(fe->me, &x, &y, FALSE);
2828 if (scale != 1.0) {
2829 x = (int)((float)x * fe->puzz_scale);
2830 y = (int)((float)y * fe->puzz_scale);
2831 midend_size(fe->me, &x, &y, TRUE);
2833 fe->ymin = (fe->xmin * y) / x;
2835 r.left = = 0;
2836 r.right = x;
2837 r.bottom = y;
2838 AdjustWindowRectEx(&r, WINFLAGS, TRUE, 0);
2840 if (fe->statusbar != NULL) {
2841 GetWindowRect(fe->statusbar, &sr);
2842 } else {
2843 sr.left = sr.right = = sr.bottom = 0;
2845 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
2846 SetWindowPos(fe->hwnd, NULL, 0, 0,
2847 r.right - r.left,
2848 r.bottom - + sr.bottom -,
2850 #endif
2852 check_window_size(fe, &x, &y);
2854 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
2855 if (fe->statusbar != NULL)
2856 SetWindowPos(fe->statusbar, NULL, 0, y, x,
2857 sr.bottom -, SWP_NOZORDER);
2858 #endif
2860 new_bitmap(fe, x, y);
2862 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
2863 InvalidateRect(fe->hwnd, NULL, TRUE);
2864 #endif
2865 midend_redraw(fe->me);
2869 * Given a proposed new window rect, work out the resulting
2870 * difference in client size (from current), and use to try
2871 * and resize the puzzle, returning (wx,wy) as the actual
2872 * new window size.
2875 static void adjust_game_size(frontend *fe, RECT *proposed, int isedge,
2876 int *wx_r, int *wy_r)
2878 RECT cr, wr;
2879 int nx, ny, xdiff, ydiff, wx, wy;
2881 /* Work out the current window sizing, and thus the
2882 * difference in size we're asking for. */
2883 GetClientRect(fe->hwnd, &cr);
2884 wr = cr;
2885 AdjustWindowRectEx(&wr, WINFLAGS, TRUE, 0);
2887 xdiff = (proposed->right - proposed->left) - (wr.right - wr.left);
2888 ydiff = (proposed->bottom - proposed->top) - (wr.bottom -;
2890 if (isedge) {
2891 /* These next four lines work around the fact that midend_size
2892 * is happy to shrink _but not grow_ if you change one dimension
2893 * but not the other. */
2894 if (xdiff > 0 && ydiff == 0)
2895 ydiff = (xdiff * (wr.right - wr.left)) / (wr.bottom -;
2896 if (xdiff == 0 && ydiff > 0)
2897 xdiff = (ydiff * (wr.bottom - / (wr.right - wr.left);
2900 if (check_window_resize(fe,
2901 (cr.right - cr.left) + xdiff,
2902 (cr.bottom - + ydiff,
2903 &nx, &ny, &wx, &wy)) {
2904 new_bitmap(fe, nx, ny);
2905 midend_force_redraw(fe->me);
2906 } else {
2907 /* reset size to current window size */
2908 wx = wr.right - wr.left;
2909 wy = wr.bottom -;
2911 /* Re-fetch rectangle; size limits mean we might not have
2912 * taken it quite to the mouse drag positions. */
2913 GetClientRect(fe->hwnd, &cr);
2914 adjust_statusbar(fe, &cr);
2916 *wx_r = wx; *wy_r = wy;
2919 static void update_type_menu_tick(frontend *fe)
2921 int total, n, i;
2923 if (fe->typemenu == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
2924 return;
2926 n = midend_which_preset(fe->me);
2928 for (i = 0; i < fe->n_preset_menuitems; i++) {
2929 if (fe->preset_menuitems[i].which_menu) {
2930 int flag = (i == n ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED);
2931 CheckMenuItem(fe->preset_menuitems[i].which_menu,
2932 fe->preset_menuitems[i].item_index,
2933 MF_BYPOSITION | flag);
2937 if (fe->game->can_configure) {
2938 int flag = (n < 0 ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED);
2939 /* "Custom" menu item is at the bottom of the top-level Type menu */
2940 total = GetMenuItemCount(fe->typemenu);
2941 CheckMenuItem(fe->typemenu, total - 1, MF_BYPOSITION | flag);
2944 DrawMenuBar(fe->hwnd);
2947 static void update_copy_menu_greying(frontend *fe)
