Initial snarf.
[shack.git] / arch / mir / opt /
1 (*
2 Perform IfThenElse optimization on the MIR code
3 Copyright (C) 2002,2001 Justin David Smith, Caltech
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
7 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
8 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
19 open Format
21 open Debug
22 open Symbol
23 open Flags
25 open Frame_type
27 open Mir
28 open Mir_ds
29 open Mir_pos
30 open Mir_exn
31 open Mir_print
32 open Mir_valias
33 open Mir_standardize
35 open Fir_set
36 open Fir_state
38 module Pos = MakePos (struct let name = "Mir_cond" end)
39 open Pos
42 module type MirCondSig =
43 sig
44 val rewrite_matches : prog -> prog
45 end
48 module MirCond (Frame : BackendSig) : MirCondSig =
49 struct
50 module MirUtil = Mir_util.MirUtil (Frame)
51 open MirUtil
55 Rewrite match statements immediately following a relative
56 operator to use our IfThenElse primitive instead. This
57 optimization is fairly sensitive to the way code is emitted
58 in the FIR->MIR conversion, so check it when major changes
59 are made to make sure the pattern match is still working.
63 (*** Utilities ***)
66 (* Position utility *)
67 let exp_pos pos = string_pos "Mir_cond" (exp_pos pos)
70 (* venv utilities *)
71 let venv_empty = SymbolTable.empty
72 let venv_add = SymbolTable.add
73 let venv_mem = SymbolTable.mem
74 let venv_lookup venv pos v =
75 try SymbolTable.find venv v with
76 Not_found -> raise (MirException (pos, UnboundVar v))
79 (* rewrite_var
80 Rewrites a variable, substituting variable names as necessary. *)
81 let rewrite_var env v =
82 try SymbolTable.find env v with
83 Not_found -> v
86 (* rewrite_vars
87 Plural version of above. *)
88 let rewrite_vars env vars = (rewrite_var env) vars
91 (* remove_var
92 Removes a variable from the rewrite environment. *)
93 let remove_var env v =
94 SymbolTable.remove env v
97 (* rewrite_atom
98 Rewrites an atom, substituting variable names as necessary. *)
99 let rec rewrite_atom env a =
100 match a with
101 AtomVar (ac, v) ->
102 AtomVar (ac, rewrite_var env v)
103 | AtomFunVar (ac, v) ->
104 AtomFunVar (ac, rewrite_var env v)
105 | AtomUnop (op, a) ->
106 AtomUnop (op, rewrite_atom env a)
107 | AtomBinop (op, a1, a2) ->
108 AtomBinop (op, rewrite_atom env a1, rewrite_atom env a2)
109 | AtomInt _
110 | AtomRawInt _
111 | AtomFloat _ ->
115 (* rewrite_atoms
116 Plural version of above. *)
117 let rewrite_atoms env atoms = (rewrite_atom env) atoms
120 (* rewrite_alloc_op
121 Rewrites an allocation operator. *)
122 let rewrite_alloc_op env op =
123 match op with
124 AllocTuple atoms ->
125 AllocTuple (rewrite_atoms env atoms)
126 | AllocArray atoms ->
127 AllocArray (rewrite_atoms env atoms)
128 | AllocMArray (atoms, a) ->
129 AllocMArray (rewrite_atoms env atoms, rewrite_atom env a)
130 | AllocUnion (tag, atoms) ->
131 AllocUnion (tag, rewrite_atoms env atoms)
132 | AllocMalloc a ->
133 AllocMalloc (rewrite_atom env a)
136 (* rewrite_reserve_info
137 Rewrites the reserve information (only need vars) *)
138 let rewrite_reserve_info env rinfo =
139 let label, vars, mem, ptr = rinfo in
140 let vars = rewrite_vars env vars in
141 let mem = rewrite_atom env mem in
142 let ptr = rewrite_atom env ptr in
143 (label, vars, mem, ptr)
146 (* translate_relop
147 Try to rewrite the operation specified as a relative operator
148 that can be used in an if/then/else expression. If the operator
149 given is NOT a relative operator, then None is returned. Other-
150 wise, we will return Some of the corresponding if/then/else