2949 UINT enable = (midend_can_format_as_text_now(fe->me) ?
2951 EnableMenuItem(fe->gamemenu, IDM_COPY, MF_BYCOMMAND | enable);
2954 static void new_game_type(frontend *fe)
2956 midend_new_game(fe->me);
2957 new_game_size(fe, 1.0);
2958 update_type_menu_tick(fe);
2959 update_copy_menu_greying(fe);
2962 static int is_alt_pressed(void)
2964 BYTE keystate[256];
2965 int r = GetKeyboardState(keystate);
2966 if (!r)
2967 return FALSE;
2968 if (keystate[VK_MENU] & 0x80)
2969 return TRUE;
2970 if (keystate[VK_RMENU] & 0x80)
2971 return TRUE;
2972 return FALSE;
2975 static LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message,
2976 WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
2978 frontend *fe = (frontend *)GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA);
2979 int cmd;
2981 switch (message) {
2982 case WM_CLOSE:
2983 DestroyWindow(hwnd);
2984 return 0;
2985 case WM_COMMAND:
2986 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
2987 /* Numeric pad sends WM_COMMAND messages */
2988 if ((wParam >= IDM_KEYEMUL) && (wParam < IDM_KEYEMUL + 256))
2990 midend_process_key(fe->me, 0, 0, wParam - IDM_KEYEMUL);
2992 #endif
2993 cmd = wParam & ~0xF; /* low 4 bits reserved to Windows */
2994 switch (cmd) {
2995 case IDM_NEW:
2996 if (!midend_process_key(fe->me, 0, 0, 'n'))
2997 PostQuitMessage(0);
2998 break;
2999 case IDM_RESTART:
3000 midend_restart_game(fe->me);
3001 break;
3002 case IDM_UNDO:
3003 if (!midend_process_key(fe->me, 0, 0, 'u'))
3004 PostQuitMessage(0);
3005 break;
3006 case IDM_REDO:
3007 if (!midend_process_key(fe->me, 0, 0, '\x12'))
3008 PostQuitMessage(0);
3009 break;
3010 case IDM_COPY:
3012 char *text = midend_text_format(fe->me);
3013 if (text)
3014 write_clip(hwnd, text);
3015 else
3016 MessageBeep(MB_ICONWARNING);
3017 sfree(text);
3019 break;
3020 case IDM_SOLVE:
3022 char *msg = midend_solve(fe->me);
3023 if (msg)
3024 MessageBox(hwnd, msg, "Unable to solve",
3027 break;
3028 case IDM_QUIT:
3029 if (!midend_process_key(fe->me, 0, 0, 'q'))
3030 PostQuitMessage(0);
3031 break;
3032 case IDM_CONFIG:
3033 if (get_config(fe, CFG_SETTINGS))
3034 new_game_type(fe);
3035 break;
3036 case IDM_SEED:
3037 if (get_config(fe, CFG_SEED))
3038 new_game_type(fe);
3039 break;
3040 case IDM_DESC:
3041 if (get_config(fe, CFG_DESC))
3042 new_game_type(fe);
3043 break;
3044 case IDM_PRINT:
3045 if (get_config(fe, CFG_PRINT))
3046 print(fe);
3047 break;
3048 case IDM_ABOUT:
3049 about(fe);
3050 break;
3051 case IDM_LOAD:
3052 case IDM_SAVE:
3055 char filename[FILENAME_MAX];
3056 int ret;
3058 memset(&of, 0, sizeof(of));
3059 of.hwndOwner = hwnd;
3060 of.lpstrFilter = "All Files (*.*)\0*\0\0\0";
3061 of.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL;
3062 of.nFilterIndex = 1;
3063 of.lpstrFile = filename;
3064 filename[0] = '\0';
3065 of.nMaxFile = lenof(filename);
3066 of.lpstrFileTitle = NULL;
3067 of.lpstrTitle = (cmd == IDM_SAVE ?
3068 "Enter name of game file to save" :
3069 "Enter name of saved game file to load");
3070 of.Flags = 0;
3072 of.lStructSize = OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400;
3073 #else
3074 of.lStructSize = sizeof(of);
3075 #endif
3076 of.lpstrInitialDir = NULL;
3078 if (cmd == IDM_SAVE)
3079 ret = GetSaveFileName(&of);
3080 else
3081 ret = GetOpenFileName(&of);
3083 if (ret) {
3084 if (cmd == IDM_SAVE) {
3085 FILE *fp;
3087 if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) != NULL) {
3088 char buf[256 + FILENAME_MAX];
3089 fclose(fp);
3090 /* file exists */
3092 sprintf(buf, "Are you sure you want to overwrite"
3093 " the file \"%.*s\"?",
3094 FILENAME_MAX, filename);
3095 if (MessageBox(hwnd, buf, "Question",
3097 != IDYES)
3098 break;
3101 fp = fopen(filename, "w");
3103 if (!fp) {
3104 MessageBox(hwnd, "Unable to open save file",
3105 "Error", MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK);
3106 break;
3109 midend_serialise(fe->me, savefile_write, fp);
3111 fclose(fp);
3112 } else {
3113 FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
3114 char *err = NULL;
3115 midend *me = fe->me;
3116 #ifdef COMBINED
3117 char *id_name;
3118 #endif
3120 if (!fp) {
3121 MessageBox(hwnd, "Unable to open saved game file",
3122 "Error", MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK);
3123 break;
3126 #ifdef COMBINED
3128 * This save file might be from a different
3129 * game.
3131 err = identify_game(&id_name, savefile_read, fp);
3132 if (!err) {
3133 int i;
3134 for (i = 0; i < gamecount; i++)
3135 if (!strcmp(id_name, gamelist[i]->name))
3136 break;
3137 if (i == gamecount) {
3138 err = "Save file is for a game not "
3139 "supported by this program";
3140 } else {
3141 me = midend_for_new_game(fe, gamelist[i], NULL,
3142 FALSE, FALSE, &err);
3143 rewind(fp); /* for the actual load */
3145 sfree(id_name);
3147 #endif
3148 if (!err)
3149 err = midend_deserialise(me, savefile_read, fp);
3151 fclose(fp);
3153 if (err) {
3154 MessageBox(hwnd, err, "Error", MB_ICONERROR|MB_OK);
3155 break;
3158 if (fe->me != me)
3159 fe_set_midend(fe, me);
3160 new_game_size(fe, 1.0);
3165 break;
3166 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
3167 case IDM_HELPC:
3168 start_help(fe, NULL);
3169 break;
3170 case IDM_GAMEHELP:
3171 assert(help_type != NONE);
3172 start_help(fe, help_type == CHM ?
3173 fe->game->htmlhelp_topic : fe->game->winhelp_topic);
3174 break;
3175 #endif
3176 default:
3177 #ifdef COMBINED
3178 if (wParam >= IDM_GAMES && wParam < (IDM_GAMES + (WPARAM)gamecount)) {
3179 int p = wParam - IDM_GAMES;
3180 char *error = NULL;
3181 fe_set_midend(fe, midend_for_new_game(fe, gamelist[p], NULL,
3182 FALSE, FALSE, &error));
3183 sfree(error);
3184 } else
3185 #endif
3187 game_params *preset = preset_menu_lookup_by_id(
3188 fe->preset_menu,
3189 ((wParam &~ 0xF) - IDM_PRESETS) / 0x10);
3191 if (preset) {
3192 midend_set_params(fe->me, preset);
3193 new_game_type(fe);
3196 break;
3198 break;
3199 case WM_DESTROY:
3200 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
3201 stop_help(fe);
3202 #endif
3203 frontend_free(fe);
3204 PostQuitMessage(0);
3205 return 0;
3206 case WM_PAINT:
3209 HDC hdc, hdc2;
3210 HBITMAP prevbm;
3211 RECT rcDest;
3213 hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &p);
3214 hdc2 = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
3215 prevbm = SelectObject(hdc2, fe->bitmap);
3216 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
3217 FillRect(hdc, &(p.rcPaint), (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH));