151 operator. *)
152 let translate_relop = function
153 EqOp(ac) -> Some (REqOp ac)
154 | NeqOp(ac) -> Some (RNeqOp ac)
155 | LtOp(ac) -> Some (RLtOp ac)
156 | LeOp(ac) -> Some (RLeOp ac)
157 | GtOp(ac) -> Some (RGtOp ac)
158 | GeOp(ac) -> Some (RGeOp ac)
159 | AndOp(ac) -> Some (RAndOp ac)
160 | _ -> None
163 (*** Conditional Rewrite - Transform Match to IfThenElse ***)
166 (* rewrite_match_rawint
167 Attempt to rewrite the match given. The parametres are as given
168 in the pattern that matches the LetAtom/Match form we see in the
169 expression stream. *)
170 let rec rewrite_match_rawint env loc v op ac a1 a2 s1 e1 s2 e2 =
171 let is_true_set s =
172 RawIntSet.equal s native_true_set
173 || RawIntSet.equal s native_true_set_alt
174 || RawIntSet.equal s unsigned_true_set
176 let is_false_set s =
177 RawIntSet.equal s native_false_set
178 || RawIntSet.equal s unsigned_false_set
181 (* Rewrite the basic atoms *)
182 let a1 = rewrite_atom env a1 in
183 let a2 = rewrite_atom env a2 in
184 let env = remove_var env v in
186 (* Find out if we can rewrite this match *)
187 match translate_relop op with
188 Some op when is_true_set s1 && is_false_set s2 ->
189 let env1 = SymbolTable.add env v (new_symbol v) in
190 let env2 = SymbolTable.add env v (new_symbol v) in
191 let e1 = make_exp loc (LetAtom (v, ac, native_true_value, rewrite_matches env1 e1)) in
192 let e2 = make_exp loc (LetAtom (v, ac, native_false_value, rewrite_matches env2 e2)) in
193 make_exp loc (IfThenElse (op, a1, a2, e1, e2))
194 | Some op when is_false_set s1 && is_true_set s2 ->
195 let env1 = SymbolTable.add env v (new_symbol v) in
196 let env2 = SymbolTable.add env v (new_symbol v) in
197 let e1 = make_exp loc (LetAtom (v, ac, native_false_value, rewrite_matches env1 e1)) in
198 let e2 = make_exp loc (LetAtom (v, ac, native_true_value, rewrite_matches env2 e2)) in
199 make_exp loc (IfThenElse (op, a1, a2, e2, e1))
200 | _ ->
201 let e1 = rewrite_matches env e1 in
202 let e2 = rewrite_matches env e2 in
203 make_exp loc (LetAtom (v, ac, AtomBinop(op, a1, a2),
204 make_exp loc (Match (AtomVar (ac, v), ac,
205 [RawIntSet s1, e1; RawIntSet s2, e2]))))
208 (* rewrite_matches
209 Rewrite all matches that can be converted to if/then/else
210 within an entire expression. *)
211 and is_match_exp v e =
212 match dest_exp_core e with
213 CommentFIR (_, e) ->
214 is_match_exp v e
215 | Match (AtomVar (_, v'), ACRawInt _, [RawIntSet _, _; RawIntSet _, _]) ->
216 Symbol.eq v v'
217 | _ ->
218 false
220 and dest_match e =
221 match dest_exp_core e with
222 CommentFIR (_, e) ->
223 dest_match e
224 | Match (_, ACRawInt _, [RawIntSet s1, e1; RawIntSet s2, e2]) ->
225 s1, e1, s2, e2
226 | _ ->
227 raise (Invalid_argument "Mir_cond.dest_match")
229 and rewrite_matches env e =
230 let loc = loc_of_exp e in
231 match dest_exp_core e with
232 LetAtom (v, ac, AtomBinop (op, a1, a2), e)
233 when is_match_exp v e ->
234 let s1, e1, s2, e2 = dest_match e in
235 rewrite_match_rawint env loc v op ac a1 a2 s1 e1 s2 e2
237 | LetAtom (v, ac, a, e) ->
238 let a = rewrite_atom env a in
239 let env = remove_var env v in
240 let e = rewrite_matches env e in
241 make_exp loc (LetAtom (v, ac, a, e))
242 | LetAlloc (v, op, e) ->
243 let op = rewrite_alloc_op env op in
244 let env = remove_var env v in
245 let e = rewrite_matches env e in
246 make_exp loc (LetAlloc (v, op, e))
247 | LetExternal (v, ac, f, atoms, e) ->
248 let atoms = rewrite_atoms env atoms in
249 let env = remove_var env v in
250 let e = rewrite_matches env e in