3218 #endif
3219 IntersectRect(&rcDest, &(fe->bitmapPosition), &(p.rcPaint));
3220 BitBlt(hdc,
3221 rcDest.left,,
3222 rcDest.right - rcDest.left,
3223 rcDest.bottom -,
3224 hdc2,
3225 rcDest.left - fe->bitmapPosition.left,
3226 - fe->,
3227 SRCCOPY);
3228 SelectObject(hdc2, prevbm);
3229 DeleteDC(hdc2);
3230 EndPaint(hwnd, &p);
3232 return 0;
3233 case WM_KEYDOWN:
3235 int key = -1;
3236 BYTE keystate[256];
3237 int r = GetKeyboardState(keystate);
3238 int shift = (r && (keystate[VK_SHIFT] & 0x80)) ? MOD_SHFT : 0;
3239 int ctrl = (r && (keystate[VK_CONTROL] & 0x80)) ? MOD_CTRL : 0;
3241 switch (wParam) {
3242 case VK_LEFT:
3243 if (!(lParam & 0x01000000))
3244 key = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '4';
3245 else
3246 key = shift | ctrl | CURSOR_LEFT;
3247 break;
3248 case VK_RIGHT:
3249 if (!(lParam & 0x01000000))
3250 key = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '6';
3251 else
3252 key = shift | ctrl | CURSOR_RIGHT;
3253 break;
3254 case VK_UP:
3255 if (!(lParam & 0x01000000))
3256 key = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '8';
3257 else
3258 key = shift | ctrl | CURSOR_UP;
3259 break;
3260 case VK_DOWN:
3261 if (!(lParam & 0x01000000))
3262 key = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '2';
3263 else
3264 key = shift | ctrl | CURSOR_DOWN;
3265 break;
3267 * Diagonal keys on the numeric keypad.
3269 case VK_PRIOR:
3270 if (!(lParam & 0x01000000)) key = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '9';
3271 break;
3272 case VK_NEXT:
3273 if (!(lParam & 0x01000000)) key = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '3';
3274 break;
3275 case VK_HOME:
3276 if (!(lParam & 0x01000000)) key = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '7';
3277 break;
3278 case VK_END:
3279 if (!(lParam & 0x01000000)) key = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '1';
3280 break;
3281 case VK_INSERT:
3282 if (!(lParam & 0x01000000)) key = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '0';
3283 break;
3284 case VK_CLEAR:
3285 if (!(lParam & 0x01000000)) key = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '5';
3286 break;
3288 * Numeric keypad keys with Num Lock on.
3290 case VK_NUMPAD4: key = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '4'; break;
3291 case VK_NUMPAD6: key = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '6'; break;
3292 case VK_NUMPAD8: key = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '8'; break;
3293 case VK_NUMPAD2: key = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '2'; break;
3294 case VK_NUMPAD5: key = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '5'; break;
3295 case VK_NUMPAD9: key = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '9'; break;
3296 case VK_NUMPAD3: key = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '3'; break;
3297 case VK_NUMPAD7: key = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '7'; break;
3298 case VK_NUMPAD1: key = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '1'; break;
3299 case VK_NUMPAD0: key = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '0'; break;
3302 if (key != -1) {
3303 if (!midend_process_key(fe->me, 0, 0, key))
3304 PostQuitMessage(0);
3305 } else {
3306 MSG m;
3307 m.hwnd = hwnd;
3308 m.message = WM_KEYDOWN;
3309 m.wParam = wParam;
3310 m.lParam = lParam & 0xdfff;
3311 TranslateMessage(&m);
3314 break;
3319 int button;
3322 * Shift-clicks count as middle-clicks, since otherwise
3323 * two-button Windows users won't have any kind of
3324 * middle click to use.
3326 if (message == WM_MBUTTONDOWN || (wParam & MK_SHIFT))
3327 button = MIDDLE_BUTTON;
3328 else if (message == WM_RBUTTONDOWN || is_alt_pressed())
3329 button = RIGHT_BUTTON;
3330 else
3331 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
3332 button = LEFT_BUTTON;
3333 #else
3334 if ((fe->game->flags & REQUIRE_RBUTTON) == 0)
3335 button = LEFT_BUTTON;
3336 else
3338 SHRGINFO shrgi;
3340 shrgi.cbSize = sizeof(SHRGINFO);
3341 shrgi.hwndClient = hwnd;
3342 shrgi.ptDown.x = (signed short)LOWORD(lParam);
3343 shrgi.ptDown.y = (signed short)HIWORD(lParam);
3344 shrgi.dwFlags = SHRG_RETURNCMD;
3346 if (GN_CONTEXTMENU == SHRecognizeGesture(&shrgi))
3347 button = RIGHT_BUTTON;
3348 else
3349 button = LEFT_BUTTON;
3351 #endif
3353 if (!midend_process_key(fe->me,
3354 (signed short)LOWORD(lParam) - fe->bitmapPosition.left,
3355 (signed short)HIWORD(lParam) - fe->,
3356 button))
3357 PostQuitMessage(0);
3359 SetCapture(hwnd);
3361 break;
3362 case WM_LBUTTONUP:
3363 case WM_RBUTTONUP:
3364 case WM_MBUTTONUP:
3366 int button;
3369 * Shift-clicks count as middle-clicks, since otherwise
3370 * two-button Windows users won't have any kind of
3371 * middle click to use.
3373 if (message == WM_MBUTTONUP || (wParam & MK_SHIFT))
3374 button = MIDDLE_RELEASE;
3375 else if (message == WM_RBUTTONUP || is_alt_pressed())
3376 button = RIGHT_RELEASE;
3377 else
3378 button = LEFT_RELEASE;
3380 if (!midend_process_key(fe->me,
3381 (signed short)LOWORD(lParam) - fe->bitmapPosition.left,
3382 (signed short)HIWORD(lParam) - fe->,
3383 button))
3384 PostQuitMessage(0);
3386 ReleaseCapture();
3388 break;
3389 case WM_MOUSEMOVE:
3391 int button;
3393 if (wParam & (MK_MBUTTON | MK_SHIFT))
3394 button = MIDDLE_DRAG;
3395 else if (wParam & MK_RBUTTON || is_alt_pressed())
3396 button = RIGHT_DRAG;
3397 else
3398 button = LEFT_DRAG;
3400 if (!midend_process_key(fe->me,
3401 (signed short)LOWORD(lParam) - fe->bitmapPosition.left,
3402 (signed short)HIWORD(lParam) - fe->,
3403 button))
3404 PostQuitMessage(0);
3406 break;
3407 case WM_CHAR:
3408 if (!midend_process_key(fe->me, 0, 0, (unsigned char)wParam))
3409 PostQuitMessage(0);
3410 return 0;
3411 case WM_TIMER:
3412 if (fe->timer) {
3413 DWORD now = GetTickCount();
3414 float elapsed = (float) (now - fe->timer_last_tickcount) * 0.001F;
3415 midend_timer(fe->me, elapsed);
3416 fe->timer_last_tickcount = now;
3418 return 0;
3419 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
3420 case WM_SIZING:
3422 RECT *sr = (RECT *)lParam;
3423 int wx, wy, isedge = 0;
3425 if (wParam == WMSZ_TOP ||
3426 wParam == WMSZ_RIGHT ||
3427 wParam == WMSZ_BOTTOM ||
3428 wParam == WMSZ_LEFT) isedge = 1;
3429 adjust_game_size(fe, sr, isedge, &wx, &wy);
3431 /* Given the window size the puzzles constrain
3432 * us to, work out which edge we should be moving. */
3433 if (wParam == WMSZ_TOP ||
3434 wParam == WMSZ_TOPLEFT ||
3435 wParam == WMSZ_TOPRIGHT) {
3436 sr->top = sr->bottom - wy;
3437 } else {
3438 sr->bottom = sr->top + wy;
3440 if (wParam == WMSZ_LEFT ||
3441 wParam == WMSZ_TOPLEFT ||
3442 wParam == WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT) {
3443 sr->left = sr->right - wx;
3444 } else {
3445 sr->right = sr->left + wx;
3447 return TRUE;
3449 break;
3450 #endif
3453 return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
3456 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
3457 static int FindPreviousInstance()
3459 /* Check if application is running. If it's running then focus on the window */
3460 HWND hOtherWnd = NULL;
3462 hOtherWnd = FindWindow (wGameName, wGameName);
3463 if (hOtherWnd)
3465 SetForegroundWindow (hOtherWnd);
3466 return TRUE;
3469 return FALSE;
3471 #endif
3474 * Split a complete command line into argc/argv, attempting to do it
3475 * exactly the same way the Visual Studio C library would do it (so
3476 * that our console utilities, which receive argc and argv already
3477 * broken apart by the C library, will have their command lines
3478 * processed in the same way as the GUI utilities which get a whole
3479 * command line and must call this function).