251 make_exp loc (LetExternal (v, ac, f, atoms, e))
252 | LetExternalReserve (rinfo, v, ac, f, atoms, e) ->
253 let rinfo = rewrite_reserve_info env rinfo in
254 let atoms = rewrite_atoms env atoms in
255 let env = remove_var env v in
256 let e = rewrite_matches env e in
257 make_exp loc (LetExternalReserve (rinfo, v, ac, f, atoms, e))
258 | TailCall (op, f, atoms) ->
259 let f = rewrite_var env f in
260 let atoms = rewrite_atoms env atoms in
261 make_exp loc (TailCall (op, f, atoms))
262 | Match (a, ac, cases) ->
263 let a = rewrite_atom env a in
264 let cases = (fun (set, e) -> set, rewrite_matches env e) cases in
265 make_exp loc (Match (a, ac, cases))
266 | IfThenElse (op, a1, a2, e1, e2) ->
267 let a1 = rewrite_atom env a1 in
268 let a2 = rewrite_atom env a2 in
269 let e1 = rewrite_matches env e1 in
270 let e2 = rewrite_matches env e2 in
271 make_exp loc (IfThenElse (op, a1, a2, e1, e2))
272 | IfType (obj, names, name, v, e1, e2) ->
273 let obj = rewrite_atom env obj in
274 let names = rewrite_atom env names in
275 let name = rewrite_atom env name in
276 let env' = remove_var env v in
277 let e1 = rewrite_matches env' e1 in
278 let e2 = rewrite_matches env e2 in
279 make_exp loc (IfType (obj, names, name, v, e1, e2))
280 | SetMem (ac, ptrty, a1, a2, a3, e) ->
281 let a1 = rewrite_atom env a1 in
282 let a2 = rewrite_atom env a2 in
283 let a3 = rewrite_atom env a3 in
284 let e = rewrite_matches env e in
285 make_exp loc (SetMem (ac, ptrty, a1, a2, a3, e))
286 | SetGlobal (ac, v, a, e) ->
287 let v = rewrite_var env v in
288 let a = rewrite_atom env a in
289 let e = rewrite_matches env e in
290 make_exp loc (SetGlobal (ac, v, a, e))
291 | BoundsCheck (label, ptrty, ptr, start, stop, e) ->
292 let ptr = rewrite_atom env ptr in
293 let start = rewrite_atom env start in
294 let stop = rewrite_atom env stop in
295 let e = rewrite_matches env e in
296 make_exp loc (BoundsCheck (label, ptrty, ptr, start, stop, e))
297 | LowerBoundsCheck (label, ptrty, ptr, start, e) ->
298 let ptr = rewrite_atom env ptr in
299 let start = rewrite_atom env start in
300 let e = rewrite_matches env e in
301 make_exp loc (LowerBoundsCheck (label, ptrty, ptr, start, e))
302 | UpperBoundsCheck (label, ptrty, ptr, stop, e) ->
303 let ptr = rewrite_atom env ptr in
304 let stop = rewrite_atom env stop in
305 let e = rewrite_matches env e in
306 make_exp loc (UpperBoundsCheck (label, ptrty, ptr, stop, e))
307 | PointerIndexCheck (label, ptrty, v, ac, index, e) ->
308 let index = rewrite_atom env index in
309 let env = remove_var env v in
310 make_exp loc (PointerIndexCheck (label, ptrty, v, ac, index, e))
311 | FunctionIndexCheck (label, funty, v, ac, index, e) ->
312 let index = rewrite_atom env index in
313 let env = remove_var env v in
314 make_exp loc (FunctionIndexCheck (label, funty, v, ac, index, e))
315 | Memcpy (ptrty, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, e) ->
316 let a1 = rewrite_atom env a1 in
317 let a2 = rewrite_atom env a2 in
318 let a3 = rewrite_atom env a3 in
319 let a4 = rewrite_atom env a4 in
320 let a5 = rewrite_atom env a5 in
321 let e = rewrite_matches env e in
322 make_exp loc (Memcpy (ptrty, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, e))
323 | Debug (info, e) ->
324 make_exp loc (Debug (info, rewrite_matches env e))
325 | PrintDebug (v1, v2, a, e) ->
326 make_exp loc (PrintDebug (v1, v2, a, rewrite_matches env e))
327 | CommentFIR (fir, e) ->
328 make_exp loc (CommentFIR (fir, rewrite_matches env e))
329 | SpecialCall (TailSysMigrate (label, loc_base, loc_off, f, args)) ->