3481 * Does not modify the input command line.
3483 * The final parameter (argstart) is used to return a second array
3484 * of char * pointers, the same length as argv, each one pointing
3485 * at the start of the corresponding element of argv in the
3486 * original command line. So if you get half way through processing
3487 * your command line in argc/argv form and then decide you want to
3488 * treat the rest as a raw string, you can. If you don't want to,
3489 * `argstart' can be safely left NULL.
3491 void split_into_argv(char *cmdline, int *argc, char ***argv,
3492 char ***argstart)
3494 char *p;
3495 char *outputline, *q;
3496 char **outputargv, **outputargstart;
3497 int outputargc;
3500 * These argument-breaking rules apply to Visual Studio 7, which
3501 * is currently the compiler expected to be used for the Windows
3502 * port of my puzzles. Visual Studio 10 has different rules,
3503 * lacking the curious mod 3 behaviour of consecutive quotes
3504 * described below; I presume they fixed a bug. As and when we
3505 * migrate to a newer compiler, we'll have to adjust this to
3506 * match; however, for the moment we faithfully imitate in our GUI
3507 * utilities what our CLI utilities can't be prevented from doing.
3509 * When I investigated this, at first glance the rules appeared to
3510 * be:
3512 * - Single quotes are not special characters.
3514 * - Double quotes are removed, but within them spaces cease
3515 * to be special.
3517 * - Backslashes are _only_ special when a sequence of them
3518 * appear just before a double quote. In this situation,
3519 * they are treated like C backslashes: so \" just gives a
3520 * literal quote, \\" gives a literal backslash and then
3521 * opens or closes a double-quoted segment, \\\" gives a
3522 * literal backslash and then a literal quote, \\\\" gives
3523 * two literal backslashes and then opens/closes a
3524 * double-quoted segment, and so forth. Note that this
3525 * behaviour is identical inside and outside double quotes.
3527 * - Two successive double quotes become one literal double
3528 * quote, but only _inside_ a double-quoted segment.
3529 * Outside, they just form an empty double-quoted segment
3530 * (which may cause an empty argument word).
3532 * - That only leaves the interesting question of what happens
3533 * when one or more backslashes precedes two or more double
3534 * quotes, starting inside a double-quoted string. And the
3535 * answer to that appears somewhat bizarre. Here I tabulate
3536 * number of backslashes (across the top) against number of
3537 * quotes (down the left), and indicate how many backslashes
3538 * are output, how many quotes are output, and whether a
3539 * quoted segment is open at the end of the sequence:
3541 * backslashes
3543 * 0 1 2 3 4
3545 * 0 0,0,y | 1,0,y 2,0,y 3,0,y 4,0,y
3546 * --------+-----------------------------
3547 * 1 0,0,n | 0,1,y 1,0,n 1,1,y 2,0,n
3548 * q 2 0,1,n | 0,1,n 1,1,n 1,1,n 2,1,n
3549 * u 3 0,1,y | 0,2,n 1,1,y 1,2,n 2,1,y
3550 * o 4 0,1,n | 0,2,y 1,1,n 1,2,y 2,1,n
3551 * t 5 0,2,n | 0,2,n 1,2,n 1,2,n 2,2,n
3552 * e 6 0,2,y | 0,3,n 1,2,y 1,3,n 2,2,y
3553 * s 7 0,2,n | 0,3,y 1,2,n 1,3,y 2,2,n
3554 * 8 0,3,n | 0,3,n 1,3,n 1,3,n 2,3,n
3555 * 9 0,3,y | 0,4,n 1,3,y 1,4,n 2,3,y
3556 * 10 0,3,n | 0,4,y 1,3,n 1,4,y 2,3,n
3557 * 11 0,4,n | 0,4,n 1,4,n 1,4,n 2,4,n
3560 * [Test fragment was of the form "a\\\"""b c" d.]