330 let loc_base = rewrite_atom env loc_base in
331 let loc_off = rewrite_atom env loc_off in
332 let args = rewrite_atoms env args in
333 make_exp loc (SpecialCall (TailSysMigrate (label, loc_base, loc_off, f, args)))
334 | SpecialCall (TailAtomic (f, i, args)) ->
335 let i = rewrite_atom env i in
336 let args = rewrite_atoms env args in
337 make_exp loc (SpecialCall (TailAtomic (f, i, args)))
338 | SpecialCall (TailAtomicRollback (level, i)) ->
339 let level = rewrite_atom env level in
340 let i = rewrite_atom env i in
341 make_exp loc (SpecialCall (TailAtomicRollback (level, i)))
342 | SpecialCall (TailAtomicCommit (level, f, args)) ->
343 let level = rewrite_atom env level in
344 let args = rewrite_atoms env args in
345 make_exp loc (SpecialCall (TailAtomicCommit (level, f, args)))
346 | SysMigrate (label, dptr, doff, f, e) ->
347 let f = rewrite_var env f in
348 let dptr = rewrite_atom env dptr in
349 let doff = rewrite_atom env doff in
350 let e = rewrite_atom env e in
351 make_exp loc (SysMigrate (label, dptr, doff, f, e))
352 | Atomic (f, i, e) ->
353 let f = rewrite_var env f in
354 let i = rewrite_atom env i in
355 let e = rewrite_atom env e in
356 make_exp loc (Atomic (f, i, e))
357 | AtomicRollback (level, i) ->
358 let level = rewrite_atom env level in
359 let i = rewrite_atom env i in
360 make_exp loc (AtomicRollback (level, i))
361 | AtomicCommit (level, e) ->
362 let level = rewrite_atom env level in
363 let e = rewrite_matches env e in
364 make_exp loc (AtomicCommit (level, e))
365 | CopyOnWrite (rinfo, ptr, e) ->
366 let rinfo = rewrite_reserve_info env rinfo in
367 let ptr = rewrite_atom env ptr in
368 let e = rewrite_matches env e in
369 make_exp loc (CopyOnWrite (rinfo, ptr, e))
370 | Reserve (rinfo, e) ->
371 let rinfo = rewrite_reserve_info env rinfo in
372 let e = rewrite_matches env e in
373 make_exp loc (Reserve (rinfo, e))
376 (*** Remove - Remove Unconditional IfThenElse Statements ***)
379 (* remove_unconditional_cond
380 This occurs once we've realized we can write an IfThenElse expr.
381 In many cases, these ``conditional'' expressions turn out to be
382 unconditional, usually because we compare against a lower range
383 bound. Let's see if we can simplify the expression further by
384 removing this conditional. Note: this is primarily intended to
385 clean up code emitted by MIR, not to clean up source programs
386 that use unconditional conds -- therefore it is not thorough! *)
387 let remove_unconditional_cond loc op a1 a2 e1 e2 =
388 let default_expr = make_exp loc (IfThenElse (op, a1, a2, e1, e2)) in
389 match op, a1, a2 with
390 _, AtomRawInt v1, AtomRawInt v2 ->
391 begin
392 (* Computation is known in advance because both atoms
393 are constant integers. This happens mostly in the
394 conditional checks after constant simplification. *)
395 let build_expr op pre signed =
396 let v1 = Rawint.of_rawint pre signed v1 in
397 let v2 = Rawint.of_rawint pre signed v2 in
398 if op ( v1 v2) 0 then
400 else
402 in (* end of build_expr *)
403 match op with
404 REqOp (ACRawInt (pre, signed)) -> build_expr (=) pre signed
405 | RNeqOp (ACRawInt (pre, signed)) -> build_expr (<>) pre signed
406 | RLeOp (ACRawInt (pre, signed)) -> build_expr (<=) pre signed
407 | RLtOp (ACRawInt (pre, signed)) -> build_expr (<) pre signed
408 | RGeOp (ACRawInt (pre, signed)) -> build_expr (>=) pre signed
409 | RGtOp (ACRawInt (pre, signed)) -> build_expr (>) pre signed
410 | _ ->
411 (* Shouldn't have happened, but we don't have pos info.
412 Oh well... we'll just emit default for now. *)
413 default_expr
414 end (* atoms are constant int *)
416 | RLeOp (ACRawInt (Rawint.Int32, false)), AtomRawInt v1, _ ->
417 (* Seen once in awhile in bounds checks *)
418 let v1 = Rawint.of_rawint Rawint.Int32 false v1 in
419 if (Rawint.of_int Rawint.Int32 false 0) v1 == 0 then
421 else
422 default_expr
424 | RGeOp (ACRawInt (Rawint.Int32, false)), _, AtomRawInt v2 ->
425 (* Seen once in awhile in bounds checks *)
426 let v2 = Rawint.of_rawint Rawint.Int32 false v2 in
427 if (Rawint.of_int Rawint.Int32 false 0) v2 == 0 then
429 else
430 default_expr
431 | _ ->
432 default_expr
435 (* remove_unconditional_dual_cond
436 This function eliminates unconditional comparisons that are
437 unconditional BECAUSE they were preceded by another check that
438 was more ``complete''. This happens usually because of the
439 BoundsCheck function, which is fond of emitting statements like
440 if 24 <= size then
441 if 20 < size then
443 This function cleans such expressions out. The form for the
444 arguments is
445 if a11 op1 a12 then
446 if a21 op2 a22 then
448 else
450 else
452 Again, this function is not thorough -- it is only intended to
453 clean up backend MIR code. *)
454 let remove_unconditional_dual_cond loc op1 a11 a12 op2 a21 a22 e1 e2 e3 =
455 let default_nested_cond = remove_unconditional_cond loc op2 a21 a22 e1 e2 in
456 let default_expr = remove_unconditional_cond loc op1 a11 a12 default_nested_cond e3 in
457 let removed_expr = remove_unconditional_cond loc op1 a11 a12 e1 e3 in
458 match op1, op2 with
459 RLeOp (ACRawInt (_, false)), RLtOp (ACRawInt (_, false)) ->
460 begin
461 match a11, a21 with
462 AtomRawInt i11, AtomRawInt i21 when i11 i21 >= 0 ->
463 (* Second conditional is redundant *)
464 removed_expr
465 | _ ->
466 (* Second conditional not redundant *)
467 default_expr
468 end (* <=, < unsigned *)
469 | _ ->
470 (* Unknown pair of operators *)
471 default_expr
474 (* remove_cond
475 Interface for above functions. *)
476 let remove_cond loc op a1 a2 e1 e2 =
477 match dest_exp_core e1 with
478 IfThenElse (op', a1', a2', e1', e2') ->
479 remove_unconditional_dual_cond loc op a1 a2 op' a1' a2' e1' e2' e2
480 | _ ->
481 remove_unconditional_cond loc op a1 a2 e1 e2
484 (* remove_expr
485 Removes unconditional conditionals from the expression. This should be
486 called AFTER rewrite_matches because this function only considers the
487 IfThenElse expressions - not Match statements. *)
488 let rec remove_expr e =
489 let loc = loc_of_exp e in
490 match dest_exp_core e with
491 IfThenElse (op, a1, a2, e1, e2) ->
492 remove_cond loc op a1 a2 (remove_expr e1) (remove_expr e2)
493 | LetAtom (v, ac, a, e) ->
494 make_exp loc (LetAtom (v, ac, a, remove_expr e))