3562 * There is very weird mod-3 behaviour going on here in the
3563 * number of quotes, and it even applies when there aren't any
3564 * backslashes! How ghastly.
3566 * With a bit of thought, this extremely odd diagram suddenly
3567 * coalesced itself into a coherent, if still ghastly, model of
3568 * how things work:
3570 * - As before, backslashes are only special when one or more
3571 * of them appear contiguously before at least one double
3572 * quote. In this situation the backslashes do exactly what
3573 * you'd expect: each one quotes the next thing in front of
3574 * it, so you end up with n/2 literal backslashes (if n is
3575 * even) or (n-1)/2 literal backslashes and a literal quote
3576 * (if n is odd). In the latter case the double quote
3577 * character right after the backslashes is used up.
3579 * - After that, any remaining double quotes are processed. A
3580 * string of contiguous unescaped double quotes has a mod-3
3581 * behaviour:
3583 * * inside a quoted segment, a quote ends the segment.
3584 * * _immediately_ after ending a quoted segment, a quote
3585 * simply produces a literal quote.
3586 * * otherwise, outside a quoted segment, a quote begins a
3587 * quoted segment.
3589 * So, for example, if we started inside a quoted segment
3590 * then two contiguous quotes would close the segment and
3591 * produce a literal quote; three would close the segment,
3592 * produce a literal quote, and open a new segment. If we
3593 * started outside a quoted segment, then two contiguous
3594 * quotes would open and then close a segment, producing no
3595 * output (but potentially creating a zero-length argument);
3596 * but three quotes would open and close a segment and then
3597 * produce a literal quote.
3601 * First deal with the simplest of all special cases: if there
3602 * aren't any arguments, return 0,NULL,NULL.
3604 while (*cmdline && isspace(*cmdline)) cmdline++;
3605 if (!*cmdline) {
3606 if (argc) *argc = 0;
3607 if (argv) *argv = NULL;
3608 if (argstart) *argstart = NULL;
3609 return;
3613 * This will guaranteeably be big enough; we can realloc it
3614 * down later.
3616 outputline = snewn(1+strlen(cmdline), char);
3617 outputargv = snewn(strlen(cmdline)+1 / 2, char *);
3618 outputargstart = snewn(strlen(cmdline)+1 / 2, char *);
3620 p = cmdline; q = outputline; outputargc = 0;
3622 while (*p) {
3623 int quote;
3625 /* Skip whitespace searching for start of argument. */
3626 while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++;
3627 if (!*p) break;
3629 /* We have an argument; start it. */
3630 outputargv[outputargc] = q;
3631 outputargstart[outputargc] = p;
3632 outputargc++;
3633 quote = 0;
3635 /* Copy data into the argument until it's finished. */
3636 while (*p) {
3637 if (!quote && isspace(*p))
3638 break; /* argument is finished */
3640 if (*p == '"' || *p == '\\') {
3642 * We have a sequence of zero or more backslashes
3643 * followed by a sequence of zero or more quotes.
3644 * Count up how many of each, and then deal with
3645 * them as appropriate.
3647 int i, slashes = 0, quotes = 0;
3648 while (*p == '\\') slashes++, p++;
3649 while (*p == '"') quotes++, p++;
3651 if (!quotes) {
3653 * Special case: if there are no quotes,
3654 * slashes are not special at all, so just copy
3655 * n slashes to the output string.