495 | LetAlloc (v, op, e) ->
496 make_exp loc (LetAlloc (v, op, remove_expr e))
497 | LetExternal (v, ac, f, atoms, e) ->
498 make_exp loc (LetExternal (v, ac, f, atoms, remove_expr e))
499 | LetExternalReserve (rinfo, v, ac, f, atoms, e) ->
500 make_exp loc (LetExternalReserve (rinfo, v, ac, f, atoms, remove_expr e))
501 | Match (a, ac, cases) ->
502 let process_case (s, e) = (s, remove_expr e) in
503 make_exp loc (Match (a, ac, process_case cases))
504 | IfType (obj, names, name, v, e1, e2) ->
505 make_exp loc (IfType (obj, names, name, v, remove_expr e1, remove_expr e2))
506 | SetMem (ac, ptrty, a1, a2, a3, e) ->
507 make_exp loc (SetMem (ac, ptrty, a1, a2, a3, remove_expr e))
508 | SetGlobal (ac, v, a, e) ->
509 make_exp loc (SetGlobal (ac, v, a, remove_expr e))
510 | BoundsCheck (label, ptrty, ptr, start, stop, e) ->
511 make_exp loc (BoundsCheck (label, ptrty, ptr, start, stop, remove_expr e))
512 | LowerBoundsCheck (label, ptrty, ptr, start, e) ->
513 make_exp loc (LowerBoundsCheck (label, ptrty, ptr, start, remove_expr e))
514 | UpperBoundsCheck (label, ptrty, ptr, stop, e) ->
515 make_exp loc (UpperBoundsCheck (label, ptrty, ptr, stop, remove_expr e))
516 | PointerIndexCheck (label, ptrty, v, ac, index, e) ->
517 make_exp loc (PointerIndexCheck (label, ptrty, v, ac, index, remove_expr e))
518 | FunctionIndexCheck (label, funty, v, ac, index, e) ->
519 make_exp loc (FunctionIndexCheck (label, funty, v, ac, index, remove_expr e))
520 | Memcpy (ptrty, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, e) ->
521 make_exp loc (Memcpy (ptrty, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, remove_expr e))
522 | Debug (info, e) ->
523 make_exp loc (Debug (info, remove_expr e))
524 | PrintDebug (v1, v2, a, e) ->
525 make_exp loc (PrintDebug (v1, v2, a, remove_expr e))
526 | CommentFIR (fir, e) ->
527 make_exp loc (CommentFIR (fir, remove_expr e))
528 | AtomicCommit (level, e) ->
529 make_exp loc (AtomicCommit (level, remove_expr e))
530 | CopyOnWrite (rinfo, ptr, e) ->
531 make_exp loc (CopyOnWrite (rinfo, ptr, remove_expr e))
532 | Reserve (rinfo, e) ->
533 make_exp loc (Reserve (rinfo, remove_expr e))
534 | TailCall _
535 | SpecialCall _
536 | SysMigrate _
537 | Atomic _
538 | AtomicRollback _ ->
542 (*** Conditional Rewrites -- Fold Relops into IfThenElse Code ***)
545 (* elim_relop
546 Attempt to eliminate relops that can be merged into an existing
547 IfThenElse statement. All too often we see code like:
548 let v = (a == b) in
549 if v == 0 then
551 else
553 This is inefficient, and while the backend can USUALLY identify
554 and simplify these cases, the backend doesn't always catch it.
555 These relops are expensive for us, so it's in our interests to
556 try to remove these cases now...
558 The venv is an environment of all variables which are bound to
559 a simple relop expression. *)
560 let rec elim_relop venv e =
561 let pos = string_pos "elim_relop" (exp_pos e) in
562 let loc = loc_of_exp e in
563 match dest_exp_core e with
564 IfThenElse (op, a1, a2, e1, e2) ->
565 elim_relop_if_then_else venv pos loc op a1 a2 e1 e2
566 | LetAtom (v, ac, a, e) ->
567 elim_relop_let_atom venv pos loc v ac a e
568 | LetAlloc (v, op, e) ->
569 make_exp loc (LetAlloc (v, op, elim_relop venv e))
570 | LetExternal (v, ac, f, atoms, e) ->
571 make_exp loc (LetExternal (v, ac, f, atoms, elim_relop venv e))
572 | LetExternalReserve (rinfo, v, ac, f, atoms, e) ->
573 make_exp loc (LetExternalReserve (rinfo, v, ac, f, atoms, elim_relop venv e))
574 | Match (a, ac, cases) ->
575 let process_case (s, e) = (s, elim_relop venv e) in
576 make_exp loc (Match (a, ac, process_case cases))
577 | IfType (obj, names, name, v, e1, e2) ->
578 (* v is bound here, but not as a relop *)
579 make_exp loc (IfType (obj, names, name, v, elim_relop venv e1, elim_relop venv e2))
580 | SetMem (ac, ptrty, a1, a2, a3, e) ->
581 make_exp loc (SetMem (ac, ptrty, a1, a2, a3, elim_relop venv e))
582 | SetGlobal (ac, v, a, e) ->
583 make_exp loc (SetGlobal (ac, v, a, elim_relop venv e))
584 | BoundsCheck (label, ptrty, ptr, start, stop, e) ->
585 make_exp loc (BoundsCheck (label, ptrty, ptr, start, stop, elim_relop venv e))
586 | LowerBoundsCheck (label, ptrty, ptr, start, e) ->
587 make_exp loc (LowerBoundsCheck (label, ptrty, ptr, start, elim_relop venv e))
588 | UpperBoundsCheck (label, ptrty, ptr, stop, e) ->
589 make_exp loc (UpperBoundsCheck (label, ptrty, ptr, stop, elim_relop venv e))
590 | PointerIndexCheck (label, ptrty, v, ac, index, e) ->
591 (* v is bound here, but not as a relop *)
592 make_exp loc (PointerIndexCheck (label, ptrty, v, ac, index, elim_relop venv e))
593 | FunctionIndexCheck (label, funty, v, ac, index, e) ->
594 (* v is bound here, but not as a relop *)
595 make_exp loc (FunctionIndexCheck (label, funty, v, ac, index, elim_relop venv e))
596 | Memcpy (ptrty, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, e) ->
597 make_exp loc (Memcpy (ptrty, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, elim_relop venv e))
598 | Debug (info, e) ->
599 make_exp loc (Debug (info, elim_relop venv e))
600 | PrintDebug (v1, v2, a, e) ->
601 make_exp loc (PrintDebug (v1, v2, a, elim_relop venv e))
602 | CommentFIR (fir, e) ->
603 make_exp loc (CommentFIR (fir, elim_relop venv e))
604 | AtomicCommit (level, e) ->
605 make_exp loc (AtomicCommit (level, elim_relop venv e))
606 | CopyOnWrite (rinfo, ptr, e) ->
607 make_exp loc (CopyOnWrite (rinfo, ptr, elim_relop venv e))
608 | Reserve (rinfo, e) ->
609 make_exp loc (Reserve (rinfo, elim_relop venv e))
610 | TailCall _
611 | SpecialCall _
612 | SysMigrate _
613 | Atomic _
614 | AtomicRollback _ ->
618 (* elim_relop_let_atom
619 If this is a binding occurence of a variable to a simple relop
620 expression, then add it to the venv. Note that we do not attempt
621 to remove the binding occurrence here; if we are successful in
622 eliminating v, then will remove it later. *)
623 and elim_relop_let_atom venv pos loc v ac a e =
624 let pos = string_pos "elim_relop_let_atom" pos in
625 let venv =
626 match a with
627 AtomBinop (EqOp ac, a1, a2) ->
628 venv_add venv v (REqOp ac, a1, a2)
629 | AtomBinop (NeqOp ac, a1, a2) ->
630 venv_add venv v (RNeqOp ac, a1, a2)
631 | AtomBinop (LtOp ac, a1, a2) ->
632 venv_add venv v (RLtOp ac, a1, a2)
633 | AtomBinop (LeOp ac, a1, a2) ->
634 venv_add venv v (RLeOp ac, a1, a2)
635 | AtomBinop (GtOp ac, a1, a2) ->