3657 while (slashes--) *q++ = '\\';
3658 } else {
3659 /* Slashes annihilate in pairs. */
3660 while (slashes >= 2) slashes -= 2, *q++ = '\\';
3662 /* One remaining slash takes out the first quote. */
3663 if (slashes) quotes--, *q++ = '"';
3665 if (quotes > 0) {
3666 /* Outside a quote segment, a quote starts one. */
3667 if (!quote) quotes--, quote = 1;
3669 /* Now we produce (n+1)/3 literal quotes... */
3670 for (i = 3; i <= quotes+1; i += 3) *q++ = '"';
3672 /* ... and end in a quote segment iff 3 divides n. */
3673 quote = (quotes % 3 == 0);
3676 } else {
3677 *q++ = *p++;
3681 /* At the end of an argument, just append a trailing NUL. */
3682 *q++ = '\0';
3685 outputargv = sresize(outputargv, outputargc, char *);
3686 outputargstart = sresize(outputargstart, outputargc, char *);
3688 if (argc) *argc = outputargc;
3689 if (argv) *argv = outputargv; else sfree(outputargv);
3690 if (argstart) *argstart = outputargstart; else sfree(outputargstart);
3693 int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE inst, HINSTANCE prev, LPSTR cmdline, int show)
3695 MSG msg;
3696 char *error = NULL;
3697 const game *gg;
3698 frontend *fe;
3699 midend *me;
3700 int argc;
3701 char **argv;
3703 split_into_argv(cmdline, &argc, &argv, NULL);
3705 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
3706 MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, CLASSNAME, -1, wClassName, 256);
3707 if (FindPreviousInstance ())
3708 return 0;
3709 #endif
3711 InitCommonControls();
3713 if (!prev) {
3714 WNDCLASS wndclass;
3716 = 0;
3717 wndclass.lpfnWndProc = WndProc;
3718 wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0;
3719 wndclass.cbWndExtra = 0;
3720 wndclass.hInstance = inst;
3721 wndclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(inst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(200));
3722 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
3723 if (!wndclass.hIcon) /* in case resource file is absent */
3724 wndclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(inst, IDI_APPLICATION);
3725 #endif
3726 wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
3727 wndclass.hbrBackground = NULL;
3728 wndclass.lpszMenuName = NULL;
3729 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
3730 wndclass.lpszClassName = wClassName;
3731 #else
3732 wndclass.lpszClassName = CLASSNAME;
3733 #endif
3735 RegisterClass(&wndclass);
3738 while (*cmdline && isspace((unsigned char)*cmdline))
3739 cmdline++;
3741 init_help();
3743 #ifdef COMBINED
3744 gg = gamelist[0];
3745 if (argc > 0) {
3746 int i;
3747 for (i = 0; i < gamecount; i++) {
3748 const char *p = gamelist[i]->name;
3749 char *q = argv[0];
3750 while (*p && *q) {
3751 if (isspace((unsigned char)*p)) {
3752 while (*q && isspace((unsigned char)*q))
3753 q++;
3754 } else {
3755 if (tolower((unsigned char)*p) !=
3756 tolower((unsigned char)*q))
3757 break;
3758 q++;
3760 p++;
3762 if (!*p) {
3763 gg = gamelist[i];
3764 --argc;
3765 ++argv;
3766 break;
3770 #else
3771 gg = &thegame;
3772 #endif
3774 fe = frontend_new(inst);
3775 me = midend_for_new_game(fe, gg, argc > 0 ? argv[0] : NULL,
3776 TRUE, TRUE, &error);
3777 if (!me) {
3778 char buf[128];
3779 #ifdef COMBINED
3780 sprintf(buf, "Puzzles Error");
3781 #else
3782 sprintf(buf, "%.100s Error", gg->name);
3783 #endif
3784 MessageBox(NULL, error, buf, MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
3785 sfree(error);
3786 return 1;
3788 fe_set_midend(fe, me);
3789 show_window(fe);
3791 while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) {
3792 DispatchMessage(&msg);
3795 DestroyWindow(fe->hwnd);
3796 cleanup_help();
3798 return msg.wParam;
3800 /* vim: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8: */