636 venv_add venv v (RGtOp ac, a1, a2)
637 | AtomBinop (GeOp ac, a1, a2) ->
638 venv_add venv v (RGeOp ac, a1, a2)
639 | _ ->
640 venv
642 make_exp loc (LetAtom (v, ac, a, elim_relop venv e))
645 (* elim_relop_if_then_else
646 Attempt to merge a relop into this conditional. *)
647 and elim_relop_if_then_else venv pos loc op a1 a2 e1 e2 =
648 let pos = string_pos "elim_relop_if_then_else" pos in
650 (* Process the subexpressions *)
651 let e1 = elim_relop venv e1 in
652 let e2 = elim_relop venv e2 in
654 (* We need to be able to negate relops in a few cases... *)
655 let negate_relop = function
656 REqOp ac -> RNeqOp ac
657 | RNeqOp ac -> REqOp ac
658 | RLtOp ac -> RGeOp ac
659 | RLeOp ac -> RGtOp ac
660 | RGtOp ac -> RLeOp ac
661 | RGeOp ac -> RLtOp ac
662 | RAndOp _ ->
663 raise (MirException (pos, InternalError "RAndOp not allowed here"))
665 let e =
666 (* Find out what operation is performed in the IfThenElse *)
667 match op, a1, a2 with
668 REqOp (ACRawInt (pre, signed)), AtomRawInt i, AtomVar (_, v)
669 | REqOp (ACRawInt (pre, signed)), AtomVar (_, v), AtomRawInt i
670 when i (Rawint.of_int pre signed 0) = 0 ->
671 (* Any prior relop must be FALSE *)
672 if venv_mem venv v then
673 (* We can fold a previous relop into this expression! *)
674 let op, a1, a2 = venv_lookup venv pos v in
675 let op = negate_relop op in
676 IfThenElse (op, a1, a2, e1, e2)
677 else
678 (* Unknown case *)
679 IfThenElse (op, a1, a2, e1, e2)
680 | RNeqOp (ACRawInt (pre, signed)), AtomRawInt i, AtomVar (_, v)
681 | RNeqOp (ACRawInt (pre, signed)), AtomVar (_, v), AtomRawInt i
682 when i (Rawint.of_int pre signed 0) = 0 ->
683 (* Any prior relop must be TRUE *)
684 if venv_mem venv v then
685 (* We can fold a previous relop into this expression! *)
686 let op, a1, a2 = venv_lookup venv pos v in
687 IfThenElse (op, a1, a2, e1, e2)
688 else
689 (* Unknown case *)
690 IfThenElse (op, a1, a2, e1, e2)
691 | _ ->
692 (* Default is just construct the cond the way it was... *)
693 IfThenElse (op, a1, a2, e1, e2)
695 make_exp loc e
698 (*** Interface ***)
701 let rewrite_matches e = rewrite_matches (SymbolTable.empty) e
703 let rewrite_matches prog =
704 (* Do standard conditional rewrites. *)
705 let funs = SymbolTable.mapi (fun name (line, args, e) ->
706 line, args, remove_expr (rewrite_matches e)) prog.prog_funs
708 let prog = { prog with prog_funs = funs } in
710 (* Note: we let valiasing get a chance here, because elim_relop
711 will alter the landscape of the IfThenElse expressions, and
712 we want to make sure we get to exploit aliases in subexpr's
713 FIRST. If we don't valias, odds are good we'll remove real
714 aliases for the relop vars we're trying to eliminate! *)
715 let prog = valias_prog prog in
716 let funs = SymbolTable.mapi (fun name (line, args, e) ->
717 line, args, elim_relop venv_empty e) prog.prog_funs
719 let prog = { prog with prog_funs = funs } in
720 let prog = valias_prog prog in
721 let prog = standardize_prog prog in
722 if debug Mir_state.debug_print_mir then
723 debug_prog "Cond" prog;
724 prog
726 let rewrite_matches prog = Fir_state.profile "Mir_cond.rewrite_matches" rewrite_matches prog
728 let rewrite_matches prog =
729 if optimize_mir_level "opt.mir.cond" 2 then
730 rewrite_matches prog
731 else
732 prog
735 end (* struct *)
737 let () = std_flags_register_list_help "opt.mir"
738 ["opt.mir.cond", FlagBool true,
739 "Enable MIR conditional optimizations. The MIR attempts to revise" ^
740 " certain match constructs to use the simpler IfThenElse construct" ^
741 " which can be handled more efficiently by many backends. Some branch" ^
742 " prediction may also be performed here."]